Should I Play In the Year of the Dragon?

Is In the Year of the Dragon fun to play?
In the Year of the Dragon

Players: 2 – 5 players | Game Duration 75 – 100 mins |
Min. Age 12+ | Game complexity: MEDIUM Genre: Economy / Industry, Historical
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is In the Year of the Dragon about?

Stefan Feld’s 3rd game by Alea is In the Year of the Dragon.

Players take on the role of Chinese rulers around the year 1000. The game plays out in twelve rounds, with each round representing one month in a year that seems to go from bad to worse. Disease, drought, and attacks from the Mongols may claim lives, but make sure you have enough money to offer a tribute to the Emperor.

The game play is easier than it may appear. Every player has a set of “person” cards. Each round, you choose one action (most of which call on your workers’ abilities) to help you prepare for the months ahead. Then you play one person card, recruiting that person and placing him into one of your palaces. Each person brings different skills and abilities to help you ride out the year. (Farmers help you gain rice to survive a drought month, Tax Collectors raise money, etc.) At the end of each round, that month’s event is triggered, which may cost you some of your workers, some money, or give you points.

Careful planning is the key to surviving “the year of the dragon,” but survival alone may not win you the game.


Awards Won by In the Year of the Dragon

2008 Tric Trac Nominee
2008 Spiel des Jahres Recommended
2008 JoTa Best Light Board Game Nominee
2008 Japan Boardgame Prize Voters’ Selection Nominee
2008 International Gamers Awards – General Strategy; Multi-player Nominee
2008 Golden Geek Best Gamer’s Board Game Nominee

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