Should I Play Limbo: Eternal War?

Players: 2 – 4 players | Game Duration 60 – 120 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: Genre: Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures, War
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Limbo: Eternal War about?

Limbo: Eternal War – A Gripping Game of Supernatural Strategy

In the realm of board games, Limbo: Eternal War stands out as a captivating blend of strategic depth and supernatural intrigue. Prepare to embark on a journey where celestial and infernal forces collide, vying for dominance over the souls of the departed.

Introducing Limbo: Eternal War

Designed by Tomasz Niewiadomski and published by Awaken Realms, Limbo: Eternal War immerses players in a world where the afterlife is a battleground. Two opposing factions, the virtuous Angels and the malevolent Demons, engage in a tug-of-war for control over the souls trapped in Limbo.

Game Mechanics and Gameplay

The game is played on a modular board, representing the ever-changing landscape of Limbo. Players take turns deploying their forces, represented by beautifully sculpted miniatures, and executing strategic maneuvers to capture souls and secure victory points.

Each faction possesses unique abilities and units, adding depth to the gameplay. Angels rely on their unwavering faith and divine powers, while Demons employ cunning tactics and sinister abilities to sway souls to their cause.

Combat is resolved through a dice-based system, where players roll and allocate dice to attack, defend, or activate special abilities. The game encourages careful resource management and tactical positioning, as capturing souls and controlling key locations on the board are crucial to achieving victory.

Who Should Play Limbo: Eternal War?

Limbo: Eternal War is a perfect fit for players who appreciate strategic depth, captivating narratives, and stunning miniatures. If you’re a fan of games like Descent: Journeys in the Dark or Gloomhaven, this game will undoubtedly appeal to your love for tactical gameplay and immersive storytelling.

Whether you’re a seasoned board game enthusiast or a newcomer seeking a unique and engaging experience, Limbo: Eternal War offers a thrilling blend of strategy, supernatural lore, and stunning visuals that will keep you coming back for more.

Further Exploration

To delve deeper into the world of Limbo: Eternal War, check out these insightful reviews and gameplay videos:

Immerse yourself in the eternal conflict and experience the thrill of supernatural strategy with Limbo: Eternal War.


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