Should I Play Dice Realms?

Is Dice Realms fun to play?
Dice Realms

Players: 2 – 4 players | Game Duration 45 – 60 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Dice, Fantasy
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Dice Realms about?

Dice Realms lets each player govern a small realm. The dice represent realms: farming and grazing lands, mines with ore, towers for defense, and tinkerers who are looking for improvements.

[caption id=”attachment_41950″ align=”aligncenter” width=”652″]Dice Realms - customisable face Dice Realms – customisable faces[/caption]

A realm starts with two dice. Play is (mostly) simultaneous. Players roll their dice, possibly rerolling 1 die for free, before collecting grain, victory points, or coins, and then upgrade their die faces, improving their realms.

[caption id=”attachment_41951″ align=”aligncenter” width=”683″]Dice Realms - Buy a new die with 5 coins and 2 grain Dice Realms – Buy a new die with 5 coins and 2 grain[/caption]

Players can buy a new die for 5 coins and 2 grain, but beware: when Winter is rolled on the red Fate die (13% of the time), all players must pay 1 grain per die they own or lose points.

[caption id=”attachment_41952″ align=”aligncenter” width=”674″]Dice Realms - Roll a Fate DIe Effects of Dice Realms Fate Die[/caption]

Each round, the Fate die is rolled. Fate die faces affect harvest, provide upgrades, or steal 1 die from players who cannot defend with a shield.

[caption id=”attachment_41953″ align=”aligncenter” width=”696″]Dice Realms Upgrades Dice Realms Upgrades[/caption]

Upgrades are available in five standard lines of faces, plus random faces drawn from five tiles during setup, which make every game unique. As the game progresses, players can purchase set-a-die “decree” tokens and reroll “influence” tokens in order to increase the odds of certain faces appearing simultaneously, allowing for powerful combinations of upgraded faces at the end.

Points (VPs) are awarded for improved die faces at the end of the game. They are added to the chips earned during play. Whoever earns the most points wins! Will you succeed in building the most prosperous dice realm?

Find out about Dice Realms How to play Dice Realms


Official Dice Realms Rulebook

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