Should I Play Descent: Legends of the Dark?
Players: 1 – 4 players | Game Duration 120 – 180 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Fighting
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: Yes |
Online Version: No
What is Descent: Legends of the Dark about?
Dungeon-crawler board game Descent: Legends of the Dark is an immersive, cooperative experience.
A free companion app is available for Descent: Legends of the Dark. Players will be able to make decisions that will affect the overarching story between quests. As you progress through quests, the app will instruct your enemies how to behave, even changing their strategies on the fly.
Throughout Descent: Legends of the Dark, both the heroes you play as and the enemies you challenge are covered in highly detailed miniatures. You can play it straight out of the box since everything is pre-assembled! You can make each hero unique! As you progress through the game, you can choose how to develop your heroes’ traits and special abilities, as well as their background and the quest they are on. The 3D terrain pieces in Descent: Legends of the Dark make each map of the game a truly immersive experience.
Descent: Legends of the Dark Videos