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Latest deals on board games that are fun to play

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Shopping for board games? Here are some deals on board games that are worth checking out.

Board Games on sale that cover various genres and we recommend that you play with your family and friends.  It’s a great time to add new tabletop titles to your board game shelf.

Legacy of Thracks: The Awakening

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It began 3 years ago. This Awakening transformed these people. The world was divided into three great clans, each claiming supremacy: the brutal Warriors, who practised no mercy; the Mages, who mastered a magic beyond imagination; and the brilliant Engineers. Inevitably, the clans’ lust for power led to a fateful war because their philosophies became increasingly self-centered.

All sides have suffered horrific losses. Each clan leader seeks to find the legendary city of Dimara and enter it in order to win the war. A powerful ancient force within those sacred walls may vanquish rivals and end the bloody conflict.

Get close to Dimara by leading Lost Souls, mining valuable Crystals, finding unique Relics, and increasing your Glory in battles.

To attain the ultimate prize and defeat your enemies, conquer tactical fortifications and castles, take over villages, and overcome magical barriers.

The Basic game mode is a symmetric, competitive strategy game. There are other game variants such as the Clan mode and Shadow mode offers a more complex, asymmetric gaming experience with semi-coop elements.

Black Hole: Kyrum

‘Black Hole: Kyrum’ is a game where ou are a space explorer on a mission to find the mysterious Black Hole: Kyrum. But don’t let the simplicity fool you, this game is anything but easy. You will encounter challenging puzzles, dangerous obstacles and unexpected twists along your journey through the vastness of space.

How to Play

Black Hole: Kyrum incorporates a unique combination of point-and-click mechanics with strategic decision-making. You will need to use your wits and logic to solve puzzles, while also making quick choices in order to survive the treacherous environment. As you progress through the game, you will unlock new abilities and upgrades that will help you in your quest.

Who Can Play

If you’re a fan of sci-fi, puzzles and strategy games, then Black Hole: Kyrum is definitely for you. But even if those genres aren’t your usual cup of tea, don’t dismiss this game just yet. With its immersive storyline, stunning visuals and challenging gameplay, it has the potential to captivate players of all backgrounds.

What Makes It Fun

‘Black Hole: Kyrum’ is so engaging due to its ability to keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

The combination of puzzle-solving and decision-making adds an unpredictable element that keeps the game exciting and engaging. Plus, the beautiful graphics and immersive soundtrack make it a visually stunning experience.

The Barracks Emperors

The Barracks Emperors’ is a strategy board game set in ancient Rome during the chaotic time known as the Crisis of the Third Century. The players take on the role of powerful generals vying for control of the empire, while also trying to keep it from falling apart.

How to Play

The game is played over the course of several rounds, each representing a year in Roman history. Players take turns using their armies to conquer provinces and gain control over valuable resources.

One of my favorite aspects of this game is the use of action cards. These cards allow players to perform special actions, such as launching surprise attacks or forming alliances with other players. It adds an element of unpredictability and strategic thinking to the game, making each round different and exciting.

Who Can Play

Now, let’s talk about who this game is for. I would say that ‘The Barracks Emperors’ is best suited for players who enjoy strategy games with a historical theme. It requires some strategic thinking and planning ahead, so it may not be the best choice for younger or inexperienced gamers.

However, for those who enjoy this type of game, ‘The Barracks Emperors’ is a must-try. It offers a unique and engaging experience that will keep you coming back for more.

What Makes It Fun

So, what makes this game so fun? For me, it’s the combination of historical accuracy and strategic gameplay. I love being able to immerse myself in the world of ancient Rome and make decisions that could potentially change the course of history.

But beyond that, it’s also just a blast to play with friends. There’s always some friendly competition and banter, and the game itself is easy enough to pick up but still offers a challenge for more experienced players.


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Discover the US National Parks with the award-winning, immersive board game PARKS. Discover our parks in a whole new way by hiking along a new trail every season.

Visit as many uniquely illustrated parks as you can while also taking photos of your journey in this unique collaboration with the Fifty-Nine Parks Print Series.

Discover a wide variety of scenic trails and national parks as you hike your way through them. Whenever you play the trail, new opportunities and challenges arise.

Along the way, you’ll see mountains, forests, sunlight, water, and wildlife. You can use these tokens to fill canteens, purchase gear, take photos, and visit parks. Keep an eye out! As you compete with other players for space at each site, it can be difficult to acquire resources.

A resource game that is easy to learn and has great artwork

This game is awesome. I found it to be very pretty and fairly simple to learn. Resources are the focus of the game. Visit parks and gain victory points by gathering resources. I enjoyed the art and quality of the game for a half hour!

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Veil Of Ruin

Inspired by tabletop classics like Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering, Veil of Ruin is a progressive deckbuilding RPG.

Veil of Ruin is an immersive gaming experience designed to give you hours of unique and ever-changing enjoyment. Thanks to Veil of Ruin’s quick setup and simple, yet intricate combat and dungeon crawling systems, you and your friends can go from opening the box to slaying monters within minutes. Venture into the dangerous, dying jungles of Orman, taking on the persona of one of our six unique Heroes as they fight their way through a myriad of Enemies.


Veil of Ruin features three modes, Skirmish, Into the Jungle and PVP.

Skirmish games are a cooperative one time experience for 1-4 players that take between 45 minutes and 2 hours. Select the difficulty, pick the monsters you are fighting, draft your deck, get some equipment and then fight!

A more intense experience is our Into the Jungle mode, a roguelike adventure designed with replayability in mind. Each cooperative session for between 1-4 players takes between 2 and 5 hours, players draft cards, gain items and other loot as they progress through the jungles of Orman.
PVP is best played once you have a good understanding of the flow of gameplay. With a few tweaks of the rules 2-4 players can battle one another to determine who is the champion of the jungle.

—description from the designer

Terraforming Darkness

Earth’s biosphere collapsed after a nuclear war, and each nation sent their last survivors to the only system with Earth-like planets. An unknown system filled with dark matter captured the fleet by gravity. The nebula all around means we have no other option than to colonize this system without scanning.

You control a fleet. You can form alliances or claim whole worlds. Your choices will affect everyone. Take good care when mining deep, something horrifying lies beneath…

Your decision in this game will be how much scout and colony ships you spend to discover new planets, when you will start colonising them, as well as how you will connect them and mine them. Mining deep into the earth’s crust may uncover large amounts of resources. It may also reveal terrible things. You’ll have to make a lot of thrilling decisions about risking everything to win the game or at least to barely survive. Game experience may appear simple and minimalistic, but it is deep and intense.

Rage of Empires

Rage of Empires is a real-time strategy game where you take control of your own empire and try to build it into a mighty kingdom. It’s the perfect game for those who love strategy and resource management.

How to Play

The game is set in medieval times, where you get to choose from different civilizations such as Roman, Viking or Egyptian. Each civilization has its own unique units, buildings and technologies, making the gameplay diverse and interesting.

Rage of Empires features not just about building your empire and commanding armies, but also about diplomacy, trade and alliances. You have to think strategically and make careful decisions in order to succeed.

Who Can Play

Anyone who enjoys strategy games and a bit of history would definitely appreciate Rage of Empires. It offers a perfect mix of entertainment and learning.

Brutal Quest: Fantasy Narrative Skirmish Gaming Based on the Planet 28 Rules

‘Brutal Quest’ is a strategic skirmish game that involves both luck and skill

How to Play

Each player takes on the role of a warband leader in a fantasy world, with unique abilities and strengths. The goal? To defeat your opponents by completing various narrative-driven quests and earning victory points.

What sets this game apart from others in the genre is its use of the Planet 28 rules. These rules emphasize narrative storytelling, allowing players to create their own epic tales as they battle it out on the board. It’s not just about winning – it’s about crafting your own unique story within a rich fantasy world.

But don’t worry, it’s not all serious business. The game also has a touch of humor and lightheartedness woven into its gameplay. From quirky character designs to unexpected events, there’s never a dull moment while playing ‘Brutal Quest’. It’s the perfect balance of intensity and laughter.

Who Can Play

Now, who is this game for? Well, in my opinion, it’s suitable for a wide range of audiences. Hardcore strategy gamers will appreciate the depth and complexity of the gameplay, while casual players will enjoy the immersive storytelling aspect. It’s also great for anyone who loves fantasy worlds and wants to explore them in a unique way.

Wha Makes It Fun

And what makes ‘Brutal Quest’ so much fun? Honestly, it’s hard to pinpoint just one thing. It’s the combination of all its elements – the gripping quests, the unpredictable events, and the immersive world-building – that make it an absolute blast to play. Plus, there’s always a sense of satisfaction when you successfully complete a quest or defeat a tough opponent.

Imposters on Mars

‘Imposters on Mars’ is a multiplayer game that takes place on, you guessed it, Mars. You and your friends are astronauts who have landed on Mars to explore and conduct research. However, there’s a twist – among your crew, there are a few imposters who are trying to sabotage the mission! It’s up to you and your team to figure out who the imposters are and vote them off the spaceship before it’s too late. But be careful, because the imposters can also deceive you and turn everyone against each other.

How to Play

There are two roles in the game – crewmates and imposters. As a crewmate, your goal is to complete tasks around the spaceship and figure out who the imposters are. The tasks range from fixing wires to analyzing samples of Martian soil. But here’s the catch – while you’re completing tasks, you have to be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior from your fellow astronauts. As an imposter, your goal is to deceive the crew and eliminate them one by one without getting caught.

Who Can Play

Anyone who loves a good mystery and teamwork will definitely have a blast playing ‘Imposters on Mars’. It’s also great for those who love science fiction and exploration. Additionally if you love the competitive tension, this game requires you to outwit your friends and be the last one standing. 

What Makes It Fun

The combination of strategy, deception, and teamwork makes this game so enticing. Every game is different depending on who is playing and how they choose to play. It’s always a challenge trying to figure out who the imposters are, and it’s even more satisfying when you successfully vote them off the spaceship.



The Spill

Offshore rig, DeepWell•4, has blown out and the rupture is spilling crude oil into the ocean at an alarming rate! Your response team must work together, using your individual talents to avert an ecological disaster, one which threatens to contaminate marine life and devastate the ecosystem. The situation is dire and escalating by the minute, so there is no time to waste.

Contain the oil flowing from the rig
Remove what oil you can from the waters
Rescue the marine animals

The world is watching. The fate of the coast is in your hands!

This fully cooperative game, for 1-4 players, features a 4-way dice tower as the oil rig, which randomly drops oil dice onto the four quadrants of the game board. In this respect, the game is a reverse tower defense game, as players sail the perimeter trying to push back and contain the oil, remove dice from the water and save the sea life.

Communal resource cards are chosen by the team before the game begins and are then powered for use by either removing 3 oil dice from the game or saving a full set of 6 marine creatures.

Weather dice complicate matters adding new challenges for the round that restrict movement, drop more dice or increase the cost of operations.

It takes coordination and teamwork to win, as new oil dice are dropped at the beginning of every turn and the number of oil dice dropped increases over the course of the game.

If the team can accomplish all three objectives on their WIN Condition card and remedy any potential losing conditions on the board by the end of a given turn – they win. Otherwise the game will end when the 60 dice from the bag are exhausted or they are unable to correct one of the three losing conditions.

Contain the Oil. Save the Sea Life.

—description from the publisher

Storm Chasers

‘Storm Chasers’ is a board game where… you are a storm chaser trying to capture the most epic and dangerous storms while also staying safe and managing resources. The game board represents different regions where storms can occur, and each player has a vehicle and equipment to navigate the board.

How to Play

Players must strategize their moves, taking into account weather patterns and obstacles, in order to reach and capture the storms. But it’s not just about getting close to the storm – players also have to collect data and complete missions to earn points.

The use of dice and cards keeps the game unpredictable and adds an element of chance, making every playthrough different.

The storm cards are also a great addition, as they provide realistic details about each storm players encounter. It almost feels like you’re actually chasing real storms rather than playing a board game.

Who Can Play

For those who are interested in weather or science, this game offers an educational aspect as players learn about different types of storms and how they form. And for those who enjoy strategy games, the gameplay mechanics and objectives will keep them engaged.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the unique gameplay and educational aspect, what makes ‘Storm Chasers’ truly fun is that it’s a collaborative game. While there can only be one winner, players must work together to collect data and complete missions in order to succeed.

This adds an extra layer of teamwork and communication to the game, making it not only fun but also a great way to bond with friends or family.

Small City: Deluxe Edition

In Small City, players take on the role of city planners and compete to build the most prosperous and efficient city. The game is played over 4 rounds, with each round representing a different era in the development of your city.

How to Play

At the start of each round, players receive new tiles that represent buildings and amenities which they can add to their city. These tiles come in various shapes and sizes, making it crucial for players to plan and strategize carefully.

The goal of the game is to create synergies between different buildings, maximize your production, and attract citizens to your city – all while managing resources efficiently.

Small City has a unique set of mechanics that make it stand out from other city-building games. The most notable one is the rotating board feature, which allows players to make use of all four sides of their game board.

In addition, the game includes an economy system that adds a layer of depth and challenge. Players must balance income and expenses while trying to keep their city running smoothly.

The game also includes a worker placement mechanic. Players can send their workers to different locations on the board to gain bonuses or resources, adding an element of strategy and player interaction.

Who Can Play

Small City: Deluxe Edition is suitable for a wide range of players. It has enough complexity to keep seasoned gamers engaged, but it’s also easy enough for beginners to learn and enjoy.

Players who enjoy city-building games or economic strategy games will definitely find this game appealing. It’s also a great choice for those who prefer less luck-driven games, as Small City relies heavily on planning and decision making.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the well-designed gameplay mechanics, one of the main reasons Small City is enjoyable is because of its replayability. Each round offers new challenges and opportunities, making every game unique.

Furthermore, the artwork and components in this deluxe edition are top-notch. The buildings and amenities tiles are beautifully illustrated, and the rotating board adds a visually interesting element to the gameplay.

Mythic Mischief

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Mythic Mischief pits you against other factions of Mythic Manor students to get as many students caught by the Tomekeeper as possible. Different factions have unique abilities.

You can move around the Library board, place other Factions in the Tomekeeper’s path, and even move Bookshelves to change his path.

Throughout the game, players can upgrade their Faction’s abilities by collecting powerful Tomes from the library.

As soon as the Tomekeeper returns all of the Tomes after lunch, the team with the most Mischief Points wins!

Catch the Bomber

Either you are the bomber or you are the police trying to catch him. Bombers must do one of the following to win:

• Kill civilians with a bomb.

• Escape the city.

• Restrict the actions of citizens and disrupt the economy.

Police want to stop this from happening, but the bomber’s identity is hidden.

Wizards of the Grimoire

From Grimoire Games:

Years of tutelage under the late Archmage Andor have culminated in this moment; his two protégés must now become rivals and battle to determine who will become the next Keeper of the Grimoire. As protection from your rival, you have only your magical gifts, your mastery of the Grimoire, and a select few spell pages ripped from its binding. Pick carefully; the spells you choose will allow you to counter your opponent, twist the fabric of time, and deal devastating damage, but only if you’re able to find synergies between spells and manage your mana reserves carefully.

In this two player strategy card game, you must fulfill your destiny and become the Keeper of the Grimoire. Defeat your opponent by drafting new spells from the magical Grimoire, casting them, managing your cooldowns, and dealing massive damage.

Each turn, draft one new spell to be added to your spell repertoire. But be warned! Your opponent has access to the same spells as you do, so choose the spells you want before your opponent does! Continue updating your spell repertoire throughout the game to optimize your deck and counter your opponent.

Cast spells. Deal devastating damage or confuse and trip up your opponent. More expensive spells will have a larger impact on the game, but be careful, they’ll cost you more mana and will have a longer cool down. You can cast as many spells as you like on your turn so long as you have enough mana and the spells aren’t in cooldown. Find spell combinations that work together and time them correctly, to increase your damage or counter your opponent.

Be the first wizard apprentice to eliminate your opponent’s life points to become Keeper of the Grimoire.

—description from publisher

Ark Nova

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‘Ark Nova’ is a standout title with intricate gameplay and engaging theme. ‘Ark Nova’ is a strategic game where players take on the role of managing a modern, scientifically managed zoo. 

Game Mechanics and Design

‘Ark Nova’ is designed for 1 to 4 players and typically takes around 90 to 150 minutes to play. The game revolves around creating and managing a zoo, with players competing to build the most successful and appealing park.

  1. Action Selection: Players choose from a set of five actions, each represented by a card. The power of these actions depends on their position on the player’s board, creating a dynamic system where players must plan their moves carefully.

  2. Hand Management: Throughout the game, players draw and play cards that represent animals, sponsors, and various other zoo-related elements. Managing these cards effectively is crucial for success.

  3. Tile Placement: Players build enclosures and other zoo facilities by placing tiles on their personal board. Efficient use of space and strategic tile placement are essential.

  4. Conservation Projects: Players can participate in various conservation projects, contributing to global efforts and earning points. Balancing these projects with the needs of the zoo adds a layer of strategic depth.

  5. Income and Appeal: Players must manage their zoo’s income and appeal, balancing the need for financial stability with the desire to attract visitors and earn points.

What Makes ‘Ark Nova’ Fun?

‘Ark Nova’ combines several elements that make it a deeply engaging and satisfying experience:

  1. Strategic Depth: The game’s mechanics require careful planning and foresight. Every decision, from which animals to house to which conservation projects to support, impacts your overall strategy.

  2. Thematic Immersion: The theme of building and managing a zoo is brought to life through beautiful artwork and detailed cards. Each element feels authentic and contributes to the overall immersion.

  3. Replayability: With a vast array of cards and multiple paths to victory, ‘Ark Nova’ offers immense replayability. Each game feels fresh, with new challenges and opportunities.

  4. Solo and Multiplayer Modes: ‘Ark Nova’ includes a solo mode, allowing players to enjoy the game on their own. The multiplayer experience is equally rewarding, with competitive and cooperative elements that keep everyone engaged.

  5. Balanced Complexity: While ‘Ark Nova’ is a complex game, it is designed in a way that gradually introduces players to its mechanics. This balance makes it accessible to both experienced gamers and those willing to invest the time to learn.

Who Will Enjoy ‘Ark Nova’?

‘Ark Nova’ is ideal for players who enjoy:

  1. Strategic Planning: If you love games that require careful thought and long-term strategy, ‘Ark Nova’ will be a perfect fit. The interplay between different mechanics demands a high level of strategic thinking.

  2. Thematic Games: Fans of thematic games will appreciate the detailed and immersive zoo-building experience. The theme is woven seamlessly into the gameplay, making every action feel meaningful.

  3. Complex Board Games: For those who enjoy games with depth and complexity, ‘Ark Nova’ provides a rich and rewarding experience. The learning curve is steep, but the payoff is well worth it.

  4. Solo Play: If you often find yourself playing games solo, ‘Ark Nova’ offers a satisfying single-player mode that captures the essence of the multiplayer experience.

  5. Replayability: If you value games that offer a different experience each time you play, ‘Ark Nova’ will keep you coming back for more. The variety of cards and strategies ensures that no two games are the same.

What do Ark Nova players say about the game?

  • Engaging and Consuming: highly entertaining and absorbing, often taking up significant amounts of their time.
  • Steep Learning Curve: significant learning curve, but most feel it’s worth the effort. 
  • Solo Play: The solo mode is well-designed and enjoyable, with a clear system for managing turns.
  • Strategic Depth: The game is praised for its strategic and card management aspects, with high replayability due to different maps and animals.
  • Complexity: While complex and long, it’s enjoyable for those who like in-depth strategy games. 
  • Quality Design: The game’s design is well-researched and immersive, especially appreciated by those with an interest in zoology.
  • Expansion Integration: Expansions like ‘Marine Worlds’ are well-received, adding diversity and new tactics without feeling forced.

Drinking Quest: Six Pack

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Drinking Game and Tabletop RPG!

You must chug the rest of your drink in real life when your hero dies. The stakes are high!

There are six Drinking Quest games in this boxed set, plus extra content.

At the end of your adventure, you will fight one of twelve FINAL BOSSES. In TEAM BATTLES, the player who lands the killing blow wins the loot.

Contains the main four quests of:

Drinking Quest: The Original Drinking RPG

Drinking Quest: The Yeti Egg Adventure (Formerly Yeddy Vedder’s Yeti Adventure)

Drinking Quest: Nectar of the Gods

Drinking Quest: Journey into Draught

Drinking Quest: Liquor Before Honor

Drinking Quest: Old Habits

Slam Wars: Wrestling Legends of California

If you’re looking for a fun and entertaining board game to play with your friends, look no further than Slam Wars: Wrestling Legends of California

How to Play

The gameplay is simple yet strategic at the same time. Each player takes on the role of a wrestler and battles it out in an epic showdown in the ring. The goal is to be the first wrestler to collect all the championship belts on the board. But it’s not as easy as it sounds because along the way, you’ll encounter various challenges and obstacles that can either help or hinder your progress.

The game mechanics are well thought out and keep things interesting until the very end. From dice rolls to card draws, every move you make has consequences. But the best part about this game is that it’s not just about luck, it also requires strategic thinking and planning ahead.

Who Can Play

Slam Wars: Wrestling Legends of California is perfect for both hardcore wrestling fans and casual board game players. The attention to detail in the miniatures will impress any fan of wrestling, while the gameplay itself is easy enough for anyone to pick up and enjoy. Plus, the game is full of hilarious moments that will have everyone laughing and having a great time.

What Makes It Fun 

One thing’s for sure, Slam Wars brings out the competitive spirit in everyone who plays it. The rush you get from landing a perfect move or stealing a championship belt from your opponent is unmatched.

Addams Family: A Delightfully Frightful Creepy Board Game

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The Addams Family characters take turns completing tasks to get to The Swamp. Choose Morticia, Gomez, Pugsley, Wednesday, Grannie Frump, Lurch, or Uncle Fester.
There are trapdoors, a dungeon, and a cemetery in the Addams Mansion that appears on the Game Board.
Amuse yourself with Charles Addams’ cartoons, reproduced on the character challenge cards.
Choose from three different levels of play: Frightful, Dreadful, or Grotesque!

When you play together, you stay together-but in the Addams Family, that doesn’t always work out. The Addams Family members must perform household tasks, from testing torture racks to reading bedtime (horror) stories. While working towards ghoulish goals, you will compete against other players in Roll-offs. The first person to finish their chores and make it to the swamp wins. However, beware: your fellow players may send you first to the Dungeon (or, at least, a few spaces back). May the smartest Addams win!


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Get to know the betta! Beautiful and colorful, but their displays need to stand out.

In this game, players are pet shop employees who are responsible for displaying their betta fish.

In order to fill up the displays with as many fish of their assigned color as possible, players place their betta cards in simple and complex patterns.

You can play as Betty, the owner of the pet shop. Betty plays by her own rules, and the employees have to adapt to them!

The Solo Mode will test your sales skills!
Each display must have as many bettas of the same color as possible and you must place your betta cards to create as many patterns as you can

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Cultivate is all about building and growing your own (fictional) cult. It’s a strategy game that involves resource management, planning and a bit of luck. The objective is to grow your cult while competing against others who are doing the same.

How to Play

To start off, each player chooses their own unique Cult Leader from a variety of options – some quirky, some sinister and some just plain weird. But that’s what makes the game fun, as each Cult Leader comes with their own special abilities and powers.

Once you have your Cult Leader, the game begins. Each player has a set of resources – followers, money, and influence – that they can use to expand their cult. You build structures, recruit followers, perform rituals and acquire artifacts to gain more resources and grow your cult’s influence.

But here’s the catch – your opponents can also have an impact on your cult. They can perform attacks, sabotage your structures or even convert your followers to their own cults. So, you always have to be one step ahead and keep a close eye on what they’re up to.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for anyone who enjoys a good strategy game with a touch of humour. It’s also great for groups, as it can accommodate up to 6 players. Whether you’re a seasoned board gamer or just looking for something new and fun to try, Cultivate is definitely worth checking out.

What Makes It Fun

In addition to the complicated game mechanics, Cultivate is also highly immersive. The artwork and design of the game are top-notch, with each card and piece beautifully illustrated. And let’s not forget the witty and humorous writing on the cards that will keep you entertained throughout the game.

Pacific War: The Struggle Against Japan, 1941-1945 (Second Edition)

Pacific War is a strategic wargame covering the events beyond Pearl Harbor, including the attack on China, Burma, Guadalcanal, and the fighting for the Japanese Islands.

Combined with sharp action and historical accuracy, this game is the first Pacific Theater game that combines size, subtlety, and ease of play.

After familiarizing themselves with the layered systems of the Pacific War in solitaire engagement scenarios, players can progress to two player and multi-player Battle, Campaign, and Strategic scenarios. As they learn the game’s basic maneuvers and combat systems, they will learn more advanced systems for Strategic bombing, submarine attacks on merchant ships, search and detection, and amphibious assaults, as well as extensive Operations.

If you’ve ever been fascinated by the fury and vastness of the Pacific War, then the Pacific War is a source of endless challenges and excitement.

The game is known for its monster game reputation due to its large number of counters (over 2000) which represent individual capital ships, cruiser divisions, destroyer squadrons, aircraft groups, and land units ranging from battalions to divisions to corps, with all units rated individually based on their past performance.



Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza: On The Flip Side

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The social card game that’s going to turn your game night upside down is back with new characters and rules! You’ll get out of your seat laughing as you race your friends in this hand slapping, laugh-out-loud version of Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza. With its crazy reversed twist, you can easily be fooled! You’ll have a blast playing this game…

An actual tongue-twister. The game combines a word relay with a matching game, and then throws in physical humor. Despite the levels, the game is still simple enough for kids to understand and cutthroat enough for adults.

A deck of cards is divided between 2-8 players, who place their individual stacks of cards face-down on the table. People take turns flipping cards face-up in the middle while uttering the words “Tacos,” “Cats,” “Goats,” “Cheese,” “Pizza” – in that order. Each player races to slap their hands down on top of all the cards if the middle card matches the word being spoken. If you are the last player, you must add the entire stack to your own deck. First to get rid of all their cards wins.

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Verrago: The Fantasy Globe Game

A Hybrid Fantasy Civilization RPG that plays 1-10 players. This game bridges the legacy board games with Table Top Role Playing Games. Using magnetic pieces on a globe that acts as a new form of game board; Verrago is the first of it’s kind. You play on the planet Vaeya, as any kind of political unit(character, family, kingdom, empire, global civilization)on a world where everything hangs in a Veridian Balance. Should this balance be disrupted by you and your fellow players(and it surely will), the planet will try to end your evil ways by uniquely trying to exterminate everyone, starting with the worst perpetrators. This is a world where nothing stays the same, mysteries deepen as you explore the Veridian and attempt to master it and you can choose to band together to fight the apocalypse or become it.
With 5 main paths to victory(Epic Story, Strongest Lineage, Veridian Imprint, Strategic Survivor and Richest Delve) you choose how and where your victories can occur over your opponents. Victories, over many plays of Verrago, create a historical record of your globe that becomes unique to your gaming group. The globe itself acts as your “save file” so that your playthrough’s matter, your time playing the game works more for you. This allows you to create a long term dialogue with your board game group and weave ever more elaborate stories that add value to your group and add additional meaning to your friendships

Dungeon Masters, this game will help you relieve your creative burdens and allow you to get immediate player investment into your game when doing your session zero game! Verrago uses a co-created history mechanic for telling epic, memorable stories that can also be used for your Table Top Role Playing Games(TTRPG)! Vaeya, the planet of our setting, is an INTERACTIVE SETTING, the cards allow for a dynamic storytelling experience that also gives you(and your characters) direct control over a range of theme/lore heavy game mechanics. Verrago also has an event system that helps you generate a world spanning, geopolitical and Veridian situation EACH GAME, with care to minimize the burdens of recording the history during the game. A more detailed record is possible, yet this will be at your own discretion. Verrago also has a Campaign Book that works with the card generation system so that you get the best of both worlds, the strength of linear storytelling AND the strength of the “choose your own adventure” style of storytelling. There is nothing that approaches the scope and scale of Verrago on the board game market. There’s something special about creating a world with others…

The game has 3 main parts, of which the first is optional and the third won’t always occur. Here is a rough overview of how it will play(subject to change as the game is currently in development):

1. The Pre-Game(Optional): You play with your friends to set the precise magical conditions you want to play and feel out and fine tune the game so that you aren’t limited to randomization. This pre-game is about generating the world you will play next and takes about 30-60min. There are 25 preset scenarios that allow you to skip this pre-game and are recommended for your first few times playing the game.

2. Verrago: You will Explore, Expand, Exploit, Experiment and Exterminate your opponents, sometimes needing to create temporary/permanent alliances to survive the more dangerous events that occur randomly(or by player action). As you acquire power in the world, the planet fights back as you are disrupting the careful magical balance of the world.
Once you’ve disrupted the balance enough, through your own actions or that of the planetary response, the apocalypse will begin.

3. Sudden Death Apocalypse: Featuring 125 different ways to destroy the world, each apocalypse will demonstrate something new about Veridian and the world. The Apocalypse has 5 randomly drawn event cards at the beginning of the game that slowly get turned over revealing the apocalypse code that players look up in the event book. Players take their most empowered character(s), their Verrago, and attempt to maneuver them so that the apocalypse affects other players more than themselves. Whatever remains is yours to keep for the next game. At the end of the apocalypse, the game will be recorded using pen and paper and you can choose to continue your play and build upon the remains of the previous age. You win when you survive and no one else does, or you survive better than everyone else. You can also win by creating the strongest legacy and other forms of victory. Victory is more of a long term goal, with challenges like “survive the 25 preset scenarios in different configurations”.

Verrago is a multi-layered game, with 5 expansions already designed to work with the existing game, so that you will only ever need to purchase 1 globe to play it. Each expansion will provide the scope of a full game, using cards and add an in depth focus to the game, changing it into many different forms of popular game mechanics like: Warfare, Trade, Technology, More Veridian(Magic), Culture, and Survival/CO-OP. The game is designed to fundamentally change into your preferred style of game by purchasing an expansion. Or play all expansions together, they are interchangeable and don’t have dependencies on each other. Future expansions WILL have dependencies on the core expansions. Bring whichever expansion you like to the table to try to shift the focus of the game “your” way as you unlock the option to play your expansion by your in game actions.

About this project and the designer:

This unique Role Playing Game(RPG) setting has undergone rigorous craft, research and extreme care in it’s composition as a passion project beginning in 2003. S.A. Heinichen was trained at Navy Nuclear Power Training Command and then at Submarine Base Groton in the U.S. Navy, in addition to having held a Top Secret security clearance. S.A. Heinichen’s extensive training in multiple applied engineering fields has allowed him to incorporate many scientific disciplines into the magic system, represented simply by the rune system. The Cloak and Dagger excitement of the intelligence community is a theme throughout Verrago. Verrago strikes a balance between science fiction and high fantasy and you can actively change this balance during the course of the game as part of your strategic storytelling goals.

—description from the designer

Split Second: Solitaire Firefights Against The Clock

Whether you’re a fan of solitaire, strategy games, or just looking for a unique and fun addition to your board game collection, I highly recommend giving Split Second: Solitaire Firefights Against The Clock a try.

How to Play

The game, designed by renowned board game designer David J. Mortimer, combines elements of solitaire and strategy to create a fast-paced and challenging gaming experience. The premise is simple – you must race against the clock to complete various missions and challenges before time runs out.

But don’t be fooled by its simplicity, Split Second is not your typical solitaire game. With multiple paths to victory and a constantly changing game board, every playthrough offers a new and exciting challenge. It’s the perfect combination of luck and strategy, making it suitable for players of all levels.

One of my favorite aspects of Split Second is its quick gameplay. With each game lasting only 10-15 minutes, it’s the perfect game to squeeze in during a lunch break or while waiting for friends to arrive. And trust me, once you start playing, you won’t want to stop.

But what really sets Split Second apart is its innovative game mechanics. The use of a timer adds an extra level of pressure and intensity, making every decision feel crucial. It’s a race against time and your own strategy as you try to beat your previous scores or compete with friends.

Who Can Play

Split Second is perfect for both solo play and group gaming sessions. While I enjoy playing it alone, it’s also a hit among my friends who love the competitive element of trying to beat each other’s scores. And with its compact size and easy-to-learn rules, it’s a great game to bring along on trips or to game nights.

Silver Coin: Age of Monster Hunters

Silver Coin: Age of Monster Hunters is a solo, cooperative, or competitive game for 1-5 players who will travel the map in search of missions to slay the monsters that are troubling the people of six kingdoms. The game is set in the fantasy realm of Atosia, a great continent that spans across the known world. It is divided into six big kingdoms, each carrying its own history, culture, and mysteries. The world has survived a great calamity that struck the land eighty years ago. Ever since things have changed and the continent has seen a sudden spike of creatures old and new that plague the land and are troubling the local populace. Amongst all of that, individuals have appeared who took advantage of this situation and will do anything, including slaying these so-called monsters, if it means they get a bag of coins in return. In Silver Coin: Age of Monster Hunters, you are playing as one of these monster hunters. You travel the land in search of missions that will, if successfully completed, grant you rewards in the form of coins. But to successfully tackle all the challenges thrown your way, you will need to learn some magic, gather the knowledge about the very things you need to kill and equip yourself with items and skills that will help you on your journey. Each turn players will draft cards, play cards, and buy special action cards or dice, then they will use their tokens to choose the actions they will take each turn in an attempt to optimize their way through the game. Be resourceful, be strong, take the long path or the quick, the easy way or the hard, but most of all, make sure that when the game comes to an end, you are the one with the biggest bag of those silver coins…

TROSS!: Viking Chess

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TROSS is Viking chess/checkers. Unlike usual checkers, you want to humiliate your opponent by capturing their throne, not eliminate their pieces. It’s about the throne, not the pawns. Dishonor them and send them home cowering! TROSS is Norwegian for “to spite”. You must outwit the opponent without killing all their pieces completely. To accomplish this, you may have to spite your own pieces.

This is a handmade game that also includes a canvas scroll game board and a red-stained, wooden box with screen printing of the TROSS logo. Hand-stained, the 20 wooden cube pieces are packaged in a burlap drawstring bag.

Using the attachment on the back of the upper wooden end of the board, you can also wall hang the board and display it as the piece of art it is. It is available with red-stained wood ends. Both the game storage box and the wood ends are stained red.

This game concept was created by Aaron Stimpson and produced by Jon Dyer of Twice Alive Games.

You can buy the game here

Tross resembles chess and checkers, but there is a distinct difference: the goal is to leave as many of your opponent’s pieces on the board as possible. As with chess or checkers, you are capable of jumping your opponent’s pieces to advance your own, but to do so would defeat the purpose of the game. In this game, players are encouraged to make what they refer to as the “Tross Move” in which they sacrifice their own pieces to spite their opponents, which is appropriate since the word “Tross” itself is the Norse word for “spite.”

Tross is a brilliant strategy game that’s incredibly simple and can be played anywhere with ease. In contrast to traditional chess and checker, leaving pieces on the board is a refreshing change.

Yokai Quest Strikes Back

Yokai Quest involves players leading a group of heroes facing many enemies and dangers.

A mythical Japanese creature called Yokai is the main enemy of the heroes folklore. There are many Yokai, from the evil Oni to the funny Tengu to the prankster Tanuki. There are many hidden dangers in the world of Yokai, in addition to the heroes’ enemies.

How to Play

‘Yokai Quest Strikes Back’ follows the classic format of a cooperative board game, where players must work together to defeat a common enemy. In this case, the enemy is an army of mischievous yokai (Japanese spirits) who have invaded our world. As players, we take on the roles of brave heroes, each with our own special abilities and powers. Our mission? To defeat the yokai and save humanity from their havoc.

But here’s where things get interesting – unlike most cooperative games, ‘Yokai Quest Strikes Back’ has a traitor mechanic. Yes, you heard that right. One of us might be secretly working for the yokai, trying to sabotage our team’s efforts. This adds a whole new level of strategy and suspicion into the mix, making every game unpredictable and exciting.

Who Can Play

I would highly recommend ‘Yokai Quest Strikes Back’ to anyone who enjoys cooperative games with a twist. It is suitable for both casual and experienced players, as well as families with older children. The traitor mechanic might be a bit complicated for younger kids, but it adds an extra layer of excitement for adults and older teens.

What Makes It Fun

In my opinion, the combination of teamwork, strategy, and unpredictability is what makes ‘Yokai Quest Strikes Back’ so much fun. There’s never a dull moment during gameplay as we strategize and try to figure out who the traitor might be. And let’s not forget about the beautiful artwork and captivating theme – it adds an immersive element to the game that keeps us coming back for more.


Bonaparte: 6mm-20mm Napoleonic Wargame Rules

If you’re a fan of strategic wargames then ‘Bonaparte: 6mm-20mm Napoleonic Wargame Rules’ is the board game for you.

How to Play

The game can be played with miniature figures ranging from 6mm to 20mm in size. This allows for a lot of flexibility in terms of the size of your army and also adds to the overall aesthetic of the game. The rules themselves are quite easy to learn, but there’s a lot of depth and strategy involved. Each player takes on the role of a commander in either the French or Allied armies, with different scenarios and objectives to complete.

Who Can Play

This game is a very social and inclusive game, which makes it perfect for both serious wargamers and casual players

What Makes It Fun

The game incorporates historical elements into the gameplay which results in what makes it fun. Each unit has its own specific abilities and characteristics, based on their real-life counterparts. This adds a level of immersion and authenticity to the game that hasn’t been seen in many other wargames.

United States v. Aaron Burr

Many events in American history have been labeled “trials of the century”, but for a young nation, it would have been impossible to top United States v. Aaron Burr. Unlike Washington, Jefferson, Madison or Hamilton, Aaron Burr came from American royalty — a founding father descended from the original puritanical stock that arrived in Plymouth. His father was the second president of Princeton. His grandfather was Jonathan Edwards, the philosopher-theologian who wrote “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” perhaps the most important American literary work of its time.

So in 1776, if you were going to identify any of the Founders who would later stand trial for treason to his country, Aaron Burr would be the least likely — yet Burr’s journey as an enormous talent born under a dark star is now well known. Less well understood is that when he shot Alexander Hamilton in the early morning hours of July 11, 1804, it would set in motion a chain of events much more bizarre than anything depicted on Broadway.

Aaron Burr never stood trial for killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel. His trial was for treason, three years later, at the insistence of the Thomas Jefferson, the man Burr had narrowly lost to in the contested election of 1800. An embittered and politically ruined Burr seemed to have developed a scheme to separate the new Louisiana Purchase territories from the United States and declare himself king over the new entity. When Jefferson learned of the plot, he ordered Burr’s arrest and publicly declared him guilty of treason.

United States v. Aaron Burr: The Treason Trial of America’s Third Vice President, a card-driven game for two players, recreates the treason trial of Aaron Burr in Richmond in 1807. But by accident of recent judicial reforms, Thomas Jefferson’s detested cousin, Chief Justice John Marshall, would be riding circuit and would preside over the case. The resulting legal contest would read like a list of who’s who of America’s Founding Fathers.

United States vs. Aaron Burr is a fast-playing card-driven game in which players seek to use events, evidence, and witnesses of Burr’s activities to convince a jury to return a guilty verdict — or if playing for the defense, persuade at least one juror to find Aaron Burr not guilty. Each round, players have the opportunity to question witnesses, persuade jurors, and make points of law to the Chief Justice which will aid them in their cause. The game highlights all the events and participants surrounding one of the most important trials in American Constitutional Law — setting the precedent that the President of the United States is NOT immune from legal court orders, a precedent very much cited by the Supreme Court today.

So try your hand as a great litigator in a great trial. Perhaps you will even find yourself smiling more and talking less!

Kanban EV

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Kanban EV (Electric Vehicles) is a strategy game where players will be overseeing the production of these vehicles. It’s a board game based on the Japanese automotive manufacturing system called “Kanban”

How to Play

In Kanban EV, you are in charge of a car factory and your goal is to produce high-quality cars efficiently. The game is all about managing your production line, optimizing your processes and competing against others to become the best car manufacturer.

But don’t be fooled by its simple premise, Kanban EV has some deep strategic elements that can keep you hooked for hours. The game mechanics are well thought out and there are multiple ways to achieve victory, making it a great choice for players who love a challenge.

Who Can Play

This game appeals to both board game enthusiasts and strategy game lovers. If you love games with resource management, worker placement and engine building mechanics, you will enjoy Kanban EV

What Makes It Fun

What makes the game even more fun is that it’s not just about winning, but also about creating and optimizing your own car factory. The satisfaction of seeing your production line run smoothly and efficiently is truly unbeatable. Plus, with its beautiful artwork and high-quality components, playing Kanban EV just feels luxurious.


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1979: Revolution in Iran

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A two-player card-driven board game, 1979: Revolution in Iran immerses players in the history of Iran from Mossadegh’s appointment as Prime Minister through his removal in a US/UK-backed coup to the years of control by the Shah of Iran before culminating in the 1979 uprisings that led to the removal of the Shah and the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini.

In a card-driven game (CDG), players take turns playing cards.  Players can use these cards to take actions (based on the number printed on the card) or trigger events which helped shape the Iranian social and political landscape.

There are two sides in Iran, reformists and royalists.  Each of the major factions that played a major role in shaping modern Iran will be involved.

For players familiar with card-driven games, 1979: Iran in Revolution offers a new twist on its mechanics.  Players are not dealt a hand, but instead the cards are placed on the table between them and the next turn’s cards are drafted into their hands.  The players will know what cards are in play for their turn, so there will be few surprises.  When picking cards, players must decide whether to take an advantageous card or a card that will deny an opponent a specific event.

Kings of Serbia

‘Kings of Serbia’ is set in medieval Serbia and it’s all about conquering territories and building cities. Doesn’t that sound exciting? As a true monarch, you will be leading your army to victory and gaining the most power in the kingdom.

How to Play

 ‘Kings of Serbia’ is set apart from other conquest-based games because of is its unique game mechanics. The resources you need to build your cities are limited and can only be acquired by conquering specific areas on the board. This adds an extra layer of strategy and makes the game even more challenging.

Who Can Play

Whether you’re a seasoned board gamer or just looking to have some fun with friends and family, ‘Kings of Serbia’ has something for everyone. The rules are easy to learn, so you won’t have to spend hours reading a rulebook before starting the game.

What Makes It Fun

But what truly makes ‘Kings of Serbia’ fun is the element of surprise. With every turn, there’s a possibility for something unexpected to happen. Maybe your opponent will make a sudden move or a new event card will be drawn that changes the course of the game. This keeps the game exciting and unpredictable until the very end.

War of the Ring

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War of the Ring is a 2-4 player game where one player takes control of the Free Peoples and the other controls the Shadow Armies. Initially, the Free People Nations are reluctant to take arms against Sauron, so they must be attacked by Sauron or persuaded by Gandalf or other Companions, before they start to fight properly: this is represented by the Political Track, which shows if a Nation is ready to fight in the War of the Ring or not. Gameplay in War of the Ring revolves around the roll of Action Dice: each dice corresponds to an action that a player can do during a turn with various different actions possible. This game can be won by a military victory achieved if Sauron conquers a certain number of Free People cities and strongholds or vice versa. But the true hope of the Free Peoples lies with the quest of the Ringbearer: while the armies clash across Middle Earth, the Fellowship of the Ring is trying to get secretly to Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring. Sauron is not aware of the real intention of his enemies but is looking across Middle Earth for the precious Ring, so that the Fellowship is going to face numerous dangers, represented by the rules of The Hunt for the Ring. But the Companions can spur the Free Peoples to the fight against Sauron, so the Free People player must balance the need to protect the Ringbearer from harm, against the attempt to raise a proper defense against the armies of the Shadow, so that they do not overrun Middle Earth before the Ringbearer completes his quest.

Darksiders: The Forbidden Land

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The Darksiders universe is brought to life in this cooperative dungeon crawler board game for 1-5 players! Take the role of your favorite Horseman in this thrilling dungeon crawler board game. With asymmetric player abilities, you can play as War Death Fury or Strife and experience the game completely differently each time.

Visit the Forbidden Land – former home to the Cherubim – on a brand new quest at the Charred Council’s command. The decks of cards for each Rider are customizable, so even multiple games with the same rider will be different.

Various levels are included in the Campaign Book, which is divided into multiple scenarios. Playing through the entire campaign in order can take anywhere from 30 minutes for a single Level 1 to 2 hours for a Scenario comprising many levels, or even an entire epic gaming weekend! This game includes a variety of enemies as well as a variety of modular hex-tile game boards for fans to create their own custom levels!”

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Marvel Champions the Card Game Mad Titan’s Shadow

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A cooperative card game where players work together to stop some of Marvel’s most iconic villains, Marvel Champions: The Card Game brings together some of Marvel’s most iconic villains. Choose your favorite Marvel hero and prepare for battle!

Infinity Gauntlet battle begins in MAD TITANS SHADOW! There are 5 new scenarios and 2 new heroes in this expansion. The Mad Titan Thanos himself is one of the villains you have to fight in this new campaign featuring the likes of Ebony Maw, Corvus Glaive, and Proxima Midnight. Stop the Black Order with two new, cosmic heroes, Spectrum and Adam Warlock, each with pre-built decks ready to play from the start!

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Chrome Hammer: A Cyberpunk Skirmish Game

Jason Smith’s Chrome Hammer is a set of simple cyberpunk skirmish rules letting you learn how to fight in a high tech future. Gunplay, creeping about, and homicidal security bots are all part of the action, regardless of whether you play the punks or the corporations.

Squad Hammer and its historical derivatives like Trench Hammer and Hammer of Democracy use the same game system.

New players will find this a simple game system with straight-forward combat. You can learn the basics in a matter of minutes.

A chain of linked scenarios can be played to play a quick campaign, and the rules feature eight detailed and varied scenarios from Virus Upload to Gridlock.

There is support for stealth jobs as well as customization of tough street rats or corporate mercenaries.

Any scale of miniatures can be used, provided they are based individually.

Corporates usually have 10-25 figures, while punks usually have about 5 figures. If you have scifi armies, you almost certainly have models in your collection.

Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition

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In Pax Renaissance, you play as bankers in Europe, 1460-1530. The Renaissance banker finances kings and republics, sponsors discoveries, joins cabals, and unleashes jihads and inquisitions. It is your choices that determine whether Europe rises into the modern era or remains in feudalism. Influence Europe’s future by becoming the most influential banker.

Western society’s future will be determined by four victories: more enlightened art and science, trade globalization, or religious totalitarianism?

The price of cards in Pax Renaissance is influenced by what other players do on the western and eastern markets.

To take action and place pieces on the map, as well as to build your banking business and assert your influence over the royal houses of Europe, add cards to your tableau.

Engage in trade and warfare, and initiate revolts and unrest. Pirates can be funded, crusades can be started, money can be made, and prestige can be collected. The future of Europe is about to be decided when a comet card is drawn. Let your vision prevail.

Euthia: Torment of Resurrection

The Euthia: Torment of Resurrection board game is a competitive strategy role-playing game. Discover a modular map filled with quests, precious natural resources, and dangerous enemies. Experience is gained, skill is learned, new equipment and treasure is obtained, and elemental places are explored.


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Unveiling Gloomhaven

Venture into a world of tactical combats and intricate storylines

Gloomhaven has been making the headlines due to the adventure within the game, the game mechanics that closely mimic RPG video games and the rich content it possesses.

In this guide, you will be taken through the winding pathways and dangerous dungeons of Gloomhaven.

What is ‘Gloomhaven’?

‘Gloomhaven’ is a cooperative tabletop game for 1 to 4 players, known for its unique blend of solid tactical combat, Euro-inspired mechanics, and branching storylines designed to create a unique player experience.

You take on the roles of wandering mercenaries with unique special skills and reasons for seeking treasures in the dark and dangerous city. Choices made during each scenario can influence the course of the game, unlocking new challenges, characters, and choices. There is no fixed ‘path’ in Gloomhaven—which makes it engaging for gamers.

Gloomhaven Gameplay

Several core gameplay elements make Gloomhaven engrossing and captivating.

Core Loop and Objectives

The game is divided into scenarios, each of which can be a one-off battle, a stop point in a larger story, or a step towards a larger goal—usually, amassing wealth and power or uncovering arcane secrets. Throughout, players will interact with a richly detailed world through a number of mechanics that depend on the choices a player makes.

Character Classes and Customization

Gloomhaven offers a roster of diverse character classes. Each class not only has its own set of cards dictating their moves and abilities but also its own personal quest interwoven with the overarching narrative.

Combat Mechanics

Combat is a tactical affair, played out on a grid system with players and enemies moving and attacking in turn-based fashion. The abilities on the players’ cards must be managed carefully, as they each have a series of initiative values that can make the difference between a swift victory and a devastating defeat.

The City of Gloomhaven

Outside of combat lies the city of Gloomhaven itself, a hub of activity where players can visit shops, undertake side quests, and advance their personal goals. It’s here that the essence of role-play really shines through.

Gloomhaven Game Mechanics

Legacy Elements

A key mechanic that keeps players besotted is its legacy system. With each choice leaving a permanent mark on the game world, unlocking and locking away content, the game is in a state of constant evolution. As you rip open sealed envelopes and discover new scenarios, the game itself transforms—a mechanic most associated with video games but thrillingly applied here in cardboard form.

Hand Management

Hand management is critical. Players must carefully balance the cards they use in every round, as once a card’s ability is executed it is ‘lost’ for the rest of the scenario. The dynamic here is to weigh short-term benefits against long-term consequences, which adds significant depth to the tactical decision-making process.

Element Infusion and Exploitation

Gloomhaven incorporates an element system: earth, wind, fire, ice, light, and darkness. Players can generate and consume these elements to supercharge their abilities, adding a layer of strategic planning that’s immensely satisfying to strategize around—especially for those who relish the intricacies of competitive RPGs.

Road and quest events

Before and after each scenario, players draw from event decks that can lead to unexpected outcomes, from skirmishes to moral quandaries, testing team bonds and strategic wit outside of formal battle.

What Makes Gloomhaven Fun?

Beyond the complexities lies a deeply rewarding and immersive experience that hooks in players from the very first draw of their character’s hand.

The Rich and Expansive Lore

Gloomhaven is incredible, not just for its mechanics, but for the Jungian absurd amount of lore it packs along with its cards and cardboard tiles. The world feels both alive and indifferent to your presence, a contrast that makes every discovery all the more compelling.

Character Progression

Watching your character grow from a fledgling weakling taking on rats in cellars to a powerful force mastering impossible challenges is the kind of character progression that every RPG is built on, and Gloomhaven delivers this in spades.

The Challenge

Make no mistake, Gloomhaven is a tough game. The balance struck between providing a challenge and being fair is executed to near-perfection. Players will fail and falter, as intended, but the game is rich in learning experiences that make each subsequent run-up to a scenario absolutely thrilling.

Who Will Find Gloomhaven Fun?

Gloomhaven is a game that caters to varying tastes and levels of gaming experience, though with the caveat of requiring players who are dedicated and prepared to put in the time.

For the Seasoned

Vets of Warhammer and D&D campaign settings will find a familiar language in Gloomhaven, though seasoned tactics of those worlds won’t always translate one-for-one. The depth and challenges offered are constantly rewarding to those who are willing to invest the time.

For the Newcomers

For those new to the world of RPGs or Euro-style board games, Gloomhaven offers a gentle yet enthralling first step. The learning curve can be steep, but the game is crafted in such a way that each session builds on the last, constantly nudging the players towards being masters of its complex, elegant mechanics.

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War of the Ring: Second Edition

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The game pits armies of the Free Peoples and the heroic Companions of the Fellowship of the Ring against the dark hosts of the Shadow and the power Minions of the Dark Lord. The player controlling the Shadow tries to conquer Middle-earth with superior military power in each game.

This onslaught is confronted by the Free Peoples player who leads an alliance of Elves, Dwarves, Rohan riders, men from Gondor, and men from the North – a fragile union that tries to defend the last free realms of Middle-earth, and to gain precious time for the Quest of the Ring-bearers.

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Feralis: Obscure Land

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There are numerous tribes and civilizations living in Feralis, and there is continued tension between them. Ancient deities known as the Aesyr influence them.

The card game Feralis allows players to become one of these cryptic and extraordinary gods. As a god, the Aesyr has the ability to control Feralis’ creatures and use them in battle. It is unclear why these immortal gods keep fighting. For power, glory, or simply boredom? There was never a time when the colossal armies they summoned did not encircle the worlds of Feralis.

The game Ferralis is a deck-building card game. You can play it 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2. You must use your creatures to slay your opponents, which means mutating them and summoning them to slay enemy creatures or your opponents themselves. Each player in Feralis has a deck of Creatures, an Aesyr, and a series of Divine Skills.

Creatures have two states, Call and Awakening. You must wait for their cost in turns to elapse before you can put them into play. Upon defeating creatures in the Call state, they return in the Awakening state. While you can also play them directly in Awakening, you will not be able to use their Call abilities.
With Divine Skills, you can support your Creatures in battle. These powerful events take time to prepare, but they can drastically change the tide of battle. Once used, Divine Skills recharge.

In Creatures, time is your main resource, and if you want to create powerful combos, you need to put Creatures into play at the right time. Utilize a limited resource called Catalyst to reduce the time cost of your cards. You have a limited amount of this resource, which you can use whenever you want.

Mansions of Madness Streets of Arkham

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This expansion for Mansions of Madness: Second Edition introduces new digital scenarios based on the Arkham Files universe, including previously unseen tiles, mythos events, investigators, and cards.

New investigators come with their own unique abilities in line with their character cards’ backstories.

Improve your investigators with new tokens. An investigator claims an Improvement Token when instructed to improve one of their six skills.

The game also introduces a new item, Elixirs, to aid investigators in their missions. Investigators must immediately resolve the effects described on the cards if they flip an elixir facedown.

Three new adventures with varying levels of difficulty have been added to Streets of Arkham. Ill-Fated Exhibit, Gangs of Arkham, and Astral Alchemy.

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Sleeping Gods

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In Sleeping Gods, you and up to 3 friends become Captain Sofi Odessa and her crew, lost in a strange world in 1929 on your steamship, the Manticore. To survive, you must team up, discover exotic islands, meet new characters, and seek out the totems of the gods to get back home.

This is a campaign game. Each session can last as long as you want. You mark your progress on a journey log sheet when you are ready for a break, so that you can return to the same spot the next time you play. The game can be played alone or with friends. It’s easy to swap players in and out at will. At least fourteen totems must be found throughout the world. You’ll complete this journey one or two hours at a time, discovering new lands, stories, and challenges along the way.

Sleeping Gods is an atlas game. Each page of the atlas represents a very small part of the world that you can explore. Once you reach the edge of a page and want to continue in the same direction, you simply turn to a new page.

It is a storybook game. Every new location has a new adventure, hidden treasure, and a new character. Depending on your choices, the plot and characters in the game may change

Night Parade of a Hundred Yokai

There’s no sign of King Enma. As his dreadful castle on Mount Fire sits vacant, asymmetric clans of demi-gods long forgotten will raise armies and battle to conquer the hearts of Japan. Draft new yokai from 4 asymmetric factions to make the best night parade. Activate a parade every round to send meeples to haunt the islands, move around, and fight. If an island has a certain number of yokai, the denizens will build a shrine to pacify them, sending your meeples back to your player area. After one player gets 5 shrines in play, the remaining players get one more turn, then the game ends and victory points are calculated based on hidden cards.

Global War 2025: Meltdown

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Global War 2025 Meltdown is a fast-playing, hard-hitting game from Historical Board Gaming. Take part in the ultimate throw-down with stealth destroyers, cruise missiles, drones, nuclear weapons, and tons of modern units.

In this future conflict, the United States, NATO, and a number of allied states will face off against the Russian Federation, China, and a vast Middle Eastern caliphate. This game has everything from cyber-warfare to high tech research.

There are two great alliances in Meltdown 2025 – the Western Alliance and the Eastern Pact. There are three factions in each Alliance.

Allies can move into each other’s territories and share land and sea zones.

Friendly zones are those that belong to you or an Alliance member. Alliances cannot use each other’s Super Carriers, LHDs, Strategic Movements or Drones. On every faction’s starting territory in the game, a roundel is printed. As well as marking newly acquired land zones, Roundel markers are used to track income and technological advancements within factions.

Perilous Tales

Keep your camp safe from unknown beasts. Investigate an abandoned church for evil. The wild beasts of Hemwich moors await. Imaginations are only limited by your collection of miniatures and imagination… Ghosts, vampires, evil genius, Russian spies, witches…

Perilous Tales is a solo or fully cooperative game for playing tabletop games with 28mm miniatures. In an easy-to-use character creation system, you create a band of heroes, generate an episode, and play it to its thrilling conclusion!

How to Play

The gameplay of Perilous Tales is simple but strategic. The aim is to conquer the kingdom by completing quests, gaining allies and defeating opponents. You’ll take on the role of a hero, using your unique abilities to outsmart and outplay other players. But be warned, not everyone is who they seem!

One of the things that sets Perilous Tales apart from other board games is its use of game mechanics. The game uses a mix of dice rolls, card drawing and strategic thinking to create a dynamic and ever-changing experience. This means that no two games will be the same, making it perfect for replayability.

Who Can Play

But who would enjoy playing Perilous Tales? I would say anyone who loves a good adventure! The game is designed for 2-6 players, making it great for both small gatherings and larger game nights. It’s also suitable for ages 10 and up, so it’s fun for the whole family.

What Makes It Fun

What makes Perilous Tales truly special is the unpredictable nature of the game. With hidden identities, betrayals and unexpected twists, you never know what will happen next. This element of surprise adds an extra layer of excitement and keeps players engaged from start to finish.

Dodos Riding Dinos

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An island ruler is needed!

Ancient succession rituals have begun. A Dodosaurus Egg-throne must be claimed by a Dino before anyone else!

Pick your favorite Dodino miniature. Solve the wacky effects of blue or red Movement cards. Your dexterity will be tested by throwing bananas, flicking eggs or making meteors fall.

Red cards are super powerful, but if too many players pick them in the same round, their effects are ignored. The Racer can react at any time with green cards.

By damaging your rivals, they will discard cards; when they have no cards in their hands, their Racers will go back and be drawn again.

A new hex is gained by the Lead Racer at the end of each round, while the others draw a new card.

The Dodosaurus Egg-throne will go to the fastest Dodo and Dino!

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‘Bloodfields’ is a strategy board game set in a dark fantasy world. The premise is simple: conquer territories, build your army and defeat your opponents to become the ultimate ruler of the Bloodfields.

How to Play

The gameplay is incredibly dynamic and ever-changing. Each turn presents new challenges and opportunities, making every playthrough unique.

One of my favorite aspects of the game is the combat system. It’s not just about rolling dice and hoping for the best. You have to carefully plan your moves, use special abilities and strategically deploy your troops in order to come out on top.

Who Can Play

This game can be enjoyed by both casual players and hardcore strategy gamers. The rules are easy to pick up, but there’s enough depth to keep even the most seasoned players engaged.

What Makes It Fun

One of my favorite aspects of the game is the combat system. It’s not just about rolling dice and hoping for the best. You have to carefully plan your moves, use special abilities and strategically deploy your troops in order to come out on top.

And let me tell you, it can get intense. I’ve had some epic battles while playing ‘Bloodfields’, with both me and my opponents on the edge of our seats. The satisfaction of finally taking control of that one crucial territory is unparalleled.

Plus, the artwork and game design are top-notch. The attention to detail is impressive, and it really helps to immerse you in the world of Bloodfields.

Tiny Epic Dungeons: Kickstarter Deluxe Edition

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Play through a dangerous dungeon to find a fearsome Dungeon Boss in Tiny Epic Dungeons, a cooperative game for 1 to 4 players. Heroes pass through dungeons one at a time. The Heroes are beset by ferocious minions and goblins everywhere. The most prepared Hero can fall victim to traps even in the absence of an enemy.

Playing Tiny Epic Dungeons is like exploring a modular dungeon: Each play is unique. So are the dungeons and bosses. Players constantly have to contend with the waning torchlight of their torch, which decreases with each turn. Without the torch, heroes are forever lost.

A fight against the boss follows the clearing of the dungeon of all its’ minions. Each boss has unique abilities, as well as a lair with a unique environment that offers various advantages and disadvantages based on skills used and where the hero attacks. These epic beasts are not defeated by swords, axes, arrows, and the occasional spell. Magical bonds must be lowered around the dungeon through ritual rooms. In order to strike the final blow, the dungeon boss must be lured to these rooms. Defeating the dungeon boss is the key to victory in tiny epic dungeons! Heroes will have to gather legendary loot and supreme spells to do that.

Bomb Run

An immersive and sometimes emotional experience, Bomb Run may or may not have a happy ending. No mission is the same, but it is your story and imagination that drives the narrative.

Each game simulates a B17G bombing mission over Europe during World War II. Each mission builds on the last with the ultimate objective of completing 25 missions as much of the 10-man crew as possible.

Players will mark their crew cards with downed enemy planes and completed missions. The cards are UV protected, so the player can use a permanent marker and then wipe the card with alcohol to restore it.

(Bomb Run alone) is a solitaire, deck-in-hand card game. Therefore, no tabletop is needed, and the game fits neatly in a player’s hand. In general, missions take less than 10 minutes, but they can easily be put away and picked up later or continued mid-mission. One or two players can play cooperatively, but each will need their own deck.

Pandemic Legacy: Season 1

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Unraveling the Epidemic: Pandemic Legacy Season 1

“Pandemic Legacy Season 1.” combines the best elements of narrative-rich storytelling with the heart-pounding cooperative play that the original Pandemic game is celebrated for.

Gameplay: A Narrative Unfolding

Pandemic Legacy Season 1 is similar to the chapters of a book. Each game you play is a new episode — a chapter — in the larger narrative. Players start by choosing characters with unique abilities, from medicos who can cure diseases faster to researchers who can prevent the spread of illness. Throughout the game, you’ll work across the globe, trying to cure the four diseases threatening to spiral out of control.

However, the game is not so much about if you’ll save the world, but how you’ll prioritize the cities to save and how well you’ll manage the resources provided. Each game, your actions have consequences. Save a city with panic, and you might see it rebuilt with a thriving local resilience. Fail to stave off diseases, and you’ll find those hotspots turning into problem zones.

Game Mechanics: Strategy and Interconnection

Pandemic Legacy Season 1 maintains the core mechanics of the classic Pandemic game, developed by designer Matt Leacock. Players must work together strategically and often with a turn or two of foresight to thwart the diseases in what is a delicate balance act. From trading cards to craft cures, to moving your team effectively around the globe, the game’s core mechanics are enriched by a system of rules that tie each decision to lasting chains of cause and effect.

With each victory or defeat, players are prompted to open secret envelopes that contain new game elements, cards, rules, and even components. Thus, the game evolves over time. This sense of progression — of seeing your decisions make an impact not just from game to game, but from play to play — delivers a uniquely deep and engaging experience.

What Makes Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Fun?

The heart of the game lies in the sense of ownership and story development. The board becomes a testament to the rise and fall of cities, and your characters’ upgrade stickers tell a tale of personal struggle and heroism. The game, in essence, remembers where you’ve been and how you’ve played. As a player, you’ll feel as though you’re not just controlling the fate of the world, but actively crafting the story of saving it.

The elements of surprise — from the opening of new boxes to the unveiling of game-changing plot twists — keeps the game fresh and engaging. Every month brings new challenges that force you to adapt and grow as a player and as a team. This steady stream of content and change is a testament to the game designers’ understanding of what keeps players coming back for more.

Who will find Pandemic Legacy Season 1 fun?

Pandemic Legacy Season 1 is for lovers of deep strategy games, killer storytelling, and those who relish a solid challenge. It’s for the table groups who have spent years campaigning through other legacy titles or are looking for that first grand adventure. It’s for the meticulous planners, the instinctive tacticians, and the narrative enthusiasts who want their efforts to echo through a grand story.

With a new twist around every corner and a world that responds to your every move, this game cements itself as more than a passing trend — it’s a vivid testament to the heights that board games can achieve.

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Mansions of Madness Beyond the Threshold

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Your dreams have been haunted by the terrifying creatures of the Vanderbilt mansion for weeks now. Mansions of Madness Second Edition’s first expansion, Beyond the Threshold, brings even more horror!

A variety of additional components and two new investigators will enhance the possibilities of your journey through every unsettling scenario.

New locations, characters, and cards combine in two new scenarios, throwing you into the dim unknown.

Introducing The Gates of Silverwood Manor, one of two new scenarios in the expansion, is a challenging investigation into disappearances linked to Silverwood Manor. As you return to explored areas, you may discover unfamiliar spaces based on the observations you made upon arrival.

Similarly, in Vengeful Impulses, the second scenario, you may experience an inconsistency of reality, though as darkness envelops you, you may question the motives of your fellow dinner guests.

Weak minds and spirits tend to fall to dark forces, but none quite like the possessed Thralls introduced in this expansion. Physically, the forces controlling their minds have disfigured them almost beyond recognition.

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Alhambra: Big Box (Second Edition)

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Europe and Arabia’s top master builders want to show off their skills. Ensure that you have enough of the right currency and the best teams of builders.
Stonemasons in the north and horticulturists in the south both demand their “native” currency.
You can build towers, gardens, pavilions, arcades, seraglios, and chambers with their help. Compete against other players to build the ALHAMBRA.
The player with the most building tiles of each kind in their Alhambra at the right time – in the scoring rounds – is awarded points, depending on the type of building. Players also score points for the longest wall they have built around their Alhambra. Each scoring round awards more points. By the end of the game, the player with the most points wins.

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A Most Fearful Sacrifice: The Three Days of Gettysburg

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On July 1st, 1863, Union Brigadier General John Buford’s 1st Reserve Cavalry Division is engaged in fighting unidentified Confederate infantry advancing on Gettysburg. Union cavalry has been under constant attack all morning. Finally, Major Gen. John Reynolds of the I Corps arrives to help. Buford directs the battle from the cupola of the Lutheran Seminary. Reynolds calls to Buford,
The two-player epic A Most Fearful Sacrifice (AMFS) portrays the fighting on all three days of this decisive battle with over 15 square feet of playing area and 526 pieces.

Using an ACW operating system called Black Swan, the game uses a similar system to The Devil’s To Pay’s popular Blind Swords game system. by Tiny Battle Publishing.

The system is designed specifically to handle large-scale battles while minimizing rules overhead. This allows players to simulate large battles quickly. This is achieved in part by using cards instead of chits. Also, players will activate Corps instead of lower-level formations but need to determine which Divisions to activate first in order to make tactical decisions.

In spite of its grand scale, this system still emphasizes the three “FOW’s” of war: Fortune, Friction and Fog. Players will have to deal with a constantly evolving battle situation, never quite knowing what the Gods of War will throw at them, so they should always be prepared for unexpected “black swan” events


If you enjoy giant robot combat than ‘Giga-Robo’ is the game for you

How to Play

First things first – let’s talk about the game setup. The box comes with a rulebook, a game board, different cardboard pieces representing robots and their parts, dice, cards, and more. Don’t worry, the setup process is not as complicated as it may seem at first glance. The rulebook does an excellent job of explaining everything in detail.

Once you have set up the game, it’s time to choose your robot! Each player gets a unique robot with its own set of abilities and strengths. This adds an element of strategy as you have to consider your opponent’s robot while planning your moves.

The objective of ‘Giga-Robo’ is simple – destroy your opponent’s robot before they destroy yours. However, achieving this is not as easy as it sounds. Each turn, players roll the dice to determine their actions – whether it’s moving their robot on the board, attacking with different parts, or activating special abilities.

One of the best aspects of ‘Giga-Robo’ is the customization options. You can equip your robot with different parts and upgrades to make it more powerful. It’s always satisfying to see your opponent’s robot fall apart after a well-placed attack using your newly acquired laser arm.

Who Can Play

‘Giga-Robo’ appeals to a wide audience. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer looking for strategic gameplay or simply someone who enjoys a good board game with friends, this game has something for everyone. Plus, the robot theme adds an extra layer of fun and excitement.

What Makes It Fun

So what sets ‘Giga-Robo’ apart from other board games? It’s the perfect balance between strategy and luck. The dice rolling aspect keeps the game unpredictable and prevents it from becoming too repetitive. The customization options also add a fun element of personalization and allows players to create their own unique strategies.

Additionally, the artwork and design of the game are top-notch. The attention to detail in each robot’s parts and abilities is impressive, making the game visually appealing as well.

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The Castles of Burgundy

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The Castles of Burgundy Board Game – A Strategy Haven for Tabletop Gamers

‘The Castles of Burgundy’ holds a special place in the hearts of board game aficionados. This game requires an intricate balance of strategic thinking, resource management, and just a tiny element of luck.

Crafted by renowned game designer Stefan Feld, ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ invites you to become a lord in France’s Burgundy region during the Middle Ages. Aspiring to build the most prosperous estate, you’ll acquire trade routes, cultivate the land, and construct impressive castles.

Unveiling the Gameplay

The game operates on a point-based system where the player with the most points at the end of the game wins. There are varied paths to victory. Each player has their own play area and starts with a player board, while a central playing area contains hexagonal tiles of different types. The players take turns rolling dice to determine what actions they can perform, such as buying and trading, developing their lands, or shipping goods.

The game consists of five rounds, and within each, players strive to use their actions wisely to complete sections of their player boards, which are worth points and also offer in-game benefits. The dynamic interplay of luck from rolling dice and strategic decision-making means that no two games play out identically, lending a high degree of re-playability.

The Mechanical Lands of Burgundy

The mechanics of ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ are finely-tuned to offer a mix of skill and chance. The game is a strategic race to use actions efficiently and capitalize on opportunities to gain points. It does this through a series of clever mechanics:

Worker Placement

The game uses a form of worker placement, where the ‘workers’ are the numbers you roll on the dice. Each number corresponds to a specific action, whether that’s gaining goods, selling them, or constructing elements of your estate. This element keeps the game dynamic and forces you to constantly adapt your strategies.

Tile Placement

You acquire tiles each round and add them to your estates. These tiles are the backbone of your points strategy and can lead to powerful combinations and a custom-built engine of victory. You will need to strategically place tiles to optimize their impact on your estate development/

Set Collection

Goods are a central element of the game and represent a source of points. As players collect sets of these goods, their point value can skyrocket. The tension of trying to complete these sets while still managing to perform other vital actions keeps every turn engaging and consequential.

The Fun in the Strategy

What makes ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ an enduring classic is the blend of strategy and intricate mechanics that propel the game. It’s a delicate dance, where the right move can catapult you ahead, while a crucial misstep could see your plans crumble. The level of control you have combined with the unpredictability of the dice ensures that each game remains thrilling and unpredictable.

Adaptive Strategies

The game is not only about formulating a single, unchangeable plan from the outset. Instead, ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ rewards players who can think on their feet and adapt to the evolving game state. Each round offers new opportunities and challenges, and the best players can pivot their strategy as needed to capitalize on these moments.

Fostering Community and Competition

Strategic Discussions

Post-game discussions in ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ often revolve around strategy. Replays are embraced as players dissect their and others’ decision-making, uncovering the layers of tactics that form the game. It’s a title that encourages thought and breeds a culture of analysis, making it a perfect fit for those who relish strategic discussion.

Multiplayer Dynamic

The dynamics of multiplayer play add a layer of depth to the game. It’s not only about the moves you make but also how you can predict and potentially disrupt other players’ strategies. Choosing actions that you need while blocking your opponents can create tense, exciting gameplay moments that you just can’t replicate in solo play.

Burgundy: For Whom Do the Castles Beckon?

‘The Castles of Burgundy’ is not a game for the faint of heart. It requires investment and attention, and its depth may seem daunting at first. Yet, for those willing to explore its mechanics and strategies, it offers a world of fun challenges and dynamic gameplay.

Enthusiasts of Euro-Style Board Games

For lovers of Euro-style strategy games, ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ is a dream come true. It embodies the best aspects of the genre: careful planning, resource management, and low levels of direct conflict, ensuring that victory feels earned and defeats merely temporary setbacks.

Players Looking for Replay Value

One of the great strengths of ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ is its replay value. With its ever-shifting strategies and options, each game promises a new puzzle to solve. This makes it perfect for those looking for a game that can stay fresh in the long term.

Groups Seeking a Deep, Engaging Experience

The depth and intricacy of ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ welcome groups who want to invest in a significant game experience. Its emphasis on strategy and planning mean it shines in groups that want to take their time and savor each round, discussing and enjoying the unfolding tale of their Burgundian dominance.

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Dawnshade: The Watchers Prophecy

Prophecies WILL be fulfilled. You decide how.

Petarukins live secluded in the forests of Galeswood. In Dawnshade, your role is small and unnoticed. The Unity and the Might are at war for the hearts, minds, and souls of the Dawnshade creatures. These powerful forces threaten the balance and freedom of your world, and only you and a small band of misbegotten adventurers can stop them.

As you gather supplies, build skills, and power your abilities, battles wage, challenges interrupt, and a final threat could strike anytime.

Play a rich cooperative adventure where strategy, luck, and skill come together to bring you thrilling victories, agonizing defeats, and a new experience every time you play.

Brass Birmingham

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Brass Birmingham: A Strategic Deep-Dive into the World of Industrial Revolution Gaming

If you’re into strategy and economic development-themed board games, Brass Birmingham might just be the game you’re looking for. This game is set against the backdrop of a fledgling English megalopolis during the early days of the Industrial Revolution.

Brass Birmingham, a standalone sequel to the original Brass, was created by the masterminds at Roxley Games and released in 2018. It’s a name that resonates within the niche community of enthusiasts who revel in the complexities of economic and historical simulation gaming. The game is a thematic descendant of the rise of industry in Birmingham during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Delving into the Gameplay of Brass Birmingham

Brass Birmingham is markedly different from traditional “roll and move” board games. Instead, it offers a hand management, network and industry building, economic masterpiece that typically plays out over two halves of a century game-world time. Players take on the roles of entrepreneurs during the industrial revolution, competing to build the most successful network of industries in the West Midlands.

The game is split into two different eras, the canal phase, and the rail phase, each demanding specialized approaches. Throughout these eras, the primary goal is to amass victory points, achieved through the sale of manufactured goods, building canals and railroads, investing in the growing market, and smartly managing available capital.

Notably, Brass Birmingham implements a unique mechanic where players’ strategies are not only about what they build but also about when they choose to close locations to gain end-of-game victory points. This adds a fascinating element of timing and strategic foresight that can make or break your economic empire.

Mastering the Intricate Game Mechanics

The game board for Brass Birmingham is divided into two very different regions — the double-sided determined to represent the canal phase and the rail phase. As you progress through the game, you’ll lay down tiles to build networks, develop industries, and seek to meet the increasingly complex needs of the industrial revolution’s market.

In terms of resources, players must manage various types, including coal, iron, and beer, each serving specific needs in development. Accessibility and cost factors are always in play, requiring a deep consideration of how you will source and deploy these vital assets.

The market is another dynamic aspect, with the price and availability of goods fluctuating in real-time as players take actions, mirroring a competitive, ever-changing economic landscape. This market manipulation isn’t just a neat concept; it’s core to your strategy and success in Brass Birmingham.

Who Will Find It Fun?

Brass Birmingham is not a casual game night choice; it’s an involved, thoughtful, and ultimately rewarding game for those willing to invest time and mental energy. If you enjoy navigating complex rule systems, seeing the fruits of long-term planning, and the satisfaction of a well-timed, strategic move, this game is for you.

Players who relish the historical backdrop that serves as a vibrant canvas for the game will find special enjoyment in the attention to detail and thematic immersion offered by Brass Birmingham. Gamers with a competitive edge will relish the race for industry dominance and the economic warfare that ensues.

For strategy game enthusiasts, the depth of its gameplay is a feast for the mind, presenting challenges and decisions that echo throughout the game’s interwoven systems. Each choice has a far-reaching impact, making every playthrough unique and ripe with emergent gameplay.

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Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death: Monster is a fully cooperative tabletop hobby game experience. Set in a unique nightmarish world devoid of most natural resources, you control a settlement at the dawn of its existence. Fight monsters, craft weapons and gear, and develop your settlement to ensure your survival from generation to generation.

Campaign System
Embark alone or with up to 3 friends (5 with game variant) on a 5-30-lantern-year campaign, with each year consisting of a cycle of hunt, showdown, and settlement phases. The settlement phase is an intricate civilization building game in which you spend very limited resources to build buildings, research new technologies, train your warriors, and set up your strategy for survival. During the hunt, you’ll encounter a series of stories in a “choose your own adventure” style journey through various events and encounters. Finally, when you meet the monster you’re pursuing, you’ll engage it in an a massive arena-style battle where only one party is going to survive. If your party lives, you’ll be able to bring the spoils back home to use in expanding your settlement.

Monster AI System
Each of the 7 monsters included are controlled by their own pair of decks that scale to 3 levels of difficulty (except for the final encounter, which has only 1 level and it’s HARD!). Every encounter, even with the same monster, is highly variable and no two showdowns will resolve the same way. Players will have to plan their gear and keep their minds sharp to prevail.

Gear System
In Kingdom Death: Monster, survivors will craft gear from resources earned from defeating monsters or found on their hunt. Each survivor has a 3×3 gear grid. Selection and arrangement of your gear cards is critical, as many provided bonuses and activate special rules when aligned correctly.

Story Event System
40+ Story Events plus over 100 hunt encounters will shape and guide your campaign. Story Events detail important evolutions in your civilization, introduce new monsters, and provide rich detail for your campaign. Some will trigger automatically as you progress through the campaign, but most will be entirely based on choices players make.

Story Events cover everything from setting up and fighting a monster to key events that happen within the overall story. Some are triggered directly from the timeline and others from choices you make in game.

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Zero Leader

Zero Leader is based on the Corsair Leader game, with some significant changes. The game focuses on commanding and managing a Japanese aerial squadron in the Pacific in World War Two, with aircraft including the A6M2 Zero, KI-84 Frank, KI-43 Oscar, G4M Betty, and G3M Nell, covering the major campaigns throughout the war from 1941 to 1945.

You will need to select the right mix of aircraft under your command in order to successfully carry out the different types of missions. Each aircraft has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, a fighter like the Zero is very maneuverable and deadly to enemy Bandits, but it has limited ability to attack naval and ground targets, whereas a bomber like the Betty can carry a lot of munitions, but are susceptible to enemy bandit and anti-aircraft attacks.

This game also includes additional aspects of Japanese operations such as mechanical and maintenance challenges, invoking samurai spirit, as well as the ability to deploy the deadly Ohka kamikaze aircraft-bombs. There is also an air combat system which gives you more tactical options when dogfighting with enemy aircraft, including manuevering for position, increasing pilot aggression and being affected by the robustness of the aircraft.

Like the other games in the “Leader” series, Zero Leader is a solitaire game. Included in the core box:

1 x Mounted Display 20″x15″
1 x Mounted Dogfight Chart
11 x Counter Sheets (88 counters per sheet)
15 x Campaign Sheets
4 x Player Help Sheets
2 x single-sided sheets
2 x double-sided sheets

386 x Cards (2.5” x 3.5”)
18 x Frank aircraft cards
36 x Zero aircraft cards
36 x Zeke aircraft cards
18 x Kate aircraft cards
18 x Jill aircraft cards
18 x Val aircraft cards
18 x Emily aircraft cards
18 x Jack aircraft cards
18 x Tojo aircraft cards
18 x Sonia aircraft cards
18 x Tony aircraft cards
18 x George aircraft cards
18 x Oscar aircraft cards
18 x Betty aircraft cards
18 x Nell aircraft cards
5 x Frank “Trainee” aircraft cards
30 x Event cards
45 x Target cards

2 x 10-sided Dice
1 x Player Log Sheet
1 x Rulebook

-description from publisher

Sheep in Disguise

All you need to play Sheep in Disguise is in the Original Game. The foiled game box includes 142 colorful cards, the official rulebook, 3 Golden Sheep cards, and all stretch goals from the Kickstarter campaign!

How to Play

First off, let’s talk about gameplay. The goal of Sheep in Disguise is simple – be the first player to successfully disguise all of your sheep as wolves. Yes, you read that right – we’re talking about wooly farm animals trying to blend in with ferocious predators! But don’t let that fool you, there’s a lot more strategy involved than one might think.

Each turn, players must make tactical decisions on which actions to take – whether it’s moving their sheep, drawing new disguise cards or using special abilities. And of course, there’s always the element of chance with dice rolls that can either make or break your plans.

But what really sets Sheep in Disguise apart from other games is its unique game mechanics. The use of disguise cards not only adds a hilarious twist to the game, but also requires players to constantly adapt their strategies. And let’s not forget about the “Undercover Sheep” mechanic, where players can secretly switch sides and wreak havoc in their opponents’ plans.

Who Can Play

Now, as for the type of audience who might enjoy this game – I would say it’s perfect for anyone with a sense of humor and a love for light-hearted competition. It’s great for family game nights or even as a fun icebreaker at parties. And trust me, watching your friends’ faces as they try to figure out which sheep is actually a wolf in disguise is pure entertainment.

What Makes It Fun

But the real question is – what makes Sheep in Disguise so much fun? Well, besides the obvious laughter and friendly competition, I think it’s the element of surprise that really keeps players on their toes. Every game is different, with new strategies and alliances forming each time. And let’s be honest, there’s just something inherently funny about seeing sheep dressed up in wolf costumes.


Marvel Champions The Card Game The Rise of Red Skull

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Rise of Red Skull adds a wealth of new content to Marvel Champions. With pre-built and ready-to-play player decks that include Hawkeye and Spider-Woman, you can expand your roster of heroes. There are five brand-new villains to test your mettle against: Crossbones, Absorbing Man, Taskmaster, Zola, and Red Skull. While you can simply select a villain to fight, this campaign expansion adds campaign mode to Marvel Champions: The Card Game, living up to its name.

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Tindaya is a strategy game that takes place on a magical island called Tindaya.

How to Play

Each player takes on the role of a powerful mage, and your goal is to gain control and power over the island by completing various quests and defeating mythical creatures. It’s like being in a fantasy world where you get to be the hero!

But what sets Tindaya apart from other fantasy-themed games is its unique game mechanics. The game uses a combination of dice rolling, card drafting, and resource management to keep players engaged and on their toes. This blend of mechanics creates an exciting and unpredictable gameplay experience every time you play.

Who Can Play

Now, let’s talk about the type of audience who might enjoy Tindaya. Of course, anyone who loves fantasy-themed games would undoubtedly be drawn to this one. But even if you’re not a fan of the genre, Tindaya offers enough depth and strategy to appeal to players of all types. Whether you prefer luck-based games or more strategic ones, Tindaya has something for everyone.

What Makes It Fun

But what really makes Tindaya stand out is its ability to bring people together and create hours of fun and laughter. The game encourages interaction between players through trading, alliances, and surprise attacks. It’s an excellent way to spend quality time with friends and family while also trying to outwit and outplay each other.

High Frontier 4 All

The 4th edition of Phil Eklund’s signature game High Frontier is here. The story began with Rocket Flight (1979), a game with the vision of letting “each player start as a spacefaring company in the year 2020 trying to make money in trade and technology development.” Now that we are in that year, High Frontier has evolved into a modular system open to enthusiasts to keep it updated.

The Core Game includes Module 0 (Politics), which is equivalent to the previous edition’s basic and advanced rules. Additionally, the game includes the beginner’s game Space Diamonds (accessible to bright children), Race for Glory (an introductory game including a playthrough), and a variety of solitaire and cooperative games. The iconic map of High Frontier is the most comprehensive solar system map ever created! The delta-v map provides a completely different perspective on the accessibility of the worlds that orbit Sol. The cards and map were developed with the help of experts in the field, and the author is a former rocket scientist, and we can safely say this is the most accurate yet accessible game ever published about space exploration and exploitation. In the Bios:Earth trilogy (Bios:Genesis, Bios: Megafauna, and BIOS: Origins) about the evolution of life on Earth, High Frontier can function as an independent 4th stage.

Everdell: The Complete Collection

The game revolves around the valley of Everdell where a civilization of forest critters is thriving and expanding.

The citizens have prospered under the shelter of the enduring Ever Tree.
However, the time has come for new territories to be settled and new cities

You will be the leader of a group of critters to address this task. You will construct buildings, meet lively characters, host events—it will be a busy year!

Berry resources (the most satisfying resources in the game), twigs, resin, and pebbles are used to purchase cards that are either critters or construction cards (general store, twig barge, courthouse, etc) as they are used to build your city. 
There are four seasons in the game (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn). In this game, the person with the most points (a combination of points on cards, money tokens, and other factors) wins.

You may score in the high 50s or low 60s (at least for us) depending on the skill level of the players, or it can be played at a low scoring level putting less emphasis on complexity.

In complex games, you must really understand the card abilities and use them to maximize your point total, discard cards you don’t want, stretch out how far your resources can go, and keep track of how fast the seasons can change.

Definitely a family-friendly board game. It looks cool and has both depth and fun.

Human Punishment: The Beginning

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If you’re a huge fan of strategy board games, you will be immediately drawn to ‘Human Punishment: The Beginning”. The game takes place in a dystopian future where humans have created advanced Artificial Intelligences (AIs) to help them overcome their problems. However, these AIs have turned on humans and are now trying to take over the world. As a player, you take on the role of either a human survivor or an AI trying to achieve your own goals in this post-apocalyptic world.

How to Play

‘Human Punishment: The Beginning’ features unique gameplay and mechanics. Instead of just being another typical strategy game, ‘Human Punishment’ incorporates elements of deduction and hidden roles. Each player is given a secret agenda at the beginning of the game, which may or may not align with their team’s overall goal. This adds an element of mystery and intrigue to the gameplay, making it both challenging and unpredictable.

Who Can Play

The type of audience who might enjoy this game is quite diverse. If you’re a fan of strategy games, you’ll definitely appreciate the complex decision-making and strategic planning involved in ‘Human Punishment’. But even if you’re not familiar with this type of game, the unique elements added by the hidden roles and agendas make it accessible to anyone who enjoys a good board game.

What Makes It Fun

‘Human Punishment’ will bring people together through a game that requires communication, negotiation, and at times, betrayal. The tension and excitement that builds up as players try to figure out each other’s roles and agendas is unparalleled. 

Hogs Of War: The Miniatures Game


Hogs Of War The Miniatures Game features several unique and streamlined mechanics.

With Hogs, you can build a Base which introduces your Swill Income, Unit Cap, Unit Production, and Tech Tree in an easy-to-learn way.

Using beautiful “Tetris-esque” Building Tiles, you can build refineries, tanks, hangars and more. Each game of Hogs feels different because there are thousands of combinations!

Terrain tiles are installed on the Battlefield based on the Mission or by the Players in Sandbox mode. By creating impassable areas for some Unit Types, providing defensive cover, or improving/reducing movement speed, these Terrain Tiles shape the battlefield!

Rivers, Roads, Forests, and Mountain Tiles can be combined in various ways to create unique Battlefields with different strategies, tastes, and sweet spots!


Hogs have a fantastic mechanic for aerial vehicles, which makes them unlike any other unit available to a Hog General.

Move the Flight Speed and Direction Indicators on the Console to control the Vehicle’s movement and turn order. Using a Flight Screen, you can hide your choices from your opponents- bluff your way to victory!

Defend the skies by dropping bombs, strafing enemies, and hogfighting enemies. Your bacon might just be saved by reckless flying!

Each Airship is custom built using any combination of Airship parts the Player chooses. You can send up a small dirigible laden with bombs or make your airship gigantic!

Attack Dice

Dice with asymmetrical outcomes make attacking the enemy a fun yet deeply tactical experience. The key to victory is cleverly matching up your units with the right enemy targets!

Each player has access to 100 Upgrade Cards and 8 Upgrade Units, allowing for hundreds of possible combinations.

Equip your Snipers with Jetpacks, Engineers with Super TNT, Tanks with supercharged engines or Biplanes with 360 degree machine guns…

Strategies can be refined and developed over a Campaign until you straddle the Battlefield like a mighty colossus!

The Campaign Book leads players through the land of Saustralasia in a conflict where only one faction can emerge triumphant. Alternatively, defend the Isle Of Swill in a Solo/ Co-operative “Horde” mode Mission against a fiendish AI enemy!

Fear of the Dark: Solo Horror Skirmish Wargame

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If you love horror games then ‘Fear of the Dark: Skirmish Wargame’ is the game for you! The game is a solo wargame, which means that it can be played alone without the need for opponents. You are tasked with surviving a night in a haunted mansion filled with all sorts of creepy creatures. 

How to Play

To play the game, you’ll need some dice, miniatures, and of course, the rulebook. The rules are pretty straightforward and easy to understand. You can also customize them to your liking to make the game even more challenging.

The game uses a point-based system where you have a certain number of points to spend on your character’s abilities and equipment. You can choose from various classes such as Soldier, Hunter, or Occultist, each with its own unique set of skills and playstyle.

As you move through the mansion, you’ll have to make decisions that will affect the outcome of the game. Will you search for valuable items or try to avoid confrontation with the creatures? It’s all up to you.

Who Can Play

If you’re a fan of horror games, tabletop wargames, or just looking for a new solo gaming experience, then this game is definitely for you. It’s also perfect for those who love to immerse themselves in a rich and spooky atmosphere.

What Makes It Fun

What sets this game apart from others is the storytelling aspect. The rulebook includes scenarios and events that will keep you on the edge of your seat. You never know what horrors await you in each room of the mansion.

But be warned, once you start playing, it’s hard to stop. The tension and excitement keep you hooked throughout the entire game. Each playthrough is different, so you can keep playing and never get bored.

Heroes of Normandie: Big Red One Edition

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If you’re a huge fan of World War II themed games then Heroes of Normandie will not disappoint. This game offers a unique blend of turn-based strategy and action-packed battles. As a player, you get to command a squad of soldiers, each with their own unique abilities and strengths, through various missions set in the battlefields of Normandy. The game is fast-paced and requires quick decision making, making it an adrenaline pumping experience.

Additionally, this game has a fantastic selection of units to choose from to represent your forces on the battlefield. From infantry and tanks to artillery and air support, you have a wide range of options to strategize your way to victory. And let’s not forget the hero units, which add an extra layer of excitement with their special abilities.

How to Play

Heroes of Normandie features intuitive interface, making it easy for players of all levels to pick up and play. The combat system is well-balanced, with factors like cover, line of sight and terrain playing a crucial role in battles. And the best part? The game offers endless possibilities for customization through its unit builder feature.

During each Game Turn, Order Tokens will be secretly placed to set which units will act in what order, and each will be commanded in turn..

Your units can take either a Movement Action, which allows them to move into a better position or claim an objective, or a Firing Action, which allows them to attack your enemies.

Both you and your opponent will take turns activating one unit at a time. Once all of your Ordered units have been activated, the rest of your forces will be able to maneuver. The next turn will begin then.

Who Can Play

If you’re a fan of turn-based strategy games and have a love for World War II history, then this game is definitely for you. But even if you’re not well-versed in the genre, the game’s user-friendly interface and easy-to-learn mechanics make it suitable for all types of players.

What Makes It Fun

Heroes of Normandie is not only fun because of its engaging gameplay and extensive customization options, but as well as the addition of little details, enhancing overall enjoyment. From the witty dialogue between units to the stunning graphics and sound effects, every aspect of this game has been carefully crafted to immerse players in the world of Normandy.

So, if you’re looking for a thrilling and entertaining World War II game that offers a unique blend of strategy and action, then ‘Heroes of Normandie: Big Red One Edition’ is the one for you

Lucky Little Luxembourg

The First World War begins, and Duke Albrecht, the commander of the German 4th Army, must quickly get through Luxembourg to reach Belgium and France.

This quick chit pull solo game simulates the start of the war in Luxembourg on a small 6″” x 4″” postcard. It includes a map and all the counters needed.

Horizon Wars: Zero Dark

‘Horizon Wars: Zero Dark’ is based on the hit sci-fi battle game Horizon Wars, a radical new way to play science fiction skirmish wargaming. 

How to Play

Horizon Wars: Zero Dark takes place in a dystopian future where humanity is on the brink of extinction. You play as a skilled soldier fighting against an evil corporation that has taken over the world. The gameplay is fast-paced and adrenaline-fueled, with a wide variety of weapons and abilities at your disposal.

In addition to the usual shooting and movement controls, you also have access to advanced technology such as a grappling hook that allows you to traverse the environment in creative ways. The game also incorporates elements of stealth and strategy, requiring you to think on your feet and adapt to different situations.

Who Can Play

While Horizon Wars: Zero Dark is definitely aimed at FPS enthusiasts, I believe that it has something for everyone. The fast-paced action and intense battles will appeal to hardcore gamers, but the game also has a great storyline and immersive world-building that can draw in casual players as well.

What Makes It Fun

‘Horizon Wars: Zero Dark’ is enjoyable not only due to great gameplay and stunning graphics but also the sense of progression. As you complete missions and unlock new weapons and abilities, you really feel like you are becoming a stronger, more skilled soldier. The game also has a cooperative multiplayer mode, which adds another layer of fun as you team up with friends to take on challenges together.

Mouse Cheese Cat Cucumber

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Mysteries and mazes await you!

It is the Cheese that wants everyone to get along (it is neutral… it is Swiss), the Cat that wants the Mouse, and the Cucumber that wants everyone trapped. Each character wins differently in Mouse Cheese Cat Cucumber, and the identity of your character is kept a secret. 

The Maze is built by adding rooms to the conveyor belt on your turn. It is possible that your placement will cause other rooms to rotate, forcing characters to race through the Maze. Take care! It is possible for the game to end early if characters collide!

Impro the Board Game

‘Impro the Board Game’ is developed by a group of improvisers and game designers, providing a hilarious and enjoyable experience. 

How to Play

The objective of ‘Impro the Board Game’ is simple: to be the first player to reach the end of the board by completing challenges and earning points. The game is played in rounds, with each round consisting of three phases – Setup, Challenge, and Resolution. During Setup, players choose a character card that will determine their strengths and weaknesses for that round. Then, a challenge card is drawn which outlines the task to be completed. The player with the highest number of points at the end of each round moves their game piece forward on the board.

One of the most interesting aspects of this game is its use of improv mechanics. Each challenge requires players to think quickly on their feet and come up with creative solutions. This not only makes the game incredibly fun, but it also improves communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills. The use of character cards adds an extra layer of unpredictability and allows players to step into different personas throughout the game.

Who Can Play

‘Impro the Board Game’ is perfect for anyone who enjoys improv or is looking for a unique and engaging board game experience. It’s suitable for players of all ages and levels of experience, making it a great choice for family game nights or gatherings with friends. Even those who are not familiar with improv will have a blast playing this game.

What Makes It Fun

The combination of improv and board game elements makes ‘Impro the Board Game’ incredibly fun to play. Each round brings new challenges and opportunities for creativity, making it impossible to get bored. The game also has a great replay value as the challenges and character cards change in every round, ensuring a fresh experience each time.

Comic Hunters

Comic Hunters is all about buying and selling comic books to complete your collection

How to Play

Each player takes on the role of a comic book store owner and competes against others to become the ultimate collector.

You have to carefully manage your resources and plan your moves in order to outbid your opponents for rare comic books. It’s like playing a game of chess, but with comic books instead of pieces.

Another great aspect of the game is the variety of comic books available. From popular superheroes like Batman and Superman to indie comics, there’s something for every comic book fan. Plus, as you collect more comics, you can earn special bonuses and abilities that will give you an edge over your opponents.

Who Can Play

The game is suitable for players aged 12 and above, making it perfect for both young adults and adults alike. The rules are easy to understand, so you can easily jump right in without any prior knowledge about comics or board games. Plus, with its colorful illustrations and fun gameplay, it’s a game that anyone can enjoy.

What Makes It Fun

What truly makes Comic Hunters fun is the social aspect of the game. As you compete against others, there’s always a bit of friendly banter and trash talk involved, making the game even more enjoyable. It’s a great way to bond with friends or family over a shared love for comic books.

Apex K-Truck Racer

In Apex K-Truck Racer, two to six players take on the role of truck drivers as they smuggle goods through the abandoned streets and roads of an old world while using kinetic power cubes to power their trucks. It’s the K-trucker with the most reputation points at the end of the game that wins.

In the game, players begin after successfully stealing from a Corporation Conglomerate, collecting a bit of cargo and some information revealing hidden warehouses along their escape route.

Every game represents a run from point A, the Conglomerate gates, to point B, the agreed-upon Drop Spot.

During a series of rounds, players allocate K-Cubes to different parts of the truck so that it can gain speed, power-up its guns, or activate the drone sidekick which enhances the vehicle. As a result, truckers develop unique strategies to achieve different mission goals, which brings them prestige among their peers and employers. As the Corporation hunts down the smugglers, players must be quick. Players must also watch out for other Truckers who will do their best to get to the destination first, even if that means shooting down another truck.

Wings of the Motherland

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Volume 4 of the Fighting Wings game series (begun with Whistling Death); this volume covers air-air and air-ground combat on the Eastern Front from 1941-45
Streamlines 3rd edition series rules with smoother, cleaner mechanics
Contains 48 aircraft (most new to the series), 2 double-sided maps, 630 counters, 150 air-air and 60 air-ground/anti-shipping scenarios
48 aircraft types, 16 naval vessels

Mortum: Medieval Detective

A game of deduction and adventure, Mortum: Medieval Detective is set in a grim world shaped in the image of medieval Europe with its legends, superstitions, and fears. Investigate mysterious and thrilling events as agents of secret organisations. Three thrilling scenarios, all part of a single storyline, will have you solving mysteries and meeting fascinating characters. Three hours are needed for each scenario.

The way you explore Mortum depends on which agents you choose. Objects can be placed under surveillance or agents can perform secret searches on them. Interrogate suspects or talk to them for information. You can either kick in the door or be stealthy and discrete, avoiding unwanted attention, in order to advance through the game.

Every turn, each player selects one card from the deck. There can be a Clue, a Location, a Witness Interrogation, etc. The player discovers the truth using the cards and Special Action that he received during investigation.

What happens in the end depends only on you and the decisions you make. Enjoy Mortum, and tread carefully!

Unmatched Game System

In Unmatched, two or four players fight in highly asymmetrical fashion. The decks represent each hero’s style and legend. When you master one set of heroes, new heroes appear with all new match-ups, creating a unique play experience that rewards expertise.
A quick comparison of attack and defense cards resolves combat. The simple but deep timing system and unique effects of each card lead to interesting decisions. In addition, the game features an updated version of Tannhäuser’s line-of-sight system.

Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion

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Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion is a standalone game that takes place before the events of Gloomhaven. The game includes four new characters — Valrath Red Guard (tank, crowd control), Inox Hatchet (ranged damage), Human Voidwarden (support, mind-control), and Quatryl Demolitionist (melee damage, obstacle manipulation) — that can also be used in the original Gloomhaven game. Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion is aimed at a more casual audience to get people into the gameplay more quickly where players will play on the scenario book itself which features new artwork unique to each scenario rather than the hard-to-organize cardboard map tiles. This game features a simplified rule et and a five-scenario tutorial that will ease new players into the experience. This game can be played as a solo gamemode or with up to 4 players.

Middara Unintentional Malum Act 1

Middara is a 1-4 player cooperative choose-your-own-adventure style miniatures board game. Taking place in an ultramodern fantasy world alongside our own earth, players assume the role of a group of adventurers. With more than 90 hours of content, players will experience an intense, fully narrative-driven adventure. In the story, you and three of your friends have to make decisions that change the course of the plot.

Throughout the story, players will face many dangerous enemies and participate in heated combat. There is an innovative, dice-based combat system in Middara. Unique two-dice combinations based on the player’s equipment and abilities will increase their attack and damage potential. Additionally to numbers, dice have symbols on each face that can be spent depending on the player’s current weapons and abilities. There are nine types of dice, 110 unique abilities, and 150 unique pieces of equipment, so the possibilities are endless.

It is the consequences of story decisions and encounters that determine how the story moves and resolves that make Middara so compelling. Friends and family might die, or they might survive. Maybe the players avoid one challenge entirely, only to be hit with another.

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

<p>Kill Team is the game of skirmish combat in the 41st Millennium.</p>

<p>Set in the same universe and with the same miniature ranges as Warhammer 40,000, it gives you the opportunity to play a game of fast-paced tactical skirmish combat with 2-4 players in less time and with a fraction of the models you’d need for Warhammer 40,000.

Anno Domini 1666

As part of Anno Domini 1666, players control competing bands – including the protagonists from Sienkiewicz’s trilogy and the musketeers from Dumas’ novels. Bands with between 5 and 12 models each try to achieve objectives presented by one of many scenarios. Objectives might include overcoming the enemy in combat, recovering a letter, escorting a hostage, or chasing someone down. In this game, brute force may not be enough. In many cases, Longinus Podbipi*ta and D’Artagnan’s unrivaled fencing skills aren’t as effective as Zag*oba’s quick wit and silver tongue. Depending on the scenario and the number of characters, the game can last 30 to 120 minutes.

Enemy Action: Kharkov

John Butterfield’s Enemy Action: Kharkov is the second game in his acclaimed series of card-driven games simulating key battles from World War II, playable by two players or one player controlling either side.

The game is set in World War II and is a simulation of the Battle of Kharkov, one of the largest and most strategic battles in the Eastern Front. The game is designed for two players and each player takes on the role of either the German or Soviet commander.

How to Play

‘Enemy Action: Kharkov’ requires both players to strategically plan their moves using a card-based system. Each turn, players choose from a hand of cards that dictate which units they can activate and how many actions they can take. This adds an element of unpredictability and forces players to think on their feet, just like real commanders in a battlefield.

The game also incorporates elements of dice rolling and combat, making it a perfect blend of strategy and luck. The combat system is simple yet effective, with different units having unique strengths and weaknesses. And with multiple objectives to achieve, each game presents a new challenge and keeps the gameplay fresh.

Who Can Play

While ‘Enemy Action: Kharkov’ may seem intimidating to beginners, it is a perfect fit for experienced players looking for a more complex and challenging board game. The level of detail and depth in the gameplay makes it an ideal choice for history buffs as well.

What Makes It Fun

The competitive aspect of this game is what makes it fun. Every move counts and one wrong decision could change the course of the entire game. The level of tension and excitement throughout each playthrough is unmatched by any other board game I have played


The Long Road

The year is 1985. It’s World War III, but it’s not like you’ve seen before.
You can choose from a number of accurate-to-the-underwear-brand World War III games, and the ones I’ve played have been quite good. Unfortunately, this is not one of them. While The Long Road flirts with reality, it’s not ready to settle down and live there. A twist is present in this game.  War instigated by unknown powers without geographic affiliation.
These powers could be nothing more than a special ops team of mysterious origin sent to assassinate a world leader, nothing more than a militia ambushing foreigners who raped their mother country; nothing unusual. It is also possible that they are not normal, or that they are by definition supernatural.
A paranormal wargame is therefore a twist. Don’t misunderstand. You will be able to control the weapons of that era; Abrams tanks, T-80 tanks, M60A3, T-64B, and Sheridan tanks. Bradleys, M-113s, BMPs, infantry, spetsnaz, and much more.
War is won by soldiers, not by equipment. Soldiers’ training and morale are integral to the game, integral to combat resolution. Heroes are even more important than rank and file grunts. These are the individuals who have the power to turn the tide of battle. They have also been included. Mike Hudson, Colonel Adrik Aleksandrov Shabalin, tank commander Sergeant Matt Dahl, and Commissar Colonel Elena Petrova are some examples. Heroic, but still humans.
But there’s more. Demons that summon electrical storms, rendering advanced weaponry virtually useless, Lycan clans that fight with assault rifles, RPGs, and RPDs, along with the fangs and claws of their elders. There’s a witch with an agenda, plus the spells to make it happen, plus Katarina Ubirek; the amoral Romanian vampire who is worth dozens of inexperienced soldiers in combat.
So that is The Long Road; part military horror, part authentic recreation of World War III, but all fun.

Close Quarter Battles: Waterloo

Close Quarter Battles (CQB) is a tactical board game that simulates battles between two opposing forces in a historical setting. The Waterloo edition, as the name suggests, is based on the famous Battle of Waterloo that took place in 1815.

How to Play

This game is designed for 2 players and takes approximately 45 minutes to play. But trust me, those 45 minutes will be action-packed and filled with strategic decision making, just like a real battle!

The objective of the game is to either defeat your opponent’s army or capture their leader. Each player takes on the role of a commanding officer of either the French or British forces, with their own set of unique abilities and units.

The game is played on a modular board, representing the terrain of the battle. Players take turns moving their units and engaging in combat with their opponent’s units. The combat system is simple yet realistic, making use of dice rolls to determine hits and misses.

The game also incorporates elements of strategy and resource management, as players must decide which units to deploy and when, as well as manage their resources wisely. This adds an extra layer of depth to the gameplay, making every decision crucial.

One of the most unique aspects of CQB: Waterloo is its use of terrain and elevation in gameplay. The modular board allows for different configurations, creating a variety of scenarios each time the game is played. This not only adds replay value but also makes for a more dynamic and immersive experience.

