Should I Play Cryptid: Urban Legends?

Is Cryptid: Urban Legends fun to play?
Cryptid: Urban Legends

Players: 2 – 2 players | Game Duration 20 – 40 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Deduction, Fantasy
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Cryptid: Urban Legends about?

Our city streets are home to an elusive cryptid. The evidence is clear but the scientific community won’t believe you without definitive proof. Track this cryptid yourself – there is nothing else to be done!

Using heat, movement, and sonic sensors, you will scan the city for your quarry and identify its true location. Play the role of Cryptid, snaking through the shadows and back alleys of the metropolis that surrounds you, eradicating all evidence of your existence as you go, avoiding capture at all costs. You’ll need all your guts and ingenuity to emerge victorious in this high stakes game of cat-and-mouse.

The creators of Cryptid have created Urban Legends, a tense asymmetric game of deductive reasoning for two players.

Find out about Cryptid: Urban Legends How to play Cryptid: Urban Legends


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