Should I Play Ohanami?
Players: 3 – 5 players | Game Duration 30 – 30 mins |
Min. Age 10+ | Game complexity: LOW Genre:
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Ohanami about?
Unique Drafting Set Collection Card Game – Relaxing yet competitive drafting game where you grow the most zen Japanese garden by collecting just the right cards. Neat and compact, the hand illustrated cards feature water, vegetation, stones, and sakura trees in a fun strategy game for small groups. 20 minutes per game, easy to learn.
The game goes beyond your typical Sushi Go game, which is more of a strategic game. A player can win Ohanami in many different ways: will they go heavy water/plant or will they go heavy cherry blossom to rule them all? Every choice involves balancing position and score. It is quite a fascinating game. The game moves fast, too!
Ohanami Videos
Awards Won by Ohanami
1999 Spiel des Jahres Recommended 1999 Fairplay À la carte Runner-up