Another interesting aspect is the use of cards to represent events that can occur during the battle. These events, such as reinforcements or weather changes, add an element of surprise and unpredictability to the game. It also adds a historical aspect, as these events are based on actual occurrences during the Battle of Waterloo.

Who Can Play

CQB: Waterloo is suitable for both casual and hardcore board game players. It has a relatively short play time, making it perfect for quick games during lunch breaks or game nights. However, the strategic depth and historical setting also make it appealing to those who enjoy more intense and immersive gameplay.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the obvious appeal of playing out a famous historical battle, what makes CQB: Waterloo truly fun is the perfect balance of simplicity and complexity. The game is easy to learn, but with enough depth to keep players engaged and wanting more. It also allows for creativity and adaptability, as each game can play out differently depending on player choices and dice rolls.

In addition, the use of terrain, cards, and different unit abilities keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting. And let’s not forget the satisfaction of outmaneuvering your opponent and securing a victory!


Kinghill is a medieval themed board game where players take on the role of competing nobles trying to gain control over the kingdom. The game is designed for 2-4 players and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

How to Play

Each player starts with a small village and must use their resources wisely to expand their kingdom, defeat enemies and ultimately become the King or Queen of Kinghill.

But what sets Kinghill apart from other strategy games is its unique game mechanics. Instead of just rolling dice and moving pieces, players must also draw cards that can impact their game. These cards can range from helpful allies to deadly enemies, adding an element of unpredictability and excitement to the gameplay.

Who Can pPlay

One of the reasons I love playing Kinghill is because it appeals to a wide audience. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or just someone looking for some lighthearted fun, this game has something for everyone. The rules are easy to learn, making it a great choice for family game night, but the strategic elements keep things interesting for more experienced players.

What Makes It Fun

But what really makes Kinghill stand out is its sense of humor. The cards and game events often have funny and unexpected twists that always leave my friends and I laughing. It’s refreshing to play a strategy game that doesn’t take itself too seriously and allows for some silly moments.

Tales from the Red Dragon Inn

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Tales from the Red Dragon Inn! is inspired by the popular Red Dragon Inn series, combines adventure, storytelling, and strategic gameplay. 

Overview of the Game

Tales from the Red Dragon Inn is a cooperative dungeon-crawling adventure game where players take on the roles of heroic characters from the Red Dragon Inn universe. The game is designed for 2-4 players and is suitable for ages 13 and up.

The game features a modular board that creates a unique dungeon layout for each playthrough, ensuring endless replayability. Players wembark on quests, face formidable monsters, and uncover hidden treasures as they delve deeper into the dungeon’s depths.

Gameplay Summary

In Tales from the Red Dragon Inn, players work together to complete various quests and objectives. The game is divided into multiple scenarios, each with its own story, challenges, and goals. Here’s a brief summary of the gameplay:

  1. Character Selection: Players choose from a variety of characters, each with unique abilities and skills.

  2. Scenario Setup: Players set up the modular board according to the scenario’s instructions. This includes placing tiles, tokens, and enemy miniatures.

  3. Quest Objectives: Each scenario has specific objectives that players must achieve to win. These objectives range from defeating a powerful boss to retrieving a magical artifact.

  4. Turn Structure: Players take turns performing actions such as moving, attacking, using abilities, and interacting with the environment. The turn structure typically follows a sequence of player actions, enemy actions, and event resolutions.

  5. Combat and Skills: Combat is resolved using dice rolls, with characters’ abilities and equipment influencing the outcomes. Players can also use skills to heal, buff allies, or hinder enemies.

  6. Story and Events: The game incorporates a strong narrative element, with story events and encounters unfolding as players progress. These events can introduce new challenges, allies, or twists to the plot.

  7. Victory and Defeat: Players win by completing the scenario’s objectives. However, they must be cautious, as characters can be wounded or incapacitated, leading to potential defeat if not managed properly.

Game Mechanics

Tales from the Red Dragon Inn incorporates several key mechanics that enhance its gameplay experience:

  • Modular Board: The modular board system ensures a fresh and dynamic layout for each scenario, promoting replayability.
  • Cooperative Play: Players must strategize and work together to overcome challenges, making teamwork essential.
  • Dice-Based Combat: Combat is resolved through dice rolls, with various modifiers and abilities adding depth to the system.
  • Character Progression: Characters can gain experience and improve their skills and equipment, providing a sense of growth and achievement.
  • Story-Driven Gameplay: The narrative-driven scenarios immerse players in the game’s world, creating a rich storytelling experience.


Tales from the Red Dragon Inn is ideal for players who enjoy:

  • Cooperative Games: Those who appreciate working together towards a common goal will find this game rewarding.
  • Adventure and Storytelling: Fans of immersive narratives and fantasy settings will be captivated by the game’s rich lore and engaging scenarios..


Mantis Falls

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Mantis Falls is a highly strategic and interactive game for 2 to 3 players. Players must use hand management, cooperation, and deception to survive on a dark and dangerous journey as wary companions.

You have witnessed something not meant to be seen in the shadowy crossroads of a mob-run mountain town called Mantis Falls and now must escape the town. One more witness will join you, and you believe your best chance at survival will come if you can endure the dangers of this night together. However, with each new harm and each fresh wound, your doubts grow. Perhaps too late, you wonder, as you stare into the eyes of your companion, if this person is here to kill you.

Using hidden role cards, Mantis Falls is a “sometimes cooperative” game. The game could have only witnesses, in which case players could only win if they all escaped together. Or there could be an assassin, who carefully maintains the illusion of cooperation until the perfect moment to strike.

Mantis Falls combines hand-building and combos with player communication. Every turn, players discuss tactics, defend choices, and bluff their way through carefully guarded secrets. Assassins and witnesses must walk a fine line between being willing to help their companions and being ready to kill, reading each other as much as the danger.

Core Space: First Born

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All is falling apart. A mysterious alien species is burning entire worlds, and the thousand-year galactic accord is crumbling.

Among this chaos are the traders, who eke out a living by following just one credo:


Launched in 2017, Core Space is a science fiction miniatures board game. In this game, players control Traders in a dangerous galaxy as they try to make a living while hunting the Purge, a semisentient race of machines designed to harvest worlds.

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0

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In the ever-evolving world of board games, the ‘Pandemic Legacy’ this prequel to the earlier seasons offers a twist on the series’ formula, combining strategic depth with a compelling narrative.

The Setting and Premise

Set against the tense backdrop of the Cold War in 1962, ‘Pandemic Legacy: Season 0’ tasks players with the role of medical specialists turned spies. Here you are preventing a deadly bioweapon attack. The narrative-driven campaign unfolds over a year, with each month bringing new challenges and story elements, making each playthrough dynamically different.

Gameplay and Mechanics

‘Pandemic Legacy: Season 0’ retains the cooperative gameplay that made the series famous but introduces several unique mechanics that elevate the espionage theme. Players must manage aliases, complete missions, and avoid enemy surveillance, all while trying to gather information and prevent a global catastrophe.

The game is divided into 12 ‘months’, with each session’s outcome affecting the next. This progressive element not only makes the story immersive but also personalizes the gaming experience as decisions have lasting consequences. The introduction of a ‘passport’ system, where players can apply stickers to track their aliases and skills, adds a delightful layer of depth and customization.

What Makes It Fun?

 The game’s ability to balance complexity with accessibility ensures that both newcomers and veterans of the series can enjoy it equally. Moreover, the shifting objectives and the need for strategic foresight keep the gameplay fresh and engaging throughout the campaign.

Who Will Enjoy It?

‘Pandemic Legacy: Season 0’ is ideal for players who appreciate:

  • Story-driven campaigns
  • Strategic depth
  • Cooperative play
  • Replay value

What do Pandemic Legacy Season 0 players say about the game?

  • Brilliance and uniqueness but may not be suitable for beginners.
  • Cooperative nature is a standout in family settings and among seasoned players of cooperative games.
  • The narrative and storytelling elements are consistently praised, with several players recommending playing the seasons in sequential order for maximum enjoyment.
  • The game’s design retains core gameplay of the original ‘Pandemic‘ while introducing new mechanics that are well-integrated and enhance the gaming experience.
  • Be prepared to commit time, suggesting that players be prepared to dedicate a focused week or a month to fully engage with the game.

Bantam West

Bantam West is a board game set in the wild west for 2-4 players. In this game, you play as a young cowboy in the wild west, trying to make a name for yourself. The open-world aspect of the game allows you to explore different towns and interact with various characters, each with their own unique stories and missions.

How to play

From riding horses through rough terrain to engaging in duels with other cowboys, every action feels realistic and adds to the immersive experience of Bantam West. This game is not your typical cowboy game.

Who Can Play

‘Bantam West’ offers a unique blend of RPG elements with the western setting, making it appealing to a wide range of audiences.

What Makes It Fun 

The witty dialogue and unexpected events will have you laughing out loud everytime you play it.




Soulgivers is a strategy game that takes place in a mystical world where players take on the roles of powerful sorcerers. The objective of the game is to become the ultimate Soulgiver by collecting and harnessing the energy of souls from different realms. 

How to Play

Soulgivers includes a mix of resource management, area control and player interaction. Each turn, players have to make strategic decisions on how to allocate their resources and cast spells in order to gain the upper hand. At the same time, they must also protect their own souls from being stolen by other players.

One of the most interesting aspects of Soulgivers is its game mechanics. The use of dice and cards adds an element of chance, making each game unpredictable and exciting. But don’t worry, it’s not all left up to luck. The strategic placement of souls and usage of spells play a crucial role in determining the outcome.

Who Can Play

This game appeals to a wide range of audiences. For those who love strategy games, this will definitely be a hit. But even if you’re not an experienced player, the straightforward rules and simple yet engaging gameplay make it easy to pick up and enjoy.

What Makes It Fun

The attention to detail in the design of the game board and cards really brings the mystical world to life. Not to mention, the beautiful illustrations of the different realms and souls add an extra layer of depth to the gameplay.


Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition

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An Introduction to Twilight Imperium

Twilight Imperium is a galatic-themed game that has intricate gameplay and a sprawling game board. If you are willing to invest time and challenge your mental dexterity, Twilight Imperium is one to consider.

A Constellation of Strategy and Storytelling

Twilight Imperium is an all-consuming saga that doesn’t just unfold; it’s crafted by the players themselves.

The allure of Twilight Imperium lies in the fusion of strategy and storytelling as you pilot your chosen race across the galaxy, intent on diplomacy or domination, or perhaps somewhere in between.


The board is a key feature of Twilight Imperium. It begins as a barren expanse, waiting to witness the rise and fall of empires. Nine separate sections, each brimming with planets, asteroids, and other celestial phenomena, are pieced together to form the hexagonal canvas upon which your destiny is charted.

Through the game’s many phases, players will expand and exert their influence through military might, political maneuvering, economic prowess, and the occasional sprinkle of random chaos. Twilight Imperium’s strength lies in the ability to achieve victory through many paths. Its gameplay caters to varied playstyles, accommodating to those who wish to conquer or those who prefer trading.

Game Mechanics

Twilight Imperium excels in its approach to mechanics. Here’s a glimpse at just a few:

Politics: A dynamic political arena affects every player, where laws can be enacted, agendas debated, and declarations of war hurled across the cosmos.

Diplomacy: The intricate web of diplomacy is crucial; forging alliances could mean the difference between a glorious assault and a defensive withdrawal.

Technology: Research and acquire advancements that redefine the capabilities of your empire’s fleets, armies, and infrastructure.

Trade: Establish trade routes to fortify your coffers and bolster economic ties with other civilizations.

Warfare: Engage in epic space battles or planetary invasions, with a strategic depth that demands attention and cunning.

With a turn structure that evolves across the game and impeccable balancing, Twilight Imperium is a sophisticated marvel of design.

What Makes Twilight Imperium Fun?

The fun factor of Twilight Imperium lies in the developing storyline. While other games might offer a sprint to the finish line, Twilight Imperium compels you to savor the voyage. There is the thrill of discovery as new sectors open up and the satisfaction of alliance negotiations The unpredictability of a bustling space governed by a dynamic political system and the elation of achieving goals, whether personal or political, adds to the fun.

Who Will Find It Fun?

Twilight Imperium is not for those looking for a casual gaming experience. It is suited for board game strategists who are comfortable with long-form gameplay.

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Maracaibo, the new strategy game for 1-4 players by Alexander Pfister, is set in the Caribbean during the 17th century. The players try to increase their influence in three nations in four rounds with a play time of 40 minutes per player. The players sail on a round course through the Caribbean, e.g., you have city tiles where you are able to perform various actions or deliver goods to. One special feature is an implemented quest mode over more and various tiles, which tells the player, who chase after it, a little story. As a player, you move with your ship around the course, managing it by using cards like in other games from Alexander Pfister.

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Wild Life: The Card Game

In Wild Life, players create sets of cards that generate points at the end of each cycle or round. Playable for 2 to 5 players, it’s quick and fun.

Simplicity, fun, high interaction between players, and environmental awareness are the core principles of the game.

At the start of your turn, you will have 6 cards in hand. You will have to play 3 of them.

There are 4 types of animal cards: small, large, flying, and aquatic. As long as they survive until the end of the cycle, they score different amounts of points. Additionally, you can use enhancer ecosystem cards to increase your points.

Enjoy your game and learn about the environment too.

Funkoverse Strategy Game: Marvel 100

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Play the Funkoverse Strategy Game and combine your favorite characters. On each turn, you select a character and perform two actions. As a character, you can perform basic actions like moving and challenges as well as several unique abilities that can only be accessed by spending ability tokens.

Funkoverse uses an innovative “cooldown” system – the more powerful the ability token, the longer it will take for it to return – so players must spend their tokens wisely.

The characters in Funkoverse are all unique, so players should experiment with different combinations of characters and items to find their favorite synergies and powerful strategies for the different game scenarios.

Funkoverse now has the Avengers! One in four people may find the chase variant of Black Panther! There are four Avengers Funko Pops! only available in this game. Every character is unique and has their own abilities.

Play Funkoverse in new ways with Scrimmage and Siege!
Visit the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and Shuri’s Wakanda Laboratory.
You can use iconic Marvel abilities like Iron Man’s Repulsor Blast and Captain America’s Shield Throw!
It can be played as a standalone game or combined with other Funkoverse sets!

What do we like about Funkoverse Strategy Marvel?

  • new “Objectives” mechanic with extra figures that you can add to your Scenario gameplay and mix with other Funkoverse sets like DC and Harry Potter
  • Maps are simple and easy to move through for new, or young players.
  • 4 different Game modes are quite simple.

Brazil: Imperial

If you want unique gameplay with a historical setting then ‘Brazil: Imperial’ is the game for you.

How to Play

‘Brazil: Imperial’ is a strategy board game that takes place during the period of the Brazilian Empire. The main goal of the players is to gain influence in different regions of Brazil and ultimately control the country. Each player takes on the role of a powerful family, competing against each other for power and dominance.

One aspect that makes this game stand out is its use of simultaneous actions. This means that all players make their moves at the same time, which adds an element of unpredictability and excitement to the game. The use of cards also plays a big role in ‘Brazil: Imperial’, as players must strategically manage their hand and use them to their advantage.

Overall, the gameplay is engaging and requires strategic thinking, making it perfect for those who love a good challenge.

Who Can Play

In my opinion, ‘Brazil: Imperial’ is perfect for those who enjoy strategic games with a historical twist. It appeals to both casual players and hardcore gamers, as it offers a good balance of luck and skill.

For history buffs, this game will surely be a treat as it brings to life the political landscape of 19th century Brazil. The game also offers a great opportunity for players to learn about the historical figures and events that shaped the country.

What Makes It Fun

Apart from its unique gameplay and appealing to a wide audience, ‘Brazil: Imperial’ is simply fun to play. The competitive nature of the game adds an element of excitement, as each player tries to outwit their opponents and claim victory. The use of historical themes and elements also adds to the overall enjoyment, making players feel more deeply immersed in the game.

Trickerion: Collector’s Edition

Trickerion – Legends of Illusion is a thematic, medium-heavy Euro-style game of rival stage illusionists. In this game, you are a Victorian-era magician, with a team of apprentices and specialists you can assign to various tasks using worker placement and simultaneous action selection.
These tasks include collecting magical components, expanding your assortment of Tricks, and preparing magnificent magic shows in the Theater for you to perform at the end of each round. Performances can earn you money, but ultimately, you are in it for Fame: the more famous you are, the better Tricks you can learn, and the Magician with the most Fame points will win the game.
The Collector’s Edition, is only available during Kickstarter campaign.


– Trickerion – Legends of Illusion base game
– Trickerion – Dahlgaard’s Academy expansion
– Trickerion – Dahlgaard’s Gifts add-on pack
– Module – Dark Alley
– Module – Duel of Magicians
– Module – Magicians Powers
– Uniquely numbered alternate art box – velvet Box Lid
– Revised core rulebook
– Two sets of Metal Coins
– Custom linen pouches
– All unlocked stretch goals

Stretch Goals:

– Solo Mode
– 4 new Magicians
– Double Decker Plastic Trays
– 2 Academy Shillings
– Dawn of Technology mini expansion
– Extra Special Assignment cards, Extra Prophecies, Extra Dark Alley cards, extra Class Room and Practice Room tiles, etc.
– Mystery at the Academy unlocks
– Double sided Alternate Art Main Board
– Workshop Contraptions Module

Malhya: Lands of Legends

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A group of heroes emerges when the balance of the planet is threatened.
As a hero, you possess extraordinary abilities. By mastering the Aura, the planet’s energy, you will defeat the enemies set in your path one by one.

You will be able to live the hero experience in this grand narrative adventure game. You’ll be tested in numerous ways as you explore regions and dungeons, such as infiltrating, fighting, crafting, stealing, and more.

Players are a group of heroes, the Awakened, tasked with important missions. Every mission is detailed as a scenario. Choosing the right path depends on your group’s performance, but also on your choices. Your path will be unique each time you play!



Carrom and Snooker combine to make Crooka. Fantastic fun, it’s easy to play but hard to master; the perfect challenge for fans of dexterity games. Hand-crafted in the UK and exclusive here, direct from the inventor.

Taking aim and hitting the counters into pockets, you then rotate the board to line up your next shot. Make it tricky for your opponent by calculating angles or just “hit and hope!” Carrooka has simple rules, but over time, you’ll develop your skill to become a Carrooka Master.

This is a great value entertainment option for families, as well as for table-top competitions after dinner with friends…

Unsolved Case Files: Veronica Falcone

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Are you a mystery enthusiast? Then ‘Unsolved Case Files: Veronica Falcone’ will put your detective skills to the test.

How to Play

The premise of the game is simple – you are a detective trying to solve a cold case from the 1980s, that of Veronica Falcone. As you dig through evidence, interview suspects and piece together clues, you will uncover more and more about her tragic death. The game is played through a series of cards and envelopes containing different pieces of information, with each new discovery leading you down a new path.

The game is designed to be played solo or with a group of friends. Each player takes on the role of a detective and works together to solve the case. What’s interesting about this game is that it uses real-life evidence from actual cold cases to create an immersive experience. It’s like being a real detective, minus the danger and stress

Who Can Play

If you’re a fan of true crime stories and love solving puzzles, then this game is definitely for you. It’s perfect for a cozy night in with friends or even as a team-building activity. Plus, it’s suitable for players of all ages (although some younger players may need help from adults).

What Makes It Fun

The thrill of solving a mystery and feeling like a real detective makes this game truly fun. The game keeps you on your toes with unexpected twists and turns, making it impossible to predict the outcome. Plus, as you uncover more evidence, you’ll learn about Veronica’s life and what led to her tragic end. It’s not just a game, it’s a thought-provoking experience.

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Twilight Imperium 4th Edition Prophecy of Kings

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The Twilight Imperium 4th Edition Base Game is required to play this expansion. A total of eight players can now join the galactic struggle.

7 new factions

The Twilight Imperium expansion is jam-packed with new content that can be added to your games. As seven never-before-seen factions join the game, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses, from the gene-altering Mahact to the watchful Argent Flight to the mysterious and ancient Empyrean, the galaxy has grown far larger.

How to Play

Firstly, let’s start with the basics. This game is designed for 3-8 players and is set in a futuristic galaxy where different factions compete for control of the universe. Each player takes on the role of a powerful alien race, each with their own unique abilities and strengths.

One thing that sets Twilight Imperium apart from other board games is its sheer complexity. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not overly complicated to the point where you’ll need a degree in astrophysics to understand it. But there are definitely a lot of moving parts and intricate game mechanics that make each playthrough exciting and unpredictable.

The gameplay is divided into different phases, such as the “Strategy” phase where players choose their actions for the round, or the “Action” phase where they carry out those actions. This structure keeps things organized and allows for strategic planning and decision-making.

One of the things I love about this game is the fact that it’s constantly changing. With each playthrough, different factions are selected, new events occur, and unexpected alliances are formed. This makes each game unique and adds to the replay value.

Who Can Play

In terms of audience, I would say that Twilight Imperium is perfect for those who love strategy games with a touch of diplomacy and role-playing. It requires a bit of dedication and time, but trust me, it’s worth it. And hey, if you have a group of friends who are up for an epic gaming session, this is the game for you.

What Makes It Fun

The feeling of conquering a planet or outsmarting your opponents is extremely satisfying. Plus, there’s always room for some good old-fashioned trash talking and friendly competition.

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Shadows of Brimstone: Gates of Valhalla

‘Shadows of Brimstone: Gates of Valhalla’ is a dark and gritty tabletop game takes players on an adventure like no other

How to Play

Shadows of Brimstone is a cooperative, dungeon-crawl style game that takes place in the Old West. Players take on the roles of gunslingers, outlaws, and other unique characters as they battle their way through the dark mines of Brimstone. The goal? To survive and ultimately escape from the darkness that consumes the town.

The game is played over a series of ‘adventures’, which are essentially scenarios or missions that players must complete in order to progress through the game. Each adventure has its own objectives, enemies, and challenges, making each playthrough unique and exciting.

But be warned, Shadows of Brimstone is not an easy game. The enemies are tough, the odds are against you, and death is always lurking around the corner. But that’s what makes it so much fun – the feeling of overcoming insurmountable odds and emerging victorious with your team.

One of the things I love most about Shadows of Brimstone is its innovative game mechanics. The game uses a unique dice system that adds an element of unpredictability to every turn. Players roll dice to determine their actions, such as attacking enemies or searching for loot. But there’s always a risk involved – sometimes you might hit your target perfectly, while other times you might miss completely or even injure yourself in the process. It keeps the gameplay exciting and forces players to think on their feet.

Another interesting mechanic is the use of a ‘Fear’ track. As players progress through the game, they can become more fearful due to the horrors they encounter. This fear can affect their actions and decisions, making the game even more challenging.

Who Can Play

Shadows of Brimstone is not your typical board game. It’s dark, gritty, and sometimes downright terrifying. But for those who love immersive gameplay and a good challenge, it’s a must-have in their collection. This game is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy genres, as well as those who enjoy cooperative gameplay and role-playing elements.

What Makes It Fun

What really sets Shadows of Brimstone apart from other games is its immersive world-building. As players explore the mines, they uncover new tiles, enemies, and loot. It’s like going on a journey with your friends, never knowing what you’ll encounter next. The feeling of discovery and the constant sense of danger make it a thrilling and addictive experience.

But beyond just gameplay, Shadows of Brimstone also has fantastic miniatures, artwork, and storytelling that add to the overall enjoyment of the game. It’s a fully immersive experience that will keep you coming back for more.



Full Moon Jacket

Full Moon Jacket was designed by a small indie company called Lunar Games and released in 2018, set in a post-apocalyptic world.

How to Play

The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world, where the moon has exploded and caused chaos on Earth. Every player takes on the role of a survivor, trying to make their way through the dangerous and unpredictable landscape. The objective? To be the first one to reach a safe haven before anyone else.

Now, let’s talk about the gameplay. Full Moon Jacket is a cooperative game, meaning that all players work together towards a common goal – survival. This creates a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among players, making it perfect for a fun night with friends or family.

The game mechanics are simple yet strategic. Each turn, players can move around the board, scavenge for resources and weapons, and fight off any threats that come their way. But here’s the twist – at the end of each round, a full moon rises, bringing with it even more dangerous enemies and obstacles.

But fear not, for each player has a unique set of skills and abilities that can help them overcome these challenges.

Who Can Play

Full Moon Jacket is perfect for anyone who loves strategy and survival games, especially fans of the popular video game series Fallout or movies like Mad Max.

What Makes It Fun

But what makes this game truly stand out from others in its genre? For me, it’s the level of immersion and storytelling. The artwork on the cards and board is stunning, and the rulebook includes snippets of lore that add depth to the game’s world. It truly feels like you’re living out a post-apocalyptic adventure with your friends.

Gaia Project

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In the board game Gaia Project, fourteen different factions live on seven different kinds of planets, and each faction is bound to their own home planets, so to develop and grow, they must terraform neighboring planets into their home environments in competition with the other groups.

In addition, Gaia planets can be used by all factions for colonization, and Transdimensional planets can be changed into Gaia planets. All factions can improve their skills in six different areas of development — Terraforming, Navigation, Artificial Intelligence, Gaiaforming, Economy, Research — leading to advanced technology and special bonuses.

As you play, you’ll colonize new planets, upgrade mines into better structures, and unite planets into federations. Which will you choose: will you expand near other factions, so you can trade with them, or will you expand on your own, so you can expand more freely? Besides that, you’ll need to learn new technologies to get better.

In the end, only the best will survive and win.

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Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated

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Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated extends the deck-building fun of Clank! with legacy-style gameplay! Develop your own franchise of the legendary adventure company Acquisitions Incorporated, and guide your treasure-hunters to corporate glory over a number of games. As you play, your game board, deck, and world will change to make your campaign unique to your adventuring party. So be cunning, bold, and most importantly prepared…

Who Goes There? 2nd Edition

Who Goes There? is a cooperative game of growing paranoia. At the beginning of the game, all players are human and there is no reason not to trust each other completely, but as the temperature drops and mistakes are made, players start doubting everything and everyone around them.

You must build, trade, and upgrade to prepare yourself for the Antarctic Terrain, rabid dog attacks, crazed madmen…and most importantly, the alien entity that is now loose in the camp. Everything you build and upgrade has one purpose…keeping you alive and human! During the entire game, you will want to trade with other players and help each other build stronger weapons and better equipment, while also passing food and med kits around. Although, make sure your trust them, since trade is a huge opportunity for The Thing.

Staying inside may keep you from freezing to Death, but it won’t help you or your fellow humans win. The only way to secure victory is by venturing out of the camp! The problem with that is, being away from camp is the number one way to come across The Thing…leaving you vulnerable and exposed to infection. Whether fixing the boiler, repairing the door, or fighting the frigid temperatures outside, you will all need one another to survive. But trust is a hard thing to come by when you must be wary of…Who Goes There?

—description from the publisher

Changes in Second Edition:

A new Frostbite mechanic to help mitigate early player elimination.
Everyone now has access to keys in the storage deck or specialty decks that can help bypass a locked camp door.
Some of the duplicate events got revamped or replaced with new scenarios. (there’s even a new event class, Dubbed “Caution Events,” that occur at the end of the round.)
Added a buildable host test to the storage deck.

Blue Water Navy: The War at Sea

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Can the Blue Water Navy deliver the convoys that Europe desperately needs, or will the Red Banner Northern Fleet smash them at sea, allowing the Red Army to steamroll Western Europe?

The Blue Water Navy covers the sea, air, close-ashore, and low-earth orbit wars, from the Kola Peninsula in Russia to the Mediterranean Sea and over the Atlantic Ocean to the United States and Cuba. This game simulates the full order of battle that could have been expected during wartime in the 1980s, from Soviet Tu-22 Backfire bombers to multiple US carrier groups.

The game is card-driven, with each card providing points for moving units or triggering special events such as ‘KGB Assassinations’ and ‘Space Shuttle’. In addition, most cards can be used in the other player’s turn in order to perform a spoiling event such as ‘Raid Aborts’ or ‘Friendly Fire’.

Conquest and Consequence

Conquest & Consequence for three players (adaptable for two) about the contest for supremacy in Asia between militarist, capitalist, and communist politico-economic systems during the period 1936-45.

The Japanese (militarist) player sits to the north.
The USA (capitalist) player sits to the south.

USA Faction includes the US nation itself, Nationalist China (“Nats”), and the British Empire (“BritEmp”). To the west sits the Soviet (Communist) player. In this game, the Soviet Faction consists of Siberian Russia (“Russia”) and Red China (the “Reds”).

Together, they are known as Rivals. Rivals at war become both enemies and rivals.

Peace begins the game, and all factions can win through peaceful competition, but self-defense is essential because military attacks can happen at any time.

The game can be won by:
1. Gaining economic dominance in Asia
(in which control of China plays a role),
2. Military conquest of Rival capitals, or
3. Developing the atomic bomb, or
4. Securing Asian hegemony.

Playing time is 4-6 hours.

Marvel United: X-Men

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Players take on the role of Heroes to thwart the plan of a Villain in Marvel United: X-Men. In Super Villain Mode, 1 player assumes the role of the Villain facing up to 4 Hero players.

By drawing the Villains’ cards and countering the Villains’ schemes, the players build their own Storyline. The cards allow players to move their Hero around, rescue Civilians, defeat Thugs, and use their Hero’s unique powers. Heroes can act as a team when their abilities are combined.

As the Villains weave their plan, create chaos, deploy Henchmen, and attack the Heroes, they will wander the city. The Heroes will only be able to directly attack the Villains after completing all the necessary Missions.

Really fun game. There are ways to make it more or less challenging. Simple game but also can be challenging at times. Easy to pick up and good for most ages.


Star Wars Rebellion Rise of the Empire Expansion

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There are new leaders. There are new missions. New tactic cards for more cinematic combat. Mostly inspired by Rogue One, Rise of the Empire is an expansion for Star Wars: Rebellion. And just as the movie provided new insight into the Galactic Civil War presented in the original Star Wars trilogy, Rise of the Empire adds new depth and story to your Rebellion game experience.

The Death Star plans can be recovered by Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor. By giving false orders and attacking behind enemy lines, you can confuse Imperials. You’ll be in charge of Director Krennic’s death squads. Using cinematic combat and tactics, you can lure Rebel pilots and soldiers away from their base and into massive battles. Even Jabba the Hutt shows up, offering his services to the Empire and feeding his prisoners.

The galaxy is having a dark time, and it’s getting darker. Galactic Empire spreads oppressive rule to new systems every day, destroying all hope and peace. There’s also rumours that the Empire is building a secret battle station with unimaginable power. In the face of this overwhelming threat, only a few unlikely heroes can save the world.

You can control one or both sides of this struggle with Rebellion. Whether you’re in charge of the growing Galactic Empire or the fledgling Rebel Alliance, you’re in charge. Your military strength, resources, and political alliances must be balanced against your secret missions to advance your cause. If you want to win battles or have your forces succeed on missions, you have to keep an eye on the loyalties of whole systems.

The result is that your game becomes a story of individual heroics with far-reaching consequences, and that story depends a lot on the missions you complete. As a result, Rise of the Empire has brand new missions for Empire and Rebellion that take your Rebellion games outside the original Star Wars trilogy, allowing you to start out with the Death Star under construction and Director Krennic eager to see it done.


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Successors (Fourth Edition)

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In its fourth edition, this card-driven, point-to-point movement strategy stands out from similar games. 

How to Play

Successors (Fourth Edition) is a strategy game that takes place during the Diadochi Wars – a period of conflict and power struggle following the death of Alexander the Great. Each player takes on the role of a successor, trying to gain control over territories in order to become the new ruler.

The game mechanics are quite simple yet challenging. Players have a limited number of actions per turn, so every move needs to be carefully thought out. The use of cards adds an element of unpredictability to the game, as players can play event cards that can have a major impact on the game. The combat system is based on dice rolls, but there are also other factors such as terrain and unit types that come into play.

Who Can Play

This game is not for everyone – it requires patience, careful planning, and a love for history. But if you enjoy these elements, then Successors (Fourth Edition) will definitely be a hit for you. It’s a game that rewards long-term thinking and strategic decision-making, while also providing moments of unexpected twists and turns.

What Makes It Fun

One of the things I love about Successors (Fourth Edition) is that it requires both strategic planning and adaptability. You need to plan ahead, but also be ready to change your strategy depending on the cards you draw and the moves of your opponents. This keeps the game dynamic and exciting until the very end.



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Become the next great spirit of the forest by exploring it and helping lost souls.
Multiple paths to explore, multiple strategies to pursue, and multiple ways to score virtue points.
Beautiful presentation and lovely components in a dreamlike Miyazaki-inspired world.
A highly strategic, thought-provoking game for experienced players.
The game consists of four rounds, each representing one year left for the Great Spirit. Every round is divided into four phases. The Ascension occurs at the end of the Winter Phase in the fourth round.
Throughout the phases, you’ll earn Virtue Points (from now on referred to as “VP”). As you earn VP, you will advance along the Spirit Path, which runs around the board’s perimeter. You can earn more VP during the Ascension if you complete certain goals. The spirit who moves the furthest along that path is the winner-and becomes the new Great Spirit!

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Mission Catastrophe

Mission Catastrophe is a game in which you and your crew are charged with keeping your ship functioning as a team long enough to get into a working escape pod.

Your mission ends when you escape or when the ship’s integrity is compromised and it explodes, sending everyone into space.

The game can be played in three different Modes:

Sole Survivor: 2-6 alien crew compete to reach the one working Escape Pod

Team Play: 4/6 alien crew split into teams and work to get their group off the ship

Solo/Cooperative: 1-6 alien crew work together to avoid Marauders or Mind Mold and get off the ship

Shadows of Brimstone: Valley of the Serpent Kings

If you’re looking for a game with a mix of old western and horror elements, then ‘Shadows of Brimstone: Valley of the Serpent Kings’ is perfect for you

How to Play

The basic premise of the game is that players take on the roles of Old West heroes, exploring a mysterious and dangerous world. The gameplay involves moving around a modular game board, fighting monsters and collecting loot. As you progress through the game, your character can level up and gain new skills and abilities.

One of my favorite aspects of the game is the storytelling element. As you explore, you uncover new storylines and events that add depth to the gameplay. The game also has a co-op aspect, where players can work together to achieve common goals or compete against each other for resources.

The game uses a combination of dice rolls and card drawing to determine outcomes. This adds an element of randomness and unpredictability to the game, making each playthrough unique. However, there are also strategic elements involved, such as choosing which skills and items to equip your character with.

The game also has a “darkness” mechanic, where players have to manage their lantern fuel to prevent themselves from being consumed by darkness and losing health. This adds another layer of strategy to the game and keeps players on their toes.

Who Can Play

“Shadows of Brimstone: Valley of the Serpent Kings” is not a game for everyone. It is best suited for those who enjoy immersive storytelling, strategic gameplay, and a touch of horror. It may also appeal to fans of old westerns or Lovecraftian themes. The game can be played with 1-4 players, making it a great option for solo play or small game nights with friends.

What Makes It Fun

For me, the combination of western and horror elements was what made this game stand out. I loved the idea of playing as an old west hero battling against terrifying monsters in a dark and dangerous world. The co-op aspect also adds a fun element of teamwork and competition.

Furthermore, the modular game board and random events ensure that each playthrough is different and keeps the game from becoming repetitive. The dice rolling and card drawing mechanics also add an element of surprise, making every move you make feel important.



Marvel Champions The Card Game Sinister Motives

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EXPANDS THE MARVEL CHAMPIONS LIVING CARD GAME: This is not a standalone product. The Marvel Champions: The Card Game Core set is required to play this expansion.

COOPERATIVE CARD GAME: Marvel Champions: The Card Game pits players against some of Marvel’s most iconic villains. Go head-to-head with your favorite Marvel hero!

WORK TOGETHER LIKE TRUE MARVEL HEROES: Each villain players battle has unique challenges, attacks, and events to contend with. A player’s strengths and weaknesses must be balanced with those of their friends’ heroes in order to succeed. For the world to be saved, teamwork will be essential!

SINISTER MOTIVES: Two Spider-Man characters, Ghost-Spider and Miles Morales, are introduced in this campaign expansion. The Sinister Six, Sandman, Venom, and Mysterio will challenge you. The challenges presented by each villain are unique. The expansion also includes a brand-new cinematic campaign.

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Dungeon Universalis

If you are someone who enjoys a challenge and loves to dive into immersive gameplay, then Dungeon Universalis is right up your alley. It is a dungeon crawling adventure game that will keep you hooked from start to finish.

How to Play

The aim of the game is simple – explore different dungeons, loot valuable treasures, defeat monsters and ultimately emerge as the victor. But let me tell you, it is easier said than done. The game is filled with twists and turns, unexpected events and challenging obstacles that will keep you on your toes.

The game mechanics are what make Dungeon Universalis stand out from other board games. It uses a unique dice system that adds an element of unpredictability to the gameplay. Every action you take in the game is determined by a roll of the dice, so you never know what might happen. This element of randomness makes each playthrough unique and adds to the overall excitement of the game.

One thing I really appreciate about this game is its attention to detail. From the beautifully crafted miniatures to the intricately designed dungeons, everything about Dungeon Universalis is top-notch. It truly immerses you in the fantasy world and makes you feel like a part of the adventure.

Who Can Play

This game is not for everyone. The gameplay can be quite challenging and requires strategizing and quick thinking. So if you are someone who enjoys a mental workout while gaming, then Dungeon Universalis is perfect for you. It is also great for those who love fantasy and role-playing games.

What Makes It Fun

The combination of challenging gameplay and immersive storytelling makes this game fun. Every playthrough feels like a new adventure, and the unpredictability adds an element of excitement that keeps me coming back for more. 

Next War: Vietnam

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‘Next War: Vietnam’ is a board game of strategic simulation of the military conflict in Vietnam during the 1960s and 1970s. It’s designed for 2-4 players, with each player taking on a role as either the United States or North Vietnamese Army.

How to Play

The gameplay itself is complex, yet easy to understand once you’ve got the hang of it. Each turn, players will use cards from their deck to mobilize troops, launch attacks and defend against enemy moves. The goal is to control territory and eliminate your opponent’s forces.

But what sets this game apart from others in its genre is its attention to detail and historical accuracy. It truly feels like you’re in the midst of a real-life military conflict, making strategic decisions that could change the course of the war.

Who Can Play

Now, this game may not be for everyone. It requires a certain level of commitment and patience to fully understand and appreciate all of its mechanics. But for those who enjoy deep strategy games with a historical twist, ‘Next War: Vietnam’ is definitely worth checking out.

What Makes It Fun

And let’s not forget the fun factor. Despite its serious subject matter, this game can also be quite entertaining and even humorous at times. There’s nothing like seeing your opponent’s face when you successfully execute a surprise attack or thwart their well-laid plans.

Dice United

Dice United is a game that combines elements of strategy, luck, and deception.

How to Play

The goal of the game is to be the first player to reach 100 points by rolling dice and strategically placing them on your game board. Each player has their own individual game board with different colored sections, each representing a specific scoring area. Players take turns rolling dice and placing them on their game board to try and score points.

What makes Dice United unique is the variety of game mechanics it incorporates. From set collection, press-your-luck, to player interaction, there’s something for everyone in this game. The different scoring areas on the game board also add an element of strategy as players have to decide which sections to prioritize and which ones to leave open for their opponents.

Who Can Play

I would say that Dice United is a game for all types of players – casual gamers, families, and even avid board game enthusiasts. It’s easy enough to learn and play with younger players, but still offers enough depth and complexity to keep experienced gamers engaged. Plus, with each game being different from the last, it has a high replay value.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the engaging gameplay and variety of game mechanics, what makes Dice United really fun is the element of surprise. With every roll of the dice, there’s a chance for a big score or a devastating setback. Plus, there are moments of laughter and tension as players try to outwit each other and come out on top. It’s a game that keeps you on your toes and always leaves you wanting more.


Terraforming Mars: Prelude

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As the mega corporations are getting ready to start the terraforming process, you now have the chance to make those early choices that will come to define your corporation and set the course for the future history of Mars – this is the prelude to your greatest endeavors!

In Terraforming Mars: Prelude, you choose from Prelude cards that jumpstart the terraforming process or boost your corporation’s engine. There are also 5 new corporations and 7 project cards that thematically fit the early stages of terraforming a new planet. Prelude is an expansion to Terraforming Mars, and can be combined with any other Terraforming Mars expansion or variant.

Prelude transforms Terraforming Mars-FOR THE BETTER!

It basically adds prelude cards to your deck that provide you with starting resources and/or abilities. Everyone receives four prelude cards. BEFORE choosing your starting corporation, you choose your prelude resources and abilities. Synergize your prelude cards and corporation cards for a nice start.

Prelude essentially makes the game shorter and gives players a clearer direction on what strategy to employ to win!

Prelude does not introduce any new mechanics or rules, instead it boosts players’ first few turns so that they do not have to spend all of their time producing resources. As a matter of fact, Prelude should be a part of the base game by now since it benefits the early generations so much you will wonder how you survived without it.

For a new player, the only drawback I see is that there are more decisions to make during setup and start of the game. If you suffer from analysis paralysis, you might find the additional choices to be a bit problematic as you try to find the perfect combination of all the cards dealt to you during setup.

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Verdun 1916: Steel Inferno

Verdun 1916, Steel Inferno, is a simple wargame based on a year-long campaign in the area around Verdun.

This game is based on monthly turns and allows for a tense, action-packed contest that includes all the events of 1916 (like the Somme offensive), and their interaction with the Verdun battlefield.
There will be a choice between refortifying Verdun or playing cards to gain victory points elsewhere.

The simulation also includes a French counter-attack at the end of 1916.

An introduction scenario, two short scenarios playable in a short session, and a campaign game playable in an afternoon.

The Castles of Burgundy Special Edition

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The ‘Castles of Burgundy Special Edition’, is  a revamped version of the classic game that has delighted strategy enthusiasts for years. This special edition brings a fresh look and enhanced components to the beloved gameplay. 

Overview of Gameplay

‘Castles of Burgundy’ is a tile-placement, strategy board game set in 15th-century France. Players assume the role of aristocrats developing their estates through trade, agriculture, and construction. The goal is to earn the most victory points by the end of the game, achieved through various actions such as acquiring and placing tiles, selling goods, and completing regions.

Gameplay involves the following:

  1. Rolling Dice: At the beginning of each round, all players roll their two dice.

  2. Taking Actions: Players use their dice to perform actions. Each die’s value determines which actions are available. Common actions include:

    • Acquire a Tile: Use a die to take a tile from the central board that matches the die value.
    • Place a Tile: Use a die to place a tile from your storage onto your estate in a region that matches the die value.
    • Sell Goods: Use a die to sell goods for silverlings and victory points.
    • Use Workers: Modify a die’s value by spending workers to get the desired number for your action.
  3. Developing Your Estate: Strategically place tiles to complete regions on your estate board. Completing regions earns points, with larger regions yielding more points.

  4. Special Bonuses: Some tiles provide immediate bonuses, such as extra dice actions, additional resources, or extra points.

Game End

The game is played over five phases, with each phase consisting of five rounds. At the end of the fifth phase, players tally their points from various sources, including completed regions, sold goods, and special tiles.

Game Mechanics

The core mechanics of ‘Castles of Burgundy’ revolve around dice rolling, tile placement, and resource management:

  • Dice Rolling: Each round, players roll two dice and use the results to perform actions. The dice values determine which tiles can be taken or where they can be placed.
  • Tile Placement: Tiles represent different types of buildings, ships, animals, and knowledge. Placing these tiles strategically on your estate board is crucial for maximizing points.
  • Resource Management: Players must manage their silverlings (currency), workers (to adjust dice values), and goods (for trade and bonuses).

Who Will Enjoy This Game?

‘Castles of Burgundy Special Edition’ appeals to a wide range of gamers, particularly those who enjoy:

  • Strategic Depth: The game offers complex decision-making and multiple paths to victory, making it ideal for strategic thinkers.
  • Replayability: With a variety of tiles and possible estate layouts, no two games are the same, ensuring long-term engagement.
  • Eurogames: Fans of Euro-style games will appreciate the emphasis on strategy over luck and the intricate point-scoring mechanisms.

Differences from the Original Edition

The ‘Special Edition’ introduces several enhancements and upgrades that distinguish it from the original:

  • Enhanced Components: The special edition features upgraded, high-quality components, including thicker tiles, redesigned boards, and custom dice.
  • New Artwork: The game boasts new, vibrant artwork that brings the medieval theme to life and enhances the visual appeal.
  • Expanded Content: This edition includes all the expansions and promotional tiles released for the original game, offering more variety and gameplay options right out of the box.
  • Player Aids: Improved player aids and reference materials make it easier for new players to learn the game and for experienced players to streamline gameplay.

Tips for new players

  • Plan Ahead: Think about the long-term benefits of each tile and how it fits into your overall strategy.
  • Balance Actions: Efficiently balance acquiring and placing tiles, managing resources, and completing regions for maximum points.
  • Adapt: Be flexible with your strategy based on the dice rolls and available tiles.


Moonshell is a strategy puzzle game where players assume the role of mermaids shifting tides to collect seashells and create a stunning collection. Each game reveals five public objectives showing the seashells players want to collect by type, color, or pattern. There are also two secret objectives, one of which is kept and one discarded.

Each player takes three actions: Rotate the game board in the tide’s direction, pull two seashells, and collect seashells. The player with the most points wins.

Dice Realms

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Dice Realms lets each player govern a small realm. The dice represent realms: farming and grazing lands, mines with ore, towers for defense, and tinkerers who are looking for improvements.

[caption id=”attachment_41950″ align=”aligncenter” width=”652″]Dice Realms - customisable face Dice Realms – customisable faces[/caption]

A realm starts with two dice. Play is (mostly) simultaneous. Players roll their dice, possibly rerolling 1 die for free, before collecting grain, victory points, or coins, and then upgrade their die faces, improving their realms.

[caption id=”attachment_41951″ align=”aligncenter” width=”683″]Dice Realms - Buy a new die with 5 coins and 2 grain Dice Realms – Buy a new die with 5 coins and 2 grain[/caption]

Players can buy a new die for 5 coins and 2 grain, but beware: when Winter is rolled on the red Fate die (13% of the time), all players must pay 1 grain per die they own or lose points.

[caption id=”attachment_41952″ align=”aligncenter” width=”674″]Dice Realms - Roll a Fate DIe Effects of Dice Realms Fate Die[/caption]

Each round, the Fate die is rolled. Fate die faces affect harvest, provide upgrades, or steal 1 die from players who cannot defend with a shield.

[caption id=”attachment_41953″ align=”aligncenter” width=”696″]Dice Realms Upgrades Dice Realms Upgrades[/caption]

Upgrades are available in five standard lines of faces, plus random faces drawn from five tiles during setup, which make every game unique. As the game progresses, players can purchase set-a-die “decree” tokens and reroll “influence” tokens in order to increase the odds of certain faces appearing simultaneously, allowing for powerful combinations of upgraded faces at the end.

Points (VPs) are awarded for improved die faces at the end of the game. They are added to the chips earned during play. Whoever earns the most points wins! Will you succeed in building the most prosperous dice realm?

Brutality Skirmish Wargame

In Brutality Skirmish Wargame, players take on the role of brutal warriors from different factions, battling it out in a post-apocalyptic world. The goal? To be the last one standing.

How to Play

But what sets this game apart from other survival-themed games is its unique game mechanics. The gameplay is fast-paced and strategic, with players having to make quick decisions and adapt to changing circumstances. It’s a perfect blend of luck and skill, making it exciting for both beginners and experienced gamers.

Who Can Play

Now, let’s talk about the type of audience who might enjoy this game. If you’re someone who loves action-packed gameplay and doesn’t mind a bit of blood and gore, this game is definitely for you. But don’t worry if that’s not your cup of tea – the game also has a humorous side to it, with hilarious character names and witty dialogue cards.

What Makes It Fun

So what makes Brutality Skirmish Wargame fun? For me, it’s the perfect combination of strategy, excitement, and a touch of dark humor. But what makes it even better is playing with friends. The game encourages interaction and competition among players, making it an ideal choice for game nights or gatherings.


Welcome to the Moon

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The premise of ‘Welcome to the Moon’ is simple yet captivating – players are tasked with building the first permanent colony on the moon. As a player, you act as a contractor for the Lunar Colony Authority and must strategically build your settlement while trying to outsmart your opponents. The ultimate goal? To have the most successful and thriving colony on the moon.

How to Play

One of my favourite aspects of this game is its use of dice rolls. Each turn, players roll three dice and use their results to determine which actions they can take. This adds an element of luck to the game, making each playthrough unique and unexpected. But don’t worry, there’s still plenty of room for strategy – you’ll have to carefully plan out your turns and decide which bonuses or resources are worth pursuing.

‘Welcome to the Moon’ also has a great balance between individual and group play. While you’re ultimately competing against your opponents, there are also opportunities for collaboration and trade. This makes the game perfect for both competitive gamers and those who prefer a more cooperative style of play.

Who Can Play

In my opinion, ‘Welcome to the Moon’ is a game that can be enjoyed by a wide range of audiences. Whether you’re a seasoned board gamer or new to the hobby, this game offers something for everyone. With its engaging gameplay and unique theme, it’s sure to be a hit with both casual and serious gamers alike.

What Makes It Fun

The game mechanics are easy to learn and understand, with clear instructions included in the rulebook. This makes it accessible to players of all skill levels and perfect for family game nights or gatherings with friends. Plus, the stunning artwork and high-quality components only add to the overall enjoyment of the game.

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Tanto Monta: The Rise of Ferdinand and Isabella

If you’re a huge fan of history board games, you must play ‘Tanto Monta: The Rise of Ferdinand and Isabella’

How to Play

First things first, the gameplay is set in medieval Spain during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella (1492-1516). You get to play as either Ferdinand or Isabella, trying to expand your kingdom by building cities, developing trade routes and negotiating with other nations.

But what sets this game apart from other strategy games is its unique mechanics. Each player has a personal deck of cards representing advisors and actions they can take. These cards not only provide additional resources and abilities but also dictate turn order. So, if you want to take a certain action before your opponent does, you better have the matching card!

Who Can Play

As for the audience, this game is perfect for history buffs and strategy game enthusiasts alike. It’s also great for those who love a good challenge as the gameplay requires careful planning and strategic thinking.

What Makes It Fun

But what makes it fun? Well, apart from the historical setting and unique mechanics, there’s also a bit of luck involved with dice rolls and card draws. And let’s not forget the satisfaction of outsmarting your opponent and watching your kingdom prosper.

Mage Knight: Ultimate Edition

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In the Mage Knight Board Game, you control one of four powerful Mage Knights as you explore (and conquer) a corner of the Mage Knight universe under the control of the Atlantean Empire. Explore dungeons, build up your army and spells, and eventually conquer this once-great faction’s cities! In competitive scenarios, even if opposing players are powerful allies, only one of them can claim the land as their own. In cooperative scenarios, players win or lose together. Also includes solo rules.

In addition to the base game, the Ultimate Edition includes The Lost Legion, Shades of Tezla, and Krang Character expansions; a comprehensive integrated rules text; five new cards; and miniatures with alternate paint jobs.

Necromolds: Monster Battles

In Necromolds: Monster Battles, players build and battle golem armies using their Necromold spellbooks and containers of clay. Build your army wisely – the stronger the monster, the more clay it requires! To determine when monsters move and fight, roll your command dice each round. Battle dice allow you to defeat monsters, leaving their smashed remains on the battle map!

Angel Fury

“Angel Fury” is a captivating board game that combines strategy and thematic gameplay in a unique way. It was released in 2022 and involves two opposing sides fighting in a spiritual realm. The game features 100 angels and 100 demons battling for a human soul. Here’s a closer look at what makes “Angel Fury” an exciting and intriguing game:

Gameplay and Player Actions

In “Angel Fury,” players command either angels or demons in a strategic battle over a human soul. The game accommodates 1 to 4 players, with an optimal experience for 2 players, and each session can last between 60 to 120 minutes. Players are immersed in a grand battle, maneuvering their forces to control areas around the human soul​​​​.

Game Mechanics

The game mechanics of “Angel Fury” incorporate elements of area control, resource management, and deck building. Players take control of either the forces of good or the hordes of evil, ordering powerful seraphs or ferocious tormentary to gain the upper hand. The objective is to control the area with the human soul, earning soul points in the process. The first team to reach 7 soul points wins the game. This system allows for a variety of strategic approaches, as more command enables players to move more troops and control more areas​​​​​​.


“Angel Fury” is suitable for players aged 14 and up, making it a great choice for teenagers and adults who enjoy strategic board games with a fantasy theme. The game’s complexity and strategic depth make it ideal for those who appreciate war games but prefer a shorter playtime typical of board games​​​​.

What Makes It Fun

The fun of “Angel Fury” lies in its strategic depth and the rich thematic experience it offers. Players enjoy the challenge of balancing resource management, strategic troop movements, and deck building to outmaneuver their opponents. The game’s thematic setting in the spiritual realm adds an extra layer of engagement, making each battle not only a test of strategy but also a part of an epic narrative. The ability to scale down traditional war games into a more accessible board game format makes “Angel Fury” an exciting option for both seasoned and casual gamers​​.

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Project EOS Rise

Project EOS Rise is a strategic game that requires players to use their critical thinking skills and make tactical decisions. The goal of the game is to build your own empire on the fictional planet EOS and become the ultimate ruler by collecting resources, constructing buildings, and recruiting powerful leaders.

How to Play

 ‘Project EOS Rise’ features aspects of a resource management system. You have to strategically allocate your resources to different tasks, whether it’s constructing buildings or recruiting leaders, in order to progress in the game.

Who Can Play

The type of audience who might enjoy this game is anyone who loves a good challenge and has a competitive spirit. The game can be played with 2-4 players, making it perfect for both small gatherings and game nights with friends. The game also has a relatively short playing time of around 60-90 minutes, making it ideal for those who don’t have the luxury of spending hours on a single game.

What Makes It Fun

But what truly makes ‘Project EOS Rise’ fun is the unpredictable nature of the game. Every time I play, there’s always something new that happens – whether it’s a surprise attack from another player or an unexpected event card. It keeps the game exciting and ensures that no two games are ever the same.


Pandemic encourages teamwork but also challenges players to think critically and act swiftly under the pressure of escalating global crises. Here’s a deep dive into its gameplay, mechanics and allure.


“Pandemic” is played on a world map board representing major cities across all continents. Players take on the roles of disease-fighting specialists, each with unique abilities that help the team. The objective is to prevent four deadly diseases from spreading and killing the global population. You win as a team by discovering cures for all four diseases before any of several losing conditions are met, such as running out of disease cubes (indicating widespread outbreak), or running out of cards (signaling time has run out).

Game Mechanics: Strategic Depth and Cooperative Play

Pandemic fosters cooperative play and strategic planning. The roles, like the Medic (who excels at treating diseases) or the Researcher (who can easily share knowledge), are designed to complement each other. This interdependence requires teamwork and to make strategic decisions collectively.

The game simulates the spread of infection effectively and creates a tense experience of having to constantly adapt strategies to respond to new outbreaks and chain reaction of disease spread.

What Makes It Fun: Tension and Teamwork

“Pandemic” is exceptionally fun due to the intense, shared pressure to save the world. The cooperative format creates a shared sense of purpose and urgency. The escalating tension, combined with the satisfaction of successfully curing a disease or managing an outbreak, provides a thrilling emotional rollercoaster.

The game also offers a scalable difficulty level, from easy to heroic, allowing players to adjust the challenge according to their team’s experience and strategic ability.

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The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine

Settlers from four major powers of the world have discovered new lands, with new resources and opportunities. Romans, Barbarians, Egyptians and Japanese all at once move there to expand the boundaries of their empires. They build new buildings to strengthen their economy, they found mines and fields to gather resources, and they build barracks and training grounds to train soldiers. Soon after they discover that this land is far too small for everybody, then the war begins…

Imperial Settlers is a card game that lets players lead one of the four factions and build empires by placing buildings, then sending workers to those buildings to acquire new resources and abilities. The game is played over five rounds during which players take various actions in order to explore new lands, build buildings, trade resources, conquer enemies, and thus score victory points.

The core mechanism of Imperial Settlers is based on concepts from the author’s card game 51st State.


Inis is a game deeply rooted in Celtic history and lore in which players win by being elected King of the Island (Inis). Players can try to achieve one of three different victory conditions:

Leadership: Be the leader — i.e., have more clan figures than any other player — of territories containing at least six opponents’ clans.
Land: Have your clans present in at least six different territories.
Religion: Have your clans present in territories that collectively contain at least six sanctuaries.
Over the course of the game, players also earn deeds, typically chanted by bards or engraved by master crafters, that reduce by one the magic total of six for any condition. While one victory condition is enough to claim the title of King, a game of experienced players usually has a tight balance of power, emphasizing the leadership of the capital of the island.

At the start of each round, players draft a hand of four action cards (with 13 action cards for three players and 17 for four players) during the Assembly. Action cards not played at the end of one season are not held for the next. Players also have access to leader cards for the territories that allow it and where they were elected leader during the assembly. Each Assembly reallocates those cards. Finally, they collect “epic tales” cards that depict the deeds of the ancient Irish gods and heroes, like Cuchulainn, the Dagda, Lugh and many others. These will be kept and used to inspire the clans and achieve extraordinary feats…under the right circumstances. The cards provide a variety of actions: adding clans, moving clans, building/exploring, and special actions.

Careful drafting, hand management, bluffing (especially once players understand the importance of passing their turn), good timing, and a precise understanding of the balance of power are the keys to victory. After a discovery game you’ll be ready for a full and epic game, where an undisputed player will be king by the Assembly for his merit and wisdom.

While Inis has “dudes” that are “on a map”, it’s a beginner’s mistake to play this as a battle game because eliminating other clans reduces your chances of scoring a Leadership victory condition. Peace among different clans, with or without a clear territory leader, is the usual outcome of a clan’s movement. Battles will occur, of course, as the Celtic clans can be unruly and a good player will listen to his clan’s people (i.e., his hand of cards). That battle aspect is reflected in the clan’s miniatures representing warriors. Woodsmen, shepherds and traders complete the set of twelve minis for each player; these occupations have no impact on the game, but give it flavor.

7 Wonders: Cities

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7 Wonders: Cities, the second expansion for 7 Wonders, includes optional team rules, adds an 8th player (base game supports 7 players), a new type of card (black, representing the remains of cities), and new cards of old types (two new wonders: Petras and Byzantium, 3 new guild and 6 new leader cards). This expansion is more aggressive, with greatly increased interaction between players, who are still trying to score more points than anyone else.

With the team rules, you can play with up to eight players, with the players divided into teams who sit next to one another so that they can kibitz and choose the cards of most use to them.

The new black cards have a variety of effects, with nine cards being available in each age. Effects include:
The active player gaining gold, with his neighbors also gaining a bit.
Increased military strength in age 1 at a greater cost.
Embassy cards that remove you from the military competition for that age.
Cemetery cards that earn you points at the end of the game while costing opponents gold.
Spy cards that copy symbols from green (science) cards.
A secret warehouse that doubles a resource and a black market that generates a missing resource.
The ability to build cards for free by copying building chains from other players.
The 6 new leader cards can only be played with 7 Wonders: Leaders.

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Pandemic Legacy: Season 2

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Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 is an innovative sequel in the renowned Pandemic Legacy franchise, offering a mix of cooperative gameplay, strategic depth, and evolving narratives that hooks players from start to finish. 

Setting and Theme

The game is set in a dystopian future, 71 years after the first season, where most of the world has succumbed to a series of plagues. The remnants of humanity cling to survival in a few known cities, isolated from the rest of the world which is covered by an uncharted, plague-ridden wasteland. Players take on roles as members of a disease control team, navigating this post-apocalyptic world, aiming to save humanity by maintaining supply lines and staving off diseases.

Gameplay Mechanics

The core mechanics revolve around a unique system of maintaining supplies in cities to prevent outbreaks of diseases. Unlike the original Pandemic, where players cure diseases, in Season 2, they need to deliver supplies to cities to keep them from slipping into chaos. This shift adds a layer of resource management that’s both challenging and rewarding.

The game map starts partially obscured, inviting players to explore and uncover parts of the world themselves. This exploration aspect is thrilling as each decision to reveal a new city or route can have long-term consequences. The game’s board evolves based on player actions, with new cities being stickered onto the board, routes being drawn, and characters gaining new abilities or suffering detrimental effects.

Legacy Elements

Pandemic Legacy: Season 2’s legacy system is designed to be played over 12-24 sessions, with each session representing one month of game time. Decisions in one session affect all subsequent sessions. This includes permanent changes to the game, such as stickers that alter the abilities of characters or rules of the game, and opening sealed boxes that introduce new elements and twists to the gameplay.

What Makes It Fun?

The fun of Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 lies in its narrative depth and the permanent, impactful choices players must make. Each game feels unique, driven by a strong narrative that unfolds in response to player actions. This creates a compelling story that players feel genuinely a part of.

What Pandemic Legacy Season 2 players are saying?

Players appreciate the evolution from the original Pandemic and Season 1. Here’s a summary of the key points.

  1. Learning Curve: The game is considered challenging, with a steep learning curve. It’s recommended to have experience with the original Pandemic or Season 1 before tackling Season 2.

  2. Gameplay Mechanics: Unlike the original game, where players fight disease cubes, in Season 2, players manage supply cubes to prevent outbreaks. This strategic shift introduces new gameplay elements like resource management and exploration. 

  3. Legacy Elements: The legacy aspects of the game, where decisions in one session impact future gameplay, were highly praised. This includes evolving game rules, a narrative that develops through play, and permanent changes to the game board and components.

  4. Replayability and Value: While it’s a legacy game meant to be played over 12-24 sessions, some players noted they played through the game multiple times, finding new strategies and enjoying the evolving challenges.

  5. Cooperative Play: Reviewers loved the cooperative aspect of the game, which requires significant teamwork and strategy.  

  6. Narrative and Theme: The thematic depth and storyline were highlights, with the post-apocalyptic setting providing a compelling backdrop. 

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Shards of Infinity

One-hundred years ago, The Infinity Engine was shattered and its reality-bending shards have destroyed most of the world. Now, it falls upon you to gather your forces, defeat your adversaries, and rebuild the Infinity Engine! Will you survive?

Shards of Infinity combines an unprecedented level of strategy and customization into one small box. Rather than competing for points, players must outlast their opponents and reduce their health to zero, which can be done in a number of ways. Each player starts the game with a basic deck of cards, and they can acquire new cards from a central display of six cards (as in Ascension) and add these new cards to their deck or use them immediately, depending on what they are.

Every character starts with fifty health and zero mastery. On each turn, you can spend one gem (a.k.a., money) to gain a mastery point. The more mastery you have, the more powerful your cards become. This lets even the weak cards in your starting deck become more powerful as the game progresses. If you reach a total of thirty mastery, you can activate your Infinity Shard, which instantly defeats your opponent.

As you acquire new cards, you can employ allies and champions to craft your strategy. Mercenary cards can be added to your deck as in other deck-building games or they can be played immediately from the center row for their ability; this adds even more drama to each player’s turn as a key mercenary flip can alter the very outcome of the game!

Will you neutralize your opponents before they can fully master the Infinity Shard? With careful planning and aggressive gameplay, only one player can emerge the winner!


TITANS is a territory control miniatures game for 1-4 players (up to 5 with an expansion).

The game is set in a historical fantasy setting of 17th century Europe.
Endless wars are taking their toll as the people fall into despair. There is no hope for an end, no prospects for a peaceful order. The faith of the people slowly burns out.
Dorment Spirits of the Nations wake up from centuries-long rest, rekindling the hearts of the people and raising ancient warriors called the Titans. People, filled with extraordinary powers, standing hand-by-hand with mighty Titans, fight to reclaim Europe. That war will end it all, and a King of Kings will be chosen.

In Titans players take roles of a king that leads an Army with a mythical Titan into Battle.
There are 4 Nations to choose from, one of the European empires of that time – Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russia, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire.

The game revolves around a unique, yet simple Order Card Mechanics.
Players will use a shared deck of Order Cards that will allow them to recruit Units, awake the Nation’s Power and move their Armies across the Game Board.
Players draw a specific number of Order Cards and place them face-up for all players to see. Players also see the upcoming Order Cards so they can plan their long=term strategy.
In his turn, the active player chooses 1 of the available Order Cards and uses it’s available Actions. Players will try to gain strategic positions, move their front line and attack their opponents where they are the weakest. The next player uses the same Pool of Order Cards so the active player may try to anticipate opponents movement and use that to their advantage.
When there is only 1 Order Card available it’s discarded, the “upcoming Order Cards” become the available pool and new Order Cards are drawn.
That allows for dynamic gameplay with a lot of planning, both tactical and strategical.

The game is divided into Rounds and the Round ends after the Order Deck is empty. After each Round players collect Victory Points for the Regions they control, so players constantly want to expand their domain. Winning Battles also bring players Victory Points so deciding when, where and how to attack is crucial as well. The player with the most Victory Points at the end of the game is the winner.

Each of the 4 Nations has different starting abilities and a dedicated Deck of Army Cards that player may purchase during the game. Each Titan also has its own special ability that goes on top of the strength he brings into the Battle.
Nations are well balanced and start the game with some small differences, but as the game progresses each player decides how to expand the Nation by choosing the Army Cards, making it unique among all others.

In Battles, players will try to get more strength than their opponent. There are 3 factors contributing to the Battle Strength:
1) Battle Dice
Each type of Unit has a special type of Dice assigned to them. Dice add exciting randomness, but the range of results on each dice allows players to plan and prepare for the possible outcomes. There is also a simple re-roll mechanics, so the Dice should satisfy gamers that both love and avoid Dice in wargames.
2) Support Cards are held in hand by players. They allow gaining additional Strenght or Moving a new Unit to the Battle. Most of the cards can be combined to create powerful combos, but each card has a specific requirement to be played. So making those combos depends on the Units involved in that particular Battle.
3) Army Cards, that are kept face-up in front of each player. They work in specific situations, so – for most of the time – players will be fully aware of their possible impact on the Battle. But it depends on their decision to use them or keep them for one of the upcoming Battles.

Battles in “Titans” require from the player managing their hand of Support Cards, utilizing their Army Cards and – most importantly – efficiently maneuvering their Units and the Titan.

As the game is being developed, there are high possibilities for Solo Mode, historical, asymmetrical scenarios, Secret Mission Cards, etc.

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—description from the designer

Loco Momo

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In Loco Momo, you can explore the forest and find other animal friends to compose the best “groupie” photo. It uses different animals’ unique movement patterns.

On your turn,

1. Choose an animal from the game board

2. Move it according to the animal’s movement rules

3. Add all animals of the chosen type to your player board

4. Assign their seats

5. Complete the game board and end your turn

You will have a bunch of cute animals in your frame after six rounds. The most memorable picture wins!

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Bear Raid

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Start buying and shorting stocks in your power suit, pajamas, or prison jumper in Bear Raid. You are trying to make as much money as you can, like every successful trader.

During the action phase of the game, players will buy and short stocks. The effects of news headlines will be determined by event cards.

By manipulating 42 dice, you can influence the stock market, hopefully bending the stock prices your way.

The winner is the one with the most money!

Catan Starfarers

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Three to four players explore and settle the unknown universe in CATAN – Starfarers.

The Galactic Council is looking for Ambassadors. Victorious is the one who makes the most progress.
Upgrade your mothership with boosters, freight pods, and cannons. Defend against space pirates, transport goods, and fly faster!
There are lots of twists, turns, and interesting choices in encounter cards.

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HEXplore It: The Domain of Mirza Noctis

HEXplore is a cooperative adventure board game that can be played solo or with up to seven players.

How to Play

The premise of the game is simple – you and your fellow adventurers must explore the mystical land of Mirza Noctis while facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. Each player takes on the role of a unique hero, each with their own special abilities and strengths. And let me tell you, choosing which hero to play as is no easy task – they are all equally awesome in their own way.

In order to progress through the game, players must complete quests, defeat monsters and gather resources. But here’s the catch – Mirza Noctis is a hex-based game, meaning all actions and movements are determined by rolling six-sided dice. This adds an element of unpredictability and excitement to the gameplay, making every turn a new adventure.

But don’t worry, HEXplore It isn’t just about luck. The game also requires strategic thinking and careful planning, as players must work together to overcome challenges and achieve their ultimate goal – defeating the big bad boss, Lord Zarrath.

One of the things I love most about HEXplore It is its unique game mechanics. Each hero has their own deck of cards that represent their skills and abilities. As players progress through the game, they can level up and add new cards to their deck, making them even more powerful.

The game also features a customizable world map, with different terrain types and locations to explore. This adds a layer of depth and replayability to the game, as no two games will ever be the same.

And let’s not forget about the gorgeous artwork – from the beautifully designed hero cards to the detailed game board, every component of HEXplore It is visually stunning.

Who Can Play

Now, you might be thinking – is this game only suitable for hardcore board gamers? Absolutely not! HEXplore It is a perfect blend of strategy and fun, making it enjoyable for both seasoned players and beginners alike. Plus, with its cooperative gameplay, it’s a great option for game nights with friends or family.

What Makes It Fun

For me, what sets HEXplore It apart from other board games is its immersive storytelling. The game’s rulebook is written in a narrative style, making it feel like you are embarking on a real adventure. And as you progress through the game, unexpected twists and turns keep things exciting.

Plus, with its vast array of heroes, quests and challenges – no two games will ever be the same. This makes HEXplore It a game that I can keep coming back to time and time again.


Plan, build, and develop a small town into a major metropolis. Use hex-shaped building tiles to add residential, commercial, civic, and industrial areas, as well as special points of interest that provide benefits and take advantage of the resources of nearby towns. Your goal is to have your borough thrive and end up with a greater population than any of your opponents.

Suburbia is a tile-laying game in which each player tries to build up an economic engine and infrastructure that will be initially self-sufficient, and eventually become both profitable and encourage population growth. As your town grows, you’ll modify both your income and your reputation. As your income increases, you’ll have more cash on hand to purchase better and more valuable buildings, such as an international airport or a high-rise office building. As your reputation increases, you’ll gain more and more population — and the player with the largest population at the end of the game wins.

During each game, players compete for several unique goals that offer an additional population boost — and the buildings available in each game vary, so you’ll never play the same game twice!

The second edition of Suburbia features updated artwork, larger tiles than in the original game, a dual-sided scoreboard, GameTrayz storage organizers, and more!


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Hallertau is a board game set around 1850 – the time that made the Hallertau region what it is today. Hallertau is the biggest hops producing area in Germany and in this game, players assume the role of a chief of a small village in the Hallertau region where they need to provide local craftsmen with the goods they require by cultivating crops, breeding sheep and strategically playing cards. The winner is the player with the best developed village.


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In Unsettled, there are a series of planet packs that offer unique twists and variations on the core system.

Each planet is a different version of the game. There is no overarching narrative. Each play is a separate experience that can be played repeatedly. In time, you will begin to see each play as a stop on your long, strange journey home.

There are two parts to the Unsettled game system: the main framework and planet boxes. In the framework are all the non-planet-specific components that will be used in each play. A planet box contains all the characteristics specific to that planet. Essentially, the framework acts as a game system; the planet boxes are cartridges that you plug into the system.

Feed the Kraken

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In the game Feed the Kraken, each player takes on the role of a Sailor, Priate or Cult Leader, and plots the course of the ship towards their faction’s destination using all available means.

How to Play

Armed with only your wits and trusty harpoon, you must navigate through treacherous waters while avoiding obstacles and dangerous sea creatures.

You also have to collect gold coins along the way to increase your score. And trust me, those coins are not easily obtained. You’ll have to dodge whirlpools, navigate through narrow caves and even fend off giant octopuses in order to reach your goal.

The controls are easy to learn yet challenging to master. You have to use a combination of tapping and swiping to move your character and aim your harpoon, which adds an extra layer of difficulty and fun.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for anyone who enjoys action-packed adventure games with a touch of humor.

What Makes It Fun

The graphics are colorful and vibrant, the sound effects add an immersive element, and the overall experience is just pure fun. This game will keep you entertained for hours on end.

Black Rose Wars: Rebirth

In ‘Black Rose Wars: Rebirth’, players take on the role of powerful mages, vying for control and dominance in a secret society known as the Black Rose Order. Each player is given a unique mage character with their own set of abilities and spells. The goal of the game is to collect points by casting spells, completing objectives, and defeating other players’ mages.

How to Play

This game features depth and complexity in its gameplay. It requires strategic planning, resource management, and a bit of luck to be successful. The game also has a deck-building aspect where players can customize their spell decks with different spells and artifacts, making each playthrough unique.

One of the most interesting mechanics in ‘Black Rose Wars: Rebirth’ is the use of rooms on the game board. These rooms represent different locations within the Black Rose Order’s headquarters and provide various bonuses and effects to players who control them. It adds an extra layer of strategy to the game as players must constantly fight for control of these rooms.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for those who enjoy a mix of strategy, deck-building, and fantasy elements in their board games. It’s best played with a group of 3-5 players, although it can accommodate up to 6. The game has a recommended playtime of 90-120 minutes, but it can easily stretch out longer if players are really into the gameplay.

What Makes It Fun

One thing that makes ‘Black Rose Wars: Rebirth’ fun is its unpredictability. With the variety of spells and artifacts available, no two games are ever the same. And with the constant battle for control of rooms and objectives, there is never a dull moment. It’s a game that keeps you on your toes and always thinking ahead.

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Men of Iron Battles Tri-pack: Men of Iron, Infidel, Blood & Roses

A more perceptive understanding of combined-arms warfare and the effective use of defensive terrain can be found in Men of Iron, the game that started it all.

These scenarios highlight the key element that made these battles so fascinating: the defensive power of the longbow. The Battle of Agincourt describes Henry V’s famous victory.

Christian and Muslim battles were fought throughout the early Crusades period in Men of Iron: Infidel, the second volume in the series. In this period, cavalry reigned supreme and European mounted, armored men-at-arms faced off against Eastern European/Turkish light cavalry tactics – relying on the effectiveness of their mounted archers.

Blood & Roses is about the battles of the Wars of the Roses in England between 1455 and 1487. Men were heavily and totally armored during this period of warfare, so much so that their mobility was compromised. Additionally, gunpowder was introduced – mostly in the form of field artillery – in noticeable quantities. Even though many English men-at-arms rode horses, they did so almost exclusively as a means of transportation. Almost all of the fighting took place on foot … and it was quite vicious.

Runaljod: The sound of the runes

If you both board games and Norse mythology, Runaljod is the game for you

How to Play

Runaljod is a strategy game that takes place in the mythical world of Norse gods and goddesses. Each player takes on the role of a powerful god, competing to gather the most runes and prove their worthiness.

The game mechanics are easy to understand but offer enough depth for strategic thinking. You move around the board by rolling dice and can choose to either collect runes or use special abilities to hinder your opponents. The catch? Your special abilities are tied to the use of rune stones, so you have to carefully decide when and how to use them.

Who Can Play

One of the things I love about this game is that it can be enjoyed by both casual and more experienced gamers. It’s not overly complicated but still offers enough challenge to keep everyone engaged.

Plus, with its Norse mythology theme, Runaljod has a unique appeal to it. It’s not your typical fantasy or sci-fi themed game, which sets it apart from others on the market.

So who is this game for? Well, definitely anyone who loves Norse mythology or strategy games. But I also think it could be great for families looking to introduce their kids to more complex board games.

And let’s not forget about game night with friends – this is the perfect game to bring out for some competitive fun.

What Makes It Fun

Overall, I would highly recommend Runaljod: The Sound of the Runes to anyone looking for a new and exciting addition to their board game collection. With its beautiful artwork, engaging gameplay, and unique theme, it’s sure to become a favorite among many. 

Monikers: Classics

“Monikers Classic” is an expansion to the base game of Monikers, enriching the experience with a fresh set of cards. This expansion pack maintains the hilarious and engaging essence of Monikers, offering players new characters, celebrities, historical figures, and wild cards to describe, guess, and act out.

Find out more about the base game Monikers

The expansion enriches the gameplay by introducing more diversity and unpredictability into the mix, ensuring that even seasoned players of the base game will find new challenges and laughs. 



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In Azul, you take on the role of artisans tasked with tiling the walls of a royal palace. The gameplay revolves around a simple yet engaging mechanic: drafting colored tiles from a central pool to place them on your player board. Each round, you strategically select tiles to  complete specific patterns or sequences, to score points.

Azul Game Mechanics

The game mechanics involve players choosing tiles from factory displays, and must think ahead about not only what they need but also what their opponents might need. The game ends after a set number of rounds, and additional points are scored for completed rows, columns, and sets of colors, adding a layer of strategic depth to the final placements.

Azul is fun due to its simplicity and strategic complexity. The easy to learn rules make the game accessible, but mastering it involves deep strategic thinking, foresight, and a bit of risk-taking. This balance makes Azul appealing to both casual players and serious players looking for a challenge.

Who will find Azul fun?

Azul  appeals to gamers who enjoy puzzle-like challenges and games where planning and strategy are rewarded. The game’s aesthetic appeal, with its beautiful, tactile tiles is a bonus.

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Game description from the publisher:

It is 1926, and the museum’s extensive collection of exotic curios and occult artifacts poses a threat to the barriers between our world and the elder evils lurking between dimensions. Gates to the beyond begin to leak open, and terrifying creatures of increasing strength steal through them. Animals, the mad, and those of more susceptible minds are driven to desperation by the supernatural forces the portals unleash. Only a handful of investigators race against time to locate the eldritch symbols necessary to seal the portals forever. Only they can stop the Ancient One beyond from finding its way to Earth and reducing humanity to cinders.

Elder Sign is a fast-paced, cooperative dice game of supernatural intrigue for one to eight players by Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson, the designers of Arkham Horror. Players take the roles of investigators racing against time to stave off the imminent return of the Ancient One. Armed with tools, allies, and occult knowledge, investigators must put their sanity and stamina to the test as they adventure to locate Elder Signs, the eldritch symbols used to seal away the Ancient Ones and win the game.

To locate Elder Signs, investigators must successfully endure Adventures within the museum and its environs. A countdown mechanism makes an Ancient One appear if the investigators are not quick enough. The investigators must then battle the Ancient One. A clever and thematic dice mechanism pits their exploration against monsters and the sheer difficulty of staying sane and healthy, all within the standard game duration of one to two hours.

Raiders of the North Sea

Raiders of the North Sea is set in the central years of the Viking Age. As Viking warriors, players seek to impress the Chieftain by raiding unsuspecting settlements. To do so, players need to assemble a crew, collect provisions, and journey north to plunder gold, iron and livestock. Glory can be found in battle, even at the hands of the Valkyrie, so gather your warriors because it’s raiding season!

To impress the Chieftain, you need victory points (VPs), with those being acquired primarily by raiding settlements, taking plunder, and making offerings to the Chieftain. How you use your plunder is also vital to your success. Players take turns in clockwise order, and on a turn you place a worker and resolve its action, then pick up a different worker and resolve its action. Broadly speaking, those actions fall in one of two categories:

Work: Having a good crew and enough provisions are vital to successful raiding, so before making any raids, players need to do some work to prepare their crew and collect supplies. This is all done in the village at the bottom of the game board, with eight buildings offering various actions. You must first place your worker in an available building where no other worker is present, then pick up a different worker from a different building.
Raid: Once players have hired enough crew and collected provisions, you may choose to raid on your turn. To raid a settlement — whether a harbor, outpost, monastery or fortress — you need to meet three requirements: Having a large enough crew, having enough provisions (along with gold for monasteries and fortresses, and having a worker of the right color. Raiding offers various ways of scoring, such as military strength, plunder, and Valkyries, which is how grey and white workers enter the game.
The game ends when only one fortress raid remains, all Valkyrie have been removed, or all offerings have been made, then players tally their scores.

The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth

Embark on your own adventures in J.R.R. Tolkien’s iconic world with The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth, a fully co-operative, app-supported board game for one to five players! You’ll battle villainous foes, make courageous choices, and strike a blow against the evil that threatens the land — all as part of a thrilling campaign that leads you across the storied hills and dales of Middle-Earth.

Each individual game of Journeys in Middle-Earth is a single adventure in a larger campaign. You’ll explore the vast and dynamic landscapes of Middle-earth, using your skills to survive the challenges that you encounter on these perilous quests. As you and your fellow heroes explore the wilderness and battle the dark forces arrayed against you, the game’s companion app guides you to reveal the looming forests, quiet clearings, and ancient halls of Middle-Earth, while also controlling the enemies you encounter. Whether you’re venturing into the wild on your own or with close companions by your side, you can write your own legend in the history of Middle-Earth.

Fields of Arle

Welcome to Arle
In Fields of Arle, created by Uwe Rosenberg, one to two players live as farmers in the small and peaceful town of Arle in East Frisia. The flax grown in the land surrounding the village makes it a profitable place to work and live. Fields of Arle takes players through four and a half years of this era of prosperity, with different opportunities available as the seasons change. Farm the land to capitalize on the demand for flax, or find other ways to make the most of the small town’s prosperity.

Work the Land
Whether you delve into flax farming or leverage other areas of expertise, always make sure that you have the land to build up your village. Construct dikes to keep the waters at bay and expand your fields. Dry out bogs to harvest peat and then clear the land for cultivation. Create more fields for your livestock, buildings, or future crops; after that, you can decide whether to house animals or cultivate a forest for timber. Perhaps you’d like to take up some flax farming for yourself, or diversify and try out a little bit of everything.

Tools of the Trade
At the outset of each half year, you’ll choose how you’d like to spend that time working. There are many ways to build your fortune. Use the Master space to increase the tools at your disposal, focus on the Cattle Trainer to make the most of your livestock, or build up your fleet of vehicles and ship out goods. Taking stock of your progress differs depending on the season. You may milk your existing livestock or care for a bunch of newborn animals. You could harvest your flax in the fall, and sheer your sheep in spring. At the end of each half year, you’ll need to take stock of your progress by unloading your vehicles and feeding your family and animals, so keep an eye on the season and do your best to keep the farm growing and everyone well fed!

Travel and Prosper
Once you’ve made headway in clearing fields and stocking up goods, it’s time to make your products available to potential buyers. The more vehicles you have, the more goods you can ship. Send things into the wide world to increase your Travel Experience and grant you points over the course of the four and a half years of the game. Build up your farm and your vehicles and get your goods out into the world to make the most of every season. There are many roads to success in Fields of Arle, so pick your path, work the land, and enjoy the friendly competition as you strive to make your fortune!

Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game

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A unique gaming experience is provided by Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game. Unlike most games where players win individually, Battlestar Galactica is a team game, which is further complicated by the fact that which players are on which teams remains a secret. During the game, each player is secretly assigned a team. Both the humans and the Cylons have a specific objective. The humans are trying to find the map to Earth, while the Cylon players merely wish to annihilate the human race. In order to lead their team to victory, players have to figure out who they can trust.

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Caylus 1303

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1303. England loses the war, but Guyenne is still theirs. Caylus Castle, located close to the border, needs to be reinforced and modernized. Your job as a master builder is to supply workers, materials, and food to the construction site.

Create buildings, hire powerful characters, and manage your workers to become Caylus’ most prestigious builder  

Silicon Saga: Wreck of the Andromeda

Silicon Saga: Wreck of the Andromeda is a sci-fi dungeon crawl/exploration game set aboard the floating wreck of a space research station. Players take on the roles of members of a crew of space marauders looking to strip the station of valuable resources. Unfortunately, the station is not quite as abandoned as they had hoped. They will be faced with lurking dangers and struggling survivors. The goal of the game is to collect a determined amount of silicon from the ship and return to the hanger with the silicon before the game ends. There are variable play modes which allow players to compete against each other or to play cooperatively.

The game is played on square tiles with players drawing and placing tiles as they explore the ship. Players move and interact by playing cards. The game is broken into rounds with each player drawing a number of cards and performing a number of action during the round. Players take turns, performing actions one at a time. They have a chance to add new cards to their deck or hand each round or to gain additional actions.

While exploring the Andromeda, players will find resources such as crafting components, ammo, food and their true goal, silicon. They may also find survivors, dangerous threats or face random events. Interaction with survivors or threats are handled through a chit-pull system. Each player has a bag and a set of different markers, each with a different effect. Throughout the game, the cards they play will have them add markers to their bag to form a pool. When interacting with entities, they can play cards that let them draw markers from the pool in an attempt to cause different effects. Players may face hostile encounters or peaceful encounters. Each marker type has a different effect depending on the type of encounter.

In addition to interacting with entities encountered onboard, players can interact with one another. They can steal from or sabotage other players to take or force them drop any carried silicon.

Silicon Saga can be played by a group or by a single player. For solo play, the game can be played using the base game mode. The rules will also include additional solo player challenges.

The Adventures of Robin Hood

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Nottingham, England is suffering under the oppressive rule of the corrupt Prince John and his henchmen in 1193. With this cooperative family board game, players assume the roles of Robin Hood and his Merry Men as they battle the wicked rulers throughout the city and Sherwood Forest.

The game was designed and illustrated by Michael Menzel, the creator of the Legends of Andor series, and includes both a beautifully illustrated gameboard that changes through the course of the game and a 216-page hardcover storybook that narrates the story.

A unique gameplay mechanic allows you to move your character figures freely around the gameboard; you do not need to follow a set course. During play, the gameboard has interactive panels that can be flipped over to reveal hidden characters and new gameplay elements. You speak to various characters in these panels as your quest progresses. The quickstart game in the rulebook gets you started right away. Take up your bow and arrow and join the fight for justice and equity!

It’s similar to “legacy” style games like Pandemic Legacy because the rules change and the story develops over the course of several sessions, however you never open new boxes of parts, put stickers on the board, or tear up a card.

In other ways, it is similar to role-playing games because players can freely travel across the map and investigate anything they are interested in… though there is also a very real time pressure to complete certain tasks for each chapter.

Unconscious Mind

Austria in the early 1900s: Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud established a revolutionary set of theories and therapeutic techniques called psychoanalysis, which are related to the study of the unconscious mind.

During the autumn of 1902, a group of followers who were interested in Freud’s work met at his apartment every Wednesday afternoon to discuss psychology and neuropathology. The Wednesday Psychological Society began the worldwide movement of psychoanalysis. The Wednesday group was reorganized in 1908 as the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, with Freud as its president, reflecting its growing institutional status.

In Unconscious Mind, a game that blends worker placement, engine building, multi-use cards, and action programming, your goal is to master therapeutic techniques, establish a practice, and grow your clientele. In exploring your patients’ dreams – their unconscious minds – you can help them recover from complexes and traumas. As a result, they will live happier, more productive lives.

Each turn, you use all of the therapeutic technique cards in a row of your notebook, which are marked by your ink-pots. You then send a figure to one of the many action spaces in Vienna – spending time and moving your ink pot to pay the costs, which determines which row of your notebook will be activated at the start of your next turn. As the game progresses, your office will receive numerous visits from citizens of Vienna. Once they have been healed, they can happily resume their occupations, which opens up more opportunities for players to use action spaces in Vienna. Along the way, you can compile your knowledge and submit a thesis for additional rewards. After several rounds, scores are tallied, and the player with the most points wins!


Mansions of Madness: Second Edition

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‘Midnight Mansions’ is an entrancing blend of strategy, mystery, and a touch of the supernatural, perfect for those who love a good narrative interwoven with their gameplay.

Gameplay Mechanics

Midnight Mansions’ is a unique experience each time you play. The game is set in a sprawling, eerie mansion filled with hidden rooms, secret passages, and unexpected surprises. The goal is simple yet challenging: uncover the mansion’s mysteries while avoiding various traps and spectral inhabitants.

Players start by choosing a character, each with their unique abilities and weaknesses. The mansion is a modular board, meaning its layout changes every game. You explore room by room, uncovering clues, solving puzzles, and sometimes facing otherworldly entities.

The game uses a combination of dice rolls and card draws to determine movement, encounters, and outcomes of actions. Strategy comes into play as you decide whether to take a risky shortcut through a potentially haunted corridor or take the longer, safer path.

Audience Appeal

Midnight Mansions is likely to appeal to:

Storytellers and Fantasy Lovers: The game’s rich narrative and thematic elements are a delight for those who enjoy a story-driven experience.

Strategy Gamers: The ever-changing board and character abilities require strategic thinking, appealing to those who love a mental challenge.

What Makes It Fun:

  1. Ever-Changing Gameplay: No two games are alike, thanks to the modular board and variety of cards and scenarios.
  2. Cooperative Play: Players must work together to solve the mansion’s mysteries, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared adventure.
  3. Immersive Experience: The game’s artwork and narrative components are incredibly detailed, drawing players into the world of ‘Midnight Mansions’.
  4. Balanced Challenge: The game is challenging but not frustrating, with enough complexity to keep it interesting without being overwhelming.

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Elite: Dangerous Battle Cards

In Elite: Dangerous Battle Cards, players take on the role of spaceship commanders and battle against each other in a race to reach the center of the galaxy.

How to Play

The gameplay is simple yet strategic – players must use their deck of cards to navigate through space, collect resources, and engage in combat with their opponents. The first player to reach the center of the galaxy wins!

The game is easy to learn, but it has a lot of depth. Each turn, players can choose from different actions such as moving their spaceship, gathering resources, or attacking other players. The cards in the deck have different abilities and stats that add an element of strategy and unpredictability to the game. And just like in real life, players must manage their resources wisely and make smart decisions to stay ahead of the competition.

Who Can Play

Elite: Dangerous Battle Cards is perfect for any gamer who loves sci-fi, adventure, and strategic gameplay. It’s suitable for both casual players looking for a fun time with friends and seasoned gamers who enjoy more complex and challenging games. It’s also a great choice for families, as the game can be enjoyed by players of all ages.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the exciting gameplay and strategic elements, what makes Elite: Dangerous Battle Cards so much fun is the immersive experience it provides. The game comes with stunning artwork and detailed descriptions of planets, creatures, and spaceships, making you feel like you’re truly exploring the vastness of space. Plus, there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of defeating your opponents in an epic space battle!


Sky Team

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Sky Team is an exhilarating cooperative board game that invites players to experience the thrill of aviation teamwork.’

Gameplay and Mechanics

In Sky Team, players take on the roles of a pilot and co-pilot, working together to navigate their aircraft through various missions. The core gameplay revolves around communication, coordination, and quick decision-making.

  1. Role-Based Gameplay: Players must work together, with one handling the flight controls and the other managing navigation and systems. This division of responsibilities requires seamless cooperation.

  2. Dynamic Scenarios: Each mission presents unique challenges, from weather conditions to mechanical failures. Players must adapt their strategies on the fly, ensuring no two games are the same.

  3. Time Pressure: Real-time elements add intensity, as players must complete tasks within specific time frames. This creates a sense of urgency and excitement.

  4. Resource Management: Players need to manage limited resources, such as fuel and repair tools, making strategic planning crucial to their success.

What Makes Sky Team Fun

  1. Immersive Experience: The aviation theme is brought to life with detailed components and scenarios that make players feel like they’re really in the cockpit.

  2. High Replayability: With a variety of missions and dynamic challenges, Sky Team ensures that each playthrough is unique and engaging.

  3. Real-Time Thrills: The inclusion of real-time elements keeps players on their toes and adds an adrenaline rush that is both fun and challenging.

  4. Teamwork and Communication: The game shines in its ability to foster teamwork. Success hinges on effective communication and synchronized actions, making each victory truly rewarding.

Who is likely to enjoy Sky Team?

Cooperative Game Lovers –  Sky Team’s emphasis on teamwork and coordination makes it a perfect fit for those who enjoy working together towards a common goal.

Aviation Enthusiasts – the detailed aviation theme and realistic scenarios will captivate players with an interest in flying and aircraft.

Real-Time Strategy Fans – The real-time elements in Sky Team add a layer of excitement and urgency, appealing to those who enjoy quick decision-making and fast-paced gameplay.

Couples and Small Groups – An engaging and interactive experience for 2 players

Puzzle and Problem-Solving Aficionados – The game’s dynamic scenarios and resource management aspects require strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, attracting players who enjoy mental challenges.

What are Sky Team players saying about the game?

Easy to Learn, Fun to Master – Despite its simplicity, the game offers significant depth, keeping seasoned gamers engaged. The game’s modular design and various missions ensure it remains interesting and challenging over time.

Challenging and Satisfying – Range of difficulty levels, allows players to gradually learn the mechanics and then push their limits. The difficult scenarios require multiple attempts, adding to the satisfaction of finally completing them.

Perfect for Short, Engaging Sessions – Quick setup and short playtime, making it an ideal choice for busy schedules. Many players find it perfect for a quick game session in the evening or while waiting for dinner to cook. 

Highly Replayable – offers high replayability due to its variety of missions and scenarios. Each game feels unique, maintaining players’ interest over numerous playthroughs. 

Positive Reception Worldwide – Players from around the globe, including the US, Mexico, Germany, and the UK, have given Sky Team high marks. 

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You are one of the two most powerful traders in the city of Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, but that’s not enough for you because only the merchant with two “seals of excellence” will have the privilege of being invited to the Maharaja’s court. You are therefore going to have to do better than your direct competitor by buying, exchanging, and selling at better prices, all while keeping an eye on both your camel herds. Jaipur is a fast-paced card game, a blend of tactics, risk and luck. On your turn, you can either take or sell cards. If you take cards, you have to choose between taking all the camels, taking one card from the market, or swapping 2-5 cards between the market and your cards. If you sell cards, you get to sell only one type of good, and you receive as many chips for that good as the number of cards you sold. The chips’ values decrease as the game progresses, so you’d better hurry! On the other hand, you receive increasingly high rewards for selling three, four, or five cards of the same good at a time, so you’d better wait! You can’t sell camels, but they’re paramount for trading and they’re also worth a little something at the end of the round, enough sometimes to secure the win, so you have to use them smartly.

Pandemic: On the Brink

As an enthusiast of cooperative board games, there’s always a thrill in discovering expansions that breathe new life into beloved classics. “Pandemic on the Brink” does exactly that for the base game “Pandemic,” a staple in the cooperative game genre where players work together as members of a disease control team trying to save the world from four deadly diseases. This expansion not only enhances the core gameplay but also introduces new challenges and strategic dimensions, making it an essential addition for fans of the original game. Here’s how “Pandemic on the Brink” expands and improves the base game:

New Roles and Events

One of the most immediate enhancements that “On the Brink” offers is the introduction of new role cards and event cards. The expansion adds seven new roles, including the Containment Specialist, who can help better control disease cubes; the Field Operative, who can collect cubes on their card to discover a cure more efficiently; and the Generalist, who can perform up to five actions each turn. These roles not only allow for a greater variety of playstyles but also increase the game’s replayability.

The new event cards, such as “New Assignment” which allows a player to change roles in the middle of the game, add further depth to the strategic choices players face. These additions are particularly effective in providing more dynamic interactions and tailored strategies based on the players’ preferred roles.

Enhanced Game Modes

“Pandemic on the Brink” introduces three new ways to play, each adding a distinct layer of complexity and excitement:

  1. The Virulent Strain Challenge — This challenge makes one disease particularly dangerous and unpredictable with new Epidemic cards. These cards replace the standard Epidemic cards in the deck and each comes with unique effects that make this disease more difficult to treat and contain.

  2. The Mutation Challenge — An additional, fifth disease (the purple disease) that behaves differently from the original four is added. This requires players to adapt their strategies to manage another threat. This mode often requires more resource management and forward planning, making it a test of adaptability and teamwork.

  3. The Bio-Terrorist Challenge — This mode changes the game’s dynamics by adding a one-versus-many element, where one player operates secretly against the other players. The bio-terrorist moves secretly on the board, spreading disease and chaos, creating a thrilling cat-and-mouse dynamic.

Components and Quality

The expansion includes new pawns, petri dishes for storing diseases, and cards, all of which are of high quality and enhance the overall aesthetic and practical aspects of the game. The inclusion of petri dishes for better organization of the disease cubes not only improves the visual appeal but also enhances the gameplay experience by making setup and play more streamlined.

Strategic Depth and Interaction

With the new roles, events, and challenges, “Pandemic on the Brink” significantly increases the game’s strategic depth. Players must think more critically about their role selection and their strategic approach to the game’s challenges. The expansion encourages deeper collaboration and communication among players, which is the core of what makes “Pandemic” a standout in the cooperative board game genre

Paladins of the West Kingdom

Paladins of the West Kingdom is set at a turbulent time of West Francia’s story, circa 900 AD. Despite recent efforts to develop the city, outlying townships are still under threat from outsiders. Saracens scout the borders, while Vikings plunder wealth and livestock. Even the Byzantines from the east have shown their darker side. As noble men and women, players must gather workers from the city to defend against enemies, build fortifications and spread faith throughout the land. Fortunately you are not alone. In his great wisdom, the King has sent his finest knights to help aid in our efforts. So ready the horses and sharpen the swords. The Paladins are approaching. The aim of Paladins of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game’s end. Points are gained by building outposts and fortifications, commissioning monks and confronting outsiders. Each round, players will enlist the help of a specific Paladin and gather workers to carry out tasks. As the game progresses, players will slowly increase their faith, strength and influence. Not only will these affect their final score, but they will also determine the significance of their actions. The game is concluded at the end of the seventh round.

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Age of Steam

Steam-belching iron horses roar across the wild plains! Age of Steam relives the era when pioneering U.S. railroads built the tracks that transformed America’s economy. The cut-throat action is centered on the industrial powerhouses of the growing nation: Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, and beyond.

Challenges that await you:

Can you finance both the most extensive track network and the most powerful locomotives?
Which routes will give the best returns on their costs?
Can you beat the opposition to the most lucrative shipments?
Will you make enough money to pay your aggressive creditors?
Competition is brutal, with the game usually going to the player who plans most carefully.

Each self-contained phase in the game keeps players constantly involved in making vital decisions and interacting with other players. Age of Steam also allows towns to be developed into cities, ensuring that no two games are exactly the same.

Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game

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Let’s Get Detective-y: A Guide to Playing Detective – A Modern Crime Board Game

Are you a fan of solving mysteries? Do you have a keen eye for details and love unraveling complex plots? Well, look no further because Detective – A Modern Crime Board Game has got you covered!

What is Detective – A Modern Crime Board Game?

Detective is a cooperative board game designed for 1-5 players. It is set in modern times and allows you to step into the shoes of a detective trying to solve various cases. The game was created by Ignacy Trzewiczek, Przemysław Rymer, and Jakub Łapot.

How does it work?

The game follows a storytelling format where each player acts as a detective working on a case. The game comes with five different cases, each with its own unique story and set of challenges. Players must work together to gather evidence, interview suspects, and ultimately solve the case.

Game Mechanics

Detective has a unique mechanic called the Antares Database, which is an online database accessed through the Detective app. This feature adds an extra layer of immersion to the game as players can use the database to search for information, cross-reference clues, and even watch surveillance footage. The app also serves as a timer for each case, adding a sense of urgency to the gameplay.

To gather evidence and solve the case, players must visit various locations on the board such as crime scenes, suspects’ homes, and the police station. The game also incorporates a “casebook” where players can keep track of their progress and notes, making it easier to piece together the mystery.

Who is it suitable for?

Detective – A Modern Crime Board Game is perfect for those who enjoy cooperative gameplay and solving puzzles. It is recommended for players aged 16 and above due to the complexity of the cases and mature themes. However, younger players can still enjoy the game with adult supervision.

What makes it fun?

The immersive storytelling aspect of Detective – A Modern Crime Board Game is what sets it apart from other board games. Each case is carefully crafted to provide players with a challenging yet enjoyable experience. The use of technology in the form of the Antares Database also adds to the fun, making players feel like real detectives.

Furthermore, the game encourages players to think critically and work together as a team. It also has a high replay value as each case can be approached in different ways, providing a new experience each time.

So gather your detective squad and get ready for an unforgettable gaming experience with Detective – A Modern Crime Board Game. Will you be able to crack the case? There’s only one way to find out. Happy sleuthing!

Additional Fun Facts

  • Detective was nominated for numerous awards, including the prestigious Spiel des Jahres award in 2019.
  • The game has a strong emphasis on realism and accuracy, with input from real detectives and law enforcement professionals.
  • Each case takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete, making it a perfect game for a game night or a rainy day.
  • The creators have promised new cases and expansions in the future, so there’s always something new to look forward to. So what are you waiting for? Start your detective journey today!

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Lords of Hellas

In Lords of Hellas, you control an asymmetric hero, developed by increasing his 3 basic statistics and gathering artifacts.
Enter the Dark Ages of Greece, ruled by mighty Gods wielding advanced technology.
Control asymmetric heroes and choose your path to victory, either by strategic control or adventure style monster hunting and quests.
Players can win in various ways: by controlling area, temples, or slaying monsters that are wandering through the map and interfere in various ways.
Civilization / Territory Building Game For 1-4 Players, Ages 12+ Playing time 60-90 Minutes.

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The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire

In The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire, players are a world leader making pivotal decisions to guide their nation to prosperity. In the game, players build power plants, generate energy, and use resources to build their industries, commerce, and governments while minimising their environmental impact. Whilst all nations will prosper, only one will rise to become the Energy Empire!

Nova Lux

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The universe is on the verge of extinction. This has been its primary function since its inception. In the vast black tapestry of space, the stars have burned into cosmic dust. Only a few star systems are capable of supporting biological life. 

You represent a federation of alien species that have escaped collapsed stellar systems aboard planetary Arks of Salvation. In an apocalyptic universe, hope must be re-established. Establish a synthetic self-contained ecosystem in a shell-shaped space colony that exists as a shell atop a dying star to provide for a civilization adrift in a dying universe. As you journey through the cosmos, you’ll use the hydrogen you harvest from the collapsing stars. 

In order to sustain life, your federation needs botanical oxygen sources, water, life forms, and artifacts. As soon as you establish your colony, you will need to satisfy the desires of the leading factions in your federation to avoid a civil war and to maintain unity after the last star has collapsed. 

Dominant Species: Marine

‘Dominant Species: Marine’ abstractly recreates a small part of ancient history: the end of an ice age and what that entails for the creatures trying to adapt.

Players take on the roles of four major aquatic animal classes – reptiles, fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans. Everybody starts the game in a state of natural balance. This won’t last: It’s survival of the fittest.

You’ll be placing action pawns in as many different habitats as possible in order to claim powerful effects. You’ll also need to propagate your species to earn victory points. You’ll get help with speciation, migration, and adaptation, among other things.

This leads to the end game – the final ascent of a vast tropical ocean and its shorelines – where the player with the most victory points will have their animal crowned the Dominant Species.

There’s a big asteroid coming this way, so somebody better get in there fast…

Game Play

Throughout the game, large hexagonal tiles are used to create an ever-expanding interpretation of the main ocean as it might have appeared millions of years ago. As the game progresses, hydrothermal vent tiles will be placed on top of some of the larger tiles, converting them into Vents.

Action pawns determine the outcome. Each pawn represents one of the various actions that can be taken, such as speciation, environmental change, migration or evolution. Placing a pawn on the action display will immediately initiate that particular action for its owner. There is a new “special” pawn that can be acquired during play in “Dominant Species: Marine.”. Special pawns have enhanced placement capabilities over the “basic” pawns that each player starts with.

Generally, players will aim to enhance their own animal’s survivability while hindering that of their opponents-hopefully collecting victory points along the way. These various cards will aid players in their efforts, giving them one-time abilities, ongoing benefits, or opportunities for recurring VP gains.

Throughout the game, species cubes will be added to, moved about, and removed from the tiles in play (“Earth”). Earth and animals will have element disks added and removed.

The players will conduct a final scoring of each tile and score their controlled special pawns-after which the player controlling the animal with the highest VP total will win the game.

Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan

The battle of Sekigahara, fought in 1600 at a crossroads in Japan, unified that nation under the Tokugawa family for more than 250 years.

Sekigahara allows you to re-contest that war as Ishida Mitsunari, defender of a child heir, or Tokugawa Ieyasu, Japan’s most powerful daimyo (feudal lord).

The campaign lasted only 7 weeks, during which each side improvised an army and a strategy with what forces their allies could provide. Each leader harbored deep doubts as to the loyalty of his units – for good reason. Several daimyo refused to fight; some even turned sides in the midst of battle.

To conquer Japan you must do more than field an army – you must be sure it will follow you into combat. Cultivate the loyalty of your allies and deploy them only when you are confident of their allegiance. Win a battle by gaining a defection from the ranks of your opponent.

Sekigahara is replete with unusual mechanics:

No dice are used
Cards represent loyalty and motivation. Without a matching card, an army will not enter battle.
Allegiance is represented by hand size, which fluctuates each turn.
Battles are a series of deployments, from hidden unit stacks, based on hidden loyalty factors. Loyalty Challenge cards create potential defection events.

Sekigahara is a 3-hour block game based on the Japanese campaign waged in 1600. The 7-week war, fought along Japan’s two major highways and in scattered sieges and backcountry skirmishes, elevated Tokugawa Ieyasu to Shogun and unified Japan for 265 years.

