Should I Play Chicken Chicken?

Players: 2 – 8 players | Game Duration 20 – 20 mins |
Min. Age 8+ | Game complexity: Genre: Animals, Memory, Party Game, Real-time
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Chicken Chicken about?

Chicken Chicken: A Feathery Fun Board Game!

If you’re a fan of quirky, fast-paced games that will have you and your friends clucking with laughter, then Chicken Chicken is a must-try! This delightfully silly game from Forbidden Games is sure to ruffle some feathers (in the best possible way).

How to Play Chicken Chicken

The game is simple: each player has a hand of cards depicting various chicken traits (like “fluffy feathers” or “loud clucker”). On your turn, you play a card and make the corresponding chicken noise or action. The next player must either play a higher-ranking card or mimic your chicken impression. The catch? You can only make chicken sounds and gestures—no talking allowed!

The game continues with players trying to outdo each other’s chicken impressions until someone gets “egg-cited” and makes a non-chicken noise or movement. That player is out, and the last chicken standing wins!

Who Will Love Chicken Chicken?

Chicken Chicken is perfect for family game nights, parties, or any gathering where you want to add a healthy dose of silliness. It’s great for kids and adults alike, as the game encourages creativity and laughter. Plus, it’s a fantastic icebreaker for getting everyone out of their shells (or coops?).

If you’re looking for a hilarious, easy-to-learn game that will have you and your friends cackling like a flock of hens, Chicken Chicken is a must-try. Don’t take my word for it, though—check out these [placeholder link for YouTube review] and [placeholder link for online review] to see the feathery fun in action!


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