Should I Play Almoravid: Reconquista and Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086?

Players: 1 – 2 players | Game Duration 60 – 360 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Historical, War
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Almoravid: Reconquista and Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086 about?
A board game about the Spanish Reconquista: Leonese King Alfonso VI’s campaigns against fractious Muslim states of the Taifa, and a subsequent engagement by a fundamentalist African Muslim army to roll back the Christians.
A medieval-themed sequel to GMT Games’ Levy & Campaign Series. As players build and equip their armies, they can then send them out to ravage and conquer dissented territories and defeat enemy forces. As a result of service obligations and alliances, a variety of lords and vassals will be able to serve during a campaign-but for a limited time period.
You must reward lords to keep them on the field.
The advanced rule details vassal forces’ service length.
For greater fog of war, players can use optional screens that hide the strength of their lords. Though Almoravid has no solitaire system, the standard game is solitaire friendly.
Key game functions are summarized in a player aid and a Taifa reference sheet. Scenario definitions are provided at the end of the rule book. It has supporting material such as examples of play, tips on solitaire and team play, and a minigame
on its greatest battle.
Almoravid: Reconquista and Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086 Videos