Should I Play Unsolved Case Files: Harmony Ashcroft?

Is Unsolved Case Files: Harmony Ashcroft fun to play?
Unsolved Case Files: Harmony Ashcroft

Players: 1 – 8 players | Game Duration 30 – 120 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Deduction, Crime and Mystery, Party Game
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Unsolved Case Files: Harmony Ashcroft about?

This murder mystery game lets you solve fictitious cold cases just like a detective.

Riverdale, Indiana, was shocked by the brutal murder of one of its most beloved citizens on the night before her own wedding on May 8th, 1998. At a popular local restaurant, Harmony Ashcroft was shot and killed in the parking lot.

In spite of being 100% innocent, Bones McBride, a local vagrant, spent more than two decades behind bars!


VICTIM: Harmony Ashcroft
CASE NUMBER: A03-05081998
DATE: May 8th, 1998
LOCATION: Riverdale, IN
There is still no solution to this 1998 cold case. Are you up for the challenge?

Three Objectives to Solve
Investigate the case file for clues and evidence that will assist you in convicting the killer.

Online Answer Key
Make sure you found the evidence for each objective by checking the online answer keys.

Bonus Envelopes
Each time you complete an objective, you’ll receive a bonus envelope with extra evidence and your next objective.

Close the Case – Win the Game!
Once you’ve solved the third objective, you’ll close the case and bring the murderer to justice.

Find out about Unsolved Case Files: Harmony Ashcroft How to play Unsolved Case Files: Harmony Ashcroft Where to buy Unsolved Case Files: Harmony Ashcroft


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