Should I Play Conquest and Consequence?

Is Conquest and Consequence fun to play?
Conquest and Consequence

Players: 2 – 3 players | Game Duration 240 – 360 mins |
Min. Age 12+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Economy / Industry, Political, War, War
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Conquest and Consequence about?

Conquest & Consequence for three players (adaptable for two) about the contest for supremacy in Asia between militarist, capitalist, and communist politico-economic systems during the period 1936-45.

The Japanese (militarist) player sits to the north.
The USA (capitalist) player sits to the south.

USA Faction includes the US nation itself, Nationalist China (“Nats”), and the British Empire (“BritEmp”). To the west sits the Soviet (Communist) player. In this game, the Soviet Faction consists of Siberian Russia (“Russia”) and Red China (the “Reds”).

Together, they are known as Rivals. Rivals at war become both enemies and rivals.

Peace begins the game, and all factions can win through peaceful competition, but self-defense is essential because military attacks can happen at any time.

The game can be won by:
1. Gaining economic dominance in Asia
(in which control of China plays a role),
2. Military conquest of Rival capitals, or
3. Developing the atomic bomb, or
4. Securing Asian hegemony.

Playing time is 4-6 hours.


Official Conquest and Consequence Rulebook

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