Should I Play Nova Lux?
Players: 1 – 6 players | Game Duration 45 – 90 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Adventure, Civilization, Economy / Industry, Exploration, Negotiation, Fighting, Science, Space
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Nova Lux about?
The universe is on the verge of extinction. This has been its primary function since its inception. In the vast black tapestry of space, the stars have burned into cosmic dust. Only a few star systems are capable of supporting biological life.
You represent a federation of alien species that have escaped collapsed stellar systems aboard planetary Arks of Salvation. In an apocalyptic universe, hope must be re-established. Establish a synthetic self-contained ecosystem in a shell-shaped space colony that exists as a shell atop a dying star to provide for a civilization adrift in a dying universe. As you journey through the cosmos, you’ll use the hydrogen you harvest from the collapsing stars.
In order to sustain life, your federation needs botanical oxygen sources, water, life forms, and artifacts. As soon as you establish your colony, you will need to satisfy the desires of the leading factions in your federation to avoid a civil war and to maintain unity after the last star has collapsed.
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