Should I Play 7 Wonders: Leaders?

Is 7 Wonders: Leaders fun to play?
7 Wonders: Leaders

Players: 2 – 7 players | Game Duration 35 – 45 mins |
Min. Age 13+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Card Games, City Building, Civilization, Expansion
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: Yes |
Online Version: No

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What is 7 Wonders: Leaders about?

Seven Wonders: Leaders Expansion, builds on the base game of Seven Wonders by introducing famous historical leaders such as Leonidas and Midas.


The expansion adds a new drafting phase where players choose leaders at the beginning of the game, providing special abilities that can guide their strategies. Each leader costs money to play, and players can either use them for their abilities, contribute them to their wonder, or discard them for coins.

Additional features include:

  • New guilds with special effects
  • New tokens and coins
  • Rome as a new civilization with bonuses for using leaders

Impact on Gameplay

Leaders introduce more strategic depth by focusing players on specific goals or tactics, like boosting military or collecting certain types of cards. However, the game flow remains similar to the base game, with the leaders shaping strategies but not over-complicating the gameplay.

Who should get Seven Wonders Leaders

The expansion is ideal for those who already enjoy Seven Wonders and want more variety. It adds new layers of strategy without fundamentally changing the game. However, it might be too complex for newcomers and requires time to learn the new symbols and abilities.


Official 7 Wonders: Leaders Rulebook

7 Wonders: Leaders Videos

Awards Won by 7 Wonders: Leaders

2012 Golden Geek Best Board Game Expansion Nominee
2011 Golden Geek Best Board Game Expansion Nominee

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