Should I Play Kanaloa?

Is Kanaloa fun to play?

Players: 2 – 4 players | Game Duration 90 – 90 mins |
Min. Age 8+ | Game complexity: Genre:
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Kanaloa about?

The players go from island to island to pick up fruits to give to the gods. Fish between the islands are moving in one direction (to the mouth of the fish). One side of the fish shows the player’s color (only this player can move), the other has no color (any player can move). The fish changes color after every move.

Players who provide the most fruit get help from the gods: they move (turn direction or fish color), steal (of course from another player), determine a volcanic eruption (players near the volcanic eruption lose a turn) or pick up better fruit.

The rules are based on the theme (character of Hawaiian gods, building small stone temples), but it’s not historical in nature.


Awards Won by Kanaloa

2002 International Gamers Awards – General Strategy; Multi-player Nominee

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