Should I Play Centrifugal Offensive: The Japanese Campaign in the Pacific, 1941-42?

Players: 1 – 2 players | Game Duration – mins |
Min. Age + | Game complexity: EASY Genre: War, War
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Centrifugal Offensive: The Japanese Campaign in the Pacific, 1941-42 about?
Magazine of military history of the World War II era with a complete board game in each issue complementing the lead article
Game in this issue is a solitaire game of Japan’s initial conquests in World War II, Dec 1941 – April 1942
Played on a point-point move map of the Pacific Ocean, from Hawaii and the Aleutions to Burma, with 228 counters representing rgt/brig/div land units, air rgts
The player controls Japanese forces, and must exceed their historical accomplishments to win; further, greater success will prompt the need for even further success to win
Key dynamic is the action point, which denominates Japanese actions of which ther are dozens of possible choices for their varied forces