Sekigahara is designed to offer an historically authentic experience within an intuitive game mechanic that can be played in one sitting. Great effort has been taken to preserve a clean game mechanism. (Despite a healthy amount of historical detail, the ruleset is a brief 6 pages.) Chance takes the form of uncertainty and not luck.

No dice are used; combat is decided with cards. Blocks = armies and cards = motivation. The combination of army and motivation produces impact on the battlefield. Armies without matching cards don’t fight. Battles resolve quickly, but with suspense, tactical participation, and a wide range of possible outcomes.

Legitimacy is represented by hand size, which fluctuates each week according to the number of castles a player holds. Certain events deplete legitimacy, like force marches and lost battles. Recruitment, meanwhile, is a function of a daimyo’s control over key production areas. Objectives (enemy units, castles, resources) exist all over the map.

The initial setup is variable, so the situation is always fresh. Concealed information (blocks and cards) lends additional uncertainty. In this way the game feels like the actual campaign.

Blocks are large and stackable. Every unit on the board is visible at once, and the strategic situation is comprehensible at a glance. Components use authentic clan designations and colors, and have a Japanese feel.

True to history, the objectives (castles and economic centers) and forces (armies of allied daimyo) are dispersed. Support for one front means neglect for another. The player is pulled between competing priorities. Each side wonders where his opponent wants to fight, and where he is unready. There is a great deal of bluff in the game.

Each player must rally the several daimyo of his coalition, managing the morale and motivation of each clan. The forces are dispersed, and while there are reasons to unify them, the objectives are also dispersed, and the timeframe compact, so skirmishing will occur all over the island.

TIME SCALE 1 week per 2-player turns
MAP SCALE Point to point
UNIT SCALE One block = 5000 soldiers

Mounted Map
119 wooden pieces
1 and 1/2 sticker sheets
110 cards
Two player aid cards

DESIGNER: Matthew Calkins
MAP, CARD, & BLOCK ART: Mark Mahaffey

(source: GMT website)

Sword & Sorcery

Description from the publisher:

Sword & Sorcery is an epic-fantasy cooperative board game in which 1-5 players fight together against the forces of evil, which are controlled by the game system itself.

Each player controls one or more heroes – legendary characters brought back to life by powerful sorcery. Weakened by the resurrection, they grow stronger during their story-driven quests. By acquiring soul points during battles, the heroes’ souls regenerate, restoring their legendary status with multiple powers, magic and soul weapons, and powerful artifacts.

Designed by Gremlin Project (the same team who created Galaxy Defenders), the game system in Sword & Sorcery represents the perfect evolution of its forerunner. Gameplay is faster and dynamic, thanks to an innovative area movement and area control system, with new features never seen before in a game of this category.

Key features of Galaxy Defenders are also preserved in Sword & Sorcery, such as the advanced AI system for monsters, a high degree of character customization, and the multiple tactical options during battles. Sword & Sorcery packs, in a top-quality board game format, all the excitement of the best MMORPGs and action RPGs, to provide the ultimate heroic fantasy board game adventure.

This base game contains ACT I of III.


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Monsdrawsity: The Ultimate Drawing Game!

Monsdrawsity is the perfect game for those looking to unleash their creativity while playing games. Designed for both kids and adults, this game will keep you entertained for hours with its unique gameplay and hilarious outcomes.


Monsdrawsity is a game that revolves around drawing and guessing the most bizarre and comical monster combinations. The game is made up of two decks, one containing different body parts like head, torso, arms, and legs, while the other deck consists of various types of monsters such as vampires, aliens, and robots. In each round, a player draws one card from each deck, which will determine what they need to draw. For instance, they might have to draw a vampire with robot arms and an alien head. The catch is that players only get one minute to complete their drawing!

Game Mechanics

Monsdrawsity is a game that tests your quick thinking, creativity, and ability to improvise. With a limited amount of time, players are challenged to come up with the most outrageous monster combinations while also trying to guess what their opponents are drawing. Points are awarded for both successful guesses and for creating the most bizarre monsters. 

Suitable For

Monsdrawsity is suitable for players aged 8 years and above, making it a great option for families to play together. Its simple gameplay and silly nature make it easy to pick up and play, even for those who are not familiar with board games.

What Makes it Fun

There are so many things that make Monsdrawsity an incredibly fun game to play! First of all, the time constraint adds an element of chaos and urgency to the gameplay, making it both exciting and hilarious. Secondly, the combinations of body parts and monsters are completely random, leading to some truly absurd drawings that will have everyone laughing out loud. And lastly, the game encourages players to think outside the box and let their creativity run wild.


Sniper Elite: The Board Game

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In 1943, something moves in the darkness. Sniper Elite: The Board Game is a 1-4 player stealth action board game of pushing your luck and predicting your opponents.

Up to three players control German soldiers defending their base while hunting down allied sniper Karl Fairburne.

While stalking through the shadows towards your objectives, you will track your movements on a secret hidden board as you keep Karl’s location secret. When outnumbered but not outgunned, you must manage your timing carefully, as each shot and objective you complete tells the enemy more about your position.

To outwit the sniper, the defenders must combine tactical planning with careful insight, using miniatures to block paths, guard vulnerable areas, and move in for the kill while tracking the sniper’s movements.

There are also solo rules designed by Dávid Turczi and Noralie Lubbers that put you in control of the sniper while your enemies are controlled by an AI deck. Put your wits to the test and see if you can claim a priceless victory for the Allies.


The Dwarves Big Box

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The Dwarves Big Box is a cooperative fantasy adventure board game designed by Michael Palm and Lukas Zach and published by Pegasus Spiele. It is based on the popular fantasy book series “The Dwarves” by Markus Heitz. 

How to Play

So what makes The Dwarves Big Box so special? Well, first of all, it’s a cooperative game, which means all players work together towards a common goal. No more backstabbing friends and family members (we’ve all been there). Instead, you get to strategize and make decisions as a team, which makes the game even more exciting.

Speaking of strategy, this game has plenty of it. Each player takes on the role of a dwarf, each with their own unique abilities and skills. You have to use these abilities effectively in order to defeat hordes of enemies and complete quests. And let me tell you, it’s not an easy feat! The game is challenging but not impossible, which keeps you on the edge of your seat at all times.

Who Can Play

Now, don’t be intimidated by the fantasy theme. This game is suitable for all types of players, from beginners to seasoned board gamers. The rules are straightforward and easy to understand, so you’ll be up and running in no time. Plus, the artwork and miniatures in the game are simply stunning, which adds an extra layer of enjoyment.

What Makes It Fun

One thing I particularly love about The Dwarves Big Box is the replayability. With multiple scenarios and different combinations of dwarf characters, each game feels fresh and unique. No two games are the same, which means you can keep playing this game over and over again without getting bored.

But what truly makes The Dwarves Big Box stand out is the way it immerses you in the fantasy world. From the beautifully illustrated board to the detailed character abilities, you truly feel like you’re on an epic adventure with your fellow dwarves. And let’s not forget the excitement and tension that builds up as you try to complete quests before time runs out.

Dark Venture: Battle of the Ancients

‘Dark Venture: Battle of the Ancients’ is a game of excitement and anticipation, set in a fantasy world filled with magic, mythical creatures, and epic battles. The once peaceful land of Azeroth is now in turmoil as ancient gods have returned and are waging war against each other, bringing chaos to the world. As a chosen hero, it is up to you to embark on an epic journey, gather allies, and defeat these powerful beings.The stunning graphics and detailed environment enhance the game. From lush forests to towering castles, every location is beautifully designed and adds to the immersive experience.

How to Play

‘Dark Venture: Battle of the Ancients’ offers a mix of RPG and strategy elements, allowing players to choose their own path. Any decision made throughout the game affects the story and ultimately leads to different outcomes. This adds a fun element of unpredictability, making each playthrough unique. The game mechanics are easy to grasp, making it accessible to a wide range of players.

Who Can Play

This game will appeal to anyone who loves fantasy and epic adventures. The detailed world-building, engaging story, and diverse characters make it a must-play for fans of the genre. But even if you’re not typically drawn to fantasy games, the engaging gameplay and stunning visuals are sure to keep you entertained.

What Makes It Fun

‘Dark Venture’ offers a fun experience through a sense of accomplishment after each battle. Additionally, players get to see their army grow stronger and their hero mastering new skills whilst experiencing pure victory when finally defeating an ancient god. 



Hollywood Racers

If you’re a racing fan, a movie buff, or just looking for a fun game night activity, Hollywood Racers is definitely worth adding to your collection.

How to Play

The premise of the game is simple: race against your opponents to become the ultimate Hollywood racer. You get to choose from different iconic movie cars such as the Batmobile, DeLorean and even Lightning McQueen. But don’t be fooled by the cute characters, this game is all about strategy and quick thinking.

The game is played with a combination of dice rolls and cards. Each turn, you roll the dice to determine how many spaces your car can move. Then, you draw a card from the deck which can either help or hinder your progress. These cards include things like “flat tire” which slows you down, or “nitro boost” which gives you an extra move.

Who Can Play

Hollywood Racers is perfect for both casual and hardcore gamers. The simple gameplay mechanics make it easy to learn for beginners, but the strategic elements keep it interesting for more experienced players. Plus, the movie theme adds an extra layer of fun and nostalgia for all ages.

What Makes It Fun

What I love most about Hollywood Racers is the unpredictable nature of the game. You never know what cards you’ll draw or how your opponents will play, making every game unique and exciting. And let’s not forget the satisfaction of beating your friends to the finish line in a race car from your favorite movie.


Frostpunk: The Board Game

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An Overview of Frostpunk the Board Game

At its core, Frostpunk is a strategic survival game set in a steampunk alternative timeline where a volcanic winter has plunged the planet into a new ice age. The board game adaptation is designed for 1 to 4 players, each representing a faction vying for survival in a bitter new world. Players will oversee the construction and management of a city, delegate tasks, explore the frozen wilderness, and grapple with moral dilemmas that test their ethical fortitude.

The game board represents the city of New London, with various regions mapped out for players to explore and exploit. Throughout the game, players will guide their citizens in gathering resources, researching new technologies, and maintaining the delicate infrastructure necessary for life in the frozen void. The objectives range from simple survival to complex city-development goals, each requiring unique strategies and careful planning.

Embark on the Harrowing Journey of Frostpunk

The Heart of the Game: Detailed Gameplay

Frostpunk the board game follows a modular campaign structure, where you’ll face different scenarios, each introducing its own set of challenges and win conditions. The heart of Frostpunk is its cooperative nature, encouraging players to work together to ensure survival. Scenarios can end in victory or defeat, depending on the overall temperature, the city’s condition, the advancement of the technology tree, and the fulfillment of scenario-specific goals.

Instead of days or weeks, players make decisions and take actions in “rounds” representing the passage of time. Your choices ripple through the game, often leading to unforeseen consequences or rewards. The game cleverly intertwines a narrative element with a dynamic Event Deck, ensuring that no two playthroughs are the same.

The game employs a multitude of mechanics that are not only thematic but deeply strategic. Perhaps the most pivotal is the Temperature Track. In both the video game and the board game, the plummeting temperature is a primary foe, one that imposes harsh conditions on your citizens and requires constant attention and resource allocation.

Resource Management is another pivotal mechanic. Coal, food, steel, and wood form the backbone of your city’s functionality. Balancing production, stockpiling, and consumption is a perpetual challenge. The Automaton Mechanic, present in the video game as autonomous work drones, significantly alters resource utilization and production, adding a layer of efficiency and strategic depth.

Exploration and Technology are also paramount. Players can send scouts to investigate new locations, uncovering resources, or unraveling the clues to the overarching story. Research unlocks new buildings and improvements, often the keys to overcoming the game’s many hardships.

Finally, and perhaps most notably, is the New Order Mechanic. Just as in the video game, the board game forces players to make tough moral decisions that will shape the society they are building. Implementing radical laws can have game-changing effects, altering the behaviors of your citizens and sometimes opening up new paths to victory, but at an ethical cost.

The Warmth of Fun: What Makes Frostpunk a Standout Game

The Icy Challenge: Strategic Depth and Complexity

Frostpunk revels in presenting players with an intense strategic challenge that is both complex and deeply engaging. Balancing the various mechanics while navigating unforeseen events requires a nimble mind and a strategic acumen. The game’s difficulty curve is satisfyingly steep, offering a challenge that is as rewarding as it is unforgiving.

The Chill Narrative: A World to Lose Yourself In

One of the video game’s most praised elements was its narrative, and Frostpunk the board game is no different. Each scenario is a chapter in the larger tale of humanity’s struggle against the elements. The narratives woven into the objectives, events, and mechanics create a palpable sense of urgency and consequence, immersing players in the game’s world and lore.

The Strategic Fellowship: Team play and Cooperation

While you lead a faction, Frostpunk the board game is fundamentally a cooperative experience. Consultation, combined strategy, and teamwork are essential, as is negotiating the moral quandaries that decision-making throws your way. Victory, when achieved, is all the sweeter when your survival depended on a combined effort.

Who Will Find Frostpunk the Board Game a Welcome Chill?

Tabletop Tacticians and Strategic Masterminds

Frostpunk is tailor-made for the kind of player who revels in strategic decision-making and thrives on intense resource management. It’s also for those who relish the challenge of a game that demands their full attention and problem-solving skills.

Board Game Enthusiasts Who Enjoy Immersive Worlds

If you’re drawn to games that draw you into a fully realized world and a rich lore, then Frostpunk offers an icy landscape that is as bleak as it is beautiful. The game’s thematic mechanics and events are designed to tell a story just as much as they are to provide a challenge.

Video Game Veterans Seeking a New Medium

For those who love the Frostpunk video game or videogame-based board games, the transition to the tabletop offers a new perspective on familiar ground. It’s a chance to reimagine the experience and re-engage with the content in a fresh way.

Cooperative Players and Group Enthusiasts

Frostpunk the board game is best enjoyed with a dedicated group of friends or fellow gamers who appreciate and enjoy working together to overcome a common challenge.

Frostpunk the board game is not just a thematic re-skin of the video game; it is a standalone experience that captures the essence of Frostpunk’s harrowing narrative and strategic challenge. With its unforgiving survival mechanics, intricate strategic depth, and immersive thematic storytelling, Frostpunk offers a unique and rewarding experience for board game enthusiasts looking to test their wits against the piercing cold of an endless winter. 

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Scythe is set in an alternate-history in the 1920s. It is a period of farming and war. There are five Eastern Europe factions vying for fortune and land in the mysterious region called ‘The Factory”

Each player represents a character trying to make their faction the richest and most powerful in Eastern Europa. Players begin the game with power, coins, combat acumen and popularity. Each player starts in a different location and has a hidden goal. They will build infrastructure, explore the world and combat other factions.

Game advances as players gain stars (achievements on the board). The game ends when a player places their 6th star on the Triumph Track. Stars are earned by:

Deploying, upgrading mechs
Building structures
Enlisting recruits and workers
Completing an objective card
Winning combat
Gaining popularity and power
The goal of Scythe is to have the greatest number of coins at the end of the game. Typical winning fortune is $75. You collect them during the game but earn most during end-game scoring.

Collect coins for star tokens, territories and resources controlled.

You earn coins for:

Every star token placed
Every territory controlled
Every 2 resources controlled
The number of coins you earn is dependent on your popularity (the higher popularity the more coins). You also get bonus coins based on the location of the structures you have built.

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Dominant Species

90,000 B.C. — A great ice age is fast approaching. Another titanic struggle for global supremacy has unwittingly commenced between the varying animal species.
Dominant Species is a 2-6 player game, abstractly recreating a tiny portion of ancient history: the ponderous encroachment of an ice age. Each player will take on the role of one of six major animal classes – mammal, reptile, bird, amphibian, arachnid, or insect as they try to adapt to the slowly changing earth. Each begins the game more or less in a state of natural balance in relation to one another as they compete in the survival of the fittest. Players attempt to enhance their animal’s survivability while simultaneously trying to hinder their opponents and hopefully collecting Victory Points along the way. There are various cards that will aid in these efforts, giving players useful one-time abilities or an opportunity for recurring VP gains. The player with the highest amount of Victory points wins being the most dominant species!

Dominion: Seaside

Dominion: Seaside is an expansion to both Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue. As such, it does not contain material for a complete game. Specifically, it does not include the basic Treasure, Victory, Curse, or Trash cards. Thus, you will need either the base game or Intrigue to play with this expansion, and you will need to have experience playing Dominion with either of the first two games. It is designed to work with either or both of these sets, and any future expansions that may be published.

From the back of the box: “All you ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. And someone who knows how to steer ships using stars. You finally got some of those rivers you’d wanted, and they led to the sea. These are dangerous, pirate-infested waters, and you cautiously send rat-infested ships across them, to establish lucrative trade at far-off merchant-infested ports. First, you will take over some islands, as a foothold. The natives seem friendly enough, crying their peace cries, and giving you spears and poison darts before you are even close enough to accept them properly. When you finally reach those ports you will conquer them, and from there you will look for more rivers.
One day, all the rivers will be yours.”

Part of the Dominion series.

This game is inspired by the Portuguese Age of Discoveries in the 15th-16th century. Players take actions such as contracting men, acquiring ships and buildings, sailing the seas, establishing colonies in discovered lands, trading goods on the market, and getting privileges.

Each player starts with only two ships and three workers and tries to expand his wealth.

There are several undiscovered lands that allow players, once discovered, to found some colonies there. Colonies exist in different places where sugar, gold and spices are available and can be sold to the market to make some money. Money is used to build ships, erect buildings such as factories, shipyards and churches, and to get workers. Workers are necessary to found colonies or to acquire buildings and privileges, which exist in five categories and therefore encourage players to follow different strategies competing with each other.

At the end of the game the player who is most successful in combining his privileges with his achievements (colonies, factories, discoveries, shipyards, and churches) is the winner.

Die Macher

In Die Macher, seven regional elections in Germany take place sequentially. Players are in charge of national political parties, and must manage limited resources to win. Those with the most victory points at the end of the game win. Victory points can be earned in four different ways. In each region election, your party can get one to eighty victory points, depending on how well it does. A party that wins a regional election and has influence in the media will receive media-control victory points. The membership of each national party will increase as the game progresses, and this will give some victory points to each party. Lastly, parties score some victory points if their platform aligns with national opinions.

Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients

Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients is a fast-paced, fully cooperative, dungeon-crawl board game set in the Old West, with a heavy dose of unspeakable horror! Players create characters, taking on the role of a classic Western Hero Archetype, such as the Law Man, Gunslinger, or Saloon Girl. Forming an adventuring posse, the Heroes venture down into the dark mines, overrun with all manner of ancient demons and foul creatures from another world. With tactical gameplay, lots of dice, and a robust card-driven exploration system, no two games are ever the same as the heroes explore the mines finding new enemies to fight, new loot to collect, and new dangers to overcome. Players can even find portals to other worlds, stepping through to continue their adventures on the other side!

An exciting campaign system allows the players to visit local frontier towns between adventures, spending their hard-earned loot and building their characters from game to game! As players find fantastic gear and artifacts to equip their heroes, they also gain experience from their adventures. This experience is used to level up, guiding the hero’s path through an expansive, class-specific upgrade tree of new skills and abilities, allowing each player to develop their hero to fit their own play style.

In City of the Ancients, players will encounter portals to the otherworld on the Plains of Targa, finding an ancient frozen city whose living inhabitants are nowhere to be found. Instead, great mechanical keepers wander the city going about their duties – until interrupted by the arrival of the players’ characters!

So load up yer’ six shooter, throw on yer’ hat and poncho, and gather the posse as the darkness is coming, and all hell’s about to break loose…in the Shadows of Brimstone!

Can be used together with Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death to raise the maximum players to 6.

Sidereal Confluence

Sidereal Confluence: Trading and Negotiation in the Elysian Quadrant is a singularly unique trading and negotiation game for 4-9 players. Over the course of the game, each race must trade and negotiate with the rest to acquire the resource cubes necessary to fund their economy and allow it to produce goods for the next turn. Scheming, dealing, and mutually beneficial agreements are key to success. While technically a competitive game, Sidereal Confluence has a cooperative feel during the trading phase as no race has the ability to thrive on its own. Trade well, and you’ll develop technologies and colonize planets to form a civilization that is the envy of the galaxy.

Each player chooses one of the nine unique and asymmetrical alien races that have come together to form a trade federation in their quadrant. Each race has its own deck of cards representing all the existing and future technologies it might research. Some races also have other cards related to unique features of their culture. These cards represent portions of the culture’s economy and require spending some number of cubes to use, resulting in an output of more cubes, ships, and possibly victory points. Since each culture’s outputs rarely match their inputs, players need to trade goods with one another to run their converters to create the resources they truly need to run their society most efficiently and have an effective economy. Almost everything is negotiable, including colonies, ships, and all kinds of resources.

Each game round contains an open trading phase in which all players can negotiate and execute deals for cubes, ships, colonies, even the temporary use of technologies! Players with enough resources can also research technologies, upgrade colonies, and spend resources on their race’s special cards during this phase. Once complete, all players simultaneously run their economies, spending resources to gain more resources. The Confluence follows, starting with players sharing newly researched technologies with all other races and following with bidding to acquire new colonies and research teams. Researching a new technology grants many victory points for the prestige of helping galactic society advance. When one race builds a new technology, it is shared with everyone else. Technologies can be upgraded when combined with other technologies.

The ultimate goal is victory points, which are acquired by researching technologies, using your economy to convert resources to goods, and converting your leftover goods into points at the end of the game.

The game is almost all simultaneous play.

Sidereal Confluence: Remastered Edition features the same gameplay as the first edition of the game from 2017, but features an updated card layout, a teaching guide, and an improved rulebook for easy set-up and learning with more visual examples and clear key terms.

The Red Cathedral

Autumn is not the best time to climb up on a scaffold in Moscow, but it is still far better than doing so in the winter. Tsar Ivan wants to see results and our team will prove to him that we are the best builders in the city. We are sure to finish off those decorative arches with the brightest shining stones and ensure our place on the list of the government’s trusted workers.

Sheila Santos and Israel Cendrero make up the game designing duo known as Llama Dice. To date they have put out various titles with different Spanish publishers (1987 Channel Tunnel, Mondrian, Smoothies), and The Red Cathedral is the first game they have published with Devir. Pedro Soto (Holmes, Sherlock & Mycroft, Papua) and Chema Román (El mundo de Águila Roja) took care of the graphic elements of the game with a grand homage to Ivan Bilibin, an iconic Russian artist from the turn of the twentieth century. Despite being from a far later period, his mark is very recognizable in the game.

The Red Cathedral is a strategic, “Euro” board game in which the players take the roles of construction teams. Their job is to work together to put up St. Basil’s cathedral in Moscow, as ordered by Ivan the Terrible. However, only one of them will be able to gain the favor of the Tsar.

During the game, the players can carry out one of these three actions: assign a section of the cathedral, send resources to that section to build it, or go to the game board to achieve more resources. Each of these actions has its own mechanism and requires that the players pay close attention to what the other players are doing.

When the sections of the cathedral are assigned the players take possession of the spaces in each of the columns that make up their section. The more sections built and the completion of each with its own tower, the more points the player will be given at the end of the game.

The players can send resources to the cathedral sections that they have claimed. When they complete each of those sections they will obtain rewards in money and prestige points. They will also be able to install decorations on the completed sections to achieve even more recognition from the Tsar. This part of the game also works as a clock, since once any player completes the construction of their sixth section it brings about the end of the game.

The game board shows us the iconic rondel of The Red Cathedral. It is where the players obtain all the resource types needed to complete their work on the cathedral, as well as to get favors from the guilds and professionals to make the most of their trip to the market. In the central rondel the players choose the die they wish to use and move forward as many spaces as is shown on the top side of said die, in order to obtain the resources indicated in the space destined by the die.

The Red Cathedral is a very accessible game with regard to its rules because it is very easy to understand the various levels of the game, but it remains very interesting with regard to strategy. It is sure to please those who are more interested in the challenge offered by trying to strategically optimize their position in each game rather than the complexity of the rules.

Gravelotte 1870

Gravelotte 1870 covers the decisive battle at Gravelotte/St Privat in the early stages of the Franco-Prussian War on the 18th of August 1870. Each player controls either the French or Prussian forces in an epic battle to surround Metz.

The game is simple: each player has a deck of 6 cards and plans a sequence of actions to be carried out simultaneously each turn. Asset cards, specific to each faction, can be used to support their actions if the timing is right.

The game is based on the Japanese game Houten 1905, but incorporates some new features to enhance it. Play this fast-paced (5 to 15 minutes) historical bluffing game for all ages.

The Smoky Valley

In ‘The Smoky Valley’, players take on the role of ranchers competing to build the most successful ranch in the fictional Smoky Valley. This game is played on a hexagonal board that represents the valley, with various resources and buildings scattered across it.

How to Play

 The game revolves around a ‘cow placement’ mechanic where players must strategically place their cows on the board to collect resources and build structures. This adds a layer of strategy and decision-making to the gameplay, making it more engaging and exciting.

Who Can Play

Anyone can play this game of all levels. The rules are easy to learn and the gameplay is not overly complex, making it perfect for a family game night or even a casual gathering with friends

What Makes It Fun

‘The Smoky Valley’ is great for bringing people together and fostering friendly competition. Whether it’s negotiating trades with other players or trying to outwit your opponents, this game guarantees a good time and plenty of laughs.


Too Many Bones

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Find out about ‘Too Many Bones,’ and what makes this dice builder game stand out.

Too Many Bones: A Game Overview

‘Too Many Bones’ is a cooperative, dice-based adventure game filled with strategic decisions and RPG (Role-Playing Game) elements. It’s a game that combines excitement and deep tactical gameplay into an unforgettable journey that challenges your problem-solving skills.

Every game session unfolds as an epic quest where players select Gearlocs (the game’s unique characters) and embark on a series of battles and encounters designed to test their abilities to the fullest.

Understanding the Gameplay Mechanics

The game’s core mechanics revolve around dice and character customization, providing a fresh experience with every playthrough. Each Gearloc comes with a set of custom dice representing different skills and abilities, which you can use to outmaneuver your opponents and overcome critical challenges.

During the game, you’ll discover engaging mechanics such as:

Skill Acquisition: As players advance and gain experience points, they can acquire new skills and abilities, introducing new dice to their active pools.

Combat Encounters: Players face off against challenging enemies in combat, rolling dice to attack, defend, and activate Gearloc abilities.

Adaptive Scenarios: The game offers several scenarios and tyrants to defeat, each with unique rules and victory conditions, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging.Risk Management: Tactically choosing which and how many dice to roll in battle, considering potential outcomes and the randomness inherent to dice-rolling.

What Makes ‘Too Many Bones’ Exciting?

‘Too Many Bones’ shines as a board game due to several factors:

Character Progression: Players experience a sense of growth and accomplishment as their characters evolve and become more powerful.

Customization: With multiple characters and skill upgrade paths, players have significant control over their play style and strategic choices.

High Replay Value: No two games are alike, thanks to the diverse scenarios and enemies that change the gameplay dynamic.

Cooperative Play: Working together as a team to defeat the game’s tyrants encourages communication and strategic planning among players.

The Ideal Audience for ‘Too Many Bones’

The game’s complexity and strategic depth make it particularly appealing to the following types of players:

Hardcore Gamers: Those who appreciate intricate mechanics and deep strategy will find themselves drawn to the layers of gameplay that ‘Too Many Bones’ provides.

RPG Fans: Enthusiasts who enjoy character building and role-playing will relish in developing their Gearlocs’ skills and tackling the game’s rich narrative.

Board Game Veterans: Experienced board gamers looking for a cooperative and challenging experience will appreciate what ‘Too Many Bones’ has to offer.

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Marvel Champions The Card Game Warmachine Hero Pack

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As a United States Marine fighter pilot, James Rhodes fought for his country before Tony Stark equipped him with a suit of advanced armor. As War Machine, he is fighting for Earth as a whole, and Thanos will have no idea what hit him!

With the addition of War Machine as a new playable hero and 15 signature cards, this heavily armored Avenger flies into battle. With a pre-built Leadership deck ready to play from the get-go, you’ll be ready to unleash the War Machine’s massive arsenal from the moment you open it. With tons of powerful weapons and upgrades to play with, War Machine is an awesome hero that is perfectly at home on the front lines.

This is not a standalone product. The Marvel Champions: The Card Game core set is required to play.

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Monikers: Serious Nonsense

“Monikers Serious Nonsense” is an expansion to the base game, Monikers. This expansion pack injects a blend of highbrow and lowbrow humor into the game, ensuring that the laughs and challenges continue in equal measure. It includes a set of new cards that feature a variety of characters.

“Serious Nonsense” is generally designed to enhance the Monikers experience, adding depth and replay value for players seeking new challenges and more opportunities for creative guessing and acting out. 

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Roll Player

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Dive into Fantasy: Exploring Roll Player, the Board Game for Strategists and Storytellers

Have you ever dreamt of crafting the ultimate fantasy character? Roll Player promises a captivating blend of strategy and storytelling. In this post, I share the fascinating gameplay and mechanics behind Roll Player, unpack what makes it a great game, and share who I believe will find this game fun and challenging.

Crafting Heroes in a World of Dice and Cards

Roll Player is an intricate dance of dice and decisions where players compete to create the most legendary fantasy adventurer. :

Gameplay Mechanics: Where Strategy Meets Creativity

At its core, Roll Player is a dice game that cleverly layers puzzle-like mechanics over a foundation of character creation. Each round, you’ll roll and draft dice to assign to your character’s attributes. Strength, intelligence, dexterity – each decision not only adds to your hero’s skills but also influences your overall strategy as you navigate through the game’s many choices.

Aligning Attributes to Archetypes

One of the unique draws of Roll Player is how it mirrors the role-playing game experience without requiring a full-blown campaign. You’re not just rolling dice; you’re aligning attributes to fit specific archetypes, like the stealthy rogue or wise wizard, while trying to fulfill your character’s backstory and earning Reputation Stars. Reputation Stars are the key to victory and can be obtained through various means, including attribute goals, alignment shifts, and defeating monsters.

What Makes Roll Player Fun: The Thrill of Dice and Details

Roll player caters to those who enjoy randomness combined with strategic decision-making, Balancing the luck of the dice with the skill of optimizing choices creates a game that is both fun and mentally stimulating.

Harnessing Synergy between Traits and Skills

Couple the dice mechanics with cards representing traits, equipment, and skills, and you have a game that requires thoughtful synergy to maximize your hero’s potential. Will you equip that shiny breastplate, or opt for a stealth-enhancing cloak? The diversity of the equipment and skills available keeps every game of Roll Player fresh and interesting.

Who Would Enjoy Roll Player?

Ideal for Board Game Aficionados

The intricate details and strategic gameplay of Roll Player make it perfect for board game enthusiasts who relish complexity in their tabletop experiences. Its middleweight nature means it’s approachable yet offers plenty of depth for those looking to sink their teeth into its multifaceted playstyle.

A Treat for Role-playing Fans

If the lore and character development of role-playing games captivate you, then Roll Player will allow you to indulge in building a character’s narrative without the long-term commitment of an RPG campaign. It’s a way to scratch that character creation itch in the span of about 60 to 90 minutes.

The Casual Gamer’s Entry into Deeper Games

Casual gamers needn’t feel intimidated by Roll Player. The game serves as an excellent entry point into more weighty board games, with its intuitive design, thematic appeal, and just enough luck to level the playing field against more strategic players occasionally.

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Love Letter

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Love Letter’ is a compact card that has since seen various editions and re-themes, including versions set in popular universes like Batman and The Hobbit. Despite these variations, the core gameplay remains consistent, making it a timeless addition to any game collection.

Gameplay Summary

In ‘Love Letter’ , you are a suitor trying to deliver your love letter to the princess while deflecting the advances of your rivals. The game consists of a deck of 16 cards, each representing different characters in the kingdom, with varying levels of influence and abilities.

  • During the game, each player starts with one card.
  • On their turn, they draw one card and choose one of two cards in their hand to immediately execute its effect
  • Card effects can range from guessing another player’s hand (Guard) to comparing hands to see who holds the highest card (Baron)
  • The objective is to either be the last player standing or to hold the highest-valued card when the deck runs out.
  • The player with the highest card value (or the last player standing) wins the round and receives a token of affection.
  • The game is played over multiple rounds until one player collects a predetermined number of tokens (varies by player count).

Game Mechanics

‘Love Letter’ is a game of deduction, risk management, and luck. The mechanics are straightforward, but the depth comes from predicting your opponents’ moves and strategically playing your cards. Key mechanics include:

  • Hand Management: Deciding which card to play and which to keep is crucial,
  • Player Elimination: Some card effects lead to player elimination, adding a layer of tension and strategy to each turn.
  • Bluffing and Deduction: Players must read their opponents’ actions and make educated guesses to outmaneuver them.

Audience and Appeal

‘Love Letter’ is perfect for a wide range of players:

  • Casual Gamers: Its quick setup and short playtime make it ideal for casual gatherings 
  • Family and Friends: The simple rules and engaging gameplay are suitable for players of all ages, making it a great family game.
  • Strategists and Tacticians: Despite its simplicity, ‘Love Letter’ offers enough depth to keep strategic thinkers engaged, as they attempt to outwit their opponents.

What are Love Letter players saying about the game?

  • Fun and Versatile Gameplay:

    • Enjoyable for a wide range of ages and can be played in various settings
    • It is a quick filler game, suitable for short play sessions.
  • Simple and Easy to Learn:

    • The rules are straightforward and can be easily explained to new players.
  • Compact and Portable:

    • The small size of the game makes it easy to carry around, making it ideal for trips and on-the-go gaming.
  • High Replay Value:

    • The blend of luck and deduction provides a good balance that appeals to both casual and strategic players.
  • Engaging Mechanics involving a mix of luck, deduction, and strategy

    • The card effects, such as eliminating players or trading hands, add depth to the gameplay.
  • Component Quality and Aesthetics:

    • The cards are decorative and thematic, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

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The Quest for El Dorado

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In The Quest for El Dorado, players take the roles of expedition leaders who have embarked on a search for the legendary land of gold in the dense jungles of South America. Each player assembles and equips their own team, hiring various helpers from the scout to the scientist to the aborigine. All of them have one goal in mind: Reaching the golden border first and winning all of the riches for themselves. Whoever chooses the best tactics will be rewarded!

Arcadia Quest

In Arcadia Quest, players lead guilds of intrepid heroes on an epic campaign to dethrone the vampire lord and reclaim the mighty Arcadia for their own. But only one guild may lead in the end, so players must battle against each other as well as against the monstrous occupying forces.

Arcadia Quest is a campaign-based game for 2 to 4 players, where each player controls a guild of three unique heroes, facing off against the other players and the various monsters controlled by the game. Players need to accomplish a series of quests in order to win each scenario and choose where to go next in the campaign.

Players are able to choose the path their campaign takes, navigating through six out of eleven available scenarios, so each time the campaign is played it can have a different configuration of scenarios. As the campaign progresses, the heroes are able to acquire new weapons, equipment and abilities that give them powerful options to tackle the obstacles ahead. Furthermore, by fulfilling specific quests in a scenario, players unlock exclusive features in subsequent scenarios.


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As a casual gamer, I look for exciting board games to add to my collection. One gem is  ‘Sagrada’ and is becoming a favourite to play with friends. 

‘Sagrada’ is a beautiful and challenging dice game that is inspired by the famous stained glass windows of the Sagrada Familia Basilica in Barcelona, Spain.

What is the goal of Sagrada?

Using colorful dice as your building blocks, build a beautiful stained glass window. Each of you takes on the role of a master artisan competing to create the most stunning window.

Sagrada gameplay

Sagrada has simple yet strategic gameplay. At the beginning of each round, you draft and place dice onto your personal player board based on specific placement rules. The rules range from matching colors or numbers to avoiding placing certain numbers next to each other. There is a  puzzle-solving element to the game as you figure out the best way to place your dice within the rules.

Why is Sagrada fun?

One of the things I love about ‘Sagrada’ is its replayability. The game comes with different window patterns that you can choose from, each offering a unique challenge. In addition, there are also private objectives that players can aim for, such as creating a certain pattern or having specific colors in certain areas of their window. This adds another strategy layer as you balance between scoring your private goals and points based on shared objectives.

You can also purchase tools with favor tokens that you earn throughout the game. These tools allow you to manipulate dice placements or break certain rules, giving you an advantage in completing your window.

‘Sagrada’ also caters to different play styles. If you are an aggressive competitive player,  you can sabotage your opponents by taking the dice they need or placing them in unfavorable positions. If you are less confrontational, you can focus on creating a beautiful window without worrying too much about the points.

‘Sagrada’ is a perfect balance of luck and strategy. The randomness of dice rolls keeps the game unpredictable, while the strategic placement of dice and tools allows players to plan and strategize their moves. 

If you enjoy puzzle-solving and strategic gameplay, ‘Sagrada’ is worth playing. It also has stunning components and colorful artwork.


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Black Sonata

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The identity of the Dark Lady from Shakespeare’s sonnets has
eluded scholars and historians for more than four centuries.
In Black Sonata, you will pursue the elusive Lady through the
streets and alleyways of Elizabethan London, catching glimpses
and whispers which together with the sonnets themselves may
yield clues to her identity. However, not all of the evidence is
reliable; you will need to sharpen your wits if you are to finally
unmask the Dark Lady before she slips quietly from the pages of
history and is lost.
Black Sonata is a solitaire deduction game for ages 12 and up

You will track the Dark Lady as she flits through Shakespeare’s
London, circa 1600. If you manage to find her you may gain a
clue to her identity before she slips away once more.
You must acquire enough clues to deduce her key characteristics,
and confront her before she escapes for good. If you can
successfully catch and unmask her then you will win fame, respect
and the game.

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Millennium Blades

Millennium Blades is a CCG-Simulator — A game in which you play as a group of friends who play the fictional CCG “Millennium Blades”.

In this game you will build decks, play the meta, acquire valuable collections, crack open random boosters, and compete in tournaments for prizes and fame. The game takes you from Starter Deck to Regionals in about 2-3 hours.

Multiple games can also be chained together to form a Campaign, going from Regionals to Nationals in game 2 and from Nationals to Worlds in game 3, with each game introducing ever more powerful cards and higher stakes, but also resetting the power of the game so that each player has a fair chance to win each ‘season’ of the campaign.

The game draws heavily on Manga/Anime inspiration for its art, and parodies Magic: the Gathering, Yugioh, and many other collectible games.

At its heart, it’s a commodity trading game, except that instead of cubes or stocks, the things you’ll be buying, selling, and speculating on are trading cards that can be used throughout the game in periodic tournaments. By trading wisely, playing the market, working together with friends, building collections, and winning tournaments, you’ll secure points and become the Millennium Blades World Champion.

The game features a system of card pods, where you will play with about 400 of the base game’s 600 cards every game.

Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Volume One

In battle, there are no equals.

Unmatched is a highly asymmetrical miniature fighting game for two or four players. Each hero is represented by a unique deck designed to evoke their style and legend. Tactical movement and no-luck combat resolution create a unique play experience that rewards expertise, but just when you’ve mastered one set, new heroes arrive to provide all new match-ups.

Battle of Legends, Volume One features four heroes. King Arthur sacrifices cards to power up his attacks and gets some timely assistance from Merlin’s magic. Alice is back from Wonderland with a giant vorpal blade and the Jabberwock by her side as she grows and shrinks to gain advantages on attack and defense. Medusa is happy to attack from range and let her harpies hound you, but just one devastating glance could end the battle quickly. Sinbad grows in power as he gains experience on each of his voyages.

Combat is resolved quickly by comparing attack and defense cards. However, each card’s unique effects and a simple but deep timing system lead to interesting decisions each time. The game also features an updated version of the line-of-sight system from Tannhäuser for ranged attacks and area effects.

The game includes a double-sided board with two different battlefields, pre-washed miniatures for each hero, and custom life trackers that’s brought to life with the stunning artwork of Oliver Barrett and the combined design teams of Restoration Games and Mondo Games.

Zombicide: Invader

Humans set off into the stars in search of high-powered fuel and found it in the remote corner of the universe on the small planet PK-L7. Their discovery of Xenium — a dark, oily compound deep below the planet’s surface — was everything they hoped for. But they found something else, too. The Xenos attack was brutal and unrelenting. While the scientists and soldiers have held them off the best they could, the Xenos are still coming…

Zombicide: Invader is a cooperative game in which 1-6 players face Xenos, an unfathomable swarm of infected Xenos controlled by the game itself. Each player takes on the role of one to six survivors in a sci-fi setting being overwhelmed by these Xenos. The goal is simple: Choose a mission, complete its objectives, kill as many Xenos as possible, and (most importantly) survive!

Survivors will fight Xenos, rescue each other, recover vital data, unveil dark secrets, and much more! Survivors can be civilians or soldiers, each with specialized skills. They all play together as a team, trading equipment, and covering each other. They use whatever weapons they can get to kill Xenos and slow the invasion. The better the weapon, the higher the body count, but the more Xenos will appear, attracted by the onslaught! Survivors must also be mindful of their location as conventional weapons work fine indoors, but the planet’s oxygen-starved surface, they’ll need to arm themselves with more specialized weaponry. Lasers, anyone?

Most of the time, Xenos are predictable, but there are a lot of them and they use nasty tactics not encountered in previous Zombicide games. Only through cooperation can players achieve the Mission objectives and win.

MicroMacro: Crime City

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Welcome to the world of MicroMacro Crime City! If you’re a fan of solving mysteries and crimes, then this board game is made for you.


The goal of MicroMacro Crime City is to solve a series of interconnected criminal cases. Each case is represented by a card that shows a crime scene and lists several questions to be answered. Players take on the role of detectives, using their keen observation skills and deductive reasoning to connect the clues and solve the cases.


MicroMacro Crime City’s unique mechanic is its use of a giant city map as the game board, which is packed with hundreds of tiny details and characters, each holding a clue or hint to solving a case. Players can zoom in on the map with a magnifying glass to search for these clues and solve the case.

Players check answers in the booklet. If correct, earn points & go to next case. If incorrect, keep trying.

Who is MicroMacro Crime City suitable for?

MicroMacro Crime City is suitable for anyone who enjoys puzzles and mysteries. It’s perfect for a group of friends or family looking for a fun and challenging game night activity. The recommended age range is 10 years old and above, but younger players can also join in with adult supervision.

What makes it fun

MicroMacro Crime City is a fun game that combines crime-solving, observation skills, and a giant city map. The beautiful artwork and detail on the map add an extra level of enjoyment as players explore for clues. With multiple cases to solve, there’s always a new challenge.

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Arkham Horror (Third Edition)

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The city of Arkham is threatened by terrifying creatures from beyond space and time. It’s up to the players to team up and stop the approaching doom. The ancient evils will rise up and destroy not just Arkham, but the whole world if left unchecked.

The Arkham Horror game is cooperative. It’s a team game and all players win or lose together. In this game, each player controls an intrepid investigator who’s become aware of the growing threat. In the city, the investigators encounter mundane and supernatural places, people, and creatures. Ultimately, they hope to thwart the Ancient Ones through these adventures by gaining clues and resources.

The game is pretty lengthy. If you are only playing 1-2 player or 2 handed solo, the game is about 2 hours not counting set up or take down. 4 to 6 players are about a 3 to 4 hour session.

Game is pretty deep and complex and takes a while to set up but it is fun and entertaining if you have the time.

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Enchanters: Deluxe Box

Enchanters: Deluxe Box is a fantasy-themed board game that combines strategic card drafting, resource management, and player interaction. The game is designed for 2-4 players and takes around 60 minutes to play. It was created by designer Chris O’Neal and published by Gindi Studio.

How to Play

The premise of the game is that players are powerful enchanters competing to become the next ruler of the magical kingdom. To achieve this goal, players must recruit followers, gain powerful spells and artifacts, and defeat their opponents in battle.

One of the things I love about Enchanters: Deluxe Box is its unique game mechanics. The gameplay involves three main phases: Drafting, Enchantment, and Combat.

During the Drafting phase, players take turns selecting cards from a common pool to build their deck of spells, artifacts, and followers. Each card has its own abilities and can be used strategically to gain an advantage in later stages of the game.

In the Enchantment phase, players use their resources to cast spells and equip artifacts on their followers. This is where the real strategy comes into play, as players must carefully choose which cards to use and when in order to gain the upper hand.

The final phase is Combat, where players battle against each other using their followers and spells. The combat system is simple but offers a lot of depth, as players must consider their opponent’s abilities and plan accordingly.

Who Can Play

Enchanters: Deluxe Box is perfect for anyone who loves fantasy, strategy, and player interaction. It’s a great game for both casual and experienced players, as it offers a good balance of luck and skill.

It’s also suitable for a wide range of ages, from teenagers to adults. As long as you have an interest in fantasy and don’t mind a bit of friendly competition, you’ll likely enjoy playing Enchanters: Deluxe Box.

What Makes It Fun

In my opinion, what makes Enchanters: Deluxe Box fun is its blend of different game elements. The drafting phase adds an element of unpredictability, as you never know which cards will be available to choose from. The Enchantment phase requires strategic planning and resource management, while the Combat phase adds excitement and tension to the game.

I also love the artwork of the game, which is beautifully illustrated and really brings the fantasy world to life. And of course, playing with friends always adds to the fun factor.

The Isofarian Guard

The Isofarian Guard is an adventure board game that takes you on a thrilling journey through the fantasy world of Isofar. 

How to Play

The game is set up as a cooperative single-player experience, which means you can play it solo or with friends (or enemies if that’s your thing). You take on the role of a Guardian, a brave and skilled hero who has been chosen to protect the land of Isofar from the evil forces that threaten it. The game is played on a beautifully illustrated board that represents different locations in the world of Isofar.

As you move through the board, you’ll encounter challenges and obstacles that you have to overcome using a combination of dice rolls, card play, and strategic decision-making. The beauty of this game lies in its simplicity. It’s easy to learn but difficult to master, making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced players.

But what makes The Isofarian Guard truly stand out is its immersive storytelling. With each step you take on the board, you’ll uncover bits and pieces of the game’s rich lore through beautifully written encounter cards. And trust me, you’ll be hooked from the very first card you draw.

Who Can Play

Now, let’s talk about the audience for this game. If you’re a fan of fantasy adventures, strategic gameplay, and immersive storytelling, then The Isofarian Guard is definitely a game for you. It’s perfect for those who love solo gaming or enjoy playing with a small group of friends. And let’s not forget, it’s also a great choice for couples looking to spend some quality time together.

What Makes It Fun

But what makes this game truly fun? Well, besides the obvious reasons I’ve already mentioned, The Isofarian Guard offers high replayability. With multiple Guardian characters to choose from, different enemy factions to face, and a variety of game modes, you’ll never get bored with this game.

Thunder Road Vendetta

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Thunder Road Vendetta reimagines the chaos of vehicular combat on a dystopian game board. 

The Gameplay

Players in Thunder Road Vendetta take control of rival gangs battling for supremacy on the ruined highways of a post-apocalyptic wasteland. You commandsa fleet of cars, including nimble bikes, rugged cars, and heavy trucks, each with unique abilities and roles. The goal is to outmaneuver and outlast your opponents in a deadly race where the last vehicle standing or the first to escape the fiery battlefield wins.

Game Mechanics

The mechanics of Thunder Road Vendetta blend strategy, luck, and direct confrontation. Key elements include:

  • Modular Board: The scrolling board mechanic keeps the game dynamic and unpredictable, with new road sections constantly appearing as the old ones disappear.
  • Vehicle Control: Players roll dice to move their vehicles, but strategic positioning and terrain usage are crucial for gaining an edge.
  • Combat: Dice rolls also determine the outcome of vehicular battles. Whether ramming opponents off the road or using special weapons, combat is fierce and exhilarating.
  • Special Cards: Power-ups and event cards introduce unexpected twists, enhancing replayability and strategic options.

What Makes It Fun and Different?

Thunder Road Vendetta is a thrill ride from start to finish, offering several key elements that make it exceptionally fun:

  • High-Intensity Action: The fast-paced gameplay and constant threat of combat keep players on the edge of their seats.
  • Strategic Depth: While luck plays a role, strategic planning and tactical decisions are critical for victory.
  • Variety and Replayability: The modular board and variety of vehicles ensure that each game is different, providing endless replay value.
  • Immersive Theme: The gritty, post-apocalyptic setting and detailed components draw players into the world, making every game session a cinematic experience

What are players saying about the game?

Accessibility and Fun

  • Easy to Learn: relatively easy to learn and understand 
  • Engaging Gameplay: Despite its simplicity, the game requires players to think strategically about their next moves

Game Components and Setup

  • Large Board: The game board is quite large, especially with the double-sided board setup
  • Quality Components: The cars and other game pieces are made of good-quality materials. 

Overall Enjoyment

  • Replayability: The game offers good replay value with its modular board and varied gameplay mechanics.
  • Family-Friendly: Many note that the game is fun for all ages, with some mentioning that even young children (8-9 years old) can play and enjoy it.

Minor Drawbacks

  • Learning Curve: While most find it easy to learn, a few players mention that it takes a little time to fully understand all the rules.
  • Game Length:  game might be too long for casual gamers

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Castles of Mad King Ludwig

In the tile-laying game Castles of Mad King Ludwig, players are tasked with building an amazing, extravagant castle for King Ludwig II of Bavaria…one room at a time. You see, the King loves castles, having built Neuschwanstein (the castle that inspired the Disney theme park castles) and others, but now he’s commissioned you to build the biggest, best castle ever — subject, of course, to his ever-changing whims. Each player acts as a building contractor who is adding rooms to the castle he’s building while also selling his services to other players.

In the game, each player starts with a simple foyer. One player takes on the role of the Master Builder, and that player sets prices for a set of rooms that can be purchased by the other players, with him getting to pick from the leftovers after the other players have paid him for their rooms. When a room is added to a castle, the player who built it gains castle points based on the size and type of room constructed, as well as bonus points based on the location of the room. When a room is completed, with all entranceways leading to other rooms in the castle, the player receives one of seven special rewards.

After each purchasing round, a new player becomes the Master Builder who sets prices for a new set of rooms. After several rounds, the game ends, then additional points are awarded for achieving bonus goals, having the most popular rooms, and being the most responsive to the King’s demands, which change each game. Whoever ends up with the most castle points wins.

Just One

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Just Fun is a unique COOPERATIVE WORD word-guessing game where you work together to guess as many mystery words as possible!

It is a perfect party game for friends, family gatherings, and game nights.

The game is SIMPLE YET CHALLENGING with easy to learn rules, but requires clever clues and teamwork to succeed.

In each round, one player is the guesser and the rest are clue-givers. The guesser draws a card with five words, chooses one, and tries to guess it without revealing it. The game involves one player guessing a word, while the rest of the players write down a one-word clue associated with it. However, if any players write the same clue, those clues will be cancelled out. This twist in the game mechanics promotes creativity and ensures that each gameplay remains novel and thrilling.

Just One is a fantastic option for people who love to play word games with others, or for anyone who wants to improve their vocabulary in an enjoyable and interactive way. It’s especially suitable for players aged eight years or older, which makes it a perfect choice for family get-togethers or social events with friends.

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Space Base

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Space Base: An Interstellar Empire Building Board Game 

‘Space Base’ — is a game of cosmic construction and shrewd resource management that invites players to assume the roles of commodores in a bustling space fleet.

Gameplay and Mechanics

‘Space Base’ is designed for 2 to 5 players and typically lasts around 60 minutes. The premise is simple: each player starts with a fleet of ships on their individual board, and over the course of the game, you acquire new ships to expand your fleet and base’s capabilities.

The mechanics are a harmonious blend of dice-rolling luck mixed with strategic deployment of ships. On their turn, a player rolls two dice and everyone gets to activate ship cards corresponding to the roll. The active player can use the numbers combined or split them, but other players can only use the combined total. This design choice ingeniously keeps all players engaged during each turn, banishing the downtime boredom often found in other games.

As players acquire new ships, they have to make tactical decisions about which ships to deploy to their active or passive fleets. Active ships provide resources when you roll their number on your turn, while passive ships reward you when other players roll that number. The ultimate goal is to amass enough credits, influence, and new ships to earn victory points. The first player to reach a set number of points triggers the endgame, and the player with the most points at the end of that round wins the game.

What Makes ‘Space Base’ Fun?

Interactivity is at the game’s core, ensuring there’s never a dull moment even when it’s not your turn. The constant anticipation of the dice roll and the ability to benefit from other players’ turns create a lively atmosphere.

Strategy comes into play as you decide how to optimize your fleet. Allocating ships effectively can turn a stroke of luck into a powerful move. The strategic depth allows for different paths to victory: some may focus on a particular type of ship, while others might spread out their investments for a more balanced approach.

The progression system in ‘Space Base’ is immensely satisfying. Players start with modest ships but gradually build up an increasingly powerful fleet. The evolution of your space base is visible on your tableau, serving as a compelling visual representation of your burgeoning empire.

Lastly, ‘Space Base’ has a modular difficulty level, which makes it appealing to both beginners and seasoned gamers. New players can join in without feeling overwhelmed, while experienced players will still find plenty of strategic choices to ponder.

The Audience for ‘Space Base’

The game is a great fit for families with older children, gaming groups looking for a strategic yet accessible title, or couples seeking a fun way to pass an evening. It offers a well-balanced challenge that won’t leave you feeling lost in space. With a gameplay that’s easy to grasp but difficult to master, ‘Space Base’ has something for every kind of board game enthusiast.

‘Space Base’ is a winning combination of dice-rolling luck and tactical fleet management. The continuous engagement and rewarding progression system make for an addictive gameplay loop that beckons for just one more round. Whether you’re a rookie looking to dip your toes into the world of board gaming or a veteran strategist, ‘Space Base’ offers an intergalactic journey you’ll want to take again and again. All aboard your spacecraft, it’s time to build your space base and rule the universe!

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Century: Golem Edition

Century: Golem Edition is a 2-5 player fantasy card game set in the world of Caranavia. Players are caravan leaders who travel the famed golem road to deliver crystals to the far reaches of the world. This game is played over a series of rounds and during each round, each player must perform one of the following actions: 

  • Play: Play a card from their hand
  • Acquire: Acquire a Merchant Card
  • Rest: Take all previously played cards to their hand
  • Claim: Claim a point card.

The game concludes once a player has taken their 5 point card (or 6th in a 2-3 player game) and after players finish out the current round of play. Points are calculated, and the player with the most points wins the game.

Burgle Bros.

Burgle Bros. is a cooperative game for 1-­4 players. Players are unique members of a crew trying to pull off a robbery of a highly secure building — without getting caught. The building has three floors (4×4 tiles), each with its own safe to crack. Players start on the first floor and have to escape to their helicopter waiting on the roof.

Players each have three stealth tokens. Whenever they are on the same tile with a guard, they lose one. If any player is caught without a stealth token, the game is over. If players can open all three safes, and escape through the stairs to the roof they win.

Le Havre

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Le Havre is a French city containing France’s second largest harbour. This game has a simple principle. The turn of a player consists of two steps: Distribution of newly supplied goods onto the Offer spaces; then action. As an action, players have the choice either to take all goods of a type from an Offer space or to use one of the buildings. Players can upgrade goods, sell them or build their own buildings and ships using building actions. A building is both an investment opportunity and a revenue stream as players must pay an entry fee to use a building they do not own. On the other hand, ships are primarily used for providing workers with food. 

A Harvest increases players’ grain and cattle reserves, and they must feed their workers every seven turns. Each player may perform one final action after a fixed number of rounds. Players add the value of their buildings and ships to their cash reserves. Whoever has the largest fortune wins.

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Like your parents before you, you rule a small pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. You, however, have dreams! Ideally, you’d like a bigger and more pleasant kingdom, with more rivers and trees. A Dominion! 
All around lie fiefs, freeholds, and feodums, all small pieces of land controlled by petty lords and bordering on chaos. This unfortunate group of people will be unified under your banner as you bring civilization to them.  Several monarchs have thought the same thing. The goal is to get as much unclaimed land as you can, fending them off along the way.
To accomplish this, you must hire minions, build buildings, spruce up your castle, and fill your treasury with gold. This game is about building cards. They represent your Dominion. The cards represent your resources, victory points, and the things you can do. The game starts with a small collection of estates and coppers, but by the end, you hope it will be brimming with gold, provinces, and inhabitants and structures of your castle and kingdom. 
If you have the most cards in your deck at the end of the game, you win.

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Freezing Death: Finnish Winter War

Freezing death: Finnish Winter War is a two player wargame of the Winter War fought between Finland and the Soviet Union (1939-1940). The game features a map whcih shows three fronts where main battles took place. The game is card-driven and includes more than 50 actions cards used as either action points or events.


Nusfjord is a tranquil fishing village in the Lofoten archipelago in northern Norway. Fifty years ago, business was blooming when the codfish would come for spawning. Today, Nusfjord is more of a museum than a village, with less than a hundred people living there. Imagine how beautiful this place must be given that you must pay a fee to even look at the houses. Cruise ships used to pass by this long and now mostly abandoned island world.

In the time period in which the game Nusfjord is set, things looked quite different. Sailing ships dominate the fjord. The rocks around Nusfjord are covered in trees. As the owner of a major fishing company in Nusfjord on the Lofoten archipelago, your goal is to develop the harbor and the surrounding landscape, and to succeed you must enlarge your fleet, clear the forest, erect new buildings, and satisfy the local elders. Others do this as well, of course, so the competition is steep.

As with Agricola and Ora et Labora, Nusfjord has a worker placement mechanism, with each player starting with three workers that they place on a central board to trigger certain actions. Whether a player wants to clear a forest on their own board, buy a new cutter, or construct a building, they must place a worker on the appropriate space — which is possible only if room is available for this worker. Money is scarce, and one of the quicker and easier ways to get it is to place shares of your own company on the market. This risky action could be worthwhile because if you succeed in buying these shares yourself, you have usually won money and not suffered any disadvantages; however, if an opponent acquires these shares, then you must allow them to benefit from your hard-earned catches at sea. The village elders might want their own share of your catch as well, especially if you’ve visited them to take certain actions in the village, so if you don’t take care, your catch could end up entirely in the hands of others and your camp will be empty.

Top Ten

Top Ten is about surviving five rounds, so you and your fellow players need to figure things out!

Place a number of unicorn tokens on the game board to start. Pick one person to be the round’s chief. This player gives each player a random card numbered 1-10, then they read one of the five hundred theme cards, e.g., “Batman wants to replace Robin to fight the bad guys. Create a new team ‘Batman and …’ from the worst to the best.” The chief looks at their number, then gives an answer based on their number. With a 1, they want the worst possible suggestion; with a 10, the best; with a 5-7, somewhere in the middle.

The Genius Star

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There are 165,888 ways to solve each puzzle
Players will love the “GOLDEN STAR” twist. Just make the golden star and get a double win
Play alone or with a friend to fill the grid
According to a specially developed computer program, every combination has at least one solution, and some have several!
There are star-shaped grids, dice, 7 triangle blockers, and 11 different shapes and colors included in this tabletop game. Simple to travel with and fun to play.
Play this STEM board game to improve problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, and motor manipulation skills

How to Play

  • Roll all seven dice at once
  • In each grid, a player must place seven blockers in the triangle spots to match the seven numbers printed on the dice
  • It’s race time! The 11 colored shapes will be filled into every other space on the grid to compete against each other
  • First place goes to the winner! You can get double if you have the Golden Star!

What did we like about The Genius Star?

  • great for those who love puzzles as it is never the same puzzle twice
  • good brain teaser
  • great at testing spatial awareness and problem solving

Foundations of Rome

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Foundations of Rome takes you to the ruins of Rome as an architect competing for land and beautiful structures. Develop insulae and domus, fountains, and foundries to increase your renown – gaining glory for yourself and the empire!

You will compete to be the greatest architect in Rome by purchasing lots and building on them strategically over three rounds.

Building complex structures is harder, but the builder earns greater glory (Victory Points).

Puerto Rico

Players assume the role of colonial governors on the island of Puerto Rico. In the game, you amass victory points by shipping goods to Europe or constructing buildings.

On each player’s board are city buildings, plantations, and resources. Four ships, a trading house, and a supply of resources and doubloons are shared by the players.

In the game, players grow crops and exchange them for points or doubloons. Players can use Doubloons to buy buildings, which add more crops or give them other abilities. Plantations and buildings are useless without colonists.

A role card is selected from the table each round (such as “Trader” or “Builder”).
Each player can take the appropriate action based on his or her chosen role. In addition, the player who chose the role receives a small advantage – for example, choosing the “Builder” role allows all players to build a building, but the player who selected it may do so at a discount. Every turn, unused roles gain a doubloon bonus, so the next player who chooses it gets to keep the bonus. This encourages players to make use of all the roles throughout a typical course of a game.

Ownership of buildings, shipping goods, and manning “large buildings” earn players victory points. Shipping chips come in denominations of one or five and are kept face down by each player. This prevents other players from determining the exact score of another player. All goods, doubloons, and their totals are placed in clear view of other players. In the later stages of the game, players need to consider their options before choosing a role that can end the game due to the unknown quantity of shipping tokens and its denominations.

New Phone, Who Dis: Family Edition

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New Phone Who Dis Family Edition is a party game where players take turns acting as the ‘phone’ and the other players try to guess what the ‘phone’ is saying by using cards with different phrases. Sounds simple, right but it’s a whole lot of fun!

Game Mechanics

The game mechanics are straightforward – each player takes turns being the ‘phone’ and draws a card from the deck which has different phrases on it. The other players then try to guess what the ‘phone’ is saying by using their cards, which also have phrases on them. The ‘phone’ has to act out the phrases without actually saying anything and the first player to correctly guess three phrases wins!

What Makes New Phone Who Dis Family Edition Fun?

What makes it fun is the hilarious phrases on the cards. The phrases can be interpreted in so many different ways, making the game unpredictable, entertaining and funny. Family and friends will be laughing.

What I love most about ‘New Phone Who Dis Family Edition’ is that it brings people together. In a world where everyone is glued to their phones, this game encourages face-to-face interaction and creates unforgettable moments with friends and family.

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Dominion (Second Edition)

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An Overview of Dominion

Dominion, created by Donald X. Vaccarino, is a deck-building card game where players act as monarchs seeking to expand their kingdoms. With a unique combination of strategy, timing, and luck, Dominion offers a fresh experience every time you play. Each card purchased shapes your hand, your future purchases, and your end-game victory points. At its core, Dominion is a game of resource management and calculated risk.

Playing Dominion

players are dealt a set of treasure and victory point cards from which they draw their initial hand. The main goal is to buy new cards from a central market and add them to your deck. The better the cards you acquire, the stronger the hand you can build. 

Key Mechanics in the Dominion Universe

  • Deck-Building: Dominion entrusts players with the creative process of building a deck from a common set of cards available to everyone. Whether you focus on currency development, combat, or victory point accumulation, the path to victory is predicated on the cards you choose to include in your deck.
  • Resource Management: The game’s economy revolves around managing two primary resources – actions and coins. The balance is crucial. With a variety of cards utilising these resources in different ways, players must be nimble and adaptive in their strategy.
  • VPs and End Game Scoring: In Dominion, what you have at the end of the game counts more than anything else. While buying powerful kingdom cards can help you get ahead, always keep an eye on the long game and ensure that your deck is optimized for victory point acquisition.
  • Action Cards: These allow you to perform a unique action when played, often providing a pivotal change in your strategy or offering an effective counter to your opponents’ plans.
  • Deck Optimization: Throughout the game, players must focus not only on improving their deck but optimizing it by filtering out weaker cards through trashing and other means, ensuring they draw stronger hands as the game progresses.

What Makes Dominion Fun?

The charm of Dominion lies in its accessibility and depth. It’s easy for new players to jump in and understand the basics, but it takes skill and experience to master the more advanced strategies. Additionally, the game’s replayability is virtually endless. With its numerous expansions, Dominion is always evolving, offering fresh challenges that keep players coming back for more.

Who Will Like Dominion?

Board game enthusiasts seeking a  challenge and a change from the mundanity of traditional roll-and-move games. Its appeal stretches to strategic gamers who relish complex decision trees and the thrill of building something from nothing. Furthermore, for those who enjoy regularly exploring new content, the game’s expansion packs guarantee that Dominion remains an adventure that never gets old.

The Castles of Burgundy

The game is set in the Burgundy region of High Medieval France. Each player takes on the role of an aristocrat, originally controlling a small princedom. While playing they aim to build settlements and powerful castles, practice trade along the river, exploit silver mines, and use the knowledge of travelers.

The game is about players taking settlement tiles from the game board and placing them into their princedom which is represented by the player board. Every tile has a function that starts when the tile is placed in the princedom. The princedom itself consists of several regions, each of which demands its own type of settlement tile.

The game is played in five phases, each consisting of five rounds. Each phase begins with the game board stocked with settlement tiles and goods tiles. At the beginning of each round all players roll their two dice, and the player who is currently first in turn order rolls a goods placement die. A goods tile is made available on the game board according to the roll of the goods die. During each round players take their turns in the current turn order. During his turn, a player may perform any two of the four possible types of actions: 1) take a settlement tile from the numbered depot on the game board corresponding to one of his dice and place it in the staging area on his player board, 2) take a settlement tile from the staging area of his player board to a space on his player board with a number matching one of his dice in the corresponding region for the type of tile and adjacent to a previously placed settlement tile, 3) deliver goods with a number matching one of his dice, or 4) take worker tokens which allow the player to adjust the roll of his dice. In addition to these actions a player may buy a settlement tile from the central depot on the game board and place it in the staging area on his player board. If an action triggers the award of victory points, those points are immediately recorded. Each settlement tile offers a benefit, additional actions, additional money, advancement on the turn order track, more goods tiles, die roll adjustment or victory points. Bonus victory points are awarded for filling a region with settlement tiles.

The game ends when the last player finishes his turn of the fifth round of the fifth phase. Victory points are awarded for unused money and workers, and undelivered goods. Bonus victory points from certain settlement tiles are awarded at the end of the game.

The player with the most victory points wins.

7 wonders

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7 Wonders is a 2-7 player game where players lead one of the 7 great cities of the Ancient World, exploiting the natural resources of their lands, taking part in the eternal march of progress, developing their commercial relationships and asserting their military might.  The game of 7 Wonders takes place over 3 Ages, each using one of the 3 Age deck of cards. During each Age, players have the opportunity to play 6 cards to develop their city or build their Wonder. These structures or Wonders have a resource and/or coin cost, whilst others may be free or have a construction cost. During each Age, players will:

  1. Choose a Card
  2. Perform their Action
  3. Give their hand of cards to the player sitting on either side of them and receive another hand of cards from the player sitting beside them.

There are 6 turns during an Age, with each Age ending after the 6th turn.  The player with the most Victory Points wins the game.

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Cyclades is a game for 2 to 5 players set in the Cyclades archipelago, off the coast of a not-yet unified Ancient Greece. The great cities (Sparta, Athens, Corinth, Thebes and Argos) are growing and struggling against one another to establish their supremacy, under the benevolent gaze of the Gods.

The game takes place over several cycles where players will:

  • First gather their revenue in GP (production of their islands and seafaring commerce)
  • Then make offerings to the Gods (auction)
  • Finally, depending on the God whose favour a player has obtained, perform the actions specific to that God.

The goal of each player is to own two Metropolises at the end of a cycle, done so by building them or conquering them. If at least one player has completed this objective, the game concludes at the end of a cycle. The player who has completed this objective wins, however, if multiple players have completed this goal then the richest player (whoever has the most GP) wins.


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Horrified is a cooperative board game that offers an engaging and thematic experience centered around classic movie monsters. Gameplay Overview

In Horrified, players team up to defeat a variety of monsters from classic films, such as Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster, the Wolf Man, and more. Each game, players face off against a specific combination of these monsters, which provides varied challenges and replayability. The game is played on a modular board depicting a spooky village with different locations like the museum, the laboratory, and the docks.

Game Mechanics

Players take turns moving around the board, collecting items, and using these items to complete tasks necessary to defeat the monsters. Each monster has unique conditions for defeat; for example, players must find and destroy Dracula’s coffins before they can confront him directly.

The game uses a combination of action point allocation, where players can perform a set number of actions per turn, and item management, as different monsters require different items to defeat. Additionally, there’s an element of risk management, as players must balance monster-fighting with rescuing villagers and preventing the monsters from causing too much terror.

Fun Factors

The cooperative nature of Horrified encourages teamwork and strategy, making it a great game for families or groups of friends. The variable setup with different monsters ensures no two games are the same, providing high replay value.

Target Audience

Horrified is likely to appeal to a broad audience, including:

  • Families: With a friendly approach to the horror theme, the game is suitable for families with older children.
  • Casual gamers: The straightforward mechanics make it accessible to newcomers or those who prefer less complex games.
  • Board game enthusiasts: The strategic depth and variable setup appeal to more experienced gamers looking for a cooperative challenge.
  • Fans of horror and classic films: The game is a hit with movie buffs, thanks to its faithful homage to classic horror icons.

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Arcadia Quest: Inferno

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In Arcadia Quest: Inferno, each player controls a Guild of three Heroes, battling their way down the circles of Inferno on their quest to defeat the Underlord and save Arcadia from the depths of Inferno. Despite their common goals, these guilds aren’t quite in league with one another: they are bitter enemies!

The game gives players a choice of paths their campaign will take, following a branching campaign system. Players must choose which opportunities to pursue, and which to leave behind as they make their way through Inferno. This decision can have serious consequences later on in the campaign. Players may rescue powerful angelic allies along the way, but if they fail to help these holy champions, they may turn into enemies! The Campaign Book includes twelve scenarios, but only six will be used during each campaign, so every game will be different.

The players battle their Heroes and the nasty Monsters swarming over the Inferno in each scenario. Heroes will acquire ever-more powerful items and weapons by completing specific Quests, finding treasure, and killing enemies. They must be careful, for Inferno is an unholy place filled with temptation and damnation-and the Heroes must risk their very souls if they hope to defeat the Underlord and his minions!

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Power Grid Deluxe: Europe/North America

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Power Grid Deluxe is based on the highly successful game “Power Grid”. Now the double-sided game board offers all of North America and all of Europe, rather than just the USA and Germany. Customized wooden parts offer actual generators for the players and different shapes for the resources, like natural gas instead of garbage. The power plants have all been changed, and resource refill cards have been added for easier refilling. Despite the new look, this is still Power Grid, with all its exciting auctions, nerve-racking resource speculations, complex city networks, and tight competition among the players. The parts are good, proven, and updated, and they are in new shapes. 

The Magnificent

The Magnificent is a tightly designed Eurogame from the creators of Santa Maria set in a mystical world beautifully illustrated by French artist Martin Mottet.

In the game, players are competing to attract the largest audiences to their shows, featuring magnificent performers. In the process, you must expand your camp by placing Tetris-style tiles on your player board, gather elements needed for the shows, and set up performances in your tents.

On your turn, you take one die from the supply. The value of the chosen die is your strength. Add to this the value of all dice of the same color that you have already collected, then use this strength to carry out one of three main actions: build, travel or perform. The more strength you have, the better the action will be, but at the end of the round, you must pay — in coins — the total of your highest-valued dice color. Thus, taking dice of the same color makes for better actions, but will cost more coins.

After each player has taken four turns, the round ends. Each player must discard one of their ringmaster cards and score points according to its requirements. After three rounds, the game ends, and the player who has collected the most points wins.

In more detail, players start the game with four ringmaster cards and a unique trainer tile. Each ringmaster card provides a special ability (which is triggered when you place a die on it) and a unique end-of-round scoring opportunity. When you choose a ringmaster card to discard and score at the end of the round, you must therefore also take into consideration which special abilities you want to keep.

In addition to your main action, you may use trainers on your personal unique trainer tiles or on common trainer spaces on the game board for various benefits.

At the end of each round, in order of the players’ highest-ranked performances, players choose a new ringmaster card and a trainer tile, providing new abilities and scoring opportunities for the next round.

Altar Quest

With Altar Quest, each player controls a hero with their own cards and equipment. To begin the game, each player chooses a quest card, an enemy threat card, and a sinister villain card. They are all fixed and do not require assembly, but can be mixed and matched to create a variety of deck combinations. In addition to the enemies in the threat deck, lurkers are always present in every quest. In the game, lurkers are represented by a variety of enemies that heroes must overcome. The unstable magic of the altars continuously affects the game as heroes try to complete their quest before attracting the attention of the almighty villain. The altar dice have mystical powers known as rhunes, which can enhance cards in various ways. When an altar die is used (whether by the heroes or the enemies), that die is rolled to create an ever-changing mix of rhunes to draw from.


Listing 2

It’s a new world. Despite omnipresence of technology people graft themselves to improve their capabilities by integrating cybernetic implants.

Real life is dominated by robotics. As the Internet has evolved, it has also become a virtual place with multiple possibilities: a cyberspace. Holographic screens and implants are used to access it.

Cyberspace has faced threats in recent years, however. It appears that a new type of virus has begun to infect the web, but no information is available about what it is.

As a member of this clandestine agency, you are tasked with fighting this new virus.

You must complete scenarios in order in the game. In Hacktivity, you are immersed in a story that connects these characters. You must assimilate new rules as you complete each scenario. A scenario book describes the scenarios.

Every scenario changes the initial setup.

Napoleon’s Imperium

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Napoleon’s Imperium is a team-based wargame based on the Napoleonic Wars, set on an epic scale!

The Two Alliance Battle for Europe allows up to eight players to command one or more empires.

Each Empire has its own strengths, weaknesses, economic scale, and geographic advantages. Every Empire is different and can be played in so many ways. Partnerships are essential for survival and dominance in Napoleon’s Imperium!

As a turn-based game, Napoleon’s Imperium is limited by a timeline of 18 years. There are 18 playable years in Team Napoleon; 1798 to 1815.
There are usually five to six years or turns in a typical game. It is estimated that 80 to 100 battles will take place during that time.

The length of a Battle Point Game varies from 4 to 6 hours (depending on the agreement between the players).
In order to achieve a Capital Victory, players can play a Campaign Game for as long as 5 to 20 hours.

Large Scale Map – This map is divided into land and sea areas, each with a different economic value, such as Capital Cities and Sea Ports.

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Marvel Champions The Galaxy’s Most Wanted

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This cooperative card game pits players against some of Marvel’s most iconic villains. Choose your favorite Marvel hero and join the battle!

The villains that players battle offer a distinct set of challenges, attacks, and events. Players must balance their hero’s strengths and weaknesses with those of their friends. Teamwork is crucial to success.

With Rocket Racoon and Groot, players can test their mettle against Drang, the Collector, Nebula, and Ronan the Accuser in five new scenarios. Fly with the Guardians of the Galaxy in the Milano and upgrade your gear between scenarios with the units you earn.

This is not a standalone product. The Marvel Champions: The Card Game core set is required to play.

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Power Grid

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Introduction to ‘Power Grid’

‘Power Grid’ is a strategic board game that has electrified the tabletop community with its unique blend of auction, resource management, and network building mechanics. Power Grid puts players in the shoes of power plant owners aiming to supply electricity to as many cities as possible. 

Gameplay Mechanics

‘Power Grid’ gameplay comprises three segments: buying power plants, purchasing resources, and building a network to connect cities. Each round starts with an auction for different types of power plants. These plants require resources like coal, oil, garbage, or uranium to operate, which players must buy in a fluctuating market. The resources are scarcer as demand increases, making strategic purchasing essential.

After buying resources, players compete to expand their electrical networks into cities. Each subsequent city is more expensive to connect, which means one needs to plan and budget meticulously. The game ends when a player connects a predetermined number of cities, triggering the final rounds where players maximize their power supply capabilities to win.

What Makes ‘Power Grid’ Fun?

One of the game’s highlights is its dynamic market for both power plants and resources. The auction mechanism ensures that each player’s decisions can directly affect the options and costs for others, weaving interaction tightly into every turn. The resource market simulates a real economy with supply and demand, where players can speculate to drive prices up or down to hinder competitors or improve their own position.

The challenge of balancing immediate needs with long-term goals makes it an entertaining strategic game. You will need to adapt your strategy to opponents’ actions, resource availability, and the types of power plants that come up for auction.

Who Will Enjoy ‘Power Grid’?

‘Power Grid’ is ideal for players who love games with strategic depth and planning. Players who enjoy economics and resource management will appreciate the gameplay. The game is less about luck and more about how effectively you can outthink and outmaneuver your opponents.

What are Power Grid players saying about the game?

  1. Gameplay Update makes it more enjoyable: The latest version has updated gameplay that levels the playing field, making it more interesting and enjoyable.

  2. Learning Curve and Fun: The game can be complex due to its detailed rules, but players find it easy to grasp and fun once understood. It is highly recommended for fans of games like Ticket to Ride, Catan, and Azul due to its strategic and competitive nature, making it ideal for game nights.

  3. Appeal to Specialists: Particularly appealing to professionals in power distribution and finance, the game offers engaging gameplay that even non-gamers can enjoy. It is described as Monopoly meets power distribution, with themes that resonate well with anyone interested in power and energy.

  4. Build Quality and Gameplay: The game components are well-built and sturdy. 

  5. Excitement and Engagement: The game is described as exciting enough to keep players on the edge of their seats, wondering about their next move and the final outcomes.

Ticket to Ride: USA 1910

Ticket to Ride: USA 1910 is a card expansion for the original Ticket to Ride boardgame, winner of the 2004 Spiel des Jahres. It contains 181 large format cards (the same size as Ticket to Ride: Europe and Ticket to Ride: Märklin). This includes 35 new 1910 Destination Tickets, a GlobeTrotter Bonus card for completing the most tickets, 4 Mystery Train Destination Tickets originally provided in the Ticket to Ride: Mystery Train Expansion expansion, and a complete replacement deck of the 141 cards from the original game deck (30 Destination Tickets (4 cards have a reduced value from Ticket to Ride), 110 Train Cards, and 1 Longest Route Bonus Card (Trans America Express)).

The rulebook is from the original game designer Alan R. Moon that gives you three additional different ways to play the game:
The 1910 Rules: Played as the standard Ticket to Ride, but using only the 1910 Destination Tickets, and GlobeTrotter Bonus card.
The Big Cities Rules: Played with only the newly identified 35 “Big City” Destination Tickets (15 Standard Tickets, 19 1910 Tickets, and 1 Mystery Train Ticket).
The Mega Game: featuring all of the game’s Destination Tickets and Bonus Cards (30 Standard Tickets, 35 1910 Tickets, 4 Mystery Train Tickets, and both Bonus cards).
Part of Ticket to Ride series.

Exit: The Game – The Abandoned Cabin

Everyone meant to use the cabin only as a shelter for the night, but come the morning the door has been secured by a combination lock, with no one knowing the combination of numbers that will let them leave. The windows are barred as well. An enigmatic spinning code dial and a mysterious book is all that you have to go on. Can you escape from this abandoned cottage?

In Exit: The Game – The Abandoned Cabin, players must use their team spirit, creativity, and powers of deduction to crack codes, solve puzzles, collect objects, and earn their freedom bit by bit.

Western Legends

Historic characters from the American Wild West face off and write new legends across the face of history! Gather your gun, your mount, and your grit as you forge your path into the history books.

Western Legends is an open-world sandbox tabletop adventure for 2-6 players set in the American Wild West. Players assume the roles of historical figures of the era, earning their legendary status in a variety of ways: gamble, drive cattle, prospect for gold, rob the bank, fight bandits, pursue stories, become an outlaw, keep the peace. The possibilities are darn near endless.

Each player’s turn starts with drawing poker cards and/or gaining cash. Then they choose three actions. Possible actions include: move on the map (how far depends on whether they have a mount), doing a location-specific action (such as mine for gold if they are at a gold mine, gamble if they’re in a saloon, etc.), fight other players at the same location (either duel them, rob them, or arrest them if they’re wanted), play poker cards that have action abilities, etc. Legendary Points (LPs) are earned based on the outcomes of many of these actions, and the winner is whoever has the most LPs at the end of the game.

Key Points
– Award-Winning gaming experience set in the American West!
– Beautiful artwork, and presentation brings this highly thematic game to life.
– Intuitive gameplay and choices let’s you write your own legend every game!

The Resistance: Avalon

Listing 2

Resistance: Avalon is a hidden loyalty game. The players are either loyal servants of Arthur fighting for Goodness and Honor or allied with the evil ways of Mordred.

Good wins by completing three quests. Evil wins if three quests fail. Evil may also win by assassinating Merlin at the end of the game or if a Quest cannot be completed.

A player may make any claim at any time during the game. Deception, discussion, accusation, and logical deduction are all equally important in order for Good to prevail or Evil to rule.

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Vindication (formerly Epoch: The Awakening) is a highly strategic, fantasy-based tabletop journey for 2-5 players. Play time is 15-30 minutes per player.

Thrown overboard for a life of wretchedness, you wash ashore a hostile island ruins — completely alone with nothing except the breath in your lungs and an undaunted spirit.

Through your advanced resource management, area control tactics, and freeform action selection, you’ll add companions to your party, acquire bizarre relics, attain potent character traits, and defeat a host of unusual monsters in the ultimate goal of mastering heroic attributes — and regaining honor.

You may perform 3 actions on each turn in the order you feel is most advantageous that turn: activate a companion, travel to a new location, and interact with a map tile. Many actions require the the use of your influence to gain attributes in a one-of-a-kind heroic attribute alchemy system, which is leveraged to gain the game’s most powerful rewards. For example, you can meditate at a spire to gain inspiration. You can train at a fort to gain strength. But then you can combine your inspiration and strength to gain the courage (inspired strength) which allows you to perform a bounty hunt.

There are distinctive end-game triggers that can be affected through game play, over 72 unique card abilities that can be merged in unusual ways for potent combinations, and fresh tile placement each game for high replayability.

The Great Zimbabwe

The Great Zimbabwe is a game about building a trade based civilization in ancient Africa. It has been inspired by the old kingdoms surrounding the Great Zimbabwe, a world heritage site in southern Africa. Far into the previous century, colonial governments denied that a civilization that produced such impressive monuments and beautiful artwork could have been African in origin. But of course, this civilization was African, and the country of Zimbabwe itself was proudly named after this impressive cultural heritage. As always in our games, we have used this history for inspiration; however, first and foremost we wanted to create a highly playable and replayable Splotter game, so in many cases we took liberties with historical names, periods and artwork.

In the game, players strive to build the most impressive monuments to one god of their choice. They can choose this god themselves– each of the twelve gods offers a unique blessing, but each also requires a different amount of work to win the game. Building the monuments is done by developing a logistics network stretching across the region. Through this network, players produce and obtain ritual goods to raise their monuments and bring honour to the god of their choice.

Here’s the flavour text from the rules:

The Mutapa king struts into the village, followed by a bunch of young warriors herding cattle. “Oondabezitha ”, he addresses the assembly of kings, “I have brought twelve heads of cattle for the ceremony tonight”. The others seem to shrink in stature as he speaks. The star of the king of Mutapa is clearly ascending. They have not brought nearly as much cattle themselves. “Soon, we will all be praying to Obatala”, murmurs one of the older Kilwa traders. “The Mutapa will be raising their godless monuments sky-high. Perhaps it is time for us to resort to some magic of our own”. Then the sky breaks into a thunder and a torrential rain pours down on the assembly. The men scramble while the plains fill with water. The ceremony will be wet tonight…

The Great Zimbabwe is a logistico-economic game in which players are tribal leaders in Africa trying to please the gods by building monuments.

Buying technology, building craftsmen, gathering resources and worshipping a god are among the many decisions necessary to win in ‘The Great Zimbabwe’. But the main way of getting there is building and developing a network of monuments. The higher the monuments, the closer the players will be to victory, but players must balance many subtle aspects of the game. If they develop their economy, if they worship a powerful god or if they use a lot of technology, they will need to score more victory points.

Clever use of turn-order manipulation, economic development in an almost close environment, scarce natural resource use and logistical optimization to deliver goods from craftsmen to monuments: You only get one action per turn, so be smart! ‘The Great Zimbabwe’ is a race for victory, in which you decide how far you want to go and at what speed. Then other players’ decisions change everything…


Zerywia is a cooperative adventure board game set in the primeval world of Slavic myths. It includes a campaign mode composed of individual adventures for 1 to 4 players, linked together by an overarching storyline. Each adventure can also be played separately, as standalone episodes. This enables the players to experience each story in different ways and allows to lead their Heroes on a different path during each playthrough.

Each Hero has their own Saga, a tale waiting to be uncovered and told. Progressing through it grants powerful, new relicts, rituals or allies. As they roam the lands, the Heroes will be able to acquire new Sagas, which shall give them more power and unlock new, hitherto hidden parts of the story. This is why our Heroes are a work in progress, so to speak, and it falls upon the players to shape them and lead them to noble (or not quite so) deeds.

Here are the four tribe champions who seek their destinies;

Svara – the Vengeful Grace
A mercenary, roaming the land together with packs from Wolf Gate. Once a peaceful priestess, now a huntress filled with primal instincts. She is fast and deadly, eager to spill blood. She swore vengeance on the beast, which burned down her family shrine along with the life she once had…

Goryv – the Hungerer
They said he came in from the Barren Woods and fell, almost lifeless, under the Watchstone. He has been fighting the unnamed taint ever since he could remember. The beast has been growing inside him, restless, filled with a hunger one could not resist. When the druids found him at the stone, half-dead, he told them of his taint in the hope that his Saga would not end with the next full moon…

Dalbor – the Murkbathed
A child found by a witch. It wasn’t supposed to survive, had no chance to resist the cursed fog in which it had been abandoned. And yet the hungry Murk did not monstrify the boy, granting him strength instead. He would soon find his heritage and embark on a journey to meet his past…

Veda – the Sister of Hollows
Veda, like her mother before her, carried the Gift. She was born into it and even when she was a little girl, her mind wandered between worlds. After losing her beloved brothers she did not want to accept the cruelty which fate had bestowed upon her. She thrust herself into the spirit world in search for her brothers. However, each passing through the the veil of Vela comes at a price…

—description from the publisher

UBOOT: The Board Game

U-BOOT: The Board Game is a fully cooperative, real-time tabletop game of WW2 submarine warfare, designed by Iron Wolf Studio. It allows 1 to 4 players to assume the roles of the Captain, the First Officer, the Navigator, and the Chief Engineer on board of a type VIIC U-boat. The game is driven by a companion app, allowing for an unprecedented level of realism, as well as a challenging enemy A.I. which will push your skills to the limit. The action unfolds both on the strategic and the tactical scale, always demanding teamwork, efficient crew management, and quick situation assessment.

Each of the four roles entails unique responsibilities, encouraging the players to develop an efficient communication scheme and use genuine navy terminology. The Captain oversees the completion of mission objectives, supervises action point costs, and is responsible for the crew’s morale. The First Officer operates the companion app, manages the flow of information, and takes care of the crew’s health. The Navigator steers the submarine by setting its course and depth, but also updates all the essential information on the strategic, and the tactical map. Last, but not least, is the Chief Engineer, who is responsible for the engines, repairs, as well as other mechanical implements on board of the U-boat (such as the ballast tanks, weapon systems, etc.). At the same time, each of the four officers commands his own group of crew members by issuing orders within a worker placement system.

The idea behind the companion app is to deliver a real-time, realistic gameplay experience. To that end, the app features the most essential instruments of the u-boat (such as the periscope, the hydrophone, and the Enigma, among others). Rest assured, however, that the vast majority of gameplay traditionally takes place on the game board, with the instruments revealing otherwise hidden information, and the app requiring only certain data (such as the U-boat’s course, speed, etc.) in order to generate an adequate A.I. response of the enemy force. It is also responsible for all the ambient sound effects, thus immersing the players even deeper into the claustrophobic interiors of the type VII C. But fear not! With open & play being a design priority, you will be launching torpedoes in no time, thanks to streamlined rules, video tutorials, and variable difficulty levels for each player.

From quick skirmishes, through full combat missions, to an all-out campaign, UBOOT: TBG will let you conduct submarine operations in all major naval theatres of the 2nd World War. Success of these missions hinges on the completion of various tasks delegated to the crew by the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine (German Navy HQ), which include patrol duty, ambushing convoys, laying mines in enemy waters, and many more! Each mission will require the players to adopt various strategies and different play styles in order to successfully complete it, and the companion app will generate a detailed report at the end of each game session (evaluating player efforts, and possibly awarding decorations, promotions, etc.). That is, if the U-boat makes it back home…

The stage is set and the crew is awaiting your orders. Do you have what it takes to command the Kriegsmarine’s finest? Hunt or be hunted, as you brave the stormy seas of the greatest conflict in history!

—description from the creator

Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril

If you’re a fan of adventure and strategy games then ‘Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril’ is definitely for you.

How to Play

You take on the role of a ship captain in the world of Arzium, where everything is ancient and mythical. Your goal is to explore this world, complete quests and interact with its inhabitants in order to gain knowledge and power. But be warned, the gods of this world are not so friendly and they will do whatever it takes to stop you from gaining too much power.

Now, let’s talk about the game mechanics. Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril has a unique system where you use decks of cards to navigate the game. Each player has their own deck of cards that represent their actions and abilities. You also have a shared deck that determines the outcome of your interactions with the world. This adds an element of surprise and unpredictability to the game, making each playthrough different from the last.

Who Can Play

As for the type of audience who might like this game, I would say it’s perfect for those who enjoy strategy and adventure. It’s a game that requires both critical thinking and luck, making it the perfect blend for a fun and engaging experience. Plus, the artwork of Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril is simply stunning, adding to the immersive experience.

What Makes It Fun

But what really makes this game stand out is its storytelling aspect. Every quest and encounter in the game is accompanied by rich and detailed descriptions, making you feel like you’re truly on an epic adventure. And because of the branching questlines, your choices and actions have a real impact on the outcome of the game.

Marvel: Crisis Protocol

Listing 2

Crisis Protocol is a tactical hobby game set in the Marvel Universe where you can save or conquer the world! Your superpowered forces will face your friends in battles of cataclysmic proportions as you collect, assemble, and paint detailed miniatures of your favorite characters.

Complete narrative missions on an interactive tabletop using legendary heroes and villains. Coordination and superpowers are at your fingertips as you harness incredible superpowers. With innovative interactive terrain rules, characters can throw, smash, and collide with virtually any terrain element.

Even though each character is powerful, none of them can win alone. Lead them, it’s up to you. For ultimate victory, Marvel Crisis Protocol requires bold tactics and cunning strategy… At least until the next crisis strikes!

Start your battle with ten highly detailed unassembled and unpainted miniatures featuring Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Red Skull, Crossbones, Baron Zemo, Captain America, Black Widow, Doctor Octopus, and Ultron.

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Run, Cowboy, Run!

‘Run, Cowboy, Run!’ is a fast-paced game that will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It’s all about outsmarting your opponents and becoming the ultimate cowboy in town.

How to Play

The goal of the game is to be the first cowboy to make it to the end of the trail while avoiding obstacles and outsmarting your opponents. Each player starts with a set of cowboy cards, each representing a different action – such as trotting, galloping or jumping. Depending on the roll of the dice, players can choose to play any combination of these cards in order to move forward on the trail.

But it’s not just about moving forward – there are also special spaces on the board that can give you advantages or disadvantages, such as finding hidden treasures or encountering enemy cowboys. These add an extra layer of excitement and strategy to the game.

Who Can Play

I would say that ‘Run, Cowboy, Run!’ is suitable for anyone aged 8 and up – so whether you’re a young buckaroo or a seasoned cowboy, this game is for you. It’s also perfect for family game nights or as a fun activity with friends.

What Makes It Fun

But what makes ‘Run, Cowboy, Run!’ really stand out from other board games? Well, besides the adrenaline-pumping gameplay and the strategic elements, it’s the sense of humor that really sets it apart. With cowboy-themed puns and silly actions, this game is guaranteed to make you laugh and have a good time.

Exploit Zero: Hostile Takeover

If you’re ready for an adrenaline-filled, cutthroat competition in the world of business, then I highly recommend giving Exploit Zero: Hostile Takeover a try.

How to Play

Exploit Zero is s a game that combines elements of strategy, luck and quick thinking. The premise is simple; you are a corporate tycoon competing against other players to expand your business empire by any means necessary.

But don’t let the simplicity fool you, as Exploit Zero: Hostile Takeover offers endless possibilities and challenges. With each turn, players must make strategic decisions to acquire resources, expand their territory, sabotage their opponents and ultimately reach the top of the corporate ladder.

One of the things that I love about this game is its unique mechanic of using action cards. These cards not only allow players to perform specific actions but also add an element of unpredictability to each turn. You never know what your opponents might pull out of their sleeves, so you have to be on your toes at all times.

Who Can Play

In my opinion, this game would appeal to a wide range of audiences, from casual players looking for a fun time with friends to hardcore gamers seeking a challenge. The gameplay is easy to learn but offers enough complexity to keep even the most experienced players engaged.

What Makes It Fun

An aspect that makes this game stand out is its theme. As someone who has always been fascinated by the business world, playing Exploit Zero: Hostile Takeover feels like I am living my dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur. The artwork and design of the game also add to the immersive experience.


The Phantom: Treasures of Drakon

Imagine yourself as a daring explorer, venturing into the depths of an ancient temple in search of treasure. Sounds exciting, right? Well, that’s exactly what The Phantom: Treasures of Drakon is all about.

How to Play

This game has some seriously cool gameplay mechanics that will keep you on your toes throughout the entire experience. As you make your way through the temple, you’ll encounter traps, puzzles, and even a fearsome dragon named Drakon himself.

One of my favorite aspects of this game is its hidden movement mechanic. Each player takes on the role of either the explorer or the phantom – the mysterious entity who controls Drakon. The explorer’s goal is to collect as much treasure as possible, while the phantom’s goal is to stop them at all costs. As an added twist, the phantom’s movements are kept secret, making it a thrilling game of cat and mouse.

Who Can Play

The Phantom: Treasures of Drakon is suitable for players aged 10 and up, making it perfect for family game night or a fun evening with friends. The game can accommodate 2-5 players, so it’s great for both small and larger groups.

What Makes It Fun

But what makes this game truly stand out is its unique blend of strategy and luck. With each turn, players must make calculated decisions on which paths to take in the temple and how to use their limited actions. But with the element of surprise from the phantom’s hidden movements and the unpredictable nature of dice rolls, every game is a new adventure.


Listing 2

Earth board game is about exploring and manipulating the delicate balance of nature. You take on the role of ecosystem architects, striving to create the most thriving and diverse environments. The goal is to manage natural resources efficiently, support various flora and fauna, and outsmart opponents to achieve the highest ecological score.


Earth combines resource management, tile placement, and engine-building mechanics to create a deeply engaging experience. Each player starts with a barren island and a unique set of resources. Throughout the game, players draw and play cards that represent different terrains, plants, and animals. These cards have varying abilities and scoring potentials, allowing players to develop synergistic ecosystems.

Game Mechanics

  1. Resource Management:

    • Players collect and utilize resources like water, sunlight, and soil. Efficient management is crucial for expanding and sustaining their ecosystems.
  2. Tile Placement:

    • The game board changes as players place terrain and plant tiles, creating a unique and dynamic environment each game. 
  3. Engine Building:

    • As players acquire new cards and resources, they can create powerful combinations that enhance their ecosystem’s productivity and scoring potential. 
  4. Objective Cards:

    • Players can complete various objectives for bonus points, encouraging diverse strategies and tactical flexibility. These objectives range from supporting specific types of plants to achieving certain resource thresholds.

What Makes Earth Fun

  1. Strategic Depth

    • Earth offers a rich tapestry of strategic choices, from resource allocation to tile placement and card synergies. Every decision impacts the evolving ecosystem and overall strategy.
  2. Replayability

    • With a vast array of cards and objectives, each game of Earth feels fresh and challenging. The variability in setups and player choices ensures no two games are alike.
  3. Thematic Immersion:

    • The game’s theme of ecological balance is not just a backdrop but deeply integrated into the mechanics. Players feel a genuine connection to the natural world as they cultivate their ecosystems.

Who will fun Earth fun?


Those who enjoy deep, strategic gameplay will appreciate the intricate decision-making and planning required in Earth

Nature Lovers

Those with an interest in ecology and the natural world will find the game’s theme particularly compelling. The focus on creating balanced ecosystems and managing natural resources adds an educational and immersive layer to the gameplay.

Engine Builders

Fans of engine-building games, where the goal is to create a self-sustaining and efficient system, will enjoy the synergies and combos they can create in Earth. The game’s mechanics reward players who can develop powerful and interconnected ecosystems.

What are players of Earth saying about the game?

What players like?

  • Highly thematic with beautiful artwork.
  • Easy to learn and teach.
  • Consistently engaging as players are always active.
  • High replayability.
  • Clear player boards and iconography.

What they do not like?

  • Can cause analysis paralysis in some players, slowing down the game.
  • A lengthy rulebook and unique icons can make the first game take longer.
  • Some players noted minor issues with game pieces, such as tree pieces not stacking perfectly.

Additional comments about the game

  • Appreciation for the strategic gameplay that rewards planning and resource management.
  • The artwork and quality of game components are highly praised.
  • Despite a learning curve, the game becomes faster and more enjoyable after a few plays.
  • The game is suitable for solo play and different player counts, offering both simple and advanced rules.




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Troyes: A Strategy Game Masterpiece for the Tactical Thinker

Troyes immerses you into the vivid tapestry of the medieval era. It is set in the thriving Champagne region of France,  and a battleground where you exercise wit, resourcefulness, and political maneuvering to rise above your peers. 

The Setting: A Veritable Slice of Medieval Life

Troyes presents a rich historical backdrop where players become the leaders of influential families aiming to improve their social standing through various means, such as building the cathedral, increasing their workforce, or engaging in military affairs. The intrigue lies not only in the strategic decisions players make but also in the dynamic societies they shape. The game is as much about building a legacy for your lineage as it is about outmaneuvering your opponents.

The Gameplay: Constructing Your Legacy

The core of Troyes is resource management and maximizing their conversion into valuable commodities, services, and influence. The basics of the gameplay are as follows:

Character Cards and Dice: Each player has a set of dice, which represent their workforce and are used to perform actions. There are various character cards available, each providing unique abilities and bonuses, which can be acquired throughout the game.

The Action Board: Here, players can take a variety of actions, from acquiring and using resources to engaging in building projects or hiring characters for future rounds. The board is divided into four different quadrants, representing areas of influence and skill development.

The Event Die: Troyes keeps players on their toes with the Event Die, which can trigger both positive and adverse effects based on the drawn card.

The Cathedral: One of the game’s central features, the construction of the cathedral, bestows prestige and power on those who invest in its completion.

Players use their dice to bid, hire citizens with unique abilities, and fend off adversity from criminals and armadas. The strategic complexity expands as players learn the intricacies of combining dice, characters, and actions.

Mechanic Mastery: Balancing Skill and Luck

Troyes doesn’t shy away from incorporating randomness into the game, but skillful players can mitigate bad rolls and turn them to their advantage. This mechanic keeps the game dynamic and prevents predictability, ensuring that no two playthroughs are exactly the same. The beauty of Troyes lies in the fine balance it strikes between controlled strategies and the excitement of chance.

The implementation of dice as both a resource and a tool for action and the plethora of character abilities and actions available ensure that every decision comes loaded with possibilities and multiple outcomes. Players who can adapt on the fly and make the most of unexpected opportunities find themselves at a significant advantage.

Strategic Depth: Long-Term Plan vs. Immediate Gain

Troyes rewards players who think ahead, manage their resources wisely, and execute a long-term plan with precision. The decisions you make early in the game can have far-reaching consequences. Will you invest in the cathedral foundation, securing future wealth and prestige, or train more citizens to bolster your defenses against potential threats?

There’s a delightful tension between short-term gain and long-term payoff. Do you spend your limited actions and dice to buy powerful characters, or do you build up a strong workforce to take multiple actions in the future? This balancing act keeps players engrossed in the strategic puzzle that is Troyes.

The Personal Touch: Unique Experience for Every Player

One of the endearing qualities of Troyes is the room it provides for personal play styles to shape the game. Each player’s board will look different not just because of the random setups and character draws but because of the perceivable strategies at play. If you have a penchant for military might, you might choose to aid your city’s defense against mounting threats. Alternatively, a focus on the ecclesiastical route may see you achieving greatness through the power of faith and community.

Every game session feels uniquely personal as players craft their individual narratives. The game offers a sense of agency as players get to tailor their approach without straying too far from the core of the game’s mechanics and objectives.

Why Gamers Love It: A Tapestry Woven with Greatness

The allure of Troyes is found in its numerous strategic paths and the satisfaction of successfully navigating them. The game’s intricate design ensures that there are multiple routes to victory, with no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to play. It invites players to think critically, plan meticulously, and adapt fluidly to the challenges presented.

An Invitation for the Curious: Who Should Play?

Troyes appeals to those who enjoy deep, strategic gameplay with high replay value and don’t shy away from a challenge. It’s a perfect fit for those who revel in the satisfaction of learning a complex system and watching their understanding and skills grow with each session.

Playing Troyes is an experience that combines the best of Euro-style mechanism and thematic immersion. Gain the satisfaction of mitigating dice luck through clever actions as well as the thrill of a hard-earned victory.

It’s a game of depth and substance, one that will see countless hours of play as you explore its nuances and challenge the strongest of gaming groups. If you seek a game that offers a rewarding intellectual engagement, where every decision holds weight and consequences, then give Troyes a place at your gaming table.

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In Stockpile, players act as stock market investors at the end of the 20th century hoping to strike it rich, and the investor with the most money at the end of the game is the winner.
Stockpile is an economic board game that combines the traditional stockholding strategy of buy low, sell high with several additional mechanisms to create a fast-paced, engaging and interactive experience.

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Calico players draft and place patch tiles of different colors and patterns onto their quilt board to sew the coziest quilt. There will be 3 design goal tiles on every board that will earn points if they are met. Players are also trying to create pattern groups to attract the cuddliest cats. The player with the most points from their design goal tiles, cats, and buttons wins!


In Arkwright, players operate up to four factories in England during the late 18th century. Your objective is to own the most valuable share of the company. You must therefore increase the value of your shares and acquire new ones from the bank.

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Betrayal Legacy

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Your role in Betrayal Legacy is to explore a house that seems to invite trouble. A haunt is triggered by one player during the game. Players usually become traitors at this point, bent on defeating their teammates. Other players become heroes.
After that, the game becomes a fight between the traitor and the heroes, often to the death. The house will change as each game is played and tell more of its story. The campaign portion of Betrayal Legacy is comprised of 13 chapters (plus a prologue). 
You can then play the game in “free play” mode. In free play, very few changes will be made to the game.
Make your family member stronger by exploring the house until the haunt begins. Then, you must complete your side’s victory condition, either as a traitor or a hero.
As Betrayal Legacy is a legacy game, some of the events from one game will carry over into future games. You might add cards or stickers to materials. At other times, you may destroy components. Each group’s journey and history will be different. 

French Toast

The game of French Toast has one player acting as the Toastmaster, drawing a Secret Word for you and your friends to guess. The catch? Toastmasters may only communicate by repeating guesses back to you! As someone guesses, the Toastmaster decides whether that guess is “closer” to the Secret Word than the “closest” previous guess – starting with the first guess of the game, which is always “French Toast.” If the new guess is closer, the Toastmaster repeats it back to you. The Toastmaster repeats the closest previous guess if the new guess is not closer. Make clever guesses to get closer to the Secret Word, until you can guess it!

Smartphone Inc.

In Smartphone Inc., you become a CEO of one of the largest smartphone-producing companies in the time when smartphones were only beginning to conquer the world. Research technologies, develop your factory, build your worldwide office network, and outprice your competitors to become the most profitable and successful smartphone company in the world.

Smartphone Inc. is an economic simulation Eurogame. Over five rounds, players program their decisions about price, production, research, and expansion. The game features a unique mechanism of planning, which combines patching mechanisms with bidding and action selection. Each of the rounds consists of eight simple phases: planning, pricing, production, development, research, expansion, selling, and profits.

In the planning phase, all players simultaneously make decisions for the next year by overlaying (“patching”) their two plan cards and all of their development tiles. The actions they plan on their cards and tiles in this phase will determine what actions they can perform during all of the later phases.

In the pricing phase, players change the price they charge for their smartphones based on their plan. A lower price helps to go earlier and sell more smartphones on the market, but a higher price, while risky, helps players to earn more money.

In production, all players produce smartphones.

In development, players take development tiles, which expand their planning possibilities in future rounds.

In research, players discover new technologies. Each technology not only expands players’ ability to sell smartphones to customers, but also gives them special powers they can use during the game.

In the expansion phase, players open offices in neighbor regions, which allow them to sell in that region and develop their network of offices to more regions in further turns.

In the sale phase, players sell the phones they produced in regions where they have offices. But there is limited space in each region – and if your price is too high, cheaper rivals can block you from selling.

In the profit phase, players get income for their sales. Players gain the sale prices for all of their sold smartphones, and the player who sold the most phones in each region gains a bonus for controlling the accessory market. At the end of this phase all sold smartphones are discarded from the map – and a new round begins.

