Should I Play Paper Dungeons: A Dungeon Scrawler Game?

Players: 1 – 8 players | Game Duration 30 – 30 mins |
Min. Age 10+ | Game complexity: Genre:
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Paper Dungeons: A Dungeon Scrawler Game about?
Prepare your adventurers for a dungeon crawl in Paper Dungeons, a roll-and-write game aiming to recreate the feel of a dungeon crawler.
You control a classic group of medieval adventurers: warrior, wizard, cleric, and rogue. Each round, you select three of the six dice rolled and use them to raise the level of your characters, create magical items, find healing potions, and explore the dungeon to find treasure. There are also three large monsters in the dungeon, and you can fight them for glory.
Whoever gets the most glory wins.
Paper Dungeons: A Dungeon Scrawler Game Videos
Awards Won by Paper Dungeons: A Dungeon Scrawler Game
2021 UK Games Expo Best New Dice Game Nominee
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