Should I Play Prisma Arena?

Players: 2 – 4 players | Game Duration 30 – 60 mins |
Min. Age 8+ | Game complexity: Genre: Adventure, Fighting, Science
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Prisma Arena about?
Play Prisma Arena, a fast-paced game of over-the-top arena combat for 2-4 players. As novices recruited for your ability to channel Prisma, your inner light, you’ll learn the martial art of Prismakata. A mo’kon, an emotion-embodying creature, joins you in the arena. Discover powerful combos, blasts, and attacks. With quick-start rules, you can play standalone or play multiple games to become a Guardian of Hope. Whatever you decide, train hard and fight well!
Prisma Arena Videos
Awards Won by Prisma Arena
2021 UK Games Expo Best New Boardgame (Strategic Style) Nominee 2021 UK Games Expo Best New Boardgame (Strategic Style) Judges Award Winner