Should I Play Legacy of Thracks: The Awakening?
Players: 1 – 4 players | Game Duration 90 – 150 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Economy / Industry, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures, Territory Building
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: Yes
What is Legacy of Thracks: The Awakening about?
It began 3 years ago. This Awakening transformed these people. The world was divided into three great clans, each claiming supremacy: the brutal Warriors, who practised no mercy; the Mages, who mastered a magic beyond imagination; and the brilliant Engineers. Inevitably, the clans’ lust for power led to a fateful war because their philosophies became increasingly self-centered.
All sides have suffered horrific losses. Each clan leader seeks to find the legendary city of Dimara and enter it in order to win the war. A powerful ancient force within those sacred walls may vanquish rivals and end the bloody conflict.
Get close to Dimara by leading Lost Souls, mining valuable Crystals, finding unique Relics, and increasing your Glory in battles.
To attain the ultimate prize and defeat your enemies, conquer tactical fortifications and castles, take over villages, and overcome magical barriers.
The Basic game mode is a symmetric, competitive strategy game. There are other game variants such as the Clan mode and Shadow mode offers a more complex, asymmetric gaming experience with semi-coop elements.
Where to play Legacy of Thracks: The Awakening online?
Legacy of Thracks: The Awakening Videos