Should I Play Lizard Wizard?
Players: 1 – 5 players | Game Duration 45 – 90 mins |
Min. Age 10+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Animals, Economy / Industry, Fantasy
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Lizard Wizard about?
You will recruit wizards from seven unique schools of magic, build mystical towers, discover powerful spells, summon helpful familiars, and find gold and power items in ark dungeons. Build effective spell combinations and plan your strategy. One Arch-Mage will rise above all others and control the land.
Lizard Wizards Gameplay
This is an action selection game. As you choose which of six possible actions you will take to increase your power, each turn will be filled with intense tension.
- Gather Magical Ingredients (Reagents)
- Convert these Reagents into Mana, the energy required to cast spells
- Compete with other Arch-Mages to recruit Wizards from seven magic schools
- Create magical towers that will boost the power of their wizards.
- Summon Familiars to help with dungeon exploration in Astoria
- Research and cast powerful spells.
- Points will be awarded for the best wizard and tower combinations, gold, and scoring spells.
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