Should I Play Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition?

Is Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition fun to play?
Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition

Players: 1 – 4 players | Game Duration 60 – 120 mins |
Min. Age 12+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Historical, Historical
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition about?

In Pax Renaissance, you play as bankers in Europe, 1460-1530. The Renaissance banker finances kings and republics, sponsors discoveries, joins cabals, and unleashes jihads and inquisitions. It is your choices that determine whether Europe rises into the modern era or remains in feudalism. Influence Europe’s future by becoming the most influential banker.

Western society’s future will be determined by four victories: more enlightened art and science, trade globalization, or religious totalitarianism?

The price of cards in Pax Renaissance is influenced by what other players do on the western and eastern markets.

To take action and place pieces on the map, as well as to build your banking business and assert your influence over the royal houses of Europe, add cards to your tableau.

Engage in trade and warfare, and initiate revolts and unrest. Pirates can be funded, crusades can be started, money can be made, and prestige can be collected. The future of Europe is about to be decided when a comet card is drawn. Let your vision prevail.

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