After five rounds, the richest player wins.

Caesar: Rome vs. Gaul

Caesar: Rome vs. Gaul is a fast-paced, easy-to-learn two-player card game based on Caesar’s conquest of Gaul. Play as Caesar and try to gain fame and wealth in Gallia at the expense of the Gauls. The other player controls all the tribes of Gaul as they slowly wake up to the peril of Roman conquest.

Caesar: Rome vs. Gaul uses a lot of the same rules and systems as Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage. Each turn, players are dealt 8 cards and use them to move their armies and place control markers. Players familiar with Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage will get this game quickly.

Estoril 1942: Super Box

The Estoril base game (City of Spies: Estoril 1942) plus all Promo Cards (City of Spies: Promo Cards), the Double Agent Expansion (City of Spies: Double Agent), and the NEW VIP Expansion (with new locations, new spies, and improved components).
The small town of Estoril is located near Lisbon, Portugal. The area has beautiful beaches, fine weather, a majestic casino, and luxury hotels. Because of this, many spies visited the area during WWII.
In this game, players will compete to create the best spy network. Each player begins with six Character tiles and must send them to historic locations in order to acquire and upgrade their spy team in order to gain victory points and accomplish missions.

Chrome Hammer Ascension: A Cyber Fantasy Solo Skirmish Campaign Game

Chrome Hammer Ascension is a solo campaign game that pits punks against mega-corporations. Dragon CEOs run pharmaceutical companies, flame demons roam back alleys, and kobold zealots trade shots with elf hackers.

How to Play

The basic concept of the game is that you are a leader of a powerful corporation in a futuristic world where corporations rule the world. Your goal? Take over and dominate all other corporations to become the most powerful one in the world.

The game involves strategic decision making, resource management and tactical planning. But don’t worry, it’s not all serious business! The game also has a healthy dose of humor and fun elements that make it an enjoyable experience.

One of the things I love about ‘Chrome Hammer Ascension’ is the variety in gameplay. Each turn, you have to make important decisions on what actions to take, whether it’s investing in new technologies, expanding your corporation or sabotaging your opponents. This keeps the game exciting and unpredictable, as you never know what your opponents might do next.

The game also has a unique mechanic called “corporation cards” which add an extra layer of strategy to the gameplay. These cards represent various types of corporations with different abilities that you can use to gain an advantage over others. It’s always a thrill to see which corporation card you’ll get and how you can use it to your advantage.

Who Can Play

‘Chrome Hammer Ascension’ is suitable for a wide range of players. Whether you’re a hardcore board gamer or someone who just enjoys a casual game night with friends, this game has something for everyone. The strategic elements will keep the more serious gamers engaged while the fun and humorous aspects make it accessible to those new to the genre.

What Makes It Fun

As a player, I also appreciate the attention to detail in the game’s design. The artwork is stunning and truly captures the futuristic theme of the game. The game also comes with high-quality components, making the overall experience even more immersive.



Citytrip Brugge

By visiting famous buildings and museums, events, restaurants, and more, you create the most memorable trip in Citytrip Brugge.

Citytrip Brugge is a flip & write game that is easy to setup. There are 23 starting points, 44 missions, and a basic and advanced scoresheet.

The upper card of the action stack is flipped. Everybody simultaneously chooses 2 horizontally or vertically adjacent actions (=7 combinations). On the scoresheet, players create a road and circle their goals. In 15 turns, the game ends. Player with highest satisfaction scores wins Citytrip Brugge.

Disney Villainous Despicable Plots

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Be a Disney Villain striving to achieve your devious goal. Take your opponents by surprise as you discover unique abilities!

Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Lady Tremaine (Cinderella), and the Horned King (The Black Cauldron) are all introduced in Disney Villainous: Despicable Plots. Gaston must remove obstacles from his realm in order to convince Belle that he’s the perfect man for her. Lady Tremaine needs to marry one of her stepdaughters to the Prince.

To win, the Horned King must fill his Realm with Cauldron Born-but first, he must claim the power of the Black Cauldron!

Disney Villainous: Despicable Plots can be played on its own with two or three players. Or, you can combine it with other Disney Villainous titles for up to a six-player game.

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Android: Netrunner

Taking place in a dystopian future, Android: Netrunner is a card game for two players. One player controls a Runner, a rogue hacker armed with cutting-edge gear and software, while the other controls an evil corporation. Android: Netrunner involves players taking turns, starting with the Corporation.

Each turn, the Corporation has three clicks. Clicks can be spent gaining credits, drawing cards, installing cards, and advancing agendas. Corporation efforts must be carefully divided between defensive and offensive actions, such as protecting servers from Runners or tracking them.

Runners have four clicks per turn. The Runner can also spend his clicks to gain credits, draw cards, install cards, and make runs.

A Runner hacks into the Corporation’s servers during a run to interfere with the Corporation and steal their agendas. An effective Runner strategy involves selecting when and where to run, as well as where and when not to run.

Android Netrunner Resources:

Project Ancur


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Star Realms

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Buy Star Realms on Amazon

This fast-paced, competitive game set in space  offers a blend of tactics and luck. Whether you’re a card games veteran or a casual gamer, Star Realms offers an experience that’s both accessible and deeply captivating.

What is Star Realms?

Star Realms is a deck-building card game designed by former Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour Champions. Launched in 2014, the game has quickly gained popularity. You start with a small fleet (your deck) and use your resources to acquire new ships and bases, build your military might, and attempt to defeat your opponents through direct combat.

Gameplay and Mechanics

The game is played with a central deck of cards representing various ships and bases, each aligned with one of four factions: the Trade Federation, the Blob, the Star Empire, and the Machine Cult. Players start with a basic deck of cards that generate trade (currency) and combat power. On each turn, you use trade to acquire new ships and bases from the central deck and use combat power to attack your opponent and their bases.

One of the game’s unique aspects is the ally and scrap abilities, encouraging players to focus on specific factions within their deck. Cards from the same faction often work together to unlock powerful abilities, while the scrap ability allows you to permanently remove cards from your deck, ensuring that your draws become increasingly powerful as the game progresses.

What Makes Star Realms Fun?

Strategic Depth

Star Realms strikes a perfect balance between strategy and accessibility. The game is easy to learn, with clear rules and an intuitive game flow, but it also offers deep strategic possibilities. Players must make decisions about which cards to buy, when to attack, and how to best utilize their deck’s potential synergies. The game rewards forward thinking and adaptability, ensuring that no two games are ever the same.

Quick Playtime

A typical game of Star Realms can be completed in about 20 minutes, making it an ideal choice for casual gaming sessions. Despite its short duration, each game is filled with moments of tension, excitement, and strategic maneuvering.


With the base game alone, Star Realms offers a high degree of replayability. The central deck is large and varied, ensuring that each game presents new opportunities and challenges. Additionally, the game has several expansions and variants, introducing new factions, mechanics, and strategies to explore.

Who Will Enjoy Star Realms?

Star Realms is a hit with a wide range of players. Casual gamers will appreciate the game’s quick setup and playtime, straightforward rules, and the satisfaction of building a powerful deck. More experienced players will enjoy the strategic depth, the interactions between different cards and factions, and the competitive nature of the game. It’s also a fantastic choice for fans of science fiction and space-themed games.

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Terra Mystica

In the land of Terra Mystica dwell 14 different peoples in seven landscapes, and each group is bound to its own home environment, so to develop and grow, they must terraform neighboring landscapes into their home environments in competition with the other groups.

Terra Mystica is a full information game without any luck that rewards strategic planning. Each player governs one of the 14 groups. With subtlety and craft, the player must attempt to rule as great an area as possible and to develop that group’s skills. There are also four religious cults in which you can progress. To do all that, each group has special skills and abilities.

Taking turns, the players execute their actions on the resources they have at their disposal. Different buildings allow players to develop different resources. Dwellings allow for more workers. Trading houses allow players to make money. Strongholds unlock a group’s special ability, and temples allow you to develop religion and your terraforming and seafaring skills. Buildings can be upgraded: Dwellings can be developed into trading houses; trading houses can be developed into strongholds or temples; one temple can be upgraded to become a sanctuary. Each group must also develop its terraforming skill and its skill with boats to use the rivers. The groups in question, along with their home landscape, are:

Desert (Fakirs, Nomads)
Plains (Halflings, Cultists)
Swamp (Alchemists, Darklings)
Lake (Mermaids, Swarmlings)
Forest (Witches, Auren)
Mountain (Dwarves, Engineers)
Wasteland (Giants, Chaos Magicians)
Proximity to other groups is a double-edged sword in Terra Mystica. Being close to other groups gives you extra power, but it also means that expanding is more difficult…

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murder and Other Cases

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Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murder and Other Cases – A Game for the Sleuth in You!

Do you love reading mystery novels and detective stories? Does the idea of piecing together clues and solving puzzles to solve a crime excite you? If yes, then you should definitely check out Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murder and Other Cases. It’s a perfect game for mystery lovers like you

Gameplay: A Unique Detective Experience

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murder and Other Cases is a unique board game that deviates from the traditional format. Instead of a standard board, players are provided with a map of London and a casebook which contains details about unsolved crimes that have occurred in the city.

As players, you take on the role of detectives trying to solve these puzzling cases by gathering clues from various locations across London. You will visit different locations such as crime scenes, witnesses’ homes, and newspaper offices to gather information and uncover the truth.

The game is designed for 1-8 players, making it a perfect choice for both solo play and game nights with friends or family. Each case takes approximately 90 minutes to solve, providing hours of fun and entertainment.

Game Mechanics: The Art of Deduction

So, how do you solve a case in Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective?
A complex system of clues drives the game and leads players must follow to piece together the mystery.

Each case has a set of locations that players can visit, represented by numbered paragraphs in the casebook. As players read through each location’s description, they will find clues, witness statements, and other pieces of information that they must use to determine the next location to visit.

The game also includes a directory with a list of people involved in each case. Players can use this directory to cross-reference names mentioned in the casebook and gather more information about potential suspects or witnesses.

But be warned, you only have a limited number of leads to follow, and visiting the wrong locations can lead you down a rabbit hole and waste precious time!

Suitable for All Skill Levels

Don’t worry if you’re not an expert detective or unfamiliar with the world of Sherlock Holmes. The game comes with a comprehensive rulebook that explains everything in detail, making it easy for beginners to jump right into the action.

For seasoned players, the game offers a challenging experience as you try to outsmart Sherlock Holmes himself and solve the case before he does.

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective is also suitable for players of all ages (10+), making it a great choice for family game nights or introducing younger players to the world of deductive reasoning.

What Makes It Fun?

Aside from the obvious thrill of solving a mystery, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective offers an immersive experience that transports players to the streets of Victorian London. The game’s use of maps, newspapers, and other physical components adds an element of realism and makes players feel like they are truly conducting their own investigation.

The open-ended nature of the game also allows for multiple playthroughs, as players can make different choices and visit different locations to uncover new clues and piece together the mystery in a different way.

Additionally, working together with other players to solve the case creates a fun and collaborative atmosphere, perfect for game nights or gatherings.

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Dinosaur Island

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Dinosaur Island is a solo or up to 4 player strategy game where players will have to research DNA to bring prehistoric reptiles to life. Players will need to collect DNA, research the DNA sequences of extinct dinosaur species and then combine the ancient DNA in the correct sequence to bring these creatures back to life. Players compete to build the most enticing park each season, and then work to attract the most visitors each season that the park opens by hiring specialists, building attractions and more. Players can choose to play it safe or take lots of risks to build the most thrilling park whilst completing objectives, earning money and scoring Victory Points.

King of Tokyo: Power Up

With King of Tokyo: Power Up! – an expansion for the King of Tokyo base game – Included is the new monster Pandakai, a giant panda bear. After choosing a monster, each player takes the eight Evolution cards associated with that monster, shuffles those cards, and creates a personal deck. At the end of a player’s turn, if she has three hearts, she draws one Evolution card and adds it to her hand; this is possible even in Tokyo (when hearts are normally useless) and even if the hearts are used for some other action, such as healing.

A player can reveal and play an Evolution card at any time. Some Evolutions are temporary, allowing a one-time bonus, while others are Permanent, such as Gigazaur’s “Tail Sweep”, which allows him to change one die to a 1 or 2 each turn. Each Evolution card also identifies whether a monster is a Mutant, Invader, or Robot, and while not relevant for Power Up!, this species identification could come into play in future expansions.

The rules for King of Tokyo: Power Up! contain a few variants: Players start with a random Evolution in play, or draw two cards and choose the one they want, or draft a set of Evolutions prior to the start of play. However you play, the goal of the game remains the same: Score 20 points or be the last monster standing amid the rubble of what was once Tokyo.

Part of the King of Tokyo series.


In Steam you build railroads and deliver goods along an ever changing network of tracks and stations. You build the tracks, upgrade towns, improve your train, and grab the right goods to make the longest, most profitable deliveries. Score your deliveries and add to your income or victory points, balancing your need to invest against your quest to win the game.

Steam contains a beautiful, double-sided game board. The map on each side depicts terrain, towns, and cities at the start of the railway age. The map of the northeastern USA and neighboring Canada is ideal for 3 or 4 players. Use the map of Europe’s lower Rhine and Ruhr region when playing a 4 or 5 player game. You can play Steam on any number of current and future variant and expansion maps, so we include pieces for 6 players.

The game plays very similarly to Age of Steam but with modifications to some of its mechanics and artwork. Tracks for income, train level, etc. are all printed on the board around the map such that alternate maps can be overlaid on the board and the necessary tracks will still be able to be used.

Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island

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Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island is a game where players are taken to a deserted island, where they’ll play the parts of shipwreck survivors confronted by an extraordinary adventure. As they build a shelter, find food, fight wild beasts, and protect themselves from weather changes, they’ll face many challenges. On an island, they will build walls around their homes, domesticate animals, construct weapons and tools from what they find, and more. It is the players who decide what direction the game will take and how their settlement will look after several in-game weeks. Will they manage to discover the secret of the island in the meantime? Will they find a pirate treasure, or an abandoned village? Will they discover an underground city or a cursed temple at the bottom of a volcano? The answers to these questions are found in hundreds of event cards and hundreds of object and structure cards…

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Suburbia: Collector’s Edition

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Suburbia: Collector’s Edition is a revamped version of the classic game Surburbia.

This is a strategic tile-laying game where players use these tiles to create their own unique city. The objective of this game is to have a thriving city and end up with the greatest population. This can be done so by building up economic engines, infrastructure and advancing these entities until they are self sufficient and profitable. The winner is the player with the largest population.

Storm Above the Reich

Storm Above the Reich depicts a Luftwaffe squadron of Fw190s striving to deter and destroy relentless daylight raids during World War Two. As the player’s aircraft, each represented by a stickered block, engage in combat with the mighty combat box formation of the United States Army Air Force, a deadly terrain of B-24 “Liberator” heavy bombers. The game depicts the arc of the desperate air war in broad strokes. Storm Above the Reich begins in the Mediterranean in 1942 and ends over Germany in 1945 with a series of missions strung together to form an overall campaign. You can spend up to an hour on each Mission, while a Campaign can last up to 60 Missions.

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Pax Pamir: Second Edition

In Pax Pamir, players assume the role of nineteenth century Afghan leaders attempting to forge a new state after the collapse of the Durrani Empire. Western histories often call this period “The Great Game” because of the role played by the Europeans who attempted to use central Asia as a theater for their own rivalries. In this game, those empires are viewed strictly from the perspective of the Afghans who sought to manipulate the interloping ferengi (foreigners) for their own purposes.

In terms of game play, Pax Pamir is a pretty straightforward tableau builder. Players spend most of their turns purchasing cards from a central market, then playing those cards in front of them in a single row called a court. Playing cards adds units to the game’s map and grants access to additional actions that can be taken to disrupt other players and influence the course of the game. That last point is worth emphasizing. Though everyone is building their own row of cards, the game offers many ways for players to interfere with each other directly and indirectly.

To survive, players will organize into coalitions. Throughout the game, the dominance of the different coalitions will be evaluated by the players when a special card, called a “Dominance Check”, is resolved. If a single coalition has a commanding lead during one of these checks, those players loyal to that coalition will receive victory points based on their influence in their coalition. However, if Afghanistan remains fragmented during one of these checks, players instead will receive victory points based on their personal power base.

After each Dominance Check, victory is checked and the game will be partially reset, offering players a fresh attempt to realize their ambitions. The game ends when a single player is able to achieve a lead of four or more victory points or after the fourth and final Dominance Check is resolved.

Filthy Kings

Filthy Kings is a card game where players take turns being the king or queen and coming up with ridiculous rules for everyone else to follow. Think of it as a mix between King’s Cup and Cards Against Humanity.

How to Play

To start, each player is dealt a hand of cards with different actions or challenges on them. The king/queen then draws a rule card that dictates how everyone should play that round. This could be anything from “everyone must talk in a British accent” to “anytime someone laughs, they must do 10 jumping jacks”.

Once the rule is established, players take turns playing cards from their hand that fit within the rule. For example, if the rule is to speak in a British accent and you have a card that says “say ‘pip pip cheerio’ before each turn”, then you would play that card and say the phrase before playing your next card. The goal is to be the first player to get rid of all the cards in your hand.

Who Can Play

Filthy Kings is perfect for a group of friends who enjoy having a good time and don’t take themselves too seriously. It’s also great for breaking the ice at parties or bringing some laughter to a casual get-together. Trust me, once you start playing, you won’t want to stop.

What Makes It Fun

But here’s where things get interesting. If a player breaks the rule or can’t play a card, they must take a drink. And as you can imagine, with each round getting more ridiculous and players potentially getting tipsy, the game gets even more hilarious and unpredictable.

ISS Vanguard

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ISS Vanguard is a co-op campaign board game for 1-4 players. On board the ship ISS Vanguard, players control four asymmetric sections (security, recon, science, engineering). You land on planets and discover their secrets, and then you manage your ship in between missions, where you recruit crew members, research materials, make new landers and ship modules. There are a lot of epic stories, tough gameplay decisions, and some serious consequences of your decisions

How to Play

The game starts off with players taking on the roles of crew members aboard the ISS Vanguard spaceship, which is on a mission to explore the depths of space. Each player has their own unique abilities and responsibilities, making teamwork crucial for success.

What I found most interesting about the gameplay was the use of a narrative-driven system. This means that as you play, the story unfolds and presents new challenges and choices for the players. It’s like being in your very own sci-fi movie!

The game mechanics are well thought out and add to the overall immersive experience. From managing resources to making tough decisions under pressure, every aspect of the game feels realistic and keeps you on your toes.

One thing that sets ISS Vanguard apart from other board games is its replayability. With multiple story paths, different character combinations, and a modular board, each playthrough can be unique and offer new challenges.

Who Can Play

As for the type of audience who might enjoy this game, I would say it appeals to both experienced gamers and casual players. The cooperative aspect makes it a great choice for game night with friends, but the depth and complexity of the gameplay also make it satisfying for more serious players.

What Makes It Fun

But what truly makes ISS Vanguard fun is the sense of adventure and camaraderie it creates. As you work together to overcome challenges and explore the unknown, you feel like a real space crew. 

Almoravid: Reconquista and Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086

A board game about the Spanish Reconquista: Leonese King Alfonso VI’s campaigns against fractious Muslim states of the Taifa, and a subsequent engagement by a fundamentalist African Muslim army to roll back the Christians.

A medieval-themed sequel to GMT Games’ Levy & Campaign Series. As players build and equip their armies, they can then send them out to ravage and conquer dissented territories and defeat enemy forces. As a result of service obligations and alliances, a variety of lords and vassals will be able to serve during a campaign-but for a limited time period.

You must reward lords to keep them on the field.
The advanced rule details vassal forces’ service length.

For greater fog of war, players can use optional screens that hide the strength of their lords. Though Almoravid has no solitaire system, the standard game is solitaire friendly.

Key game functions are summarized in a player aid and a Taifa reference sheet. Scenario definitions are provided at the end of the rule book. It has supporting material such as examples of play, tips on solitaire and team play, and a minigame
on its greatest battle.

Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition

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‘Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition’ – The Red Planet Game Reinvented

Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition’, is a captivating new chapter in the saga of colonizing Mars. This standalone game reimagines the classic Terraforming Mars experience with a fresh approach, bringing an exciting and streamlined gameplay that appeals to both newcomers and seasoned fans. 

An Innovative Twist on a Beloved Classic

At its heart, ‘Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition’ retains the core theme of its predecessor – transforming Mars into a habitable planet. However, it introduces a faster-paced and more accessible format. This new iteration combines the strategic depth of the original with the streamlined mechanics of card drafting and simultaneous action selection. The result is a dynamic, engaging game that keeps every player constantly involved in shaping the future of Mars.

Reinvented Gameplay that is Faster, Engaging, and Still Strategic

‘Ares Expedition’ takes a different approach from the original. Players still represent corporations working on terraforming Mars, but the gameplay focuses on a card-based system. Each turn, players select an action card from their hand, which determines the sequence of play. This simultaneous action selection ensures that every player is always engaged, reducing downtime and keeping the game moving at a brisk pace.

The game also includes resource management, project execution, and strategic terraforming of Mars. However, the absence of a board and the streamlined resource system make ‘Ares Expedition’ more accessible and quicker to play. You will need to carefully manage your hand of project cards, choosing which to play for maximum impact and efficiency.

How It Stands Apart from the Original

While ‘Terraforming Mars’ is known for its complex strategy and longer playtime, ‘Ares Expedition’ offers a more condensed experience without sacrificing depth. The card-based mechanics introduce a new layer of strategy, requiring players to anticipate opponents’ actions and adapt quickly. It’s a game that captures the essence of the Terraforming Mars universe in a format that is easier to learn and faster to play.

Who Will Love ‘Ares Expedition’?

If you love the original game but are looking for a version with quicker setup and playtime, ‘Ares Expedition’ is perfect for you.

Card Game Enthusiasts who enjoy card-driven games will appreciate the strategic depth offered by the project cards and action selection mechanics.

Sci-Fi and Strategy Gamers: Players who enjoy strategic planning will find ‘Ares Expedition’ immensely satisfying.

It also appeals to Newcomers to Board Gaming. The streamlined nature of ‘Ares Expedition’ makes it an excellent entry point for those new to board games or the Terraforming Mars series.

Finally, accessible rules and quicker playtime make ‘Ares Expedition’ a great choice for family game nights and casual gaming sessions.

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Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition

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Clash of Cultures plains





Experience a vast region of forests, plains, and mountains!

Clash of Cultures Modular

With unique modular miniatures, you can build great cities with different types of buildings and epic monuments that are tailored to your strategy

As your culture evolves, use your player board to keep track of technology and advancements

Clash of cultures epic battles

Experience epic battles with highly detailed miniatures and custom dice!

There are 15 different cultures to choose from, including Rome, India, China, and more!

Bring extraordinary figures to life, such as Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.

Claim victory with the unique abilities of your Leader and Civilization!

Hoplomachus: Victorum

This is a Kickstarter project. View the page here. The new standalone arena combat game Hoplomachus: Victorum is based on Chip Theory Games’ acclaimed Hoplomachus series’ easy-to-learn, complex-to-master mechanics. With its complex gameplay, strategic thinking and intense battles, ‘Hoplomachus: Victorum’ definitely requires a certain level of skill and determination but is an absolute blast to play. 

‘Hoplomachus: Victorum’ is a tactical combat board game set in the ancient Roman gladiatorial era. It’s a perfect blend of strategy and luck, as players control their own team of fighters called ‘Hoplomachus’ and battle against each other to gain honour and glory.

How to Play

The game mechanics combine both luck and strategy in a unique way. The roll of dice determines your available moves, but how you strategically use those moves is what ultimately leads to victory. It’s a delicate balance that keeps the game exciting and unpredictable every time.

Moreover, the game’s theme adds an extra layer of immersion. As a player, you truly feel like a gladiator battling for honour and glory in the ancient Roman arena. The attention to detail in the design of the components only adds to this feeling, making each battle feel like an epic showdown.

Who Can Play

With the variety of game modes available such as standard one-on-one battles to more complex team-based matches, there’s something for everyone in ‘Hoplomachus: Victorum’. The rules may seem daunting at first, but once you start playing, they become second nature and add depth to the overall gameplay experience.

‘Hoplomachus: Victorum’ is best suited for those who enjoy strategy games with a historical theme. But even if you’re not particularly interested in ancient Rome, the intense battles and challenging gameplay make it fun for almost anyone.

What Makes It Fun

With its rich historical setting and engaging gameplay, ‘Hoplomachus: Victorum’ truly stands out among other board games. If you’re looking for a board game that will test your strategic thinking skills and provide hours of entertainment, I highly recommend giving ‘Hoplomachus: Victorum’ a try.

Terraforming Mars Venus Next

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Terraforming Mars Venus Next is an expansion add-on to the popular board game Terraforming Mars.

New added game tiles and cards

The game mechanics involve acquiring and using various resources to terraform Mars as well as Venus. Players will work to make the planet livable and support human life by placing tiles, building developments and cities, and raising oxygen levels. Along with the original Mars game, the Venus Next expansion has introduced various game tiles such as new oxygen, temperature, and ocean spaces that can be explored and utilized to make the planet sustainable.

Expanded Gameplay

The expansion brings Venus into play with its own unique set of rules and conditions. Unlike Mars, Venus cannot be fully terraformed, but it presents opportunities for players to contribute to its partial transformation and gain rewards in the process. The addition of a new Venus board, with its own terraforming track and milestones, creates an intriguing side mission that complements the main objective on Mars.

You will encounter new corporations, project cards, and Venus-specific events that require a rethink of your strategy. Balancing the attention between Mars and Venus becomes a critical aspect of gameplay, offering a refreshing twist and deepening the strategic aspect of the game.

Who Will Find Terraforming Mars Venus Next fun?

Strategy Game Enthusiasts who enjoy deep strategic thinking and planning will find “Venus Next” particularly engaging. The expansion adds new layers to the strategy of the base game, making it more complex and challenging.

Terraforming Mars fans will likely appreciate the fresh elements and additional depth that “Venus Next” brings. It enhances the core experience without altering the fundamental mechanics.

If you are fascinated by space exploration and enjoy the thematic elements of terraforming and planetary development will find this expansion very immersive.

Who It Might Not Be Suitable For?

Casual or those new to board gaming might find the expansion overwhelming. It’s not a standalone game and requires familiarity with the base game.

If you prefer games that are quick to set up and play, the added components and strategies of “Venus Next” might extend the game duration beyond your preference.

If you enjoy board games with simpler, more straightforward mechanics might find the expansion too intricate or detailed

Finally,. the expansion is likely too complex for younger players or those with limited patience for strategic depth and planning.

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Marvel Champions The Card Game Captain America HERO PACK

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This is not a standalone product. You will need the Marvel Champions: The Card Game Core set in order to play with this expansion.

Marvel Champions: The Card Game is a cooperative card game where players work together to stop some of Marvel’s most iconic villains. Pick your favorite Marvel hero and head into battle!

Each villain that players battle offers a unique set of challenges, attacks, and events. To succeed, players will need to balance their hero’s strengths and weakness with those of the heroes their friends are playing as. Teamwork will be essential to save the world!

Fight for freedom with fifteen Hero cards, seventeen cards from the Leadership aspect, and eight neutral cards. This deck brings Captain America to the forefront of the action with his trusty shield, as he strengthens the heroes around him while calling on new Avengers to join the fight!

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Heroes of Barcadia

‘Heroes of Barcadia’ is a game where a group of adventurers are trying to save the kingdom from an evil villain who has stolen the golden chalice.The game is designed for 2-6 players and each player takes on the role of a unique hero with their own special abilities. 

How to Play

This game features use of cards, making it imemnsely intruiging. For all you card game lovers out there, this might just become your new favorite board game. The variety of cards in ‘Heroes of Barcadia’ keeps the gameplay fresh and unpredictable. From attack cards to defense cards to magical spells, you never know what’s coming your way.

Now let’s talk about game mechanics. As mentioned earlier, the goal is to save the kingdom by defeating the evil villain and retrieving the golden chalice. But it’s not going to be a walk in the park. The game incorporates elements of strategy, luck, and teamwork. You have to use your cards wisely, plan your moves carefully, and communicate with your fellow players to come up with the best strategy.

Who Can PLay

This game is suitable for all levels of experience. Whether you’re a seasoned board game pro or just starting out, ‘Heroes of Barcadia’ offers a fun and exciting challenge for everyone. And the best part? You can adjust the difficulty level to make it more challenging or easier depending on your preferences.

What Makes It Fun

If you enjoy fantasy-themed games with a touch of humor and a lot of strategy, then this is definitely the game for you. And let’s not forget about the artwork. The illustrations on the cards and board are beautifully done, adding to the overall immersive experience.

But what makes ‘Heroes of Barcadia’ truly fun is the element of surprise. You never know what card your opponent might play or what challenges you might face. It keeps the game unpredictable and exciting till the very end.

Silver Dagger

Silver Dagger is a strategic card game that takes place in a medieval fantasy world. As players, we take on the roles of powerful sorcerers trying to outwit and defeat each other using spells and magical creatures. The goal of the game is to collect as many silver daggers, or victory points, as possible by the end of the game.

How to Play

The gameplay is divided into several rounds, in which players take turns playing cards from their hand and using special abilities to gain an advantage over their opponents. The game incorporates elements of luck, strategy, and player interaction, making it both challenging and enjoyable to play.

One of the unique aspects of Silver Dagger is its use of dual-sided cards. Each card can be used in two different ways, depending on which side is facing up. This adds an extra layer of decision-making and makes the game even more unpredictable.

Another interesting mechanic is the inclusion of wild cards, which can be used as any type of card, making them extremely valuable in certain situations. However, if not played strategically, they can also be a hindrance.

Who Can Play

I believe Silver Dagger would appeal to a wide range of audiences. It is a great choice for both casual and serious gamers, as the game can be played in under an hour but still offers enough depth to keep players engaged.

Furthermore, anyone who enjoys fantasy themes and magic will definitely love this game. The beautiful artwork on the cards and the intricate world-building add an immersive element to the gameplay.

What Makes it Fun?

For me, what makes Silver Dagger so enjoyable is its combination of luck and strategy. You never know what cards you will draw, but with clever planning and good decision-making, you can still come out on top. The player interaction aspect also adds a fun social dynamic to the game, as we try to outsmart and defeat our opponents.

Plus, the game is constantly evolving with new expansions being released regularly, keeping it fresh and exciting every time I play.


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“Patchwork,” is a delightful gaming experience for 2 players where abstract strategy is integrated with a ‘quilting’ theme.

Gameplay and Mechanics

In “Patchwork,” you take turns buying patches from a central circle and adding them to your own quilt board. Each patch costs a combination of buttons (the game’s currency) and time. The patches are various shapes and sizes, making the quilt-building resemble a puzzle. As time progresses on the shared time board, players move their tokens along a track, which determines turn order and triggers various game events, including income turns where players earn more buttons based on the patches already sewn onto their quilt.

The game ends when both players reach the center of the time track. You earn points based on the number of buttons you possess and lose points where there are  empty squares on your quilt board. The challenge comes from deciding which patches to buy and place, and balancing button income against the time it takes to add each patch.

What Makes It Fun

“Patchwork” is a game of resource management and spatial organisation. Its fun lies in the puzzle-like challenge of fitting pieces together efficiently while also racing against your opponent to acquire the most desirable patches and managing your button economy. 

Ideal Audience

“Patchwork” is perfect for players who enjoy puzzle and strategy games that are not overly complex but require thoughtful planning and foresight. It appeals particularly to those who appreciate a good balance between competitive and solo elements within a game. 

Why It Stands Out

“Patchwork” stands out for its simplicity and strategy It teaches resource management and planning in an accessible and enjoyable way. The tactile feel of the patch pieces and the pleasure of seeing a completed quilt adds to its charm. 


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As a trader in the Istanbul bazaar, your goal is to get six rubies first (in a four-player game: five rubies). Rubies cost money and goods, and for those you need your assistants, represented by the dice.

The six icons on these dice tell you what your assistants can get for you: bazaar cards, lira, and four types of goods: cloth (red), fruit (yellow), spices (green), and jewelry (blue).

Every turn, you’ll send out 5 assistants. By combining the resulting icons and your previously saved Goods Markers, you’ll be able to collect and store resources (goods, coins, and crystals) or acquire Bazaar Cards and Mosque Tiles to get more benefits.

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Awkward Guests

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AWKWARD GUESTS is a card game of mystery and investigation where every game recreates the night Mr. Walton was murdered. There are 3,600 possible case solutions, each reaching through thousands of different combinations of cards. This means that millions of different game decks are possible, so you’ll never play two similar games! Furthermore, its engaging BRILLIANT DECK SYSTEM actively involves you in the investigations, allowing you to use real detective skills to solve every case. Will you be the first to crack this case?

Unmatched: Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot

In battle, there are no equals.

Unmatched is a highly asymmetrical miniature fighting game for two or four players. (Note that this set is solely for two players, but it can be combined with other sets, which all serve up to four players.) Each hero is represented by a unique deck designed to evoke their style and legend. Tactical movement and no-luck combat resolution create a unique play experience that rewards expertise, but just when you’ve mastered one set, new heroes arrive to provide all new match-ups.

Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot features the titular heroes. Robin Hood and his outlaws excel at ranged attacks and robbing from their opponents. Bigfoot and his pal, the Jackalope, crash through the forest for quick attacks before disappearing like a figment of the mind.

Combat is resolved quickly by comparing attack and defense cards. However, each card’s unique effects and a simple but deep timing system lead to interesting decisions each time. The game also features an updated version of the line-of-sight system from Tannhauser for ranged attacks and area effects.

The game includes a double-sided board with two different battlefields, pre-washed miniatures for each hero, and custom life trackers that’s brought to life with the stunning artwork of Oliver Barrett and the combined design teams of Restoration Games and Mondo Games.

Tabannusi: Builders of Ur

The Great City of Ur is the coastal cradle of civilization! Come and explore the greatest hub of the Late Bronze Age! You will walk the five districts of the city, leaving your mark on history. With your hand, mark the houses within the Artisans’ District, Farmers’ District, and Scribes’ District, and build beautiful gardens that will raise the prestige of the city-and your own reputation.

Control the port in the Merchants’ District to gain access to previously impossible riches, or build shrines on the ziggurats of the Priests’ District to obtain divine favor. To secure a steady flow of resources, you will make use of the trading barges that come into the city, and take advantage of their abilities as well.

In order to become the greatest builder of Ur, you must outsmart your ambitious opponents.

Saigon 75

‘Saigon 75’ is a strategy game set in 1975 Saigon during the Vietnam War

How to Play

The objective of ‘Saigon 75’ is to control key locations in Saigon while balancing political influence and military power. The players take on the roles of either the North Vietnamese forces or the South Vietnamese government as they compete to gain control over the city.

The game mechanics are well thought out, and the gameplay is smooth and engaging. Each turn, players must make strategic decisions about where to allocate their resources and how to gain control over key locations. The balance between political influence and military power adds a layer of complexity to the game, making it challenging yet fun.

One of the things that stood out to me about this game is how historically accurate it is. The designers have put a lot of effort into researching and representing the real events and decisions that took place during the war. This adds an extra layer of depth to gameplay, making it more immersive and educational at the same time.

Who Can Play

‘Saigon 75’ is suitable for both casual and hardcore gamers. The rules are easy to understand, and the game can be played in around 90 minutes. It’s a perfect blend of strategy and luck, making it enjoyable for players of all levels.

What Makes It Fun

What I love most about this game is how it captures the tension and intensity of the Vietnam War in a strategic board game format. With its unique theme, historically accurate representation, and engaging gameplay, ‘Saigon 75’ has quickly become one of my favorite games to play with friends.


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Game Overview

Harmonies is a strategic and engaging board game where players aim to create harmonious landscapes and habitats for various animals. Each player builds their own landscape by strategically placing colored tokens and accommodating animals, striving to earn the most points to win the game. T

Theme and Aesthetics

Harmonies is designed with a serene and nature-inspired theme, focusing on the creation of harmonious landscapes and habitats. The game’s visuals are vibrant and inviting, featuring colorful tokens representing various natural elements like trees, mountains, and buildings. Animal cards are beautifully illustrated, adding to the game’s charm and thematic consistency.

Game Mechanics

  • Resource Management: Players must manage their token placements carefully to maximize points and create the required habitats for animals.

  • Spatial Strategy: The ability to stack tokens and orient patterns allows for diverse strategies in how players build their landscapes.

  • Adaptability: With random token draws and event cards, players need to adapt their strategies to changing circumstances, balancing long-term plans with immediate needs.

Who will find Harmonies fun?

Harmonies is designed for a broad audience, including families, casual gamers, and strategic thinkers. Its blend of accessible rules and strategic depth makes it suitable for both new and experienced players.

The dual-sided boards, variety of animal cards, and random token draws ensure that each game of Harmonies is unique. This high variability enhances replayability and keeps the game fresh for multiple sessions.

Terraforming Mars

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If you’re a fan of strategy games and space exploration, Terraforming Mars will likely grab your attention. The game revolves around terraforming the red planet – Mars! Players take on the role of corporations competing to make Mars a suitable habitat for human life.

Game Mechanics

The game is played on a board representing Mars, divided into several hexagonal tiles that represent different areas such as oceans, forests, and cities. Players have a hand of cards that represent various projects, actions, and resources, which they can use to increase their production or terraforming rating.

The game is played in generations, with each generation consisting of several rounds where players take turns performing actions. The ultimate goal is to achieve the highest terraforming rating by increasing oxygen levels, raising temperature, and placing oceans on the planet’s surface.

Who Might Like this Game?

Terraforming Mars is a perfect fit for anyone who loves strategy games. It requires strategic planning, resource management, and adapting to changing circumstances, making it entertaining for both casual and experienced gamers.

But, what sets this game apart from other strategy games is its theme. The idea of colonizing Mars is fascinating, and this game does an excellent job of immersing players in the experience. It’s a great way to satisfy our curiosity about space exploration while also having fun.

What Makes it Fun?

Apart from its captivating theme, Terraforming Mars has many other elements that make it enjoyable. The game is highly replayable due to its countless strategies and combinations of cards that keep each playthrough fresh and exciting. The game also offers a satisfying sense of progression as players see their efforts pay off in the form of a more habitable Mars.

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Keyflower is a game for two to six players played over four rounds. Each round represents a season: spring, summer, autumn, and finally winter. Each player starts the game with a “home” tile and an initial team of eight workers, each of which is colored red, yellow, or blue. Workers of matching colors are used by the players to bid for tiles to add to their villages. Matching workers may alternatively be used to generate resources, skills and additional workers, not only from the player’s own tiles, but also from the tiles in the other players’ villages and from the new tiles being auctioned.

In spring, summer and autumn, more workers will arrive on board the Keyflower and her sister boats, with some of these workers possessing skills in the working of the key resources of iron, stone and wood. In each of these seasons, village tiles are set out at random for auction. In the winter no new workers arrive and the players select the village tiles for auction from those they received at the beginning of the game. Each winter village tile offers VPs for certain combinations of resources, skills and workers. The player whose village and workers generate the most VPs wins the game.

Keyflower presents players with many different challenges and each game will be different due to the mix of village tiles that appear in that particular game. Throughout the game, players will need to be alert to the opportunities to best utilize their various resources, transport and upgrade capability, skills and workers.

Keyflower, a joint design between Richard Breese and Sebastian Bleasdale, is the seventh game in the “Key” series from R&D Games set in the medieval “Key” land.

Ora et Labora

In Ora et Labora, each player is head of a monastery in the Medieval era who acquires land and constructs buildings – little enterprises that will gain resources and profit. The goal is to build a working infrastructure and manufacture prestigious items – such as books, ceramics, ornaments, and relics – to gain the most victory points at the end of the game.

Ora et Labora, Uwe Rosenberg’s fifth “big” game, has game play mechanisms similar to his Le Havre, such as two-sided resource tiles that can be upgraded from a basic item to something more useful. Instead of adding resources to the board turn by turn as in Agricola and Le Havre, Ora et Labora uses a numbered rondel to show how many of each resource is available at any time. At the beginning of each round, players turn the rondel by one segment, adjusting the counts of all resources at the same time.

Each player has a personal game board. New buildings enter the game from time to time, and players can construct them on their game boards with the building materials they gather, with some terrain restrictions on what can be built where. Some spaces start with trees or moors on them, as in Agricola: Farmers of the Moor, so they hinder development until a player clears the land, but they provide resources when they are removed. Clever building on your personal game board will impact your final score, and players can buy additional terrain during the game, if needed.

Players also have three workers who can enter buildings to take the action associated with that location. Workers must stay in place until you’ve placed all three. You can enter your own buildings with these workers, but to enter and use another player’s buildings, you must pay that player an entry fee so that he’ll move one of his workers into that building to do the work for you.

Ora et Labora features two variants: France and Ireland.

Forbidden Stars

The shifting Warp Storms that surround the long lost Herakon Cluster have finally abated, leaving the ancient treasures and planets within this sector open to the rest of the galaxy. Now, the great factions of the galaxy mobilize their fleets and race to establish a foothold. The reward for successful domination surpasses all other concerns, and the price for conquering this sector will be paid in lives.
Forbidden Stars is a 2-4 player game, challenging players to take command of one of four mighty fighting forces:
The Ultramarines chapter of Space Marines
The Eldar of Craftworld Iyanden
The Evil Sunz Ork clan
The World Eaters Warband of the Chaos Space Marines
Each faction offers unique armies and play styles and players need to build massive armies and command them in unending war to beat their enemies and claim their objective tokens. Forbidden Stars features three phases in each round. These are:
The Planning Phase
The Operation Phase
The Refresh Phase.
Players need to dominate, strategize, deploy and advance to win this highly strategic game.

The Colonists

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In the board game, The Colonists, each player is a village mayor and build their village to gain room for new farmers, craftsmen, and citizens. Players compete to create new jobs, educate the people, and build new houses to increase their village population.
Players will be competing to upgrade their buildings and village while addressing the challenge of limited resources and storage problems.


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Heaven & Ale

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Heaven’s best ale is your goal as the head of an ancient monastery! You compete with your opponents over several rounds for resource tiles and monk tiles to improve your cloister’s garden. You must balance buying new tiles with taking the scoring discs that allow you to reap the benefits. It’s no easy task, as you all go after the same tiles and limited scoring discs. Developing synergies between her resource, monk, and shed tiles is key to winning. In order to win, you must balance your resources and the progress of your brewmaster so that you fill a lot of barrels with good beer by the end of the game.

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Russian Railroads

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In Russian Railroads, railroad moguls are tasked with building the Trans-Siberian Railway and two other railroads. As well as track construction, the players will purchase locomotives, promote industrialization, and hire workers and engineers. The ultimate goal is to acquire the most victory points, the best measurement of a player’s rail building skills. The players take actions one after the other in order, until all players have passed. Players score points at the end of each round. In the four-player game, the game ends after the seventh round and the player with the most points wins.

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Blood Bowl (Third Edition)

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Blood Bowl is a fantasy football game. An orc team plays against a human team in the basic game. The teams are said to be playing football. As a matter of fact, each team takes turns moving, blocking and advancing the football. Plastic miniatures are included.

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon

Tainted Grail: the Fall of Avalon is an unforgettable, solo or cooperative adventure experience for 1-4 players. Blending Arthurian legends and Celtic mythology with a unique vision, it allows you to impact the game world in deep and meaningful ways. A deep, branching storyline allows you to tackle problems in different ways, ensuring no two games play alike. Difficult decisions or harrowing choices wait behind every corner and seemingly minor tasks may reverberate with major long-term consequences.

In a land slowly sinking into the Wyrdness and torn apart by conflict; surviving each day is a challenge on its own. Starvation, sickness, violent weather, and random incidents all conspire to end your journey. Guardian Menhirs, that ensured safe travel throughout the realm, are slowly going dark turning simple logistics into an involving puzzle. To overcome these challenges, your character develops along several conflicting lines, such as Brutality / Empathy or Practicality / Spirituality. These traits unlock a rich choice of mutually exclusive skills and lead to different deck-building strategies, making character advancement meaningful and deep.

The character you develop is going to be tested during dozens of combat and non-combat encounters. Sometimes you will need to brute force your way, but often diplomacy might be a better option. Regardless whether you fight with your strength or your wits, our unique dice-less encounter system makes resolving each conflict fun and exciting, while keeping you immersed in the game.

In Avalon, there’s a legend waiting behind every stone and every tree. All locations have their own rich stories and secrets to discover. Places and characters are often much more than they seem. As you slowly put all the pieces of the larger puzzle together, the land will always have a surprise waiting for you just around the corner. Many secrets can be discovered only after several games. Created by one of the best polish fantasy authors, Krzysztof Piskorski, the story of Tainted Grail: the Fall of Avalon aims to push the boundaries of non-linear narrative, building upon the rich experience Awaken Realms has infusing ambitious stories with excellent board game mechanics and striking visuals.

—description from the publisher

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Veilwraith: A Veil Odyssey Game

A hush settled across the land beneath the obsidian skies. The fighting had all but ceased. There was a hissing from the trees as they recoiled from the broiling mists, their branches curling up and twisting into ash, then blowing away on the breeze. As the stars faded in the sky the terrible silence was deafening.

The gathered legions weren’t trying to attack the walls of the city – they were trying to escape. The templars of the Rose had known all along: it was His coming. The Overlord had sent forth his minions within the gloom to prepare the way. And now the masses of black figures swarming outside the gates of the Sprawl turned as one to face what was coming.

Far through the darkness, beyond the ruined plains, upon the horizon, a halo of red light coalesced. The circular light brightened and stretched, growing impossibly in size.

The silence was shattered as a booming, thunder rumbled beneath the earth and the ground began to shake. From both sides of the walls screaming, shrieking and wailing filled the air as thousands of souls cried out to the heavens in despair. Figures fell from, or threw themselves off, the highest walls and towers.

A single, terrible, discordant musical note pierced the cacophony, a blaring, otherworldly hornpipe, loud and clear throughout the land. Clutching their ears and falling to their knees as utter hopelessness crushed them, the people collapsed in great throngs. The klaxon sound deepened and fell quickly through the octaves until it violently seizured the bodies of the now writhing shapes scattered in and around the city.

Then came the Rending.

As the circular red light continued to grow, and the thrashing, shuddering tone amplified, the earth shook and suddenly snapped hurling upwards huge, city-sized chunks of rock and debris. A depthless chasm ripped the ground asunder as though giant hands had torn the earth apart. Buildings and entire streets buckled and fell into the abyss along with screaming hordes of bodies. The plates of the earth shrieked and shifted, and as the giant mountains of land that had been thrown into the sky descended a fathomless ash cloud filled the air.

And so the world ended.

Ribbons of silver light weave their way through the Veil. Fleeting souls soaring through the ethereal fabric of what has been left behind. Fewer in number with each passing moment.

A colourless, shadowy realm engulfs the senses. As the silver ribbons fade into the impossible distance, terrible loneliness pervades in this twilight of emptiness.

Then, from nowhere, a voice. Indivisible from reality: melodic, languid, and utterly compelling: “He has gone too far,” The Lady whispers.

After what seems like aeons, the realisation dawns. She is talking to you…

Veilwraith is a fantasy card game with deck building elements for 1 player which is set after the end of the world.

—description from the designer

Hellenica: Story of Greece

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800 B.C. saw an explosion of creativity and violence in the Aegean Basin during ancient Greece. Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Troy, Byzantium, Corcyra, and Thebes led this combination of science, mythology, development, and war. Competing states dominated lesser states around them. Some of them became so well known that they are still remembered today.

Hellenica: Story of Greece is a 3.5X civilization game in which you harness the powers of one of seven beginning city-states to dominate the world around you. In order to become the preeminent symbol of Greece in the future, you must accomplish both secret and public goals. Are you a warmonger or a peaceful philosopher? Are you a great priest or an apostate? Do you intend to dedicate yourself to the gods or to the advancement of your people?

Can you guide your civilization through these turbulent times? Are you going to be remembered for your vision of Hellenic civilization, or will you merely be a stepping stone for someone else…?

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Marvel Villainous: Mischief & Malice

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The players take on the roles of Loki, Madame Masque, or M.O.D.O.K. and aim to complete unique, story-based objectives. As players work towards victory, they’ll face iconic Marvel Heroes from a Fate deck, such as Odin All-Father, Clint Barton and Thor.

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‘Arkeis’ is a truly immersive game where you play as an adventurer who embarks on a journey to explore the ancient ruins of Arkeis, a lost civilization filled with hidden treasures and dangerous creatures. 

How to Play

The game mechanics are simple enough for anyone to pick up and play. ‘Arkeis’ also features a level of detail put into the game. From the intricate designs of the ruins to the different abilities and powers your character can acquire, it’s not just another mindless button-mashing adventure; there are puzzles to solve, secrets to uncover, and challenges to overcome.

Who Can Play

‘Arkeis’ is perfect for those who love adventure and exploration games. It’s also great for people who appreciate a good storyline and well-developed characters. And if you’re a fan of RPGs, then this game will definitely be right up your alley.

What Makes It Fun

The sense of discovery and accomplishment makes this game so fun, allowing you to uncover hidden treasures or defeat tough bosses. And with different paths to take and multiple endings to unlock, there’s always something new to discover in this game.



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Total Domination

Total Domination is a strategy board game that has been around for quite some time now. It was first released in 1986 and has since become a classic among board game enthusiasts. 

How to Play

So what’s the game all about? Well, in Total Domination, players take on the role of leaders of different nations. The goal is simple – conquer as many territories as possible and become the ultimate ruler of the world! 

The gameplay is perfect for those who love strategy and tactics. Each player starts with a set number of troops and territories, and the game progresses by taking turns moving their troops to attack or defend territories. The catch is that each player can only move one territory at a time, making every move crucial and nerve-wracking.

But that’s not all – players also have access to special abilities, which add an extra layer of complexity to the game. These abilities can be used strategically to gain an advantage over your opponents and turn the tide in your favour.

Who Can Play

Total Domination is perfect for those who love a challenge. It’s also great for those who enjoy games that require strategic thinking and planning ahead. And let’s not forget about the competitive types – this game will definitely bring out your competitive side!

What Makes It Fun

But what really makes Total Domination stand out is the endless possibilities and replay value. With each game, you’ll face different challenges and outcomes, making it an exciting and fun experience every time.

One Piece Trading Card Game

The ‘One Piece’ TCG is a competitive game for 2 players, suitable for ages 13 and up. It captures the essence of the ‘One Piece’ series, where players take on the roles of their favorite pirates, marines, and other iconic characters as they strive to become the Pirate King. The game combines elements of strategy, deck building, and tactical combat, offering a deeply engaging experience for fans and card game enthusiasts alike.

Gameplay Summary

  1. Objective: Players aim to reduce their opponent’s life points to zero by deploying characters and utilizing various abilities.
  2. Setup: Each player constructs a deck from their collection of cards, including characters, events, and abilities. Players start with a set number of life points and draw a hand of cards from their deck.
  3. Turns: On their turn, players can:
    • Draw Cards: Draw a card from their deck at the beginning of their turn.
    • Play Characters: Deploy character cards from their hand to the battlefield, paying the required cost.
    • Use Abilities: Activate abilities on their characters or event cards to gain strategic advantages or hinder their opponent.
    • Battle: Attack the opponent’s characters or directly target their life points. Combat outcomes are determined by the strength of the attacking and defending characters and any applicable card effects.
  4. Winning the Game: The game ends when one player successfully reduces their opponent’s life points to zero, declaring them the winner.

Game Mechanics

  • Deck Building: Players build their decks by selecting from a variety of character, event, and ability cards. This mechanic allows for customization and strategic planning, as players can tailor their decks to their preferred play style.
  • Resource Management: Players must manage their resources, such as energy or action points, to maximize the effectiveness of their card plays and abilities.
  • Combat System: The combat system is both strategic and dynamic, involving calculations of attack and defense values, along with the influence of special abilities and event cards.
  • Special Abilities: Each card in the game has unique abilities that can impact gameplay in various ways, from boosting attack power to disrupting the opponent’s strategies. These abilities add depth and complexity to the game.

Who will find One Piece TCG fun?

The ‘One Piece’ TCG is ideal for:

  • Fans of the Series: Long-time ‘One Piece’ fans will love the chance to engage with their favorite characters and relive iconic battles from the series.
  • Card Game Enthusiasts: Those who enjoy strategic and competitive card games will find the ‘One Piece’ TCG to be a rich and rewarding experience.
  • Collectors: The game features beautifully illustrated cards, making it appealing to collectors who appreciate high-quality artwork and rare cards.
  • Teen and Adult Gamers: With its strategic depth and complex mechanics, the game is well-suited for teen and adult players who enjoy tactical gameplay and competitive challenges


Two thousand years ago, the Roman Empire ruled the lands around the Mediterranean Sea. With peace at the borders, harmony inside the provinces, uniform law, and a common currency, the economy thrived and gave rise to mighty Roman dynasties as they expanded throughout the numerous cities. Guide one of these dynasties and send colonists to the remote realms of the Empire; develop your trade network; and appease the ancient gods for their favor — all to gain the chance to emerge victorious!

Concordia is a peaceful strategy game of economic development in Roman times for 2-5 players aged 13 and up. Instead of looking to the luck of dice or cards, players must rely on their strategic abilities. Be sure to watch your rivals to determine which goals they are pursuing and where you can outpace them! In the game, colonists are sent out from Rome to settle down in cities that produce bricks, food, tools, wine, and cloth. Each player starts with an identical set of playing cards and acquires more cards during the game. These cards serve two purposes:

They allow a player to choose actions during the game.
They are worth victory points (VPs) at the end of the game.
Concordia is a strategy game that requires advance planning and consideration of your opponent’s moves. Every game is different, not only because of the sequence of new cards on sale but also due to the modular layout of cities. (One side of the game board shows the entire Roman Empire with 30 cities for 3-5 players, while the other shows Roman Italy with 25 cities for 2-4 players.) When all cards have been sold or after the first player builds his 15th house, the game ends. The player with the most VPs from the gods (Jupiter, Saturnus, Mercurius, Minerva, Vesta, etc.) wins the game.


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Codenames: The Ultimate Game of Word Spies

If you’re a fan of board games, then chances are you’ve heard of the hit party game, Codenames. If not, let me introduce this fun and addictive game that is perfect for game nights.

How to Play

The goal of Codenames is to work together as a team to identify all of your own secret agents before the other team. Each team’s spymaster gives one-word clues to help their teammates guess which word cards on the board belong to their team. However, they must be careful not to accidentally lead their teammates to guess opposing team cards or the assassin.

25 word cards are laid in a 5×5 grid. These words represent secret agents that the two teams, red and blue, must identify. Each team’s spymaster have access to a key card that shows which words belong to their team, which belong to the other team, and which one is the assassin.

The spymaster gives a one-word clue followed by a number, indicating how many words on the board relate to that clue. For example, if the spymaster says “fruit: 2”, it means there are two word cards related to fruit on the board. The teammates discuss and choose which word cards they think relates to the clue. For each correct guess, teams continue guessing until they either reach the maximum number of guesses or decide to end their turn. If they choose a card belonging to the opposing team, it becomes the other team’s turn. And if they accidentally choose the assassin, the game ends immediately and that team loses.

Who Can Play

Codenames is suitable for ages 14 and up, and can be played with 2-8 players divided into two teams. It’s a great game for parties or family gatherings because it requires both strategy and teamwork, making it perfect for players of all ages to enjoy.

What Makes It Fun

One of the most enjoyable aspects of Codenames is trying to come up with creative one-word clues that will lead your teammates to guess the correct words. This often leads to hilarious and unexpected connections being made between seemingly unrelated words. It’s also entertaining to watch your teammates’ thought process as they try to decipher your clues and make their guesses.

Additionally, the game offers endless replayability as the word cards are always shuffled differently, making each round a unique experience.

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Agricola (Revised Edition)

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Updated and streamlined for a new generation of players, Agricola: Revised Edition features a revised rulebook and game play, along with wood pieces and components for up to 4 players. Agricola is a solo or up to 4 player game where players are farmers in a wooden shack with their spouse and little else. Players need to build their farmstead by sowing fields and raising livestock. This game supports many levels of complexity and is a turn-based game. There are 14 game rounds occurring in 6 stages, with a Harvest at the end of each stage. On a turn, players get to take only two actions, one for themselves and one for their spouse, from all the possibilities found on a farm such as collecting clay, wood, or stone; building fences and more. However, each action can only be taken by one player each round, requiring players to choose in order of preference.

Earth Reborn

After 500 years, two factions emerge from their underground cities into a new world, an Earth reborn from nuclear disaster.

There are nine scenarios in Earth Reborn that take you on missions of rescue, retrieval, and escort through labs, mansions, towns, and more. The game system is built like a tutorial: each scenario builds on its rules. To start the game, there are core rules, and each chapter provides 1-3 new rules along with a scenario using those rules.

S.A.G.S. (Scenario Auto Generating System) in the game lets 2-4 players make their own maps and objectives for near-infinite replayability!

Puerto Rico (with two expansions)

Two previously released expansions are included in Puerto Rico: Expansions 1&2:

• The New Buildings adds forests to the game and introduces nine new buildings: Aqueduct, Forest House, Black Market, Storehouse, Guesthouse, Church, Trading Post, Small Wharf, Lighthouse, Library, Speciality Factory, Union Hall, Cloister, and Statue. Puerto Rico base game buildings may be mixed and matched with these buildings.

• The Nobles include tokens that are used as colonists, however some of the seven new buildings offer different properties depending on whether they are occupied by nobles or colonists.


Z-Ball is set in the world of Dunion, an Animal Kingdom that was hit by a comet which gave them elemental powers. They took this gift and created the Z-Ball games, a tournament that shows the world of Dunion who the greatest team and winning glory and also retaining the cosmic Z-Ball until the next games.

Z-Ball is a 1 to 4 Player lightweight super fast-paced, competitive, deck constructor game with a quick dice chucking mechanic.

Captain your an Animal team in 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2 Co-op and 3 player games. Racing to win the best of 3 games, with each game decided by scoring 5 Strikes before the opposing team.

Z-Ball also includes intelligent mechanical solo decks that provide a formidible challenge to the solo player. Each AI Deck having its own flavour and built-in strategy. AI Decks can also be used as a fellow player to create dynamic 3 player games.

The Season 1 Z-Ball boxed game contains 4 playable teams, the Blue Coast Raiders, Jade Forest Swayers, Goldskin Chargers and the Grey Lake Predators, as well as 3 AI Deck teams.

Players can construct their 25 card team decks from adding 5 characters from any of the Z-Ball teams or keeping the pre-set Z-Ball teams. Each team is constructed from 5 Z-Ball characters, each elemental animal character brings 5 action cards each containing / showcasing elemental moves and tactics, some common and other more special action cards considered rare.

On your turn you simply draw 1 action card to your hand and play 1 action card onto the table / field. Each action card could bring some Earthy Defence, slowing and stopping your opponent’s Strikes, or it could Strategically be like Water allowing you to draw from your team deck – adding more avaiable actions to your team.

To win a Z-Ball game you need to Strike 5 times before your opponent or if one player runs out of cards the game ends, the one with the highest Strikes wins the game. Each match of Z-Ball is played over the best of three games, with the potential of the Golden Strike game (if both players end on a draw after three games).

Striking is made by playing an action card that showcases the Strike / Fire icon symbol. This allows the player to throw the Strike Dice into the custom Z-Ball Stadium (the beautifully illustrated inside of the top lid of the core game) and rolling a total result of a 6+. To reinforce and increase the chances of Striking the player can add Electrical Focus by stacking it on the table before Striking – each icon adding +1 to the result, the your opponent could of been stacking a large amount of Defence which reduces the result by -1 for each icon. So are you feeling lucky rolling a ‘Cheeky Six’ or play it cool and have +5 Focus (roll a 1, I think I can do that!!).

One of the most unique aspects to Z-Ball is the 2 vs 2 co-op team games. Playing and creating a flow with your team partner, adding Focus and passing through the Air to your team partner to smash in a powerful Strike! With the AI decks you can even add in a ‘quieter’ partner allowing Z-Ball to be played even with 3 human players.

—description from the designer

Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef

Welcome Heroes! Many magnificent contestants have signed up for the tournament but only a handful will be chosen to join the Tidal Blades, the elite guards of our island realm. To succeed in the Tournament and be chosen as a Tidal Blade, you must compete in Challenges held in the 3 Arenas, rise to the top of the Champion’s Board, and protect the realm from the ever increasing threat of the Monsters from the mysterious Fold.

It has been fifteen years since the Great Battle; 15 years since the Arcanists from the Citadel of Time made their terrible choice and created the Fold; 15 years since the last assemblage of Tidal Blades. The Arcanists folded space and time to stop the onslaught of creatures from the depths, but now new Monsters have appeared, the hard-earned days of peace are coming to a close and the islands need protection. A tournament has been called, the Arenas are ready, the inhabitants of all the islands are gathering, and young heroes from across the realm are showing up to compete to be named a Tidal Blade: Hero of the Reef.

In Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef, each player takes the role of a young hero competing to be named a Tidal Blade. The tournament takes place over 5 Days and Nights. By gathering the needed resources, signing up to compete in Challenges and timing your arrival at different islands you can make the most of your Hero’s turns and rise in the ranks of the contestants.

Each day you will send your hero to take actions on the different Locations and to undertake Challenges. Each action will gain you the resource or effect listed on the action space as well as the Location bonus. At the Arenas you may then attempt a Challenge that matches your Location, and at the Fold you may battle a monster. Completing Challenges and fighting monsters will advance your character in the four traits of Focus, Spirit, Resilience and Synergy.

Each Tidal Blade will be judged at the end of the 5 rounds based on the Challenges they have completed, the level of each of their Traits, their standing on the Champions Board, and the monsters they have fought.

The Night Cage

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‘The Night Cage’ is a cooperative, horror-themed tile-placement game that traps 1-5 souls in an otherworldly labyrinth of eternal darkness. To escape the maze, you’ve got nothing but dim candles. To win, each player must collect a Key, find a Gate, and escape as a team. But it won’t be easy. The weak glow of your candle only illuminates a small area at a time. New pathways open up as players move while old ones disappear forever, creating a dynamic play space that requires teamwork and strategy. You wake up in the dark, skin cold, head blank. All you have is your fear, a flickering candle, and a question: How long will your light last?

Immersive – Unique gameplay that closely ties in with the narrative immerses players in the tension and atmosphere of the game.
Easy to set up – takes just two minutes. 40-60 minuEasy to learn for newcomers as well as experienced players.enced gamers.
As the game is cooperative, players are encouraged to communicate and strategize together.

Lost Ruins of Arnak

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An expedition into the unknown will reveal this lost island’s mysteries.
Discover the Lost Ruins of Arnak, explore jungles, find artefacts, and explore jungles! Join rival expeditions to a newly discovered island. Using a unique combination of worker placement and deckbuilding, each expedition attempts to uncover the island’s secrets.
Despite the small decks, there are a variety of tactical decisions available on the game board, so randomness is minimized. Players are encouraged to explore bold new strategies through a variety of worker actions, artefacts, and equipment cards.
You can send your workers into the wild to gather rare resources, discover hidden sites, and defeat menacing guardians.
Expand your expedition’s deck with dozens of unique items and artefacts that can be used to explore the unknown or trigger powerful abilities. Make wise choices in this micro deck-building game.
Gather and stock up on rare and valuable resources to defeat guardians, travel up the temple track, and more!
Investigate the mystery and lore of this island’s lost civilization. In your quest for fame and fortune, will you be able to master its secrets or will you fall behind your rivals?

What we enjoy about Lost Ruins of Arnak

  1. It involves placing workers and building decks. They are equally important
  2. The artwork is beautiful. 
  3. Items and artefacts up top change over time, so you must adjust accordingly
  4. In the game, you always have many options available to you (often as many as six: go to several locations, play a card, buy a card, research). As you can only do one per turn, if you think there is an item everyone would like, you should buy it first.
  5. Each mechanic in itself is easy to understand.
  6. The cards have easy-to-understand icons. 
Things to take note:
There can be a lot of analysis paralysis, especially in the last round.

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So Clover!

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So Clover! is a cooperative word-association game.

Play as a team to beat your high score!

Draw keyword cards and jot down their common features on your Clover board; these are your Clues. Then, try to figure out each player’s keywords together. Write your score in the Record of Legends according to how many Keywords you found at the end of the game.

Try to beat your highest score each game!

Simple rules make the game easy to play, but the game itself engages players and stimulates their minds to combine keywords and form word associations, making it a real mental challenge!

What to like about So Clover!

  • Simple rules make the game easy to play
  • Game engages players and stimulates their minds to combine keywords and form word associations, making it a real mental challenge
  • Players will interact often


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John Company: Second Edition

Welcome to John Company 2nd Edition!

Are you ready to enter the world of 18th century trade and intrigue? Get ready to play as a member of the British East India Company in this epic board game.


The goal of John Company 2nd Edition is simple – become the wealthiest and most powerful member of the British East India Company. Players will compete against each other to buy, sell and trade goods, navigate political alliances and backstab their way to the top.

Game Mechanics

Players start off with a set amount of money and shares in the company. The game is played over 12 rounds, with each round representing a year in the company’s history. During each round, players will take turns performing actions such as buying and selling goods, negotiating political alliances, and making investments. The game also includes a “deck building” mechanic where players can acquire cards that give them special abilities.

Suitable for Everyone

John Company 2nd Edition is suitable for players of all ages and skill levels. The game can be played with 3-6 players and has a playtime of approximately 3 hours. It’s a perfect game for family game nights or a fun evening with friends.

What makes it Fun

With its immersive gameplay and strategic decision making, John Company 2nd Edition is sure to keep players engaged from start to finish. The mix of economic competition and political maneuvering adds an exciting element to the game, making each playthrough unique and unpredictable. And let’s not forget the potential for some good-natured backstabbing among friends – after all, it is a game about ruthless trade and intrigue. So gather your crew and get ready to take on the world of John Company 2nd Edition! Good luck, and may the best player win!

Space Weirdos: A Skirmish Heartbreaker

If you’re into sci-fi, ‘Space Weirdos: A Skirmish Heartbreaker’ is the game for you! It’s a tabletop skirmish game set in a wacky, sci-fi universe filled with quirky characters and bizarre creatures.

How to Play

The basic premise of the game is simple – two teams of cosmic misfits engage in epic battles to prove their supremacy in the galaxy. You can choose from an array of unique factions, each with their own distinct playstyle and abilities. From the mischievous Rogue Robots to the fearless Space Pirates, there’s something for everyone in this game.

The game features fast-paced and dynamic gameplay, with easy to learn mechanics whilst offering endless possibilities for strategic thinking and clever tactics. You’ll have to carefully plan your moves, utilize your resources and adapt to changing situations if you want to emerge victorious.

Each faction comes with its own set of beautifully crafted figures that add a whole new level of immersion to the game. Tthere’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your favorite characters come to life on the tabletop.

Who Can Play

Whether you’re a hardcore tabletop gamer or just looking for a fun new hobby, this game has something to offer. Its light-hearted tone and easy-to-grasp gameplay make it perfect for casual players, while the strategic depth and endless customization options cater to hardcore gamers.

What Makes It Fun

This game is a hit due to its ability to bring people together. Gather your friends, roll some dice, and have a blast with this game.

Terraforming Mars Turmoil

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Terraforming Mars Turmoil, is an expansion to the popular board game Terraforming Mars. This expansion introduces new mechanics and elements to the game that will challenge even the most experienced players. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the gameplay, mechanics, and audience for Terraforming Mars Turmoil to help you decide if it’s a suitable expansion for you.

Global Events added to the Gameplay

Terraforming Mars is a strategy board game expansion that is perfect for those who love resource management and long-term strategic planning. In this game, players compete to terraform Mars by increasing the planet’s temperature, adding oxygen to the atmosphere, and increasing the planet’s water level. One new and exciting addition to the game is the inclusion of global events. These events can impact everyone on the board, forcing players to adjust their strategies and tactics on the fly. Turmoil also adds new cards, milestones, and awards to the game, making for an even more engaging and complex experience.

Added Unpredictability to the Game Mechanics 

The new global events mechanic in Terraforming Mars Turmoil adds an unexpected level of complexity to the game that will keep you on your toes. These events are triggered by cards that are placed into the game during set-up. Each event impacts different areas of the game, such as raising the cost of certain resources or making it harder to land on specific areas of the board. This mechanic adds a new layer of strategy and unpredictability to the game that will keep everyone engaged and challenged throughout.

Suitable Gaming Audience

While Terraforming Mars Turmoil is a challenging and complex game, it is perfect for board gamers who enjoy strategic and resource-driven gameplay. Players who are familiar with the base game of Terraforming Mars will find the expansion challenging and rewarding. However, this expansion may not be suitable for players who are new to strategy board games, as it requires a good understanding of the base game mechanics and rules.

Who Will Find it Fun?

Terraforming Mars Turmoil will be enjoyed by players who like games that challenge them to think ahead and plan their moves carefully. Players who love resource management and long-term strategic planning will also appreciate the depth and complexity of this expansion. It will be appreciated by fans of the base game and board gamers who enjoy expansions that add new mechanics and complexity to their favorite games.

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Marvel Champions The Card Game Vision Hero Pack

This is not a standalone product. You will need the Marvel Champions: The Card Game Core set in order to play with this expansion.

Marvel Champions: The Card Game is a cooperative card game where players work together to stop some of Marvel’s most iconic villains. Pick your favorite Marvel hero and head into battle!

Each villain that players battle offers a unique set of challenges, attacks, and events. To succeed, players will need to balance their hero’s strengths and weakness with those of the heroes their friends are playing as. Teamwork will be essential to save the world!

VISION: Within this Hero Pack, players will find Vision, his sixteen signature cards, and a full assortment of Protection cards inviting players to safeguard their friends. By manipulating his own mass to become dense or intangible, Vision can defeat any opponent.

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Skies Above Britain

Skies Above Britain is a game that takes place in an alternate reality where World War II never ended and the skies of Britain are filled with futuristic airships.

How to Play

The gameplay is pretty straightforward. Each player takes on the role of a commander, controlling a fleet of airships. The objective is to protect your territory while trying to conquer new territories from your opponents. To do this, you’ll need to strategically move your airships and use them to attack or defend.

But what sets Skies Above Britain apart from other strategy games is its unique mechanics. Each airship has its own set of abilities and strengths, making it crucial to choose the right ones for each situation. And if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you can even customize your airships with different weapons and upgrades.

Who Can Play

Skies Above Britain is actually perfect for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned board gamer or just starting out, the game is easy to learn but offers enough depth to keep things interesting.

What Makes It Fun

But what really makes this game stand out for me is its theme. I mean, who doesn’t love airships and a touch of steampunk? It’s like playing in your very own alternate universe where anything is possible. Plus, the artwork and design of the game are just stunning – it really adds to the overall experience.


Listing 2

“Ra” is a board game that transports players back to the times of Ancient Egypt and the Nile River Valley, challenging them to compete for points through strategic auctions and tile management. The game, designed by the acclaimed Reiner Knizia, takes you on  a journey through the rich tapestry of Egyptian culture and history.

Gameplay Overview

“Ra” is an auction game for 2-5 players, typically spanning about an hour of playtime. The game involves bidding for tiles that represent various aspects of Egyptian life such as Pharaohs, the Nile, civilizations, and monuments like pyramids and Sphinxes. The game has three rounds, or “Epochs”, with each round containing a series of auctions. Players bid for tiles using a set of sun discs, which have varying numerical values.

Each player starts with a handful of these sun discs. The unique twist in “Ra” comes from its bidding mechanism — once you use a disc in an auction, you exchange it with the one in the middle of the board, affecting your bidding power in subsequent rounds. The strategy in bidding and choosing when to “invoke Ra” (trigger an auction) forms the heart of the game’s mechanics.

Game Mechanics

The game employs a push-your-luck component combined with tile collection. The tiles drawn dictate the pace and dynamics of the game. Certain tiles like disasters can remove other tiles, influencing players’ strategies and plans. Scoring occurs at the end of each epoch, with different tiles providing points in various ways. 

One of the standout features of “Ra” is the sun disc mechanism. Choosing when to spend a higher or lower value sun disc can dramatically affect the power dynamics between players, making each auction a critical event that can lead to significant swings in player standings.

What Makes “Ra” Fun?

“Ra” rules are straightforward enough for newcomers to grasp quickly, yet the game offers rich strategy for seasoned players. This makes it very replayable. Each game feels different due to the random draw of tiles and the dynamic interplay of player decisions in auctions.

The game’s creates excitement and thrill as players frequently need to assess their strategies and adapt on the fly. The bidding competition and the thrill of snagging a crucial set of tiles just at the right moment create exciting and memorable gameplay moments.

Who Will Enjoy “Ra”?

Players who enjoy strategic planning and risk management will likely like “RA”. Fans of history and Egyptian culture will appreciate the thematic elements, while lovers of auction-based games will find the unique bidding system refreshingly engaging.

What are “Ra” players saying about the game?

Players describe it as akin to being an ancient Egyptian venture capitalist, where careful consideration of bids and management of funds are crucial. The game is praised for its simple rules yet deep gameplay, making it accessible and engaging for both novice and experienced gamers.

Key points from the reviews include:

  • The game’s latest edition is favored for several improvements:
    • A useful player aid that simplifies scoring for newcomers.
    • Vibrant, high-quality artwork that departs from previous editions’ more muted styles.
    • Clear and easy-to-read tiles, which benefit all players, including those who are colorblind.

Players find that “Ra” offers a great balance of strategic depth and fun, with its streamlined gameplay providing a different experience in every session. The auction mechanic is particularly highlighted as a solid part of the game. The quality of the components, including chunky tiles and well-designed money tokens, adds to the enjoyment.

A Feast for Odin

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A Feast for Odin is a saga in the form of a board game. You are reliving the cultural achievements, mercantile expeditions, and pillages of those tribes we know as Viking today — a term that was used quite differently towards the end of the first millennium. When the northerners went out for a raid, they used to say they headed out for a viking. Their Scandinavian ancestors, however, were much more than just pirates. They were explorers and founders of states. Leif Eriksson is said to be the first European in America, long before Columbus. In what is known today as Normandy, the intruders were not called Vikings but Normans. One of them is the famous William the Conqueror who invaded England in 1066. He managed to do what the king of Norway failed to do only a few years prior: conquer the Throne of England. The reason why the people of these times became such strong seafarers is due to their unfortunate agricultural situation. Crop shortfalls caused great distress. In this game, you will raid and explore new territories. You will also experience their day-to-day activities: collecting goods to achieve a financially secure position in society. In the end, the player whose possessions bear the greatest value will be declared the winner.v

Race for the Galaxy

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“Race for the Galaxy,” is a card game set in a science fiction universe. It has a strong following due to its deep strategy, replayability, and intricate gameplay mechanics. You take on the role of galactic civilizations, aiming to expand their empires by exploring new worlds, developing technological advancements, and exploiting various resources.

Gameplay Summary

In “Race for the Galaxy,” 2-4 players compete to build the most prosperous and advanced civilization. Played over multiple rounds, each round comprises five phases:

  1. Explore: Players draw new cards to expand their options.
  2. Develop: Players can play development cards, representing technological advancements or infrastructure.
  3. Settle: Players can play world cards, expanding their civilization with new planets.
  4. Trade: Players can trade goods for cards or victory points.
  5. Consume: Players can convert goods into victory points.

Players must manage their cards and resources efficiently, balancing between building a robust economy and amassing victory points. The game ends when a player has placed 12 or more cards in their tableau, or when the victory point pool is depleted. The player with the most victory points wins.

Game Mechanics

“Race for the Galaxy” is known for the following game mechanics:

  • Action Selection: Each player secretly chooses an action to  execute. This mechanic requires players to anticipate their opponents’ moves and plans.
  • Card Management: Cards serve multiple purposes in the game. They can be played as developments or worlds, but they also act as the currency for playing other cards. Efficient card management is crucial. Players build a tableau of cards representing their empire. Each card provides unique abilities and synergies, allowing for diverse strategies and playstyles.
  • Resource Management: Managing resources (goods) effectively is key to gaining victory points and maintaining a strong economy.

Who might find Race for the Galaxy fun?

“Race for the Galaxy” is ideal for science fiction gamer fans who enjoy deep strategy and complex decision-making. Its intricate mechanics and steep learning curve make it more suited for experienced players rather than beginners. 

What are Race for the Galaxy Players Saying about the game?

  • High-Quality Components

  • Randomness in rolls and tile selection enhances replay value.

  • Interaction between player actions and phases adds strategic depth.

  • Suitable for fans of strategic, euro-style games.

  • Works well with two players and offers a balance of depth and accessibility

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Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game

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Put an end to the Mastermind before they complete their nefarious plan by recruiting powerful Heroes and attacking Villains rampaging through the city. As new threats arise, take them on together or competitively.

Create your own scenario, with different heroes, masterminds, schemes, and more for a unique experience. Build your own deck to counter evil’s plans.

The Marvel Universe is being threatened by hordes of powerful Super Villains, led by masterminds such as Magneto and Dr. Doom!

There are heroes like Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Wolverine! A deck of basic Hero cards is given to each player in this game for 1-5 players.

During your turn, you play a card from the Villain Deck, showing how Villains invade the city, capture Bystanders, and create special events. After that, you play Hero cards from your hand to generate Attack, Recruit Points, and special abilities. Heroes attack Villains to defeat them. To enhance your deck, you use Recruit Points to recruit better Heroes.

Every time your deck runs out of cards, you shuffle your discard pile to make a new deck, including all the new Heroes you recruited.

As a result, your deck gets stronger over time. The evil Mastermind can be defeated if you build up enough power! Be careful, though: if the players don’t defeat the Mastermind quickly enough, the Mastermind will complete their dark Scheme and win!

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7 Wonders: Leaders

7 Wonders: Leaders adds 42 new cards to the base game of 7 Wonders, comprising four new guilds, one new wonder card, and 36 (+1 blank) white “Leader” cards. At the start of the game, each player takes a hand of four leaders and may play one at the start of each of the three Ages. Unlike the standard cards, leaders cost money (not resources). The expansion comes with a new Wonder—the ancient city of Rome—and contains 6-gold tokens made of cardboard for more efficient money-management.

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Hansa Teutonica

The players act as traders trying to get victory points for building a network of offices, controlling cities, collecting bonus markers, or when other traders use the cities they control. After controlling a line between two cities with your pawns, you can decide to build an office (and maybe also establish control and/or get a bonus marker) or to get a skill improvement from some of the cities.

Players have to improve their traders’ “skills” for the following effects: getting more VP from offices in their network, getting more available action points, increasing the number of available pawns, and getting the right to place pawns and get more special pawns.

This game appeared originally as Wettstreit der Händler at the Hippodice competition.

This War of Mine: The Board Game

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This War Of Mine: The Board Game is the tabletop adaptation of the award-winning video game that pictures the drama of civilians trapped in a war-torn city. You will enter this experience as a group of civilians trapped in a besieged and conflict-ridden city, enduring many hardships that often test the essence of humanity. During day time you will take shelter in a ruined tenement house, which you will care about and manage by: removing rubble, searching through various rooms (often behind barricaded doors), you will build beds, improvised workshops, stoves, tools, water filters, small animal traps, you will cultivate an improvised vegetable garden, fix the tenements’ shelled facilities, reinforce the security of your shelter and should winter come, you’ll try to keep it warm. Upon nightfall your main duties will consist of guarding your shelter and what little possessions you can accumulate against bandits and raiders. Those in your group fit for such a task will use the cover of the night to carefully explore dozens of the ever-changing locations scattered throughout the dangerous city in search of all the things that a person needs to survive (materials, food, meds, equipment, etc.). On your way you will meet tens of characters, each with a unique story (residents of the locations you visit, thieves, bandits, soldiers, war victims, refugees, neighbors, traders and members of local communities), each encounter is a potential, unique adventure. To guide you through all these events you will have the special SCRIPTS mechanism, responsible for implementing the deep and complex story and a coherent plot (each game will be unique and different than the previous). Your goal is to SURVIVE until the cessation of war hostilities. During your struggle as the survivors, you will experience dramas connected with making extremely difficult decisions and choices (you will have to face the consequences of your actions sooner or later in the playthrough). Survival itself will often prove not to be enough. The price each of you will decide to pay, might be too high in the final outcome. So the goal is really to survive in a way that will let you live on with the decisions you made. The EPILOGUES mechanism will kick in here. TWOM: The Board Game features a multiplayer experience for up to 6 players, as well as a solo variant. You will be able to personify one of the well-known characters from the electronic version of the game and face hundreds of new challenges and difficult choices. The boardgame significantly broadens the original game’s universe and emphasises the depth of plot, yet its main focus will be on human interactions driven by survival instinct and group decision-making. The project aims to omit the usual boardgame threshold – TWOM: The Board Game is an INSTANT PLAY game, with no need for reading the manual before starting the adventure. Experience the simulation of a struggle for survival as a group of civilians facing a blind and merciless war. In war, not everyone is a soldier.

Mage Wars Arena

What would it be like for Mages of vastly different schools and philosophies of magic to come together in an arena and fight to the death? How would an Illusionist battle a Druid? Or a Warlock fight a Beastmaster? Or a Priestess fare against a Wizard?

Mage Wars — redubbed Mage Wars Arena in 2015 to distinguish it from Mage Wars Academy — pits powerful Mages against each other in deadly arena combat. Each Mage uses his own fully-customizable book of spells to achieve total victory over his opponent. Summon mighty creatures to do battle in your name; cast powerful spells to attack your foe and thwart his every plan and strategy; use hidden enchantments to turn the tables and rule the day; adorn yourself with mighty weapons, armor, and arcane artifacts – all of this and more await you in the arena of Mage Wars!

Mage Wars is a tactical board game, a combination of a card game and miniatures game, combining the best elements from each genre. The game is played on an arena game board divided into square areas called “zones”, which regulate movement and the placement of objects. Each Mage (player) starts in a corner of the arena, opposite his enemy.

Each player holds a spellbook, from which spell cards are pulled out as they are cast during the game. This has the feel of being a real Mage, turning the pages of your tome of magic, as you plan your strategy each turn. A point system allows you to choose spells for your spellbook, with more powerful spells and spells outside your schools of training costing more points. You have full access to cast any spell you want each turn, allowing for an unprecedented level of rich strategy and tactics. Many of these spells – such as creatures, equipment, and enchantments – are placed on the board and become objects in the game. Creatures can move around the arena, and attack each other and the enemy Mage. Attacks deal damage, as well as interesting special effects such as Burn, Corrode, Stun, Daze, Push, Cripple, Paralyze, etc. Creatures can be destroyed when they receive too much damage, or can be controlled by powerful curses and enchantments, or contained by walls and other creatures.

Every Mage comes from a different school of magic, each with unique spells and strategies:

The Beastmaster will try to rush and swarm the enemy with his hordes of animals, buffed by his nature enchantments.
The Warlock will go right for the throat, armed with his powerful Lash of Hellfire, Helm of Fear, and Demonhide Armor. Along the way to the enemy Mage, he’ll use his curses and fire attacks to contain and destroy enemy creatures.
The Wizard is a trickster, a master of meta-magic: countering, stealing, redirecting, and destroying enemy spells and mana. He’s also a master of teleportation and portals/gates.
The Priestess will defend with knights and angels and powerful healing and protection spells. She’ll wear down the enemy, then overwhelm them in the end.
The base game comes with all you need to get started: spellbooks, extra spells to customize with the spellbooks, arena game board, dice, markers, etc.

New Mages will be released every few months to add new spells, powers, and variety to the game. The game is NOT collectible, but is fully customizable!

Star Wars: Imperial Assault

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AN EPIC ADVENTURE BOARD GAME IN THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE: The mighty Imperial army and a cadre of deadly bounty hunters face off against daring Rebel heroes in a series of tactical combat missions leading up to a final showdown between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. STRATEGY GAME: This game of tactical combat and missions puts you in the midsty of the Galactic Civil War after the destruction of the Death Star. Build armies and compete in standalone skirmish missions. Recreate epic confrontations from the Star Wars saga or create all-new battles! ENJOY TWO COMPLETE GAMES: Experience an engrossing narrative campaign that unfolds across multiple missions. Play the head-to-head skirmish mode with a single friend, testing your tactical acumen as you lead your strike team to victory. HIGHLY VARIABLE: A thrilling campaign contains over 30 missions, ensuring no two games are ever the same. With 34 plastic figures, over 200 cards, over 50 modular map tiles and much more, Imperial Assault is your chance to change the fate of a galaxy far, far away. NUMBER OF PLAYERS AND AVERAGE PLAYTIME: This action-packed battle game for adults and teens is made for 1 to 5 players and is suitable for ages 14 and older. The average playtime is approximately 1 to 2 hours. Enjoy two complete games in the Star Wars universe – the campaign game and the skirmish game Play as a hero of the Rebellion, or command limitless squads of storm troopers, Imperial officers, and massive AT-ST walkers

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Whitehall Mystery

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The Whitehall Mystery is a refned game of deduction and bluffing set in 1888, in the London of Jack the Ripper.  As Jack the Ripper is active, Scotland Yard is hot on the heels of another serial killer! In the tight network of streets and alleyways, a hunt for a new and mysterious killer begins. The Jack player wins if he completes his crime without being caught. As a team, the Investigator players win when one of them captures Jack.

Star Wars: Armada

Massive Star Destroyers fly to battle against Rebel corvettes and frigates. Banks of turbolasers unleash torrential volleys of fire against squadrons of X-wing and TIEs. Engineering teams race to route additional power to failing shields. Laser blasts and explosions flare across the battlefield. Even a single ship can change the tide of battle.

In Star Wars: Armada, you assume the role of fleet admiral, serving with either the Imperial Navy or Rebel Alliance. You assemble your fleet and engage the enemy. Using the game’s unique maneuver tool, you steer your capital ships across the battlefield, even while squadrons of starfighters buzz around them. Then, as these ships exchange fire, it’s your job to issue the tactical commands that will decide the course of battle and, perhaps, the fate of the galaxy.

Maneuver Tool
The maneuver tool is one of the game’s most innovative features and adds a unique feel to the way your capital ships must accommodate for inertia as they maneuver through the stars.

It consists of a number of segments linked with hinges, which is used to plot the ship’s course. More nimble ships are allowed to turn the ship further at each hinge.

Command Stack
Armada balances the awesome scale of the Star Wars galaxy’s ships and space warfare with intuitive ship designs and accessible rules for issuing commands and resolving combat that make for rich, engaging, and highly tactical play experiences.

Capital ships are extremely powerful war machines, but they’re also massive and sophisticated vessels that can’t swiftly react to every development in the heat of battle. Accordingly, the key to flying these vessels effectively is learning how to plan ahead. You want to issue your commands in such a way that your crews will be ready to execute them at just the right times.

Each of your pre-painted capital ships has a command value, which determines how many commands it will have in its stack at any given point in time. During setup, you secretly build your initial command stack, selecting from any of four different commands, each of which provides a different advantage. Once you have locked your selections, you place the commands in your stack in the order of your choice. Then, during each round of game play, you secretly select and assign a new command to your ship, placing it at the bottom of your command stack, before you reveal the command at the top of your stack and gain its benefits.


18Chesapeake is part of the 18xx series. Francis Tresham’s 1829 inspired the series. 18Chesapeake is set in the Chesapeake region of the United States and west to Ohio and West Virginia.

Investors in railroad companies consist of two to six players who invest their initial capital to acquire private and minor companies, and later to purchase shares of public companies.


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You’re an air-shipwright: a master of flying machines used by the dreams to explore the universe. You have been challenged to build the most beautiful fleet the world has ever seen. Now you must play the dice to acquire the components you need to build airships. Get the best blueprints, purchase the best materials, and hire the best crew. Discarding cards can adjust your rolls, but don’t exhaust your resources! What is the best fleet you can build?

It’s a relaxing solo game. It has an attractive steam punk theme. Its cards and tiles have easy-to-understand iconography.

The components and the box are sturdy. The artwork is quirky and fun. And the various expansions are each nice challenges.

60 Second City

Team up, work together, and strategize. You’ve got 60 seconds. Each player draws tiles and quickly places them on the board at the same time. Build things while protecting your city from space-blocking pollution. In this collaborative strategy game, you have to win or lose together. 

How to Play

The premise of the game is simple – you have exactly 60 seconds to build your own city before time runs out. The goal is to create the most efficient, functional and beautiful city possible in just one minute. Sounds challenging, right? Well, that’s because it is!

But don’t worry, the game comes with a handy rule book that explains all the game mechanics in detail. And once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to play without constantly checking the rules (although I must admit, I still refer to the rule book from time to time, just in case).

The game requires quick thinking, strategic planning and a bit of luck. You have to carefully select which buildings and resources to use, all while keeping an eye on the clock. And let me tell you, those 60 seconds go by in a flash!

Who Can Play

I would highly recommend ’60 Second City’ to anyone who enjoys fast-paced, strategic games with an element of competition. It’s suitable for players of all ages and skill levels, making it a great choice for family game nights or game nights with friends.

What Makes It Fun

But what really sets this game apart is the fast-paced and competitive nature of it. It’s perfect for those who love a good challenge and thrive under pressure. Plus, the time limit adds an element of excitement and urgency to the gameplay that keeps you on your toes.

I’ve played this game with friends, family and even strangers at board game meetups, and it never fails to bring out everyone’s competitive spirit. And with each game lasting only a minute, it’s easy to play multiple rounds and keep the fun going for hours.


7 Wonders Armada

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Armada is an expansion for 7 Wonders that you can play with the base game or other expansions.
Players get a separate “naval” board along with their wonder board with this expansion. As part of this expansion, you’ll get more red, green, yellow, and blue cards to shuffle into your deck, and every time you pay for a red, green, yellow, and blue card — not just the ones added here — you’ll get an additional charge to advance your ship.
A red ship gains naval strength when you advance it, and you compare it to all the players at the table, not just adjacent players, to see who’s the strongest, second-strongest, etc. At the end of an era, you get victory points for your navy.
 As you advance on the yellow and blue tracks, you receive coins and victory points, respectively, along with additional naval strength.
On the green track, you can discover islands by drawing the island deck of the level you reached, then putting one of the islands into play.
This expansion changes gameplay using the same 7 Wonders mechanics and there is an option for playing in 2 teams (for 4- and 6-player games).

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Scarface 1920

‘Scarface 1920’ is a game that takes us back to the roaring twenties and immerses us in the world of organized crime. The gameplay, game mechanics and overall atmosphere make it a unique and entertaining experience.

How to Play

The gameplay of ‘Scarface 1920’ is both simple and engaging. Players take on the role of gangsters trying to rise to the top of the criminal underworld. The goal is to earn as much money and influence as possible by completing different missions, such as smuggling alcohol, robbing banks or taking control of territories. What I love about this game is that it allows for different strategies and tactics, making each game session unpredictable and exciting.

The game mechanics are also well-designed and add to the overall experience. The use of cards and dice keeps the gameplay fast-paced, while still requiring strategic thinking. Each player has their own gangster character with unique abilities, adding a layer of depth to the game. The use of resources, such as money and influence, also requires players to make tough decisions on how to allocate them effectively.

Who Can Play

I believe that ‘Scarface 1920’ would appeal to a wide range of audiences. It combines elements of strategy, luck and storytelling, making it suitable for both casual and experienced gamers. Fans of crime dramas or the roaring twenties era would also enjoy the immersive atmosphere of the game.

What Makes It Fun

What makes ‘Scarface 1920’ even more fun is playing with friends or family. The competitive nature of the game brings out everyone’s inner gangster, leading to plenty of laughs and friendly banter. It’s one of those games that can easily turn into a regular game night favorite.

The Third World War: Designer Signature Edition

The objective of ‘The Third World War’ is simple – conquer as much territory as possible while preventing your opponents from doing the same. Sounds easy, right? Well, not quite.

How to Play

The game mechanics are complex and require strategic thinking and planning. Each turn, players must allocate resources to different fronts, plan attacks, defend against enemy attacks, and make diplomatic decisions. And with multiple ways to win, there is never a dull moment in this game.

One thing I particularly enjoyed about this game was the unpredictability. Just when I thought I had the upper hand, my opponent would make a game-changing move that left me rethinking my entire strategy. It made for some hilarious moments and intense gameplay.

Who Can Play

But who is this game suitable for? I would say it’s perfect for avid strategy gamers, history buffs, and anyone looking for an intense and immersive gaming experience. And with the option to play solo or with up to six players, it caters to a wide audience.

What Makes It Fun

The Third World War: Designer Signature Edition is definitely not for the faint-hearted. It requires patience, critical thinking, and a bit of luck. But for those who enjoy a challenge and love immersing themselves in a strategic world, this game is a must-try.



In Alchemists, two to four budding alchemists compete to discover the secrets of their mystical art. Points can be earned in various ways, but most points are earned by publishing theories – correct theories, that is — and therein lies the problem. The game is played in six rounds. At the beginning of the round, players choose their play order. Those who choose to play later get more rewards. Players declare all their actions by placing cubes on the various action spaces, then each action space is evaluated in order. Players gain knowledge by mixing ingredients and testing the results using a smartphone app (iOS, Android, and also Windows) that randomizes the rules of alchemy for each new game. And if the alchemists are longing for something even more special, they can always buy magical artifacts to get an extra push. There are 9 of them (different for each game) and they are not only very powerful, but also very expensive. But money means nothing, when there’s academic pride at stake! And the possession of these artifacts will definitely earn you some reputation too. Players can also earn money by selling potions of questionable quality to adventurers, but money is just a means to an end. The alchemists don’t want riches, after all. They want respect, and respect usually comes from publishing theories. During play, players’ reputations will go up and down. After six rounds and a final exhibition, reputation will be converted into points. Points will also be scored for artifacts and grants. Then the secrets of alchemy are revealed and players score points or lose points based on whether their theories were correct. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins. Flavor text: Mandrake root and scorpion tail; spongy mushroom and warty toad — these are the foundations of the alchemist’s livelihood, science, and art. But what arcane secrets do these strange ingredients hide? Now it is time to find out. Mix them into potions and drink them to determine their effects — or play it safe and test the concoction on a helpful assistant! Gain riches selling potions to wandering adventurers and invest these riches in powerful artifacts. As your knowledge grows, so will your reputation, as you publish your theories for all to see. Knowledge, wealth, and fame can all be found in the murky depths of the alchemist’s cauldron.

Welcome To…

As an architect in Welcome To…, you want to build the best new town in the United States of the 1950s by adding resources to a pool, hiring employees, and more.

Welcome To… plays like a roll-and-write dice game in which you mark results on a score-sheet…but without dice. Instead you flip cards from three piles to make three different action sets with both a house number and a corresponding action from which everyone chooses one. You use the number to fill in a house on your street in numerical order. Then you take the action to increase the point value of estates you build or score points at the end for building parks and pools. Players also have the option of taking actions to alter or duplicate their house numbers. And everyone is racing to be the first to complete public goals. There’s lots to do and many paths to becoming the best suburban architect in Welcome To…!

Because of the communal actions, game play is simultaneous and thus supports large groups of players. With many varying strategies and completely randomized action sets, no two games will feel the same!


From the humble beginnings of civilization through the historical ages of progress, mankind has lived, fought, and built together in nations. Great nations protect and provide for their own, while fighting and competing against both other nations and nature itself. Nations must provide food and stability as the population increases. They must build a productive economy. And all the while, they must amaze the world with their great achievements to build up their heritage as the greatest nations in the history of mankind!

Nations is an intense historical board game for 1–5 players that takes 40 minutes per player to play. Players control the fate of nations from their humble start in prehistoric times until the beginning of World War I. The nations constantly compete against each other and must balance immediate needs, long-term growth, threats, and opportunities.

Gameplay introduction

Players choose a Nation and a difficulty to play at, similar to the Civilization computer games series. After the growth phase, 2 historical events are revealed, which the players will compete for during the round. Then players take a single small action each, in player order, as many times as they wish until all have passed. Actions are:

Buy a card
Deploy a worker
Hire an architect for a wonder
Special action provided by a card
Players each have individual boards that represent their Nation. There are many ways that players affect, compete, and indirectly interact with other players. But there is no map, no units to move around, and no direct attacks on other players.

When all have passed, there is production, new player order is determined (every position is competed for), the historical events happen, and if this is the last round of an age, the books are scored. At the start of a new round, most old cards are removed and new ones are put on the display.

Victory points are gained and lost during the game, and also awarded at the end of the game. The player with the most victory points is the winner.

See ‘More information’ below for link to rules, etc.

Animal Upon Animal

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Animal Upon Animal is a 2-4 player game, initially intended for children but equally as enticing for adults. The objective of the game is to be the most skilful at stacking and be the first left without any animals. Animal Upon Animal is an engaging and addictive game, with its colourful wooden animals and their different unique shapes requiring players to strategically think about the placement of their animals in order for their stacked tower to not fall. Whether it be taking the challenging approach of stacking animals straight up or strategically placing animals by their shapes and sizes, everyone will have crazy fun playing! This game uses a die component to determine different factors of their animal pyramid. For example, rolling an alligator on a die will expand the base of a player’s pyramid and rolling 1 dot will require players to take an animal from their provision and place it carefully with one hand on the pyramid. If animals tumble down during stacking or the whole pyramid collapses, the stacking ends immediately. The game ends as soon as a player is left without animals and they win!!

Vinhos Deluxe Edition

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In Vinhos (Portuguese for “Wines”), players assume the role of wine producers in Portugal. By promoting their label, building a favorable reputation and gaining prestige at home and abroad, players demonstrate their skills of fine winery. Over the duration of 6 years, players will expand their businesses by establishing estates around Portugal, buying vineyards and building wineries. The value of wins increases over time, but only if players have the appropriate cellar to age it. Positive weather conditions allow players to produce high quality wines whilst cloudy or rainy weather can have devastating effects. Players gain Victory Points throughout the gain and the player with the most VP’s wins. 


Horror in the Library

Horror in the Library is a 19th century Victorian themed tile-based competitive card collecting game for 2 to 6 players. Players compete to gather everything necessary to defeat the horror posed by the Mad Professor. It’s a race to the Portal once all components are collected!

Choosing the correct cards and moving tiles will require strategy and luck. In addition to the balanced token bag, a simple attack and defense system with non-player characters adds to the player interaction and strategy.

The setup of the game makes Horror in the Library as competitive and fast as players wish it to be. From a light game for 2 players to a highly competitive and entertaining evening for 6.

Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization

With ‘Through the Ages’, one can experience the history of civilization, whether if it’s through your own civilization or that of someone else. With new revisions to the game, there are now major changes in both small and large aspects of how you play, as opposed to the old school ways.

Through the Ages is a civilization building game that can be played using cards. As you progress through the game, players take their turn until it comes to an end. Players aim to build the best civilization possible by talking good care of their lands and making sure they have strong military, deciding on diplomacy with neighboring civilizations, discovering technologies and gathering wisdom to decide the fate of his civilization.

TTA employs a card drafting system in which players continuously draft Wonder Cards and Science Cards. Players also need to pay attention to their resources in order to progress in the game, which is another important factor when balancing your citizens within the society.

Victors are all those who reach the year of the Modern Era. Victory is achieved by the player whose nation has the most culture at the end of the modern age.

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures is a standalone expansion to Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective with updated graphics that features ten more cases to be solved in Sherlock Holmes’ Victorian-era London, England. A “London Directory”, map, and newspaper archives are included with the cases.

Included are six independent “West End Adventures” cases (redesigned and updated from the 1995 expansion), and a series of four new cases based on the Jack the Ripper murders.

Jack the Ripper Cases:

Mary Ann Nichols
Annie Chapman
Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes
Mary Jane Kelly

West End Adventures:

The Strange Case of Dr. Goldfire
The Murder of Sherlock Holmes
A Case of Identity
The Death of a Transylvanian Count
A Royal Huggermugger at the Savage Club
A Simple Case of Murder

Veiled Fate

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Play as a divine being who has sired a demigod in the realm of humankind. The identity of your lineage is known only to you. Use positional play to complete quests—and influence fate to ensure the outcome is in your favor. Strike the perfect balance of misdirection and mischief to capture the throne. There are 9 Demigods. At the beginning of the game, each player is secretly assigned one Demigod as their offspring. When the game begins, however, players may control the actions of any Demigod, not just their own. Through strategic play, special powers, and secret voting, players must aid their Demigod in gaining Renown. But be careful! Giving away your lineage too soon may cause the other players to work together toward your Demigod’s demise. On their turn, players will have 2 actions with which to send Demigods on quests. Each Quest can result in 2 different ways, which the gods influence with secret voting cards called Fate Cards. When a Quest is completed, the Fate cards are revealed and the winning side of the card is resolved, giving some Demigods Renown and taking it from others. A player wins if their Demigod has the most Renown at the end of 3 rounds called ages, and that Demigod becomes the heir to the throne. Part social deduction, part strategy, Veiled Fate pits wit against wit. Every move is a new clue to discovering the true lineage of your opponents. Can you foil carefully laid plans, while cementing your own path to victory? -description from designer

Machina Arcana (Second/Third Edition)

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Machine Arcana is a steampunk horror board game for 1 – 4 players who take the role of explorers. The individuals represent a group sane enough to resist the tide of darkness, but insane enough to choose to confront it. In an ancient subterranean complex whose origins are unknown, they embark on a perilous adventure. Monsters drawn from the Cthulhu Mythos await the expedition with the intent to eviscerate and devour them mercilessly.

Each map tile sheds blood as it is explored. As the explorers evade and fight, they are filled with traps and features that provide an edge. There are different types of items that can be found. The concepts of steampunk are translated through augmentations and gear upgrades that give them some fighting chance. The group will need to resolve exploring events, create ongoing effects, and complete side quests to survive their ominous journey.

As the explorers approach, the horrors obstruct them with a multitude of devious schemes to hinder their progress.

The story is broken into scenarios, each of which is its own game with chapters that must be completed in order to reach the endgame – a final battle that decides the fate of mankind.

Death, however, does not end the game. Your new goal as a dead explorer will be to rid the game of explorers. You will gain control of monsters as a dead explorer.
In addition, there is no need for a game master, nor are there special conditions based on the number of players, and both duration and difficulty settings can be changed.

Disney Villainous: Evil Comes Prepared

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This asymmetric style of game play has different objectives and goals for each Disney Villain. Scar, Ratigan, and Yzma are the three Disney Villains you can choose from. In addition to Mufasa, Simba, Pumbaa, Basil, Dr. Dawson, Olivia, Kuzco, Pacha, Kronk, and more, the fate decks also feature your favorite protagonists!

Families and Disney fans will love this
You can play Evil Comes Prepared with your family or a group of Disney fans, whether you’re a traditional strategy gamer or a Disney enthusiast.


It can be played alone or with the other games in the Disney Villainous line.

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A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)

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Westeros braces for battle after the death of King Robert Baratheon. Are you capable of claiming the Iron Throne? Taking control of George R.R. Martin’s beloved characters requires players to fight for dominance. Sun-scorched sands, lush forests, and chilling northlands set the scene for a war-torn world.

To secure total dominance, each player takes control of one of Westeros’ six Great Houses. Players take command of the Great Houses of Westeros. A map of Westeros shows armies gathering and marching to war. Each Great House provides a unique, asymmetrical play experience. After ten rounds of play, the player with the most castles or strongholds is declared the winner. Westeros is depicted on the detailed board, and figures such as footmen, knights, ships, and siege engines showcase your military might.

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Pugs in Mugs

A strategic card game involving cute pugs! Collect pugs and place them in mugs.
Pugs in Mugs is a family-friendly game involving collecting pugs.
Suitable or 2 – 5 players and caters to ages 6 and up.

Collect adorable pooches, snatch the favourites from opponents, steal Mugs or demand the cards you need to win.

Buy here.

Criminal and Chivatos

In ‘Criminal and Chivatos’, you play as either a criminal or a chivato (snitch). The objective of the game is simple – as a criminal, you need to complete various heists and robberies while evading the chivatos. On the other hand, as a chivato, you need to use your detective skills to catch the criminals in the act.

The game offers different levels of difficulty, with each level presenting new challenges and obstacles. As you progress in the game, the heists become more complex and require careful planning and execution.

How to Play

As a player, you have the freedom to choose your own approach to complete the heists or catch the criminals. You can either use stealth and sneak around, or go in guns blazing – it’s all up to you. The game also allows for multiplayer mode, where you can team up with your friends and strategize together.

One of the most exciting aspects of the game is the gadgets and tools available to players. As a criminal, you have access to high-tech equipment like drones and hacking devices, while chivatos have surveillance cameras and tracking devices at their disposal. These tools add an extra layer of challenge and fun to the gameplay.

Who Can Play

If you’re someone who loves action, strategy, and a bit of thrill in your games, then ‘Criminal and Chivatos’ is definitely for you. The game appeals to both casual players looking for some quick entertainment and hardcore gamers seeking a more challenging experience. With its various levels and game modes, it’s suitable for players of all skill levels.

