Should I Play NeuroRace?
Players: 1 – 5 players | Game Duration 20 – 30 mins |
Min. Age 5+ | Game complexity: Genre:
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is NeuroRace about?
Neurorace is a bright, exciting brain-teaser where players are challenged to complete missions of increasing complexity as fast as possible.
For each round, each player will receive a mission card with a row of requirements and a pool of double-sided tiles to complete it. The first person to complete their mission moves to a new level that requires even more careful planning and multitasking! The winner is determined once the 10th level is completed.
There are three game modes: BASIC – for players of the same skill level, ALL-ARE-EQUAL – for players of different ages and gaming skills, and SOLO – for one player. In the basic mode, everyone begins at level 1 and the first person to reach level 10 wins. When playing All-Are-Equal, there is no playing along: elder players start with higher levels, and whenever level 10 is completed, it’s the number of completed missions that counts.
This game is fully adjustable so you can find the right balance for your group and make sure everyone has fun!
Awards Won by NeuroRace
2021 Geek Media Awards Game of the Year for Beginners Nominee