Should I Play Meadow?
Players: 1 – 4 players | Game Duration 60 – 90 mins |
Min. Age 10+ | Game complexity: Genre: Animals, Card Games, Environmental, Exploration
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Meadow about?
Featuring over two hundred unique cards with watercolor illustrations, Meadow is an engaging set collection game. Players compete to become the best nature observer in the game. They win by collecting cards with the most valuable species, landscapes, and discoveries. Passion, curiosity, an inquiring mind, and a desire to discover nature’s mysteries lead them on their journey. At the bonfire, the players race to meet the goals of their adventures.
You take turns placing path tokens on one of the two boards in this medium-weight board game for 1-4 players. By placing a token on the main board, players can get cards, but to play them they need to meet certain requirements. On the bonfire board, playing a token activates special actions (which assist in implementing a chosen strategy) and gives the opportunity to achieve goals that provide more points. In this game, players collect cards throughout their meadow and surroundings. The player with the most points on cards and on the bonfire board wins.
Meadow Videos
Awards Won by Meadow
2021 Gra Roku Prettiest Winner 2021 Gra Roku Family Game of the Year Nominee