What Makes It Fun

‘Criminal and Chivatos’ has a playful and humorous tone. The characters and dialogue will keep you entertained throughout the game. 

1840: Vienna Tramways

‘1840: Vienna Tramways’ is a entertaining and strategic board game perfect for hardcore board game lovers

How to Play

The game is set in 19th century Vienna and revolves around the development of its tramway system. The objective is to become the most successful transportation company by building tracks, expanding routes and delivering goods across the city. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong! The game is full of twists, turns and strategic decisions that keep you on your toes throughout.

At the start of the game, each player is given a unique role with different abilities and resources. This adds an element of asymmetry and replayability to the game, as you can try out different strategies with each role. As you progress through the game, you must carefully manage your resources, make smart investments and outmaneuver your opponents to come out on top.

One of my favorite aspects of ‘1840: Vienna Tramways’ is the combination of luck and skill involved. The random event cards can throw a wrench in your plans or give you a much-needed boost, making every game different and exciting. But at the same time, you need to have a solid strategy and think ahead to be successful.

Who Can Play

Now, I know what you’re thinking – this all sounds great, but who is this game for? In my opinion, it appeals to a wide range of audiences. If you enjoy complex euro-style games with a historical theme, then ‘1840: Vienna Tramways’ is definitely for you. But even if you’re not a fan of heavy strategy games, I would still recommend giving this one a try. The game offers different levels of complexity and can be enjoyed by casual gamers as well.

What Makes It Fun

One thing that immediately caught my attention was the beautiful artwork and design of the game board. It truly transports you to another time and place, adding to the immersive experience of the game. But don’t be fooled by its elegant appearance, this game is not for the faint of heart.

Brass Lancashire

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Brass: Lancashire — first published as Brass — is an economic strategy game that tells the story of competing cotton entrepreneurs in Lancashire during the industrial revolution. You must develop, build, and establish your industries and network so that you can capitalize demand for iron, coal and cotton. The game is played over two halves: the canal phase and the rail phase. To win the game, score the most victory points (VPs), which are counted at the end of each half. VPs are gained from your canals, rails, and established (flipped) industry tiles. Each round, players take turns according to the turn order track, receiving two actions to perform any of the following: Build an industry tile Build a rail or canal Develop an industry Sell cotton Take a loan At the end of a player’s turn, they replace the two cards they played with two more from the deck. Turn order is determined by how much money a player spent on the previous turn, from lowest spent first to highest spent. This turn order mechanism opens some strategic options for players going later in the turn order, allowing for the possibility of back-to-back turns. After all the cards have been played the first time (with the deck size being adjusted for the number of players), the canal phase ends and a scoring round commences. After scoring, all canals and all of the lowest level industries are removed for the game, after which new cards are dealt and the rail phase begins. During this phase, players may now occupy more than one location in a city and a double-connection build (though expensive) is possible. At the end of the rail phase, another scoring round takes place, then a winner is crowned. The cards limit where you can build your industries, but any card can be used for the develop, sell cotton or build connections actions. This leads to a strategic timing/storing of cards. Resources are common so that if one player builds a rail line (which requires coal) they have to use the coal from the nearest source, which may be an opponent’s coal mine, which in turn gets that coal mine closer to scoring (i.e., being utilized). Brass: Lancashire, the 2018 edition from Roxley Games, reboots the original Warfrog Games edition of Brass with new artwork and components, as well as a few rules changes: The virtual link rules between Birkenhead have been made optional. The three-player experience has been brought closer to the ideal experience of four players by shortening each half of the game by one round and tuning the deck and distant market tiles slightly to ensure a consistent experience. Two-player rules have been created and are playable without the need for an alternate board. The level 1 cotton mill is now worth 5 VP to make it slightly less terrible.


Agricola is a solo or up to 5 player game where players are farmers in a wooden shack with their spouse and little else. Players need to build their farmstead by sowing fields and raising livestock. This game supports many levels of complexity and is a turn-based game. There are 14 game rounds occurring in 6 stages, with a Harvest at the end of each stage. On a turn, players get to take only two actions, one for themselves and one for their spouse, from all the possibilities found on a farm such as collecting clay, wood, or stone; building fences and more. However, each action can only be taken by one player each round, requiring players to choose in order of preference.
Players can choose to have more work accomplished by having kids and use one of their 7 Occupation cards. Players win by scoring more points than their opponent, done so by strategic thinking.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

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The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game is a solo or 2 player collaborative adventure game where players try to complete a scenario. Players are supported with up to three heroes of their choice, a deck of allies, events and attachments. These are used each round to send their heroes and allies to quest or to fight with enemies that engage with them. Each round consists of 7 phases that players resolve in the following order: 

  1. Resource
  2. Planning
  3. Quest 
  4. Travel
  5. Encounter
  6. Combat
  7. Refresh

After the completion of all 7 phases, the round ends and a new one begins. Rounds are played like this until the end of the game. To conclude the game, at least one player has to complete the final quest card of a scenario in order to win. If all players are eliminated from the game before all quests are completed, the game ends and the players lose. 

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The Gallerist

This age of art and capitalism has created a need for a new occupation – The Gallerist.

Combining the elements of an Art dealer, museum curator, and Artists’ manager, you are about to take on that job! You will promote and nurture Artists; buy, display, and sell their Art; and build and exert your international reputation. As a result, you will achieve the respect needed to draw visitors to your Gallery from all over the world.

There’s a lot of work to be done, but don’t worry, you can hire assistants to help you achieve your goals. Build your fortune by running the most lucrative Gallery and secure your reputation as a world-class Gallerist!

Maximize your money and thus win the game by:
having visitors in your gallery;
exhibiting and selling works of art;
investing in artists’ promotion to increase art value;
achieving trends and reputation as well as curator and dealer goals.


Fiedum (latin for fiefdom) is a medieval economic game of hand and resource management for 2-5 players. Over five epochs, players optimize four actions per turn to score the most victory points.

Players control several medieval characters who roam the countryside tending farms, taxing towns and taking outposts.

But that’s only the tip of the behemoth’s horn! Additionally, you will compete for coveted feudums, which increase your guild status. But beware! Owners of feudums must serve the king through military service or face disloyalty charges.

You will be an integral part of a progressive economic cycle, where the farmer ships goods to the merchant, who equips the alchemist, who invents black powder, which arms the knight, and so on.

You will succeed if you run your guilds wisely, maintain control of key locations, and adapt to changing events well. Unless, of course, you starve, get sidetracked by sea serpents or develop an unhealthy interest in fermented grapes. Long live the King!

Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire

The great Sapa Inca Pachacuti turned to his offspring and ordered them to worship Inti, the Sun God, and to expand the Inca Empire as far as the llamas roam. With Chinchaysuyu, Antisuyu, Qullasuyu, and Kuntisuyu — the four regions of the new empire — now ripe for conquest, the time has come for Pachacuti’s true successor to arise.

Gather your people from the villages below and use their unique abilities to strategically place them where they can perform the greatest tasks for you. Climb the steps of the Sun Temple, reaping the rewards of your piety. Build structures that both nourish your people and provide you with benefits no other has at their disposal. Muster an army and conquer villages in the four realms of Tawantinsuyu. Prove yourself a worthy successor to Pachacuti and lead the Inca to glory!

During Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire, players place workers onto various locations on the game board, performing actions, collecting resources (potatoes, corn, stone, and gold), constructing buildings and stairs, sculpt statues, expanding their military strength, and collecting weavings.

The game board features a hill located within the old Inca capital of Cusco, the sides of which are terraced and divided into five sections. Atop the hill sits the Coricancha, The Golden Temple, the most important temple of the Inca Empire. Within the Coricancha, each player has a High Priest. On the terraced sections below exist a variety of worker placement locations, interconnected by paths and individually marked by symbols. On your turn, you must either place a worker onto a location outside the Coricancha OR choose two of the following:

Recruit one worker.
Take two god cards.
Draw two army cards and keep one of them.
Move your High Priest one or two steps clockwise within the Coricancha.

When placing a worker, you must first discard a god card with a matching symbol or pay one gold. Once placed, the worker remains on the game board for the rest of the game! Each worker placement location is connected to exactly three action spaces. You must always perform at least one of these actions. However, for each adjacent worker (i.e., connected to your worker’s location via direct path through one of the action spaces) that matches the type of worker just placed, you receive one additional action!

While some locations will result in you being able to perform multiple actions, other actions and placements may be more desirable, especially since each of the five types of workers has a unique ability:

Warrior: Remove one of the adjacent workers, placing it in your player area.
Craftsman: Gain +1 action if placed onto a craftsman space.
Architect: Gain +1 action if placed onto an architect space.
Courier: Decreased placement cost; +1 action if it’s the first worker placed within a given area.
Priest: Take one god card; you may pay one potato to gain +1 action.

All god cards feature one of the different symbols found on the worker placement locations. Before placing a worker, you must either discard a god card with a matching symbol or pay valuable gold resources. God cards also depict special abilities that can be activated only if you have previously built a matching statue!

Army cards allow you to send one or more units to conquer villages in nearby regions. You must compete against the other players for control of each region as well as for valuable rewards that can be gained as a result of military conquest.

The position of your High Priest within the Coricancha has a significant impact on your overall strategy, affecting your access to powerful actions and determining any potential resource costs when placing your workers. More specifically, when placing a worker, you must pay additional resources the farther your worker is from your High Priest, from nothing all the way up to eight potatoes or corn!

Additionally, when moving your High Priest, you can activate powerful actions available only within the Coricancha:

Produce: Gain all rewards from your production buildings.
Worship: Sacrifice previously sculpted statues to gain permanent temple advancements.
Offering: Pay resources to gain temple advancements.
Conquer: Engage in military conquest of nearby villages.
Rejuvenate: Refresh previously activated buildings and military units.

Throughout the game, you score victory points whenever you construct stairs or sculpt statues. Gain bonus victory points whenever another player makes use of the stairs you have constructed. Score victory points from temple advancements and control of the four regions.

The game ends when the worker pool has become exhausted, symbolizing the full incorporation of nearby regions and villages into the newly risen Inca Empire. You then score bonus victory points from reaching the top of the temple, from your woven tapestries, and from various buildings and resources you have accumulated.

—description from publisher

Shiloh 1862

Worthington Publishing’s SHILOH 1862 is the second volume in its Civil War Brigade Battle Series. It is a brigade level game with 100 men per strength point. Each hex is 250 yards long. Within 4 hexes of their leader, units may move adjacent to enemy units using command control.

It is an ugo-igo system that follows a basic move-combat system similar to Gettysburg High Tide of the Confederacy and Chickamauga River of Death by Phoenix Games.

Terrain objectives and enemy casualties determine victory.

Shiloh can be played by 1 to 2 players within 3 hours.


Featuring over two hundred unique cards with watercolor illustrations, Meadow is an engaging set collection game. Players compete to become the best nature observer in the game. They win by collecting cards with the most valuable species, landscapes, and discoveries. Passion, curiosity, an inquiring mind, and a desire to discover nature’s mysteries lead them on their journey. At the bonfire, the players race to meet the goals of their adventures.

You take turns placing path tokens on one of the two boards in this medium-weight board game for 1-4 players. By placing a token on the main board, players can get cards, but to play them they need to meet certain requirements. On the bonfire board, playing a token activates special actions (which assist in implementing a chosen strategy) and gives the opportunity to achieve goals that provide more points. In this game, players collect cards throughout their meadow and surroundings. The player with the most points on cards and on the bonfire board wins.

Clash of Cultures

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From a single settlement to a mighty empire, each player leads a civilization. Players have to build big cities, research advances, and conquer their enemies. In the game, players explore 48 different advancements, seven mighty wonders, and lots of minis and cards. He or she will create a culture that will be admired for millennia. 
There are 48 different advances in the game. The whole tech-tree is very flexible with no dead ends, yet is intuitively sensible and realistic. Furthermore, you have a great overview of what other cultures have achieved – no need to ask, just look. Players start with an infant civilization. Send settlers to uncharted regions and uncover its resources. A number of mechanisms have been implemented to ensure that an unlucky placement of region-tiles will not affect the outcome. 
In the game, players expand their cities. And not just to a generic big city. Instead, they choose a building type that represents the growth of their city. A port fort, a temple, and an academy can be added to a city – all with different benefits! Cities can also be angry, neutral, or happy! Everything is integrated in an intuitive and elegant way. Lots of ways to win. Earn points for: – Founding cities and growing them.

What do we like about  Clash of Cultures?

  • It’s easy to learn
  • It’s shorter than other similar mechanism games…by about half.
  • You win by completing objectives. Objectives determine what you do. You can’t always apply the same opening moves. If you do that in this game, you will lose. Because this game forces you to play differently each time, it doesn’t get stale.

Terraforming Mars Colonies

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Terraforming Mars Colonies is an expansion add-on to the popular award winning Terraforming Mars board game.

Terraforming Mars Colonies adds a whole new layer of complexity to the already intricate game of Terraforming Mars. Players take on the roles of corporations looking to terraform Mars and make it habitable for human life. In Colonies, players must now also establish colonies on the planet’s surface, in addition to managing resources, building infrastructure, and competing against other corporations.

Additional Game Mechanics through Colony Cards

The mechanics of Colonies are just as engaging and challenging as those of the original game. Players must accumulate resources such as steel, titanium, and energy to build their colonies, which can then produce food, water, and other resources to support their efforts.

Different colony cards offer different abilities and benefits, such as boosting production or giving players bonuses for specific actions.

Expanded Gameplay

The gameplay in Colonies follows the same turn-based format as the original game. You take turns performing actions like adding board tiles and playing cards. The game’s goal is to accumulate the most points by building infrastructure, claiming land, and achieving milestones before the planet’s temperature and oxygen levels are sufficiently terraformed. Terraforming Mars Colonies adds a new layer of complexity and depth to the gameplay by allowing you to launch fleets to distant moons and asteroid belts, constructing outposts that yield valuable resources and unique benefits. Whether it’s mining on Titan, harvesting ice from Europa, or tapping into the energy-rich fields of the asteroid belt, each colony brings its strategic advantage.

Is it fun?

The added mechanics are fun for both seasoned players and those who haven’t yet tried the original game. Anyone who enjoys a good board game with a strong emphasis on strategy and resource management. 

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Marvel United

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Fans of the Marvel Universe are going crazy over Marvel United, the hit strategy card game crowd-sourced by fans worldwide. Become the Hero you always wanted to be! Designed by Eric M. Lang and Andrea Chiarvesio, Marvel United is a fast-paced, cooperative game where players take control of Marvel Heroes and work together to thwart the schemes of Villains.

Supervillains are sowing discord, securing power, and crushing ordinary people-seemingly unopposed. Heroes rise where powerful villains fall! Their mission will be to protect the innocent, face down threats, and take down these villains, once and for all. You can only win by standing united! You hold the key to the future of the world!

All of you are in it together in Marvel United: either you work together to defeat the villain’s master plan, or you’re all defeated and must start over.

Players take on the role of iconic Marvel Universe Super Heroes cooperating to defeat a powerful evil villain.

A turn of the cards dictates the gameplay in Marvel United, which is random and constantly changing.

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Aeon Trespass: Odyssey

‘Aeon Trespass: Odyssey’ is a cooperative game set in a fantastical world filled with epic monsters, mythical creatures, and ancient gods.

How to Play

The game revolves around a group of heroes, known as the Seekers, who embark on an epic journey to save their world from destruction. As a player, you take on the role of one of these powerful Seekers and must work together with your fellow players to overcome challenges, defeat monsters and ultimately complete quests.

The game is played over several rounds or ‘eras’, where each era represents a chapter in the story. In each era, players take turns moving their Seeker across the game board, exploring new locations, and encountering various creatures and obstacles along the way.

But what sets this game apart from others is its innovative ‘Confrontation’ system. When faced with a monster or challenge, players must use cards from their personal deck to strategize and choose their actions. These cards represent the skills and abilities of each Seeker, and can be upgraded as the game progresses.

Who Can Play

This game caters to different types of people. If you enjoy diving deep into character development and storytelling, then you’ll love the extensive lore and background information provided for each Seeker. On the other hand, if you’re more of a strategic thinker and love planning out your moves, then the game’s mechanics and ‘Confrontation’ system will keep you engaged and challenged.

What Makes It Fun

The game allows for multiple playthroughs without feeling repetitive. With different quests, monsters, and upgrades available each time, there’s always something new to discover. And let’s not forget the stunning artwork and miniatures that truly bring this game to life.

K2: Big Box

K2: Big Box is a strategy and adventure board game designed by Adam Kaluza and published by It was released in 2010 and has since gained a huge following due to its unique gameplay and challenging mechanics.

How to Play

The premise is simple – you are a mountaineer attempting to climb up the treacherous Himalayan mountain, Mount K2. But wait, it’s not as easy as it sounds. The game is designed to simulate the brutal conditions and challenges that real mountaineers face while climbing this majestic peak.

As a player, you have to manage your resources wisely – oxygen levels, food, gear, and most importantly, your stamina. The higher you climb, the more challenging it becomes to maintain these resources and survive the harsh weather conditions. And let me tell you, the weather in K2 is no joke. One moment it’s sunny and pleasant, the next thing you know, a blizzard hits you out of nowhere.

But don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom. The game also has elements of luck involved, with dice rolls determining certain outcomes like finding helpful items or encountering unexpected events. And let’s not forget the strategic element of the game – you have to plan your route carefully, avoid dangerous spots, and make calculated decisions to reach the summit.

Who Can Play

Personally, I think this game is great for both experienced board gamers and beginners. It’s easy enough to understand but offers enough complexity to keep even seasoned players engaged. Plus, it’s a great way to bond with friends and family over some friendly competition.

What Makes It Fun

The game is perfect for anyone who loves strategy games with a challenging twist. It also has beautiful artwork and high-quality components, which just adds to the overall experience.



Arkham Horror: The Card Game

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Exploring the Depths of Madness: An Introduction to ‘Arkham Horror The Card Game’

Arkham Horror: The Card Game.’ is deeply entrenched in the Lovecraftian lore of cosmic horror. This Living Card Game (LCG) from Fantasy Flight Games brings players to the foreboding streets of Arkham and beyond, promising gripping narratives and unforgiving gameplay.

Gameplay at a Glance

‘Arkham Horror: The Card Game’ is a cooperative adventure for 1-4 players. You and your friends are challenged by the game itself, which is controlled through intricately designed encounter decks and scenario rules. Players take on the roles of intrepid investigators unravelling hidden plots and battling the myriad horrors that populate the Lovecraftian mythos.

The game is built around campaigns, each consisting of multiple interconnected scenarios, where player choices and outcomes carry over, shaping the narrative and difficulty of following encounters. With its focus on the evolving storylines and the personal growth (or fracturing) of the investigators, ‘Arkham Horror: The Card Game’ promises a role-playing depth within the confines of a card-driven skirmish.

Delving Into Card Play

The core of ‘Arkham Horror: The Card Game’ is found in its unique deck-building and card management mechanics. Players have at their disposal a combination of asset cards (usually spells, weapons, or allies), skill cards aiding in checks and challenges, and a set of strengths and weaknesses that can significantly alter the tide of a game.

Player turns are structured around a series of phases: the mythos phase, the investigator phase, the enemy phase, and the upkeep phase. What’s interesting is that every player has to build their deck within specific class affiliations such as guardian, mystic, rogue, seeker, or survivor — each class embodying different playstyles and strengths.

These decks aren’t static; as the campaign progresses, players earn experience that can be used to purchase more potent cards or upgrade existing ones. However, acquiring new tools has a trade-off — it increases the deck size, making it harder to draw the card combinations you need. Balancing consistency and versatility is key to your success in Arkham.

Unveiling the Mysteries: Game Mechanics

The heart of the game lies in its mechanics, which are not just about how you play, but about the stories you choose to experience. The game’s narrative structure is layered, often offering branching paths and alternative endings, giving a real sense of consequence to your actions and decisions.

The mechanics themselves are exquisitely balanced, creating an immersive and challenging experience. The emphasis on story and the seamless blend with card management means that every action has significance, and tension is heightened as you venture further into unknown territories.

What Makes the Madness Fun?

‘Arkham Horror: The Card Game’ is an intellectual challenge, demanding effective deck construction, strategic card management, and smart play. The cooperative nature of the game encourages rich player interaction, where working as a team is crucial to survival.

The game provides a deep, narrative pull. Each campaign is an interactive story, where the interwoven threads of your deck and the consequences of your actions create a unique tale of terror every time you play.

Furthermore, the game’s various expansions and standalone scenarios only serve to deepen the haunting lore of the Arkham universe, offering a nearly endless wellspring of content and replayability. Each release brings new investigators, classes, player cards, and — most importantly — new stories to uncover.

Who might find this game fun?

‘Arkham Horror: The Card Game’ isn’t for the casual gamer. It demands time, commitment, and, perhaps above all, imagination. Players who enjoy a mix of strategy, storytelling, and the thrill of overcoming great challenges will find themselves enthralled.

This game is perfect for board game enthusiasts looking for a new realm of challenge and cooperation.

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Lords of Waterdeep

Waterdeep, the City of Splendors – the most resplendent jewel in the Forgotten Realms, and a den of political intrigue and shady back-alley dealings. In this game, the players are powerful lords vying for control of this great city. Its treasures and resources are ripe for the taking, and that which cannot be gained through trickery and negotiation must be taken by force!

In Lords of Waterdeep, a strategy board game for 2-5 players, you take on the role of one of the masked Lords of Waterdeep, secret rulers of the city. Through your agents, you recruit adventurers to go on quests on your behalf, earning rewards and increasing your influence over the city. Expand the city by purchasing new buildings that open up new actions on the board, and hinder – or help – the other lords by playing Intrigue cards to enact your carefully laid plans.

During the course of play, you may gain points or resources through completing quests, constructing buildings, playing intrigue cards or having other players utilize the buildings you have constructed. At the end of 8 rounds of play, the player who has accrued the most points wins the game.

Champions of Midgard

Introducing Champions of Midgard: A Fun and Engaging Board Game

Gameplay Mechanics: The Nordic Saga Unfolds

At the heart of Champions of Midgard lies its gameplay mechanics that offer an engaging strategic experience. The games places you in a Viking world, where you take on the roles of champions. As you go through various quests and challenges, you must manage resources, battle mythical foes, and strive to become the Jarl – or leader – of the village.

Strategic components include worker placement, dice rolling, and hand management, each contributing to a deep and rewarding playthrough. Worker placement allows for exclusive use of action spots, with each worker representing an opportunity or limitation. Dice rolling introduces an element of chance, where the outcome of battles is decided by dice.

No two games are alike, as the narrative unfolds uniquely for each player, rooted in careful planning and bold risk-taking.

What’s the game fun-factor?

The magic of Champions of Midgard lies in its ability to combine strategy with storytelling. Players often find themselves on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the outcome of a pivotal battle or the success of a particularly challenging journey. 

As you build a party of warriors or send them off on ships, there’s a sense of investment and connection. 

Audiences who will like the game

Champions of Midgard suits anyone with an affinity for strategy and storytelling. This is a game that rewards planning, making it particularly apt for those who relish the challenge of outmaneuvering opponents through tactics and clever play.

Conclusion: Sailing into a Fun-Filled Night of Gaming

The game is suitable for those seeking a game that marries strategy with engagement. With its rich thematic elements and carefully crafted mechanics, it delivers an experience that is as enjoyable as it is immersive. If you’re ready to lead a band of legendary warriors in search of glory, this game is your ticket to an unforgettable tabletop odyssey.


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Queen Gimnax has ordered the reclamation of the northern lands. As a cartographer in her service, you are sent to map this territory, claiming it for the Kingdom of Nalos. Through official edicts, the queen announces which lands she prizes most, and you will increase your reputation by meeting her demands. But you are not alone in this wilderness. The Dragul contest your claims with their outposts, so you must draw your lines carefully to reduce their influence. Reclaim the greatest share of the queen’s desired lands and you will be declared the greatest cartographer in the kingdom.

In Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale, players compete to earn the most reputation stars by the time four seasons have passed. Each season, players draw on their map sheets and earn reputation by carrying out the queen’s edicts before the season is over. The player with the most reputation stars at the end of winter wins!

—description from the publisher

Near and Far

Four wanderers search for the Last Ruin, a city that legends say contains an artifact that will grant the greatest desires of the heart. A lost love, redemption, acceptance, a family rejoined– these are the fires that fuel the wanderers’ journeys, but can they overcome their own greed and inner demons on the way?
In Near and Far, you and up to three friends explore many different maps in a search for the Last Ruin, recruiting adventurers, hunting for treasure, and competing to be the most storied traveler. Players must collect food and equipment at town to suffice the long journeys to mysterious locales. Be sure not to forget enough weapons to fight off bandits, living statues and rusty robots! The book of stories gives players a choice of how to react, creating a new and memorable tale each time you play.


Lisboa is a game about the reconstruction of Lisboa after the great earthquake of 1755.

On November 1, 1755, Lisbon suffered an earthquake of an estimated magnitude of 8.5–9.0, followed by a tsunami and three days of fires. The city was almost totally destroyed. The Marques of Pombal — Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo — was the then Minister of Foreign Affairs and the King put him in charge of the reconstruction of Lisbon. The Marques of Pombal gathered a team of engineers and architects and you, the players, are members of the nobility; members who will use your influence in the reconstruction and business development of the new city. You will work with the architects to build Lisbon anew, with the Marquis to develop commerce and with the King to open all the buildings, but the true reason you do all this is not for greatness or fame or even fortune, but for the most important thing of all in that time: wigs.

Lisboa is played on a real map of downtown Lisbon. During the planning of the downtown project, the type of business permitted in each street was previously determined. The economic motor is driven by the wealth of the royal treasure and this treasure is controlled by player actions during the game, making each game a totally different experience. The game ends after a fixed number of rounds and whoever gathers the most wigs by the end of the game wins.

Lisboa is played in rounds. Each round, all players play one turn. They may place one card on their display or replace one card from this display. During the game, players schedule hearings to get character favors, such as commerce, construction, and openings. The iconic buildings score the stores and stores provide income to the players. Players need to manage influence, construction licenses, store permits, church power, workers and money, with the workers’ cost being dependent on the prestige of the players.

Teotihuacan: City of Gods

Manage a group of worker dice who become more experienced – and effective – as the Game progresses
Strategize, adapt to a different board layout every time you play, and look to the skies, as each coming eclipse means that your efforts will be evaluated – and your fame tested against the passage of time
Innovative dice-as-workers concept the more experience your workers have, the more effective they become
In the solo mode, face off against a simple but challenging automated opponent

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The Search for Planet X

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THE SOLAR SYSTEM’S EDGE MAY HOLD A DARK PLANET. This competitive logic game requires players to deduce the location of this hidden planet by observing the night sky. Can you find Planet X?
Find Planet X and submit accurate theories about where other objects in the solar system are located. Whoever contributes the most to this astronomical investigation wins.

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Madeira is an island officially discovered early in the 15th century by Portuguese seafarers. Madeira, the Portuguese word for wood, refers to the dense forest that covered its wild, fertile landscape. This, and its strategic position far into the Atlantic Ocean made the island one of the most significant Portuguese discoveries. Madeira served as a “laboratory” for what would become the Portuguese Empire.

Wheat plantations were the first means for survival on the island. After that, when D. Henrique decided to increase the economy of the Empire, sugar became the core business of Madeira. Once sugar started coming from other places in the world, such as Africa and Brazil, profits from sugar were no longer enough, and production of the very famous Madeira wine became the most important economic product of the island.

Players try to adapt themselves to these constraints, working to find better fields for farming the right goods and for obtaining precious wood, essential for erecting new structures in the cities and for building ships. In turn, the ships are crucial for trading in foreign markets, as well as for taking part in new expeditions to discover other countries.
Madeira has been established just as it was in the original administrative division of the island under 3 captaincies (Funchal, Machico, and Porto Santo), where the ultimate goal is to develop the Island, gaining the most prestige under and for the Portuguese Crown.

The Crown of Portugal has a series of requests regarding expeditions, urbanization, opening trade routes, increasing wealth, and controlling the guilds on the islands. Three times during the game, the players gain prestige for fulfilling certain requests by the Crown. At two other times, the Crown requests that the islands change the focus of their agriculture due to the changes in the world.

Players must carefully choose the correct timing to show their achievements. Too early and you don’t gain as much prestige, too late and you risk someone else stealing the best opportunities. Will you have what it takes to excel in all of these endeavors?
Beware, wheat may become scarce, money is never enough, the population is hungry, and the shadow of piracy looms large….

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Kill Team is the game of skirmish combat in the 41st Millennium.

Set in the same universe and with the same miniature ranges as Warhammer 40,000, it gives you the opportunity to play a game of fast-paced tactical skirmish combat with 2-4 players in less time and with a fraction of the models you’d need for Warhammer 40,000.

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5.15: A Rock Climbing Card Game

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Rock climb like a pro! Choose your style: boulderer, trad, sport, or alpine. Challenge yourself on easier climbs, from 5.6 to 5.14, as you gain strength and collect gear. Take on one of the world’s hardest climbs on a 5.15 when you’re ready!

Your goal is to be the first climber to climb a 5.15. At the beginning of each game everybody starts with a
climbing strength of 5.7 and their choice of climbing Style.


The game proceeds in rounds.
There are four phases in each round:

  1. Crag phase: choose whether to attempt a climb.
  2.  Setback phase: play Setbacks and Weather on
    other climbers.
  3.  Climb phase: resolve climb attempts, if necessary
    boost strength with Action cards or Bail.
  4. Rest phase: check that everybody has four or fewer
    cards and rotate the dealer.

To succeed on a climb, your climbing strength must be greater than the climb difficulty. To send this 5.9, you need to be 5.10

When you are strong enough, you can choose to attempt a 5.15. If you succeed, you win!

Stellar Horizons

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Stellar Horizons Game Overview

You will lead one of seven Earth Factions to explore and develop our solar system in Stellar Horizons, a “build your own space program” game. A real-life space engineer with a PhD in long-duration spaceflight from MIT designed Stellar Horizons to be a plausible representation of the first steps humanity will take towards the stars between 2030 and 2169, with each turn representing one year. Space development becomes more important to your Faction’s politics back home on Earth, so you control its space program, outposts, and fleets throughout the solar system.

As a member of one of Five Earth factions, you will lead an exploration of our solar system in Stellar Horizons, a “near future” game for 1-7 players.

With each turn representing a year, it represents humanity’s first steps to the stars between 2030 and 2169.

As space development becomes increasingly important, you are in charge of your faction’s space program, although your faction’s politics on Earth will be affected as well. The game includes cooperative and competitive scenarios lasting up to an hour, as well as a day-long campaign.

Based on their unique geopolitical circumstances, each faction has varying strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and ships available to them. It is certainly possible for military conflict to occur, but not necessarily recommended. The game focuses more on diplomacy, technology, and economic competition than combat, although ignoring warships completely leaves you vulnerable to pirates, trade embargos, and sneak attacks by rogue players and factions.

For experienced players, Stellar Horizons also includes longer campaigns lasting a full weekend as well as short cooperative and competitive scenarios lasting up to an hour each.

Final Nine: A Disc Golf Card Game

Final Nine: A Disc Golf Card Game is a must-have for any disc golf enthusiast.

How to Play

The gameplay is simple yet challenging. Each player takes turns drawing cards and using them to create a nine-hole course. The goal is to have the lowest score at the end of the game, just like in traditional disc golf. But what sets Final Nine apart is its unique card mechanics. Each card represents a different type of shot, from a long drive to a tricky putt. And as you play, you have to strategize and use your cards strategically to overcome obstacles and beat your opponents.

Who Can Play

One of the best things about Final Nine is its flexibility. You can play with just two people or up to four, making it perfect for a game night with friends or a casual afternoon with family. And even though it is based on disc golf, you don’t need any prior knowledge of the sport to enjoy this game. The rules are easy to understand, and the gameplay is engaging for all levels of players.

What Makes It Fun

But what truly makes Final Nine stand out is how much fun it is to play. The combination of strategy, luck, and friendly competition creates a thrilling experience that will keep you coming back for more. And as a bonus, you can even learn some disc golf terminology while playing!

Architects of the West Kingdom

Architects of the West Kingdom is a solo or up to 5 player, city-building game set at the end of the Carolingian Empire, circa 850 AD. Players are royal architects, competing to impress their king and their noble status, done so by constructing various landmarks throughout their newly appointed domain.
Each player has 20 workers where each turn they will place only 1 of them onto the Main Board. Throughout the game, players can recruit locals to capture groups of opponent’s workers at the Town Centre to later throw them into jail. However, an opponent can later visit the Guardhouse to release them at no cost. This is the primary way of returning workers in a game. Players can also have their positions on the Virtue Track altered throughout the game, with a lot of Virtue awarding Victory Points and low Virtue costing them at the end of the game.

Throughout each turn, players place workers and construct landmarks. This is done so until a set number of constructions have been completed. Once this happens, every player takes 1 more turn before the game concludes.

A player wins the game by obtaining the most Victory Points, done so by constructing various buildings and advancing work on the Cathedral as well as making many moral decisions throughout the game.

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game is a 2 player, tactical ship-to-ship combat game in which players take control of powerful Rebel X-wings and nimble Imperial TIE fighters, facing them against each other in fast-paced space combat. Recreating enticing Star Wars combat, players have the opportunity to select their crews, plan their manoeuvres and complete the three unique, featured missions, each with its own set of victory conditions and special rules. Gameplay incorporates use of dice and a Damage Deck of cards to determine damage, deciding the fate of your pilot..

That’s Pretty Clever!

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That’s Pretty Clever’, is a dice game that’offers an engaging experience that tickles the synapses of every type of gamer.

Understanding Game Mechanics

In ‘That’s Pretty Clever’, players are tasked with rolling dice to mark off more and more boxes on their player sheets. The game comes with six dice, each with a different color and value.

On your turn, you roll these six dice up to three times, keeping the dice you want each time. Each die value corresponds to a specific area of the player sheet where it can be applied.

The upper section involves numbers and matching these numbers to dice is key. Here, the dice are summed up, and the player marks off the difference between the sum and the highest number available (6 for purple, 5 for green, etc.).

The lower section’s three key elements are the blue area where consecutive numbers grant immediate points, the yellow area where players multiply their dice by other dice, and the green area where players select single dice to bolster their raw score at the game’s end.

Choices and strategies come with each roll. It’s easy to learn but difficult to master. 

The Lure of Dice and Strategy

Dice games often get a bad rap for being purely luck-based. However, ‘That’s Pretty Clever’ incorporates a sophisticated layer of strategy and planning. The dice, here, are more than just a random throw—they become the pillars upon which your cleverness is showcased.

Each dice choice influences your next decision, and the one after that, creating a feedback loop of planning and adjustment. The key to victory is in navigating this landscape to maximize efficiency and outwit your opponents. The best laid plans can be dashed by a single roll of the dice, but it’s how you adjust and utilize the options given to you that defines a winning play.

The blend of controlled randomness and tactical decision-making makes this game interesting. It replicates the tension and excitement of games like chess or poker, both known for stimulating strategic thinking and deep concentration.

Fun for All Types of Gamers

The game’s balance of simplicity and depth makes it a solid choice for introducing new members to the gaming fold, while also keeping the hardcore strategists tucked in at the edge of their seats. Its relatively quick playtime and low barrier to entry make it accessible, yet the depth of gameplay ensures lasting appeal.

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Welcome to the Rococo era during the reign of Louis XV when it’s safe to say that holding lavish balls is quite trendy. Important personalities wrap up in noble coats and dresses, anxious to outshine one another. As the biggest event is coming up in just a few weeks, everyone is turning to you with their requests: an elegant coat here, a stunning dress there, or a donation to fund the fireworks at the event. Soon you realize that it’s not just about your dressmaking business anymore — it’s about managing the most prestigious ball of the era…and now it’s time to ro(c)k!

Rokoko is a Eurostyle board game with an interesting take on deck-building. Each turn you play one of your employee cards and let that employee perform a task: hire a new employee, buy resources, manufacture a coat or dress, or invest in the ball’s decorations. But not every employee is up to every task, so you must choose and lead your employees wisely — especially since each employee grants a unique bonus and some of these bonuses generate prestige points.

After seven rounds, the game ends with the big ball and a final scoring. Then you gain prestige points for certain employee bonuses and for coats and dresses that you rent out to guests at the ball as well as for decorations that you funded. The player who collected the most prestige points wins.

Food Chain Magnate

Food Chain Magnate is a heavy strategy game about building a fast food chain. It focuses on building a company by using a card-driven (human) resource management system. In addition to competing on a city map, players compete on job markets as key staff members, marketing and sales. The game can be completed in 2-4 hours by 2-5 players.

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Grand Austria Hotel

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Vienna was one of the major centers of Europe at the turn of the 20th century. Artisans, politicians, nobles, citizens, and tourists walked the streets of the city, and the emperor ruled them all. It’s the Viennese Modern Age, and you’re a hotelier. That means expanding your little hotel and creating new rooms. Your guests demand great food. Provide a proper meal for each and every guest. Hire additional staff if necessary. Do not neglect to render homage to the emperor, or you will fall into disgrace pretty soon. You can turn your little hostel into the Grand Austria Hotel!  

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Great Western Trail

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The Great Western Trail Overview

Manage your cattle in the Wild West

‘The Great Western Trail’ dives into the Wild West. You take on the role of a cattle baron herding your livestock from Texas to Kansas. This epic journey isn’t just about rounding up the most cattle; it’s a complex web of strategic decisions, incorporating economics, ranching, and even some old-fashioned poker.

Game Mechanics

The brilliance of ‘The Great Western Trail’ lies in its game mechanics – the intricate set of rules and interactions that drive the game forward. Every turn, players must decide how to best utilize their hand of cards, the trail itself, and the various buildings they encounter along the way.

A Deck Stacked with Choices

At the heart of the game is the deck-building mechanic, nestled within the larger framework of strategic resource management. Players amass a deck of unique cards over the course of the game, each representing a significant aspect of their cattle ranching business. Whether it’s recruiting cowboys, trading for resources, or establishing new buildings, every card adds a layer of depth and choice to the gameplay.

The Cattle Run

The central gameplay mechanic revolves around moving cattle along the trail on their way to market. The trail is a series of spaces representing various terrains and challenges. The further you can drive your cattle without being turned back, the more money you’ll make when you finally sell them.

Shifting Lands, Shifting Strategies

One of the most compelling aspects of ‘The Great Western Trail’ is the dynamic trail itself. The game board features numerous possible paths, each with its own strategic advantages and considerations. Coupled with the dynamic placement of hazard spaces, no two games will unfold the same way, requiring a nimble and adaptable approach from players.

What makes The Great Western Trail Fun?

It’s the exquisite harmony of its parts – the gameplay, theme, and components all work together to create an experience that feels both familiar and fresh.

Art and Theme

The cards and board are beautifully designed according to its theme. This cohesive theme makes it an immersive experience.

Multiplayer Interactivity

The interaction between players is both indirect, through the buildings and placements they leave behind, and direct, through the strategic decisions they make in cards and cattle movement. This balance fosters an environment of competition and cooperation, where no player is truly out of the running until the final bell tolls.

Expansion and Replayability

A great game offers not only a fun experience but one that can be revisited time and time again. ‘The Great Western Trail’ accomplishes this with aplomb, thanks to its modular board setup, substantial deck-building component, and the inclusion of various expansion packs. Each new game can present fresh challenges and strategic opportunities, ensuring that the Wild West you’re creating never grows old.

Who Should Saddle Up for This Adventure?

Despite its thematic complexity and strategic depth, the game is surprisingly accessible, making it a hit with both seasoned board game connoisseurs and casual players looking for a longer, more engaging experience.

‘The Great Western Trail’ is likely to appeal to a broad audience due to its clever game design and depth. Fans of Euro-style board games, who appreciate the emphasis on strategy and economy, will find this game interesting.

Check out the 2nd edition which offers a solo mode, artwork and game component improvements. The 2nd edition introduces three key updates: two new private buildings per player, a solo mode, and a mini-expansion featuring maturing cows, adding a new layer to cattle management. These changes provide more strategic depth and gameplay flexibility.

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Andor: The Family Fantasy Game

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Andor: The Family Fantasy Game, a.k.a. Andor Junior, lets players choose from four heroes – magician, warrior, archer, or dwarf – before starting out on their quest to rescue the wolf cubs lost in the dwarven mine. Prior to searching for the wolf cubs, the heroes must first complete the tasks assigned by Mart, the old bridge guard. Upon completing all the tasks of the bridge guard, he will let you cross the bridge to the dwarven mines where you believe the wolf cubs are hiding. Watch out, though! The sly dragon is getting closer to the castle Rietburg as you head towards it. If it arrives at the castle before the heroes have completed their tasks and saved the wolf cubs, then the game is lost. You win if you find all the wolf cubs before the dragon reaches Reitburg!

The gameplay is similar to that of Legends of Andor, with each game offering new challenges that must be overcome together before the dragon reaches Rietburg.


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Workers place their heteronyms in Pythagoras Pessoa, since each player is a different heteronym, but all players are the same physical person (fernando pessoa). The game comes with two modules that can be switched on and off. With just the base game, Pessoa lends itself well as an advanced family game: simple rules and interesting decisions.

With the modules, it becomes a more complex game that tries to shed light on the complex figure that Fernando Pessoa was.

There are historical notes in the game’s rulebook explaining how theme and mechanisms are connected, providing a detailed historical background on this extraordinary poet and his metaphysical creations that each had their own personality and writing style.

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Trample Beasts

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Welcome to the strangelands, where nature thrives and beasts roam the plains, the forests, and the wind currents. You will strive to make your domain the most prosperous and powerful among the others.

To do so you will try to lure as many creatures as possible to your shire to overpower other competitors.

The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944

The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944 is a moderately complex game, but it covers all the important stuff. There are rules for the D-Day landings, the conquest of Cherbourg, the entry of German reinforcements, and the exiting and re-entering of the map. The game includes untried German strong points and the Ost battalions.

Featuring a single day of gaming and a small footprint that will allow it to be left set-up for solo study, The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944 is a must-have for fans of WWII operational games, the Dark system, or students of the campaign for northwest Europe.

In addition to the Cherbourg Box, the map extends southwest to Avranches and southeast to Alencon, allowing players to recreate the entire campaign from D-Day to the closing of the Falaise Gap in late August. It is primarily regiments/brigades, with some battalions, but the German mechanized forces are presented as operational kampfgruppen.

The Allies win by capturing Cherbourg, sending units to Brittany and Paris, and preventing Germans from leaving. However, the Allies win a sudden death victory if they capture all of the cities on the map before Turn 10 and the Germans win a sudden death victory by closing down any three Allied Beaches, two of which must be adjacent. Because of the unknown activation sequence, the Allies cannot take their landing beaches for granted in June!

Nemesis: Lockdown

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Sequel to the Nemesis board game Stand-alone sequel to Nemesis that also works with its expansions. 

If you’re a huge fan of strategy games, requiring you to outsmart opponents and dominate the game, then you will be drawn to ‘Nemesis: Lockdown’. With stunning visuals and an immersive soundtrack that sets the tone for the gameplay, the premise of this game enables you to assume the role of being a prisoner trying to escape a high-security space station infested with deadly creatures.

How to Play

Nemesis: Lockdown is a cooperative game that can be played with 1-5 players. Each player takes on the role of a prisoner with unique abilities and a shared goal of escaping the space station before time runs out. The gameplay involves exploring different areas of the station, completing objectives, and trying to avoid or defeat the alien creatures lurking in every corner.

The use of a “Nemesis” mechanic makes this game unique. At any point during the game, one player may be revealed as a traitor who will try to sabotage the group’s efforts and ultimately betray them. This adds an extra layer of tension and suspicion, making each playthrough unpredictable and exciting

Who Can Play

Nemesis: Lockdown is a perfect game for those who enjoy strategy, survival horror, and cooperative gameplay. It offers a unique experience every time you play, thanks to the various objectives, characters, and hidden agendas. The game can be challenging at times, but that only adds to the satisfaction of successfully escaping the station.

What Makes It Fun

The interaction between players makes this game truly enjoyable. Whether you’re working together to complete objectives or trying to figure out who the traitor is, it’s a game that promotes communication and teamwork. 

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Disney Villainous Perfectly Wretched

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You have 3 different Disney villains to choose from — Cruella De Vil, Mother Gothel, and Pete. The fate decks also feature your favorite protagonists like Pongo, Perdita, Sergeant Tibbs, Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, Paschal, Steamboat Willie, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and more!

Perfectly Wretched can be played as a standalone game or with the other games in the villainous line.

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Commands & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising

‘Commands & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising’ is a strategic war game set during the Jacobite Rising of 1745-46 in Scotland, where players take on the roles of either the British or Jacobite army. The goal is to defeat your opponent by strategically maneuvering your troops and eliminating their forces.

How to Play

Unlike traditional board games where each turn is a simple roll of the dice, ‘Commands & Colors Tricorne’ requires players to play specific command cards that dictate their actions for that turn. This adds an element of surprise and strategy, making each game different and challenging.

This game is incredibly engaging and entertaining. The attention to detail in the game design and artwork truly captured the essence of the time period, making it a visually appealing experience. Plus, learning about the history behind the conflict was an added bonus.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for both casual gamers and hardcore strategy fans. It is easy to learn but offers depth and complexity, making it suitable for players of all levels. And let’s not forget the fun factor – with its unique gameplay and historical theme, ‘Commands & Colors Tricorne’ is guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment.

What Makes It Fun

One thing I particularly appreciate about this game is its replayability. With various scenarios and expansions available, there is always something new to discover and master. It also fosters a sense of camaraderie and competition among players, making it perfect for game nights with friends and family.

1882: Assiniboia

If you love strategy games or are a fan of Canadian history then ‘1882: Assiniboia’ is the game for you

How to Play

In 1882: Assiniboia, players take on the roles of wealthy investors looking to make a fortune in Western Canada during the time of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The gameplay is divided into three rounds, each representing a decade in Canadian history.

During each round, players compete to build railways and develop towns along the railway routes. This involves bidding for construction contracts, managing resources such as money and materials, and making strategic decisions to outsmart their opponents. The ultimate goal is to have the most valuable railway network by the end of the game.

What I love about 1882: Assiniboia is that it combines elements of worker placement, resource management, and route building all in one game. This creates a dynamic and challenging experience where players must constantly adapt to changing circumstances and make tough decisions.

One of the unique mechanics in this game is the use of ‘Action Cards’ which can give players bonuses or hinder their opponents. These cards add an extra layer of strategy and unpredictability to the game, making it even more exciting.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for anyone who enjoys a good mix of history and strategy in their board games. It’s also great for players who love a challenge and don’t mind some friendly competition. The game is recommended for ages 12 and up, but younger players can still enjoy it with some guidance from older players.

What Makes It Fun

What really sets 1882: Assiniboia apart from other strategy games is its unique theme and historical setting. As someone who loves learning about Canadian history, playing this game was not only entertaining but also educational.

The gameplay itself is also incredibly immersive and strategic, keeping players engaged and on their toes until the very end. And of course, the friendly banter and rivalries between players adds to the overall fun of the game.

The Witcher Old World

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“The Witcher: Old World” dives into the vibrant and perilous universe of “The Witcher”. This game, blends strategy, narrative depth, and role-playing elements, inviting players to embody Witchers from various schools, each with distinctive traits and skills.

The objective is to gain renown by completing quests, hunting monsters, and challenging rivals.

The Gameplay

Gameplay involves activities such as quest completion, monster hunting, and engaging in duels with other Witchers, all woven into a compelling narrative that unfolds across a beautifully designed map of the Continent. Players navigate this map, facing challenges and making choices that influence their journey and the game’s outcome.

You explore a vast map comprising various terrains, cities, and dangerous locations, all while enhancing their character’s skills and arsenal through a card-driven system. The game cleverly integrates deck-building mechanics with movement and combat, requiring players to manage their cards for fighting monsters, interacting with NPCs, or dueling with other Witchers.

The game mechanics are built around deck-building and hand management. You will need to strategically acquire and utilize a range of ability cards that enhance your combat  skills, magical powers to allow you to adapt to various situations.

“The Witcher: Old World” successfully integrates immersive storytelling with dynamic strategic gameplay. The game captures the essence of the Witcher saga’s moral ambiguity and complex character interactions, offering players a genuinely engaging experience that varies significantly with each playthrough. This variability, combined with the game’s strategic depth appeals to a wide range of players, as well as fans”The Witcher” series.

What is the experience of those who have played The Witcher Old World?

  1. Quality Components:  The good quality and clarity of the board and cards, along with good quality plastics for the pieces.

  2. Edition Confusion when buying online: There is confusion and disappointment among some gamers regarding the edition of the game and the Deluxe Edition. This discrepancy has led to some frustration and calls for clearer product descriptions and imagery to match the actual product being sold.

  3. Gameplay and Immersion: Game is rated highly for its immersive experience and the quality of materials, despite minor typos. The game is praised for being more than just a simple move and action repetition, providing an engaging and lively pace that captures players’ imaginations.

  4. Typos in Story Cards: A few gamers note that typos within the story cards, while not numerous, are distracting. This criticism is especially pointed given the game’s high cost and the expectation of attention to detail

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A Quick Guide to Wingspan

‘Wingspan’ by Stonemaier Games is a game that caters to the strategic minds of seasoned players but also sparks the curious minds of casual gamers.

Wingspan is a card-driven, engine-building game where players assume the roles of bird enthusiasts—researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors—seeking to attract the best birds to their aviary. The game contains beautiful, hand-drawn bird cards, and captures the essence of each species in its own unique way.

From Humble Beginnings

Each player starts the game with a small collection of birds in their aviary. and aims to increase their collection by playing bird cards from an array of habitats. Each bird has its own special power—related to its diet, nesting preferences, and abilities and players will need to strategise on the types of birds to collect to gain the most points.

Flight Formation: The Gameplay of Wingspan

Three Stages of Aviary Growth

Wingspan is played over four rounds, each representing a season of the year. During each round, players will take turns performing various actions to grow their aviary and attract the most prestigious birds. There are two significant actions that players can take on their turn: playing bird cards from their hand and gaining food tokens from bird feeder dice.

Variety of moves

On the surface, the actions in Wingspan appear simple, but it’s the strategic depth of these moves that make the game soar. Players can focus on any of the three main bird habitats—the grasslands, the forest, and the wetlands—or on attracting birds with specific abilities that can synergize with one another to create complex and powerful effects.

Wingspan’s Game Mechanics: The Nuts and Bolts of Flight

Engine-Building at Its Core

Wingspan’s gameplay is based off engine-building mechanics. As players accumulate more birds with unique abilities, they create a system, or engine, that generates various resources like eggs, food, and additional bird cards. These resources then fuel the engine, helping the player to attract even more birds and allow them to take more powerful actions.

What Makes Wingspan Fun?

Strategic Depth

One of Wingspan’s most lauded qualities is its depth of strategy. The game’s balance between tactical card play and operational efficiency rewards careful planning and can challenge even the most seasoned strategy game enthusiast. Whether it’s managing the timing of certain birds’ abilities or specializing in a particular habitat, there are numerous paths to victory.

Educational Component

Wingspan stands out as a game that not only entertains but also educates. The game features over a hundred unique birds from various continents, and each card includes scientific information about the species. You find yourself learning about the avian world, sparking an interest in nature beyond the tabletop.

Who Will Find Wingspan Fun?

Nature Lovers and Birdwatchers

If you find joy in observing and learning about birds and nature, Wingspan offers a thematic gameplay experience like no other. With its stunning illustrations and diverse avian roster, the game can be a delightful way to spend an evening, bridging the gap between the indoor and outdoor worlds of wildlife.

Strategy Gamers

The strategic elements of Wingspan, including resource management, engine-building, and player interaction, provide a challenge for those who enjoy mentally engaging games. The balance between short-term tactical decisions and long-term planning makes Wingspan a favorite among players who appreciate a game with complexity and depth.

Social and Casual Gamers

Wingspan is not overly complex, making it accessible to casual gamers. The game is well-paced, and its progression is intuitive, encouraging players to explore and experiment as they familiarize themselves with the mechanics. The casual gamer will appreciate the gradual learning curve and the satisfaction of building their very own bird sanctuary. Wingspan also encourages interaction. While games can be competitive, there is a social aspect of sharing the beauty of birds that you have collected.

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Puerto Rico

In Puerto Rico, players assume the roles of colonial governors on the island of Puerto Rico. The aim of the game is to amass victory points by shipping goods to Europe or by constructing buildings.

Each player uses a separate small board with spaces for city buildings, plantations, and resources. Shared between the players are three ships, a trading house, and a supply of resources and doubloons.

The resource cycle of the game is that players grow crops which they exchange for points or doubloons. Doubloons can then be used to buy buildings, which allow players to produce more crops or give them other abilities. Buildings and plantations do not work unless they are manned by colonists.

During each round, players take turns selecting a role card from those on the table (such as “Trader” or “Builder”). When a role is chosen, every player gets to take the action appropriate to that role. The player that selected the role also receives a small privilege for doing so – for example, choosing the “Builder” role allows all players to construct a building, but the player who chose the role may do so at a discount on that turn. Unused roles gain a doubloon bonus at the end of each turn, so the next player who chooses that role gets to keep any doubloon bonus associated with it. This encourages players to make use of all the roles throughout a typical course of a game.

Puerto Rico uses a variable phase order mechanism in which a “governor” token is passed clockwise to the next player at the conclusion of a turn. The player with the token begins the round by choosing a role and taking the first action.

Players earn victory points for owning buildings, for shipping goods, and for manned “large buildings.” Each player’s accumulated shipping chips are kept face down and come in denominations of one or five. This prevents other players from being able to determine the exact score of another player. Goods and doubloons are placed in clear view of other players and the totals of each can always be requested by a player. As the game enters its later stages, the unknown quantity of shipping tokens and its denominations require players to consider their options before choosing a role that can end the game.

Carcassonne Big Box

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  • STRATEGY GAME – PLAN YOUR WAY TO VICTORY: Build the fortress city of your dreams one tile at a time. If you want to block a city’s growth or connect with your opponent’s road to share the points, then Carcassonne allows you to use your cunning and outsmart your opponent.
  • ELEGANT GAME MECHANICS: Players fill in the landscape around the medieval fortified city with tiles that depict cities, roads, monasteries, and fields; each addition expands the board on which players can then add followers.
  • Select from over 150 tiles and 7 types of meeples to create your own medieval landscape. The map grows, and so does the opportunity for players to disrupt one another. It’s all about clever tile placement!
  • INCLUDES CARCASSONNE BASE GAME AND 11 EXPANSIONS: “Inns & Cathedrals”, “Traders & Builders”, “The Abbot”, “The River”, “The Flying Machines”, “The Ferries”, “The Messengers”, “The Gold Mines”, “Mage & Witch”, “The Robbers”, and “The Crop Circles”
  • Each expansion can be played in any combination with the base game, ensuring a unique experience every time. Exciting new twists are added to the game with each expansion. In every expansion, there are always new strategies to learn and secrets to discover.

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Star Wars: Outer Rim

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In Star Wars: Outer Rim, you take on the role of an underworld denizen, setting out to make your mark on the galaxy. You’ll travel the outer rim in your own ship, hire legendary Star Wars characters, and try to become the most infamous (or famous) outlaw in the galaxy!

However, warring factions of the galaxy roam the outer rim, hunting down scum that have proven to be a thorn in their side, and other scoundrels looking to make their mark see you as the ideal target. Have you got what it takes to survive in the outer rim?

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Magic: The Gathering


This entry is to allow for discussion/rating of the game system as a whole. It is not for a specific product or release. Versions will appear on the individual item pages.

From the official website: In the Magic game, you play the role of a planeswalker—a powerful wizard who fights other planeswalkers for glory, knowledge, and conquest. Your deck of cards represents all the weapons in your arsenal. It contains the spells you know and the creatures you can summon to fight for you.

This is the grandfather of the collectible card game (or CCG) genre. Cards are categorized as common, uncommon, rare, and mythic rare. Players collect cards and build decks out of their collection.

Players build a deck of cards and duel against an opponent’s deck. Players are wizards attempting to reduce their opponent’s life total to zero. The first player to reduce his opponent’s life to zero (or meet another set win condition) wins the game.

An important part of the game is deck construction, which is done prior to the actual game by selecting what cards are included in a particular deck. There are nearly 20,000 different cards from which to build your deck!

Cards can be lands, which usually generate mana of various colors, or spells, which require a certain amount of mana to be used. Some cards (creatures, artifacts, and enchantments) stay on the board and continue to affect the game, while others have a one-time effect.

Players randomly draw spells to see what they get and can play each turn. Although this limits your choices, there is a lot of strategy in how you play those spells. A robust list of game mechanics, including intricate rules for reactive card play called “the stack,” provide for rich tactics and tough choices each turn.

Though traditionally a two-player duel, there are several casual and tournament formats to Magic that allow more players to play.

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Tyrants of the Underdark

Tyrants of the Underdark is a territory control game with a deck-building element.

Each player leads a house of Drow in a section of the Underdark below the Sword Coast. The Drow house is represented by a deck of cards, with each card being a minion in that player’s deck. Each minion belongs to one of five aspects of Drow society, and those aspects correspond to different strategies in the game, e.g., malice minions excel at assassinating opponents’ troops, while ambition minions are best at recruiting additional minions and promoting minions to your “inner circle”, which is a special zone that increases their value at the end of the game.

When you set up the game, you create an 80-card deck by shuffling two 40-card half-decks together, with the half-decks being Drow, Dragons, Demons, and Elementals.

A central marketplace has new minions that can be recruited through influence, one of two resources in the game; purchased cards are placed in your discard pile, then shuffled together with other cards in your deck when needed. The other resource is power, which allows you to place troops on the game board, expand your forces across the map of the Underdark, manipulate happenings in the city, and assassinate enemy troops.

Players gain points by controlling sites, recruiting valuable minions, promoting minions to your inner circle, and assassinating troops, and whoever ends the game with the most points wins.

The Waters of Oblivion: The British Invasions of Argentina 1806-1807

(from the company website)

The British invasions of the Rio de la Plata were a series of unsuccessful attempts to seize control of the Spanish colonies located around the La Plata Basin in South America (today part of Argentina and Uruguay). The invasions took place between 1806 and 1807, as part of the Napoleonic Wars, when Spain was an ally of France. The invasions occurred in two phases. A detachment from the British Army occupied Buenos Aires for 46 days in 1806 before being expelled. In 1807, a second force occupied Montevideo, remaining for several months, and a third force made a second attempt to take Buenos Aires. After several days of street-fighting against the local militia and Spanish colonial army, in which half of the British forces were killed or wounded, the British were forced to withdraw.

THE WATERS OF OBLIVION is an operational level wargame of the British attempt to conquer the River Plate area in 1806-1807. There are two players in each game. One player controls Spanish and Platense forces, the other commands the British forces. The game uses a simple, but realistic, system to model Napoleonic operations at this scale. Basically, each player’s turn consists of the following components:

Reinforcement: Place new units on the map.
Siege: attempt to reduce enemy fortresses by using siege units.
Movement: attempt to move friendly forces by using the March Table; (since command control in this area was limited at best, movement itself can be problematic).
Combat: friendly forces adjacent to enemy forces may attack them.
Logistics: out of supply units may be removed from the map.


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Bardsung is an epic role-playing board game that will transport you into a world of fantasy and magic. As a player, you get to create your own character with unique abilities and skills. You can be a cunning rogue, a powerful mage, a fearless warrior or any other character that your imagination can conjure up.

How to play

You and your fellow players must embark on a journey to defeat the evil overlord who threatens to destroy the kingdom. The game is played in rounds where each round represents a different location in the kingdom. As you progress through the game, you will face challenges, engage in battles and interact with non-player characters. The outcome of these encounters will determine how your character evolves throughout the game.

Instead of using dice or cards to determine outcomes, players must use a set of runes that represent different elements such as fire, ice or lightning. These runes add an element of surprise and strategy to the game, making it both challenging and exciting.

Who Can Play

‘Bardsung’ is perfect for those who love adventure, fantasy and a good challenge.

What Makes It Fun

‘Bardsung’ is so fun as it engages your creativity, problem-solving skills and teamwork abilities.

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Merchants of the Dark Road

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Merchants of the Dark Road uses a rondel-style action system, which involves planning many steps ahead. Ride your wagon around to buy and sell things, recruit heroes, and deliver your wares to Lumi’s outlying cities. Become the richest and most prestigious merchant by joining your opponent’s caravans at the right time.

You’ll have to ship goods through bloodthirsty beasts and raiding gangs in Merchants of the Dark Road.

Each turn, players assign meeples to different tasks in order to load their caravans with items from the big city. Next, they travel to distant villages along dark roads. Merchants of the Dark Road has plenty of dangers despite being a family-friendly game, with bandit raids and monster ambushes awaiting players.

You can buy it here

Game of Life Super Mario Edition

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If you’re a die-hard fan of both the classic board game and the iconic video game character, ‘Game of Life Super Mario Edition’ is perfect for you.

The basic gameplay is similar to the original ‘Game of Life’ where players spin a wheel, move their tokens along the board and make decisions that will impact their future. However, what sets this edition apart is the incorporation of elements from the beloved Super Mario franchise.

How to Play

As players navigate through the game, they encounter familiar characters and places such as Mushroom Kingdom, Bowser’s Castle and even the infamous Warp Pipes. The objective remains the same – to collect coins and stars, but with a fun twist that only Mario can bring.

Apart from the traditional gameplay mechanics, ‘Game of Life Super Mario Edition’ also introduces special power-up cards that players can use to gain an advantage or hinder their opponents. These cards, with designs inspired by items from the Super Mario universe, add an extra layer of excitement and strategy to the game.

Additionally, players can choose between four unique player tokens – Mario, Luigi, Peach and Yoshi – each with their own abilities that can turn the tides of the game.

Who Can Play

This board game is perfect for all ages, whether you are an avid fan of Super Mario or just looking for a fun and engaging activity to enjoy with friends and family. Even if you have never played the original ‘Game of Life’, this edition’s theme and gameplay make it easy to pick up and play.

What Makes It Fun

The incorporation of elements from the video game adds an extra layer of enjoyment for fans, while still staying true to the core gameplay that makes ‘Game of Life’ so beloved, allowing for nostalgia. But what truly makes this game fun is the friendly competition it creates amongst players. With every spin of the wheel and decision made, there’s a sense of anticipation and excitement as you try to outsmart your opponents and become the ultimate winner.

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Pandemic Iberia

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Introduction to ‘Pandemic Iberia’

“Pandemic Iberia” places players in the mid-19th century, a period rife with medical challenges, to tackle the historical diseases spreading across the Iberian Peninsula. This standalone game, a spin-off from the”Pandemic” series, adds unique historical and geographical twists that enhance the gameplay experience.

Gameplay and Objectives

In “Pandemic Iberia”, players collaborate as members of a medical team equipped with unique roles such as the Railwayman, the Rural Doctor, the Sailor, and more. The primary objective is to research diseases—such as malaria, typhus, cholera, and yellow fever—while also treating afflicted populations to prevent outbreaks and regional epidemics.

The game mechanics closely mirror the original game, “Pandemic“, where action points are used to travel between cities, treat diseases, build infrastructure, and share knowledge. “Pandemic Iberia”also  introduces several unique elements:

  • Building Railroads: Players can construct railroads between cities, facilitating faster movement across the board which is critical for effective disease management.
  • Purifying Water: This novel mechanic allows players to prevent the spread of disease in a particular region, adding an additional layer of strategic depth to the game.

What Makes ‘Pandemic Iberia’ Fun?

The charm of “Pandemic Iberia” lies in its ability to blend historical realism with engaging cooperative gameplay. The historical setting not only provides a picturesque backdrop but also introduces players to the challenges of disease management before the era of modern medicine. This historical authenticity is a compelling draw for both history buffs and board game enthusiasts alike.



In Viticulture, the players find themselves in the roles of people in rustic, pre-modern Tuscany who have inherited meager vineyards. They have a few plots of land, an old crushpad, a tiny cellar, and three workers. They each have a dream of being the first to call their winery a true success.

The players are in the position of determining how they want to allocate their workers throughout the year. Every season is different on a vineyard, so the workers have different tasks they can take care of in the summer and winter. There’s competition over those tasks, and often the first worker to get to the job has an advantage over subsequent workers.

Fortunately for the vineyard owners, people love to visit wineries, and it just so happens that many of those visitors are willing to help out around the vineyard when they visit as long as you assign a worker to take care of them. Their visits (in the form of cards) are brief but can be very helpful.

Using those workers and visitors, the vineyard owners can expand their vineyards by building structures, planting vines, and filling wine orders, working towards the goal of running the most successful winery in Tuscany.

Viticulture Essential Edition includes the base game of Viticulture and a few of the most popular modules from the original Tuscany expansion, including Mamas & Papas, Fields (previously known as Properties), expanded and revised Visitors, and Automa cards for a solo variant, along with a few minor rule changes.

Stone Age

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The “Stone Age” times were hard indeed. In their roles as hunters, collectors, farmers, and tool makers, our ancestors worked with their legs and backs straining against wooden plows in the stony earth. Of course, progress did not stop with the wooden plow. People always searched for better tools and more productive plants to make their work more effective. In Stone Age, the players live in this time, just as our ancestors did. They collect wood, break stone and wash their gold from the river. They trade freely, expand their village and so achieve new levels of civilization. With a balance of luck and planning, the players compete for food in this pre-historic time. Players use up to ten tribe members each in three phases. In the first phase, players place their men in regions of the board that they think will benefit them, including the hunt, the trading center, or the quarry. In the second phase, the starting player activates each of their staffed areas in whatever sequence they choose, followed in turn by the other players. In the third phase, players must have enough food available to feed their populations, or they face losing resources or points.

Captain Sonar

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At the bottom of the ocean, no one will hear you scream! In Captain Sonar, you and your teammates control a state-of-the-art submarine and are trying to locate an enemy submarine in order to blow it out of the water before they can do the same to you. Every role is important, and the confrontation is merciless. Be organized and communicate because a captain is nothing without his crew: the Chief Mate, the Radio Operator, and the Engineer. All the members of a team sit on one side of the table, and they each take a particular role on the submarine, with the division of labor for these roles being dependent on the number of players in the game: One player might be the captain, who is responsible for moving the submarine and announcing some details of this movement; another player is manning the sonar in order to listen to the opposing captain’s orders and try to decipher where that sub might be in the water; a third player might be working in the munitions room to prepare torpedoes, mines and other devices that will allow for combat. Captain Sonar can be played in two modes: turn-by-turn or simultaneous. In the latter set-up, all the members of a team take their actions simultaneously while trying to track what the opponents are doing, too. When a captain is ready to launch an attack, the action pauses for a moment to see whether a hit has been recorded — then play resumes with the target having snuck away while the attacker paused or with bits of metal now scattered across the ocean floor. Multiple maps are included with varying levels of difficulty.

Dominion: Prosperity

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Released in late 2010, Prosperity is the 4th addition to the Dominion game family. It adds 25 new Kingdom cards to Dominion, plus 2 new Basic cards that let players keep building up past Gold and Province. The central theme is wealth; there are treasures with abilities, cards that interact with treasures, and powerful expensive cards. (Source: ) From the back of the box: “Ah, money. There’s nothing like the sound of coins clinking in your hands. You vastly prefer it to the sound of coins clinking in someone else’s hands, or the sound of coins just sitting there in a pile that no-one can quite reach without getting up. Getting up, that’s all behind you now. Life has been good to you. Just ten years ago, you were tilling your own fields in a simple straw hat. Today, your kingdom stretches from sea to sea, and your straw hat is the largest the world has ever known. You also have the world’s smallest dog, and a life-sized statue of yourself made out of baklava. Sure, money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy envy, anger, and also this kind of blank feeling. You still have problems – troublesome neighbours that must be conquered. But this time, you’ll conquer them in style.” Part of the Dominion series.

Res Arcana

In it, Life, Death, Elan, Calm, and Gold are the essences that fuel the art of magic. Choose your mage, gather essences, craft unique artifacts, and use them to summon dragons, conquer places of power, and achieve victory!

A game typically lasts 4-6 rounds. In each round, players do these steps:

Collect essences: performs any Collect abilities, and may take essences from components.
Do actions, 1 per turn, clockwise from the First Player: place an artifact, claim a monument or Place of Power, discard a card for 1 Gold or any 2 other essences, use a power on a straightened component, or pass: exchange magic items and draw 1 card. Play continues until all players have passed.
Pass procedure: If you are first to pass, take the First Player token, swap your magic item for a different magic item, draw 1 card.
Check victory points (10+ VPs). If no one has won: straighten all turned components, and begin the next round.

Bora Bora

Stake your fortunes in the mysterious island world of Bora Bora. Journey across islands, building huts where the resilient men and women of your tribes can settle, discovering fishing grounds and collecting shells. Send priests to the temples, and gather offerings to curry favor with the gods.

In Bora Bora, players use dice to perform a variety of actions using careful insight and tactical planning. The heart of the game is its action resolution system in which 5-7 actions are available each round, the exact number depending on the number of players. Each player rolls three dice at the start of the round, then they take turns placing one die at a time on one action. Place a high number on an action, and you’ll generally get a better version of that action: more places to build, more choices of people to take, better positioning on the temple track, and so on. Place a low number and you’ll get a worse action – but you’ll possibly block other players from taking the action at all as in order to take an action you must place a die on it with a lower number than any die already on the action.

Three task tiles on a player’s individual game board provide some direction as to what he might want to do, while god tiles allow for special actions and rule-breaking, as gods are wont to do. The player who best watches how the game develops and uses the most effective strategy will prevail.

Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium

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Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium,’ is an expansion to the award-winning game Terraforming Mars. It adds two new maps to the game and expands the gameplay mechanics even further. In this blog post, we’re going to explore what ‘Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium’ has to offer, and why it is worth playing.

2 New Maps with additional cards, challenges, and objectives

The main highlight of the ‘Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium’ expansion is undoubtedly the new maps. It offers two new terrains, Hellas and Elysium, which are both set on Mars’s southern hemisphere. Each new terrain comes with a new set of cards, challenges, and objectives, making it an exciting and refreshing experience for seasoned ‘Terraforming Mars’ players. The two new terrains also mean that the game’s replay value has significantly increased, as players can diversify their strategies and approach to each map.

Increased focus on resource management

One of the key elements that make ‘Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium’ a captivating game is resource management. The new expansion pack focuses on this aspect even more than the base game. As your resources are scarce, you must make critical decisions about which resources to prioritize and how to optimize their usage. 

Who is it suitable for?

The game mechanics of the ‘Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium expansion pack are suitable for seasoned Terraforming Mars players and those who enjoy thinking strategically and planning ahead. This is unlikely to appeal to a casual gaming audience as you will need to dedicate time and effort to understand the game mechanics to come up with a winning strategy, which can take a couple of games to pick up.


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Coffee Roaster

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Creating the perfect coffee: That is your task as a COFFEE ROASTER in this one-player game. Twenty-two different varieties of coffee are waiting for you to prove your roasting skills – either in the single choice or in the roast challenge.
To begin with, it is important to roast the coffee beans (that are still hard at this point) evenly and screen out unpleasant pieces. Then the freshly roasted beansare processed, and finally the decisive cup-testing takes place: Will you be the next master roaster? Find out!

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Borders of Kanta

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After a mysterious calamity struck, the Realm of Kanta has reopened its borders. Clans now compete to rebuild their wealth by claiming the lands they lost. Allied states now dominate the economy. Every clan sends its own envoys to claim states, thereby opening borders.

Riches flow to participating clans when six states share open borders. Competing clans are suppressed by neighbouring allies.

A player chooses one of eight role cards that identify their clan and its strengths. The aim is to be the wealthiest in this new era. A bird’s eye view of Kanta’s realm is superimposed over a hexagonal grid representing the realm’s states in the game.

Each player starts with the same number of hexagon tiles (anywhere from 8 to 20 depending on the number of players). Each of these “council tiles” represents a group of six members from your clan. Each turn, you send these councils out to reclaim states, placing one tile.

Rings of claimed states provide players with wealth. Clans earn gold for each of the six claimed states, proportionately to the amount of representation that clan has in each ring. 

Players also gain wealth and abilities through action cards. Earn cards by claiming several states that produce the same type of resource (e.g. 3 wood-producing states).

Perils and opportunities abound, including states still dealing with the plague, and mysterious island states.

The game ends when everyone has placed all of their tiles. The player with the most wealth (consisting of coins and coin value of action cards in hand) wins.

Star Wars: Destiny

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Star Wars Destiny: A Fun and Engaging Card and Dice Game

Star Wars Destiny is a unique blend of a card and dice game, with a fan base that has grown as rapidly.

Gameplay Mechanics: The Weaving of Fate and Strategy

At the heart of Star Wars Destiny lies its intricate gameplay mechanics, Each player assembles a team of characters, equipped with a deck of cards and corresponding dice. The objective is to outmaneuver and outlast your opponent.

The game is structured around rounds, where players take turns executing an action – whether it’s playing a card, activating a character for abilities or dice, or resolving dice to deal damage or claim resources. The division between character cards and upgrade cards, along with support and event cards, provides depth in deck construction and diverse playstyles, from aggressive to control-based strategies.

Dice are key to each character and upgrade card.  They introduce an element of chance and offer versatility in the type of actions you can perform and can turn the tide of battle in an instant. Players must not only anticipate their opponent’s moves but also be prepared to adapt to the unpredictable outcomes of their dice rolls.

Riding the X-Wing of Fun: The Star Wars Destiny Experience

What exactly makes Destiny worthy of your tabletop time? The game’s blend of strategy and luck keeps the experience dynamic and engaging. No two games are ever the same, and the thrill of a last-minute comeback is always just a dice roll away.

For Star Wars fans, the ability to recreate iconic starship duels or lightsaber battles between legendary characters of the saga is a dream come true. The game’s artwork and thematic integration truly make you feel like you’re battling across the galaxy. For gaming enthusiasts, the unique mechanics offer a learning curve that rewards investment and skill – making every win truly satisfying.

Beyond the surface-level fan service, Destiny stands out amongst card and dice games for its fluid mechanics and quick pace. It’s a game that can be enjoyed by casual players looking for a one-off game as much as it is by dedicated enthusiasts building their decks and strategizing for high-stakes tournaments.

Who does Star Wars Destiny Appeal to?

Star Wars Destiny has carved out a niche that appeals to Star Wars aficionados, tabletop gamers hungry for a new challenge, and strategy game enthusiasts alike. It’s the perfect storm of appealing to a distinct audience while also broadening that appeal through its gameplay mechanics and theme.

For the fans, the allure of seeing their favorite characters and lore come to life in game form is a potent draw. The immersion that comes with commanding a team of heroes and villains, making critical decisions, and feeling the rush of the unknown through dice rolls, taps directly into the visceral thrills that have defined their fandom.

Tabletop enthusiasts appreciate the game’s balanced mix of luck and skill. Star Wars Destiny requires strategic planning and adaptability while offering the kind of narrative-driven gameplay that makes for memorable sessions among friends. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the hobby, Destiny offers something that many other tabletop games can’t – the thrill of the Star Wars universe at your fingertips.

For those intrigued by the melding of Star Wars lore with card and dice game mechanics, Star Wars Destiny offers a rich and compelling experience. As you assemble your team and engage in strategic battles, the game weaves together chance and choice in a way that’s as fun as it is immersive.

The unpredictability and spirit of competition ensure that each match is an adventure, presenting opportunities to strategize, plan, and experience the thrills of creative decision-making. This is not just a game for Star Wars fans – it’s an experience designed to test your wits and fill every game night with cinematic action.

So, whether you stand in the ranks of the Rebel Alliance or the legions of the sinister Empire, grab your dice, stack your deck, and venture into the Star Wars Destiny universe. After all, the game’s stopwatch is set to your pace, and the force of enjoyment is strong with this one.

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Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue

Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue is a cooperative game set in an action-movie universe for 1 to 12 players, ages 13 and up. Players control teams of survivors as they fight off a zombie horde controlled by the game itself. Survivors find weapons, battle zombies, and gain experience. The more experienced they get, the more powerful they become, but the more zombies they attract!

Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue introduces a terrifying new zombie type: the Skinner Zombie! Make sure you put these zombies down hard, otherwise something might come crawling for you! And don’t forget Season 3’s new big bad is the A-Bomb Abomination! An Abomination so twisted and mutated that its elongated arms can drag you back to it as you try to escape!

With all these new foes you’re going to need to team up if you want to survive!! Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue introduces teams into the Zombicide franchise! Players pick from the largest pool of survivors in a Zombicide game yet and form teams to scavenge, loot, and kill zombies! And if you really want to shred through the shuffling dead, you’ll first need to make sure your team has skills that complement each other well.

Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue has new zombies, new weapons, new survivors, and even new team mechanics, but the biggest game changer of all is the new optional Player versus Player rule set! Yes, in Rue Morgue players’ teams can go toe-to-toe to see which set of Survivors really deserve to survive! If the zombie apocalypse isn’t horrifying enough for you, then prepare to face off against the deadliest foe yet: Man!

Disney Villainous: Wicked to the Core

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Disney Villains have their own objectives and goals in this asymmetrical game. There are 3 Disney Villains to choose from: Hades, Dr. Facilier, and the Evil Queen. As well as Hercules and Zeus, you’ll find Meg, Tiana, Prince Naveen, Louis, Ray, Mama Odie, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs in the fate decks!

Game night fun for Disney fans and families – Wicked to the core is a great game to play with friends or family and makes a great gift for Disney fans!

Aside from being a standalone game, Wicked to the Core can also be played with the other Villainous games: The original Villainous (The Worst Takes It All), Evil Comes Prepared, and Perfectly Wretched.

Instructions are clear and easy to understand! Each villain has a guide, and these guides will inspire you to craft the most successful plan possible!

In this expansion, you’ll find two obscure villains in Dr Facielier and Hades, but don’t let that put you off, their decks are incredible, and they add a much-needed change of pace to the game.

It’s the same Evil Queen, who draws specific cards and kills the hero, but it’s not too complicated so it’s forgiven for being the same.

It’s a great deck for Hercules fans, especially because they really work the theme.

Secret Hitler

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If you are looking for a new and exciting game to play with friends. Secret Hitler may be a good choice. The  game is not as controversial or serious as its name may suggest. In fact, it’s pretty enjoyable and engaging.


Secret Hitler is a social deduction game set in pre-World War II Germany. Players are divided into two teams – Liberals and Fascists – with one player secretly chosen to be Hitler. Each team has its own objectives.

Secret roles and identities

At the start, each player is secretly assigned to one of the two teams and given a role as a Liberal, Fascist, or Hitler. The Fascists know each other’s identities, but the Liberals do not.

Electing President and Chancellor

In each round, players elect a President and a Chancellor by voting. These roles rotate among players as the game progresses.

Legislative Session

Once a government is elected, the President draws three policy cards (which can be Liberal or Fascist policies) and discards one. The Chancellor then chooses between the remaining two to enact.

Enacting a policy

The policy enacted by the Chancellor reveals nothing about their loyalty, as they might be forced to enact a policy against their team due to the available choices.

Special Powers

As Fascist policies are passed, the President gains special powers, like investigating a player’s loyalty, choosing the next presidential candidate, or even assassinating a player.

Winning the Game:

Liberals win by either passing five Liberal policies or successfully assassinating Hitler.

Fascists win by passing six Fascist policies or if Hitler is elected Chancellor after three Fascist policies have been enacted.

Game Mechanics

The game mechanics of Secret Hitler are straightforward to understand. The game has high replayability. Each round is different, and the roles assigned to players are random, keeping the game fresh and exciting every time you play.

The game can accommodate 5-10 players, making it perfect for small or large gatherings. It also has an average playing time of 45 minutes, which is just enough to keep everyone engaged without feeling too long.

Who Might Like This Game?

If you enjoy games that involve strategy, deduction, and teamwork, then Secret Hitler is definitely a game you should try. 

The game’s theme and setting add a unique twist to the gameplay, making it more immersive and thought-provoking. 

What Makes It Fun?

Aside from the intense gameplay, Secret Hitler is a fun and hilarious game to play with friends. As players try to deceive each other and figure out who’s on their team, there are bound to be some memorable moments and inside jokes.

The game also encourages players to use their imagination and come up with creative strategies, adding an element of creativity to the mix.

And let’s not forget the satisfaction of successfully deceiving your opponents or figuring out their true intentions.

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Carcassonne: Expansion 2 – Traders & Builders

The second major expansion to the original game of Carcassonne, Traders & Builders contains 24 tiles with new features such as Bridges and Cities.

Some tiles also feature symbols for the goods Wine, Cloth and Wheat. Players collect one of these goods when the feature that has it on the tile is scored. Players with the most of each type of good gets bonus points at the end of the game. There is a popular house rule that allows the trading of goods between players in exchange for other goods and the ability to chose where a tile is placed. There are also two new wooden playing pieces in this expansion. The Builder is like a meeple in that it may be placed in a city or road as a kind of supervisor. A subsequent tile extension of the feature the Builder is in allows the player another tile placement. Farmers will also be able to place a new Pig pawn in a field for extra points at the end of the game.

Finally, Traders & Builders comes with a large cloth bag. Not only does this make it easier to keep and handle the tiles, but it also removes the problem of having non-identical backsides.

Carcassonne: Traders & Builders Expansion Play Summary

Traders – Some of the new city tiles depict goods: wine, grain and/or cloth. When you complete a city, your own or someone else’s, you collect a matching token for each good in the city. At game end, whoever has the most goods in each category scores an additional 10 points.
Builders – Each player receives a builder meeple in his color. You can add your builder to any city or road you already have in progress. Now anytime you add a tile to that city or road, you immediately get to take another turn. The builder does not count as a follower for determining control of a city or road.
Pig – You can add your pig to one of your farms to enrich its value. A farm with a pig scores 4 points per completed city served instead of the usual 3.
Traders & Builders is playable with or without the first expansion.
Part of the Carcassonne series

Some versions of HiG Scandinavian release, blue box, has The River I included.

Railways of the World

Railways of the World (2009) is the new edition of the base game for Eagle Games’ popular Railways of the World series, first published as Railroad Tycoon in 2005. It reimplements the original game with several improvements.

Revisit the early days of the Age of Steam as you begin with a locomotive (the venerable John Bull, the first locomotive to run in North America) and a vision (your Tycoon “mission” card). From there, build your budding railroad network into a vast empire. Connect New York to Chicago, earn the most money, develop bigger and faster locomotives and maybe even span North America and build the Transcontinental Railway!

Multiple expansions featuring different maps are available. Railways of the World is the new base game for the system and includes the engine placards, railroad tiles, train tokens, money, bonds, and other items that are needed in almost all the Railways of the World series. A gameboard depicting the eastern half of the United States is included in the base game, as well as a mounted map of Mexico.

This game is preceded by the designer’s other Winsome train games: Age of Steam, Australian Railways, Volldampf, New England Railways, Veld Spoorweg, Lancashire Railways, and Ferrocarriles Pampas. Railroad Tycoon was the result of a collaboration with Glenn Drover, in which the mechanics and game-play of Martin Wallace’s Age of Steam were simplified and streamlined and attractive over-produced components were added, in order to make Railroad Tycoon more appealing to less hardcore gamers and more accessible to a wider audience.

A revised reprint was published at the end of 2010 which made some component improvements, such as the addition of Railroad Operation cards for the Mexico map.

Complete series overview – The Railways of the World Series: Introducing the family members of the ideal medium-weight train game

Note: The RailRoad Tycoon board itself is gigantic (about 36×45 inches, 91×114 cm) and requires a huge table or playing on the floor.

Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery

Designed by Glenn Drover, this boardgame allows you to revisit the age of exploration and discovery. Take on the role of a colonial power seeking fame, glory, and riches in the New World. As you proceed through three ages, you can launch expeditions of discovery, colonize regions, expand your merchant fleet, build capitol buildings that give your nation distinct advantages, develop your economy, and, if necessary, declare war.

Though originally published for 5 players, the game is playable by 6 with the original components and board configuration with addition of a set of figures in another color. This was originally offered as an “expansion” and an incentive to pre-order the game. A 6 player expansion is also in the Glenn Drover’s Empires: Builder Expansion, along with new capital buildings and National Advantage tiles.

Not to be confused with Age of Discovery.


Europe in the age of imperialism. International investors try to achieve the greatest influence in Europe. With their bonds, they control the politics of the six imperial nations: Austria-Hungary, Italy, France, Great Britain, the German Empire, and Russia. The nations erect factories, build fleets, and deploy armies. The investors watch as their nations expand, wage wars, levy taxes, and collect the proceeds. Since the European nations are under the shifting influence of different investors, new strategic alliances and conflicts arise between them again and again!

Each player represents an international investor. Only he who succeeds in increasing his capital and gaining influence in the most powerful European nations will win the imperial competition.

Imperial is a varied strategy game without the luck of dice or cards. Two to six players, from about twelve years and up, take on the role of imperial investors. The duration of the game is about two to three hours.


Altiplano is a bag-building game along the lines of Orléans, set in the South American highlands of the Andes (the “Altiplano”). The competition for limited resources is considerable, as it was in Orléans, but the greater focus in Altiplano is on building up your own production to be the best that it can be – or at least better than that of the other players!

Each player starts with a unique role tile, giving them access to different goods and methods of production. Players have limited access to production at the start, but they can acquire additional production sites during the game that open up new options. The various types of goods — such as fish, alpaca, cacao, silver and corn — all have their own characteristics and places where they can be used. For example, while silver can be sold for a high price at the market, fish can be exchanged for other goods at the harbor and alpaca can produce wool at the farm that can then be made into cloth.

Aside from building up an effective production, players must fulfill their orders at the right time, develop the road in good time and store their goods cleverly enough to fill their warehouses in the most valuable way. Often, a good warehouse keeper is more relevant in the end than the best producer.


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Wildcatters is a tactical and strategic board game set during the booming business of the 19th century oil industry!

Players develop oil fields, bid for oil rights, and build oil refineries, rigs, tankers, trains, and refineries. The objective is to deliver more oil barrels to the continents than the other players while collecting more shares and money.

There are seven rounds of play for four players, and each player gets the same board setup: three oil rigs, two trains, one tanker and one refinery. There are eight areas where you can find oil on the game board. After choosing an open area card, players get money to build rigs, tanks, trains and refineries, then they can buy oil actions. In an oilfield, players collaborate to find oil at a lower cost. All players transport oil to refineries together, using trains and tankers from other players – all to deliver more oil than the other players by the end of the game.

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Secret Night at Davis Manor

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In Secret Night, up to 8 players can travel back to the decadent 1920s to either take part in or stop the greatest robbery in history! As the thieves plan to escape in three period-appropriate vehicles (car, motorcycle, or boat), the police must locate the handcuffs and arrest them.

How to Play

The gameplay is quite simple. Each player is assigned a character with unique abilities and objectives. The goal of the game? To uncover who among us is the secret murderer! Sounds thrilling, right? Don’t worry, it’s not as dark as it sounds. In fact, it can be quite hilarious trying to figure out who’s lying and who’s telling the truth.

The game mechanics involve a mix of deduction, bluffing and teamwork. You have to carefully observe your fellow players’ actions and statements to catch them in a lie or determine if they’re trustworthy. But be careful, because you might also be accused of being the murderer yourself! It’s all about using your wit and strategy to outsmart your opponents.

Who Can Play

One of the best things about this game is its versatility. It can be played with a small group of friends or as a large party game. And let me tell you, it gets even more fun when there are more players involved. 

What Makes It Fun

Even if you’re not a fan of traditional board games, ‘Secret Night at Davis Manor’ is an interactive and immersive experience that will keep you engaged throughout the entire game. Plus, with its quick setup and easy-to-follow rules, it’s perfect for any occasion.

This game is suitable for anyone who enjoys mystery, social deduction or just having a good time with friends. It’s also a great icebreaker for new groups of people, as it encourages communication and teamwork.

Quest: Avalon Big Box Edition

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‘Quest: Avalon Big Box Edition’ is a hidden role deduction game that takes place in the legendary world of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table

How to Play

The gameplay of ‘Quest: Avalon Big Box Edition’ involves a group of players taking on different roles, each with their own unique abilities and goals. These roles are divided into two teams – the loyal knights of King Arthur and the traitorous minions of Mordred. It’s up to the players to figure out who is on which team through a series of missions.

To add another layer of excitement, there are also ‘Merlin’ and ‘Assassin’ roles in play. The role of Merlin is to help the loyal knights by giving them information about who the minions are, but he must do so without revealing his own identity. On the other hand, the Assassin’s goal is to figure out who Merlin is and eliminate him before the loyal knights can complete their missions.

The game mainly revolves around deduction and strategy. Each round, players are given a mission to complete, and they must choose a team of players to carry it out. The catch is that the minions can secretly sabotage missions in order to prevent them from being completed. This adds an element of uncertainty and tension to each mission, as you never know if your teammates are truly loyal or just pretending.

Additionally, players must also navigate through the special abilities of each role, which can greatly impact the outcome of the game. For example, Merlin must be careful not to give away too much information, while the Assassin must use their deduction skills to identify and eliminate Merlin.

Who Can Play

‘Quest: Avalon Big Box Edition’ is a great game for anyone who enjoys strategic and social board games. It’s perfect for a group of friends or family looking to have a fun and engaging game night. The game is recommended for ages 13+, but I’ve played it with younger players who were able to understand and enjoy it as well.

What Makes It Fun

In my opinion, the best part about ‘Quest: Avalon Big Box Edition’ is the social aspect. It’s a game that truly brings people together and encourages them to communicate and strategize. The hidden role aspect adds an element of mystery and surprise, making each playthrough unique and exciting. Additionally, the artwork and theme of the game are beautifully done, immersing players in the legendary world of King Arthur.

20 Strong

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In 20 Strong, you progress through a deck of cards with unique challenges. Challenges can be enemies, scenarios, or requirements. To complete them, you roll 17 dice with varying odds for a hit.

These dice, plus three adjustable stat dice, make up the “20” in 20 Strong. Players need to earn successes to complete each challenge. Roll successes to complete a card’s challenge and gain its rewards. Fail and take damage, move to next card. Reach 0 HP and lose game. Beat final boss to win. Playing the game requires managing your HP Stat, Strategy, and Recovery.

Your Strategy determines rerolls and items, while Recovery controls dice return. Rolling more than your Recovery depletes your pool, making each challenge a calculated risk. It’s a game of strategy, resource management, and risk-taking. We think you’ll love it.

Takkure: A Cyberpunk Rugby Game

If you’re a fan of rugby and cyberpunk, then ‘Takkure: A Cyberpunk Rugby Game’ is the futuristic sports game for you. 

How to Play

Takkure is a fast-paced, action-packed game that combines the physical intensity of rugby with the high-tech world of cyberpunk. You control a team of badass players equipped with advanced technology and superhuman abilities, competing against other teams in a futuristic stadium.

The objective? Score more points by getting the ball into your opponent’s goal while using your unique skills to outwit and take down your opponents. And let me tell you, it’s not just about brute force in this game – strategy and quick thinking are key to victory.

One of the most exciting aspects of Takkure is its use of cybernetic enhancements for players. Each team member has a unique ability that can be activated during gameplay, ranging from invisibility cloaks to speed boosts and even temporary telekinesis. These abilities not only add a cool futuristic element to the game, but they also provide an extra layer of strategy and tactics.

But don’t think it’s all about individual skills – teamwork is essential in Takkure. You have to work together with your team, passing the ball and supporting each other, to outplay your opponents and reach the goal.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for anyone who loves rugby or futuristic sports games. But even if you’re not a fan of either, Takkure will still pull you in with its fast-paced action and unique gameplay mechanics.

It’s also great for a wide range of ages, from teens to adults. So whether you’re a hardcore gamer or just looking for a fun game to play with friends, Takkure has something for everyone

What Makes It Fun

Besides the obvious cyberpunk theme and unique abilities, this game provides a sheer adrenaline rush when playing. The fast-paced gameplay, intense matches, and unpredictable twists and turns keep you on the edge of your seat.

In addition, Takkure also has a great soundtrack and stunning graphics that really immerse you in the cyberpunk world.

Dale of Merchants 3

If you’re a fan of card games and strategy, then ‘Dale of Merchants 3’ is definitely for you. 

How to Play

‘Dale of Merchants 3’ is a deck-building game where players take on the role of merchants trying to become the most successful trader in the land. The game is set in a fantasy world filled with different types of animals, each with their own unique abilities and characteristics.

During the game, players must collect goods and use them to trade for more valuable items. There are various ways to acquire goods, such as purchasing them from markets or using special ability cards. These abilities make the game both challenging and fun, as you have to plan carefully and adapt to your opponents’ strategies.

Who Can Play

This game is suitable for both experienced gamers and those new to the world of board games

What Makes It Fun

This game allows for replayability. With 6 different sets of animal characters and market cards, the combinations are endless, making each game a unique experience. Plus, the game can be played with 2-4 players, so it’s perfect for both small gatherings and larger groups.

But what really makes Dale of Merchants 3 stand out is the player interaction. In addition to competing against each other, players can also trade goods and help each other out. This adds a cooperative aspect to the game that promotes teamwork and makes it more enjoyable for everyone.

Alone Against Fear

If you’re a fan of horror games and solo board games ‘Alone Against Fear’ is perfect for you

How to Play

The premise of the game is simple: you are a lone survivor trying to navigate through a haunted mansion filled with supernatural horrors. The game is played by drawing cards from a deck, each card representing a room or event in the mansion. You must make decisions and use your limited resources wisely to survive until dawn.

One thing that sets ‘Alone Against Fear’ apart from other solo games is its use of tarot cards. These cards add an extra layer of unpredictability and intensity to the gameplay. Each card has a specific meaning and can greatly influence your choices, making each playthrough unique and exciting.

Who Can Play

‘Alone Against Fear’ is perfect for horror fans who enjoy a good scare, as well as solo gamers looking for a challenging and immersive experience. The game does an excellent job of creating a tense and eerie atmosphere, with its descriptive cards and haunting artwork.

But don’t let the horror aspect scare you off if you’re not a fan of the genre. The game also has elements of strategy and problem-solving, making it enjoyable for all types of players.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the obvious thrill of surviving in a haunted mansion, ‘Alone Against Fear’ has a unique and engaging gameplay system. The use of tarot cards adds an element of chance, while also allowing for strategic decision-making. Furthermore, the game is highly replayable, with multiple endings depending on your choices.

But what truly makes ‘Alone Against Fear’ fun is its ability to immerse you in the world of horror. From eerie encounters to difficult decisions, the game keeps you on edge and fully invested until the very end.

Hero Realms

Hero Realms is a 2-4 player fantasy-themed and deck-building game where players need to destroy their opponents by purchasing cards using “Gold” and using these cards to attack their opponents health and champions. This can be done so using many powerful effects, combat points and more.

On a turn, there are 3 phases that players need to complete. This starts with the Main Phase, the Discard Phase and the Draw Phase. 

Players can utilize and expand their abilities in order to defeat their opponents and there are a variety of ways a player can win the game.


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Yinsh is a complex and compelling 2 player game where players must try and arrange a row of five markers with their colour face up. Each player commences the game with five rings on the board and each time a ring is moved, a marker is left behind.

If a player succeeds in forming a row of five, they may remove a ring as an indication they have done so with the first player to remove 3 rings winning the game. However, whilst each row formed brings a player closer to victory, it also means they have one less ring to play with, thus, making them weaker.


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Buy Everdell Collectors Edition from Amazon

Everdell: A Journey into a Lush Board Game Universe

The Enchanted World of Everdell

Everdell’s beautiful game board is a grand-tall tree, where the city of Everdell flourishes. This setting serves as the game’s backdrop, connecting the player with the narrative woven throughout their gaming experience.

Designed by James A. Wilson, Everdell’s strategic gameplay covers resource management, and worker placement. Everdell stands out through its ability to balance these elements in a way that encourages creativity and engagement.

Gameplay: The Flow of the Forest

Everdell’s gameplay is a convergence of serene pacing and thoughtful actions. The game awards patience and planning but also allows for spur-of-the-moment decisions that add an element of surprise.

Starting a Season

The game is divided into four turns, or “seasons,” each season representing a set of actions and progress. Players start with a group of critter cards and a small deck of resource cards. These modest beginnings belie the complexity of Everdell’s potential paths, as players can grow their city, expand their critter population, and gather resources to achieve the ultimate goal: building satisfying settlements and wondrous constructions in the heart of Everdell.

The Cadence of Seasons

Each season opens with a player turn. They can play one or more cards from their hand and then use their critters to gather resources, draw more cards, or prepare to construct new elements of their city. As the game progresses through the seasons, so too must players adapt their strategies. The cadence of seasons mirrors the ebb and flow of nature, with each season bringing its own joys and challenges.

Mechanics: The Nuts and Bolts of Everdell

Everdell’s game mechanics form the backbone of the experience, providing structure and challenge without being overtly burdensome.

Resource Management and Planning

In Everdell, success hinges on the efficient management of your resources. Collecting wood, resin, pebbles, and berries is essential for card plays, and each resource serves a unique purpose. As such, players must balance long-term needs with short-term gains to build a functional, dynamic city.

Worker Placement

Worker placement in Everdell involves placing critters from your tableau onto the board to take specific actions. This mechanic, while simple in concept, adds layers of depth to the game as players strategize to outmaneuver one another and secure coveted actions before they’re taken.

What Makes Everdell Fun?

At its core, Everdell is a game that marries strategy with storytelling. The delightful art and creative interpretation of the forest-dwelling critters are a whimsical dose of fun that keeps gameplay light even as the stakes grow more challenging.

Aesthetics and Ambiance

Everdell delights the eyes and minds of players with its beautiful components. The game’s cards, meeples, and tokens are all exquisitely designed, adding a tactile satisfaction to the game that is often missing from virtual counterparts.

Storytelling Through Play

Each move in Everdell contributes to a larger narrative — the story of your city’s growth and the challenges it faces. The game encourages players to weave their own tales, infusing every choice with personal significance.

Who Will Find Everdell Fun?

Everdell’s charm is universal, but it particularly resonates with certain audiences who are drawn to the particular blend of elements it offers.

Board Game Enthusiasts

Those with a love for the strategic gameplay of board games will find much to love in Everdell. Its mix of mechanics offers a challenge that rewards repeated play as players discover new strategies and synergies.

Nature Lovers and Story Seekers

Everdell is a game that appeals to those who appreciate a strong thematic element. The game’s narrative and artistry, combined with the strategic play, provide a full-spectrum gaming experience that’s both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant.

Family Gamers and Social Groups

Everdell can be enjoyed by a wide range of players, from families to seasoned gaming groups. Its accessible mechanics invite newcomers, while the depth of strategy keeps more experienced players engaged.

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Nemo’s War (Second Edition)

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Nemo’s War is a single player underwater exploration game set circa 1870. You play as Captain Nemo. As you search the oceans, fight vessels of all nations, brave sea hazards, find mysterious treasures, see and chronicle amazing wonders, and travel around the world, you will gain knowledge and vengeance. Nemo’s War is based on the novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas by Jules Verne. 

Splendor: Marvel

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Splendor: Marvel lets you lead a team of Super Heroes in their quest to stop Thanos from collecting Infinity Stones. Build a powerful team, acquire iconic locations, and earn enough Infinity Points to claim the Gauntlet!

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Memoir ’44

Memoir ’44 is a historical boardgame where players face-off in stylized battles of some of the most famous historic battles of World War II including Omaha Beach, Pegasus Bridge, Operation Cobra and the Ardennes.

Memoir ’44 includes over 15 different battle scenarios and features a double-sided hex game board for both beach landings and countryside combat. Each scenario mimics the historical terrain, troop placements and objectives of each army. Commanders deploy troops through Command and Tactic cards, applying the unique skills of his units — infantry, paratrooper, tank, artillery, and even resistance fighters — to their greatest strength.

“By design, the game is not overly complex”, says Memoir ’44 designer, Richard Borg. “The game mechanics, although simple, still require strategic card play, timely dice rolling and an aggressive yet flexible battle plan to achieve victory.” In addition to the large, double-sided gameboard, Memoir ’44 includes 144 amazingly detailed army miniatures – including historically accurate infantry, tanks and artillery; 36 Obstacle pieces, 60 illustrated Command cards, 44 Special Terrain tiles, and 8 Custom Wooden dice.

Memoir ’44 is designed for 2 players but easily accommodates team play. And with Memoir ’44 Overlord scenarios, players can use multiple boards and up to 8 players to conduct large scale operations, experiencing the challenges of troop coordination and military chain of command on a large scale battlefield. Average game length is between 30 and 60 minutes, encouraging match play where players can command first one side and then the other.

The Memoir ’44 series consists of the base game and a number of expansions.

This game is based upon Richard Borg’s Command and Colors system.

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Thunderstone Quest

Thunderstone returns with Thunderstone Quest. Recruit your heroes, arm your party, then visit the dungeon — and the dungeon has new perils not seen in prior Thunderstone releases. All-new dungeon tiles create new challenges and rewards as you explore deeper and deeper in the dungeon. Each quest brings new dungeons as well as new side adventures!

Thunderstone is a fantasy deck-building game. Each player starts with a basic deck of cards that they can use to purchase, or upgrade to, other, more powerful cards. Thunderstone Quest brings new play modes to the table. The game will tell a specific story with a series of pre-set dungeon tiles, monsters, heroes and support cards. Each will come with a series of mini-adventures and a story booklet that tells players what happens as they progress through the scenarios.

Once players have completed the quests they will be able to enjoy great replay value with the available selection of monsters, heroes, and support cards, as well as the new dungeon tiles, by choosing random set-ups before the start of play. Aside from heroes such as wizards, fighters, rogues, and clerics, cards will include supplies that heroes need like weapons, spells, items, or light to reach further into the dungeon.

The dungeon deck is created by combining several different groups of monsters together. Certain groups of monsters may be more or less susceptible to different hero types, so players have to take this into account when they choose what to buy.

VINDALOO: Four Battles from the 2nd Anglo-Maratha War

VINDALOO – Four Battles from the 2nd Anglo-Maratha War is a game emphasizing easy, quick play that focuses on the unusual features of this area of history virtually untouched by the hobby but truly rich in gameplayer goodies.

VINDALOO simulates the battles of the 2nd Anglo-Maratha War in India (1802–1805), in which Major General, The Honorable Arthur Wellesley (later the Duke of Wellington) had field command in the Deccan (the center of the subcontinent) against the huge forces of the Marathas , the largest independent empire in India, under the Scindia rulers of Gwalior and the Bhonsle rulers of Nagpur and Berar, complete with the a massive artillery corps, plus the equally important battles in the northern, Hindustan where the troops of the East India Company were under the oft-unappreciated General Lake; all of which was part of the almost subconscious, ongoing efforts of the British, in the guise of their East India Company, to gobble up an entire continent and civilization.

Much of the game system will be familiar to any wargamer. There is no set number of turns, and this is not Igo-Hugo gaming. Variable activation of commands, based on leadership quality, is the baseline. The usual fire/move then shock mechanics are all there.

VINDALOO includes all four battles of the 2nd Anglo-Maratha War: Assaye and Argaum, in the Deccan, and Delhi and Laswaree in northern Hindustan. Wellington considered Assaye the toughest battle in which he ever fought. (And readers of Bernard Cornwell’s first three Sharpe books will find this familiar territory). Each of these battles is on it’s own map, at 120 yards per hex, with combat units being half-battalions (well, two counters for a full battalion). The Marathas have lots of artillery. Good artillery, too… according to Wellesley “… the finest brass ordnance I have ever seen.”
Each battle has its own opening maneuvers, along with heavy barrages of cannon, followed by gritty hand-to-hand combat. There is plenty of opportunity for cavalry charges, especially if the Maratha player can activate his massive cavalry compoo (brigades). And all in very unusual settings with heretofore unseen terrain, such as the 8-10 foot high elephant grass that covered most of 2 of the battlefields.

As an added attraction, the game plays equally well solitaire.

Each copy of VINDALOO will contain:

4 game maps (two – 22″x34″ and two 17″ x 22″)
Two full counter sheets
Rules Booklet Approximately 24 pages
Battles Booklet Approximately 20 pages
Two Charts and Tables cards
1 10-sided Dice

The First Jihad: The Rise of Islam 632-750

White Dog Games’ “The First Jihad: The Rise of Islam 632-750″ is an inside-out solitaire wargame modeled on States of Siege. It simulates the rise of the Umayyad Caliphate between 632 and 750 AD. AI controls the forces of the Muslim Caliphate based in Mecca (the center of the game); the player controls a host of nations that had been invaded by the Caliphate (Byzantium, Persia, Visigothic Spain, Nubians, Khazars, Armenians, the Chinese, Indian states, etc.) The game has about 77 counters, one 11×17” map, 50 event cards, and numerous player aids and historical background materials.

Zombicide: 2nd Edition

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We are in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. Survivors are few and far between. They can’t hide away if they want to survive.

