Should I Play Gravelotte 1870?
Players: 2 – 2 players | Game Duration 5 – 15 mins |
Min. Age 10+ | Game complexity: Genre: Bluffing, Card Games, Historical, Print & Play
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Gravelotte 1870 about?
Gravelotte 1870 covers the decisive battle at Gravelotte/St Privat in the early stages of the Franco-Prussian War on the 18th of August 1870. Each player controls either the French or Prussian forces in an epic battle to surround Metz.
The game is simple: each player has a deck of 6 cards and plans a sequence of actions to be carried out simultaneously each turn. Asset cards, specific to each faction, can be used to support their actions if the timing is right.
The game is based on the Japanese game Houten 1905, but incorporates some new features to enhance it. Play this fast-paced (5 to 15 minutes) historical bluffing game for all ages.
Awards Won by Gravelotte 1870
2020 Golden Geek Best Print & Play Board Game Nominee 2020 Charles S. Roberts Amateur/Print & Play Wargame Nominee