Should I Play Trekking the World?

Is Trekking the World fun to play?
Trekking the World

Players: 2 – 5 players | Game Duration 30 – 60 mins |
Min. Age 10+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Air / Land / Sea Travel, Educational, Environmental
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Trekking the World about?

Trekking the World – a friendly competition where you and your friends will race to visit the world’s most popular destinations. To win, prove you’re the most experienced traveler by expertly moving around the map and scoring Victory Points (VP).

You can take a tour of places shown on Destination cards to experience their wonder and history. The destination cards will earn you a lot of Victory Points.

You can earn extra Victory Points by touring some destinations. Journey cards also give Victory Points.

In your suitcase, you’ll collect souvenir cubes as you travel around the map. You’ll earn Victory Points for collecting different colored souvenirs.

If you collect enough Souvenir cubes of any one color, you’ll get the matching Most Souvenirs tile, worth Victory Points

Getting the last souvenir from a region gets you a Region Bonus token. You get between 2 and 6 Victory Points for each Region Bonus token you collect.

Trekking the World’s various options make the game always interesting and feels fresh every time. Highly replayable! Furthermore, you can change the journey cards used for each game, which further adjusts everyone’s strategy, since each one offers something different (there are 12). The game is easy to learn as the rulebook is very clear.

Find out about Trekking the World How to play Trekking the World Where to buy Trekking the World


Official Trekking the World Rulebook

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