Zombicide will be required of them. In Zombicide, players control Survivors of zombie hordes. In order to survive, they must work together, accomplishing objectives in each mission. With each zombie kill,survivors grow stronger, but the zombies come in greater numbers.

The zombies are back! The game that started it all returns with its 2nd Edition, an updated, streamlined, and new-and-improved version of Zombicide Season 1.

MECHANICS ARE NEW! The rules have been updated, preserving all the classic elements of the classic zombie game, while adding elements from the series’ years of experience.

NEW SURVIVORS! There are 12 Survivors you and your friends can choose from, each with their own set of skills they can learn as they gain Adrenaline Points.

NEW COMPONENTS! Several components have been updated, from tiles that can be set up more quickly to plastic dashboards that keep everything organized.

Funkoverse Strategy Game: Alice in Wonderland 100

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In the Funkoverse Strategy Game, you can combine your favorite characters and fight each other. On each turn, you choose a character and take two actions. Each character has access to basic actions such as moving and challenges as well as unique abilities that can only be accessed by spending ability tokens.

Using Funkoverse’s “cooldown” system, the more powerful the ability, the longer it takes for the ability token to reappear, so players have to spend them wisely. Each Funkoverse character is unique, so players are encouraged to try out different combinations of characters and items to find their favorite synergies and powerful strategies.

What do we like about Funkoverse Strategy Game: Alice in Wonderland 100?

They are so much fun for kids and adults.

Pretty well designed and the abilities are fun and interesting.

Ascension: Curse of the Golden Isles

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The 16th standalone expansion set for the award-winning strategy board game Ascension

These haunted seas are filled with monsters of the deep and cursed dead that seek the cursed treasure and purify it to gain forbidden power

It can be played as a standalone game for 2-4 players or can be combined with Ascension: Skulls and Sails for up to 6 players!


Horrified: American Monsters

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Team up to protect Cross Creek from Bigfoot, the Jersey Devil, Mothman, Chupacabra, Ozark Howler, and the Banshee of the Badlands! To defeat each monster, you need a different strategy. Different monster groups are represented by miniatures, each representing a different difficulty.

Horrified American Monsters is a follow-up to the original horror monster co-op game, Horrified. In this version, you face American monsters.

To defeat these monsters, you need to meet the following objectives.

BANSHEE OF THE BADLANDS: Survive the haunting music and the Banshee’s screams.

BIGFOOT: Obtain photographic evidence of Bigfoot’s existence.

CHUPACABRA: Save and protect goats, then hunt the Chupacabra.

JERSEY DEVIL: Discover the 13th Child and confront the Jersey Devil.

MOTHMAN: Slow Mothman down and trap it.

OZARK HOWLER: Follow this monster’s trail and defeat it when you find its lair

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Murano: Light Masters

‘Murano: Light Masters’ takes place in the small Italian island of Murano, known for its beautiful glass-making. In this game, players take on the role of master artisans competing to create the most impressive works of art using colored glass.

How to Play

The gameplay is simple yet engaging. Each turn, players can choose from four actions: gather glass, make a work of art, gain influence or hire an assistant. The main objective is to create works of art that will earn you reputation points and ultimately lead you to victory.

One of the most interesting game mechanics is the use of dice as workers in your glass factory. You roll the dice at the beginning of each turn to determine what actions you can take. This adds an element of chance and forces you to strategize depending on your dice roll.

Who Can Play

Murano: Light Masters is suitable for a wide audience, from beginners to experienced gamers. The rules are easy to understand and the game flows smoothly, making it perfect for casual gatherings or game nights with friends.

What Makes It Fun

What makes Murano: Light Masters really fun is the competitive nature of the game. The race to create the most impressive works of art and gain influence over other players can get intense and exciting. At the same time, the beautiful artwork and in-game theme transport you to the romantic island of Murano, making it a truly immersive experience.


During the medieval goings-on around Orléans, you must assemble a following of farmers, merchants, knights, monks, etc. to gain supremacy through trade, construction and science in medieval France.

In Orléans, you will recruit followers and put them to work to make use of their abilities. Farmers and Boatmen supply you with money and goods; Knights expand your scope of action and secure your mercantile expeditions; Craftsmen build trading stations and tools to facilitate work; Scholars make progress in science; Traders open up new locations for you to use your followers; and last but not least, it cannot hurt to get active in monasteries since with Monks on your side you are much less likely to fall prey to fate.

You will always want to take more actions than possible, and there are many paths to victory. The challenge is to combine all elements as best as possible with regard to your strategy.

Port Royal

The merchant players in Port Royal, which won the Austrian Game Designers Competition under the title Händler der Karibik, are trying to earn as much as they can out of the Caribbean Sea, but if they set their goals too high, they might take home nothing for the day.

The 120-card deck depicts a coin on the back of each card — with players earning and paying coins throughout the game — and different items on the card fronts. On a turn, a player can first draw as many cards as he likes, one at a time from the deck, placing them in the harbor (an area near the deck).

Each card shows one of the following:

  • Person, who stays in a face-up row next to deck.
  • Ship, which the player can attack immediately if he has enough swords on his people cards, after which the ship is discarded; otherwise, the ship stays in the harbor.
  • Expedition, which remains above the harbor until a player fulfills it by discarding people who have the items required for the expedition.
  • Tax Increase, which forces everyone with twelve or more coins to discard half their money, after which the card is discarded.

If the player draws a ship with the same name as a ship already in the harbor, he’s spent too much time dilly-dallying and his turn ends (after using the ship to attack, if possible), with all the cards in the harbor being discarded.

Otherwise, the player can stop whenever he likes, then use/acquire one card if three or fewer ships are in the harbor, two cards if four ships are present, and three cards if five ships are present. Players rob ships, collecting the number of coins shown on them, then discarding the card, while they hire people, paying the number of coins depicted. After the active player takes his 1-3 cards, each other player may pay the active player one coin in order to take one card in the same way.

When one player has at least twelve influence points — which are on both people and expedition cards — the game is played to the end of the round, giving everyone the same number of turns, then the player with the most influence points wins.

Port Royal differs from Händler der Karibik in that it includes ten more cards to allow for play with up to five players and players can win without fulfilling an expedition.

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Lorenzo il Magnifico

Lorenzo de’ Medici, also known as “Lorenzo il Magnifico” (Lorenzo the Magnificent), was one of the most powerful and enthusiastic patrons of the Italian Renaissance.

In Lorenzo il Magnifico, each player takes the role of the head of a noble family in a city during the Italian Renaissance to gain more prestige and fame — that is, victory points (VP) — than anyone else. To do so, you send your family members to different areas of town, where they can obtain many achievements. In one location, they get useful resources; in another development cards that represent newly conquered territories, sponsored buildings, influenced characters, or encouraged ventures; and somewhere else they activate the effects of their cards.

Family members are not identical. At the beginning of each round, you roll three dice to determine their value. You must choose carefully where to send your most valuable family members…

You can gain VP in several ways, and you must also pay attention to your relations with the Church. The game is divided into three periods, each formed by two rounds; at the end of each period, players must show their faith, and whoever hasn’t prayed enough will suffer hard penalties. After six rounds, you calculate your final score, and the player with the most VP wins.

Xia: Legends of a Drift System

Xia: Legends of a Drift System is a 3-5 player sandbox style competitive space adventure. Each player starts as a lowly but hopeful captain of a small starship. Players fly their ships around the system, completing a variety of missions, exploring new sections and battling other ships whilst navigating the hazardous environments. Adaptivity, risk-taking and creativity are factors that will assist players in excelling in this game. Players choose to mine, salvage or trade valuable cargo. One captain will rise above the others, surpassing mortality by becoming Legend!
The unique aspect about Xia is that each game will be different with Sandbox style gameplay. There is no set direction of gameplay and players strive to achieve the goal to become the most famous captain.

Cooper Island

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You’ve come to make your Fortune on Cooper Island, whose untouched peninsulas stretch out like long arms into the Wild Atlantic. With 2 Ships and a few workers, each of you has landed on a separate Peninsula, which you hope to explore, cultivate, and settle. But who will do This best and how will you expand your land quickly, or will you instead spend your efforts cultivating it, making it more and more valuable and productive buildings, boats, statues,. how will you score victory points to send your ships sailing up the coast because your ships Also serve as victory point markers, even as they sail into the waters of other players, you profit from the lush islets they pass. Cooper Island is the epitome of an advanced strategy game. In it, You will explore not just an island, but also rich strategies and subtle mechanisms. An intricate clockwork that invites deep thought, Thanks to its strategic demands and clever use of landscape stacking.

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The Republic of Rome

The Republic of Rome is an abstraction of over 250 years of history. It simulates the politics of the Roman Senate during the republic. The players take the part of various factions vying for the control of the senate. They control the various powerful families of the time, who compete for state offices, military command, economic concessions and new adherents. To win the player must get their faction to become the most powerful in Rome. While doing this, however, a balance must be maintained. A hostile world situation, and the vagaries of the public of Rome means that the players must also cooperate so that Rome herself doesn’t go down under this pressure. If Rome does not last, neither does the senate, and all players lose!

Players make proposals to the Senate which other players then vote on. A player’s ability to make proposals is determined by which Offices his/her Senators hold. A player’s influence in votes is determined by the number of Senators they have recruited and the level of influence those Senators have obtained. Proposals may include assigning Senators to govern provinces (generating revenue), recruiting an army to fight an external foe, addressing the concerns of the Roman people, assigning offices or prosecuting previous office holders. Players have to co-operate to overcome the various threats that the game sends against Rome (wars, famine, unrest, bankruptcy) whilst working to build their own Senators’ and Generals’ positions and undermine that of their opponents. A powerful General or an influential Senator may become Emperor (thus winning the game) but equally may suddenly fall to the plague or an assassin’s blade.

Tang Garden

The Tang dynasty was considered the first golden age of the classical and now iconic Chinese gardens. Emperor Xuanzong built the magnificent imperial Garden of the Majestic Clear Lake as an homage of life itself and from where he ruled. Players will act as Imperial Garden Designers and they will be called to build the most incredible garden while balancing the elements of Nature.

Tang Garden is a Zen-like game that will take you to the first golden age of China, where players will progressively build a garden by creating the landscape, placing the scenery and projecting their vision through vertical panoramas. During the construction, noblemen will visit the garden to admire the surroundings and the way the natural elements coexist in the most breathtaking scenery humankind has ever laid their eyes upon.

Players will take turns by playing one of the two actions available in the game:

1) Placing tiles and matching the elements to increase their personal nature balance and unlock more character miniatures.

By balancing the nature elements on the player boards, players will attract new characters into the garden. On each player turn, if the elements are balanced, the player will have to choose one miniature from the ones available and finally decide which one of the characters will be placed in the garden, orienting them towards their favorite background, while keeping the other with you to keep exploiting its ability.

2) Draw decoration cards and place one on the board to get prestige by completing collections.

Players will draw a quantity of cards based on the board situation and choose one to keep. Players will then have to place the chosen decoration in one of the available spots in the garden, creating a unique and seamless scenario that will never be the same.

During the game, by placing tiles on special parts of the board, you will be able to place a panorama tile, a new element that adds a never ending perspective for the visitors. Both small and big panoramas will be placed perpendicularly to the board by attaching it to the board insert by creating a seamless look on the four sides of the board. The Panoramas will interact with the characters at the end of the game by giving prestige points based on what your visitor sees and likes.

At the end of the game, the player with the most prestige will be the winner.

—description from the publisher

Time of Legends: Joan of Arc

Time of Legends: Joan of Arc is set amid the tumult of the 100 Years War, when kings and princes struggle for the throne of France. This is the age of knights and squires, where chivalry is often spoken of, but rarely practiced. It is a time of both religion and superstition. Educated clerics fervently believe that angels guard the pious, and demons scourge the wicked, while the simpler folk watch the night for signs of werewolves and dragons. The game assumes that all of these are real.

Joan of Arc is a story-driven board game that uses finely-sculpted miniatures and 3D scenery to set the scene for a game of cunning and skill (and a little luck). The game is a combination of interwoven card play, resource management, and position on the board. You will need to master all three to beat the best opponents. Getting your men into the right position, and heading off your enemy, will be no use if you cannot muster the cards and other resources to make the most of it. Joan of Arc allows a huge amount of freedom in your actions. In every turn, you can choose to spend or save resources, and when you come to activate a unit you can choose between combat, interrogation, search, exploration, prayers, and other actions. So, this turn, should you level up a hero, or spend that resource to buy a re-roll? Take extra actions now, or save them for later? Double-move that cavalry, or question the old woman in the woods? When and how to act are decisions you must make based on your objectives, and the situation on the board. And, what is the best decision one turn may be very different in the next.

Players take the role of the various factions in the war, or of some of the supernatural creatures that have emerged from the shadows. The most famous heroes and heroines of the war are all here: the Black Prince, the Dauphin, Falstaff, and, of course, Joan of Arc herself. Each game is a unique scenario with its own map assembled from the gaming tiles, and a specified set of heroes and followers to achieve the scenario’s objectives. Each scenario has its own victory conditions, often different for each side. In one game you may be an inquisitor, seeking out a werewolf hidden among the peasantry; in another you may be a victorious raiding party, desperately fighting your way through an ambush so you can return to the safety of your castle.

Scenarios range from small affairs with a few models and simplified role-play elements, to full battles with dozens of knights, archers and men-at-arms. All scenarios typically play in under an hour. The game also includes a battle mode, to fight out conflicts between armies of your choosing.

—description from the publisher

Centrifugal Offensive: The Japanese Campaign in the Pacific, 1941-42


Magazine of military history of the World War II era with a complete board game in each issue complementing the lead article
Game in this issue is a solitaire game of Japan’s initial conquests in World War II, Dec 1941 – April 1942
Played on a point-point move map of the Pacific Ocean, from Hawaii and the Aleutions to Burma, with 228 counters representing rgt/brig/div land units, air rgts
The player controls Japanese forces, and must exceed their historical accomplishments to win; further, greater success will prompt the need for even further success to win
Key dynamic is the action point, which denominates Japanese actions of which ther are dozens of possible choices for their varied forces

Stars of Akarios

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A mysterious enemy attacks your home planet of Medellia as you and your fellow cadets finish your Akarios Institute pilot training. Captain Soma’s ship, the Sparrow, can help you fight back.

You will battle in epic space battles, upgrade your ship, and explore space’s edges in Stars of Akarios.

A narrative-driven, cooperative campaign game set in the Akarios Galaxy, Stars of Akarios features 1-4 players. Play typically begins with players exploring the galaxy map and scouting their next scenario. This scenario could lead to space combat, world exploration, or galaxy discovery. Stars of Akarios will progress in the story as players explore and venture across the galaxy.

Players can shape the story in a variety of ways as it unfolds in a sprawling narrative. Stars of Akarios offers memorable characters, unexplored regions of space, and a mystery to unravel.

Crime Zoom: His Last Card

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1-6 players can play Crime Zoom. The rules are explained in two minutes, and the game takes about an hour. ‘His Last Card’ takes you back to the 1980s.

An office building at 6 rue de Paradis. There was no trash in front of the offices on the top floor this morning, despite the janitor being instructed to take it out. He rang the doorbell, but no one answered. Half-opening the door, the janitor discovered this crime scene. He notified the building owner, Mr. Martinent, who called the police…
Each case begins with a card-based crime scene.

Traces can be tracked very easily. Check out the illustration. Do you have an interest in something? Can you spot any important clues? Follow this trail by turning the card over to zoom in.
Choosing which threads to follow and what to investigate is up to you. You will discover different places, talk to witnesses, and gather evidence throughout the game. Following the conclusion of the investigation, you complete a report by answering questions about the perpetrator, the murder weapon, and the motive.

The epilogue provides more insight into the plot after you read the answers. In these few pages, whether it’s a report from six months ago, an account of a witness who refused to testify, or a conversation between clients plotting a crime, you’ll gain an insight into the motivations of the characters.

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Cascadia, a tile-laying and token-drafting board game, takes players on a serene journey through the Pacific Northwest. 

Game Overview

In Cascadia, players create their own unique landscapes filled with diverse habitats and wildlife. The goal is to build the most harmonious ecosystem by strategically placing habitat tiles and wildlife tokens.

Game Mechanics

Tile Placement

  • Players draw and place hexagonal habitat tiles to expand their personal landscapes.
  • Tiles feature different habitats such as forests, wetlands, mountains, and rivers.


  • Along with each tile, players select wildlife tokens representing animals like bears, salmon, elk, hawks, and foxes.
  • Tokens are placed on the corresponding habitats, considering specific placement rules and scoring conditions.

Points are awarded based on various factors, including:

  • Habitat corridors: Long, contiguous stretches of the same habitat type.
  • Wildlife patterns: Meeting specific animal placement goals outlined on scoring cards.

Special scoring cards provide varied objectives, ensuring each game feels unique.

What Makes Cascadia Fun?

1. Strategic Depth:

  • Despite its simple rules, players must balance expanding habitats with placing wildlife tokens effectively.

2. Replayability:

  • With multiple scoring cards and a variety of tile and token combinations, no two games are alike.

3. Beautiful Artwork:

  • Beth Sobel’s illustrations bring the Pacific Northwest’s flora and fauna to life, making the game visually appealing and immersive.

Who Will Enjoy Cascadia?

1. Nature Lovers:

  • Those who appreciate the beauty of nature and wildlife will find Cascadia’s theme and artwork captivating.

2. Strategy Enthusiasts:

  • Players who enjoy strategic planning and tactical decision-making will appreciate the game’s depth and variety.

3. Families and Casual Gamers:

  • With its easy-to-learn rules and engaging gameplay, Cascadia is perfect for family game nights and casual gatherings.

4. Fans of Tile-Laying Games:

  • If you love games like Carcassonne or Isle of Skye, Cascadia’s tile-laying mechanics will feel familiar and satisfying.

What are Cascadia players saying about the game?

General Impressions:

  • Easy to Learn, Complex Strategy: Many players find it simple but yet offers deep strategic elements, making it enjoyable for both casual and experienced gamers.
  • Family-Friendly: The game is praised as a great family game, suitable for players aged 12 and up, with challenges that engage adults as well.
  • Replayability: The varying game cards ensure that no two games are the same
  • Educational Aspect: Some players appreciate the educational element regarding the landscape and animals of the Pacific Northwest.

Positive Points:

  • Artwork and Components: The game’s art and physical components are frequently mentioned as visually appealing and of high quality.
  • Versatility: Cascadia scales well for different player counts, from two to four players, and includes a single-player mode.
  • Quick Setup and Play: The game is noted for being easy to set up and play, making it accessible for regular game nights.
  • Enjoyable Mechanics: The tile-laying and token-drafting mechanics are enjoyable and provide balanced gameplay.

Star Wars: Rebellion

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Star Wars: Rebellion is a board game of epic conflict between the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance for two to four players. Experience the Galactic Civil War like never before. In Rebellion, you control the entire Galactic Empire or the fledgling Rebel Alliance. You must command starships, account for troop movements, and rally systems to your cause. Given the differences between the Empire and Rebel Alliance, each side has different win conditions, and you’ll need to adjust your play style depending on who you represent: As the Imperial player, you can command legions of Stormtroopers, swarms of TIEs, Star Destroyers, and even the Death Star. You rule the galaxy by fear, relying on the power of your massive military to enforce your will. To win the game, you need to snuff out the budding Rebel Alliance by finding its base and obliterating it. Along the way, you can subjugate worlds or even destroy them. As the Rebel player, you can command dozens of troopers, T-47 airspeeders, Corellian corvettes, and fighter squadrons. However, these forces are no match for the Imperial military. In terms of raw strength, you’ll find yourself clearly overmatched from the very outset, so you’ll need to rally the planets to join your cause and execute targeted military strikes to sabotage Imperial build yards and steal valuable intelligence. To win the Galactic Civil War, you’ll need to sway the galaxy’s citizens to your cause. If you survive long enough and strengthen your reputation, you inspire the galaxy to a full-scale revolt, and you win. Featuring more than 150 plastic miniatures and two game boards that account for thirty-two of the Star Wars galaxy’s most notable systems, Rebellion features a scope that is as large and sweeping as any Star Wars game before it. Yet for all its grandiosity, Rebellion remains intensely personal, cinematic, and heroic. As much as your success depends upon the strength of your starships, vehicles, and troops, it depends upon the individual efforts of such notable characters as Leia Organa, Mon Mothma, Grand Moff Tarkin, and Emperor Palpatine. As civil war spreads throughout the galaxy, these leaders are invaluable to your efforts, and the secret missions they attempt will evoke many of the most inspiring moments from the classic trilogy. You might send Luke Skywalker to receive Jedi training on Dagobah or have Darth Vader spring a trap that freezes Han Solo in carbonite!

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This game was originally published in Germany by Amigo as Geschenkt …ist noch zu teuer!, meaning Even given as a gift, it is still too expensive!. Amigo’s international edition, titled No Merci! (a delightful multi-lingual pun), had rules in several languages, including English. The game has subsequently been released in other countries under an assortment of names.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition)

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In Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition), one player takes on the role of the treacherous overlord, and up to four other players take on the roles of courageous heroes. During each game, the heroes embark on quests and venture into dangerous caves, ancient ruins, dark dungeons, and cursed forests to battle monsters, earn riches, and attempt to stop the overlord from carrying out his vile plot. With danger lurking in every shadow, combat is a necessity. For such times, Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) uses a unique dice-based system. Players build their dice pools according to their character’s abilities and weapons, and each die in the pool contributes to an attack in different ways. Surges, special symbols that appear on most dice, also let you trigger special effects to make the most of your attacks. And with the horrors awaiting you beneath the surface, you’ll need every advantage you can take… Featuring double-sided modular board pieces, countless hero and skill combinations, and an immersive story-driven campaign, Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) transports heroes to a vibrant fantasy realm where they must stand together against an ancient evil. Compared to the first edition of Descent: Journeys in the Dark, this game features: Simpler rules for determining line of sight Faster setup of each encounter Defense dice to mitigate the tendency to “math out” attacks Shorter quests with plenty of natural stopping points Cards that list necessary statistics, conditions, and effects A new mechanism for controlling the overlord powers Enhanced hero selection and creation process Experience system to allow for hero growth and development Out-of-the-box campaign system

Dune: Imperium

Dune: Imperium is a game that finds inspiration in elements and characters from the Dune legacy, both the new film from Legendary Pictures and the seminal literary series from Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert, and Kevin J. Anderson.

As a leader of one of the Great Houses of the Landsraad, raise your banner and marshal your forces and spies. War is coming, and at the center of the conflict is Arrakis – Dune, the desert planet.

Dune: Imperium uses deck-building to add a hidden-information angle to traditional worker placement.

You start with a unique leader card, as well as deck identical to those of your opponents. As you acquire cards and build your deck, your choices will define your strengths and weaknesses. Cards allow you to send your Agents to certain spaces on the game board, so how your deck evolves affects your strategy. You might become more powerful militarily, able to deploy more troops than your opponents. Or you might acquire cards that give you an edge with the four political factions represented in the game: the Emperor, the Spacing Guild, the Bene Gesserit, and the Fremen.

Unlike many deck-building games, you don’t play your entire hand in one turn. Instead, you draw a hand of cards at the start of every round and alternate with other players, taking one Agent turn at a time (playing one card to send one of your Agents to the game board). When it’s your turn and you have no more Agents to place, you’ll take a Reveal turn, revealing the rest of your cards, which will provide Persuasion and Swords. Persuasion is used to acquire more cards, and Swords help your troops fight for the current round’s rewards as shown on the revealed Conflict card.

Defeat your rivals in combat, shrewdly navigate the political factions, and acquire precious The Spice Must Flow cards to lead your House to victory!

Dead of Winter: The Long Night

Dead of Winter: The Long Night is a standalone expansion for Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game that introduces the Raxxon location where horrible experiments will spill out into the town unless players can contain them.
Players are at a new colony location trying to survive against brand new challenges. Players have the ability to survive being raided by members of other colonies, explore more and unravel the mysteries of the Raxxon pharmaceutical location to find powerful items but release stronger enemies, upgrade their colonies and more. More choices are available in this new set and can be mixed with the original set to increase variety.

Container: 10th Anniversary Jumbo Edition!

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Container is the classic game of big ships and big production. This game features an open economy requiring lots of meaningful decisions. Players build (or destroy) their economy by building factories and warehouses, or focus on shipping goods to their island. Governent subsidies allow players to ensure maximum profits however, they need to be aware of their cash reserves as the player-driven market can go sour at any time requiring strategy changes. 

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Mini-Mutabo is a standalone expansion for Mutabo and features 100 new cards.
Two sets of cards are used, one with six subjects and the other with six verbs and objects. In each round, using 36 possibilities, players draw one card of each and form a sentence. This sentence is written on a sheet of paper and given to their neighbor. As each neighbor reads, they draw what they see, fold back the sentence, and then pass the paper to the next neighbor and so on. It’s usually played with no win condition, but if you want to determine the winner, you can vote for the most creative “sequel”.


In Mombasa, players acquire shares of chartered companies based in Mombasa, Cape Town, Saint-Louis, and Cairo and spread their trading posts throughout the African continent in order to earn the most money.

“As I expected, the East African Company’s network of trading posts has spread far into the West. They were even able to expand into a couple of diamond mines. It seems reasonable to invest our recent yield here in Mombasa, rather than to continue our unrivalled commitment in Cape Town. After all, it can only be to our advantage to have other irons in the fire. And when the day of reckoning comes, it will show whether our hoarding of holdings and our intransigent eagerness are worth it…”

Mombasa is a tense Euro-style strategy game set in 18th century Africa in which players invest in four chartered companies. Using influence to help them expand across the continent improves the value of the players’ shares in these companies. Players will also trade in bananas, coffee or cotton, work together with diamond merchants and ensure that the accounts are kept up to date. To make the most of this one will need to have the correct action cards (back) in hand at the same time, which needs excellent forward planning.

Mombasa features a unique, rotating-display hand-mechanism that drives game play: Players start with an identical hand, but acquire new and more powerful cards from the rotating display throughout the game. Each round players choose action cards from their hand, place them face down in the so-called action slot (beneath the player board), and then reveal them simultaneously to carry out the actions. At the end of the action phase, each card is moved to the so-called resting slot (above the player board). Cards in the resting slots are inactive and cannot be used until they are recovered – each round one can only return cards of one resting slot which is why it can make quite a difference in which action slots certain cards are placed.

The game ends after seven rounds, players add up their scores in different categories, and the player with the highest score (who has earned the most money) wins the game. With a variety of paths to victory and double-sided company boards, each game will be a new and different challenge.

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Heroes of Land, Air & Sea

Heroes of Land, Air & Sea is a 4X-style board game with miniatures that tells the epic tale of orcs vs. humans, dwarves vs. elves, battling kingdoms, and the individuals who turn the tides of war.

Players control one of these classic factions, competing to expand their kingdom into new territory. Even the greatest kingdoms begin as small townships, therefore players begin with only a basic town hall, a couple of peons, and a single warrior. From there, players must explore the territory around them, build up their work force, fortify their army, and develop their kingdom — all through careful action selection, exploitation, war, and resource management.

As players reach milestones in the development of their kingdom, they gain access to many advantages. Peons become warriors, warriors become powerful heroes, and town halls eventually become castles. Players gain access to water, and even air, vessels and creatures. Boarding these vessels and creatures with your units allows for faster travel across the vast game board and for positioning armies for powerful attacks.

War in Heroes of Land, Air & Sea features a cost/reward system carefully detailed on tactics cards from which players must secretly choose. The availability of these tactics cards depends on the units participating in the war. It is here that players wage their wits and legacy in an attempt to exterminate one another. For as we all know, “history is written by the victors”.

Heroes of Land, Air & Sea also boasts two economic systems, one being the risky acquisition and careful management of the resources (food, ore and mana), while the other is a twist on worker placement that requires the leveraging of peons to construct buildings, peons that could otherwise be exploring, expanding, exploiting, and exterminating! Finding this balance is crucial to victory!


Japan during the Meiji period—a closed, isolated, and feudal country—decides to change into a modern industrialized state. The Empire sends emissaries to foreign nations, brings technicians and scholars from the west, builds a network of railroads, and achieves an outstandingly fast industrial revolution.

The nation and Emperor count on the support of the Great Four, the big conglomerates that emerge with great power and massive control over the Japanese economy. They are called Zaibatsu, and their influence on the Meiji Emperor and importance on the fate of Japan is incredibly high.

Nippon is an Area Majority Game in which players control Zaibatsu and try to develop their web of power by investing in new industries, improving their technological knowledge, shipping goods to foreign countries or using them to satisfy local needs, and growing their influence and power as they oversee the era of rapid industrialization of Japan.

The foundations of the big Zaibatsu were the traditional silk workshops, but soon the conglomerates diversified their influence and power, building a complex structure of interconnected companies that made them giant players in the world’s new industrial era. Each player takes the reins of one of these big corporations and tries to develop it in order to grow and achieve power.

To win the game, players must carefully choose which types of industry to invest in to get the most influence over the Japanese islands. Every action that is taken helps to forge their own path to new opportunities.

Nippon is a fast-paced economic game with challenging decisions, set during an important time in Japanese history, and when a new great nation is born.

Kettle Hill

This narrative solitaire wargame tells the story of the U.S. Cavalry at the Battle of San Juan Hill on July 1, 1898. You play a Color Sergeant in either the Tenth U.S. Cavalry (the Buffalo Soldiers) or the First U.S. Vol. Cavalry (the Rough Riders).

To reach Kettle Hill and San Juan Hill by the end of the last round, you must use action dice, operation cards, and strategy.

Battlespace: Ultra Modern Solo Skirmish Game

The game Battlespace is an ultramodern military tabletop solo (or cooperative) game.

How to Play

Just like its name suggests, Battlespace is a solo skirmish game set in ultra modern times. The objective of the game is to strategically plan and execute missions against enemy forces while trying to complete various objectives. Even if you’re new to this type of game, the rules are easy enough to understand and the learning curve is not too steep.

Battlespace uses dice and cards to determine outcomes adds an element of unpredictability and excitement to each turn. It also allows for different strategies and tactics to be implemented, making each gameplay experience unique.

Who Can Play

Battlespace is perfect for those ages 12 and up who love tabletop games, especially solo players. It’s also great for anyone who loves military and strategic games, as it requires you to think on your feet and make quick decisions.

What Makes It Fun

What makes Battlespace truly fun is the level of immersion it provides. The detailed miniatures, beautifully designed cards and maps, and engaging gameplay make you feel like you’re in the middle of an intense battle. And let’s not forget the satisfaction of successfully completing a mission and outsmarting your opponent.

Battlespace is perfect for anyone looking for a thrilling solo gaming experience. 

Dead Reckoning

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In Dead Reckoning, you are a privateer commander about to set sail into unknown waters.

Exploring unknown islands, establishing outposts, or hunting for treasure, the choice is yours. Choosing a path will lead to a series of accomplishments, and when you finish 4 of these, the game ending begins.

In your quest for glory on the high seas you are not alone… You are competing against the interests of other players, each pursuing victory in their own way. Will you succeed as an explorer, merchant or privateer, and will your strategy choice prevail? The player who navigated Dead Reckoning challenges the best and finished with the most treasure will win.

Waste Knights: Second Edition

Hello, Australia. A powerful corporation Cerbero bought and split the continent. He kneels divided awaiting the fall. There is no government and no law. Mutated beasts, outdated machines, and degenerate humans roam desolate wastelands.

Survival is more important than progress in those few pockets of civilization left. As time passes, hope and mementos of cybernetic grandeur fade. Fortunately, there are still people who care. You are one of them – those bowed by the radioactive storm, but now stronger to challenge the ruined world. In this age of brutality, you are the shining beacon of courage.

It is you who symbolizes what humanity lost, the eternal wanderer who is always ready to help. Waste calls – are you ready? In Waste Knights: Second Edition, a powerful corporation destroys dystopian Australia. Players become rugged heroes traveling through a wasteland, facing unnatural weather, and battling enemies made in long-forgotten laboratories.

As the game is centered around adventure, players have access to a variety of scenarios with plot twists and narratives shaped by their choices. In addition to enhancing the current storyline, special cards hide encounters and the results of the players’ interactions with the world. You will soon realize that your hunger for adventure will be easily satisfied with a huge board with over 40 destinations and cities to visit!


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The Plum Island Horror

If you’re a fan of horror games, you will definitely love ‘The Plum Island Horror’.

How to Play

You play as a detective who is sent to investigate a series of murders that have taken place on Plum Island. The catch? The island is completely cut off from the rest of the world and it’s infested with terrifying creatures. 

One unique aspect of this game is its decision-making system. Every choice you make can have consequences, leading to different outcomes and multiple endings. This adds a whole new level of excitement and unpredictability to the game.

Who Can Play

If you’re a fan of horror games that keep you on the edge of your seat with a gripping storyline and intense gameplay, then this is definitely the game for you. It’s not for the faint of heart though, as the jump scares and spine-chilling atmosphere will have your adrenaline rushing. 

What Makes It Fun

The game is the perfect combination of adrenaline-pumping action and clever puzzle-solving. The puzzles in this game are challenging yet satisfying to solve, and the combat system is smooth and intuitive. Plus, the plot twists and turns will keep you invested in the story until the very end.

Anno 1800

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In  The Anno 1800 board game, you navigate the complexities of trade, industry, diplomacy, and warfare. The board game beckons both devoted Anno fans and strategy game enthusiasts to immerse themselves in a beautifully crafted world.

Unpacking the Anno 1800 Board Game

Like the video game, the Anno 1800 board game places you in the shoes of a ruler looking to develop a thriving civilization. Set during the Industrial Revolution when empires were born and economies surged, this adaptation captures the spirit of expansion and innovation.

The game is designed for 2-4 players, each overseeing the growth of their colonies with a unique starting setup. 

The Art of Play: Gameplay and Mechanics

Setting the Scene

Each player takes on a character with specific starting resources and a unique building card that can offer an early-game advantage. The modular board provides a variety of terrain types and resources, ensuring that each playthrough is different.

Founding and Expanding Your Empire

Players start by founding a modest capital with a palace, some residents, and a fleet of ships ready to explore. The turn-to-turn gameplay follows a sequence where players gather resources, upgrade their production lines, explore the globe for more opportunities, and even interact with their opponents through trade or diplomacy.

Balancing Progress with Happiness

Managing the needs and wants of your populace is crucial. Resident’s happiness directly impact your city’s efficiency, so one must maintain a careful balance between progress and the welfare of their people.

Proactive and Reactive Strategies

The game is split into six rounds, with each round presenting different production and market demands. Players must adapt their strategy accordingly to take advantage of lucrative contracts and steer clear of impending financial downturns.

Endgame and Victory Conditions

The goal is to have the most imperial influence by the end of the game. This score is calculated based on various factors such as the size and variety of your buildings, the prosperity of your city, and your standing in the eyes of your citizens. The player with the most imperial influence claims victory, cementing their status as a savvy and compassionate ruler.

What Makes Anno 1800 Board Game Fun?

Immerse Yourself in History

The art, the components, and even the game mechanics are steeped in the ambiance of the 19th century, providing a rich storytelling backdrop.

Strategic Decision-Making

Anno 1800 board game is all about strategy. The game constantly challenges players to plan ahead, make the best use of limited resources, and adapt to an unpredictable market.

Interactive Dynamics

The game fosters rivalry and cooperation. While you may choose to focus on your development, you can’t avoid inter-player dynamics. Trades can be mutually beneficial or deceptively one-sided, and diplomatic relations can shift the tide of battle. The game thus emphasizes the importance of interaction in strategy, enhancing social interaction.

Who Will Find Anno 1800 Board Game Enjoyable?

Anno 1800 Enthusiasts

Fans of the digital Anno 1800 game will appreciate the attention given to the board game adaptation. It remains faithful to the core mechanics and themes of the series, offering a fresh way to enjoy the world of Anno.

Strategy Game Lovers

Board game aficionados who enjoy deep, strategic play will find the Anno 1800 board game right up their alley. With its complex yet intuitive gameplay, it is a satisfying challenge for those who relish in thoughtful decision-making and resource management.

Historians and Storytellers

The game’s historical context is a treat for those who enjoy an educational layer to their gaming experience. The Anno 1800 board game is not just about winning; it’s about the story you create as you build an empire during one of the world’s most defining eras.

Is Anno 1800 a Worthy Tabletop Adaptation?

The Anno 1800 board game stands is a successful adaptation of its digital sibling.  Players who enjoy the city-building genre will find the Anno 1800 board game refreshing. If you find joy in the logistical intricacies of building a realm or in the carefully crafted mechanics that underpin a compelling strategy game, the Anno 1800 board game is a must-play. 

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Flamme Rouge

The excitement in the air is electric as the leaders round the last corner and head for the finish line. Each team has used cunning and skill to position their sprinter for this moment, but only one has done enough to pull off the win!

Will your team lead from the front and risk exhaustion? Should you play it safe in the middle of the pack? Could you surprise everyone by striking from the back? Can you time your move perfectly?

Anyone can race, few become champions!

Flamme Rouge is a fast-paced, tactical bicycle racing game where each player controls a team of two riders: a Rouleur and a Sprinteur. The players’ goal is to be the first to cross the finish line with one of their riders. Players move their riders forward by drawing and playing cards from that riders specific deck, depleting it as they go. Use slipstreams to avoid exhaustion and position your team for a well timed sprint for the win.

Summoner Wars: Master Set

Summoner Wars: Master Set is a fast-paced, 2-4 player game where players are playing the role of a Summoner and have been endowed by the Summoning Stone with the ability to call forth mighty warriors and cast powerful spells to aid in their battle against an opposing Summoner. Each player’s objective is to destroy their opponent’s Summoner card.

Each turn in Summoner Wars is comprised of 6 phases and must be played in the following order:

  1. Draw: Draw 5 cards
  2. Summon: Summon units to the battlefield
  3. Play Event Cards: Play event cards including wall cards. There is no limit to the number of event cards played by a player in a single turn.
  4. Movement: Players may move up to 3 of their units, up to 2 spaces each. Cards cannot move through spaces already occupied by other cards.
  5. Attack: Players may attack up to 3 units that they control on a battlefield.
  6. Build Magic: Players may take any number of cards from their hand and put them face down on their magic pile to free up their hand, and draw more cards on their next turn.

These phases are played simultaneously and after a player has completed all 6 phases, it becomes their opponent’s turn.

The only remaining player on the battlefield with a Summoner wins the game.


Once Yokohama was just a fishing village, but now at the beginning of the Meiji era it’s becoming a harbor open to foreign countries and one of the leading trade cities of Japan. As a result, many Japanese products such as copper and raw silk are collected in Yokohama for export to other countries. At the same time, the city is starting to incorporate foreign technology and culture, with even the streets becoming more modernized. In the shadow of this development was the presence of many Yokohama merchants.

In YOKOHAMA, each player is a merchant in the Meiji period, trying to gain fame from a successful business, and to do so they need to build a store, broaden their sales channels, learn a variety of techniques, and (of course) respond to trade orders from abroad.

Scythe: Invaders from Afar

While empires rise and fall in Eastern Europa, the rest of the world takes notice. Two distant factions, Albion and Togawa, send emissaries to scout the land and employ their own distinct styles of conquering. Scythe: Invaders from Afar, an expansion for Scythe, adds two new factions: 10 miniatures, 62 custom wooden tokens, and 2 faction mats. It also includes some new cardboard tokens, two new player mats, six Automa cards, and a custom plastic insert designed to fit into the expansion box or the original Scythe box.

Command & Colors: Ancients

“Commands & Colors: Ancients depicts warfare from the Dawn of Military History (3000 BC) to the opening of the Middle Ages (400 AD). Quite an ambitious undertaking for one game, yet Commands & Colors by design is a unique historical game system which allows players to effectively portray stylized battles from this time in history. The 15 battles, showcased in the scenario booklet, although stylized, focus on important terrain features and the historical deployment of forces in scale with the game system. The battles include Bagradas, Cannae, and Zama.”

“The scale of the game fluctuates from battle to battle. For some scenarios, an infantry unit may represent a legion of fighters, while in other scenarios a unit may represent just a few brave warriors. But the tactics you need to execute conform remarkably well to the advantages and limitations inherent to the various units, their weapons, terrain and time.”

“Unlike its older brother, Battle Cry by Avalon Hill Games, Inc., Commands & Colors: Ancients is moderately more complex and contains additional historical details without the battlefield clutter. Most scenarios will still play to a conclusion in less than an hour.”

“The command card system, drives movement, creates a true fog of war and presents both challenges and opportunities. There are four types of command cards: Leadership cards, Section cards, Troop cards and Tactic cards.”

“The battle dice system resolves all combat efficiently and quickly. Each battle die has one Light, one Medium, one Heavy, one Leader, one Flag and one Swords symbol.”

“The game mechanics, although simple, will still require strategic card play, historical tactics, timely dice rolling, and an aggressive yet flexible battle plan, to achieve victory.”

Imperial Struggle

The game Imperial Struggle depicts the rivalry between France and Great Britain during the 18th century. The story begins in 1697, when the two realms wait with trepidation for the king of Spain to name an heir, and ends in 1789 when a new order brought down the Bastille. The game is not only about war: both France and Britain must build the foundations of colonial wealth, deal with other European nations, and compete for glory across human endeavor.

Kanban: Driver’s Edition

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Kanban is set in an assembly line. Players are ambitious managers who attempt to impress the board of directors in order to achieve the highest position possible in the company and secure their careers. Through solid management, players must strive to shine next to their peers, with promotions offering advantages at the factory as well as more storage for precious materials. Managing suppliers and suppliers, improving automobile parts and innovating are some things that players need to do to succeed. 

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Castle Panic: Big Box

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Castle Panic is a cooperative game in which the players work together rather than compete. Cards are used to hit and slay Monsters as players advance from the Forest toward the Castle. Together, players plan strategies to stop the Monsters from crashing the Castle Towers. All Monsters must be slayed and at least one Tower must remain for the players to win. If all the Castle Towers are destroyed, the players lose.

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Tigris & Euphrates

Regarded by many as Reiner Knizia’s masterpiece, Tigris & Euphrates is set in the ancient fertile crescent with players building civilizations through tile placement. Players are given four different leaders: farming, trading, religion, and government. The leaders are used to collect victory points in these same categories. However, your score at the end of the game is the number of points in your weakest category, which encourages players not to get overly specialized. Conflict arises when civilizations connect on the board, i.e., external conflicts, with only one leader of each type surviving such a conflict. Leaders can also be replaced within a civilization through internal conflicts.

Starting in the Mayfair edition from 2008, Tigris & Euphrates included a double-sided game board and extra components for playing an advanced version of the game. This “ziggurat expansion”, initially released as a separate item in Germany for those who already owned the base game, is a special monument that extends across five spaces of the board. The monument can be built if a player has a cross of five civilization tokens of the same color by discarding those five tokens and replacing them with the ziggurat markers, placing a ziggurat tower upon the middle tile. The five ziggurat markers cannot be destroyed. All rules regarding monuments apply to the ziggurat monument as well. If your king is inside the kingdom of the ziggurat, you will get one victory point in a color of your choice at the end of your turn.

Some versions of Tigris & Euphrates are listed as being for 2-4 players, while others incorrectly state that they’re for 3-4 players. Tigris & Euphrates is part of what is sometimes called Reiner Knizia’s tile-laying trilogy.

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Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire

Warhammer Underworlds is a tactical arena combat game. This is a system designed for balanced, small-scale tactical games that can be played quickly and easily by anyone, but which even experienced players will find challenging to master. The game rules are designed with competitive play in mind; matches can be played in under 45 minutes, on a smaller surface than our larger-scale games, and will be ideal for club or tournament play. And not only that, we’ll be fully supporting an organized play system for this game, right from day one.

The forces you can use in this game will be drawn from races across the Mortal Realms, including some for factions that have not received any new miniatures since we first ventured into the Age of Sigmar. Each of these sets will be composed of a small band of easy-to-assemble, push-fit miniatures in the style of our single-pose heroes to represent a specific band of warriors from that faction. These are provided in coloured plastic, and clip together, so you can quite literally be playing with them within minutes of opening the box with no glue or paint needed! (Though they do look great painted, and your dice will roll better – probably.)

The game is played using unique dice and card decks, and these will, to an extent, be unique to each faction. Both decks of cards used in the game are fully customisable – meaning you can choose to create all manner of combinations of overlapping abilities to use and objectives to achieve. This can be a really rewarding part of the game – and means that even the same faction can be played in wildly different ways. We’re expecting to see all sorts of combinations tried out at game stores, clubs and in tournaments.

—description from the publisher

Hadrian’s Wall

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Hadrian Augustus saw the aftermath of a war between his armies and the savage Picts when he visited the North of Britain in 122 AD. As a show of Roman might, he ordered the construction of a wall between the Picts and the rest of England. It extended 80 Roman miles from coast to coast. Hadrian’s Wall puts players in charge of constructing a milecastle and bordering wall as a Roman general. Players have six years to build their forts and walls, man the defenses, and provide entertainment for civilians to attract them – all while defending the Roman Empire from the warring Picts. Those who can accumulate the most Renown, Piety, Valour, and Discipline, while avoiding disdain, will prove to the Emperor that they are the model Roman citizen, and will be crowned Legatus Legionis!

The game provides a deep and fulfilling experience. Setup is a breeze. Players taking turns simultaneously makes things go fast. There are a lot of decisions and active play in this condensed game. The solo player is one of the easiest to set up and works great. The interaction among players is very light and could be increased, but on the plus side, it’s not an attacking game where players can take each other down. The biggest con is that it’s easy for new players to make mistakes. Play with an eraser and a pencil until you get the hang of it!

Yedo: Deluxe Master Set

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Yedo is a worker placement game where clans compete for the most influential positions in the 16th century capital of Japan. In the core of the game, each clan attempts to earn money and influence by completing a set of missions. A certain number of rounds ends the game, and the Clan with most prestige wins!

Betrayal at House on the Hill 3rd Edition

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In the House on the Hill, fearless explorers have been drawn to discover the house’s dark secrets. You’ll take on the role of one of those explorers in this narrative-driven gameplay experience. You’ll be frightened to death by the 50 chilling haunts and dozens of danger-filled rooms in Betrayal at House on the Hill 3rd Edition cooperative board game. You will work together at first, but beware…one explorer will betray the others, and then the haunt begins. In this edition of the popular haunted house traitor game, new players can jump right in with gameplay elements and content. This immersive, story-driven hidden traitor game for 3-6 players, ages 12 and up, combines monsters, miniatures, and modular board pieces. This is an amazing game, but there VERY steep learning curve. If you are not used to playing game with a ton of set up and rules, it might take a bit to enjoy. Once you get the hang of it, it’s great. The 3rd edition’s rules are much more streamlined and easier to understand. Artwork and colour on the pieces has improved. Miniatures, unfortunately are unpainted.

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Trekking Through History

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A HISTORY BOARD GAME FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY | During family game night, you’ll meet legendary people and experience remarkable events.

A JOURNEY TO 108 REMARKABLE EVENTS | Each oversized card showcases original art and a real historic figure or event.

A team of experts helped write the cards and choose the events for this family board game. You’ll find new things even if you’re a history buff.

You’re about to take a 3-day tour of history, watching great moments from the past in a time machine. There are three rounds in Trekking through History, each representing one day. Each day, you’ll visit a different historical event for a different amount of time. Along the way, you’ll score points for sticking to your Itinerary, and visiting historical events in chronological order.

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Dark Ages: Heritage of Charlemagne

‘Dark Ages: Heritage of Charlemagne’ is a game set in Europe during the Dark Ages and players take on the role of nobles vying for power and influence in Charlemagne’s empire.

How to Play

Each player controls a noble family with unique abilities and resources. The objective of the game is to gain power and prestige by conquering territories, building structures, and completing various objectives. What makes the game truly engaging is the fact that players can choose to cooperate or compete with each other. This adds an interesting layer of strategy as alliances can shift and betrayals can happen at any moment.

Who Can Play

In terms of audience, ‘Dark Ages’ is suitable for both casual and hardcore gamers. The rules are easy enough for beginners to learn, but there is enough depth and strategy to keep more experienced players engaged.

What Makes It Fun

One of the most fun aspects of ‘Dark Ages’ is the use of action cards. These cards allow players to perform special actions such as recruiting soldiers, gaining resources, or sabotaging other players. The cards are beautifully illustrated and add a visual element to the gameplay.

The game also features a unique combat system where players roll custom dice to determine the outcome of battles. This adds an element of luck, making each battle unpredictable and exciting.

Neo-Morphosis: Infestation

‘Neo-Morphosis: Infestation’ is a cooperative board game where players take on the roles of scientists trying to prevent a deadly alien infestation from taking over Earth. 

How to Play

One of the standout features of ‘Neo-Morphosis: Infestation’ is its game mechanics. The game uses a unique card-drafting system where players have to strategically choose their actions for each turn based on the cards in their hand. This adds an element of suspense and anticipation as you never know what cards your opponents may choose, and it also offers a great opportunity for sly tactics.

Another aspect that sets this game apart is its amazing artwork and design. The board, cards, and miniatures are all beautifully designed with attention to detail, making the game visually appealing and immersive. 

Who Can Play

The game is designed for 2-6 players and is recommended for ages 14+. It’s suitable for both casual gamers and hardcore board game enthusiasts. The gameplay is easy to learn, but offers enough complexity and decision-making to keep things interesting.

What Makes It Fun

Now, let’s talk about what makes ‘Neo-Morphosis: Infestation’ so much fun. First off, it’s a cooperative game, which means players have to work together and communicate effectively in order to win. This creates a sense of camaraderie and team spirit among players, making for a great social experience.

Moreover, the game offers a good balance of strategy and luck, which keeps things exciting. You never know what cards you’ll draw or what challenges the game will throw your way, so there’s always an element of surprise. And let’s not forget the thrill of taking down hordes of alien creatures!


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Root is a board game designed by Cole Wehrle and published by Leder Games. It was first released in 2018 and has gained immense popularity among the gaming community since then. The game is set in a woodland kingdom where different factions are fighting for control, each with their own unique abilities and goals.

How to Play

Now, let’s talk about gameplay. The game requires 2 to 4 players and can take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes to complete. Each player takes on the role of a faction and must use their abilities and resources to gain control of the forest. The game has a lot of depth and strategy, making it perfect for players who enjoy a challenge. But don’t worry, even if you’re new to strategic games, I assure you Root is still enjoyable and easy to pick up.

One of the most interesting aspects of Root is the asymmetrical gameplay. Each faction has its own set of rules, goals, and abilities, making every game unique. Whether you choose to play as the sneaky Marquise de Cat or the rebellious Woodland Alliance, each faction offers a different experience. This adds a lot of replay value to the game, making it never feel repetitive.

Now, let’s talk about game mechanics. The game uses a combination of card-driven and area control mechanisms which keeps things interesting and unpredictable. The actions you take in the game will have consequences that affect not only your faction but also other players. This creates an intense and constantly changing dynamic throughout the game, keeping all players engaged until the very end.

Root is definitely a game that requires strategic thinking and planning ahead, but don’t let that intimidate you. The game also has a fun and lighthearted side to it. The illustrations and artwork are adorable and add a whimsical feel to the gameplay. Plus, there’s always room for some good-natured banter and friendly competition among friends.

Who Can Play

So, who is the ideal audience for Root? I would say anyone who enjoys a good strategy game with a bit of fun and quirkiness mixed in. It’s also perfect for groups of friends who love to play games together as it can accommodate up to four players. And let’s not forget, the cute animal characters are sure to capture the hearts of anyone who loves cute and cuddly things.

What Makes It Fun

Root is a highly engaging and strategic game that offers a unique and enjoyable experience for all players. The blend of asymmetrical gameplay, charming artwork, and tense decision-making makes it a must-try for any board game enthusiast. 

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Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport

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Scoundrels of Skullport adds new content for Lords of Waterdeep. It’s not one, but two, complete expansions: the sprawling dungeon of Undermountain and the criminal haven of Skullport.

Each thrilling location has unique characteristics and offers new play options, including new Lords, Buildings, Intrigue, and Quest cards.

Owners of Lords of Waterdeep can use one or both of these new subterranean locations to add depth to their game experience. There’s also a new faction, the Gray Hands, so now a sixth player can join in the fun!

The Undermountain Module

Undermountain is a vast and multileveled dungeon beneath Mount Waterdeep that once served the crazed wizard Halaster as a site for magical experiments. Now it is a labyrinthine maze with few refuges for weary adventurers.

The rumored wealth of Undermountain entices adventurers to brave the mysteries and monsters beneath the City of Splendors. The risks and the rewards are greater for undertaking Quests that require more Gold and Adventurers.

The Skullport Module

Skullport—also known as the Port of Shadow—is nestled in the heart of Undermountain, deep below the streets of Waterdeep. It is a haven for nefarious crimes, underhanded deals, and back-alley murders. Those who visit Skullport do so at their own peril, for around every corner are new ways to make people disappear.

The Skullport module includes a new resource: Corruption. Unlike Adventurers and Gold, having Corruption in your tavern penalizes you at the end of the game.

Each Corruption token in your Tavern at the end of the game is worth negative Victory Points. The exact negative value depends on how much Corruption has been collected throughout the game; the more corrupt you and your fellow Lords are, the more Corruption hurts your score.

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Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure

The evil Lord Eradikus has all but conquered the galaxy and is now on a victory lap across the sector in his flagship, Eradikus Prime. He may rule with an iron grip, but his most prized artifacts are about to slip through his cyborg claws. You and your fellow thieves have challenged each other to sneak aboard his ship, hack your way into its command module, and steal from him.

Along the way, you’ll recruit allies and snatch up extra loot. But one false step and — Clank! Careless noise draws the attention of Lord Eradikus. Hacking into his command module and stealing his artifacts increases his rage. You’d better hope your friends are louder than you are if you want to make it to an escape pod and get out alive…

Clank! In! Space! is built on the same game system as Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure, with players building a personal deck of cards throughout the course of the game, with the cards allowing them to move through the spaceship, attack things, acquire new cards, and — oh yeah — make noise to attract Lord Eradikus and potentially seal their own doom.


In the 15th and 16th century, Portugal is thriving under its leading role during the Age of Discovery. Nestled in the heart of Portugal, the city of Coimbra serves as a cultural center of the country. As the head of one of Coimbra’s oldest houses, you seek to earn prestige by deepening relationships with nearby monasteries or funding expeditions of the era. To reach this goal, you must vie for the favors of the city’s most influential citizens, even if you must offer a bit of coin or some protective detail.

Coimbra introduces an innovative new dice mechanism in which the dice players draft each round are used in multiple different ways and have an impact on many aspects of their decision making. While there are many paths to victory, players should always seek to optimize their opportunities with every roll of the dice. Combined with ever-changing synergies of the citizens, expeditions, and monasteries, no two games of Coimbra will ever be the same!

It’s a Wonderful World

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It’s a Wonderful World is a solo or up to 5 player strategy card game. Players lead an expanding empire, where they must choose a path that will allow them to develop faster and better than their opponents. There are 4 rounds in this game, where each round consists of 3 phases where each player plays each phase simultaneously. There 3 phase comprised in each round are: The Draft Phase which allows players to select cards while minimising the luck factor of the draw and focus their picks on a particular strategy. The Planning Phase where players must make a decision for each Development Card in their Draft Area to construct or recycle it. The Production Phase where this phase is made up of 5 sequential Production steps, one for each resource. A player wins the game by obtaining the most Victory Points.

Zombie Kidz Evolution

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There are ZOMBIES in your school! Join your friends and come up with a plan to defeat these foul creatures! The more you play, the more the game changes! Use STICKERS to mark your progress on SPECIAL MISSIONS! Discover MYSTERY ENVELOPES! Power up your heroes! Mutate the zombies! With every play and every feat that you accomplish, Zombie Kidz Evolution will evolve and grow richer. With time, you’ll gain new abilities, but the zombies will also become more ferocious.

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Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition)

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X-Wing Second Edition ushers in a new era of interstellar combat! As you lead starfighter squadrons into fast-paced, high-stakes dogfights with iconic Star Wars characters like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, X-wing Second Edition refines the core formulas that made the First Edition a bestseller. In this edition, Force powers are added into the game to allow Force-sensitive pilots to push themselves-and their ships-to the limit. Additionally, a companion app allows you to keep track of your ships, pilots, and upgrades, making building your squadron easier than ever.

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Unmatched: Teen Spirit

Unmatched is a highly asymmetrical miniature fighting game. The decks represent each hero’s style and legend. A tactical play experience and no-luck combat resolution reward expertise, but just when you master one set, a new set of heroes appears to introduce all-new match-ups. The Marvel comics universe is represented by four characters in Teen Spirit: Ms Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Cloak and Dagger.

How to Play

Unlike traditional board games where players take turns, in Unmatched, players can make moves simultaneously. This adds an extra layer of excitement and unpredictability to the game, making it perfect for those who love a bit of chaos in their gameplay.

But don’t worry, the game is not all about chaos and luck. It also requires strategy and careful planning to win. Each character has their own unique set of moves and abilities, which players must use strategically to defeat their opponents. This makes every game of Unmatched a different experience, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging.

Who Can Play

Another great aspect of Unmatched is that it can be enjoyed by a wide range of people. Whether you are a seasoned board gamer or someone who has never played before, this game is easy to learn and fun to play. The rules are simple, but the gameplay is deep and immersive, making it suitable for both casual and hardcore gamers alike.

What Makes It Fun

And let’s not forget the main reason why we play board games – because they’re fun! Unmatched definitely delivers in that department. From the intense battles between characters to the hilarious moments that arise from unexpected moves or combos, this game is guaranteed to keep you entertained for hours.

Crime Zoom: A Bird of Ill Omen

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It takes about an hour to play Crime Zoom for 1 to 6 players. A crime scene is illustrated with several cards. You can choose whether to follow a lead when you turn over a card. Depending on your understanding of the plot, you can investigate freely by following the clues that seem most relevant.

Luna Mare: Mineralis & Dominatio

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I’ve found “Luna Mare: Mineralis & Dominatio” to be an engaging board game that takes players on a journey to the moon, combining elements of strategy, resource management, and area control. Playing a game that simulates lunar exploration and dominance, makes it a unique board gaming experience.

Gameplay and Player Actions

In “Luna Mare: Mineralis & Dominatio,” you compete to discover and collect the moon’s surface elements. Your goal is to uncover valuable new resources and minerals. You are also engaged in a strategic battle for control over the lunar regions, known as Maria, to establish dominance on the moon​​.

The game is designed for 2 to 4 players and can be played in multiplayer mode or as a team game with two teams of two players each. The team members cooperate to compete against the opposing team, adding an interesting cooperative aspect to the gameplay​​.

Game Mechanics

I have found the game to elegantly combine two core mechanics: pick up & deliver and area control. This combination, along with light combat, score rivalry, unit and card management, and team play, provides a deep and tactical gaming experience. The gameplay is based on a realistic theme, with the included map representing the actual boundaries of the lunar Maria and the Apollo landing sites​​​​.

“Luna Mare: Mineralis & Dominatio” consists of two separate gameplay modes – Mineralis and Dominatio. Each mode has its unique focus, with Mineralis emphasizing pick up & deliver mechanics supported by area control, while Dominatio leans more towards area control complemented by pick up & deliver elements. This dual-mode approach offers varied gameplay, forcing players to adapt their skills and tactics​​.


 I have found this game ideal for those who enjoy strategy games with a thematic backdrop and those interested in space exploration and tactical gameplay​​.

What Makes It Fun

What sets “Luna Mare: Mineralis & Dominatio” apart is its unique theme and the combination of different game mechanics. The realistic lunar setting and the inclusion of actual lunar geography and mineralogy add to the game’s appeal. The two distinct gameplay modes provide variety and replayability, ensuring that each game session offers a new and exciting experience

This game is Print and Play. You can access it here.

You can also play it online via the links below.

Blood Bowl: Living Rulebook

Blood Bowl: Living Rulebook is set in a fantasy world where different races and creatures compete against each other in a brutal sport that combines elements of American football and Warhammer

How to Play

Each player takes on the role of a team coach, controlling a team made up of various fantasy creatures such as orcs, dwarves, and elves.

The goal of the game is simple: score more points than your opponent by getting the ball into their end zone. But here’s where it gets interesting – you can also tackle, injure, and even kill your opponent’s players to gain an advantage. Yes, it may sound violent, but trust me, it’s all in good fun.

Each team has its own unique strengths and abilities, making every match different and unpredictable. And with a bit of luck on your side, even the underdog can come out victorious.

Who Can Play

Blood Bowl: Living Rulebook is a game that appeals to a wide audience. Both seasoned board game veterans and newcomers can enjoy the mix of strategy, luck, and humor. And let’s not forget about the fantasy and sports fans out there – this game offers a unique and entertaining experience you won’t find anywhere else.

What Makes It Fun

What truly sets Blood Bowl: Living Rulebook apart from other board games is its sense of humor. From the quirky team names to the witty commentary on player cards, this game doesn’t take itself too seriously. 

Harpoon V: Modern Tactical Naval Combat 1955 – 2020

If you’re a fan of naval combat games, you need to give Harpoon V: Modern Tactical Naval Combat 1955 – 2020 a try

How to Play

The gameplay of Harpoon V is incredibly realistic, with a vast array of scenarios and missions that will keep you on the edge of your seat. But don’t worry, you won’t need to be an expert in naval tactics to enjoy this game. The user-friendly interface and intuitive controls make it easy for even beginners to jump right into the action.

One of the things that I love about Harpoon V is the attention to detail. From the realistic ship models to the accurate portrayal of modern naval warfare, it’s clear that a lot of thought and research went into creating this game.

But what really sets Harpoon V apart from other naval combat games is its comprehensive simulation system. This feature allows you to not only control your own fleet, but also the enemy’s tactics. You can play as either NATO or the Soviet Union and test your strategic skills against a challenging AI opponent.

Who Can Play

As for the type of audience who might enjoy this game, I think it appeals to both hardcore simulation gamers and casual players alike. The wide range of difficulty levels and customizable options make it accessible to all skill levels.

What Makes It Fun

And let’s not forget the most important aspect of any game – fun! Harpoon V definitely delivers in this department. The intense battles, strategic planning, and unpredictable outcomes never fail to keep me entertained.

Roll for the Galaxy

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Roll for the Galaxy: A Dice Game Odyssey in Space Strategy

Roll for the Galaxy is a masterful blend of chance and choice, invoking the pioneer spirit of space exploration and economic conquest.  

The Game Setup

Roll for the Galaxy, designed by Wei-Hwa Huang and Tom Lehmann, puts you into the roles of space-faring factions seeking to build your intergalactic empire. You start with a dice pool, representing your workers, or ‘dice citizens’, ready to be assigned to various tasks.

The game setup is simple and elegant, consisting of several phases, each with its own objectives.

The Basics of Colony and Ship Settlement

Upon gaining control of your dice pool, you roll to determine what actions your citizens are capable of performing. Dice results correspond to different actions, with symbols like dollar signs for economic development, and dice faces with a star for planet development.

During the Launch phase, you explore new worlds and secretly allocate workers to different options: explore or develop new technology, settle or produce goods, or build up your military power to conquer new territory.

In the Citadel Phase, players simultaneously reveal their choices. Successful actions move the game forward, but failure means lost opportunities.

Each turn, players collect income and profits, invest in better shipping and settling to keep up with their expanding empire, and boost their economy with new and improved technologies.

Understanding Dice Rolling and the Dilemma it Presents

Roll for the Galaxy embraces the chaos and randomness of dice-based mechanics, where every roll can be the birth of new possibilities—or the doom of carefully laid plans. This unpredictability reflects the nature of innovation and risk in exploration and conquest.

Despite the randomness, you have the means to alter your fate. The versatility of workers (dice) allows for contingencies and multiple paths of action. The ability to reassign them based on the outcome of other player’s actions or the revealing of new options keeps the game dynamic.

Risk-Taking and Strategy

Understanding the odds and when to gamble is key. Each action has potential risks and rewards, and the element of chance keeps the game engaging. But wise use of powers and synergies can mitigate the randomness, making for a deeply strategic experience.

Strategy and Building Your Galaxy

Roll for the Galaxy is ultimately an economic game, where players aim to build the most lucrative and efficient empire. To achieve this, they need a finely-tuned economic engine.

Expansion can bring in short-term gains, but a balanced approach to simultaneously developing technologies and establishing colonies provides a more sustainable and profitable long-term strategy.

Understanding market trends is crucial. If everyone races to produce a particular good, its value drops. Identifying and capitalizing on less popular goods creates lucrative opportunities.

You can customize your dice to suit your needs by building developments and worlds with certain abilities. This layer of customization greatly enhances replayability and allows for a range of specialized approaches.

What makes Roll for a Galaxy fun?

The game is deeply thematic but devoid of a strong narrative, which may deter some players who seek more immersive storytelling.

Roll for the Galaxy is a visual spectacle. As you build your galaxy, see it expand on the board which makes it very rewarding. 

The game’s rules are moderately complex, but once understood, gameplay flows smoothly. Roll for the Galaxy rewards repeated plays as players get a better handle on the strategies and synergies at their disposal.

Who Will Enjoy Roll for the Galaxy?

Roll for the Galaxy caters to those who enjoy strategy and economic games but also appreciate the element of chance. The game’s depth is more likely to be appreciated by experienced board gamers and tabletop enthusiasts, although its straightforward mechanics make it accessible to novices.

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Spirit Island

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A Tale of Spirits and Settlers: Spirit Island at a Glance

Spirit Island, designed by R. Eric Reuss and published by Greater Than Games, is a unique cooperative game for one to four players that takes place on a remote island populated by ancient spirits. This is not a tale of questing heroes or powerful wizards, but of primal spirits who willfully rise from the island to fend off the great colonial powers that seek to exploit its resources.

The game distinguishes itself with a “reverse colonisation” theme, where players take on the roles of powerful island spirits, each with their own playstyle and abilities. Faced with the impending onslaught of settlers, you must harness your unique powers to defend the island and, ultimately, drive out the invaders.

In the following sections, we’ll unravel the enigmatic realm of Spirit Island: exploring its gameplay intricacies, dissecting its mechanics, and uncovering the intangible elements that render it an essential addition to your board game nights.

Forging a Resistance: Understanding the Spirit Island Gameplay

The Setup

The game board consists of a randomly-generated island with various regions, each adorned with its unique landscape, which determines the mechanics and difficulty of the game. Players select their spirits — starting with uniquely-empowered basic spirit boards — each with innate powers that grow and become more potent as the game progresses.

At the outset, players will face a wave of settlers that begin to infest the island with towns and cities, exacerbating the pressure on the native Dahan inhabitants. Time is not your ally; for each turn, invaders spread unchecked, and the island’s destruction inches closer.

Strategic Planning

Collaboration is key. Players must combine their spirits’ powers with careful planning and coordination to stave off the invaders’ onslaught. Effective communication and teamwork are vital, making this a game not only of strategy but of diplomacy and synergy.

Tactical Play

Timing is everything. Each turn, players must choose growth options, develop powers, and finally, unleash a crescendo of elemental control to repel the invaders. With options ranging from summoning powerful allies to wreaking havoc with elemental forces, the game grants players a vast strategic toolkit with which to defend the island.

The Invader Phase

At this stage, the game will strike back with the invader phase, where settler actions escalate, towns spawn, and the island’s defense is tested. It is here you will feel the full weight of your decisions, as you battle to maintain control of the island’s elements and force the enemies back.

Unearthing the Game’s Unique Mechanics

The Power Grid

At the heart of Spirit Island lies the Power Grid, a dynamic system through which players grow their influence and effectiveness. Beginning with a small pool of power cards, each representing a unique ability, players can strengthen their spirit by adding stronger cards as they level up.

Fear: The Settlers’ Bane

Fear is a resource players generate by intimidating the invaders with their powers. When sufficient fear is amassed, it triggers powerful benefits, ranging from dispersing the invaders to healing the island.

Elements and Invocations

Invocations are the more powerful abilities in the game, relying on players to generate and harness elemental forces. The timing and combination of these invocations are critical and can turn the tide of battle.

Scaling Difficulty

Each spirit can become stronger through the course of a game. However, this power progression is mirrored by an ever-increasingly difficult enemy escalation. The game’s scales cater to both casual and hardcore players, ensuring a formidable challenge at all levels of expertise.

Scenario Play

Spirit Island also offers a variety of scenarios, adding a narrative element to the game and changing up the gameplay mechanics. Each scenario comes with its win conditions and unique rules, enhancing the game’s replayability.

What Makes Spirit Island an Engaging Quest?

The Thematic Element

One of the most universally lauded aspects of Spirit Island is its rich thematic elements. Players don’t merely push chits on a board; they feel like they are breathing life into the spirits, commanding the forces of nature and primordial might.

Depth of Strategy

Spirit Island is a connoisseur’s game, rich in deep-seated strategy and player choice. The game offers a kaleidoscope of tactical possibilities, ensuring that each playthrough is a unique puzzle to solve.

A Sense of Accomplishment

Victory in Spirit Island is not served on a silver platter; it’s earned through grit, ingenuity, and a dash of luck. When players feel the sweet taste of victory after arduous teamwork, it creates a sense of accomplishment that’s hard to match.

The Arsenal of Powers

The game boasts an extensive library of power cards, granting each spirit an array of abilities. The sheer variety of powers allows for a high degree of replayability, with different combinations leading to vastly different strategies and outcomes.

Who Will Find ‘Spirit Island’ an Island of Fun?

Gamers Looking for Depth

If you crave games that offer layers upon layers of mechanics to master and enjoy picking apart complex systems to form unbeatable strategies, Spirit Island is your oasis.

Co-op Enthusiasts

Fans of cooperative games that emphasize teamwork and social interaction will find Spirit Island a beacon of collaborative role-play, with just the right amount of tension and challenge.

Story-Driven Players

For those who relish a rich narrative interwoven with gameplay, Spirit Island‘s thematic elements and scenario play are sure to strike a chord, providing a compelling backdrop to your gaming experience.

Solo Gamers

Solo gamers are not left in the cold; Spirit Island offers a robust single-player experience, ensuring that the island’s spirits are never alone in the fight against invasion.

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No Thanks!

No Thanks! is a card game designed to be as simple as it is engaging. The rules are simple. Each turn, players have two options:
play one of their chips to avoid picking up the current face-up card pick up the face-up card (along with any chips that have already been played on that card) and turn over the next card. However, the choices aren’t so easy as players compete to have the lowest score at the end of the game. The deck of cards is numbered from 3 to 35, with each card counting for a number of points equal to its face value. Runs of two or more cards only count as the lowest value in the run – but nine cards are removed from the deck before starting, so be careful looking for connectors. Each chip is worth -1 point, but they can be even more valuable by allowing you to avoid drawing that unwanted card.

Zombicide: Black Plague

Zombicide: Black Plague takes the zombie apocalypse into a fantastical medieval setting! The arcane powers of the Necromancers have unleashed a zombie invasion in the age of swords and sorcery, and it’s up to your group of straggling survivors to not only stay alive during these dark times, but to take back the realm and punish those responsible for the apocalypse!
Zombicide: Black Plague is a solo or up to 6 player cooperative game which allows players to take control of paladins, dwarves, knights and magicians, wielding powerful swords, crossbows, and even magic spells to defeat the zombie hordes and its Necromancer overlords. This game has been revamped from the classic Zombicide game whilst still retaining the nonstop action, tense atmosphere and easy-to-learn rules.
Take on the zombie invasion from the medieval streets to secret vaults that create quick passages through the citadel (and often hold special artifacts). Chase down the elusive Necromancers to keep them from multiplying the zombie masses. And tackle a whole new set of missions through which your group of survivors will become the heroes of the land (or the last victims of the zombie massacre).


Goa, a strategy game of auctions and resource management, is set at the start of the 16th century: beautiful beaches, a mild climate, and one of the most important trading centers in the world. 
Companies compete for spices, send ships and colonists into the world, and invest money. Who is at the top? This depends on how you invest your profits. Are you going to make your ships more efficient? Will you expand your plantations? Will you recruit more colonists? A steady hand in business is the key. 
The turn begins with an auction phase, where each player gets to auction one item (and the starting player gets to auction two items). The first item auctioned gives the right to go first on the next turn (along with a card that gives an extra action). If you buy an item, you pay it to the bank.
You get paid if someone else buys the item you sell. Plantations are among these items, complete with crops, income tiles (income in money, ships, plantation refills each turn etc.), ships, settlers, and later on tiles that score points for certain achievements. After the auction, players get three actions to either improve their technologies or produce things such as spices on plantations, ships, money or build more plantations. 
A player’s board shows their progress for various things: getting ships, planting new spices, getting colonists, etc. One gets better at doing one particular action as he or she advances along one track. Getting further along a track will earn you more points at the end, and there are also rewards for the first player who reaches the last two levels along a track. 
On the other hand, each player normally needs to perform the actions for all the tracks at some point, so it’s not necessarily a good idea to concentrate on just a couple of them. Goa is a game that gives plenty of opportunity for tough decisions, since a player always has at least one action too few. 
The game mixes an interactive element of the auction, which encourages you to nominate things that other players want so you receive cash with the solitaire management of your plantation, which then interacts later on as players race to be first in the top tech levels. The 2012 edition of Goa includes four new tiles and a new play variant, as noted on the cover of the Z-Man Games edition.  

Rajas of the Ganges

Through tactics and karma to wealth and fame…

In 16th century India, the powerful empire of the Great Moguls rises between the Indus and the Ganges rivers. Taking on the role of rajas and ranis – the country’s influential nobles – players in Rajas of the Ganges race against each other in support of the empire by developing their estates into wealthy and magnificent provinces. Players must use their dice wisely and carefully plot where to place their workers, while never underestimating the benefits of good karma. Success will bring them great riches and fame in their quest to become legendary rulers.


In the dystopic 1930s, the industrial revolution pushed the exploitation of fossil-based resources to the limit, and now the only thing powerful enough to quench the thirst for power of the massive machines and of the unstoppable engineering progress is the unlimited hydroelectric energy provided by the rivers.

Barrage is a resource management strategic game in which players compete to build their majestic dams, raise them to increase their storing capacity, and deliver all the potential power through pressure tunnels connected to the energy turbines of their powerhouses.

Each player represents one of the four international companies who are gathering machinery, innovative patents and brilliant engineers to claim the best locations to collect and exploit the water of a contested Alpine region crossed by rivers.

Barrage includes two innovative and challenging mechanisms. First, the players must carefully plan their actions and handle their machinery, since both their action tokens and resources are stored on a Construction Wheel and will only be available after a full turn of the wheel. The better you manage your wheel, the earlier your resources and actions come back to you.

Second, the water flow on the rivers depicted on the board is a shared and contested resource. Players have to intercept and store as much of the water as they can, build dams (upstream dams are expensive but can block part of the water before it reaches the downstream dams), raise the dams to increase their capacity, and build long tunnels to channel the water to their powerhouses. Water is never consumed — its flow is just used to produce energy —, it is instead released back to the rivers, so you have to strategically place your dams to recover the water diverted by you and the other players.

Over five rounds, the players must fulfill power requirements represented by a common competitive power track and meet specific requests of personal contracts. At the same time, by placing a limited number of engineers, they attempt to enhance their machinery to acquire new and more efficient construction actions and to build and activate special unique-effect buildings to forward their own developing strategy.

The Taverns of Tiefenthal

In the village of Tiefenthal lies “The Tavern of the Deep Valley”. There, all citizens from the area gather, but it’s important to attract new, wealthy guests for only then is there enough money to expand the tavern, which will then lure nobles into the tavern as well. But which tavern expansion is best? Should you focus on money? Or rather ensure that the beer will keep flowing?

In The Taverns of Tiefenthal, the challenge is to skillfully choose the dice and develop your personal deck of cards as profitably as possible. The game is structured with five modules so that your group can add extra levels of complexity as you become more familiar with the game.

CO2: Second Chance

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CO2: Second Chance is a strategic board game that puts you in charge of a company competing to reduce carbon emissions and make the world a better place. The goal is simple – be the most successful at reducing CO2 levels by building green power plants, investing in clean energy projects and managing resources efficiently.

How to Play

The game is played over five rounds, with each round representing a decade. Each player takes on the role of a CEO and has their own board to manage their company’s resources and track progress. 

What makes CO2: Second Chance unique is its innovative game mechanics. The game incorporates a mix of worker placement, resource management and area control elements, making each decision crucial to your success. You have to carefully plan your actions and anticipate the moves of your opponents in order to come out on top.

One of the most interesting mechanics is the greenhouse gas tracker, which keeps track of the global CO2 levels and affects gameplay. If the tracker reaches a critical level, all players lose the game – emphasizing the real-world urgency of addressing climate change.

Who Can Play

CO2: Second Chance is a perfect fit for both experienced board gamers and newcomers alike. Its complex mechanics make it challenging for seasoned players, while its easy-to-understand rules cater to beginners. But most importantly, it’s a game that appeals to anyone who is passionate about environmental issues and wants to make a positive impact.

What Makes It Fun

Apart from the engaging gameplay and thought-provoking theme, what really makes CO2: Second Chance stand out is its replayability. With multiple strategies to explore and different paths to victory, each playthrough feels fresh and exciting. Plus, the artwork and components are top-notch, adding to the overall enjoyment of the game.


Bios: Origins (Second Edition)

Bios:Origins is the third part of the Bios Trilogy. In this game, the action begins thousands of years before most Civilization games. In the game, one to four players represent the human subspecies present at the time: Sapiens, Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Hobbits. Let them discover new worlds, ride war kangaroos or mammoths, dive for pearls, challenge the gods, enslave rival hominins, and perhaps even enter the Enlightenment as they enlarge their brains, acquire language, discover new worlds, domesticate strange beasts and perhaps even enter the Enlightenment. Although conquests and religious wars may occur, most fighting will be internal. The control you have over your ruling class is limited, and if your priests fail to perform, they will be killed and usurped by merchants or warlords.

To win, specialize in cultural, political, or industrial civilizations. As a result, unlike most civilization games, a cult figure on a mountaintop in New Zealand can defeat an emperor whose armies sweep the globe.

Integrates with Bios:Genesis and Bios:Megafauna, so you can start as a variety of intelligent, but not quite lingual, marine or terrestrial creatures. In addition to two maps and 26 chits, the book includes cratons and varied landforms on habitable Earth, Mars, and Venus. There are solo and cooperative variants.

Advanced Squad Leader: Starter Kit #1

In Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) Starter Kit #1, players are introduced to the basic Infantry and Terrain rules from Advanced Squad Leader by using an illustrated and abbreviated rulebook. ASL Starter Kit #1 consists of six scenarios that require only the maps and counters provided. As well as using the two mapboards included, the scenarios can be played using the full Advanced Squad Leader rules if desired. 

Barbarians at the Gates: The Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 – 476

Barbarians at the Gates, The Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 – 476, is a card-driven game by game designer, Kris van Beurden (whose credits include Europe in Turmoil) for two players set during the final century of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman player commands the Roman legions loyal to the failing central authority and those Germanic peoples who have settled peacefully inside the Roman Empire, while the Barbarian player leads Usurper Emperors, and controls the migrations of the savage Germanic peoples, who are the Barbarians at the Gates


Unmatched: For King and Country

For two or four players, Unmatched is an asymmetrical fighting game. Decks are designed to evoke each hero’s style and legend. A unique tactical movement system and no-luck combat resolution reward expertise, but just when you’ve mastered one set of heroes, new ones appear for all new battles.

Three characters from the Marvel comic universe appear in Unmatched For King and Country: Black Widow, Black Panther, and Winter Soldier

Phantom Ink

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The Phantom Ink party game pits renowned mediums against each other to determine who connects better to the World Beyond. In order to do this, mediums must identify the secret object the Spirits are attempting to communicate with.

Each team consists of 1 Spirit and up to 3 Mediums, competing to identify the same Secret Object. During gameplay, Mediums pass question cards, like “What color is it?” or “If it was a musical instrument, what would it be?” to their Spirit.

Clues are provided by Spirits to help their Mediums guess the Secret Object by answering the questions.

Beat That

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Using an assortment of seemingly random objects, you’ll need to complete a series of ridiculous challenges for points. Win points by betting on your ability to complete a series of crazy dexterity-based challenges. All players attempt the exact same challenges, so get ready for the ultimate battle of abilities! Everyone will be rolling with laughter after this ridiculously fun time.

There are 10 rounds of challenges in this game. Pick up a challenge card and read it out loud. After that, everyone bets on their own skills. After you place your bets, go around the circle attempting the challenge. Points are banked for successful players. After 10 rounds, the player with the most points wins.

Example of some challenges that will make everyone laugh

Some of the crazy challenges are bouncing 2 balls into 2 cups simultaneously using only one hand or racing to stack a pyramid of cups using your elbows and keeping your eyes closed.

It’s definitely worth buying if you’re looking for an interactive game with a group. Everything you need is included. Multiple game plays for different amounts of people. For adults, you can make it a drinking game, but it’s also fun sober.

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Marvel Champions The Card Game Scarlet Witch Hero Pack

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EXPANDS THE MARVEL CHAMPIONS LIVING CARD GAME: This is not a standalone product. To play with this expansion, you’ll need Marvel Champions: The Card Game Core set.

TAKE DOWN MARVEL’S FIERCEST VILLAINS: Marvel Champions: The Card Game lets players work together to stop some of Marvel’s most iconic villains. You can pick your favorite Marvel hero and go to war!

BECOME A TRUE MARVEL HERO: Each villain offers unique challenges, attacks, and events. Players need to balance their heroes’ strengths and weaknesses with their friends’ heroes. To save the world, we’ll need to work together!

A 60-card hero pack for Scarlet Witch includes a Justice deck and a variety of cards for the other aspects of the game, so you can customize any deck you want. You’re about to see reality twist and warp around you!

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Heat Pedal to the Metal

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  • Pedal to the Metal: Heat – Thrilling car races. Outmaneuver opponents and cross the finish line first.
  • Push your car to the limit without overheating. Balance speed and engine temperature for peak performance.
  • Customize your car before each race to gain an edge and ensure victory while tackling curves and maintaining engine temperatures.
  • Customize your car before each race to gain an edge and ensure victory while tackling curves and maintaining engine temperatures.
  • Enjoy a solo or multiplayer gaming experience with the Legends Module. Add automated drivers as opponents for added excitement.



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Call of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game

If you’re someone who enjoys immersive gameplay, intricate game mechanics and epic quests, then ‘Call of Kilforth’ is for you. The artwork on the cards and board is simply stunning and definitely sets the tone for a fantastical adventure.

How to Play

The game revolves around quests, exploration and battles against mythical creatures. As a player, you take on the role of a hero with unique abilities and strengths. You will explore different locations, complete challenges and fight monsters to gain glory and ultimately win the game.

The game uses a combination of cards, dice and tokens to create a dynamic and strategic gameplay experience. You have to carefully plan your moves, use your resources wisely and strategize against your opponents to come out on top.

Who Can Play

Don’t worry if you’re not an experienced gamer, the rules are easy to follow and there’s even a comprehensive tutorial in the rulebook. And with multiple difficulty levels, you can adjust the game to your skill level and play solo or with friends.

What Makes It Fun

The attention to detail in this game is impressive. Each quest card has its own story, characters and challenges which adds to the immersive experience. The game also has different scenarios and game modes, ensuring that no two games are ever the same.

The game creates a sense of adventure. The quests and battles feel epic and unpredictable, making every decision feel important. And with a variety of playable characters to choose from, you can have a unique experience each time you play.


Ark: Awakening

Ark: Awakening is a strategy-based board game that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where players must work together to rebuild society.

How to Play

The goal of the game is to gather resources, recruit survivors and defend against threats while also competing with other players for points. Sounds intense, right? Well, it definitely can be!

The game mechanics are quite simple, but also allow for a lot of strategic thinking. Each turn, players choose from three different actions: exploring new territories, recruiting survivors or building defenses. Depending on the choices made, players can earn points in various ways such as completing objectives or defeating threats.

Who Can Play

Now, let’s talk about the type of audience who might enjoy this game. First and foremost, if you’re a fan of strategy games, this is definitely a must-try. The game requires critical thinking and planning ahead, making it perfect for those who love a good challenge. Additionally, the post-apocalyptic theme and cooperative gameplay make it appealing to fans of survival or team-based games.

What Makes It Fun

But what really makes Ark: Awakening stand out is the fun factor. Despite the intense gameplay and post-apocalyptic setting, the game is surprisingly lighthearted and humorous. From the quirky survivor characters to the witty dialogue, there’s never a dull moment in this game.

Napoleon Saga: Waterloo

As the name suggests, ‘Napoleon Saga: Waterloo’ is based on one of the most significant battles in history – The Battle of Waterloo.

How to Play 

 Unlike many war games that rely solely on dice rolls, this game incorporates strategic thinking and decision making. Players take turns as either the French or Allied forces, and each has a unique set of cards that represent their army’s strengths and weaknesses. These cards can be used to move troops, change formations, or even call for reinforcements.

The gameplay is fast-paced, and the element of surprise keeps things interesting. Whether you are playing with a group of friends or solo, Napoleon Saga: Waterloo promises an intense and enjoyable experience.

While the game mechanics may seem daunting at first glance, they are relatively easy to understand once you start playing. This makes it accessible to both experienced war gamers and newcomers alike. The game also comes with a tutorial booklet, which I found helpful in getting a grasp of the rules.

Who Can Play

In my opinion, Napoleon Saga: Waterloo is suitable for anyone interested in history or war games. It’s a perfect blend of strategy and chance, making it both challenging and entertaining. I have played this game multiple times with different groups of people, and each time has been a unique and exciting experience.

What Makes It Fun

The first thing that struck me about this game was its attention to detail. From the beautifully designed game board to the intricate miniatures of soldiers, every aspect of the game screams quality. As a history buff, I was impressed by how accurately the game represented the different armies and their movements during the battle.

Ticket to Ride: Europe

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Ticket to Ride: Europe takes you on a new train adventure across Europe. From Edinburgh to Constantinople and from Lisbon to Moscow, you’ll visit great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe. Like the original Ticket to Ride, the game remains elegantly simple, can be learned in 5 minutes, and appeals to both families and experienced gamers. Ticket to Ride: Europe is a complete, new game and does not require the original version. More than just a new map,

Ticket to Ride: Europe features brand new gameplay elements. Tunnels may require you to pay extra cards to build on them, Ferries require locomotive cards in order to claim them, and Stations allow you to sacrifice a few points in order to use an opponent’s route to connect yours. The game also includes larger format cards and Train Station game pieces. The overall goal remains the same: collect and play train cards in order to place your pieces on the board, attempting to connect cities on your ticket cards. Points are earned both from placing trains and completing tickets but uncompleted tickets lose you points. The player who has the most points at the end of the game wins.

Gameplay Difference between Ticket to Ride Europe and Ticket to Ride

  • As expected, it offers a different map board
  • You now have ferries that allow for connections over areas separated by water
  • There are also tunnels
  • You can build a station in a city that is not served by trains. Additionally to giving you access to a city where all train routes are filled, an unused station will give you four extra points come the end of the game

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The Voyages of Marco Polo

In Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition), one player takes on the role of the treacherous overlord, and up to four other players take on the roles of courageous heroes. During each game, the heroes embark on quests and venture into dangerous caves, ancient ruins, dark dungeons, and cursed forests to battle monsters, earn riches, and attempt to stop the overlord from carrying out his vile plot.

With danger lurking in every shadow, combat is a necessity. For such times, Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) uses a unique dice-based system. Players build their dice pools according to their character’s abilities and weapons, and each die in the pool contributes to an attack in different ways. Surges, special symbols that appear on most dice, also let you trigger special effects to make the most of your attacks. And with the horrors awaiting you beneath the surface, you’ll need every advantage you can take…

Featuring double-sided modular board pieces, countless hero and skill combinations, and an immersive story-driven campaign, Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) transports heroes to a vibrant fantasy realm where they must stand together against an ancient evil.

Compared to the first edition of Descent: Journeys in the Dark, this game features:

Simpler rules for determining line of sight
Faster setup of each encounter
Defense dice to mitigate the tendency to “math out” attacks
Shorter quests with plenty of natural stopping points
Cards that list necessary statistics, conditions, and effects
A new mechanism for controlling the overlord powers
Enhanced hero selection and creation process
Experience system to allow for hero growth and development
Out-of-the-box campaign system

1960: The Making of the President

“Sometimes the history of a nation can be defined by the relationship between two individuals. The Election of 1960 is the story of two men, John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon. One is the scion of a wealthy, politically powerful family from New England. The other is the son of a Quaker grocer in Whittier, California. While they belong to opposing political parties, they start out as friends. The complex development of that friendship, however, would shape a pivotal presidential election and cast a long shadow over American history for the remainder of the 20th century.

“In 1960: The Making of the President, you take on the role of one of these great protagonists vying for the right to lead his country into the heart of the Cold War. However, it is not just foreign policy that poses a challenge to American leadership; this is also an era of great social turmoil and progress. As the United States continues to build upon the promise of its founding, candidates must contend with the question of civil rights and balance their positions on social justice against the need for valuable Southern electoral votes. Of course, the ever-present issue of the economy also rears its ugly head, and both Nixon and Kennedy will compete to be the candidate with the voters’ pocket books in mind.

“The contest is fought out on an electoral map of the United States as it stood in 1960—a map where Louisiana and Florida share the same number of electoral votes, as do California and Pennsylvania. Using a card-driven game system, all the major events which shaped the campaign are represented: Nixon’s lazy shave, President Eisenhower’s late endorsement, and the ‘Catholic question’ are all included as specific event cards. The famous televised debates and final election day push are each handled with their own subsystems. Candidates vie to capture each state’s electoral votes using campaign points in the four different regions of the country. At the same time, they must build momentum by dominating the issues of the day and attempt to gain control of the airwaves.

“As with any election campaign, the challenge is to adapt your game plan as the ground shifts out from under you. There are never enough resources or time to do everything, but you need to make the tough calls to propel yourself into the White House. This fast-playing strategy game for two players challenges you to run for the most powerful elective office in the world, at one of its most unique crossroads. Will you recreate history, or rewrite it? 1960: The Making of the President provides you the opportunity to do both.”

Five Tribes

This Campaign 2 insert is designed to be compatible with Five Tribes, and The Artisans of Naqala, The Thieves of Naqala, Whims of the Sultan and other Djinn expansions. The design provides both efficient storage and improved game play. Many of the trays can be utilised during the game, and they greatly aid set-up and clear-away times. The rules and boards act as a lid on top of the trays.
This product consists of a flat-pack of 4 Evacore sheets. The trays require assembly, which is quick and fun, using ordinary PVA glue. Detailed instructions are included in the package.
Note: Insert designed for game with external box dimensions of 29.8 x 29.8 x 7.6 cm.
Built to Last

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Human Punishment: Social Deduction 2.0

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The game Human Punishment is a combination of social deduction, social experiment, and party games. The player takes on the role of either a Human, a Machine, or an Outlaw in a distant future. They must investigate others to determine who is on their side, grab one of four different weapons, and eliminate the enemies. Keep your eyes open; you might find your teammates have hidden enemies! Find your team, don’t trust anyone! With the new Traitor mechanism, the table will evolve into a social experiment.

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Friedrich is a strategy game for 3 to 4 players based on the Seven Years War (1756-1763). Players assume the roles of Frederick the Great, Elisabeth, Maria Theresa, and Madame Pompadour. Each player controls one of the nations shown on a chart. Use the same chart for three players, except one player will play both Elisabeth and Pompadour.

SpaceCorp: 2025-2300AD

SpaceCorp allows players to drive humanity’s expansion into our solar system and beyond while controlling an Earth-based business. By conducting exploration, construction, and settlement missions, players compete for wealth by discovering resources, developing technology, and establishing settlements.

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An Attrition of Souls

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In Europe, armies are marching and lamps are going out. Between the trenches of Flanders and the steppes of Russia, two colossal military blocs are about to engage in a brutal conflict from which only one will emerge victorious. It’s up to you to control one of these great alliances. Plan your moves carefully, for Europe’s fate will be decided within an hour.

“Attrition of Souls” is a light, fast-paced wargame. The game simulates the First World War by using a unique tile-placement system. You will randomly draw tiles based on your economic points each turn and use them as best you can. A combat system simulates the attrition of this conflict. The dice will not offer bloodless victories in this game, so strategy is key.

Azul: Summer Pavilion

During the 16th century, King Manuel I commissioned Portugal’s greatest artisans to build grand buildings. To honor the royal family’s most famous members, the king decided to build a summer pavilion after completing the Evora and Sintra palaces.

This construction was intended for the most talented artisans — whose skills match the splendor the royal family deserves. King Manuel I died before construction could begin.

In Azul: Summer Pavilion, players return to Portugal to complete a task they never began. You must use only the finest materials to create the summer pavilion while being careful not to waste anything. The royal family deserves nothing less than the best.

Each round of Summer Pavilion lasts six rounds, and the players draft tiles and place them on their individual boards to score points. One of the six colors of tiles is wild during each round.

Start each round by drawing tiles at random from the bag to refill each of the five, seven, or nine factories with four tiles. Fill the ten supply spaces on the central scoring board with tiles as needed. The players then take turns selecting tiles. You can take all of the tiles of a non-wild color from a factory and place them on your board. If any wild tiles are present on this factory, you must take one of them. Set the rest of the tiles on the table. You can also take all tiles of a non-wild color from the center of play; you must also take a wild tile if it is present.

What to know bout Azul: Summer Pavillion

  • Plays more abstract than the original because you can branch out into a lot of directions, providing more ways to win
  • The game will be slower while you wait for the other players to think about the different options
  • With the 6-round it’s very difficult to go for almost a complete wall and get the most points  


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Unmatched: Hell’s Kitchen

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In Unmatched, unlikely opponents engage in tactical combat. Daredevil, Bullseye, and Elektra fight in Hell’s Kitchen in a classic, all-out brawl.

When Daredevil pushes himself to the limit, he is at his best.
Bullseye can strike from anywhere on the board.
Taking down Elektra makes her stronger than ever.


Risk Warhammer 40,000

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RISK: Warhammer 40,000 lets you battle your favorite factions for control of Vigilus. Defeat your opponents on the unique planet map that has been customized for Warhammer fans. You will control key locations in your bid to rule the planet through custom-sculpted units.

This set is great for Warhammer enthusiasts. A little more complex than standard Risk but once you learn it, it is great fun.

A cool part about this set is that it comes with different armies unlike the standard set which are just sets of different coloured armies.

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Pagan: Fate of Roanoke

In ‘Pagan: Fate of Roanoke’ you take on the role of a settler in the Roanoke colony during the 16th century.

How to Play

Your goal is to build and grow your settlement while fending off various challenges and obstacles. The game is named after the Pagan rituals that were practiced by the Roanoke people, adding a mystical touch to the overall gameplay.

The mechanics of this game are well-thought-out and engaging. The core mechanic involves using action points to perform different actions like building structures, gathering resources, or recruiting workers. What makes it unique is the use of a rotating action wheel that not only adds an element of strategy but also keeps the gameplay dynamic and unpredictable.

Who Can Play

Pagan: Fate of Roanoke is perfect for players who enjoy resource management, worker placement, and strategic decision-making. It’s definitely not a game for those who prefer luck-based games or quick, casual ones. With its beautiful artwork and immersive theme, Pagan: Fate of Roanoke is a game that will appeal to history buffs and fans of the supernatural alike.

What Makes It Fun

One of the things loved most about this game is how it seamlessly combines history with fantasy. You get to experience what life was like for the settlers in Roanoke while also encountering mythical creatures and performing ancient rituals. It’s a truly unique experience that makes every playthrough feel like a new adventure, even if you’ve played it multiple times.

But what truly sets Pagan: Fate of Roanoke apart from other board games is its storytelling aspect. The game comes with a storybook that unveils the mystery of the lost colony as you progress through the game. Every decision you make has consequences and affects the story, making each playthrough not only different but also incredibly immersive.

Spruance Leader

Spruance Leader is a World War II naval strategy game that puts you in the shoes of an admiral commanding a fleet of ships during one of the biggest conflicts in history. The goal of the game is to successfully lead your fleet through different missions and battles, while also managing resources and making strategic decisions.

How to Play

At the start of each game, you are given a selection of ships to choose from, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You must carefully consider which ships to include in your fleet based on the mission at hand.

Once the game begins, you are presented with a map of the ocean and your fleet’s position. From there, you can give orders to your ships such as moving them around the board or attacking enemy vessels.

The gameplay is fast-paced and engaging, with each decision you make having a significant impact on the outcome of the game.

What sets Spruance Leader apart from other strategy games is its unique and intricate mechanics. The game incorporates elements of resource management, tactical combat, and even a bit of luck.

One of my favorite mechanics is the weather system. Just like in real life, the weather can greatly affect naval battles, and in Spruance Leader, it is no different. You must take into account factors such as wind direction and speed when making decisions for your fleet.

Another interesting mechanic is the damage system. Ships have different levels of health, and once they sustain enough damage, they become less effective in battle. This adds a layer of strategy as you must decide whether to repair a damaged ship or continue pushing forward with weakened forces.

Who Can Play

While anyone can enjoy Spruance Leader, I believe it is most suitable for those who love a good challenge. The game requires strategic thinking and careful planning, making it perfect for those who enjoy mentally stimulating games. It’s also great for history buffs as it accurately portrays the naval tactics used during World War II.

I have also found that Spruance Leader is a great game to play with friends or family. It’s easy to learn but still offers a deep and immersive gaming experience.

What Makes it Fun

Aside from its challenging gameplay and unique mechanics, what makes Spruance Leader truly fun for me is the sense of accomplishment I feel when I successfully complete a mission. It’s a great feeling to see my strategic decisions pay off and lead my fleet to victory.

Moreover, each game is different, thanks to the random elements such as weather and enemy movements. This keeps the game exciting and ensures that no two games are ever the same.

Mage Knight Board Game

Mage Knight Board Game is a solo or up to 4 player cooperative game, putting players in control of one of four powerful Mage Knights as they explore and conquer a corner of the Mage Knight universe under the control of the Atlantean Empire. Combining elements of RPGs, deck-building and traditional board games, the Mage Knight board game captivates the rich history of the Mage Knight universe. Players build their armies, fill their decks with powerful spells and actions, explore caves and dungeons in a mission to conquer powerful cities. This game can also be played in a competitive scenario with opposing players as allies but only one will be able to claim the land as their own!

Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game

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‘Dead of Winter’ plunges players into the heart of a bleak, zombie-infested winter, challenging them with both survival and moral dilemmas. This game is renowned for its blend of cooperative and competitive elements, with a strong narrative focus that immerses players into its chilling post-apocalyptic world.

Gameplay and Mechanics

‘Dead of Winter’ is a game for 2 to 5 players who collaborate on a common goal while pursuing secret personal objectives, which might not align with the group’s interests. Set in a struggling survivor colony facing the cold, the undead, and potential internal betrayal, each player leads a group of survivors with unique abilities. The game focuses on resource management, moral decisions, and protecting the colony from zombies. Action dice allow players to search for food, fight zombies, and build barricades. The crisis mechanic introduces challenges each round, forcing players to allocate limited resources to prevent disaster, adding tension and requiring strategic planning and negotiation.

What Makes ‘Dead of Winter’ Fun

The charm of ‘Dead of Winter’ comes from its storytelling and deep player interactions. ‘Crossroads’ cards throw scenarios at players, offering choices with major impacts on the colony. This narrative approach ensures every game is unique, offering great replay value.

The possibility of betrayal adds suspense. With the chance of any player secretly undermining the colony, an atmosphere of mistrust and paranoia builds, deepening the experience of survival in a hostile, apocalyptic world.

Who Will Enjoy ‘Dead of Winter’

‘Dead of Winter’ is likely to appeal to gamers who enjoy complex strategic decisions, cooperative gameplay with a competitive twist, and a strong narrative. Fans of thematic games and those who appreciate the zombie genre will find much to love here. Additionally, players who relish psychological and social manipulation in games will be drawn to the elements of betrayal and secret objectives.


You’ve studied the footage, connected the dots, and gathered what meager evidence you could. You’re close — soon the whole world will know the truth behind the Cryptid. A group of like-minded cryptozoologists have come together to finally uncover the elusive creature, but the glory of discovery is too rich to share. Without giving away some of what you know you will never succeed in locating the beast, but reveal too much and your name will be long forgotten!

Cryptid is a unique deduction game of honest misdirection in which players must try to uncover information about their opponents’ clues while throwing them off the scent of their own. Each player holds one piece of evidence to help them find the creature, and on their turn they can try to gain more information from their opponents. Be warned; give too much away and your opponents might beat you to the mysterious animal and claim the glory for themselves! The game includes a modular board, five clue books, and a deck of set-up cards with hundreds of possible set-ups across two difficulty levels. It is also supported by an entirely optional digital companion, allowing for faster game set-up and a near-infinite range of puzzles.

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Runewars is an epic board game of conquest, adventure, and fantasy empires for two to four players. Runewars pits players against each other in a strategic game of battles and area control, where they must gather resources, raise armies, and lay siege to heavily fortified cities.

Runewars takes place in the same popular fantasy universe as the board games Runebound, Descent: Journeys in the Dark and Rune Age, and dozens of fan-favorite heroes and monsters play their part. The wars for the dragon runes are beginning, and only one faction will emerge victorious.

On Mars

On Mars is a solo or up to 4 player game where players are Chief Astronauts a part of the private exploration companies that are starting to work towards a self-sustaining colony On Mars. Players want to be a pioneer in developing the biggest, most advanced colony by achieving DOME mission goals as well as their company’s private agenda. This game is played over several rounds and each round comprises of 2 phases:

  •  The Colonization Phase where players are able to take actions, this of which is determined by what side of the board they are on. Actions that players can choose from include taking blueprints, buying and developing technologies, constructing buildings with their bots, upgrading these buildings and more.
  • The Shuttle Phase is where players may travel between the colony and the space station in orbit

Throughout the game, players are trying to complete missions. Once a total of 3 missions has been completed, the game ends. To win the game, a player needs to contribute the most to the development of the first colony on Mars, this of which is represented by players earning Opportunity Points. The player with the most Opportunity Points wins the game.

Imperial 2030

Imperial 2030 is for 2 to 6 players, and it combines economic calculus and military skills in a unique strategy game without any luck of cards or dice.
The world in 2030. The new great powers China, India and Brazil are in ascendance, threatening the hegemony of the old Imperial powers United States, Russia and Europe. This has sparked a new global race for power and influence. Ultimately, these six states are only puppets in a treacherous game, because their fates are controlled by powerful international investors operating in the background.
Each player takes on the role of such an investor who is on the constant lookout for the maximum return on his investment, and therefore tries to obtain ruthless control of great powers. But control of a state may also slip away – so the cunning investor must always be ready to take advantage of the new conflicts and strategic possibilities of the ever-changing landscape.

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Marvel Champions: The Card Game

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Marvel Champions: A Universe in Your Hands

Marvel Champions, the Living Card Game from Fantasy Flight Games,offers a blend of immersive storytelling and strategic play.

Marvel Champions is not just a game; it’s a key that unlocks the boundless worlds within the Marvel Universe. Unlike traditional, collectible card games which rely on booster packs and trading, Living Card Games (LCG) ensures you have access to the same set of cards, offering an even playing field that values skill and strategy above all else.

The game’s appeal is its narrative depth. Players enter the Marvel Universe as one of a growing number of iconic heroes, often pitted against a formidable villain in one of many scenarios. The scenario dictates the villain’s operations, their goals, and the mechanical quirks that make each encounter distinct.

Marvel Champions Gameplay

It’s a fine balance between cooperation and competition. Players team up against a villain, but also compete with the game, as every action they take inches the villain closer to their goal.

A standard game is designed for one to four players, but the game cleverly scales in difficulty to fit the number of participants, ensuring an equally challenging experience. Each player controls a hero, complete with a deck of cards that represent aspects of that hero’s abilities—Aggression, Justice, Leadership, and Protection.

Turns are structured phases dedicated to the hero, the villain, and the game’s broader scheme. Heroes can attack, thwart the villain’s schemes, alter the state of the board, and even change form between their alter-ego and hero identities—choosing when to strike and when to rely on their alter-ego to recuperate and draw cards, organizing their strategy for the next turn.

A Closer Look at Game Mechanics

Marvel Champions follows the lore and distinct powers of each Marvel superhero. Thor, for instance, is good at combat and has a built-in ability to summon his legendary hammer, Mjolnir.

Key to the game are the ‘scheme’ and ‘attack’ plans of the villain, which, if left unchecked, can lead to catastrophic results. Heroes not only need to manage the threat level, but also the villain’s hit points, as heroes are aim to reduce the villain’s hit points to zero to claim victory.

The game’s encounter deck ensures that no two plays of any given scenario are the same. These decks are filled with minion adversaries, treacherous events, and more that the players must deal with through a mix of hero cards and the use of ‘resources’ which serve as currency to play cards, generate effects, and alter the game state.

What makes Marvel Champions fun?

