Should I Play Risk?

Is Risk fun to play?

Players: 2 – 6 players | Game Duration 120 – 120 mins |
Min. Age 10+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Territory Building, War
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

Hate Rulebooks? Check out our condensed How to Play Risk Rules Guide

What is Risk about?

Get ready to take over the world with this game of strategy conquest. Building armies, moving troops in, and engaging in battle are the goals of the Risk game. Players either defeat or are defeated by the enemy depending on the dice roll.

Take over the world with this exciting military strategy game, now with updated figures, compelling board art, and improved Mission cards.

There are four ways you can play Risk: Secret Mission, Classic, Risk for Two Players, and Capital. Secret Missions challenge players to complete a secret mission. In Classic Risk, players must conquer all territories. There is a 2 player version of Risk with a neutral army, and there is a shorter version called Capital Risk.


Find out about Risk How to play Risk Where to buy Risk


Condensed How to Play Risk Rules Guide for rulebook haters
Official Risk Rulebook

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