Should I Play Kodachi?

Players: 2 – 4 players | Game Duration 45 – 45 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: Genre:
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Kodachi about?

Kodachi: A Thrilling Ninja-Themed Card Game

If you’re a fan of stealthy ninjas and intense card battles, Kodachi is a game that you won’t want to miss. Designed by Antoine Bauza and Corentin Lebrat, this exciting game transports you to the world of feudal Japan, where you’ll compete to become the ultimate ninja clan leader.

Game Mechanics and Gameplay

In Kodachi, each player takes on the role of a ninja clan leader, vying for control of the Imperial Palace. The game revolves around a unique card-drafting mechanism, where players strategically select cards from a central pool to build their clan and execute powerful combos.

The game features three types of cards: Disciples (ninjas), Techniques (special abilities), and Kodachis (powerful weapons). Players must carefully balance their clan’s strength, techniques, and weapons to gain an advantage over their opponents.

Each round, players draft cards from the central pool, adding them to their clan or deploying them for immediate effects. Disciples can be assigned to different sectors of the Imperial Palace, granting control and scoring points. Techniques provide powerful bonuses and abilities, while Kodachis can be used to eliminate opposing ninjas or protect your own.

Who Might Enjoy Kodachi?

Kodachi is a fantastic choice for gamers who appreciate strategic depth, tactical decision-making, and a touch of theme. Its unique card-drafting mechanics and intricate combos make it appealing to experienced gamers, while its straightforward rules and engaging theme make it accessible to casual players as well.

If you’re a fan of games like 7 Wonders or Sushi Go Party, where card drafting and set collection are key elements, you’ll likely find Kodachi to be an exciting and engaging experience.

Watch and Read Reviews

Before diving into Kodachi, you might want to check out some reviews and gameplay videos to get a better sense of the game. Here are some placeholder links:

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the world of board games, Kodachi promises an exciting and immersive experience. Gather your ninja clan and prepare for an epic battle for control of the Imperial Palace!


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