What stands out in Marvel Champions is its flexibility and the sense of progression it offers. Each hero comes with a pre-determined set of signature cards, but players can customize and enhance their decks over time using a wealth of expansions and supplemental packs.

The possibilities are endless, and the addition of modular encounters—allowing players to vary the villain and scenarios during any given play—ensures that the game remains fresh and challenging long after the first match.

The Appeal of Marvel Champions

Marvel Champions offers a plethora of engaging experiences that will resonate with a wide variety of players. Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will enjoy the chance to play out their own heroic tales, while card game enthusiasts will appreciate the complex, but accessible, gameplay mechanics.

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Detective Charlie

Detective Charlie is a cooperative investigation game. Players take turns moving Detective Charlie with the die and questioning witnesses. Witnesses help clear suspects until only one remains: the culprit! Check your answer by reading the Culprit card hidden in the envelope with the same number as your case. The game continues until only one suspect remains in the police station.

Tapestry (2019)

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Creating a civilization with a rich history, starting at the beginning of humankind and extending into the future From nothing, advance your science, technology, exploration, and military to advance civilization, either through balanced growth or by focusing on one aspect of it 18 landmark miniatures are included In Tapestry, you start from nothing and advance along any of the four advancement tracks (science, technology, exploration, and military) to earn progressively higher benefits. You can take a balanced approach or focus on one track. In addition, you will improve your income, build your capital city, utilize your asymmetric abilities, earn victory points, and gain tapestry cards telling the story of your civilization.

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Washington’s War

(from GMT’s website:)

Washington’s War is the long awaited re-design of the original card driven game, We the People. Washington’s War, like its predecessor, pits the forces of a world power (England) against its rebellious American colonists as they fight for their independence.

Washington’s War is a true re-design that maintains the deep strategy of We the People while creating a game with a very short playing time (approximately 90 minutes). Unlike most wargames, Washington’s War allows you and your opponent to play twice while switching sides in one sitting. This feature allows for rapid tournament play either face-to-face or on the Internet. Washington’s War is the perfect antidote for a time conscious crowd whose only option up to now have been Eurogames.

Washington’s War features a dice-driven combat system that quickly resolves combat and is very friendly to Internet play. The game also features a new CDG discard mechanic that makes every card in your hand playable by allowing your opponent to buy his discarded events for an operations card. Now, unusual card distributions create challenges and not insurmountable barriers for advancing your strategy.

The biggest design changes between We the People and Washington’s War, besides the aforementioned new game mechanics, is the increased emphasis on the asymmetrical capabilities of the two sides. The British are a conventional army with a dominant naval capability that gives them great strengths in the coastal regions. The Americans are an unconvential force with a small Contintental Army led by George Washington who yearn for French intervention. While the British struggle to expand their influence inland, the Americans struggle to keep their militia forces in the field. In the end it is the side that is better able to play to their strengths and protect their vulnerabilities that prevails in Washington’s War.

Washington’s War was broadly tested on the Internet in a tournament format to ensure clarity of rules under the stresses of competition. What was old is new again…be the man on the white horse and father a new nation, or be a king trying to save his empire during a world war.

* 2 Double-thick Counter Sheets
* MOUNTED 22″x34″ Map
* 110 Event Cards
* 2 6-sided dice
* Rule Book
* Play Book
* 2 Player Aid Cards

DESIGNER: Mark Herman
DEVELOPER: Joel Toppen
ART DIRECTOR: Rodger B. MacGowan
MAP & CARD ART: Mark Simonitch
COUNTER ART: Harold Lieske

(BGG description:)

Washington’s War is a card-driven game on the American Revolution. It pits the forces of King George III against the American colonists as they fight for their independence. In Washington’s War, you assume the role of either:

The King of Great Britain as he tries to bring his rebellious colonies back into the Empire, while at the same time dealing with a global war against ancient enemies bent on revenge for their losses in the Seven Years War; OR
The Continental Congress as they battle the forces of Britain, while trying to rally their countrymen to the cause of liberty.

Washington’s War is not just a re-tread of my earlier design on the same subject, but a true re-design that is keeping the basic feel while simplifying and speeding up what was already a fast paced game. Washington’s War features a dice-driven combat system that quickly resolves combat and is very friendly to internet play. The game also features a new CDG discard mechanic that enables a player to play a discarded event for the cost of an operations card. Now unusual card distributions create challenges and not insurmountable barriers to push your strategy forward. Washington’s War is being broadly tested on the internet to give players a voice and a source of input prior to publication. What was old is new again…. Be the man on the white horse and forge a nation or save an empire.

Paper Dungeons: A Dungeon Scrawler Game

Prepare your adventurers for a dungeon crawl in Paper Dungeons, a roll-and-write game aiming to recreate the feel of a dungeon crawler.

You control a classic group of medieval adventurers: warrior, wizard, cleric, and rogue. Each round, you select three of the six dice rolled and use them to raise the level of your characters, create magical items, find healing potions, and explore the dungeon to find treasure. There are also three large monsters in the dungeon, and you can fight them for glory.

Whoever gets the most glory wins.

Winterhaven Woods

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Winterhaven Woods is an exciting card game that combines drafting and set collection with some light player interaction. Create woodland homes for your critters by collecting sets of trees!

You can earn additional points by hunting critters left exposed in your opponent’s meadows! Consider stealing critters from your opponents’ woods and meadow, adding them to your own, but don’t use too many otherwise you’ll be penalized. Craft your winter woodland to earn bonuses!

At the end of 3 rounds, the player with the highest total score wins!

Winterhaven Woods is a card draft game where players get a hand of cards, take one, and then pass the rest. This continues until all the cards have been selected. Instead of playing each card immediately after drafting it, you place them face down in a pile and then play them all at once.

Following the draft, cards are played in phases based on type. Firstly, everyone plays critters, then steals animals, and then predators.

After 3 rounds of drafting, players add up points and the player with the highest wins.

Catan Traders and Barbarians

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Traders & Barbarians is distributed as the third major expansion for The Settlers of Catan, although it is actually a compilation of small expansions and variants. It is independent of the Seafarers and Cities & Knights expansions, but can be combined with them.

A Campaign with Five Scenarios
The “Fishermen of Catan” discover how fishing not only enhances the menu, but also opens up new tactical options.

In the second scenario, “The Rivers of Catan,” the rivers prove to be lifelines. You can easily make a fortune building roads and settlements adjacent to rivers.

An oasis has been settled by nomads in the third scenario. The caravans are sent out to barter for wool and grain, since they are short of these resources. Everybody wants to profit from the “Caravans,” but it isn’t that easy to send the caravans to one’s own settlement.

Catan’s wealth is not overlooked. Catan’s coasts are soon attacked by the “Barbarian Attack.” The Catanians must now close ranks and train knights. As the knights prepare for battle, they do so not entirely selflessly, since each barbarian captured is worth half a victory point.

A final scenario is titled “Traders & Barbarians.” It’s time to repair the damage caused by the barbarians. Eventually, Catan’s roads and paths are bustling with baggage trains carrying marble, glass, sand, and tools to the castle, glassworks, and marble quarry. Upon successfully completing a delivery, you will receive a victory point and gold. A few scattered barbarians interrupt the smooth flow of the transports, unfortunately.

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Weimar: The Fight for Democracy

Are you looking for a fun, challenging and educational game to dive into? Then ‘Weimar: The Fight for Democracy’ is the game for you. As the name suggests, this game takes you on a journey through the historical events of the Weimar Republic in Germany. But don’t worry if history is not your favourite subject, this game has something for everyone.

How to Play

To play this game, you assume the role of a political leader during the turbulent years of Germany’s Weimar Republic. Your goal is to guide your party to victory in multiple elections, navigate through economic crises and make crucial decisions that will shape the fate of your nation. But beware, one wrong move can lead to disastrous consequences. So make sure you think carefully before making any decisions.

Make sure to manage your resources wisely as you campaign for votes, make alliances and compete against other political parties. But it’s not just about politics, there are also historical events and challenges that require quick thinking and strategic planning. And if you’re feeling brave, you can even try your hand at forming a coalition government with rival parties.

Who Can Play

‘Weimar: The Fight for Democracy’ is for ages 14 and up and is perfect for anyone who enjoys strategy and simulation games. But even if those genres are not your cup of tea, the historical aspect and the opportunity to learn about a significant period in Germany’s history make it worth trying out. Plus, the game has a fun and quirky art style that adds a unique charm to the overall experience.

What Makes It Fun

‘Weimar: The Fight for Democracy’ is the perfect combination of history, strategy and unexpected twists. Just when you think you have everything under control, something new comes along to throw a wrench in your plans. It keeps you on your toes and makes every playthrough different and exciting.

Longshot the Dice Game

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Introducing Longshot: The Dice Game – A Fun Experience for Casual Gamers

Longshot: The Dice Game is one of strategy and chance. Longshot stands out for its elegant mechanics and the sheer racing thrill it provides.

Gameplay Mechanics: A Sure Bet for Excitement

Longshot: The Dice Game is a horse-racing board game with a twist of dice-rolling. You take on the role of a high-stakes betto, attempting to be the richest by the end of the final race.

The simplicity of the gameplay makes it a good choice for your game night. Each race involves five phases: Horse Racing, Buying Phase, Bet Placement, Income, and the dreaded Clearing Phase, where players are forced to bid farewell to their beloved winning steeds.

Engaging Gameplay: A Roll of the Dice, A Stampede of Fun

The core mechanic of Longshot lies in the rolling of dice and betting on the horses. The game design ensures that every roll of the dice can potentially turn the race on its head, replicating beautifully the drama and unpredictability of a real horse race.

The Element of Luck and Strategic Bets

Luck is a significant factor in the outcomes but you can manage this through strategic bet placements. Delicately balancing strategy and chance will keep you glued to your seats as everyone witnesses their fortunes fluctuate with each roll.

The Ripple Effect of Each Turn

Every decision can either set the stage for a great comeback or the path to certain financial ruin. The ripple effect of each roll and bet creates an exhilarating experience, reminiscent of the real-life rush of horse race betting.

Fun Factor: Galloping to Good Times

This simple game has layers of complexity that cater to various types of players, ensuring each has a stake in the fun.

Universally Appealing Elements

The feel of throwing dice, the thrill of the races, and the satisfaction of seeing one’s bets pay off is likely to appeal to many. Just like a horse race, the hope, anxiety, and the raucous moments of play can create dramatic moments in your game session, where someone can be cheering one moment and cursing the next.

Longshot: The Dice Game is likely to appeal to both the seasoned board game enthusiast and the casual gamer. With its simple rules, it is particularly accessible for those new to board games.

Solo Stakes

There is also a solo game mode for evenings where your friends are busy!

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Twilight Struggle

“Now the trumpet summons us again, not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are – but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle…”
– John F. Kennedy

In 1945, unlikely allies toppled Hitler’s war machine, while humanity’s most devastating weapons forced the Japanese Empire to its knees in a storm of fire. Where once there stood many great powers, there then stood only two. The world had scant months to sigh its collective relief before a new conflict threatened. Unlike the titanic struggles of the preceding decades, this conflict would be waged not primarily by soldiers and tanks, but by spies and politicians, scientists and intellectuals, artists and traitors. Twilight Struggle is a two-player game simulating the forty-five year dance of intrigue, prestige, and occasional flares of warfare between the Soviet Union and the United States. The entire world is the stage on which these two titans fight to make the world safe for their own ideologies and ways of life. The game begins amidst the ruins of Europe as the two new “superpowers” scramble over the wreckage of the Second World War, and ends in 1989, when only the United States remained standing.

Twilight Struggle inherits its fundamental systems from the card-driven classics We the People and Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage. It is a quick-playing, low-complexity game in that tradition. The game map is a world map of the period, whereon players move units and exert influence in attempts to gain allies and control for their superpower. As with GMT’s other card-driven games, decision-making is a challenge; how to best use one’s cards and units given consistently limited resources?

Twilight Struggle’s Event cards add detail and flavor to the game. They cover a vast array of historical happenings, from the Arab-Israeli conflicts of 1948 and 1967, to Vietnam and the U.S. peace movement, to the Cuban Missile Crisis and other such incidents that brought the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation. Subsystems capture the prestige-laden Space Race as well as nuclear tensions, with the possibility of game-ending nuclear war.

Twilight Imperium: Third Edition

Twilight Imperium Third Edition is an epic empire-building game of interstellar conflict, trade, and struggle for power. Players take the roles of ancient galactic civilizations, each seeking to seize the imperial throne via warfare, diplomacy, and technological progression. With geomorphic board tiles, exquisite plastic miniatures, hundreds of cards, and introducing a rich set of strategic dimensions that allows each player to refocus their game-plan, the original designer (Christian T. Petersen) has seamlessly incorporated the better qualities of other recently popular games to improve on the game-play of the original TI, making it at once perfectly well-rounded and pleasantly familiar to experienced gamers.

TI3 is played by at least three players who belong to ten possible alien races, each with their own advantages and quirks. The ‘designer notes’ in the rulebook candidly and humbly acknowledge the inspiration for some of the improvements to the original game. The strategic game-play borrows the governing element from Puerto Rico to involve players in an iteratively complex and yet fast-paced game experience with very little downtime. The game map, basic player progress and overall victory are dynamically determined in almost exactly the same way as they are by imaginative players of Catan, while the “Command” system cleverly improves on the ‘oil’ logistical mechanism of Attack! to both manage turn-based activity and limit the size of armies, uniquely enabling weakened players to bounce back if they play their cards right.

Part of the Twilight Imperium Series.

Chronicles of Crime

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Chronicles of Crime is a cooperative game of crime investigation combining an app, a board game, and a touch of VR.

Players can play plenty of different scenarios utilizing the same physical components (board, locations, characters, items).

Players start the app, choose the scenario they want to play, and follow the story. The goal is to catch the murderer in the shortest time possible.

Based on the search scenario selected, each component (locations, characters, items, etc.) has a QR code that activates and triggers the story. Players will get new stories even after the game is released, simply by downloading the app’s updates, without any shipping of new physical components.

The VR experience only requires a mobile phone. Virtual reality glasses (optional buy) allow players to immerse themselves in the game’s universe and search for clues in a virtual world simply by putting them on their nose and holding their mobile device in front of them.

A tutorial and five scenarios come with the game, but you can download more inside the app!

Every session lasts between one and one and a half hours and many scenarios are linked together to tell a much larger story.

Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm

The Gathering Storm is the first expansion for Race for the Galaxy and adds new cards, an additional player, goals to compete over, as well as solitaire and drafting rules. It also includes some blank cards for players to make their own cards.

The new cards include four start worlds, three 6-cost developments, two other new developments (and one duplicate development), five military worlds and six non-military worlds (including a replacement gambling world). Goals consist of ‘First Goals’, which reward the first player to achieve an objective with 3 extra VP, and ‘Most Goals’ reward the player with the most developments, military or certain types of worlds. An extra set of player cards and VP chips allows for a 5th player, and a robot template, dice, and chits allows for a solitaire game. Finally drafting rules provide a different way of playing the game for 2 or 3 players.

Wingspan: European Expansion

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The Wingspan: European Expansion is the first expansion to Wingspan and incorporates more features to gameplay, increasing the scope of the world to include the regal, beautiful and varied birds of Europe. These birds feature a variety of new abilities and the game includes new bonus cards, designed to be shuffled into the original deck.

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Trickerion: Legends of Illusion

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Trickerion is a competitive Euro-style strategy game set in a fictional world inspired by the late 19th century urban life and culture, spiced with a pinch of supernatural. Players take on the roles of rival stage illusionists, each with their own strengths and characteristics. They are striving for fortune and fame in a competition hosted by a legendary magician, looking for a successor worthy of the mighty Trickerion Stone, which is fabled to grant supernatural power to its owner. Using worker placement and simultaneous action selection mechanisms, the Illusionists and their teams of helpers — the Engineer, the Assistant, the Manager, and a handful of Apprentices – obtain blueprints and components for increasingly complex magic tricks, expand the team and set up performances by visiting the Downtown, Dark Alley, Market Row and Theater locations on the main game board depicting a late 19th century cityscape. The tricks are stored and prepared on the Magician’s own Workshop game board, while the performances themselves take place at the Theater in the form of a tile placement mini-game with lots of player interaction. The performances yield Fame points and Coins to their owners based on the tricks they consist of. Fame points have multiple uses, but they also serve as a win condition – After turn 7, when the last Performance card is revealed, the game ends and the illusionist with the most Fame points wins. The game offers 48 different Tricks to be learned from the Optical, Spiritual, Mechanical and Escape categories, over 90 character abilities, and 40 Special Assignment cards that influence the actions taken at the various game locations. The base game can be expanded with two optional rule modules to add further strategic depth to the game. The “Dark Alley” expansion included in the base game adds a new location to the game. It also comes with 48 new Special Assignment cards, a new tier of Tricks, and 27 Prophecy tokens that can alter certain game rules turn by turn, giving the game additional variety.

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Underwater Cities

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Underwater Cities is a game where players work to build underwater cities, transportation networks and various other facilities. The players take turns playing a card while simultaneously selecting an action. The player gains a benefit if the card matches the color of the chosen action slot. During the game, players will deal with the Production phase, where their undersea network produces points and resources while their people consume food. Additional points are awarded for various accomplishments at the end of the game, and the player with the most points wins.

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Pax Transhumanity

You make your living by offering new ideas and visions as a startup entrepreneur in the near future. Your finance board’s position and number of financial agents track your financial resources. These agents can be moved within your finance board to generate money, or they can be moved outside the finance board as employees, patents, and syndications. In each turn, you can choose to do two things: syndicate ideas to gain their special abilities, commercialize previously syndicated ideas to startups or solve a problem, hire employees, import idea cards from one Sphere (column) to another, placate outraged activists, and research ideas in order to gain patents and discover new ideas.

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Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps

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In Alien, you and your team of Colonial Marines will head into Hadley’s Hope to find survivors and answers. You’re not alone, though.

To make it out alive, you’ll need to cooperate, keep your cool, and stay frosty. You can play up to nine missions, all taking place in different locations, like Hadley’s Hope terraforming facility or a xenomorph nest.

Aliens also has an exciting campaign mode where you can play four missions connected together so you have to fight xenomorph attacks and keep each other alive until the end. It’s kill or be killed for the last two missions.

Players start with just a pistol. While hordes of Xenomorphs attack, they’ll have to scavenge for weapons and gear. How long will you survive?

Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game

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It’s an objective based deck building game. In deck builders, each player starts with the same hand of cards (one card per character class) and during the game, they add more cards to their deck to enrich it.
Aliens are the theme of this particular deck builder, especially the first four Aliens movies. In addition, it’s an objective-based game. Therefore, it is recommended that you play the “story” from the first film, Alien, when you play the very first game. There are three objective cards that will be used and a stack of character cards that you will be acquiring throughout the game. Additionally, there is a special build for the deck of “Hive” cards, which represent the aliens and hazards you will encounter during the game. The hive deck also contains the answers to most of the objectives you need to complete.
Typically, the rounds move quickly and are very easy to follow. Each round, players will draw one facedown Hive card and place it on The Complex path. In the Complex path, there are several smaller sections based on locations from the movies, such as ventilation ducts, airlocks, weapons lockers, etc. The card is drawn and placed in the right most spot in The Complex, pushing all other cards to the left one space. It represents the aliens slowly making their way towards you through the complex. On every turn, you will be pushing cards into the Combat Zone if they move off the far left spot. Cards in this area now cause players to draw Strike cards at the end of each turn. Players can be killed with these cards.
Fortunately, there is a way to avoid all of that. During the draw hive card phase, players will play their six drawn action cards. The order in which they are played is important since some of them activate abilities from other cards based on their icons. At the very beginning, none of this matters since your main cards are either “buy” or “attack” cards. Using your “buy” cards, you can purchase cards from the “HQ” space, where there is always a selection of face-up cards available. After you buy cards, they go directly to your discard pile, and when your draw pile runs out on later rounds, you will switch back to your discard pile to draw from. It’s a pretty standard deckbuilding mechanic, but fun nonetheless.
“Attack” cards serve a couple of purposes. It’s hard to see those sneaky aliens up there moving through that complex. After all, one of those cards could be your objective! The sooner you reveal it, the sooner you’ll gain the advantage. In order to do that, you need to scan a particular area of the complex. You have to pay the scanning “price” to flip the card at each location of the complex. Then, you resolve any “when revealed” actions and go about your business. Now that you’re aware of what’s coming, you can prepare properly. Because aliens typically cannot attack from complex areas, you have some breathing room. In addition, you can kill those newly revealed aliens with attack points later on, or right then if you have enough. When you destroy or remove a card from the complex, it creates a gap in the line. So the next turn, the hive cards being pushed will just fill that gap instead of filling up closer to the combat zone.
After you play all your cards and take all your actions, any aliens you face in the combat zone will force you to draw strike cards, at which point you discard your hand and draw six new cards to start the process all over again. This is primarily a cooperative game, so if players complete all three objectives in whatever scenario they are playing they win! However, all players must survive if they are to win.

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Evolution: Climate

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Based on the popular video game, this tabletop version of Evolution: Climate puts players in charge of creating and evolving their own species in a constantly changing environment. The goal? Survive and thrive in a world where the climate can be your friend or foe.

How to Play

At first glance, Evolution: Climate may seem daunting with its many pieces, cards and rules. But fear not, once you get the hang of it, the game flows smoothly and offers endless strategic possibilities.

Each player starts with a simple species card and must use Adaptation traits to evolve their species over the course of the game. These traits can give your species unique abilities such as burrowing, climbing or cooperation.

But the real fun begins when you introduce Climate and Event cards into the mix. These cards simulate natural disasters and changes in temperature that can drastically affect your species. Will you adapt to survive or risk extinction?

One of the things I love most about Evolution: Climate is its clever use of game mechanics. The game’s designers have done an excellent job at capturing the essence of natural selection and evolution in a fun and interactive way.

The game also has a balanced mix of luck and strategy, making it accessible to both casual and hardcore gamers. Plus, with multiple ways to earn points, there is no one “right” way to play the game.

Who Can Play

Evolution: Climate is a great fit for anyone who enjoys strategic and competitive gameplay. Its unique theme and mechanics also make it appealing to those interested in science and evolution.

This game can be played with 2-6 players, making it perfect for both small gatherings and larger groups. It’s also suitable for ages 12 and up, making it a great choice for families to play together.

What Makes It Fun

Besides the obvious appeal of creating and evolving your own species, Evolution: Climate offers a thrilling and unpredictable experience. With each turn, the game can take unexpected twists that keep players on their toes.

And let’s not forget about the stunning artwork and high-quality components that make this game a joy to play. It’s also worth mentioning that the rulebook is well-written and easy to follow, making it a breeze for new players to jump in and start playing.

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Marvel Champions The Card Game Venom Hero Pack

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MARVEL CHAMPIONS LIVING CARD GAME EXPANDER: Not a standalone game. If you want to play this expansion, you’ll need Marvel Champions: The Card Game Core Set.

Team up with Marvel’s biggest villains in Marvel Champions: The Card Game, a cooperative card game. Head into battle with your favorite Marvel hero!

YOU’LL WORK TOGETHER LIKE A TRUE MARVEL HERO: Each villain has their own challenges, attacks and events. You have to balance your hero’s strengths and weaknesses with the heroes your friends are playing as. The world will be saved by teamwork!

VENOM: This 60-card hero pack comes with Venom, his fifteen signature cards, and a prebuilt Justice deck to help players stop the villain. He’s up against…himself in Venom Nemesis! Adaptable hero and impressive arsenal, go in guns blazing.

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Challengers of the Great Beyond

‘Challengers of the Great Beyond’ will take you on an epic journey through different worlds, battling monsters and completing quests along the way. 

How to Play

Challengers of the Great Beyond’ features beautiful graphics and an immersive soundtrack. The attention to detail in each world and character design is truly impressive, making it easy to get lost in the game for hours on end. Explore new locations and marvel at stunning landscapes and creatures.

The game features a unique blend of adventure and strategy. In addition to completing quests, players must also strategically plan their moves in battles against various monsters. This adds an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the gameplay, as you never know what to expect next.

Who Can Play

‘Challengers of the Great Beyond’ has something for everyone, whether you’re a fan of action-packed battles or prefer to focus on completing quests and exploring new worlds. The game also offers different difficulty levels, making it accessible for players of all skill levels.

What Makes It Fun

Whilst the game’s mechanics is quite complex, once you get the hang of it you won’t be able to get enough. There’s always something new to discover and different strategies to try out. And with regular updates and new content being added, the fun never ends.



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Monikers is a gem of a party game that guarantees laughter, ridiculous antics, and the kind of fun memories that last long after the game has ended. It blends the simplicity of charades with the complexity of unique and often bizarre characters you’ll be asked to describe, imitate, or outright guess.

What Is Monikers?

In Monikers, players must guess the names of various characters written on cards based on their teammates’ descriptions. The characters comprise a wildly diverse mix ranging from historical figures to pop culture icons, and from fictional characters to abstract concepts, some of which you might know well, and others that will leave you bewildered and amused.

How to Play Monikers

There are three rounds, each increasing in difficulty but decreasing in the tools you can use for communication. At the start, teams are formed, and each player draws a selection of cards to contribute to the game’s central deck, ensuring a personalized and often hilarious gameplay experience.

Round 1: Describe

In the first round, anything goes – except saying the name on the card. Players describe the character to their teammates, who have a limited time to guess as many as they can. This round is all about setting the stage, with players employing descriptions, anecdotes, or even singing to get their point across.

Round 2: Single Word

In the second round, players can only use a single word to describe each character. This round tests your team’s memory and your ability to think creatively under pressure.

Round 3: Charades

In the final round, words are off the table. Players act out the characters using charades. It’s a test of memory, creativity, and sometimes, your ability to perform under the laughter of your friends.

What Makes Monikers Fun?

The magic of Monikers lies in its evolution. As the game progresses, the descriptions, the one-word clues, and the silent charades build upon each other, creating a shared language and experience unique to your group. It’s not just a game; it’s a story that unfolds with each card, each guess, and each round. The laughter comes easily, but so does the tension of trying to recall how your friend described that obscure 18th-century philosopher in the first round.

Who Will Find Monikers Fun?

Monikers is a chameleon of a game, fitting seamlessly into a quiet night in with friends or serving as the centerpiece of a boisterous party. It’s perfect for those who love language, history, pop culture, or just the joy of guessing games. Whether you’re a board game aficionado or someone looking for an easy-to-learn game that promises a good time, Monikers has something for you.

What are gamers saying about Monikers?

Here are what gamers of Monikers are saying about the game.

  1. Universal Appeal: Played and enjoyed by individuals aged 18 to 82, proving the game’s wide appeal across generations. 

  2. Content Warning: A small portion of the cards may be deemed inappropriate for players under 16. 

  3. Ease of Learning: Straightforward rules and easy learning curve, making it an instant hit among various groups. 

  4. Social and Portable: Its compact size is a bonus, making Monikers an ideal travel companion. Reviewers have shared experiences of introducing the game at gatherings, leading to it being purchased by others due to its fun factor.

  5. Family and Party Friendly: Perfect for both family settings and larger parties, with some playing it in groups as large as 20. 

  6. Expansion Packs: The availability of expansion sets is a hit among enthusiasts, indicating its replay value and the desire for more content among frequent players.


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Codenames: Duet

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Codenames Duet is a cooperative word game for 2 players. The goal of the game is to identify all the secret agents before time runs out. Each player takes on the role of a spy master, who knows the identities and locations of the agents, but can only give one-word clues to their partner to help them guess correctly.

The twist is that the agents are represented by words on a grid, and some words may overlap with multiple agents. This adds an element of strategy and challenge to the game, as players must carefully navigate their clues in order to avoid accidentally revealing enemy agents or bystanders (words that result in you losing).

Game Mechanics: What You Can Expect

Players take turns giving each other clues, with a limited number of guesses allowed each round. The game comes with 400 word cards, providing endless combinations and possibilities for each playthrough.

One of the best parts about Codenames Duet is its replayability factor. No two games are ever the same, thanks to the randomization of the word cards and the ever-changing dynamics between players. Plus, with a 15-minute playtime, it’s the perfect quick game.

What Makes it Fun

Aside from the obvious – solving puzzles and working together with a partner – Codenames Duet has a way of bringing out the competitive spirit in players. The rush of trying to beat the clock and come up with the perfect clue is exhilarating.

But what truly makes this game fun is the inevitable laughter and inside jokes that arise from interpreting each other’s clues. 

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The Isle of Cats

The Isle of Cats is a competitive, medium-weight, card-drafting, polyomino cat-placement board game for 1-4 players (6 with expansions).

In the game, you are citizens of Squalls End on a rescue mission to The Isle of Cats and must rescue as many cats as possible before the evil Lord Vesh arrives. Each cat is represented by a unique tile and belongs to a family, you must find a way to make them all fit on your boat while keeping families together. You will also need to manage resources as you:

Explore the island (by drafting cards)
Rescue cats
Find treasures
Befriend Oshax
Study ancient lessons
Each lesson you collect gives you another personal way of scoring points, and 38 unique lessons are available. Complete lessons, fill your boat, and keep cat families together to score points, and the player with the most points after five rounds wins.

Eldritch Horror

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THRILLING GAME OF TERROR AND ADVENTURE: Ancient evil is stirring across the globe. You and your trusted circle of colleagues must travel around the world, working against all odds to hold back the approaching horror. The end draws near! Do you have the courage to prevent global destruction?
SCARY STRATEGY GAME: Defeat foul monsters, travel to Other Worlds and solve obscure mysteries surrounding this unspeakable horror. The effort may drain your sanity and cripple your body, but if you fail, the Ancient One will awaken and rain doom upon the known world.
COOPERATIVE MYSTERY GAME: Brave investigators team up to pit their skills and weapons against the threat of the Ancient One. Together they explore the remote corners of the globe, fight the nightmarish creatures that lurk in the shadows and solve the ancient mysteries of this Eldritch Horror!
HIGHLY VARIABLE: Eldritch Horror is based on the fiction of H.P. Lovecraft and inspired by the classic Arkham Horror board game. With four different Ancient Ones, twelve investigators, numerous monsters, and hundreds of possible encounters, every game provides a unique and epic adventure.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS AND AVERAGE PLAYTIME: The Eldritch Horror Board Game collection of scary games for game night is designed for 1 to 8 players and is suitable for ages 14 and older. Average game time is approximately 2 to 4 hours.

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Exit: The Game – Dead Man on The Orient Express

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EXIT: The Game is an escape room game for the home. To escape from an imaginary room or environment, players must solve puzzles and crack codes. But time is running out! Can you make it out? With Escape Room in a Box, you can bring the excitement and intensity of an escape room to your living room! You need to work with up to 4 players in order to solve the clues and escape.

Games with unique themes: Each game has a different setting with clues and puzzles integrated into the storyline. One-time use:

Each game can only be played once, because you must mark up, fold, and tear the game materials to crack the codes.

EXIT: Dead Man on the Orient Express

Murder on the Orient Express, reimagined. You’re still on board when a brutal crime occurs. As a team, you must solve the puzzle before the train reaches its destination and the assailant can escape.

El Grande

In this award-winning game, players take on the roles of Grandes in medieval Spain. The king’s power is flagging, and these powerful lords are vying for control of the various regions. To that end, you draft caballeros (knights in the form of colored cubes) into your court and subsequently move them onto the board to help seize control of regions. After every third round, the regions are scored, and after the ninth round, the player with the most points is the winner.

In each of the nine rounds, you select one of your 13 power cards to determine turn order as well as the number of caballeros you get to move from the provinces (general supply) into your court (personal supply).

A turn then consists of selecting one of five action cards which allow variations to the rules and additional scoring opportunities in addition to determining how many caballeros to move from your court to one or more of the regions on the board (or into the castillo – a secretive tower). Normally, you may only place your caballeros into regions adjacent to the one containing the king pawn. The one hard and fast rule in El Grande is that nothing may move into or out of the king’s region. One of the five action cards that is always available each round allows you to move the king to a new region. The other four action cards varying from round to round.

The goal is to have a caballero majority in as many regions (and the castillo) as possible during a scoring round. Following the scoring of the castillo, you place any cubes you had stashed there into the region you had secretly indicated on your region dial. Each region is then scored individually according to a table printed in that region. Two-point bonuses are awarded for having sole majority in the region containing your Grande (large cube) and in the region containing the king.

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Pandemic: Fall of Rome

“Pandemic: Fall of Rome”  merges classic original Pandemic gameplay with historical elements from the decline of the Roman Empire. This game offers a unique twist on the familiar formula, inviting players to defend Rome from invading barbarian tribes.

Gameplay Overview

In “Pandemic: Fall of Rome,” you take on the roles of Roman citizens holding various offices and skills, tasked with the challenge of defending the empire’s borders and managing internal unrest. Instead of curing diseases, you and your teammates mobilize Roman legions to fend off invasions and forge alliances with attacking tribes.

The game board depicts the Roman Empire with a network of cities connected by trade routes. Players move between these cities, recruit legions, and repel barbarian tribes. The game uses a deck of cards that either aids in player movement and army reinforcements or propels the game forward by spawning new tribes on the march towards Rome.

Unique Game Mechanics

  1. Legions and Barbarians: Players use legions to battle the invading barbarians. Each confrontation may reduce the number of legions available, necessitating periodic reinforcement and strategic deployment.

  2. Negotiation and Alliances: Unique to this version of Pandemic is the ability to negotiate alliances with certain barbarian tribes, turning potential threats into allies. This introduces diplomacy into the game, adding depth and variety to the strategies players can employ.

  3. Multiple Paths to Victory (and Defeat): Victory can be achieved by either repelling all barbarians or forming alliances with all the tribes. However, Rome falls if it is overrun by barbarians or if too many legions are lost, adding a constant tension to every decision.

What Makes It Fun

“Pandemic: Fall of Rome” excels in its blend of historical context with engaging cooperative gameplay. The theme is richly integrated into the mechanics, making players feel truly immersed in the historical period. The addition of military and diplomatic strategies to the familiar Pandemic formula refreshes the gameplay and provides new challenges and tactics for veterans and newcomers alike.

What do Pandemic Fall of Rome players say about the game?

Gameplay and Mechanics

Players appreciate the addition of dice rolling as it introduces an element of randomness to battles, adding depth and unpredictability to combat outcomes.

Appreciation for the historical theme

There is strong appreciation for the historical theme. Players feel truly immersed in the roles of Roman generals coordinating defenses across various fronts of the empire. The ability to form alliances with some barbarian tribes adds a layer of strategy and decision-making that enhances the game’s appeal and complexity.

Accessibility and Enjoyment:

Players enjoy the cooperative gameplay but some note that the use of Latin names for cities and roles, while thematically appropriate, can complicate communication and learning the game. 

Criticism and Suggestions:

There are some criticisms about the complexity of role cards but seen as minor and not a hinderance to the game’s enjoyment.

Trick Shot

Trick Shot is a tense, tactical, fast-paced game of ice hockey with cool plastic miniatures and a streamlined rule-set. The game strikes a fine balance between luck and strategy, while still being easy to explain and get to the table.

Use smart positioning, special abilities of your skaters, and press your luck to outplay your opponent and score the most goals.

Whether you are a hardcore hockey fan or a board-gamer looking for a challenging tactical skirmish, we’ve got you covered!

Trick Shot is played over three periods, each period consisting of 10 turns. Whoever scores the most goals by the end of the third period wins.

On your turn, you may keep activating skaters, as long as the same skater is not activated twice in a row or a turnover is triggered by failing a dice roll.

However, after each activation, a die is added to your pool, making each following activation more difficult.

Rolling a Reaction result lets your opponent perform a short move with one of their skaters, limiting the downtime to a minimum.

Double fail results in a penalty and gets your skater off the ice and may cost you control of the puck.

Stamina tokens can be used to mitigate luck by re-rolling failed activations.

-description from designer

Ghost Adventure

Peace reigned in the forest kingdom until now. Guardian spirits live in the statues of the ancestors and watch over the small animals that live under the canopy. A group of wolf warriors armed to the teeth landed on the coast one day. They destroyed the statues and captured the guardian spiritAfter the Spirit of the North appears with his monstrous assistants, the fate of the forest dwellers seems sealed.ed. The only guardian spirit that survived was a small ghost mouse with a magic spinning top.

Ghost Adventure is a cooperative family game that involves guiding a spinning top across several game boards and completing tasks on them. The spinning top must be used to complete a different route for each of the 56 missions. The double-sided boards feature eight different worlds and a variety of objectives to achieve without stopping the spinning top too often.


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A world where mechanics and plants mix, two scientists compete to create a flower formula.
Each player builds a pipe network by placing tiles in a common registry.
Develop the most effective network for mecha botanics, plants and science.
Botanik uses fluid mechanics (one action per turn) and a neat exchange system with tiles of different groups/colors.

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Uprising: Curse of the Last Emperor

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The game is a cooperative, challenging and deeply immersive experience for 1-4 players.

This game takes place on the Isles of Azuhl – a backwater of the known world and one of the last remaining pockets of civilization.

A formerly enslaved faction is under your leadership – the öerce Khrow, the unbending Duerkhar, the mysterious Druwhn, and the vengeful Mohyar – and lead their uprising against the broken remnants of The Empire. Beware, for beyond the frozen seas lies a far greater threat: Hordes of Chaos on their way to Azuhl driven by an insatiable hunger.

Every Faction collects Victory Points over the course of multiple Chapters. Empire and Chaos also collect VP, and their actions are controlled by the players and the game itself. Move the VP Tracker whenever a faction gains VP. All players must have more VP than The Empire and Chaos at the end of the game.

VP can be gained by defeating the armies of The Empire 4 and Chaos in combat, by building Havens for survivors, or by solving quests. At the end of the
game, if each player has more VP than both Chaos and The Empire, you all win together.


Creature Comforts: Kickstarter Edition

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Creature Comforts is a worker placement game and takes about 45 minutes to play. 

Creature Comforts is played across multiple rounds and represent months in the game. Different locations on the board provide different benefits (such as gaining resources, Comfort cards, and Improvement tiles).

All players start with a player board – a sweet homey setting – their family workers, dice, cottages (to claim workshops) and a couple of comfort cards.

The village dice and family dice will be used to resolve action at various locations in the board over the course of the 8 seasons (or 6 in a short play). This game offers a little planning, but you still have to roll with the village dice, whose values are always known – each month, the players roll their own two dice, then place their four family animal tokens on the board.

Before sending workers out, each player rolls two private Family dice (to know their own potential). As soon as all workers have been placed, the Village dice are rolled for the month, and turns begin. Assign dice from your unique dice pool to your workers so they can do stuff on your turn.

As soon as the village dice are rolled, you can start looking at how you can use them. In the event that you come up with a result that doesn’t work out for everything, you will be rewarded with a “lessons learned” token that will let you amend a die value on a subsequent turn. 

In order to improve your score, you’ll craft useful Improvements and valuable Comforts from the resources you gather. Saved resources (especially Stories) are also worth points.

Before the first snowfall, the family who crafts the coziest Comforts wins!

Unmatched: Redemption Row

Best-selling game Unmatched pits unlikely opponents against each other in tactical combat. Three of Marvel’s most tortured heroes fight in Redemption Row. Moon Knight switches between three different identities. In Ghost Rider, Hellfire fuels his power. If you want to get through Luke Cage’s titanium-like skin, you best pack a punch. As with all Unmatched sets, these heroes can face off against fighters from other sets, making it a must-have for experienced players or a good entry point for newcomers.

The Defence of Procyon III

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‘The Defence of Procyon III’ is perfect for you if you love space-themed games

How to Play

The gameplay of ‘The Defence of Procyon III’ is a perfect blend of strategy, resource management and luck. The objective of the game is to defend your home planet, Procyon III, from enemy attacks while also building up your own empire. Each player takes on the role of a different faction with unique abilities and special units. This adds an extra layer of complexity and keeps the game from becoming monotonous.

One of the most interesting aspects of the game is the use of action cards. These cards allow players to take different actions such as attacking, building structures or upgrading units. The catch is that these cards are limited and must be chosen carefully, making each turn a critical decision-making process.

Who Can Play

The type of audience who might enjoy this game is quite broad. If you’re a fan of strategy games, then this is definitely a must-try. But even if you’re not, the gameplay is easy to pick up and keeps players engaged throughout. Plus, the space theme adds an element of excitement and adventure.

What Makes It Fun

What makes ‘The Defence of Procyon III’ so fun is the perfect balance between strategy and luck. It keeps you on your toes, but also allows for some unexpected twists and turns that can completely change the game. Plus, with different factions and action cards to choose from, no two games are ever the same.

Stargard Solstice

How to Play

The objective of the game is to be the first player to reach five specific locations on the game board. Each location represents a different planet within the fictional universe of Stargard Solstice.

Now, you may be wondering what makes this game different from other board games? Well, let me tell you – the game mechanics. Stargard Solstice combines elements of strategy and luck, making it appealing to a wide range of players. The strategic aspect comes into play when choosing which actions to take on your turn, while the luck factor is present in the drawing of event cards that can either benefit or hinder your progress.

But don’t worry, this isn’t a complex game with endless rules and strategies to memorize. It’s actually quite easy to learn and can be enjoyed by both beginner and experienced players.

Who Can Play

Speaking of players, let’s talk about the type of audience who might enjoy this game. Stargard Solstice is perfect for those who love science fiction, as the game immerses you in a unique and imaginative universe. It’s also great for both competitive and casual players, as there is room for both strategic thinking and fun moments with friends.

What Makes It Fun

So what exactly makes Stargard Solstice fun? For me personally, it’s the combination of immersive theme, strategic gameplay, and unexpected twists from the event cards. Each game is different, keeping things exciting and unpredictable.

Star Wars Deck Building Board Game

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In the vast Star Wars universe, epic battles between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire have captivated fans for generations. Now, you can bring those iconic clashes to your tabletop with “Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game.” This two-player game immerses you in the heart of the galactic conflict, where you’ll choose your allegiance and strategically build your forces to outmaneuver your opponent.

Gameplay Overview

The game revolves around deckbuilding, where you start with a basic set of cards and gradually acquire more powerful units, capital ships, and bases. Each card contributes resources, attack power, or unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle. As you play cards, you’ll generate resources to purchase new ones, carefully crafting your deck to optimize your strategy. The Force, an iconic element of the Star Wars universe, also plays a crucial role. It shifts between the Empire and Rebels, influencing card abilities and adding a dynamic layer to the gameplay.

You’ll engage in thrilling attacks against your opponent’s bases, carefully calculating damage and strategically deploying your forces. Capital ships can defend bases, adding another tactical dimension to the game. And if you’re looking to disrupt your opponent’s plans, you can even sabotage their units or hunt down their bounties. With its blend of deckbuilding, strategic combat, and the immersive Star Wars theme, “Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game” offers an exciting experience for both casual players and devoted fans of the franchise. 

What Star Wars Deckbuilding Game players Say About the Game? 

Players are saying the following:

  •  easy-to-learn, fun, and thematic game that is great for two players.
  • card artwork is beautiful and that the game is a must-own for any Star Wars fan
  • great alternative to Star Realms and that it is very replayable.

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Welcome to the world of Hanabi, a cooperative card game that will put your communication and memory skills to the test. Whether you are playing with friends or family, this game is sure to bring laughter and excitement to any gathering. In this article, we’ll dive into the gameplay, mechanics, and what makes Hanabi a must-have in any board game collection!


Hanabi is set up with a deck of cards featuring five different colors, numbered one through five. Players work together to create sets of cards in each color by placing them in ascending order on the table. The catch? Each player holds their hand of cards with the backs facing out, so they can’t see their own hand but can see everyone else’s. This adds an element of mystery and challenge to the game.

What Players Do

On each turn, players have three options: play a card from their hand onto the appropriate color stack, discard a card from their hand, or give a clue to another player about the cards in their hand. Giving clues is crucial in Hanabi as it helps other players determine which cards they should play or discard. However, clues are limited, and players must use them wisely.

Game Mechanics

One of the unique mechanics in Hanabi is the “fuse” token. If a player plays a card incorrectly, such as placing a green one on top of a blue two, the group will receive a fuse token. When all eight fuse tokens have been used, the game ends immediately, and players score their final hand.

Another key mechanic is the “fireworks” display. As players successfully place cards in ascending order on each color stack, they create a beautiful fireworks display that adds to the excitement and satisfaction of gameplay.

Suitable For

Hanabi is suitable for all ages and can be played with two to five players. The game is great for families, friends, or even as an icebreaker for team building events. Hanabi also has different difficulty levels, so it can be enjoyed by both casual players and seasoned gamers.

What Makes It Fun

The combination of teamwork and strategy makes Hanabi a blast to play. With limited clues and the added pressure of the fuse tokens, players must carefully communicate and strategize each move. This leads to exciting moments of triumph when the group successfully creates a perfect fireworks display or intense moments of panic when the fuse tokens are running low.

Hanabi also has a high replay value as each game is unique, and players can always strive to improve their score and communication skills.

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Tiny Epic Galaxies

In Tiny Epic Galaxies each player controls a galactic empire, aiming to expand their influence by acquiring highly contested planets and increasing their cosmic armada. The game revolves around an innovative dice-rolling combo mechanic. The number of dice you roll is determined by the strength of your galaxy. Each die is engraved with symbols representing the various actions you can take, such as moving a spaceship, increasing your culture or energy resources, or advancing your political or economic influence over newly discovered planets.

Through careful planning, you must make the most out of your turn, taking the available actions in whichever order you consider most beneficial. But be careful, as each of your opponents can choose to follow each action you take by expending valuable resources. This means that it can always be your turn, even when it is someone else’s turn!

Players will colonize new planets throughout the game, thereby earning victory points and accumulating special abilities which they can activate for their galactic empire. Careful spending of resources will ensure the fastest growth of your empire, while allowing you to receive the biggest possible pay‐off from the actions you take.

Will your influence be enough to control the most powerful planets in the galaxy? Will you be able to meet your secret objective along the way? Will your empire stand victorious?

Tiny Towns

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In Tiny Towns, players are required to construct their towns one building at a time whilst ensuring that it all fits in a 4×4 grid.
To construct a thriving town, you will have to:
– place Resource cubes in specific layouts on your town grid to construct buildings
– buildings score Victory Points for you
– the player with the most Victory Points wins
Tiny Towns can be played as a solo game mode or with up to 6 players where each resource cube needs to place in specific layouts to construct buildings. The game ends when no player can place any more resources or construct any more buildings with each building scoring victory points and squares without a building subtracting 1 VP. Whoever earns the most VPs and builds the most prosperous tiny town wins!

The Manhattan Project

Global Power Struggle Begins
Which nation will take the lead and become world’s dominant superpower?

The Manhattan Project makes you the leader of a great nation’s atomic weapons program in a deadly race to build bigger and better bombs. You must assign your workers to multiple projects: building your bomb-making infrastructure, expending your military to protect it, or sending your spies to steal your rival’s hard work!

You alone control your nation’s destiny. You choose when to send out your workers–and when to call them back. Careful management and superior strategy will determine the winner of this struggle. So take charge and secure your nation’s future!

Additional description:

The Manhattan Project is a low-luck, mostly open information efficiency game in which players compete to build and operate the most effective atomic bomb program. Players do not “nuke” each other, but conventional air strikes are allowed against facilities.

The game features worker placement with a twist: there are no rounds and no end-of-round administration. Players retrieve their workers when they choose to or are forced to (by running out).

An espionage action allows a player to activate and block an opponent’s building, representing technology theft and sabotage.

Fairy Tale

Players use card drafting and simultaneous action selection to score points while interfering with other players’ ability to do so. The game consists of four rounds. In each of them, players are dealt five cards. They simultaneously select one each and pass the remainder, repeating until done. Then, they start playing cards simultaneously, playing three and discarding two. When the cards are revealed after each selection, card abilities turn other cards face-up or face-down. At the end of the four rounds there are 12 cards in front of each player. The players each score based on their face-up cards.

Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie

This Fantasy Battle Board Game comes with dozens of painted plastic miniatures, each representing a warrior from a different era, and hex-based hard plastic terrain pieces which can be put together in many different ways. The warriors include 30 plastic figures, including World War II soldiers, futuristic robots, aliens, a T-Rex-riding orc, a large dragon, and many more. Each hero or squad has its own card that details both movement and combat abilities.

There are 2 large ruins and 85 tiles of terrain in the base game. Some terrain tiles are large (up to 24 hexes) while others are small (1 hex). There are water, sand, rock and grass tiles (in roughly increasing order). Many different battlefields can be built by attaching and stacking the tiles.

The rulebook features two games: a basic and a master version. In the basic version (designed for younger players < 8 years), characters move, attack, defend, and have range — but there are no special powers and some other rules are minimized and/or eliminated. The master game includes special powers, wounds, engagement rules, falling rules, and a few other additions.

A battlefield/scenario book shows how to build five battlefields, layer by layer. Each battlefield may have multiple scenarios, where the goals vary. It can be opponent elimination, getting to a certain space, protecting a certain figure, or holding out for a certain number of turns.

Each unit in the Master Set has a movement rating ranging from 4 to 8, which is the number of hexes it can move in a turn. Moving up a level counts as a hex; moving down does not incur that penalty. Moving down more levels than your height when moving from one hex to another counts as falling and you might take damage –unless you are falling into water.

Combat in the game is fairly straightforward. You roll attack dice as listed on your unit's card (1 to 8 dice in the Master Set), and the opponent rolls defense dice equal to the number on their unit's card (1 to 9 dice). Skulls rolled in excess of shields count as wounds (hero figures may have more than one Life).

The master game uses a point system in which players alternate drafting cards until they reach the pre-assigned point value for the scenario. It's possible to bring a "pre-fab" army to the battle in order to save time.

The basic game is for two players. The master game is for 2 to 4 (and more) players.
The game is eminently customizable, with many expansions which add more abilities, terrain, and options. There are also user-created maps, scenarios, custom units and advanced rules available online.

HeroScape: Rise of the Valkyrie is the original master set for the HeroScape series of games.

StarCraft: The Board Game

Including a total of 180 plastic figures and dozens of unit types, Starcraft: The Board Game features an innovative modular board of varying sizes, which guarantees a new experience each and every game. An exciting card driven combat system allows players to modify and upgrade their faction with a wealth of powerful technologies. Players can unleash a Zergling rush, use powerful Protoss shields to halt an enemy invasion, or even send cloaked Ghosts out to guide nuclear missiles to their target.


In StarCraft: The Board Game, players battle for galactic domination on a dynamic board of interconnected planets. Planetary setup is already part of the game – every player gets two planets to place, and will place their starting base on one of them. Planets are connected with direct and “Z-Axis” connections that are placed during setup, but can sometimes later be modified during the game, and movement is only possible within planets and through those connections (by means of purpose-built transports).

Each player controls a faction out of six, that belongs to one race out of three – Humans, Zerg, and Protoss. Each faction has a unique special victory condition, but all factions can also win through victory points that are gained by controlling special areas on some of the planets. Players build units and base upgrades with the resources they gather from the planetary areas that they control, and gain access to additional unit types through those upgrades.

Each turn is subdivided into first a planning phase, then an execution phase, and finally a regrouping phase (used for cleanup). In the planning phase, players take turns playing a number of order tokens into stacks on each planet, with orders placed later obstructing the ones that were placed before them. This allows players to set up combos of their own, but also to obstruct plans of other players. In the execution phase then, players take turns again, and when a player’s turn comes up he can choose one of his order tokens on top of any stack and execute that one – if all of their orders are obstructed, they skip their action and draw an event card instead. The execution phase isn’t over until all players executed all of their orders. Possible orders are Build (used for building both units and buildings), Mobilize (used for moving units and attacking enemies) and Research (see below), and orders can always be Standard Orders or Special Orders, with the special orders having prerequisites but stronger effects.

Players can also research new technologies and thus improve their combat deck in a precursor to more recent deck building mechanisms. Each player is given a combat deck unique for their race at the start of the game, and when they research new technologies then matching cards are added to that deck. This allows the players to customize what cards they will draw; when the last card of the deck is drawn, the deck is reshuffled. Most cards remain in the combat deck once researched, though some researched technologies add effects that are always in play, while some particularly strong combat cards are discarded after one use.

Axis & Allies

Axis and Allies is the most successful of Milton Bradley’s Gamemaster series.

It depicts WWII on a grand scale, full global level. Up to five players can play on two different teams. The Axis which has Germany and Japan, and the Allies which has the USA, the United Kingdom, and the USSR. A full map of the world is provided, broken up in various chunks similar to Risk. The game comes with gobs of plastic miniatures that represent various military units during WWII. Players have at their disposal infantry, armor, fighters, bombers, battleships, aircraft carriers, submarines, troop transports, anti-air guns, and factories. All of the units perform differently and many have special functions. Players have to work together with their teammates in order to coordinate offenses and decide how best to utilize their production points. Players also have the option of risking production resources on the possibility of developing a super technology that might turn the tide of war.

Axis and Allies was originally published by Nova Games in 1981.

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Exit: The Game – The Sunken Treasure

Exit: The Sunken Treasure is a cooperative treasure hunt game set in the Carribean. Players are stuck in the middle of the ocean equipped with only a counterfeit map which shows them riddle after riddle rather than the correct ocean! The objective of the game is to work cooperatively to find the wreck of Santa Maria and recover the treasure as quickly as possible! Players will only be able to find the wreck and recover the treasure if they are able to work together to crack all the codes. If not, sooner or later, they will all be sunk.

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This game entry refers to two nearly identical games that are not compatible with one another. Ages 6 and up.

PitchCar and Carabande are dexterity games where large, wooden, puzzle-like pieces are used to construct a race track that looks very similar to a slot car track when finished. But instead of electricity, players use finger-flicks to send small pucks around the track, a la Carrom.


Eight car discs
One black “spacer” disc
Six straightaways
Ten 90-degree curves
Rail pieces for straights and curves
One Start/Finish line sticker
One rule sheet with suggested track layouts
One score pad

Carabande was produced by Goldsieber and had only the single expansion with the Action Set. Both are currently out of print. It was also produced in a special “Audi” edition, titled Rennspiel-Action. In the BGG photo gallery, Carabande has yellow/orange rails.Expanded by:

Carabande Action Set

PitchCar is produced by Ferti. It currently has nine expansions that add “tight” curves, crossroads, small jumps, long straightaways, 45-degree curves, curved bottlenecks, loops & an adapter that will allow for mixing PitchCar and PitchCar Mini. PitchCar apparently also has two editions, where the first edition has the black laminate on the top and bottom of the track pieces, where the second edition only has the laminate on the top of the track pieces. In the BGG photo gallery, PitchCar has red rails.Expanded by:

PitchCar Extension
PitchCar Extension 2
PitchCar Extension 3: Special Long Straights
PitchCar Extension 4: Stunt Race
PitchCar Extension 5: The Cross
PitchCar Extension 6: No Limit
PitchCar Extension 7: The Loop
PitchCar Extension: The Upsilon
PitchCar Extension: The Adapter

Re-implemented by:

PitchCar Mini

Wings of War: Famous Aces

Wings of War is a game series which merges card and board game mechanics to recreate aerial combat. The first series of Wings of War games focus on the “knights of the air” age, World War I, portraying the abilities of the fighting planes of this period.

Airplanes are represented by a single card which is used as a playing piece on any open surface; the players choose and play simultaneously movement cards to decide the actions of the airplane they control. Different planes use different decks of movement cards to represent their different maneuver capabilities, and different deck of “Fire” card are used to take into account their fighting effectiveness and to keep track of damage.

Each Wings of War set is a complete game for 2 to 4 players which may be combined with additional sets, or with other copies of the same set, to play larger games. For that purpose, 23 planes with different colors are included in each box. Each one is depicted after accurate historical documentation.

Wings of War: Famous Aces is the first set of the WWI collection. It includes 5 types of planes: the Spad XIII, Albatros D Va, Sopwith Camel, Fokker Dr1, Sopwith Triplane. Each one was flown by an ace: between them Baracca, von Richtofen, Rickenbacker, Fonck, Olieslagers, Bakers. There are also 4 decks of movement cards, 1 deck of combat cards, rulers, counters and a promo card of the second set, Wings of War: Watch Your Back!, depicting an Austrian two-seater Ufag C.I.


The theaters of London are abuzz. In one week, her majesty the Queen will attend their new shows and will grant her support to one of the troupes. It’s the chance of a lifetime for the young authors who are inflaming the populace with ever more audacious and motley plays. But how do you create a masterpiece in such a short time? Whoever has the answer to this thorny question will probably enter the rolls of history!

In Shakespeare, players are theater managers who must recruit actors, craftsmen, jewelers and others in order to assemble everything needed for the play’s performance at week’s end.

In more detail, the game lasts six days and on each day players recruit one new character — starting with five at the beginning of the game: four identical ones on their individual player board and one that they’ve drafted — and take 1-5 actions with the characters they have. Characters and their actions are:

Actors: Rehearse one or more acts in the three-act play; the more you rehearse, the more benefits you receive during the dress rehearsals on days four and six.
Costume mistress: Take costume elements to enhance your actors; if they lack a complete costume, they can’t participate in the dress rehearsals.
Set dresser: Build the set. The more elaborate the set you build, the more rewards you receive — but the set must be symmetrical!
Handyman: Set them to work on whatever you need. These joes can assemble both costumes and sets, but they’re not very good at it.
Assistant: Increase the power of your craftsmen, i.e., the three roles described above.
Jeweler: Take a gold costume element or set piece to dazzle the crowd.
Queen: Earn money by giving her an early peek, or gain an objective to win her favor on the final day.

After players take actions, they check the individual ambience level in their theater, gaining or losing points or rehearsal time depending on the atmosphere. Dress rehearsal on the fourth and sixth days provide another chance for fully-dressed actors to perform, and those who are well-rehearsed earn points or money.

On all but the final days, players must allow characters who performed to rest, with only one of those characters being able to work the next day. Thus, the more you put them to work today, the less you’ll be able to do tomorrow — but those who don’t plan to do as much act before other players, so that might be a good thing.

In the end, players must pay their actors, with each unpaid actor blemishing your reputation and costing you points. Whoever finishes with the most prestige points wins.

Warhammer Quest

Warhammer Quest is the original game in the Warhammer Quest Series.

From the Main Rulebook:

In Warhammer Quest each player takes the role of a warrior, one of four brave adventurers willing to test their courage in the search for wealth and glory. Each hero comes from a different people. The Barbarian has traveled far from the savage north, a land of bitter cold and ferocious warriors. The Wizard hails from the cities of the Empire, the largest and most important of the realms of men. The Dwarf is drawn by the goldlust for which his race is famous. Dwarfs are grim and rather abrupt, but they are good fighters and loyal friends who remember debts of gratitude as readily as debts of coin. The Elf comes from the green woods of Loren where his kin spend their days hunting and making merry, protected from evil by the strange magic of their land. Elves are incredibly quick and agile, and they are also the best archers in the world.

In the Warhammer Quest game the players enter a dark and forbidding dungeon. Together they must face the horrific dangers that wait for them. They will be attacked by monsters such as Orcs, Goblins, Skaven and Minotaurs. Other perils lurk in the darkness: scurrying venomous things like spiders, deadly pit traps, and decayed tunnels that cave in at the slightest touch. If they complete their quest the players will be rewarded with gold, treasure and artefacts of magical power. The more gold and treasure you can discover the better.., and the player whose warrior amasses the greatest fortune has done best of all!

Warhammer Quest is probably unlike other games you have played. Rather than each player competing against the others, all the players must co-operate if they are to win. Also, there is no single board. Instead, the different rooms and corridor sections are clipped together to make a dungeon that is different every time you play. The game rules may seem a little complex at first – but don’t worry a lot of the rules are designed to extend the game and are not vital to begin with. The actual game rules you need to play are in this book or printed on the various cards. The hugely thick Role-play Book is all extra and alternative material that introduces you to a whole new hobby of role-playing Warhammer Quest.

– Warhammer Quest Contents –

4 Warrior models: Barbarian, Dwarf, Elf and Wizard
6 Orc Warrior models
6 Orc Archer models
6 Goblin Spearmen models
6 Night Goblin Archer models
12 Skaven models
3 Minotaur models
12 Giant Spider models
12 Giant Bat models
12 Giant Rat models
12 Snotling models
10 Dungeon Doorways
32 Page Rule Book
16 Page Adventure Book
192 Page Role-play Book
1 How to Play sheet
50 Page Adventure Record Pad
19 Event Cards
23 Dungeon Cards
30 Treasure Cards
17 Blank Event Cards
15 Spell Cards
4 Warrior Cards
4 Battle-level Cards
4 Equipment Cards
4 Warrior Counters
6 Dungeon Rooms
5 Objective Rooms
7 Corridors
1 Steps
3 T-junctions
1 Corner
1 Portcullis Marker
1 Cave-in Marker
3 Pit of Despair Markers
6 Webbed Counters
15 Power Tokens
10 Luck Counters
24 plastic shields
18 Scenery Markers
6 Large Dice & 12 Small Dice

Cthulhu Wars: Duel

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The Old Ones are back. There are monsters everywhere. We’re done with humanity, but we’re still fighting. Who will rule the ruins of Earth? Now it’s your turn!

Cthulhu Wars: Duel is a fast-paced two-player strategy game where you play as the Great Cthulhu or the Black Goat, a cosmic goddess of hideous fertility. Each side has its own units, abilities, and strategies.

Cthulhu Wars: Duel has cardboard standees in place of giant plastic minis. As a result, not only is the game more affordable, but it’s also easier to transport and takes up less table space. This means you can throw a box of Cthulhu Wars: Duel in a bag and take it to your game night with minimal space requirements. Cthulhu Wars: Duel doesn’t take up as much table space as the original, so you can play it in a smaller area. Cthulhu wars has never been easier!

Throw Throw Burrito

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World’s First Dodgeball Card Game – Collect matching sets of cards faster than your opponents while ducking, dodging, and throwing airborne burritos.

It’s the simplest and easiest party game you’ve ever played – clear some room and put away the antiques! When you collect cards, you earn points, but when you get hit by squishy burritos, you lose points.

It’s adorable. Exploding Kittens was my favorite game, but this one takes it to another level. I love throwing squishy burritos with my friends. It’s so fun, fast and addictive and you always want to get the set of Burrito War Cards. You’ll love it.

It’s also fun to play the game with two people. I suggest you make separate forts to run before you play otherwise the game’s over pretty quickly.

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The man with the pistol is a dead man when faced with the man with the Winchester unless his pistol is a Volcanic!

Sheriffs hunt outlaws, outlaws hunt sheriffs, and Renegades are ready to join either side. Who are the gunmen who are Deputies willing to give their lives for the Sheriff? Where are the merciless outlaws seeking his death?

Character cards within the game include a sheriff, deputy, outlaw, and renegade, most of whom want to shoot (bang) each other.

A player’s turn involves playing a variety of cards, such as beer (gaining a life), bang (shooting someone), missed (avoiding getting shot), guns (shooting other players), and many others.

There are many name cards that give special skills such as pick a heart and don’t get shot. Instead of using the place mats, the cards can be used as life trackers.

It takes a little while to learn but soon gets easier.

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Space Infantry: Resurgence

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This robust gaming system is based on a unique solitaire game and provides co-op and two-player options of play.
In Space Infantry Resurgence, you command an elite squad of veteran Space Infantry soldiers facing off against unknown alien foes,using only the weapons and tools brought with them
In order to win, scrounge what you can along the way.


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A chicken chase is underway to find Mrs. Plumpert’s missing pot pie! You can gather clues and then rule out suspects using the special evidence scanner. Time is of the essence because the fox is scurrying for the door! You must stop the hungry hooligan or you will be outfoxed!

About the Game

As fans of both cooperative and deduction games, Outfoxed was a no-brainer! It is a wonderful venue for honing deductive reasoning in a non-competitive environment created by the Department Recreation team. By working together to find the guilty fox, you’ll gain valuable skills such as estimating probability and paying attention to details, as well as the importance of collaboration in solving problems.

Campaign Manager 2008

‘Campaign Manager 2008’ is a political-themed board game that takes place during the intense US presidential election of 2008. If you love politics, strategy and/or friendly competition this game is perfect for you

How to Play

Players take on the role of either Barack Obama or John McCain’s campaign manager and try to win key states in order to secure victory in the election. The game is played over 12 rounds, each representing a month leading up to Election Day. Each round, players use action cards to place their campaign markers on different states, trying to gain control of them and earn victory points. But it’s not just about winning states – players must also manage their resources, make strategic decisions, and adapt to unexpected events (just like in a real presidential campaign!).

‘Campaign Manager 2008’ is easy to learn but still offers a lot of depth and replayability. The game mechanics are intuitive and the gameplay is fast-paced, making it perfect for both casual and competitive players. Plus, with two different sides to play as (Obama or McCain), there’s always a new challenge to take on.

Who Can Play

Anyone who loves strategic board games will have a blast playing ‘Campaign Manager 2008’. But I would also say that it’s a great game for those who enjoy political themes or are interested in the US presidential election process. And of course, if you’re a fan of Obama or McCain, this game is a must-have for your collection!

What Makes It Fun

The theme itself is exciting and engaging, especially for those who love politics. The gameplay is also incredibly satisfying and encourages friendly competition and banter between players, making it a great option for game nights with friends or family.



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Ugly Gryphon Inn

In this uniquely challenging solo game, you play the overworked innkeeper of a decidedly quirky establishment. Your rowdy patrons are demanding, and their odd quirks are enough to drive you batty! Your goal: get enough guests safely tucked into their rooms for the night, all while keeping the peace in your chaotic inn.

How do you play? Each turn of “Ugly Gryphon Inn” centers around managing your peculiar patrons. You’ll send one guest to a room in the guesthouse and check if anyone’s getting irritated by noise, fights, or even unpleasant smells. If so, it’s your job to resolve those conflicts before they drive everyone out! Meanwhile, more guests will pile into the bar, and you’ll need to keep a close eye on them too. The game ends when you run out of cards, and you win if you’ve managed to fill your inn with at least 7 happy (well, mostly content) guests.

Why is it fun? “Ugly Gryphon Inn” is a delightful puzzle with a touch of humor. It requires careful planning and a bit of luck to satisfy your difficult clientele! The game is constantly throwing new challenges your way, keeping you on your toes and making each playthrough feel fresh.

Who’s it for? “Ugly Gryphon Inn” is ideal for:

  • Solo gamers: This is designed specifically for a single player.
  • Puzzle lovers: If you enjoy a satisfying brain-teaser, the inn’s ever-changing demands will keep you engaged.
  • Fans of quirky themes: The game’s humorous tone and oddball patrons add a unique charm.

Get ready for a hilariously hectic night at the Ugly Gryphon Inn. It might be a headache, but it’s a delightfully challenging one!


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Tapple is a lively and interactive party game that challenges your vocabulary and quick thinking.


Tapple is a fast-paced word game designed for 2-8 players, making it ideal for parties and family gatherings. The game revolves around thinking of words that fit specific categories, all while racing against a ticking timer.

Gameplay Summary

Players take turns naming words that fit the chosen category.

  • Start the Timer: The first player starts the timer by pressing the button on the Tapple Wheel.
  • Name a Word: The player must quickly think of a word that fits the category and begins with one of the letters on the Tapple Wheel.
  • Press the Corresponding Letter: After naming the word, the player presses down the letter on the Tapple Wheel and resets the timer by pressing the button again.
  • Pass the Tapple Wheel: The player passes the Tapple Wheel to the next player, who repeats the process.
  • Winning: The last player remaining after everyone else is eliminated wins the round. Accumulate points by winning rounds to become the overall winner.

Game Mechanics

  • Timer Pressure: Adds a layer of excitement and urgency.
  • Letter Limitation: Pressing a letter means it can’t be used again for that category, increasing the challenge.
  • Category Diversity: The game includes a variety of categories, keeping it fresh and engaging.

Who is likely to find Tapple fun?

Tapple is perfect for:

  • Families: Simple rules and quick rounds make it accessible for all ages.
  • Party-Goers: Great for larger groups and lively gatherings.

What are Tapple players saying about the game?

Positive Aspects

  • Family-Friendly: Universally praised as a great game for family gatherings and all ages.
  • Educational Value: Helps improve vocabulary, quick thinking, and spelling skills, especially beneficial for younger players.
  • Simple Gameplay: Easy to learn and play, with straightforward rules and quick setup.
  • Build Quality: Sturdy, well-designed, and portable, making it suitable for travel and frequent use.
  • Versatile Play: Can accommodate different skill levels and ages, making it inclusive.
  • Engaging and Fun: Highly engaging with a competitive edge, making it a hit at parties and game nights.
  • Categories Variety: Offers a wide range of categories, keeping the game fresh and interesting.

Minor Issues

  • Box Quality: Some reviewers noted the box quality is lacking, making it less ideal for storage.
  • Limited Letters: The Tapple wheel has only 20 letters, excluding Q, U, V, X, Y, Z, which some players found surprising.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark

It is a board game in which one player takes on the role of the treacherous overlord, and up to four other players take on the roles of courageous heroes
During each game, the heroes embark on quests and venture into dangerous caves, ancient ruins, dark dungeons, and cursed forests to battle monsters, earn riches, and attempt to stop the overlord from carrying out his vile plot
Featuring double-sided modular board pieces, countless hero and skill combinations, and an immersive story-driven campaign, Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition transports heroes to a vibrant fantasy realm where they must stand together against an ancient evil
Play time : 1 to 2 hours
2 to 5 Players.The revised edition of one of the most popular dungeon delving board games in the world.Pits one overlord player against up to four hero players, who cooperate to complete a range of scenario-specific objectives.Based in the fantasy realm of terrinoth, the setting of runewars, rune age, and runebound.Includes nearly 50 detailed plastic figures, 9 custom dice, 48 double sided map tiles, over 150 tokens, and nearly 250 cards.Features engaging story driven scenarios, as well as included campaign rules
The revised edition of one of the most popular dungeon delving board games in the world
Pits one overlord player against up to four hero players, who cooperate to complete a range of scenario-specific objectives
Based in the fantasy realm of terrinoth, the setting of runewars, rune age, and runebound

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In Acquire, each player strategically invests in businesses, trying to retain a majority of stock. As the businesses grow with tile placements, they also start merging, giving the majority stockholders of the acquired business sizable bonuses, which can then be used to reinvest into other chains. All of the investors in the acquired company can then cash in their stocks for current value or trade them 2-for-1 for shares of the newer, larger business. The game is a race to acquire the greatest wealth.

History of Acquire: This Sid Sackson classic has taken many different forms over the years depending on the publisher, yet the rules and game play have stayed the same. The 1966 version of the 3M bookshelf edition included rules for a 2-player variant. The original version is part of the 3M Bookshelf Series.

Many books and websites incorrectly list this as a 1962 publication as the 3M Company used previously copyrighted artwork when they released the game in 1964. 3M actually received the idea for the game of “Vacations” from Sid Sackson in May of 1963 and decided to take his idea and put it into artwork they had developed the year before for a game called “ACQUIRE.” 3M’s original game idea for a game called ACQUIRE must not have been very good so they decided to take Sid’s idea of Vacations and put it into their concept of ACQUIRE. They released some limited test market games in 8 Midwestern U.S. cities in December of 1963 with a box that had a 1963 copyright. These games had Sid’s original rules. When 3M released the mass market games in 1964, they had taken liberties with some of Sid’s original ideas and changed some rules and game play to match their production desires. They released them with outer boxes that were copyrighted 1962 and inner boxes with rules that were dated 1963.

December 1963 – Test Market World Map Wood Tile Edition
1964 – Dated 1962/63 wood tiles, chipboard with plastic overlay & stocks with printed backs
1965 – Dated 1962/63 plastic tiles, chipboard with plastic overlay & stocks with printed backs (last edition made with printed backs until 1999)
1966 – Dated 1962/66 plastic tiles, chipboard with plastic overlay & non-wax coated stocks (Only edition with these stocks)
1968 – Dated 1968/66 plastic tiles, clear plastic board with paper underlay (Both 1966 inner box games have a lot of mixed parts)
1971 – Dated 1968/71 plastic tiles, yellow hard plastic board
1975 – 3M sells rights for game of ACQUIRE to the Avalon Hill Company
1976 – Dated 1976 plastic tiles, yellow hard plastic board, redesigned money, no inner box (This edition was also produced in 1977, 79, 81, 82, & 86)
1989 – Dated 1976 Gray box edition with new box artwork same contents as regular 1976 editions (This edition was also produced in 1992)
1995 – Dated 1995 Large box cardboard edition with chipboard board and tiles, Special Powers Variant Tiles inspired by German editions
1997 – Avalon Hill sells the rights to the game of ACQUIRE to Hasbro
1999 – Dated 1999 Large box with large plastic board and tiles, 3D company buildings, redesigned stocks & money, large info cards
2006 – Hasbro assigns rights for the game of ACQUIRE to their subsidiary, Wizards of the Coast
2006 – Lloyd’s Rules of ACQUIRE are made public, two major rule changes that help to bring the balance of the game of ACQUIRE back to the intentions of Sid Sackson’s original ideas
2008 – Dated 2008 cardboard edition with chipboard board & tiles, redesigned stocks & money
2016 – Dated 2016 The current affordable mass-market edition. It looks at first sight to be similar to previous modern editions, but has been criticised for the use of inferior design choices such as hard-to-read grey-on-grey embossed slots and the unusual tile fonts. It contains modified rules and a slightly smaller playing grid. Although these changes have been criticised for not ultimately improving upon Sackson’s original design, they are generally regarded as not being too damaging to it.

Space Alert

Space Alert is a cooperative team survival game. Players become crew members of a small spaceship scanning dangerous sectors of the galaxy. The missions last just 10 real-time minutes (hyperspace jump, sector scan, hyperspace jump back) and the only task the players have is to protect their ship.

During play, the central computer will announce the presence of various threats on one the supplied 10 minute soundtracks that also acts as a game timer. The threats vary from space battleships and interceptors to different interstellar monsters and abominations, asteroids or even intruders and malfunctions on the spaceship. Players have to agree who will take care of which task and coordinate their actions (moving around the ship, firing weapons, distributing energy, using battlebots to deal with intruders, launching guided missiles, etc.) in real time to defend the ship. Only a well-working team can survive 10 minutes and make the jump back to safety.

The game offers several difficulty levels, huge variability and a unique experience for one to five player teams. One mission lasts only about 30 minutes, including setup and evaluation.

(Based on a description from Czech Games Edition)

The Grizzled

The Grizzled is a cooperative game about survival in the trenches during the first World War where players win or lose together.

Each round, the current team leader will choose how many cards every player draws. Then, going around the table, players must either play a card in their hand or back out of the mission. Each card represents either threats to the team (such as mortar shells and weather conditions) or negative personality traits (such as frightened or obsessive). At the end of the round, more cards are added to the draw deck. The game ends only if the players can deplete the draw deck as well as their hands without letting time run out.

If one threat shows up too many times, the team fails the mission. The team must play their threats correctly in order to gain any progress. However, most of the information in a players hand remains secret throughout the game.

Planning, teamwork, and a little luck are the tools you’ll need to win this cooperative game for two to five players.

In the Year of the Dragon

Stefan Feld’s 3rd game by Alea is In the Year of the Dragon.

Players take on the role of Chinese rulers around the year 1000. The game plays out in twelve rounds, with each round representing one month in a year that seems to go from bad to worse. Disease, drought, and attacks from the Mongols may claim lives, but make sure you have enough money to offer a tribute to the Emperor.

The game play is easier than it may appear. Every player has a set of “person” cards. Each round, you choose one action (most of which call on your workers’ abilities) to help you prepare for the months ahead. Then you play one person card, recruiting that person and placing him into one of your palaces. Each person brings different skills and abilities to help you ride out the year. (Farmers help you gain rice to survive a drought month, Tax Collectors raise money, etc.) At the end of each round, that month’s event is triggered, which may cost you some of your workers, some money, or give you points.

Careful planning is the key to surviving “the year of the dragon,” but survival alone may not win you the game.

High Society

In Reiner Knizia’s High Society, players bid against each other to acquire the various trappings of wealth (positive-number and multiplier cards) while avoiding its pitfalls (negative number and divisor cards). While bidding, though, keep an eye on your remaining cash – at the end of the game, even though all those positive-number cards might add up to a win, the player with the least money isn’t even considered for victory.


This is a negotiation game in the truest sense of the word. In it, players acquire ownership of sections of city blocks then place tiles, representing businesses, onto the block-sections. At the end of each turn, each tile you’ve laid gives you some sort of payout, but completed businesses (formed of three to six connected tiles of the same type) pay quite a bit better. All these resources are dealt to the players randomly, however, so players must trade to get matching businesses and adjacent locations.

Once Upon a Time: The Storytelling Card Game

Once Upon A Time is a game in which the players create a story together, using cards that show typical elements from fairy tales. One player is the Storyteller and creates a story using the ingredients on their cards. They try to guide the plot towards their own ending. The other players try to use cards to interrupt the Storyteller and become the new Storyteller. The winner is the first player to play out all their cards and end with their Happy Ever After card.

The second edition, published in 1995, features an expanded card set.

The third edition, published in 2012, features multiple changes, including new artwork by Omar Rayyan, a new card set, and a simplified rulesheet.

Box says: Contains 110 story cards, 55 ending cards and a rulebook(my box has 114 role cards)


TransAmerica is a simple railway game. Each player has a set of five cities strung across the U.S. that need to be connected by rail. Players place either one or two rails each turn. The game ends when the first player completes a connected route between their five cities. The player who can make the best use of the other players’ networks is generally victorious.


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There are six companies that will change the world! You can invest in them and become rich by making the right decisions!

Only the biggest investor receives money out of each company. Players try to read the next steps of their rivals and use their capital and three hidden cards to win against them and become the biggest shareholder!

You have to be lucky but you must also think about your moves and analyze your rivals!

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Super Mega Lucky Box

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In Super Mega Lucky Box, you’ll score as many points as possible by crossing off the nine numbers printed in a 3×3 grid on the cards in front of you.

In each round, you shuffle 18 cards (numbered 1-9 twice) and reveal nine of them. Each number revealed is crossed off on one of your cards, and you choose three out of five cards at the start of the game. You receive a bonus every time you complete a row or column:

Spend three lightning bolts, for example, and you can change a 7 into either a 4 or 1 (because the numbers “wrap”).

  •  A moon, in which the player with the most moons scores 6 points at the end of the game, while the player with the fewest loses 6 points
  • A star, with a point value of 1, 4, or 9 for collecting 1, 2, or 3 stars in one round
  • A number that you instantly cross off on your card; if you complete another row or column, you will also score that bonus!
  • A question mark, which you can cross off any number.

In each round, you score points for cards you completely mark off, with points diminishing every round from 15 in round one to 8 in round four. Players then draw three new cards and keep one.

After four rounds, you score 1 point for each X on unfinished cards, then tally points from completed cards, stars, and moons to determine who wins

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Piacenza 1746

Pieacenza 1746 is a historical simulation game for two players that simulates the epic battle around its walls that decides the fate of the War of the Austrian Succession. A player controls the Franco-Spanish army, the other controls the Austrian army of the Prince of Liechtenstein. The game consists of 12 turns, almost all of one hour, during which players take turns activating the “Wings” of their army.


In Citadels, players take on new roles each round to represent characters they hire in order to help them acquire gold and erect buildings. The game ends at the close of a round in which a player erects his/her eighth building. Players then tally their points, and the player with the highest score wins.

Players start with a number of building cards in their hand; buildings come in five colors, with the purple buildings typically having a special ability and the other colored buildings providing a benefit when you play particular characters. At the start of each round, the player who was king the previous round discards one of the eight character cards at random, chooses one, then passes the cards to the next player, etc. until each player has secretly chosen a character. Each character has a special ability, and the usefulness of any character depends upon your situation, and that of your opponents. The characters then carry out their actions in numerical order: the assassin eliminating another character for the round, the thief stealing all gold from another character, the wizard swapping building cards with another player, the warlord optionally destroys a building in play, and so on.

On a turn, a player earns two or more gold (or draws two building cards then discards one), then optionally constructs one building (or up to three if playing the architect this round). Buildings cost gold equal to the number of symbols on them, and each building is worth a certain number of points. In addition to points from buildings, at the end of the game a player scores bonus points for having eight buildings or buildings of all five colors.

The expansion Citadels: The Dark City was initially released as a separate item, but the second edition of the game from Hans im Glück (packaged in a tin box) and the third edition from Fantasy Flight Games included this expansion and can be recognized by its rectangular box (not square). With Dark City, Citadels supports a maximum of eight players.


Europe, 1347. A disaster is about to strike. The Black Death reaches Europe, and during the next 4-5 years, the population of Europe will be halved.
The players settle in the various regions of Europe, while the plague spreads throughout all of the continent. The players gain help from the various classes of the middle ages: the Peasants provide population growth, the wise Monks keep the rats away, the rich Merchants flee when the plague approaches, the warfare conducted by the Knights spreads the plague to new areas, the Witches control the spread through magic and witchcraft, whereas the Kings avoid the plague by staying in their fortified palaces. But the plague does not make any distinction: when the rats arrive, no one can feel safe.
When the plague withdraws and the game ends, the player with the highest surviving population wins.

Rattus is a medium-strategy game that takes place in the Dark Ages during the black plague. The players try to hold off the disease.
To do this they get help from farmers, magicians, knights, nobles, … But nothing helps as long as the rats keep coming.

Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem

Based on the hit TV series, in Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem players take the role of rival gangs out to control territory, accumulate contraband and reap the monetary rewards of illegal enterprise.

With each turn gangs must attempt to control a range of sites by assigning gang members and resources to claiming, defending and fighting for money, contraband and guns. However, other players can challenge the right for territory, which will lead to conflict! Negotiate, threaten and ally with rival gangs when it serves your needs, but be wary of the inevitable knife in the back. This game is about making and breaking alliances, and only the gang with the most money at the end of six rounds wins.

Early copies of SoA: Men of Mayhem included a manual listing incorrect component counts. The corrected component counts are:

4 Clubhouse cards (1 per player)
4 Player blinds (1 per player)
4 Dice (1 per player)
20 Members (5 per player)
20 Prospects (5 per player)

24 Site Tiles
36 Anarchy Cards
4 Hardcore Anarchy Cards (identifiable by a red border)
136 Cash
34 Order tokens
16 Heat tokens
24 Contraband
24 Guns
1 Reaper Patch


+ Due to a packing error many first print copies of the game are missing a reference card, ‘The Black Market’. You can find the PDF for this card in the files section of this page. The missing card also comes in both the Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem – Grim Bastards Club Expansion and Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem – Calaveras Club Expansion.

+ First print copies of SoA: Men of Mayhem include a promo Clubhouse Card for the ‘Grim Bastards’ Motorcycle Club, which can be used as a substitute for one of the other playable gangs. This promo is also now available as part of a full 5th player expansion in the Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem – Grim Bastards Club Expansion.

Hues and Cues

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Hues and Cues: A Fun and Colorful Board Game

“Hues and Cues,” a board game that’s all about testing your color perception and communication skills in a fun and engaging way.

What’s the Game About?

“Hues and Cues” is a game that challenges players to connect words with colors on a board filled with 480 different hues.

Gameplay Mechanics

During the game, one player becomes the “cue giver” and chooses a color from the board. They then provide a one or two-word clue to describe it. The other players place their tokens on the color they believe matches the given clue. Points are awarded based on the accuracy of the players’ guesses. The key to success in this game is precision.

Who’s It For?

  • Family and Friends: It’s perfect for family game nights. The rules are simple, so everyone, from kids to grandparents, can join in.
  • Party Game: It’s a hit at parties. The gameplay sparks conversation and laughter, especially when people realize how differently we all see and describe colors.

Why Is It Fun?

  • Engaging Social Interaction: This game gets people talking, debating, and laughing over the nuances of colors and descriptions.
  • Educational Aspect: You’d be surprised how much you’ll learn about colors and how to describe them.
  • Inclusivity: It’s not strategy-heavy, which means it’s great for players of all skill levels.

In a Nutshell

“Hues and Cues” is a vibrant, easy-to-play board game that’s all about how we perceive and communicate colors. It’s an excellent choice for those who enjoy light-hearted, interactive games that bridge generations and bring a splash of color to your game nights!

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Quartermaster General

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Quartermaster General puts you in charge of the major powers of the Second World War.
Supply is key to keeping your armies and navies fighting; destroy your enemies’ supply lines and their forces will surrender! The major powers each have a unique set of cards to marshal their forces, represented by wooden army and navy pieces.
The objective of a game is to score as many Victory Points for your team as possible by playing one or more countries on either an Allied or an Axis side. Two to six players can play.
Simple to learn and quick to set up, Quartermaster General is difficult to master. The game plays differently each time, ensuring that you will enjoy it over and over again!
In the Second Edition of WW2 Quartermaster General, multiple elements of the original have been improved, while the qualities that made the original critically acclaimed remain. 

Tasty Humans

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Tasty Humans is a tile-laying, pattern-building game for 1-4 players. You are a fantasy monster with insatiable appetite. You and your fellow monsters toss the village king around, attracting a steady buffet of adventurers who will try – poorly – to fight you! Take turns choosing which adventurers to consume, dropping various body parts into your stomach. Once you fill their stomachs, the most satisfied monster wins!

Poetry for Neanderthals

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Poetry For Neanderthals Is A Competitive Word-Guessing Card Game where you must speak good or get whacked with a No! Stick.

During a team’s turn, the team’s Neanderthal poet uses only single-syllable words to give clues so the team can guess the secret phrase.

What makes this game hilarious?

Listening to the Neanderthals in your team utter single-syllable words to explain phrases will make you laugh at how dumb they sound. Everyone is guaranteed to roll in laughter when someone messes up and gets smacked with the inflatable club.

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Sushi Roll

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There are three components to sushi roll: skill, strategy, and luck. By rolling dice, players acquire ingredients, manage finances, and design their restaurant’s menu. By combining ingredients strategically and managing your budget, you can build a successful business and collect points.

You can discover a multitude of sushi recipes with Sushi Roll, and there is always something new to discover.

With fun artwork and intuitive gameplay, Sushi Roll is suited for casual and serious gamers. Be the best sushi chef in town by crafting your own sushi empire!

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Coalition: The Napoleonic Wars, 1805-1815

If you’re interested in historical contexts and strategy games, ‘Coalition: The Napoleonic Wars, 1805-1815’ will not disappoint!

How to Play

As the name suggests, the game is set during the Napoleonic Wars, a significant period in European history. You have the option to play as either France or one of the seven coalitions opposing them.

The game mechanics involve managing your resources, building up your military forces, and engaging in strategic battles against your enemies. It’s a turn-based game, which means you have time to plan your moves and outsmart your opponents.

But what sets Coalition apart from other strategy games is the attention to historical accuracy. From the maps and battles to the political alliances, everything is modeled after real events and information from that time period. As a history buff, I appreciate this level of detail in a game.

Who Can Play

While it may seem targeted towards history buffs or strategy game enthusiasts, don’t be fooled. Anyone who enjoys a good challenge and wants to test their strategic thinking skills will find this game engaging.

What Makes It Fun

‘Coalition”s unpredictable nature is what makes it truly fun. Each time you play, the outcome can be completely different depending on your decisions and the actions of your opponents. So even if you’ve played it before, there’s always something new and exciting to discover.

Bellum Magica

Bellum Magica is a strategic board game that takes place in a mystical land filled with powerful wizards, enchanting creatures and ancient spells

How to Play

The ultimate goal of the game is to become the most powerful wizard in the land by defeating your opponents and claiming their magical energy.

 One of the things that make Bellum Magica so enjoyable is its unique game mechanics. Unlike traditional board games where players take turns, Bellum Magica allows for simultaneous gameplay. This means that all players are making their moves at the same time, creating a sense of urgency and excitement.

But don’t worry, it’s not a chaotic free-for-all! The game still requires strategy and careful planning to win. Each player has their own set of spells and creatures as well as a limited amount of magical energy to use. Managing this energy and using it wisely is crucial in achieving victory.

Who Can Play

Now, let’s talk about the type of audience that might enjoy Bellum Magica. If you’re a fan of fantasy and magic, then this game is definitely for you. The detailed artwork and intricate storyline will transport you to another world, making it perfect for any fantasy lover. But even if you’re not a fan of the genre, don’t write off this game just yet. Bellum Magica’s fast-paced gameplay and strategic elements make it appealing to all types of players.

What Makes It Fun

So what makes Bellum Magica so fun? Well, besides the exciting gameplay and unique mechanics, it’s the perfect mix of competition and cooperation. While each player is trying to defeat their opponents, they also have the opportunity to form alliances and work together to defeat a common enemy. This adds an element of surprise and unpredictability to the game, making it even more enjoyable.

The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings is a co-operative game in which the object is to destroy the Ring while surviving the corrupting influence of Sauron. Each player plays one of the Hobbits in the fellowship, each of which has a unique power.

Over the course of the game, you make your way across four conflict game boards, representing some of the most memorable conflicts from the entire trilogy: Moria, Helm’s Deep, Shelob’s Lair, and Mordor. Each conflict board tests your small Fellowship to the utmost as you must play your quest cards to advance along multiple tracks. These tracks represent fighting, hiding, traveling, and friendship, and by playing quest cards from your hand with matching symbols, you can keep moving forward and push closer to victory.

The master game board indicates both the physical progress of the fellowship across Middle Earth and the corrupting influence of Sauron on the hobbits. If you’re able to slip past your foes, you can hope to escape with minimal corruption, healing your hurts at safe havens along your path, such as the forest kingdom of Lothlórien. By playing your cards right and advancing quickly, you can collect powerful runes, unlock legendary cards to aid your journey, or find life tokens to help stave off corruption — not to mention advancing quickly through the conflicts. As you travel, the One Ring can be a crucial tool in your journey, allowing you to hide from sight, but repeated use will draw the attention of Sauron and corrupt the heart of the Ring-bearer.

Your journey leads you deeper into the darkness with each passing conflict, and safe havens become few and far between. You must carefully watch the corruption track because if the Sauron miniature ever meets a Hobbit, that player is eliminated — and if the Ring-bearer is eliminated, all players lose as Sauron reclaims the power of the One Ring. To win, throw the One Ring into the volcanic fires of Mount Doom.

This game should not be confused with Reiner Knizia’s children’s game (Lord of the Rings) with the same title, or with his very different two-player Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation.

Lord of the Rings – Limited Edition

A special edition limited to 500 copies in the English language and 250 in German published by Sophisticated Games and Kosmos in November 2001. The Limited Edition has a silver 22 carat gold plated ring, pewter Hobbit playing pieces, and a signed and numbered John Howe print. Box signed by Reiner Knizia.

Perudo / Liar’s Dice

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As a casual gamer, I am constantly looking for fun and easy-to-learn board games to play with my friends.  Liar’s Dice, also known as Perudo. is a seemingly simple game which i have a love-hate relationship.

What is Liar’s Dice?

Liar’s Dice is a dice-based board game that requires players to bluff and outwit each other. It originated in South America and has gained popularity all over the world, thanks to its addictive gameplay.

How to Play Liar’s Dice?

The game can be played with 2 or more players, and each player begins with  a set of five dice. The game’s goal  is to be the last one standing by correctly guessing and outbidding your opponents.

The game begins with all players rolling their dice simultaneously, keeping them hidden from others. You then take turns bidding on the number of a specific die face that you think is present in the total among everyone’s dice, including your own.

For example, if a player rolls two 3s and bids “three 3s,” they believe that there are at least three dice with the number 3 among all players’ hidden dice. The next player can either bid a higher number or call out the previous player’s bluff. If the bidder is caught bluffing, they lose one of their dice. However, if the bidder is correct, the challenger loses one of their dice.

The game continues until there is only one player left with any dice remaining or until a player reaches the agreed-upon number of rounds.

Why I Love It

Liar’s Dice is a good mix of luck and strategy. The bluffing adds an exciting twist to the game, making players second-guess their opponents’ bids. It also requires quick thinking and decision-making skills, which keeps the game fast-paced and engaging.

Liar’s Dice can be played anywhere – at home, in a bar, or even while camping. All you need are dice and a few friends, making it an ideal game for any occasion.

Why I Hate It

The game can become repetitive after a few rounds, especially if you’re playing with the same group of people. Some may find the element of bluffing intimidating , which can make the game less fun. And if you can’t take losing because someone challenged and caught you bluffing, this might not be for you.

Who Would Enjoy Liar’s Dice?

Liar’s Dice is a game that can be enjoyed by both casual gamers and experienced players. It’s easy to learn, making it perfect for beginners, but also has enough complexity to keep seasoned gamers entertained. People who enjoy games like Poker or Blackjack will also appreciate the bluffing aspect of Liar’s Dice.

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K2 is the second-highest mountain on Earth as well as the second deadliest. It’s known as the Savage Mountain, as it kills one person for every four who have reached the summit… Now your team stands in its shadow, ready to climb for fame and glory.

K2 is a board game in which each player controls a team of 2 mountaineers, trying to climb to the summit of K2 and return before the other players’ teams and before the mountain kills them. Every player uses an identical deck of cards. You use the cards to move your climbers on the route pictured on the gaming board, or to acclimatize the members of your team.
You can also set up a tent and wait for better weather. You will have to choose your path carefully, as the other mountaineers can block your way, and watch the upcoming weather which can lower your acclimatization to 0, thus killing your climbers.
K2 is a hand management game for 1-5 players, with strong interaction and low luck factor, lasting up to 60 minutes. The theme is very well represented by the mechanics, including such elements as changing weather, lack of oxygen and death of the mountaineers. The result is an exciting match for gamers and non-gamers alike.
The box includes, among other materials, a double-sided board with two different routes to the summit (easier and harder) and two sets of weather tiles (for summer and winter).


“Jambo is the friendly greeting Swahili traders offered their customers in Central Africa before colonization. The players are traders in this day, competing to be the first to earn 60 gold by buying and selling tea, hide, fruits, salt, silk, and trinkets. The game is played with cards that allow players to buy and sell goods, help you or hinder your opponent, and others that add a bit of spice to the game. Return to the dark continent where the players alternate turns with up to 5 actions each until one player reaches the goal and wins the game.”

Galaxy Trucker

Haul sewer pipes across the galaxy in this fun, chaotic ship-building adventure

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Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters

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Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters follows four intrepid treasure hunters trying to uncover hidden treasures, but the phantoms in this house are not easy to tame. The treasure hunters must work together to obtain all eight jewels and escape before the house becomes fully haunted or else face their own gruesome demise.

Players roll dice to determine how many spaces they move and whether a new ghost is added this turn. Players may move up to the number of spaces shown on the die. If they end their journey in a space with a treasure, they can pick it up and store it in their backpack. If they end their movement in a ghost’s space, they roll a fight die to fight it. The ghost is removed from the game board if they roll the matching symbol.

When the players must add a third ghost, it becomes a haunting. To fight a haunting, at least two people must be present. Getting all eight treasures and your whole team out of the house wins the game; if all six hauntings are on the board, you lose.

Pirate Tricks

Pirate Tricks is a board game where players assume the role of a space pirate captain looking to assemble their crew and traverse the stars, battling rivals and searching for treasure. Players choose one of three factions: the Vulper, the Beringa and the Mustel to recruit their pirates.

Each round of the game consists of 5 steps: 1. Players place their bids 2. Players discard two crew cards 3. Players place any crew cards face up to score and collect loon for the two recruitment cards in play. 4. Players return their crew cards to their hands. 5. Players compete to win as much loon as possible in 10 tricks. The objective of the game is to inherit the title of Supreme Admirable. Players can win the game by having the most loon at the end of 3 rounds of play.

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Machi Koro

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You’re the mayor. The citizens want jobs, theme parks, cheese factories, and maybe even a radio tower. As of now, the city consists of a wheat field, a bakery, and a single die. You must grow Machi Koro into the largest city in the region with only your trusty die and a dream. You will need to collect income from developments, construct public works, and steal from your neighbors. But make sure they don’t steal from you! 
Machi Koro is a fast-paced, light-hearted game for you and up to three friends. 

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Thurn and Taxis

In Thurn & Taxis, players build post office routes across Bavaria and the regions around, collecting bonus points in various ways. The board shows a map of all the cities, with roads leading from each one to some of its neighbors. There are various colored regions around the board, most with two or three cities, and a large region with all the Bavarian cities in the center.

Players build postal routes from city to city to city so that each city is adjacent to the next city on the route and there is a road connecting these two cities. Each route must consist of at least three cities. Players may build only one route at a time. Routes are represented by melded city cards arranged in the order of the route.

Players start with a supply of 20 post offices in their color, a carriage house card, and a player aid card. The board is populated with bonus tiles, carriage cards and city cards. On a turn, a player will draw a card from a display of six, face-up city cards (or the top of the face-down deck) and meld one card, either starting a new route or adding to the current one. If after adding to the route, the length of the route is at least three cities, the player may declare it finished and score it. The player may, depending on the length of the route and which cities are in the route, place post offices in the cities, collect bonus tiles, and acquire a higher value carriage. Optionally, the player may receive support from one postal official in the form of drawing a second card, melding a second card, refreshing the six city card display, or acquiring a higher value carriage than the route length when finishing a route. Once a route is scored, the city cards of that route are discarded, and the player begins a new route on their next turn.

When a player exhausts their supply of post offices or acquires a value 7 carriage, the end of the game is triggered. Play continues until the player who is last in turn order finishes their turn, and the game ends. Players score points for their highest valued carriage and bonus tiles, then lose points for unplaced post offices. The player with the most points wins.

The fact that you *must* add at least one city to your route each turn or lose the whole route gives the game an enjoyable planning element.

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La Isla

Ready to start exploring a previously uncharted island? Good! You and the other players each have a team of five scientists, and you want to capture animal species so that you can study them — and, of course, score points.

The game board in La Isla consists of a set of oddly-shaped tiles that are placed in a circular arrangement around a central polygonal tile. Thirty-five animal tokens (seven each of five types) are placed at random on spaces numbered 2, 3 and 4 on the game board; these numbers equal the number of camps that surround these spaces.

On a turn, a player has three cards that he places face-down in the A, B and D spaces on his card display. All players reveal their A cards at the same time, then place them in one of the three slots at the top of their display; the image depicted on the top of this card shows the special power that the owner of this card has available. Once a player has filled all three slots on her display, future cards placed with the A action cover an existing card.

After revealing the cards in their B slots simultaneously, the players collect the goods depicted in the lower-left corner of their individual card.

Each player in turn then places one of his scientists on a camp, first paying two resources of the type matching that camp. (If all of a player’s scientists are on the board, she moves one of these scientists.) If the player now has a scientist on each camp surrounding an animal space, she takes that animal tile, scoring points for it as noted on the board (4, 3 or 2 points).

Finally, the card in the D slot increases the value of one animal. You (and only you!) immediately score one point per animal of the type you moved up on the scale. If you don’t have an animal of that type you don’t get any points. Each animal has a points threshold so that if you move an animal up, say, four times, each animal of this type is worth an extra point at the end of the game. The scale goes up to five so that every animal can be worth up five points at the end of the game. When the sum of these values for all five animals equals seven, nine or eleven (based on the number of players), the game ends at the conclusion of the round. Players then tally their final scores to see who wins.

Massive Darkness

Massive Darkness brings the classic fantasy RPG experience to modern board gaming, with an action-packed campaign chock full of gorgeous miniatures and a streamlined system that keeps the focus on the heroes’ actions, with no need for a game master to control the enemies.

Using the popular Zombicide system as a starting point, Massive Darkness adds all the richness of a dungeon crawl RPG. Pick your hero, choose a class, decide on which skills to spend your XP, and get loot by searching the dungeon or killing special enemies that can use the equipment against you! Face a multitude of different enemy types, coming in all shapes and sizes, whose behavior is resolved automatically…or you can try to sneak around enemies by taking advantage of dark areas of the map.

Players begin their adventure in Massive Darkness by picking a Hero – each with two special starting skills – and pair them with a Class of their choosing. Depending on the combination, another skill can be unlocked, giving players a wide range of choices and play styles. In Massive Darkness, the created Heroes go on Quests, killing monsters, collecting loot, and gaining XP. Players spend their XP to unlock new Skills, growing more powerful as the Quest progresses.

Throughout the game, players encounter different monsters, including Minions, Agents, Roaming Monsters, and Bosses. An unique mechanism of the game is the Guardian. Any of the monster types have a chance of spawning as a Guardian, meaning it will use a random piece of equipment in the fight against Heroes. However, if players are able to overcome this difficult encounter, they will acquire that piece of loot!

Star Trek: Catan

Settling the Final Frontier

Since 1966, millions of Star Trek fans all over the world have watched adventures of the Starship Enterprise, Captain Kirk, and Mr. Spock. And since 1995, millions of enthusiastic players all over the world have played Klaus Teuber’s Catan – a board game classic.
It’s time to bring them all together on the Final Frontier!

In Star Trek: Catan, players start the game with two small Outposts at the intersection of three planets, with each planet supplying resources based on the result of a dice roll. Players collect and trade these resources – dilithium, tritanium, food, oxygen and water – in order to build Starships that connect regions in the galaxy, establish more Outposts and Starbases (upgraded Outposts) at new intersection points in order to increase resource acquisition, and acquire Development Cards that provide Victory Points (VPs) or special abilities.

On a dice roll of 7, a Klingon ship swoops in to prevent resource production on one planet while taxing spacegoers who hold too many resources.

Star Trek: Catan differs from the basic Settlers in one aspect: a set of Support Cards formerly available only in German as Catan Scenarios: Helpers of Catan. Each Support Card features a special ability and one of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Sulu, Scott, Uhura, Chekov, Chapel, Rand, or Sarek. Some special abilities make basic actions better, such as reducing the costs of Starbase upgrades or allowing the player to trade a resource of their choice at 2:1 for a turn, while others break rules, such as protecting the player from discarding on a 7 or producing a resource when the player rolls a number that wouldn’t otherwise produce for them. Players get a specific Support Card during setup based on turn order, with later players getting generally more useful abilities to compensate for early player advantage. When a player uses a Support Card ability for the first time, they may trade it in for a Support Card of their choice or keep it for a second use, but they may only trade immediately after use.

Tiny Epic Mechs

It’s the year 3030, and technology offers humankind unimaginable entertainment. What used to be virtual reality is now reality, and sports that once occupied your flat-screen now occupy the world stage. The largest of them embodies the evolution and integration of athleticism and machinery. Once every five years, hundreds of millions of viewers tune in to witness the spectacle that is M.E.C.H.s: Mechanized Entertainment Combat Heroes.

Tiny Epic Mechs is an arena-style player-vs-player action-programming game. It features ITEMeeples with plastic molded power armors and a Mech suit that the ITEMeeples actually go inside of.

In Tiny Epic Mechs, players take on the roles of highly skilled and athletic Mech pilots. They compete in a free-for-all battle royale over the span of six rounds. In each round, players select four of eight available actions to program. These actions keep you moving around the arena while allowing you to deploy high-scoring defensive turrets, plant explosive land mines with hidden values, collect resources, purchase weaponry, and power up into your Power Armor or eventually the highly-sought-after Mech Suit. While each player has their own Power Armor, there is only one Mech Suit, reserved for the king of the hill.

Your programmed actions are played out one at a time around the table until all players have executed their four actions. When you cross paths with another player, combat ensues. During combat, players exchange fire until one player is out of ammo and must retreat, or they are defeated and forced to reset.

Combat is fast, and you can use each weapon only one time per fight, so the more weapons you have, the longer you’ll last. Weapons are categorized into three types, and each type counters one of the other types. If you time your weapons correctly, you can counter your opponent and unleash a more powerful attack and gain an edge over them. Dealing a lot of damage to your opponent will wow the audience and earn you lots of points, which brings you closer to victory. You also score victory points every other round based on area control and who controls the Mech. At the end of the game, you also earn points for each weapon you own.


A rough granite landscape of wilderness and isolation lies in a rugged granite triangle in the far north of Portugal between the Gerês, Maro, and Montesinho Mountains. Many supernatural creatures have been seen in this region, including witches, werewolves, and the devilish Caretos.

With Caretos, a game for 2-4 players, you control a team of two Portuguese monsters that roam the region at night, hunting villagers. Your goal is to scare and capture more villagers than any of your opponents.

Villages and chapels are scattered around the map. Each turn, a player activates one of their monsters, moving it to scare and disperse groups of villagers or capture isolated villagers. The activation of a monster depends on the “energies of the night”; depending on the energy, the monster can move or use special abilities. The player can also activate neutral creatures: the Caretos (a gang of jokers, possessed villagers), who can block players and even capture them.

5-Minute Mystery

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5 Minute Mystery: The Perfect Game for a Quick and Fun Time

Have you ever wanted to solve a mystery, but don’t have the time to commit to a full-blown detective game?  5 minute mystery is the answer.

This board game is perfect for those looking for a quick and fun gaming experience. It combines elements of deduction, puzzle-solving, and a touch of luck to create an engaging and fast-paced gameplay. 


