Should I Play 2 Minutes to Midnight?
Players: 1 – 2 players | Game Duration 120 – 420 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: War, Political
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is 2 Minutes to Midnight about?
2 Minutes to Midnight Game Background
2 Minutes to Midnight is a game that simulates the Cold War from the end of World War Two until the early 90’s, when the Soviet Union dissolved.
Your job as an American player is to ensure Europe stays free and to spread democracy throughout the world – especially in those parts with lots of oil and significant economies.
If you are the Soviets, you must win the Cold War outright or cling to power until the end. The USSR is not doomed to collapse. Even if it did fall eventually, without Gorbachev – the great progressive – a harsher regime might have held on for longer and perhaps even developed into China-style communism.
Perhaps a harsher regime would have persisted in relative poverty for another decade while brutalizing the people and threatening annihilation… Try to do better than history!
2 Minutes to Midnight Game Overview
The full ‘campaign’ game takes 6-7 hours to play for one or two players.
Every period of the Cold War is covered in 1, 2 and 4-hour scenarios.
Each player controls the USA and the other controls the USSR. Additionally, you can play solo either with the included ‘bot’, which can automate either side, or the old-fashioned way, by watching both sides simultaneously and taking the best move you see.
In the game, you are tasked with building factories in countries marked with your own colour government and cube. A victory progress track shows you how many factories you have gained or lost. You win the game when the marker on the track reaches the star or hammer and sickle symbol, which is how you get a star or hammer and sickle.
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