Should I Play Walking in Burano?
Players: 1 – 4 players | Game Duration 20 – 40 mins |
Min. Age 10+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Card Games
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No
What is Walking in Burano about?
Burano is an island in Venice, Italy, famous for colourful houses. The theme of this game revolves around the island, which has vibrant houses on both sides of the canal, as well as the personal décor placed by the people on the island. The houses need a fresh coat of paint in order to remain beautiful and vivid. Players use their creativity to refurbish and decorate the houses and attract tourists and local people.
To beautify these houses, players place Floor Cards on the game area to attract visits from different characters.
They will score points based on the various symbols on these cards. Players compete to score the most points.
Walking in Burano Videos
Awards Won by Walking in Burano
2020 Fairplay À la carte Runner-up