Should I Play Res Arcana?

Players: 2 – 4 players | Game Duration 20 – 60 mins |
Min. Age 12+ | Game complexity: MEDIUM Genre: Card Games, Fantasy
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Res Arcana about?
In it, Life, Death, Elan, Calm, and Gold are the essences that fuel the art of magic. Choose your mage, gather essences, craft unique artifacts, and use them to summon dragons, conquer places of power, and achieve victory!
A game typically lasts 4-6 rounds. In each round, players do these steps:
Collect essences: performs any Collect abilities, and may take essences from components.
Do actions, 1 per turn, clockwise from the First Player: place an artifact, claim a monument or Place of Power, discard a card for 1 Gold or any 2 other essences, use a power on a straightened component, or pass: exchange magic items and draw 1 card. Play continues until all players have passed.
Pass procedure: If you are first to pass, take the First Player token, swap your magic item for a different magic item, draw 1 card.
Check victory points (10+ VPs). If no one has won: straighten all turned components, and begin the next round.
Awards Won by Res Arcana
2020 Kennerspiel des Jahres Recommended
2020 Fairplay À la carte Runner-up
2020 As d’Or – Jeu de l’Année Expert Winner
2020 As d’Or – Jeu de l’Année Expert Nominee
2019 Tric Trac Nominee
2019 Tric Trac de Bronze
2019 Meeples’ Choice Winner
2019 Meeples’ Choice Nominee
2019 International Gamers Award – General Strategy: Multi-player Nominee
2019 Golden Geek Board Game of the Year Nominee
2019 Golden Geek Best Strategy Board Game Nominee
2019 Golden Geek Best Card Game Nominee
2019 Board Game Quest Awards Best Game from a Small Publisher Nominee