Should I Play Unsettled?
Players: 2 – 4 players | Game Duration 60 – 90 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre:
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: Yes |
Online Version: No
What is Unsettled about?
In Unsettled, there are a series of planet packs that offer unique twists and variations on the core system.
Each planet is a different version of the game. There is no overarching narrative. Each play is a separate experience that can be played repeatedly. In time, you will begin to see each play as a stop on your long, strange journey home.
There are two parts to the Unsettled game system: the main framework and planet boxes. In the framework are all the non-planet-specific components that will be used in each play. A planet box contains all the characteristics specific to that planet. Essentially, the framework acts as a game system; the planet boxes are cartridges that you plug into the system.
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