Should I Play 20 Strong?

Players: 1 – 1 players | Game Duration 30 – 38 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Card Games, Dice
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is 20 Strong about?
In 20 Strong, you progress through a deck of cards with unique challenges. Challenges can be enemies, scenarios, or requirements. To complete them, you roll 17 dice with varying odds for a hit.
These dice, plus three adjustable stat dice, make up the “20” in 20 Strong. Players need to earn successes to complete each challenge. Roll successes to complete a card’s challenge and gain its rewards. Fail and take damage, move to next card. Reach 0 HP and lose game. Beat final boss to win. Playing the game requires managing your HP Stat, Strategy, and Recovery.
Your Strategy determines rerolls and items, while Recovery controls dice return. Rolling more than your Recovery depletes your pool, making each challenge a calculated risk. It’s a game of strategy, resource management, and risk-taking. We think you’ll love it.

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