Should I Play Tiny Epic Dungeons: Kickstarter Deluxe Edition?

Is Tiny Epic Dungeons: Kickstarter Deluxe Edition fun to play?
Tiny Epic Dungeons: Kickstarter Deluxe Edition

Players: 1 – 4 players | Game Duration 30 – 60 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Dice, Fantasy
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: Yes |
Online Version: No

What is Tiny Epic Dungeons: Kickstarter Deluxe Edition about?

Play through a dangerous dungeon to find a fearsome Dungeon Boss in Tiny Epic Dungeons, a cooperative game for 1 to 4 players. Heroes pass through dungeons one at a time. The Heroes are beset by ferocious minions and goblins everywhere. The most prepared Hero can fall victim to traps even in the absence of an enemy.

Playing Tiny Epic Dungeons is like exploring a modular dungeon: Each play is unique. So are the dungeons and bosses. Players constantly have to contend with the waning torchlight of their torch, which decreases with each turn. Without the torch, heroes are forever lost.

A fight against the boss follows the clearing of the dungeon of all its’ minions. Each boss has unique abilities, as well as a lair with a unique environment that offers various advantages and disadvantages based on skills used and where the hero attacks. These epic beasts are not defeated by swords, axes, arrows, and the occasional spell. Magical bonds must be lowered around the dungeon through ritual rooms. In order to strike the final blow, the dungeon boss must be lured to these rooms. Defeating the dungeon boss is the key to victory in tiny epic dungeons! Heroes will have to gather legendary loot and supreme spells to do that.

Find out about Tiny Epic Dungeons: Kickstarter Deluxe Edition How to play Tiny Epic Dungeons: Kickstarter Deluxe Edition


Official Tiny Epic Dungeons: Kickstarter Deluxe Edition Rulebook

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