Should I Play Dune Imperium Uprising?

Is Dune Imperium Uprising fun to play?
Dune Imperium Uprising

Players: 1 – 6 players | Game Duration 60 – 120 mins |
Min. Age 13+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Movies / TV Theme, Political, Science
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

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What is Dune Imperium Uprising about?

Game Overview

The game follows similar rules as the original Dune Imperium, where players represent great houses or characters from the Dune universe, aiming to score 10 victory points. It involves deck-building and worker placement mechanics.


Players pick cards, place agents on spaces, and gain rewards. There are conflicts where players compete for victory points and resources, adding intrigue and interaction. New mechanics include spies, which help access blocked spaces, and contracts, making spaces more valuable.

Best Features

    • Conflict is the heart of the game, with constant strategy revolving around it.
    • Spies add a new layer of strategy, allowing flexibility in agent placement.
    • Game modes like solo, two-player, and team play are available, offering variety.

Who It’s For

The game is better suited for seasoned players. Beginners may find it complex compared to the original Dune Imperium. It’s recommended for those who enjoy heavier games.


The game can feel overwhelming for new players and may lack the clean simplicity of the original. Conflict cards and certain strategies, such as the use of sandworms, might feel overpowered or forced.

Key Differences between Dune Imperium and Dune Imperium Uprising

Dune Imperium is based on the first Dune movie, while Uprising incorporates elements from the second movie and expands the lore.

  • Board: The original Dune Imperium board is single-sided, while Uprising introduces new spaces with a focus on spies and contracts. Water and resources are handled differently, and some locations require specific influence levels to access.
  • Spies: In Uprising, spies are new units that offer strategic advantages, such as allowing players to access occupied spaces and draw cards.

  • Sandworms: Sandworms are a new and powerful unit that can double rewards in conflicts, making them crucial for combat strategies.

  • Characters: Uprising adds nine new characters, each with unique abilities related to spies and worms. These new characters can be mixed with the original Dune Imperium characters for more variety.

  • Combat & Conflict: The conflict system has been revamped with more strategic elements, including new combat cards and victory point conditions that can be multiplied with sandworms.

  • Contracts: Contracts introduce new objectives, offering players additional rewards when completing tasks in specific locations.

  • Gameplay Differences: Uprising has more complex mechanics, making it feel like an expansion built into the base game. It also supports up to six players, with team-based gameplay, and has revamped solo and two-player modes.

  • Should You Get Uprising?: If you already love Dune Imperium, Uprising offers fresh content and deeper strategies. For new players, Uprising is recommended unless you’re looking for a simpler experience.

What are Dune Imperium Uprising players saying  about the game?

  1. Gameplay & Experience:

    • Strategic and exciting, with some considering it an improvement over the original Dune: Imperium.
    • The addition of new mechanics, such as spies and sandworms, adds a fresh dimension, making the game feel more balanced, engaging, and strategic.
    • Solo play was frequently highlighted as enjoyable, with some preferring Uprising for its card combos and enhanced solo gameplay.
  2. Accessibility:

    • Players who aren’t familiar with the Dune universe still found the game fun and accessible, with no need to have read the books or watched the movies.
    • The game is praised for being relatively easy to learn, despite its strategic depth.
  3. Improvements Over the Original:

    • Uprising was frequently noted as being an upgrade from the original Dune: Imperium, with better leader cards, more interesting Imperium deck cards, and greater focus on combat.
    • Enhanced replayability due to varied mechanics and new character abilities, keeping each game feeling fresh and different.
  4. Production Quality:

    • Reviewers praised the artwork and component quality, noting the visual appeal of the cards and tokens.


  5. Complexity for Casual Gamers:

    • Some players noted that the game might not appeal to casual gamers due to its complexity, requiring time and patience to grasp all the mechanics.
Find out about Dune Imperium Uprising How to play Dune Imperium Uprising


Condensed How to Play Dune Imperium Uprising Rules Guide for rulebook haters
Official Dune Imperium Uprising Rulebook

Dune Imperium Uprising Videos

Awards Won by Dune Imperium Uprising

2024 American Tabletop Complex Games Nominee
2023 Meeples Choice Award Nominee
2023 Golden Geek Heavy Game of the Year Nominee
2023 Golden Geek Best Thematic Board Game Nominee

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