Should I Play Qwixx?

Players: 2 – 5 players | Game Duration 10 – 20 mins |
Min. Age 8+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Dice, Math, Math
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Qwixx about?
Qwixx is a quick-playing dice game. Everyone participates, no matter whose turn it is.
Each player has a scoresheet with the numbers 2-12 in rows of red and yellow and the numbers 12-2 in rows of green and blue.
To score points you want to mark off as many numbers as possible, but you can mark off a number only if it’s to the right of all marked-off numbers in the same row.
On a turn, the active player rolls six dice: two white and one of each of the four colors.
Each player can choose to mark off the sum of the two white dice on one of their four rows, then the active player can choose to mark off the sum of one colored die and one white die in the row that’s the same color as the die.
The more marks you can make in a row, the higher your score for that row.
Mark one of four penalty boxes on your scoresheet if you fail to cross off a number when you’re the active player
If you mark off the 2 or 12 in a row and have at least five numbers marked in that row, you get to also mark off the padlock symbol in that row, locking everyone else out of this color.
When either a player has four penalty boxes marked or a second color is locked, the game ends immediately.
Players then tally their points for each color, sum these values, then subtract five points for each marked penalty box.
Whoever has the highest score wins.
What is good about Qwixx?
It’s simple and fun for all ages.
It’s also very easy to stop a game once you start it provided that you remember who’s turn it was and start again later
Qwixx is the perfect game to play when you don’t have a lot of time or energy to do something more complicated.
Qwixx Videos
Awards Won by Qwixx
2014/Spring Parents’ Choice Silver Honor Winner
2014 Vuoden Peli Family Game of the Year Nominee
2014 Nederlandse Spellenprijs Best Family Game Winner
2014 Nederlandse Spellenprijs Best Family Game Nominee
2014 Mensa Select Winner
2013 Spiel des Jahres Nominee
2013 Kinderspielexperten “8-to-13-year-olds” Nominee
2013 Golden Geek Best Family Board Game Nominee
2013 Golden Geek Best Abstract Board Game Nominee
2013 Deutscher Lernspielpreis Nominee