Should I Play Hadrian’s Wall?

Is Hadrian's Wall fun to play?
Hadrian’s Wall

Players: 1 – 6 players | Game Duration 30 – 60 mins |
Min. Age 12+ | Game complexity: Genre: Historical, City Building
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Hadrian’s Wall about?

Hadrian Augustus saw the aftermath of a war between his armies and the savage Picts when he visited the North of Britain in 122 AD. As a show of Roman might, he ordered the construction of a wall between the Picts and the rest of England. It extended 80 Roman miles from coast to coast. Hadrian’s Wall puts players in charge of constructing a milecastle and bordering wall as a Roman general. Players have six years to build their forts and walls, man the defenses, and provide entertainment for civilians to attract them – all while defending the Roman Empire from the warring Picts. Those who can accumulate the most Renown, Piety, Valour, and Discipline, while avoiding disdain, will prove to the Emperor that they are the model Roman citizen, and will be crowned Legatus Legionis!

The game provides a deep and fulfilling experience. Setup is a breeze. Players taking turns simultaneously makes things go fast. There are a lot of decisions and active play in this condensed game. The solo player is one of the easiest to set up and works great. The interaction among players is very light and could be increased, but on the plus side, it’s not an attacking game where players can take each other down. The biggest con is that it’s easy for new players to make mistakes. Play with an eraser and a pencil until you get the hang of it!

Find out about Hadrian's Wall How to play Hadrian's Wall Where to buy Hadrian's Wall


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2021 International Gamers Award Solo Recommended

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