Should I Play Millennium Blades?
Players: 2 – 5 players | Game Duration 80 – 120 mins |
Min. Age 12+ | Game complexity: HIGH Genre: Card Games, Real-time
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Millennium Blades about?
Millennium Blades is a CCG-Simulator — A game in which you play as a group of friends who play the fictional CCG “Millennium Blades”.
In this game you will build decks, play the meta, acquire valuable collections, crack open random boosters, and compete in tournaments for prizes and fame. The game takes you from Starter Deck to Regionals in about 2-3 hours.
Multiple games can also be chained together to form a Campaign, going from Regionals to Nationals in game 2 and from Nationals to Worlds in game 3, with each game introducing ever more powerful cards and higher stakes, but also resetting the power of the game so that each player has a fair chance to win each ‘season’ of the campaign.
The game draws heavily on Manga/Anime inspiration for its art, and parodies Magic: the Gathering, Yugioh, and many other collectible games.
At its heart, it’s a commodity trading game, except that instead of cubes or stocks, the things you’ll be buying, selling, and speculating on are trading cards that can be used throughout the game in periodic tournaments. By trading wisely, playing the market, working together with friends, building collections, and winning tournaments, you’ll secure points and become the Millennium Blades World Champion.
The game features a system of card pods, where you will play with about 400 of the base game’s 600 cards every game.
Millennium Blades Videos
Awards Won by Millennium Blades
2016 The Golden Elephant Award Finalist 2016 Golden Geek Most Innovative Board Game Nominee 2016 Golden Geek Best Thematic Board Game Nominee 2016 Golden Geek Best Card Game Nominee 2016 Cardboard Republic Immersionist Laurel Winner 2016 Cardboard Republic Immersionist Laurel Nominee 2016 Board Game Quest Awards Most Innovative Game Nominee 2016 Board Game Quest Awards Game of the Year Nominee 2016 Board Game Quest Awards Best Card Game Nominee