5 Minute Mystery is a game that challenges players to solve a mystery within a limited time frame. The game includes multiple cases with different settings and plots. Each player takes turns being the “detective” and has five minutes to ask yes or no questions in order to identify the culprit, motive, and weapon involved in the case.

The rest of the players are “clues” and have secret knowledge about certain aspects of the case that they can reveal through their answers. It’s up to the detective to piece together the clues and solve the mystery. Once time is up, the detective has one chance to make their accusation, and if they’re correct, they win!

Game Mechanics

In addition to asking questions, players can also use “evidence cards” to gather more information about the case. These cards can be used strategically to narrow down suspects or confirm suspicions. However, using these cards also takes time, so players must use them wisely.

There are also “plot twist” cards that add a layer of unpredictability to the game. These cards can change the identity of the culprit or introduce new evidence, making things more challenging for the detective.

Suitable for Everyone

One of the great things about 5 minute mystery is that it’s suitable for all ages. The simple gameplay and short time frame make it easy for younger players to understand and enjoy. It’s also a great game for people who are new to the world of board games, as it’s not too complicated or overwhelming.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the obvious thrill of solving a mystery, 5 minute mystery is fun because it encourages strategic thinking and teamwork. As the detective, you have to carefully listen to the clues provided by your fellow players and piece them together to solve the case. As “clues,” you have to be clever in providing answers that lead the detective in the right direction.

The short time frame also adds an element of urgency and excitement to the game. It’s a race against the clock, and every second counts!

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Cards Against Humanity Family Edition

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The Cards Against Humanity Game written from scratch for families to play together.
It includes 600 all-new cards about toilets, butt spaghetti, and Mom’s friend Donna.

Just good silly fun. Some cards are even written by kids. “Boobies”, “filling your butt with spaghetti”, and “screaming the f-word” are the worst. Some might find it inappropriate for 8 to 10 year olds. However, for older kids, It’s just inappropriate enough to make kids laugh.

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Sounds Fishy

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A fun game where you invent funny answers but don’t get caught, FAKE IT AND MAKE IT. Are you able to convince the guesser that your answer is correct?

Is there no response? In this new family board game, you are given one correct answer, and you have to make up the rest (fake) answers.

With a fast-thinking, push-your-luck, bluffing game, this board game offers creativity, trivia, and even a little sneakiness.

Playing trivia with your family and friends is easy and quick, so don’t worry about the rules and just have fun.

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50 Clues: Keepers of Evil

“50 Clues: Keepers of Evil” is the captivating third installment in the “Hunt for Maria” trilogy, an award-winning immersive puzzle game series. This game continues the thrilling narrative of a mysterious disappearance that occurred years ago after a bomb blast, with only traces of blood left at the scene. As new clues emerge, not everyone wants you to find the missing boy, adding an intriguing layer of conflict to the game.

Designed for solo play or cooperative gaming, “50 Clues: Keepers of Evil” falls under the categories of horror, mature/adult content, murder/mystery, and puzzle. The game mechanics include cooperative play, deduction, solo/solitaire play, and storytelling. It offers an escape room-like experience that can be enjoyed in the comfort of your home​​.

The game is suitable for older teenagers and adults, particularly those who enjoy a gripping story with elements of mystery and suspense. The fun in “50 Clues: Keepers of Evil” lies in its ability to immerse players in a complex narrative while challenging them with intricate puzzles and codes to decipher, making it an excellent choice for those who enjoy mentally stimulating and narrative-driven games.


TALI is a dice-based board game that originated in ancient Mesopotamia and has been played for over 5000 years. It’s a strategic game that requires both luck and skill, making it an enticing choice for players of all levels.

How to Play

So how does the gameplay work? Well, each player starts with five special dice known as “tali”, which have unique markings on their sides. The objective of the game is to roll combinations with your tali to score points and be the first player to reach 50 points. But it’s not as simple as just rolling dice – there are specific rules for each combination, adding an extra layer of challenge to the game.

Speaking of rules, TALI has a surprisingly simple rulebook, which makes it perfect for both beginners and experienced players. I’ve introduced this game to many of my friends, and everyone was able to pick it up quickly and have a blast playing.

The game mechanics are what make TALI so addictively fun. You’ll find yourself constantly strategizing and calculating the best move to make with your dice. And even if you think you have a foolproof plan, the luck of the dice can quickly change things up and keep you on your toes.

Who Can Play

Now, let’s talk about the type of audience who might enjoy TALI. In my opinion, this game is suitable for all ages – from kids to adults. It’s perfect for family game nights or a fun evening with friends. The game can accommodate 2-4 players, but there are also variations that allow for more players, making it a great choice for larger groups.

What Makes It Fun

Lastly, what makes TALI so fun? Well, besides the fast-paced gameplay and easy-to-follow rules, there’s something about the simplicity of rolling dice and trying to beat your opponents that just never gets old. Plus, the fact that it has been played for centuries just adds to its charm and appeal.



Carcassonne is a tile-placement, territory building game centred around the world-famous French city, known for its fortifications erected during the Middle Ages. 

How to Play

The goal of Carcassonne is to score points by strategically placing tiles on the board and claiming areas such as cities, roads, and farms. Each turn, a player draws a random tile and must decide where to place it in relation to the existing tiles on the board. Placing a tile can earn points immediately or set up potential points for future turns.

One of the most unique aspects of Carcassonne is that players can choose to either collaborate or compete with each other. While working together can lead to greater points, there’s always the possibility for backstabbing and sabotage. It adds an extra layer of strategy and makes for some entertaining game nights with friends.

In addition to the tiles, Carcassonne also has various tokens that players can earn throughout the game. These tokens represent things like knights, thieves, monks, and farmers, and can be used to claim different areas on the board for points. The key is knowing when to use them and when to hold onto them for potential future points.

Another interesting mechanic in Carcassonne is the “follower” – a small wooden figure that players place on the board to represent their control of an area. Not only does it add a tactile element to the game, but it also adds a sense of ownership and competition among players.

Who Can Play

Carcassonne is the perfect game for those who enjoy a mix of strategy and luck. It’s easy enough to learn that casual players can still have fun, but deep enough that serious gamers can sink their teeth into it. Plus, with each game being different thanks to the random tile drawing, it never gets old.

It’s also a great game for a wide range of ages. Kids can easily pick up the basic rules and have fun placing tiles, while adults can strategize and scheme to their heart’s content. It’s a game that truly caters to all levels of players.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the strategic gameplay and the sense of competition, there’s something very satisfying about building your own little medieval world with each turn. The beautiful artwork on the tiles helps to transport you to a different time and place, making it easy to get lost in the game.

But at its core, Carcassonne is just plain fun. It’s a great way to spend an evening with friends or family, and with its compact size, it’s also great for taking on trips or playing in smaller spaces.

Hey, That’s My Fish!

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In Hey, That’s My Fish!,  you compete to catch as much fish as possible with your penguins. On your turn, you move one penguin in a straight line over hex-shaped ice tiles filled with 1, 2 or 3 fish. You then collect the hex from where the penguin started its movement from the table. This creates a gap that penguins can’t cross on future turns. When a penguin can’t move, it’s removed from play with its owner claiming the tile on which it stands. The player who collects the most fish wins.

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Tailsman: Revised 4th Edition


Talisman is an adventure board game set in a high fantasy medieval world. Players have 14 characters to choose from all based on role playing archetypes, such as heroes, wizards, villains, thieves, monsters, etc. The game makes players feel they are traveling the world to find equipment, weapons, ancient relics, and companions that will help them on their quest to acquire the Crown of Command. Along the way they visit various locales in the worlds, battle each other and fantastic creatures to make their way to the top.


Each player is trying to move from the outer world and ultimately to the inner world. Players wander the outer, middle, and inner worlds trying to acquire equipment, weapons, and companions. They will also improve statistics with equipment, companions, and encounters and battles with fantasy creatures and each other. Once they complete a Talisman quest, players will enter the inner world and face its challenges to finally reach the Portal of Power to claim the Crown of Command. Then the other players must race to stop this player before he eventually kills them all with the Command spell.


To begin, players select a character card from among the 14 provided. Characters have basic statistics to start. These are Life [hit points], Strength [physical prowess], and Craft [Magic and Intelligence]. Some characters are naturally more gifted in combat and others in magic, while others are mix of the two. Additionally characters are often differentiated with unique abilities, starting equipment, and starting spells. This all makes the players actually feel different during play. In addition items and companions players acquire during play also add to statistics, increasing Strength, Craft, Life or adding new abilities, etc.

Actual game play is relatively simple, making the game easy to pick up with novices. On a player’s turn they throw a die for movement. Player then chooses which direction, left or right, or if meeting qualifications may be able to move from outer to middle world, or middle to inner world. Once on space, player follows instructions on space, or encounters face up cards already in space, or other player if in space. Most spaces have a player draw a number of cards to encounter. These can be creatures, companions, weapons, equipment, treasure, or relics. Players must fight creatures and win before acquiring any other items or companions. If another player is in the space, players may attack with either Craft or Strength but are not required to do so. The defender defends with same statistic attacked with. If the defender loses, he loses a life and an item or companion of attackers choice. If the attacker loses, he loses a life.

Players start in the outer world, and build up their character’s statistics and items to try and move to the middle world. There are two ways to move up to the middle world, one requiring a test of strength and the other a boat man’s ride for a price. Once in the middle world, play proceeds in the same manner, but the challenge generally is increased with more threats such as the desert and temple. However, there is more potential for encounters and items as most spaces now draw more than one card.

In the middle world, players may also acquire a Talisman quest, that once completed, will grant them a Talisman. The Talisman is required to unlock the Crown of Command and pass through the Portal of Power in the Inner World.

Once players have a Talisman and have enough Strength or Craft to enter the Portal of Power, they will try to enter the Inner World. There they must face and survive the guardians there, like the Vampire’s Tower and Werewolf before claiming the Crown of Command. Once a player claims the Crown of Command, they can cast the Command Spell, automatically forcing a player to lose a life. It then becomes a race for the Crown as the other players try to take the player with the Crown down before he finishes them all off.

Revised using:
Talisman: Upgrade Pack

Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age

In Roll Through the Ages, players roll dice to obtain commodities and workers to build up their civilizations. Dice can be rerolled twice unless they come up as a hazard. Players use their workers to build infrastructure to support additional works or to build monuments that are worth points. At the same time, commodities are gathered that allow your civilization to develop. Once all monuments or five developments are achieved by a player, the game ends at the end of the round, points are counted, and a victor is declared.

The game takes its name from Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization, although the two games have different styles and designers.

Nexus Ops

Nexus Ops is a light-medium science fiction war game. The game boasts a hexagonal board that is set up differently every time, as well as (in the Avalon Hill edition) cool “glow” miniatures and lots of combat. Players control competing futuristic corporations that battle each other for control of the moon’s Rubium Ore. By winning battles and fulfilling Secret Missions, you can obtain victory points.

Units are composed of various alien races and have stats similar to those used in the Axis & Allies series. Combat is also similar. Players who lose battles are compensated with Energize cards which grant them special powers later. Players can also obtain Energize cards by controlling the Monolith, a raised structure in the center of the grid. The first person to reach the required number of victory points wins the game.


Fly-A-Way lets players act as conservationists, helping migratory birds along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF) that stretches from Russia in the north to Australia in the south.

The player who collects the most points by placing links, completing migratory routes, and saving birds wins. Players compete until one of two conditions occurs:

A player saves 6 birds.
All Fowl Play cards are drawn.

Mission: Red Planet (Second Edition)

With technology rapidly developing and the human population growing, Victorian-era Earth is in dire need of fuel, land, and other natural resources. Fortunately, automated probes sent to Mars have discovered celerium, an ore that can be combusted to produce ten thousand times more power than a steam engine, and sylvanite, the densest substance ever found. More incredibly, the probes found ice that could be used in terraforming the planet, bringing the idea of colonizing Mars even closer to becoming a reality.

As the head of a mining corporation, these minerals and ice found on Mars could make you unfathomably wealthy – if you can reach them before your competitors. You have ten rounds to send your astronauts into space, occupy the planet’s most resource-rich zones, and harvest as much celerium, sylvanite, and ice as possible. At your command is a team of nine professionals. Each has a unique skill set, from helping your astronauts traverse the Red Planet to blowing up spaceships before they launch.

In each round in Mission: Red Planet, players start by secretly deploying one of their character cards, with this card determining both when they place astronauts on the spaceships awaiting launch to Mars and which special action they take during the round. Each spaceship has a specified destination, and until an astronaut sets foot in a region, no one knows which resource they’ll find. Players collect resources (worth points) three times during the game, and they each have a secret mission card that might grant them additional points at game’s end. During the game, players might acquire an additional mission or a research card that changes the value of what awaits on Mars.

The 2015 edition of Mission: Red Planet features the same gameplay as the original 2005 edition, but it includes:

Components for up to six players instead of five
Special two-player variant rules
New action cards and revised mission and discovery cards
Mars’ moon Phobos as a new zone that astronauts can explore before possibly returning to the planet itself

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Warhammer: The Mass Combat Fantasy Roleplaying Game (1st Edition)

Warhammer is the complete game system for fantasy adventuring and warfaring. Within the three volumes of this set, you will find all the information needed to play out fantastic battles and adventures using miniature figures and dice. Suitable whether you are a handful of adventurers facing unknown perils, or a great general leading your huge army into battle against hordes of evil monsters.

The Warhammer rules feature sections on:

Psychological Factors
Flying Creatures
Fighting Tabletop Battles
Fighting in Dungeons
Creature Lists
Wizard’s Careers
Casting Magic
Dueling and Magical Instincts
Fumble Factors
Level 1 to 4 spells
Random Generation
The Game Master
The Players Creating and Adventure
Character Advancement
Starting Expeditions
Running Adventure Campaigns
Encounter Charts
plus two special scenarios:
The Ziggurat of Doom
The Adventure of the Redwake Valley

—description from the back of the box


Set in the titular city in the 16th century, Venice lets players take the role of wealthy, influential merchants as they ride their gondolas up and down the city’s canals, train their assistants, complete contracts, and leverage their influence to gain political power. But business is anything but usual. As they broker contracts and flirt with crime, merchants must avoid arousing the suspicion of the Venetian Inquisition, lest they find themselves arrested and their businesses shut down.

In the game, players move their two gondolas around the board. When they move a gondola, they may activate the assistants they have placed previously on any building they pass, but they may train (and improve the capabilities of) only the one on which they end their movement. Assistants allow you to gain resources, trade, make money, and take an array of other actions depending on the buildings to which they are assigned. When resources are made, they are placed in the gondola, and these will be used to fulfill lucrative contracts.

Space is limited on the city’s canals, however, and each time you pass another merchant’s boat, gossip will spread, raising your suspicion level with the Inquisition. Lower your suspicion with visits and donations to the church, or academic institutions — or throw caution to the wind and engage in unsavory activities for money or information. During the game, being such a well-known merchant can be a boon to your political career, but at game end, the most suspicious player will be made an example of by the Inquisition — blocking your victory even if you have the most points.

Includes solo mode by David Turczi and Xavi Bordes

—description from the publisher


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Unique Drafting Set Collection Card Game – Relaxing yet competitive drafting game where you grow the most zen Japanese garden by collecting just the right cards. Neat and compact, the hand illustrated cards feature water, vegetation, stones, and sakura trees in a fun strategy game for small groups. 20 minutes per game, easy to learn.

The game goes beyond your typical Sushi Go game, which is more of a strategic game. A player can win Ohanami in many different ways: will they go heavy water/plant or will they go heavy cherry blossom to rule them all? Every choice involves balancing position and score. It is quite a fascinating game. The game moves fast, too!

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Cards Christians Like

If you’re a Christian in need of a party game with Christian humour, than ‘Cards Christians Like’ is the board game you need

How to Play

The premise is simple: players take turns drawing cards with different scenarios, and each player has to come up with the funniest card in their hand that fits the scenario. The game is won by collecting the most points, which are awarded based on how funny your card is as decided by a designated judge.

This game focuses on Christian humour and the scenarios and cards are filled with inside jokes that only Christians would understand.

This aspect of the game makes it perfect for gatherings with friends and family who share the same faith. It’s a great way to bond over something we all love – humor and faith.

Who Can Play

The game mechanics are simple enough for anyone to pick up, making it a great choice for game nights with players of all ages. The rules also allow for creativity and spontaneity, which makes each round unique and unpredictable.

What Makes It Fun

One thing I love about ‘Cards Christians Like’ is that it can be played with a small group or a large party. It’s versatile and adaptable to different settings – whether it’s a cozy game night at home or a big gathering with friends and family.

Captain Flip

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Captain Flip is a pirate-theme based game where players take on the roles of pirate captains who recruit crews and collect coins. The game is designed by Paolo Mori and Remo Conzadori, is simple to play: draw and place or flip and place a tile and was nominated for Spiel des Jahres, indicating it’s family-friendly.

Gameplay Overview

  • No setup required, start immediately with player boards.
  • Icons are color-coded for immediate and endgame effects.
  • Aim: collect the most coins.
  • Push-your-luck element adds excitement.
  • Simple rules with meaningful choices: use tile as is or flip it.

Winning the Game

  • The game ends when one player fills four columns on their board.
  • Final scoring involves tallying gold from tiles and considering specific board effects.
  • Player with the most gold wins; players with three or more Gunners showing may be eliminated.

Gameplay Variability

    • Four different boards: Pirate Ship, Kraken, Raft, Desert Island.
    • Each board offers unique scoring opportunities and gameplay interactions.
    • Kraken board introduces more player interaction through competitive column filling.

Strategy and Decision-Making

      • Players must decide whether to keep or flip tiles based on potential benefits and risks.
      • Tile placement is critical; it affects immediate and endgame benefits.
      • Memory elements come into play with certain tiles like the Monkey, which can trigger additional effects.

What makes Captain Flip fun?

  • Suitable for families due to its simple rules and quick setup.
  • Push-your-luck mechanic adds excitement and accessibility.
  • Light strategy and interactive elements ensure engaging gameplay.

What are Captain Flip players saying about the game?

  • Positive:
    • Light strategy and quick gameplay.
    • Suitable for introducing new players to board gaming.
    • Low analysis paralysis; focus on fun and interaction.
    • Appeals to both casual and family gamers.
  • Critique

    • Lacks deep strategy; more luck-based.
    • Memory aspect with certain tiles (e.g., the Monkey).


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Journey into Strategic Settlement with Catan

Catan, formerly known as “The Settlers of Catan,” is a multiplayer board game that combines strategy, negotiation, and a dash of luck. Players assume the roles of settlers aiming to establish colonies on a newly discovered island. The game board is a modular hex grid, representing various resource-producing terrains. Players begin by placing two small settlements on the board, which serve as the starting points for their expansion

Overview of Catan Gameplay

Catan’s core gameplay involves resource management and trading. Each turn, you roll dice to determine which terrains produce resources. Players collect these resources—wood, brick, wool, grain, and ore—to build roads, new settlements, and upgrade settlements into cities, each offering different points and advantages. The strategic placement of settlements and roads, combined with the scarcity of resources, makes it critical to trade with other players.

The goal is to be the first to reach a predetermined number of victory points through building settlements, cities, and special achievements.

What makes Catan fun?

Catan’s charm lies in its simplicity and depth. The rules are easy for newcomers to learn quickly. It also offers enough strategic depth to keep players engaged. Trading encourages interaction, making each game unpredictable and filled with diplomacy, alliances, and sometimes, betrayal.

Who Will Enjoy Catan

Catan is perfect for family and social gamers. It’s family friendly theme and emphasis on negotiation and interaction is likely to attract those who prefer social elements in tabletop games.  Catan also offers enough strategic choices to appeal to strategy enthusiasts looking for a challenge.

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Imperial Settlers

Settlers from four major powers of the world have discovered new lands, with new resources and opportunities. Romans, Barbarians, Egyptians and Japanese all at once move there to expand the boundaries of their empires. They build new buildings to strengthen their economy, they found mines and fields to gather resources, and they build barracks and training grounds to train soldiers. Soon after they discover that this land is far too small for everybody, then the war begins…

Imperial Settlers is a card game that lets players lead one of the four factions and build empires by placing buildings, then sending workers to those buildings to acquire new resources and abilities. The game is played over five rounds during which players take various actions in order to explore new lands, build buildings, trade resources, conquer enemies, and thus score victory points.

The core mechanism of Imperial Settlers is based on concepts from the author’s card game 51st State.

Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small

Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small is a new take on Uwe Rosenberg’s Agricola designed for exactly two players and focused only on the animal husbandry aspect of that game. So long plows and veggies!

In Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small, you become an animal breeder of horses, cows, sheep and pigs and try to make the most of your pastures. Players start with a 3×2 game board that can be expanded during play to give more room for players to grow and animals to run free. Sixteen possible actions are available for players to take, with each player taking three actions total in each of the eight rounds.

The player who amasses the most victory points through enclosing space with fences and acquiring the largest number and variety of animals and victory point-generating buildings will be the winner.

Four Standard Buildings and 4 special buildings are available in the base game. These buildings each provide unique special abilities during play and/or VP at game end. Balancing the tension between building infrastructure (fenced pastures and buildings) and acquiring animals (the single biggest source of end-game scoring) is the key to success!


Tobago is an adventure game, in which the players possess different parts of treasure maps. During the game, more and more information about the locations of the treasures are revealed, and the possible locations are narrowed down. When a player identifies the location of one of the treasures, they try to reach it as fast as possible to secure the findings.

The game features a modular game board.

Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia

In Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia, you lead a team of workers (dice) and recruits (cards) to claim ownership of the dystopian world. You will generate commodities, dig tunnels to infiltrate opposing areas, construct markets, collect artifacts, strengthen allegiances, and fulfill secret agendas.

Euphoria is a worker-placement game in which dice are your workers. The number on each die represents a worker’s knowledge—that is, his level of awareness that he’s in a dystopia. Worker knowledge enables various bonuses and impacts player interaction. If the collective knowledge of all of your available workers gets too high, one of them might desert you. You also have two elite recruit cards at your disposal; one has pledged allegiance to you, but the other needs some convincing. You can reveal and use the reticent recruit by reaching certain milestones in the game… or by letting other players unwittingly reach those milestones for you.

Your path to victory is paved with the sweat of your workers, the strength of your allegiances, and the tunnels you dig to infiltrate other areas of the world, but the destination is a land grab in the form of area control. You accomplish this by constructing markets that impose harsh restrictions of personal freedoms upon other players, changing the face of the game and opening new paths to victory. You can also focus on gathering artifacts from the old world, objects of leisure that are extremely rare in this utilitarian society. The dystopian elite covet these artifacts—especially matching pairs—and are willing to give you tracts of land in exchange for them.

Four distinct societies, each of them waiting for you to rewrite history. What are you willing to sacrifice to build a better dystopia?

Rhino Hero

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Rhino Hero is a 2-5 player game. It is portable and extremely quick to play, generating maximum fun and is compelling for all. Rhino Hero captures all the fun and excitement of the classic game, Jenga, as well as simple elements of other games like UNO During a move a player completes 6 different actions:

  1. Build – Select one of the floors to add to your skyscraper
  2. Spider Monkey Attack? – If a floor you set up has a spider monkey symbol on it, you must take a spider monkey out of the stockpile and carefully hang it on this floor by its tail or hand.
  3. Climb the Skyscraper! – Roll the blue dice to tell you how many levels to climb up (or down, if the dice shows -1)
  4. Superbattle? – If you moved your Rhino to a new floor, check for other SuperRhinos. If there are others, it is now time for a superbattle. Because you are the first arrival, you are now the attacker.
  5. Superhero medal? – If your super rhino is the furthest up just before the end of your turn, you may take the superhero medal.
  6. Draw another floor card – At the end of your turn, draw a floor card so that you have 3 in your hand.

The game ends if a player causes the skyscraper to partially or completely collapse, regardless of when. The player with the Superhero Medal wins. However, if the player with the Superhero Medal was the one who caused the tower to collapse, all other players win!

Eight-Minute Empire

Eight-Minute Empire, by Ryan Laukat, is a quick game that implements the Civilization/Exploration theme using card-driven area control (by placing armies and cities in a small map) and set collection (by getting resources from the board and the cards). Players spread through the map in order to collect points at the end of the game by having majorities in regions and continents. All actions (such as land or sea movement, army production, or the founding of cities) are driven by cards that are face-up (six at a time) and available by increasing prices. Cards also contain resources, which also give points when the game ends if properly collected.

Its first version was available as print-and-play, and a regular (Kickstarter funded) version was published in 2013. An expansion featuring a European map is available as an expansion (Eight-Minute Empire: Europe Expansion Board), and a stand-alone sequel has also been published (Eight-Minute Empire: Legends).

From the publisher:
Build an empire and conquer the land in around eight minutes!

In Eight-Minute Empire, 2-5 players take turns selecting a card from six displayed. The card gives a good, and also has an action that the player takes immediately. Actions help players take over the map, but sets of goods are worth points at the end of the game, so players have to balance the two aspects.

Eight-Minute Empire is the super-quick area control game with tough decisions. It’s easy to learn and perfect for when you only have a few minutes.

5-Minute Dungeon

5-­Minute Dungeon is a chaotic, co-­operative, real-­time card game in which players have only five minutes to escape the randomized dungeon. Communication and teamwork are critical to survival because there’s no time to form a carefully considered plan — and no predicting what dangers lie ahead.

In more detail, players assume the role of one of ten heroes, each with special cards and abilities. Once the five-minute timer starts, the race is on to defeat all the monsters inside the dungeon. In order to defeat a monster, players must match symbols from their hand with ones on the monster’s card. At the end of each dungeon is a powerful dungeon boss — and after the first boss is defeated, the campaign continues to the second boss. Each boss, and each randomized dungeon, gets harder until players reach the fifth and final boss.

Disney Mickey and the Beanstalk

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Disney’s Mickey and the Beanstalk is a cooperative game where players work together to collect food from the Giant’s table. But don’t get caught, or he’ll lock up your food! Bring the Golden Harp back by opening the lock box and sliding down the vine. Feed the village and return the harp to Happy Valley to win!a

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Schnell Boats: Scourge of the English Channel

In Schnellboot: Scourge of the English Channel, you command a German Kriesgsmarine type S-100 Schnellboot fast attack torpedo boat squadron during the English Channel campaign of 1943-1944. The main goal is to survive while sinking as many enemy ships as you can. These missions include offensive patrols, minelaying, and search and rescue. In addition to ships, patrol boats, and patrol aircraft, you will face a variety of enemies. The game also models weather and sea state. During each mission, the player will navigate his squadron through various travel boxes on a map of the English Channel on his way to the patrol area, then must successfully return home.

How to Play 

First things first, let’s talk about gameplay. The premise of the game is pretty simple – you are a captain of a Schnell boat, one of the fastest and most advanced boats of World War II. Your mission? To navigate through treacherous waters and sink as many English ships as possible before they reach the safety of their ports.

But don’t be fooled by its simplicity – this game is intense! You have to constantly strategize on when to attack, when to retreat, and how to outsmart your opponents. And speaking of opponents, this game is best played with a group of friends or family. The more players, the more chaotic and fun it gets!

Now let’s talk about game mechanics. Each player has their own deck of cards that represent different actions they can take – from moving their boat, launching torpedoes, and even calling in air support. And the best part? You can customize your deck before each game, giving you endless possibilities and strategies to try out.

Who Can Play

The audience for this game is pretty broad – from hardcore gamers to casual players who just want a fun night in. As long as you enjoy strategy games with a healthy dose of competition, Schnell Boats: Scourge of the English Channel is for you.

What Makes It Fun

But what makes this game truly special and stand out from other strategy games is the unique combination of historical accuracy with pure, unadulterated fun. As someone who loves history, I appreciate the attention to detail in terms of boat designs and naval tactics used during World War II. And as a board game fanatic, I can say with confidence that this game never fails to deliver an entertaining and engaging experience.


Microgame #6 in the Metagaming Microgames series is a board game of magical combat. On a paper hex map representing an arena, players fight it out with cardboard counters. Wizards are rated for Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence and can cast various spells. Rules for combining the game with Melee are included.

Included a 32-page booklet (4¼” by 7″, or half-legal size), with a hex map (12″ by 14″) and counter sheet.

Designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by Clark Bradley.

Wizard was released in a second edition published in 1979 which had a very different cover. Both were released in plastic bags. A third edition released in 1980 had almost the same cover, but was boxed.

This system was later developed into Advanced Wizard, one of the three books of the The Fantasy Trip role-playing system.

After Steve Jackson and Metagaming had parted he lost control of his creation. He responded to this by adapting the basic rules into a new system: GURPS, the Generic and Universal Role Playing System.

Steve Jackson has reacquired the rights to TFT and is republishing it as the Legacy Version (which will include a boxed copy of Wizard). For more information, go here…

Integrates with:


Reimplemented by:

Legends of the Ancient World (RPG)

Warhammer: Invasion

Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game is a two-player card game of intense warfare, clever kingdom management, and epic questing. Players must carefully allocate their resources as they seek to build their kingdom, complete quests, and attack the enemy’s capital.

Set in the rich and diverse Warhammer universe, player’s can choose different factions that each have their own style. Will you play the indestructible grudge-bearing Dwarfs, the shrewd and manoeuvrable Empire, the savage and destructive Orcs, or the entropic and mutating forces of Chaos. Or will you cleverly craft an alliance, playing the combined might of the forces of either Order or Destruction?

Warhammer: Invasion follows a similar model to that of Magic: The Gathering. Players will construct a deck of cards to their liking that they will use to battle against each other by drawing cards and using resources to play them. Cards can consist of monsters or heroes, one-off spells or abilities, and permanent structures, devices, or equipment. However, there are many differences which make W:I very different from Magic. Two of the main differences are in the release model and the ordering of the gameplay area.

Rather than a blind collecting model, W:I follows Fantasy Flight Games’ LCG model. Each expansion or chapter pack is released with the full contents known to the purchaser. Rarity is not a factor.

Rather than playing your cards into the same area and relying on card draws for resources or extra cards, each player has a 3-zoneCapitol that they must protect and those sides are generally where cards are played. If an opponent causes enough damage to a section of your capitol it is “burned.” If two sides of your capitol are burned you lose. Depending on which side of your capitol you put a card into it will be able to different things. Units and buildings in the Kingdom Zone contribute to your available resource pool while ones in your Quest Zone cotribute to your card draws. Cards played into the Battlefield are used to attack opponents. Also, units in a zone being attacked by an opponent can be used to defend that zone from damage. This adds a large amount of tactical decisions when it comes to playing your cards. You must carefully balance building your economy with the ability to attack and defend.

Warhammer Invasion LCG Core Set contains:

* 1 Rulebook
* 220 Cards representing 4 factions
* 4 Capital Boards
* 35 Resource Tokens
* 60 Damage Tokens
* 4 Burning Tokens

Battle Pack Expansion Cycles:

1) The Corruption Cycle:

The Skavenblight Threat
Path of the Zealot
Tooth and Claw
The Deathmaster’s Dance
The Warpstone Chronicles
Arcane Fire

2) The Enemy Cycle:

The Burning of Derricksburg
The Fall of Karak Grimaz
The Silent Forge
Redemption of a Mage
The Fourth Waystone
Bleeding Sun

3) The Morrslieb Cycle:

Omens of Ruin
The Chaos Moon
The Twin Tailed Comet
Signs in the Stars
The Eclipse of Hope
Fiery Dawn

4) The Capital Cycle:

The Inevitable City
Realm of the Phoenix King
The Iron Rock
City of Winter
The Imperial Throne

5) The Bloodquest Cycle:

Rising Dawn
Fragments of Power
The Accursed Dead
Vessel of the Winds
Portent of Doom
Shield of the Gods

6) The Eternal War Cycle:

Days of Blood
Oaths of Vengeance
Battle for the Old World
Glory of Days Past
The Ruinous Hordes
Faith and Steel

7) Deluxe Expansions:

Assault on Ulthuan
March of the Damned
Hidden Kingdoms

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Odin’s Ravens

Each morning, Odin sends the ravens Hugin and Munin to race over the world of Midgard and report back what they have seen. The first to return wins Odin’s favor, but any cunning corvid has a few tricks in store, and these are the two most brilliant birds in Middle Earth.

In this two-player card game Odin’s Ravens, two ravens race across separate tracks, the tracks comprising domino-style landscape cards that feature different types of land. Each player has their own deck of cards, which they use to match the land type in front of their raven in order to advance the raven toward the end of the flight path. Odin (Loki in Osprey Edition) cards allow a player to take special actions, such as rearranging the track of landscape cards or impeding the other player’s raven.

In this first edition of Odin’s Ravens, each player can create a personal auxiliary stack during play, playing cards from the hand now to set up plays in the future. The game lasts multiple rounds, with a round ending when a raven reaches the end of the flight path; that raven’s player scores points equal to the distance separating the two ravens. There is also an Odin token that can slow down whichever raven it is in front of. In addition, whoever has played more cards to the “Magic Way” during the round – a separate playing area in which players may play a particular type of card – wins three points. Once a player has accumulated twelve or more points, that player wins.

The Odin’s Ravens (Second Edition) transforms the game into a single race across a longer landscape, with players drawing a limited number of cards each turn from either the Loki deck or the land deck and playing as many cards as they desire. Whoever reaches the end of the world first wins.


To play Glasgow, players travel the city (in an abstract manner) to collect resources, take special actions, and most importantly, construct buildings. When you build a factory, you’ll receive more goods from it if other buildings are constructed near it; build a train station, and you might or might not score from it; build a monument, and you’ll merely collect points – and in the end, points are what really matter.

To set up the game, lay out a ring of random town figures, with two being removed each game. In the circle around town, whoever is further behind takes the next turn, advancing to whichever town figure they wish to see. Most of them give you resources – bricks, steel, and money – and you have a limit on how many of each type of resource you can keep. The figures have two random building plans, and if you visit one with the right resources, you can pay them, then build. If you pay extra, you’ll also be able to build something else.

Each subsequent building is placed adjacent to an existing building, eventually filling in a 4×5 (or 5×4) grid of the players’ own design. As soon as the twentieth building is completed, the game ends and players are awarded points. Which of them has made the greatest impact on Glasgow today?

Great Western Trail (Second Edition)

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The Great Western Trail Overview

Manage your cattle in the Wild West

‘The Great Western Trail’ dives into the Wild West. You take on the role of a cattle baron herding your livestock from Texas to Kansas. This epic journey isn’t just about rounding up the most cattle; it’s a complex web of strategic decisions, incorporating economics, ranching, and even some old-fashioned poker.

Game Mechanics

The brilliance of ‘The Great Western Trail’ lies in its game mechanics – the intricate set of rules and interactions that drive the game forward. Every turn, players must decide how to best utilize their hand of cards, the trail itself, and the various buildings they encounter along the way.

A Deck Stacked with Choices

At the heart of the game is the deck-building mechanic, nestled within the larger framework of strategic resource management. Players amass a deck of unique cards over the course of the game, each representing a significant aspect of their cattle ranching business. Whether it’s recruiting cowboys, trading for resources, or establishing new buildings, every card adds a layer of depth and choice to the gameplay.

The Cattle Run

The central gameplay mechanic revolves around moving cattle along the trail on their way to market. The trail is a series of spaces representing various terrains and challenges. The further you can drive your cattle without being turned back, the more money you’ll make when you finally sell them.

Shifting Lands, Shifting Strategies

One of the most compelling aspects of ‘The Great Western Trail’ is the dynamic trail itself. The game board features numerous possible paths, each with its own strategic advantages and considerations. Coupled with the dynamic placement of hazard spaces, no two games will unfold the same way, requiring a nimble and adaptable approach from players.

What makes The Great Western Trail Fun?

It’s the exquisite harmony of its parts – the gameplay, theme, and components all work together to create an experience that feels both familiar and fresh.

Art and Theme

The cards and board are beautifully designed according to its theme. This cohesive theme makes it an immersive experience.

Multiplayer Interactivity

While ‘The Great Western Trail’ can be played solo, it truly shines in a multiplayer environment. The interaction between players is both indirect, through the buildings and placements they leave behind, and direct, through the strategic decisions they make in cards and cattle movement. This balance fosters an environment of competition and cooperation, where no player is truly out of the running until the final bell tolls.

Expansion and Replayability

A great game offers not only a fun experience but one that can be revisited time and time again. ‘The Great Western Trail’ accomplishes this with aplomb, thanks to its modular board setup, substantial deck-building component, and the inclusion of various expansion packs. Each new game can present fresh challenges and strategic opportunities, ensuring that the Wild West you’re creating never grows old.

Who Should Saddle Up for This Adventure?

Despite its thematic complexity and strategic depth, the game is surprisingly accessible, making it a hit with both seasoned board game connoisseurs and casual players looking for a longer, more engaging experience.

‘The Great Western Trail’ is likely to appeal to a broad audience due to its clever game design and depth. Fans of Euro-style board games, who appreciate the emphasis on strategy and economy, will find this game interesting.

2ND EDITION: Great Western Trail 2nd Edition features new card and board art, a solo mode, and rebalanced and enhanced gameplay. The game is a great upgrade for players familiar with the game, or a great entry point for those new to the game.

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UNO Stacko

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Uno Stacko: A Game for All Ages


Uno Stacko is a game that combines elements from two classic games – Jenga and Uno. The objective of the game is simple: be the last player standing without toppling the tower! But don’t let the simplicity fool you – this game requires strategy and skill to win.

The game starts with a tower of 54 blocks, each featuring different colors and numbers. Players take turns pulling out blocks from the lower levels of the tower and placing them on top, just like in Jenga. But here’s the twist – each block also has an action associated with it, just like in Uno. These actions range from skipping a turn to reversing the direction of play, making the game unpredictable and keeping everyone on their toes.

Game Mechanics

Players take turns removing blocks and placing them on top. But there are some additional rules:

  • Only one hand can be used to remove a block.
  • The removed block must be placed on top of the tower.
  • If a player successfully removes and places a block without causing the tower to topple, they may choose another player to perform the action associated with that block.

If a player causes the tower to topple, they lose the game. But don’t worry, even if you lose, you’ll have plenty of laughs and fun along the way.

Suitable for Everyone

Uno Stacko is a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. From young children to adults, everyone can join in on the fun. It’s also great for parties and gatherings, as it allows for multiple players to participate. And with its simple rules and quick gameplay, it’s easy for anyone to learn and play.

What Makes it Fun

What sets Uno Stacko apart from other games is the element of surprise. With each turn, players never know what action they might have to perform or who they might have to choose. This keeps the game exciting and engaging. In addition, the tension and anticipation as the tower gets taller and more unstable adds to the overall thrill of the game.

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In Mustachio, teams of players score points by collecting tricks (cards) and correctly bidding on how many tricks they will score.

Mustachio is a game of trickery. You win through a combination of correctly guessing the number of “tricks” your team will win per round while capturing (sometimes) innocent point cards along the way. You do so by colluding with your partner to outwit your unwitting opponents. However, you cannot speak with your partner and you need to be able to guess how they play.

Each round, players play their cards and determine who wins the tricks. There are special cards like Super Villian cards that give the game a twist.

The product as a whole was high quality, with strong cards, hilarious card designs, and rules that make for exciting gameplay.

Game is simple enough for 5 years and filled with enough strategy that it makes it fun for older children as well as adults within the family.

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Excalibohn is a game about medieval farmers competing to grow the best crops.

How to Play

The premise of the game is simple yet engaging. Each player takes on the role of a farmer and must use various resources to grow crops, trade with other players, and ultimately earn victory points. The game is played over several rounds, with each round consisting of four phases: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. In each phase, players have different actions they can take to improve their farm and gain an advantage over their opponents.

One of the unique mechanics in ‘Excalibohn’ is the use of different types of cards. The main type of card is the crop card, which players can purchase and plant on their farm to earn points. There are also events cards that can be used to gain a one-time advantage or disrupt other players’ strategies. And lastly, the trade cards allow players to barter with each other and make deals.

In addition to the use of cards, ‘Excalibohn’ also employs dice rolling for certain actions. This adds an element of chance to the game, making it even more unpredictable and exciting.

Who Can Play

While this game may not be suitable for young children due to its complex mechanics, ‘Excalibohn’ will be a hit among adults and teenagers who enjoy strategy and resource management games. It requires players to think strategically while also being adaptable to changing circumstances – making it perfect for those who love a good challenge.

What Makes it Fun

Aside from the obvious appeal of growing crops and competing against other farmers, ‘Excalibohn’ also has a humorous and lighthearted tone that adds to the overall enjoyment of the game. The card illustrations are whimsical and the game’s theme is unique, making it stand out among other board games.

The element of competition also adds an exciting edge to ‘Excalibohn’. It’s always satisfying to come up with a successful strategy and outsmart your opponents.

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Betrayal At House on the Hill

Listing 2
Each player chooses an explorer to investigate a creepy old house in Betrayal at House on the Hill. Each player discovers new rooms. You might find something in every room . . . or something might find you. Depending on how the players handle the house’s surprises, explorers change over the course of the game (for better or worse).
Every time you build a house, it is different.
An explorer randomly triggers a scenario known as a haunt during the game.
As the haunt is revealed, one explorer becomes a traitor bent on defeating his or her  former companions. The remaining explorers become heroes trying to survive. As the game continues, it becomes a fight between the traitor and the heroes-often to the death. There are fifty haunts in this game, and each tells a different story. Explore them all as you live or die in the House on the Hill  

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Friday, the second game in the Friedemann Friese Series: Freitag-Project (Friedemann Friese), is based on the story of Robinson Crusoe and his loyal partner Friday (Freitag). You play as Friday, and when Robinson Crusoe crashes his ship on your island, your peaceful times are disturbed. You must help Robinson to survive the island and prepare him to defeat the pirates that are coming for the island.

Friday is a solitaire deck-building game in which you optimize your deck of fight cards in order to defeat the hazards of the island. During a turn the player will attempt to defeat hazard cards by playing fight cards from their deck. If defeated, a hazard card will become a fight card and is added to the player’s deck. If failed, the player will lose life points but also get the opportunity to remove unwanted cards from their fight deck. In the end, the player will use their optimized fight deck to defeat the two pirate ships coming for the island, allowing Robinson Crusoe to escape the island and allowing you to finally have your peace back!

Mansions of Madness

Description from the publisher:

Horrific monsters and spectral presences lurk in manors, crypts, schools, monasteries, and derelict buildings near Arkham, Massachusetts. Some spin dark conspiracies while others wait for hapless victims to devour or drive insane. It’s up to a handful of brave investigators to explore these cursed places and uncover the truth about the living nightmares within.

Designed by Corey Konieczka, Mansions of Madness is a macabre game of horror, insanity, and mystery for two to five players. Each game takes place within a pre-designed story that provides players with a unique map and several combinations of plot threads. These threads affect the monsters that investigators may encounter, the clues they need to find, and which climactic story ending they will ultimately experience. One player takes on the role of the keeper, controlling the monsters and other malicious powers within the story. The other players take on the roles of investigators, searching for answers while struggling to survive with their minds intact.

Do you dare enter the Mansions of Madness?

Point Salad

Listing 2

Point Salad is a fast and fun card drafting game for the whole family. There are over 100 ways to score points. Players may use a variety of strategies and every game of Point Salad is unique! Cards come in six different types of veggies, and the back of each card has a different scoring method. So for instance, one scoring method may award 2 points for every carrot you have, but deduct a point for every onion. By drafting combinations of veggies and point cards that work for your strategy, you can amass the most points and win.

For those who don’t know, “point salad” refers to a game in which players can score points in multiple ways. Point Salad makes sense as a title for a game with many ways to score, but also as it has a salad theme. This game has a very low barrier to entry compared with most other “point salad” games , and it can be taught and learned quite easily.

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BANG! The Bullet!

Listing 2

BANG! The Bullet! is the deluxe version of BANG! and its expansions. Coming in a deluxe bullet-‘box’ it contains:

– BANG! – Third Edition with reworked cards and rules
– Dodge City – Second Edition with reworked cards and characters
– High Noon – Second Edition
– High Noon II (A Fistful Of Cards) – Second Edition
– Two new exclusive High Noon cards – “New Identity” and “Handcuffs”
– Three new characters – Uncle Will, Johnny Kisch, and Claus “The Saint”
– Two blank cards
– One silver sheriff badge

Released: Essen 2007.

BANG! The Bullet 2nd Edition:
– BANG! 4th edition (no player mats or bullet tokens)
– Dodge City 3rd edition
– High Noon 2nd Edition
– A Fistful Of Cards 2nd Edition
– Two Exclusive High Noon cards – “New Identity” and “Handcuffs”
– Three new characters – Uncle Will, Johnny Kisch, and Claus “The Saint”
– Two blank cards
– One silver sheriff badge

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In Deus, players work to develop their own civilizations in a shared environment. Each player starts the game with five building cards, and on a turn a player either uses one of these cards to construct a building or discard one or more cards to make an offering to a god. Cards come in six colors: red for military, green for resource production, blue for trade, brown for scoring, purple for temples, and yellow for a variety of effects. When you construct a building, you build it in the appropriate location on the modular game board — which is sized based on the number of players with the hexagonal tiles composed of seven landscape “circles” — then you place the card in your personal tableau in the appropriate stack of colored cards and activate the power of all of those cards already in your tableau, starting with the card at the bottom of the stack. When you make an offering, you discard cards, then receive the help of a god associated with one of the cards that you discarded, with the number of cards determining the strength of the associated action. You then refill your hand to five cards. The game ends either when all the barbarian villages on the game board have been surrounded and attacked or when all the temples have been constructed. Whoever has the most points wins.

Ticket to Ride: First Journey (Europe)

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Ticket to Ride: First Journey scales down the game’s gameplay for younger players.

To play, players collect train cards, claim routes on the map, and try to connect the cities on their tickets. The game board shows a map of Europe with colored paths connecting certain cities. Each player starts with four colored cards and two tickets; each ticket shows two cities, and your goal is to connect them with your trains to complete the ticket.

The first player to complete six tickets wins! If someone places all 20 of their trains on the game board, then whoever completes the most tickets wins!

It features the same gameplay as the first Ticket to Ride: First Journey game, but with players claiming tracks in Europe instead of the United States.

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Wits & Wagers Party

Wits & Wagers Party brings the excitement and energy of Las Vegas to your home. Divide into teams if you have at least six players; this game is more exciting when players are divided into teams. Soon your home will be filled with cheers and high-fives!

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Legends of Novus

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Legends of Novus is a fantasy adventure game in which you take control of a hero on a journey across the mythical world of Novus to help rid it of the creatures terrorizing it…

It combines physical character sheets and card-based equipment. Using a variety of initial characters and classes to make the game re-playable with a different gaming experience every time. Players have a great sense of control over their destiny thanks to the world story, and the free roam aspect (no dice rolling to control how far or where they can travel). Players can also explore different character strengths and game strategies in their quest to become a Legend of Novus by gaining XP in the various paths.

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Formula D

Formula D is a high stakes Formula One type racing game where the players race simulated cars with the hope of crossing the finish line first. This is a re-release of Formula Dé with several changes from the original format. Whilst old tracks can be used with the updated Formula D rules, the new game features boards that have an F1 track and a Street Track on the other side. These street tracks each have a novel inclusion or two to add greater theme –

The game mechanisms are a simple race, get to the finish line first! However, players have to use a significant amount of planning, and rely on quite a bit of luck. Each player manages when to shift gears, with each gear providing a different speed. (For example, 4th gear is a die that rolls random numbers from 7 to 12 for spaces moved.) Each turn, players may move up one gear, stay in that gear, or move down gears. This forces players to match possible rolls with the optimum distance for that turn, and hopefully plan ahead. However, speed is not the only issue! Corners have a “stop” rule that requires players to stop once, twice, or three times on that corner in consecutive turns or face a penalty. This creates an effective speed limit to the corners.
Of course, things do not always go as planned! Players take penalties if they miss their roll, bump into another car, are blocked by other cars, have to brake heavily, or have to downshift several gears. These are taken off of a car’s attributes (Tire health, Brake wear, Transmission Gears, Body, engine, and Suspension). Losing the maximum in any of these categories will result in elimination, or a severe setback for that car. This requires that players manage their car’s health, plan for their best path, and have good luck on their rolls. This high amount of luck gives the game its family appeal, and lets weaker players have a chance at winning once in a while.

However, the fun does not end with a single race! The rules include the ability to customize your cars, use a pre-generated character, add Slipstreaming (Drafting) rules and road debris, and change tire types to modify your distance rolls. There are also variations for a single lap race, or multiple laps with pit stops to repair some of your damage points. In addition, numerous expansion tracks can be purchased to vary the demands on each driver and car. Each track may also have weather effects (rain) that change car handling and die rolls due to skidding on wet track. This opens up the game for rally rules giving championship points over a number of races.

Formula D adds a few items that are not in the original Formula De: There is the added excitement of illegal racing in the streets of big cities – anything goes! This adds custom cars, nitro acceleration, drifting in the curves, dirty tricks, gun battles, and trash on the road to add more variation. A basic change is the use of a “Dashboard” with movable pegs to manage your car’s attributes instead of the paper forms from Formula De. There are also two sets of pre-painted cars; a Formula 1 set and the Street Race set of stock cars. The street cars come with “Character” profiles to give a bit of role-playing to the game. Finally, the old category of “Fuel” for the car has been renamed Transmission Wear to give a better thematic fit to the effect of multiple downshifting.

The popularity of this game has given it a lot of expansions, some simplifications to the rules (See Formula Dé Mini), and a lot of “after market” parts. There are also fan expansions and tracks for the very dedicated player. In many ways, this has become a multiple game system.

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The Feds

Organized crime has overtaken Capitol City. Headquarters wants you and your team to infiltrate the ranks, identify the key players, and break up the syndicate. Do you have what it takes to put a stop to their insidious operations?

In The Feds, players are leaders of FBI units seeking to send agents out to combat crime by making arrests and confiscating contraband. The game is heavily inspired by Gunrunners, an earlier game by the same designer and publisher.

The game is played over a series of turns. On each turn, a player performs three actions: Reveal gang activity, deploy an agent, and perform a police operation. In step 1, a card is flipped and criminals/crates are placed into one of the game’s locations. In step 2, a player places their agent to surveil an area, which forces another player’s agent into the field at that location (where it can do its work). In step 3, the player moves a police car around a rondel to either acquire a special ability (to use later) or make an arrest (to score points).

When a designated number of agents are placed at the different locations, a bust occurs and players make arrests and confiscate contraband based on the strength of their agents at the locations. After four busts, the game ends and the player with the most arrests/confiscations wins.

-description from designer

Chateau Roquefort

In Castle Appenzell, players control colored mice and collect pieces of cheese. Players spend action points on their turn to place new mice into play, reveal corridors in the castle, move their mice around the castle, or move a tile into play, which changes the maze of cheese pieces beneath. A player gets a piece of cheese if two of their mice reach the same kind of cheese. Whoever gets four different kinds of cheese wins.

Lizard Wizard

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You will recruit wizards from seven unique schools of magic, build mystical towers, discover powerful spells, summon helpful familiars, and find gold and power items in ark dungeons. Build effective spell combinations and plan your strategy. One Arch-Mage will rise above all others and control the land.

Lizard Wizards Gameplay

This is an action selection game. As you choose which of six possible actions you will take to increase your power, each turn will be filled with intense tension.

  • Gather Magical Ingredients (Reagents)
  • Convert these Reagents into Mana, the energy required to cast spells
  • Compete with other Arch-Mages to recruit Wizards from seven magic schools
  • Create magical towers that will boost the power of their wizards.
  • Summon Familiars to help with dungeon exploration in Astoria
  • Research and cast powerful spells.
  • Points will be awarded for the best wizard and tower combinations, gold, and scoring spells.


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The game of Golazo provides the perfect combination of chance and skill. Win the dice roll and move your counters tactically around the pitch; will you dribble past the defenders, cross the ball wide, or find the killer pass that your opponent didn’t see? Your goal is in sight, can you hold your nerve and beat the goalkeeper?

How to Play

The gameplay in ‘Golazo’ is fast-paced, intense and incredibly fun. It’s a 2D arcade-style game that emulates the classic soccer games of the past. You control a team of three players and your goal is to outscore your opponent by any means necessary.

The game utilizes a combination of power-ups, special moves, and even weapons to help you score goals and defeat your opponents. It’s chaotic, unpredictable, and satisfying.

Who Can Play

Anyone who enjoys fast-paced sports games or is looking for a unique twist on the traditional soccer game genre will enjoy ‘Golazo’. It’s perfect for both casual gamers and hardcore fans alike.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the obvious appeal of combining soccer with crazy power-ups and weapons, ‘Golazo’ also has a great sense of humor. The game doesn’t take itself too seriously, with hilarious animations and over-the-top celebrations after scoring a goal.



Solar Draft

As you play cards, your solar system gains points, abilities, and scoring conditions. If you don’t like the choices presented in the center row, you can refresh it once per game. Likewise, you can prevent a particular card from falling into another architect’s hands. Players also have unique abilities. Your choices must be as efficient as possible in order to achieve a winning score.

Getting the most points requires strategic thinking in this card game. We enjoyed playing it together and creating our solar systems. It’s a must-have for strategy game fans.


Unstable Unicorns: NSFW Base Game

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Unstable Unicorns NSFW is a strategy card game that involves dirty jokes and comments. A player’s goal in Unstable Unicorns is to collect seven Unicorns in their play area, also known as their stable. Use Magic, Instants, Upgrades, and Downgrades to destroy your opponents’ Unicorns. It is important to remember that each player has access to these tools as well, and you may just find your plans foiled by a well-played “Neigh!” card. Don’t play with people you don’t know… you might offend them or ruin their friendships.

This card game involves part luck and part skill. The key concept and goal requires you to weigh options and make basic plans on how to meet the objective. Because of its fast pace and lack of long-term planning or strategy, this game is fairly fast-paced and fun because what’s in your hand or what happens to you depends on luck and what the other players decide in any given round.

Cards themselves are hilarious and you never know what you’ll get. There is always something new to discover during game play, so it never gets boring.

50 Clues: The Fate of Leopold

“50 Clues: The Fate of Leopold” is an immersive puzzle game that stands as the third episode in the murderous trilogy about Maria. In this installment, Maria has gathered the strength to confront Leopold and must track him down. The game continues to deliver an escape-room-like experience that players can enjoy at home. Players combine objects, solve puzzles, and decipher codes to advance the story, with a smartphone or tablet used to keep track of solutions and provide hints if needed​​.

The game falls under various categories including horror, mature/adult, murder/mystery, and puzzle, and involves mechanisms such as cooperative gameplay and storytelling. It is suitable for players who enjoy immersive, story-driven puzzle-solving experiences. The inclusion of mature themes makes it more appropriate for older teenagers and adults​​.

“50 Clues: The Fate of Leopold” provides a compelling blend of narrative and gameplay, making it an excellent choice for players looking for a challenging and engaging adventure right in their living rooms.

Loot of Lima

‘Loot of Lima’ is a treasure hunt game that takes place on the island of Cocos in the 1820s. Players take on the role of pirate captains competing to find and claim as much treasure as possible from the lost city of Lima. The ultimate goal is to be the first captain to return to their ship with enough treasures to retire and live out their days in luxury.

How to Play

The game starts with players choosing their pirate captain and setting sail for Cocos island. Once there, they must navigate through treacherous waters filled with sea monsters and other pirates to reach the lost city of Lima. As they explore the city, players encounter various challenges and obstacles that require strategic thinking and decision making.

This game strikes the perfect balance between strategy and luck, making it enjoyable for players of all skill levels. While some elements of the game are left to chance, such as drawing cards or rolling dice, it’s how you use those elements that can make or break your chances of winning.

Players must carefully plan their moves and make strategic decisions to overcome obstacles and outwit their opponents. The game also allows for some player interaction, as players can steal treasure from each other or sabotage one another’s progress.

Who Can Play

One of the great things about ‘Loot of Lima’ is that it appeals to a wide range of players. Whether you’re a seasoned board game veteran or new to the world of tabletop gaming, this game has something for everyone.

The game is also family-friendly, making it perfect for a fun night in with friends and loved ones. It’s easy to learn but offers enough depth and complexity to keep players engaged and entertained for hours on end.

What Makes It Fun

The thrill of the hunt makes this game fun. It’s a race against time and your opponents to find as much treasure as possible before they do. The game keeps you on your toes with unexpected twists and turns, making each playthrough unique and exciting.

And let’s not forget about the gorgeous artwork and high-quality components that add to the overall immersive experience. From the beautifully illustrated game board to the intricately designed treasure tokens, every detail has been carefully crafted to enhance the gameplay.

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If you want a game with heated competition and filled with excitement then ‘Ragemore’ is perfect for you!

How to Play

The premise of ‘Ragemore’ is simple – each player takes on the role of a ruler trying to expand their kingdom by conquering territories. The game board is divided into different regions, each with its own unique resources and challenges. Players must strategically allocate their resources and make calculated moves in order to defeat their opponents and emerge as the ultimate ruler.

But don’t be fooled, luck also plays a big role in this game. With unpredictable dice rolls and random events, you can never be too sure of your victory until the very end. This perfect blend of strategy and luck makes ‘Ragemore’ an exciting and dynamic game to play.

One of the things I love most about ‘Ragemore’ is its simple game mechanics. It’s easy to pick up and understand, even for those who are new to board games. But don’t be fooled by its simplicity, there are endless strategies and tactics that can be employed in order to outwit your opponents. You can also always come up with your own unique strategies, making each game a new and exciting challenge.

Who Can Play

In my opinion, ‘Ragemore’ is a great game for both experienced board game players and those who are just starting out. Its easy-to-learn mechanics and unpredictable gameplay make it suitable for a wide range of audiences. I have personally played this game with my friends and family, and we all had a blast. The competitive nature of the game also makes it perfect for those who love to challenge their friends or family members.

What Makes It Fun

The most fun aspect of ‘Ragemore’ for me is the thrill of conquering territories. There’s something incredibly satisfying about slowly building up your kingdom and strategically planning your moves, only to finally take over an opponent’s territory and expand your power. It’s a rush of adrenaline that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the game.

So if you’re looking for a board game that is both easy to learn and challenging to master, with a perfect balance of strategy and luck, ‘Ragemore’ is definitely worth giving a try.

Ghost Stories

In Tokaido, each player is a traveler crossing the “East sea road”, one of the most magnificent roads of Japan. While traveling, you will meet people, taste fine meals, collect beautiful items, discover great panoramas, and visit temples and wild places but at the end of the day, when everyone has arrived at the end of the road you’ll have to be the most initiated traveler – which means that you’ll have to be the one who discovered the most interesting and varied things.

The potential action spaces in Tokaido are laid out on a linear track, with players advancing down this track to take actions. The player who is currently last on the track takes a turn by advancing forward on the track to their desired action and taking that action, so players must choose whether to advance slowly in order to get more turns, or to travel more rapidly to beat other players to their desired action spaces.

The action spaces allow a variety of actions that will score in different, but roughly equal, ways. Some action spaces allow players to collect money, while others offer players a way to spend that money to acquire points. Other action spaces allow players to engage in various set collections that score points for assembling those sets. Some action spaces simply award players points for stopping on them, or give the player a randomly determined action from all of the other types.

All of the actions in Tokaido are very simple, and combined with a unique graphic design, Tokaido offers players a peaceful zen mood in its play.

Magic Maze

Description from the publisher:

After being stripped of all their possessions, a mage, a warrior, an elf, and a dwarf are forced to go rob the local Magic Maze shopping mall for all the equipment necessary for their next adventure. They agree to map out the labyrinth in its entirety first, then find each individual’s favorite store, and then locate the exit. In order to evade the surveillance of the guards who eyed their arrival suspiciously, all four will pull off their heists simultaneously, then dash to the exit. That’s the plan anyway…but can they pull it off?

Magic Maze is a real-time, cooperative game. Each player can control any hero in order to make that hero perform a very specific action, to which the other players do not have access: Move north, explore a new area, ride an escalator… All this requires rigorous cooperation between the players in order to succeed at moving the heroes prudently. However, you are allowed to communicate only for short periods during the game; the rest of the time, you must play without giving any visual or audio cues to each other. If all of the heroes succeed in leaving the shopping mall in the limited time allotted for the game, each having stolen a very specific item, then everyone wins together.

At the start of the game, you have only three minutes in which to take actions. Hourglass spaces you encounter along the way give you more time. If the sand timer ever completely runs out, all players lose the game: Your loitering has aroused suspicion, and the mall security guards nab you!

Deep Sea Adventure

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A group of poor explorers hoping to get rich quickly heads out to recover treasures from some undersea ruins. They’re all rivals, but their budgets force them all to share a single rented submarine. In the rented submarine, they all have to share a single tank of air, as well. If they don’t get back to the sub before they run out of air, they’ll drop all their treasure. Now it’s time to see who can bring home the greatest riches.

Game Objective

The game takes place over 3 rounds, and the player to gain the most points over the 3 rounds is the winner. In order to gain points, you must bring the most ruins chips back to the submarine. You can only return to the submarine once per round, and you cannot progress more after returning. You cannot return to the submarine without bringing any ruins chips. Turn Progression On their turns, players conduct steps 1-4 listed below. Players take turns, going clockwise around the board, and the round ends when all players have returned to the submarine, or if the air runs out at the beginning of someone’s turn. 1) Declare if you will turn back or not. 2) Reduce air. 3) Roll the dice and advance your game piece. 4) Search. (When you have stopped moving, select one of A-C below) A) Do nothing. B) Pick up ruins chip. C) Place a ruins chip.

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La Granja

In La Granja, players control small farms by the Alpich pond near the village of Esporles on the island of Mallorca. Over time, the players develop their farms and deliver goods to the village. Players are vying to earn the title of “La Granja” for their country estate!

Over the course of 6 game rounds, players will expand their farm by adding fields, farm extensions, market barrows, and helpers. They will earn VPs by delivering goods to the village of Esporles. It is important to observe the actions of other players, manipulate turn order, and adjust your strategy based on the dice and cards.

La Granja is a fascinating game that requires careful planning. Timing and speed is crucial. However, successful players must cope with the uncertainty of events during the game. The player who has earned the most victory points at the end of the game is the winner and new owner of the La Granja estate!

Broom Service

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In this game, players become witches, druids and gatherers who produce potions and deliver them across the magical realm with Broom Service. Role cards are chosen four at a time by enchanted rivals. Each card has a brave and cowardly action.

Actions of bravery are most rewarding, but can be lost by opposing players.

Less profitable, but safer, are cowardly actions.

What will you secretly choose? What will your rivals choose? Who will be brave, and who will be cowardly? The winner is the player with the most victory points after seven rounds.


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1840: In Kanagawa, the great bay of Tokyo, the Master Hokusai decided to open a painting school to share his art with his disciples. You are one of these disciples, and more than anything, you want to prove yourself worthy of the “crazy, old artist”. Follow his teachings to expand your studio and paint your preferred subjects (Trees, Animals, Characters, Buildings), all while paying attention to the changing of the seasons in order to make the most harmonious print… the one that will become the work of your lifetime!


POST-NUCLEAR APOCALYPTIC BOARD GAME: Based on the hit video game series by Bethesda Softworks, Fallout is an exciting adventure game in which one to four survivors will begin at the edge of an undiscovered landscape with one primary objective: to survive. Staying alive, however, is just the beginning.
STRATEGY GAME: With just one objective to guide them from the very beginning, each player must explore the hidden map, fight ferocious enemies and build the skills of their survivor as they attempt to complete challenging quests and balance feuding factions within the game.
CHALLENGING & COMPETITIVE HORROR GAME: A sprawling wasteland lies before you, wiped out by the centuries-old atomic blasts of the Great War. Through the bare foundations creep mutated critters whose origins you can only guess. To win the game, players must collect influence and secure their spot in a society struggling to thrive in a world forever changed.
HIGHLY VARIABLE: Modular board arrangements and branching quests allow for endless replayability. Fallout offers boundless opportunities for player choice and character customization.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS AND AVERAGE PLAYTIME: This exciting adventure game for adults and teens is designed for 1 to 4 players and is suitable for ages 14 and older. Average game duration is between 2 to 3 hours.

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Dungeon Royale

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Dungeon Royale is an entry level strategy board game that looks like a handheld console (and has a box/board design that mimics old consoles). 

How to Play

The premise of ‘Dungeon Royale’ is simple – you and your friends are brave adventurers who have entered a dangerous dungeon in search of treasure. But beware, the dungeon is not empty! It’s filled with deadly monsters, traps and challenges that will test your skills and luck. The ultimate goal is to be the first player to reach the center of the dungeon and claim the legendary artifact hidden within.

To start off, each player chooses a character with unique abilities and stats. This adds an element of strategy as you have to think about how your character’s strengths can be used to overcome obstacles in the dungeon. Also, there’s always a bit of friendly competition among players to see who has the strongest character.

Once everyone has chosen their characters, the game begins! Players take turns rolling dice and moving through the dungeon, encountering different challenges along the way. These challenges can be anything from fighting a powerful dragon to solving a riddle or navigating through a maze. The outcome of these challenges is determined by dice rolls and the player’s character stats. There’s always an element of chance involved, which keeps the game exciting and unpredictable.

But what really makes ‘Dungeon Royale’ stand out is the game mechanics. The designers have put a lot of thought into making the game balanced and fair for all players. For example, if a player is falling behind in the game, there are power-ups and bonuses that can help them catch up. This ensures that everyone has a chance to win until the very end.

Who Can Play

This game is designed to be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels. It’s perfect for families, friends, or even as an icebreaker among strangers.

What Makes It Fun

‘Dungeon Royale’ fosters a sense of teamwork. Sure, it’s a competition, but players often have to work together to overcome challenges and defeat powerful monsters. This creates a fun and collaborative atmosphere where everyone is cheering for each other.

And let’s not forget the sense of adventure that comes with playing ‘Dungeon Royale’. Each game is different as the dungeon layout and encounters are randomized, making every playthrough unique. It’s always exciting to see what kind of challenges you’ll face and how your decisions will affect the outcome of the game.

Onirim (Second Edition)

You are a Dreamwalker, lost in a mysterious labyrinth, and you must discover the oneiric doors before your dreamtime runs out – or you will remain trapped forever!

You may wander through the chambers of dreams, hoping that chance will reveal the doors, or you can linger in each type of room. In both cases, you will have to deal with the slithering Nightmares, which haunt the hallways of the labyrinth.

Onirim is a solo/cooperative card game. You (and a partner, if you wish) must work (together) against the game to gather the eight Door cards before the deck runs out; you can obtain those Door cards either by playing cards of the same color three turns in a row, or by discarding (under specific circumstances) one of your powerful Key cards. In both cases you will have to decide the best use of each card in your hand and carefully play around the Nightmares. Those cards are hidden in the deck and will trigger painful dilemmas when drawn…

Seven mini-expansions, all standalone and compatible with one another, are included with the second edition of Onirim, including these three that were in the first edition of the game:

“The Towers” introduces a new type of card that allows more searching and deck manipulation, while also imposing an additional victory condition.

“Happy Dreams and Dark Premonitions” adds evil time bombs that will impede your progress at predictable moments of your quest as well as helpful but unreliable allies.

In “The Book of Steps Lost and Found”, you must find the eight Door cards in a randomly given order and may remove discarded cards from the game to cast powerful spells that will help you complete this difficult task.

In addition to these three variants from the first edition, there are four new modules in the Onirim 2nd edition box. Just like previously, each module consists of something that makes the game easier and something that makes the game harder:

“The Glyphs” introduces a fourth symbol on location cards (apart from Key, Sun and Moon), which makes it easier to compose the row of unrepeated symbols. Player must then find one extra door of each color (so 12 doors in total) to win

“The Dreamcatchers” are four cards that “guard” the Limbo piles. The Limbo pile stays with Dreamcatcher until some effect allows the player to shuffle the pile back to the deck… if all Dreamcatchers are full and new cards should come to Limbo, a Dreamcatcher is discarded and his cards shuffled back. Also, four new “Lost Dreams” cards are supposed to be in Limbo at the end of the game, as an extra winning condition – so discarding all Dreamcatchers means loss.

“The Crossroads and Dead Ends” introduce location cards with a given symbol (3 Sun, 2 Moon, 1 Key), but serving as any color “joker”. It also contains 10 “Dead End” cards, that remain in players hand (un-discard-able on its own) and block her 5-cards hand limit… until a player discards the whole hand (=the only way to discard a Dead End).

“The Door To The Oniverse” brings several one-time abilities cards as “inhabitants of the Oniverse”… and one extra colorless door to find.

Apart from all those, there are a few special rules to use the dark meeple in the game (which interferes with Nightmare cards resolving), making the game easier or harder, depending on the chosen variant.

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Titan is a network construction game set in the distant future, in which you play as employees of Stardrill, an interstellar mining corporation. Stardrill has acquired the mining rights to Saturn’s largest moon – Titan – and is sending in a team to strip it of its resources.

Your task is to fill the hold of your ship with as many units of valuable resources from Titan as possible, in order to earn the most Credits by the end of the game.

To help its teams with their task, Stardrill has supplied a number of Extraction Plants – buildings which can be placed anywhere on the map. These extraction plants will allow you to obtain different types of resources. As you’re all employees of Stardrill, once placed these buildings can be accessed and used by any player!

Place pipes branching out from your main base to create the extraction network that will bring resources into the hold of your cargo ship. Each time you integrate an extraction plant into your network by joining a section of pipe to it, it activates, gaining you a unit of the resource of the building’s type.

Once obtained, these resources will have to be managed carefully, as you only have a limited amount of space in your hold! When full, no more resources can be added without spending or jettisoning others first.
Some resources have value during the game and can be spent to free up space in your hold, while others can only score points at the end of the game – so you’ll need to keep an eye on the space you have, and time your activations carefully.

There are 6 resources available on Titan: Deuterium, Hydrocarbons, Silicium, Titanium, Water, and Tholin.

However, not all of these resources are desirable. Titan hosts large quantities of Tholin, an organic substance which could potentially cause you to lose Credits at the end of your mission. Picking some of it up is impossible to avoid as you dig deeper into the centre of Titan, but don’t let it get out of control – as well as losing you Credits, if you take Tholins into your hold when it is already full, some of your precious cargo will be contaminated!

Stardrill has also supplied you with a team of trusty drones that will lend you on claw on your mission. As well as transporting valuable resources and moving Tholins away from your network, Drones can dock to an Extraction Plant to increase its yield or make it less costly to upgrade. These handy machines can also use Titanium to destroy pipe sections, either in another players network, or even your own!

Earn Credits during the game by placing and upgrading Extraction plants, completing Stardrill’s special Objectives, and fulfilling Planetary Orders.

At the end of the game, you’ll score Credits depending on the contents of your hold! The more Deuterium you have, the better, as long as it hasn’t been contaminated…

The Employee with the most Credits at the end of the game becomes Stardrill Employee of the Month!

Villages of Valeria

A village-building card game set in the world of Valeria. Establish resources, construct buildings, and attract adventurers to your Village to be crowned the next capitol city.

Each player takes a turn taking one action from the following list and all other players may follow the action but with fewer rewards:

Tax: Take 1 Gold and Draw 1 Card. (Follow: Draw 1 card.)
Harvest: Draw 3 Cards. (Follow: Draw 1 card.)
Develop: Discard 1 card to add a Resource to your village. (Follow: Discard 2 cards to add a Resource to your village.)
Build: Add a building to your village. Draw a card. (Follow: Add a building to your village, but do not draw a card.)
Recruit: Pay 1 Gold to add an Adventurer to your village. (Follow: Pay 2 Gold to add an Adventurer to your village.)

Building cards can be used for 2 reasons. 1) Pay resources to add it to your village as a building and gain its benefit and VP. 2) Develop it as a Resource and place it under your Castle card.

When building, use resources you have developed or pay another player 1 Gold to use their resource.

The game ends when a player has built or recruited 10 buildings/Adventurers.

Spyfall 2

Spyfall is a party game unlike any other, one in which you get to be a spy and try to understand what’s going on around you. It’s really simple!

Spyfall is played over several rounds, and at the start of each round all players receive cards showing the same location — except that one player receives a card that says “Spy” instead of the location. Players then start asking each other questions — “Why are you dressed so strangely?” or “When was the last time we got a payday?” or anything else you can come up with — trying to guess who among them is the spy. The spy doesn’t know where he is, so he has to listen carefully. When it’s his time to answer, he’d better create a good story!

At any time during a round, one player may accuse another of being a spy. If all other players agree with the accusation, the round ends and the accused player has to reveal his identity. If the spy is uncovered, all other players score points. However, the spy can himself end a round by announcing that he understands what the secret location is; if his guess is correct, only the spy scores points.

After a few rounds of guessing, suspicion and bluffing, the game ends and whoever has scored the most points is victorious!

Spyfall 2 features the same gameplay as Spyfall with two important changes: (1) Enough location cards are included that the upper player count is now twelve instead of eight, and (2) two spies can be found at each location, giving all of the non-spy players more of a challenge when it comes to tracking down who doesn’t belong.


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An endlessly playable game with a drawstring bag from Mr Dice. Soldier ants battle for control of the outside of the hive, while beetles dominate the top.

Grass Hoppers jump in for the kill as spiders move into holding positions. One eye on the hive, one on the reserves of your opponents, tension builds as one wrong move will see your Queen Bee quickly engulfed … game over!

As soon as the first piece is placed, the game begins. A pattern is formed as the pieces are placed, which becomes the playing surface (the pieces themselves become the board). There is no elimination of pieces in this game, and it does not require that all pieces are played.

It is an excellent two-player game that is little known. Similar to chess, but much more fun. Easy concept but lots of strategy.

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CardWeaver is a one-versus-all deckbuilding card game based on the world of The Shared Dream.

How to Play

Unlike traditional board games where you move around a board, in ‘CardWeaver’ you are a skilled weaver who collects and combines magical cards to create powerful spells. And let me tell you, it’s not as simple as just combining random cards. You have to strategically plan your moves and use your resources wisely to outsmart your opponents.

But what really makes this game stand out is the game mechanics. The deck-building aspect adds a whole new level of strategy, as you have to carefully select the cards for your deck before the game even starts. And during gameplay, there are also other factors to consider such as card placement and timing of when to use certain spells.

Who Can Play

‘CardWeaver’ is very beginner-friendly and can be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels. The rules are easy to understand, but the gameplay offers enough depth to keep advanced players engaged.

What Makes It Fun

The illustrations on the cards are stunning and really bring the magical world of ‘CardWeaver’ to life. It’s no wonder that this game has a dedicated fanbase who are always eagerly anticipating new expansions and updates.

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The Fulda Gap: The Battle for the Center

Stop the Soviet Union from destroying NATO forces in the Fulda Gap and taking Europe.

How to Play

At first glance, the game may seem intimidating with its detailed map and abundance of pieces, but don’t let that deter you. Once you get the hang of it, ‘The Fulda Gap’ is a thrilling and engaging board game experience.

The gameplay centers around a hypothetical Cold War conflict between NATO and the Warsaw Pact in Germany’s Fulda Gap region. Each player takes on the role of either NATO or the Warsaw Pact, and through strategic movement and combat, tries to gain control of key locations on the map.

One of the things that immediately drew me to this game was its unique game mechanics. The use of action points adds an extra layer of strategy, as players must carefully decide where to allocate their limited resources. Also, the fog-of-war element keeps things interesting, as players are never sure of their opponent’s exact movements.

Who Can Play

This game is definitely not for the faint of heart. With its complex rules and intense gameplay, it may not be suitable for casual board game players. However, for those who enjoy a challenge and have some experience with more advanced board games, ‘The Fulda Gap’ is an absolute must-try.

What Makes It Fun

But what makes it so fun? For me, it’s the constant back-and-forth struggle between the two sides. No matter how well you think you’re doing, your opponent always has a chance to turn things around and claim victory. And the satisfaction of outsmarting your opponent and securing a crucial location is unmatched.

I Am Death Now?

If you’re a fan of dark humour and strategy games, then I have the perfect game for you – I Am Death Now!

How to Play

The premise of the game is simple – each player takes on the role of a Grim Reaper, competing against each other to collect the most souls. The game mechanics are easy to pick up – roll the dice and move around the board, collecting different types of souls along the way. Each soul has its own point value and abilities that can be used to hinder your opponents or boost your own chances of winning.

Who Can Play

I would say this game is best suited for a group of friends who enjoy a mix of strategy and silliness. It’s definitely not a game for the faint of heart, but if you have a twisted sense of humour like I do, then you’ll love it.

What Makes It Fun

But what sets this game apart from others is the humour woven throughout. From witty puns on the soul cards to dark jokes between players, it’s impossible not to laugh while playing.

Flash Point: Fire Rescue

The call comes in… “911, what is your emergency?” On the other end is a panicked response of “FIRE!” Moments later you don the protective suits that will keep you alive, gather your equipment and rush to the scene of a blazing inferno. The team has only seconds to assess the situation and devise a plan of attack – then you spring into action like the trained professionals that you are. You must face your fears, never give up, and above all else work as a team because the fire is raging, the building is threatening to collapse, and lives are in danger.

You must succeed. You are the brave men and women of fire rescue; people are depending on you. This is what you do every day.

Flash Point: Fire Rescue is a cooperative game of fire rescue.

There are two versions of game play in Flash Point, a basic game and expert game.
In both variants, players are attempting to rescue 7 of 10 victims from a raging building fire.
As the players attempt to rescue the victims, the fire spreads to other parts of the building, causing structural damage and possibly blocking off pathways through the building. Each turn a player may spend action points to try to extinguish fires, move through the building, move victims out of the building or perform various special actions such as moving emergency vehicles. If 4 victims perish in the blaze or the building collapses from taking too much structural damage, the players lose. Otherwise, the players win instantly when they rescue a 7th victim.

The expert variant included in the game adds thematic elements such as flash over, combustible materials, random setup, and variations on game difficulty from novice to heroic. The game includes a double sided board with two different building plans and several expansion maps are available.

Notre Dame

Rio Grande Games’ description:

The players take on the roles of the heads of influential families in Paris at the end of the 14th century. In the shadow of the Notre Dame cathedral, the players compete for prosperity and reputation. Each family controls one of the 3–5 boroughs that surround the site of Notre Dame. As head of his family, each player tries, through clever use of his action cards, to advance the power and prestige of his family, but penalties are assessed on those who do not take care of the health of the people who live in their borough. The player with the most prestige at the end is the winner.

Firefly: The Game

Players begin with a ship, and travel from planet to planet, hiring crew, purchasing ship upgrades, and picking up cargo to deliver (jobs) all in the form of cards. Some crew and cargo are illegal, and can be confiscated if your ship is boarded by an alliance vessel. Travelling from planet to planet requires turning over “full burn” cards, one for each space moved. Most do nothing, but you can also encounter an Alliance ship, have a breakdown, or even run into Reavers. Completing jobs gets you cash. First player to complete the story goals wins.

Game description from the publisher:

In Firefly: The Game – based on the popular Firefly television series created by Joss Whedon – players captain their own Firefly-class transport ship, traveling the ‘Verse with a handpicked crew of fighters, mechanics and other travelers. As a captain desperate for work, players are compelled to take on any job — so long as it pays. Double-dealing employers, heavy-handed Alliance patrols, and marauding Reavers are all in a day’s work for a ship’s captain at the edge of the ‘Verse. Firefly: The Game is a high-end thematic tabletop boardgame from Gale Force Nine (GF9) and the first in a series of tabletop hobby board games and miniatures games from GF9 set in the Firefly Universe.

Azul Stained Glass of Sintra

Listing 2

Stained glass artisans of the world, welcome to Sintra! Who will best furnish the palace windows with stunning panes of stained glass? Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra (part of the Azul series) challenges players to carefully create beautiful coloured glass windows with more efficiency than other players. With new unique art and beautiful components in Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra, players are required to complete their windows without damaging or wasting supplies in the process. Azul is a tile-based game of collecting various coloured pieces in order to form patterns and it has found a wide audience of both entry-level and experienced gamers. The game is played over 6 rounds. At the start of the game, players set up their boards by placing their eight stained glass patterns in a random position.  Each player has a glazier that will start under their leftmost pattern. Players take turns drawing and collecting tiles. Players collect tiles to complete one of their patterns.  Each pattern requires five tiles of certain colours, and the pattern chosen must have their picked colour tiles.  They must pick a pattern where their glazier is or any pattern to the right.  The glazier moves to the pattern where a player adds tiles to.

When players place all five tiles on a pattern, they immediately score points for it. Players can also get points subtracted if they hold too many additional tiles during the course of the game. As players work on their tiles, their glazier will move further right.  Players can decide to spend their turn to move their glazier back to their leftmost pattern.

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Cacao is a tile-placement game that immerses players in the exotic world of the “fruit of the Gods”. As the chief of your tribe, you must lead your people to prosperity through the cultivation and trade of cacao — and to do that, you’ll need to put them to work in the best way possible.

In the game, each player has an individual deck of square worker tiles, with the number of workers on each side of the tile varying from tile to tile. The playing area starts with only a couple of jungle tiles in play: a cacao field and a small market; two jungle tiles are laid face up, and the remaining jungle tiles stacked as a draw pile.

On a player’s turn, he places one of her worker tiles on the board adjacent to one or more jungle tiles already in play, then (if two worker tiles are next to an empty space) adds one of the jungle tiles to the playing area in this space. Her workers then get busy and deliver the results of their effort: If you placed workers next to a cacao field, you receive one or two cacao markers per worker; if they’re next to a market, you can choose to sell one cacao marker per worker at the listed price; if next to a well, you receive water; if next to a temple, they stand and look good until the end of the game; and so on. He then refills her hand from her personal deck to three worker tiles.

Once all players have used all of their worker tiles, the game ends. Players score (or lose) points based on their water supply, and each temple rewards whichever players sent the most workers to it. In the end, whoever has collected the most gold wins.

Truffle Shuffle

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Truffle Shuffle has players choosing chocolate truffles from a shared box, a tableau of cards, as they attempt to create specialized truffle boxes based on customer orders.

There are some secrets surrounding the truffles, so players must fulfill orders as efficiently as possible before each round ends. Various special abilities and actions can be used to help create sets.

The game ends when three truffle boxes have been emptied and the player with the most chocolate coins from fulfilling orders wins!

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Scream, Aim, Fire!

Solitaire tactical wargame “Scream, Aim, Fire!” sets in the immediate aftermath of D-Day during World War II. In this game, players control American infantry and armor advancing to take objectives while using a dice-roll action system that offers a guaranteed number of actions, but not always what you need. German units, machine-gun nests, and tanks are all controlled via a card-driven action system. Even on the edge of victory, be cautious, as victory depends on your Objectives and American Morale score, and game complications include lack of supplies and surprise German reinforcements. But do not be excessively cautious with time limits. The game features five scenarios of increasing complexity and difficulty. There will always be a challenge for you and one that you will have to rise to.


From the box –
You command an army of soldiers, machines, scouts and miners.
Devise a plan and deploy your troops. Use strategic attack and clever deception to break through your opponent’s line, but beware of bombs and enemy spies. Capture the flag, and victory is yours!”

Two players position their game pieces on a chess-like board but in a configuration unknown to each other: token values can only be seen from one side.
On a turn, a player moves a token horizontally or vertically. If the token lands on a square occupied by the enemy, the two tokens are revealed and their values compared. If a special power doesn’t come into play, the lowest value is taken off the board.

To win, a player must discover the opponent’s flag piece.

Stratego Spin Master 50th Anniversary Edition plays similar to classic Stratego with some slight rule variations and a sci-fi/futuristic theme.

This version is played on a 10×8 with 30 pieces on each team versus the traditional 10×10 grid with 40 pieces to each side. The Stratego Spin Master 50th Anniversary Edition uses the alternate highest to lowest numbering system for it’s pieces, 10 as the Marshal, 2 as the Scout and 1 as the Spotter.

This edition introduces 2 “Spotter” pieces to each side.

From the instructions:
“Spotters target and identify the enemy calling in laser barrages from orbiting battleships to destroy them.

Spotter Special Attack: Spotters may move, then use their special attack. A Spotter may attempt to attack and capture any piece on the square in front of it by guessing the piece’s rank. Tell you opponent that you are ‘Spotting’ the piece, then guess. Your opponent must reveal the piece’s rank.

If your guess is correct, that piece is captured. The Spotter does not move to the captured piece’s square.

If your guess is not correct, nothing happens. But your Spotter is revealed!

Note: Spotters can ‘spot’ and capture Bombs and the Flag.
Spotters may attack normally instead of Spotting.”

A simple strategy for the Spotter is placing him behind a crater. When an enemy attacks down one of the Corridor lanes their piece is revealed. If they capture your piece and move forward, the Spotter can then flank them from the side ‘guessing’ their rank with complete certainty.

Mafia de Cuba

Havana, December 29, 1955: At the end of the meal offered at his “faithful” henchmen, don Alessandro evokes the “business” in progress. Suddenly, the phone rang in the back room of the restaurant. The Godfather is convened to the office of President Batista. He entrusted his precious cigar box to his henchmen. It must be said that the cigar box has a false bottom, under the first layer of cigars, the box is filled with diamonds!

In Mafia de Cuba, each player will take the cigar box, open it and choose to:

Betray and steal some diamonds,
Remain a faithful and “honest” mafioso, be a driver, or act as an undercover CIA agent.

In the evening, the Godfather recovers his cigar box. He blows a fuse when he finds the disappearance of diamonds. He must find his treasure and punish offenders by providing them cement shoes before throwing them in the bay. After heated debates and perilous deductions, The Godfather, with the help of is faithful henchmen will try to find all his stolen diamonds.

Does he lose his honor by accusing wrongly?
Do the most cunning thieves win?
Or is it the CIA that will send these thugs behind bars?

The Others

In The Others, the world stands on the brink of apocalypse, as the fanatics of the Hell Club have summoned the 7 Deadly Sins to lay waste to our reality. Slowly the Others have creeped into our lives, corrupting society from within. The city of Haven is the key to their invasion, but it will not go down without a fight, thanks to the actions of the paranormal organization known as F.A.I.T.H. (Federal Authority for the Interdiction of Transdimensional Horrors). Each session of The Others is played with one player controlling the forces of a single Sin, against the other players who control a team of 7 FAITH heroes. The heroes cooperate to survive the Sin’s attacks and accomplish the missions set before them, while the Sin attempts to thwart the heroes in all ways (preferably by destroying them).

The heroes are divided into different classes, each specialized in a different aspect of the game. Leaders are good at helping the other members of the team. Bruisers are excellent melee fighters. Snipers are experts at using guns to put down monsters from a distance. And Fixers have the resourcefulness and knowledge of the occult necessary to resolve supernatural crises that spread through the city. Each hero also has their own stats and unique abilities that set them apart from all others. Knowing when to bring in the right reinforcement can be key to FAITH’s victory.

Corruption is one of the main mechanics of the game. It is both a way for the Sin to consume heroes, and a way for heroes to accomplish amazing feats they wouldn’t be capable of normally. Taking corruption grants heroes powerful bonuses (as long as they keep taking corruption), but when they become fully corrupted, their darkest secrets may come back to haunt them and tear the team from within, or their flesh might simply succumb to the sinful influences.

The Sins player, on the other hand, has access to the different monsters of each Sin, including Abominations, a Controller, and the terrifying Avatar of Sin! These monsters can attempt to destroy the heroes, or simply hinder their progress on their missions. Each Sin provides the Sins Player with a different deck of Sins cards that can be played at different times to surprise players with different effects, often tied to the strategy of each Sin. Yes, because each Sin taints the game with an overarching mechanic that is always in effect. For example, Pride punishes prideful heroes that venture into the streets on their own, while Sloth punishes heroes who try to move quickly across the board. Heroes will need to learn to deal with the different influence of each Sin, which will always stand between them and their mission.

The Sins are also aided by Acolytes, with each session using a different type. These lowly corrupted servants of darkness can fight and stand in the way of heroes, but they also have a once per round special ability that reflects their previous lives. For example, corrupted hobos take equipment from heroes, corrupted nuns corrupt the city districts, and corrupted doctors keep heroes from healing.

There are 7 different stories that players can embark on for each session of The Others. Each of them brings different special rules, different dynamics, and a unique system of branching missions the heroes need to accomplish in order to be victorious. There are Terror stories, which are more straightforward, focusing on action and combat; Corruption stories revolve around the Corruption spreading through the city and the heroes themselves; and Redemption stories rely on saving the city and the few innocents that remain. Each story can be played on a different map setup, which further makes the dynamic of each session unique.

The board used in The Others is made up of several tiles, each depicting a different city district and different configurations of streets. As the city of Haven still belongs to humanity, and it’s the Sins that are attempting to take it over, the heroes can use it to get different benefits each district offers them. For example, they can go to the hospital to heal wounds, to the museum to get rid of corruption, to the RavenCorp tower to get new equipment, or to the police station to call in an orbital strike. What districts are available on each map, and their location, can greatly change the dynamic of the game.

As the game progresses, and depending on how badly the heroes fare against storyline plot twists and developments, the Apocalypse Track will advance, making the Sins gradually stronger and more terrifying. Apocalypse cards, tied to the type of story being played (Terror, Corruption, or Redemption) introduce new twists and challenges to the game, even bringing in the members of the Hell Club themselves!

Heroes will die. Either in noble sacrifice, torn apart by claws and tentacles, or consumed by the corruption welling up in their souls. The question is whether the FAITH team will manage to fulfill their final mission in time, or whether the Sins will reign supreme over humanity.

—description from the publisher

Tiny Epic Dinosaurs

In Tiny Epic Dinosaurs, breakthroughs in modern science have dinosaurs and humans existing side by side. This has allowed for a lucrative industry. Dino Ranching! Independent ranchers have begun farming dinosaurs to sell to the highest bidders for use in their high thrill theme parks. You are one of those ranchers. Do you have what it takes to out ranch your opponents and operate the most successful dinosaur farm!?

Tiny Epic Dinosaurs is a 45 minute, 1-4 player game of dinosaur ranching, worker-placement and resource management. It features classic euro game mechanics with unique twists that portray the dangers of farming these prehistoric beasts.

In Tiny Epic Dinosaurs, players control a team of ranchers and will be acquiring, breeding and selling dinosaurs. The game is played over 6 rounds. With each round consisting of several short phases.

In phase one, players will harvest the resources from their farm that are not being consumed by dinosaurs.

In phase two, players will put their ranchers to work. This phase has ranchers wrangling and buying new dinosaurs to farm, improving their farm’s security and supplies, vying for high dollar contracts, and researching technologies and unique dinosaur breeds. These unique dinosaur breeds introduce a large variety of special benefits players can utilize to separate themselves from their competition.

In phase three, ranchers return to finish their day’s work at the farm.

In phase four, players arrange their ranch, making sure their ranch is suitable for the types of dinosaurs they have.

Phase five is the feeding phase, and every dinosaur MUST be fed. Dinosaurs that don’t eat will escape, posing a grave threat to your enclosures’ security and your other dinosaurs.

Phase six is for breeding. For each pair of matching dinosaurs you have properly enclosed, you’ll welcome a new dinosaur to your farm.

-description from publisher

At the end of the game, players will receive victory points for each dinosaur they have, public and private contracts they acquired and for their research developments. The player with the most victory points, wins the game.

The Refuge: Terror from the Deep

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Terror from the Deep is B&B’s standalone version of The Refuge: A Race for Survival, released in 2016.

Two to six divers compete in Terror from the Deep’s Competitive Dive by racing to the goal and using movement to outwit their opponents while escaping the Kraken’s wrath.

The object of the game is simple: Escape with the cargo by being the first to an unlocked escape pod! In your turn, you take one action: Move your character orthogonally – Draw a Salvage card – Play a Salvage action –

When you move, you activate spaces on the board. The Spawn space may slow your opponents down, while the Lair space controls the Kraken’s tentacles.

The combination of your hand of cards with your movement propels you toward the final objective. The Kraken is always hungry, so don’t wait too long to find the perfect combination! 1-4 player cooperative and solo gameplay is also included in The Refuge: Terror from the Deep!

Cooperative Dives require you and your teammates to work together to accomplish challenging objectives as the Kraken threatens to overwhelm you. Are you able to escape?

Poo Pocalypse

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As you fight to become the Poo King, you’ll laugh (and cry). Build the first poo pyramid to win. Do not let your “friends” sabotage you with crap attacks!

How to Play

First off, Poo Pocalypse is a card game that can be played with 2-5 players. So it’s perfect for those small gatherings with friends or family.

The objective of the game is to be the last player standing while dodging all sorts of poo-related disasters.

Sounds gross? Maybe. But trust me, it’ll have you and your friends in stitches.

The game starts by each player choosing a character, each with their own unique abilities. You can be a tough little dog, a sneaky rat or even a sassy cat (I chose the cat, naturally).

Then, the chaos begins.

Players take turns drawing cards from the Poo Deck and playing them on themselves or other players. These cards can represent anything from a fart attack to a full-blown poo storm.

But don’t worry, you can defend yourself with various items and actions cards.

And if you’re lucky enough, you may even find the coveted toilet card which grants you immunity for one round. Talk about a lifesaver!

The game ends when only one player is left standing – or more likely, sitting on a pile of poo cards.

Who Can Play

Next time you’re planning a game night, consider bringing Poo Pocalypse to the table. It’s sure to be a hit with both young and old audiences 

What Makes It Fun

But what makes Poo Pocalypse truly fun is the unpredictable and outrageous nature of the game. You never know what kind of disaster or blessing will come your way, making every game unique and hilarious.

And let’s be real, who doesn’t love a good poop joke? This game is perfect for those who enjoy light-hearted humour and don’t mind getting a little messy.


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Werewords: The Ultimate Party Game

Looking for a new party game? Try Werewords to liven up any gathering!

Werewords is a game that combines word guessing and hidden role elements, like a mash-up of “20 Questions” and “Werewolf.”

Gameplay: What’s the Deal?

  • Secret Word: Each round, players try to guess a secret word. One player, the Mayor, knows the word and gives yes or no answers to questions.
  • Roles: Players have secret roles – villagers, werewolves, the seer, and the mayor.
  • Werewolves’ Goal: To steer players away from the correct word.
  • Villagers’ Goal: To guess the word. Simple, right? But here’s the twist – there’s a werewolf among them trying to lead them astray.

Game Mechanics: How Does It Work?

  • Time Crunch: A timer ticking down adds a rush to your hush-hush discussions.
  • App-Driven: A handy app takes care of word selection and timing, making setup a breeze.
  • Role Reversals:If the word is guessed, the villagers attempt to sniff out the werewolf. If the word is not guessed, the werewolf wins unless caught.

Who’s It For?

  • Party Animals: Werewords is a blast at parties or casual get-togethers. It’s quick, engaging, and gets everyone talking.
  • Families and Friends: It’s a hit with families and friends looking for a fun, interactive game night.
  • Gamers of All Levels: Whether you’re a word game wizard or a casual gamer, Werewords is easy to pick up and play.

What Makes It Fun?

  • Suspense and Laughter: The blend of word-guessing and bluffing creates hilarious moments and suspenseful reveals.
  • Social Interaction: It’s a social game that gets people talking, laughing, and accusing (all in good fun, of course).
  • Replayability: With a vast array of words and different roles each game, no two games of Werewords are the same.

So, grab your friends, pick your roles, and get ready for a howling good time with Werewords. Just remember, not everyone is who they seem to be!


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SilenZe: Zombie City

If you want a cooperative, zombie-themed game, you need to play SilenZe

How to Play

First and foremost, the gameplay is incredibly unique and immersive. The premise of the game is that there has been an outbreak of zombies in your city and you, along with your fellow players, must work together to find a cure and eradicate the undead threat. The game is played in real-time, adding an extra level of intensity as you race against the clock to complete objectives.

One thing that sets SilenZe apart from other board games is the use of an app. Yes, you heard me right – there’s an app involved! It serves as the game master, giving you instructions, tracking time and even playing eerie sound effects to heighten the atmosphere. This incorporation of technology really adds a modern twist to the traditional board game experience.

But don’t worry, just because there’s an app doesn’t mean it takes away from the physical elements of the game. In fact, it enhances it! The game comes with beautifully detailed miniatures of zombie figures, as well as unique player characters. Each character has their own special abilities, adding an element of strategy to the game.

Who Can Play

In my opinion, SilenZe is ideal for anyone who enjoys a good cooperative game with a unique twist. Even if you’re not usually a fan of zombie-themed games, I highly recommend giving this one a try. 

What Makes It Fun

SilenZe brings something fresh and exciting to the table. The mixture of cooperative gameplay and real-time action creates a sense of urgency and camaraderie among players. Plus, the unpredictable nature of the game means that every playthrough is different, keeping things interesting.

The game mechanics are easy to learn but still offer enough challenge to keep seasoned gamers entertained. This makes SilenZe perfect for both casual game nights with friends or intense gaming sessions with more experienced players.


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“Santorini” offers  engaging gameplay and beautiful aesthetics. It is a game that appeals to both casual players and hardcore strategy enthusiasts. 

Gameplay and Mechanics

Santorini revolves around basic worker placement and building mechanics. Players control two builders each and take turns moving one of their builders to a neighboring space and then constructing a building level on an adjacent tile. The goal is to be the first to move one of your builders onto the third level of a building.

Santorini also spices things up by employing the variable player powers mechanic.  The inclusion of ‘god’ cards—each having unique abilities can significantly alter the gameplay. For instance, one god might allow you to build twice on your turn, while another could enable your builders to move additional spaces. This variety ensures that no two games are the same, offering endless replayability.

What Makes It Fun?

Santorini gameplay provides a good balance between simplicity and strategic complexity. You can learn it in minutes, making it accessible to newcomers and younger players. Yet, the strategic play combined with the god powers introduces a layer of depth that appeals to seasoned gamers. 

The 3D aspect of the game board, where buildings rise as the game progresses, gives you a sense of development and progression that is both visually appealing and satisfying. This physical transformation of the board from a flat plain into a multi-level landscape brings a unique dynamic compared to many flat board games.

Who Will Find It Fun?

“Santorini” is a versatile game that appeals to those who enjoy abstract strategy games like chess but are also seeking quicker playtime and less daunting learning curve. Families will also find it appealing due to the straightforward rules.

Educators and parents might also find Santorini an excellent tool for teaching spatial reasoning, planning, and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way.

What are gamers saying about the game?

Gamers praise “Santorini” for its engaging, strategic gameplay and aesthetic appeal, with many considering it a top choice among fast, head-to-head strategy games. Reviews consistently highlight the game’s simple yet deep mechanics, noting that the rules are easy to learn but offer complex strategic decisions, making it enjoyable for both children and adults. The unique feature of god cards, which provide players with variable powers, is frequently mentioned as a standout element that enhances the game’s replayability and excitement.

Players appreciate the quality of the game components, describing them as durable and well-designed, with a visual style that captures the essence of the actual Santorini architecture. The game’s 3D building aspect not only provides strategic depth but also creates a visually appealing tableau that draws interest and engagement during play.

While the game is optimal for two players, providing a balanced and intense experience, it can accommodate up to four players, though some reviews note that three-player games can feel a bit chaotic. 


The smartest minds of our generation are gathering together at the Great Science Fair. Everyone’s been working hard on their creations, but only one will be crowned champion. Contestants have to think on the fly to build their machines quickly and efficiently. Whose project will be the best?

In Gizmos, you win the game by gaining victory points from building engines. And engines help you get things done faster. Whoever builds the greatest machine and collects the most victory points wins!

At the beginning of the game, you have 4 actions:
File : Put a card in the public to your Archive, allow you to build it later.
Pick : Take one energy marble from the 3D marble dispenser, to your storage.
Build : Build one machine and put it on action! You have to pay the marbles with colors corresponding to the card cost.
Research : Draw some cards, and you can then File or Build one of the drawn cards. The rest go to the bottom of their deck.
Machines give you victory points, and allow you to do more actions when conditions are met. As you build, new attachments can trigger chain reactions, letting you do even more on your turn.

Bang! The Dice Game

No moderator, no elimination, ten-minute games.

One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a fast game for 3-10 players in which everyone gets a role: One of the dastardly Werewolves, the tricky Troublemaker, the helpful Seer, or one of a dozen different characters, each with a special ability. In the course of a single morning, your village will decide who is a werewolf…because all it takes is lynching one werewolf to win!

Because One Night Ultimate Werewolf is so fast, fun, and engaging, you’ll want to play it again and again, and no two games are ever the same.

This game can be combined with One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak.

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Zombicide is a collaborative game in which players take the role of a survivor – each with unique abilities – and harness both their skills and the power of teamwork against the hordes of unthinking undead! Zombies are predictable, stupid but deadly, controlled by simple rules and a deck of cards. Unfortunately for you, there are a LOT more zombies than you have bullets.

Find weapons, kill zombies. The more zombies you kill, the more skilled you get; the more skilled you get, the more zombies appear. The only way out is zombicide!

Play ten scenarios on different maps made from the included modular map tiles, download new scenarios from the designer’s website, or create your own!

This is just a great game for zombie lovers!
Integrates with:
Zombicide Season 2: Prison Outbreak
Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue

Can’t Stop

In this Sid Sackson classic, players must press their luck with dice and choose combinations tactically to close out three columns. The board has one column for each possible total of two six-sided dice, but the number of spaces in each column varies: the more probable a total, the more spaces in that column and the more rolls it takes to complete. On their turn, a player rolls four dice and arranges them in duos: 1 4 5 6 can become 1+4 and 5+6 for 5 & 11, 1+5 and 4+6 for 6 & 10, or 1+6 and 4+5 for 7 & 9. The player places or advances progress markers in the open column(s) associated with their chosen totals, then chooses whether to roll again or end their turn and replace the progress markers with markers of their color. A player can only advance three different columns in a turn and cannot advance a column which any player has closed out by reaching the end space; if a roll doesn’t result in any legal plays, the turn ends with that turn’s progress lost.

A predecessor from 1974, The Great Races, exists as a paper-and-pencil game.

Welcome to the Dungeon

Welcome to the Dungeon — first released as Dungeon of Mandom — is a push-your-luck dungeon delve in which 2-4 players take turns essentially daring each other to go into a dungeon with less equipment than they start off with while filling the dungeon with monsters. Players can win the game by winning 2 rounds or get eliminated from the game by losing 2 rounds. Each player has a 2-sided players card that has a white side and a red side. The first win taps the player card and the 1st loss flips the card over to the red side. A 2nd loss will have the player turn the card back into the box.

The game is played in rounds. The player sets up the base character and all the equipment equipped. This represents every player as a fully equipped dungeon delver.

Each round, the start player (the person who challenged the dungeon last or the last player to be in a dungeon) can choose to draw a card from the monster deck or pass their turn.

If they choose to draw, they can do one of two things: (1) keep it and de-equip an equipment or (2) place it face down in the dungeon. Placing it face down in the dungeon creates the dungeon deck and fills the dungeon with monsters that the challenger will have to face later. If they choose to pass their turn, they cannot participate in the rest of the round. Once only one person is left after all the other players have passed their turn, that player then becomes the challenger and must go into the dungeon with only the equipment he has equipped.

The player then flips cards off the dungeon deck and fights the monsters within. Some equipment allow you to null the enemy damage or be able to withstand it by increasing your HP. If the player survives the dungeon with at least 1 HP, they win that round. If not, they lose. The players then reshuffles all the cards to make a new monster deck and re-equips all the equipment to start a new round.

The game ends when someone has won twice or one player is the last man standing.

Welcome to the Dungeon includes four different sets of character cards whereas Dungeon of Mandom has only a single character.

One Deck Dungeon

One Deck Dungeon is a card game “roguelike” — a dungeon delve that is different every time, difficult to survive, with a character you build up from scratch. The deck consists of various foes to combat and other perils from the dungeon. Each card, though, depicts both the obstacle to overcome and the potential rewards for doing so. When you defeat a card, you claim it as either experience, an item, or a skill, tucking it under the appropriate side of your character card to show its benefits.

The longer you take exploring the dungeon, the deeper you’ll delve, and the difficulty will scale up quickly! If you make it far enough, you’ll have to fight the dungeon boss. Survive, and you’ll be a legend!

One Deck Dungeon is designed for 1-2 players. With multiple sets, you can add more players.

Pirate’s Cove

Come aboard and sail to Pirate’s Cove, the legendary hideaway of thieving pirates and cutthroat buccaneers. The tales of those legendary pirates of old who’ve fought and survived these mysterious waters still haunt all those who yearn for a life at sea. Armed with a secret map and starting with a modestly outfitted sloop salvaged from last winter’s storm, you set sail to Pirate’s Cove, your eyes filled with visions of treasure and fame, your lungs filled with the salty air of the high seas.

Your objective: to battle for the rights to plunder and become the most famed and feared pirate the world has ever seen. To do so, you will need to navigate shrewdly, fight recklessly and pillage mercilessly. You will gain fame by winning battles; burying gold and treasure; and bragging about your exploits at the tavern. At the end of twelve months, the pirate with the most fame will be declared the most fearsome pirate of the high seas!

The game has 12 turns and at the start of every turn, each pirate must decide (secretly) which of the six islands they will visit. All players reveal their navigation directions simultaneously and then the turn is resolved. If any two or more pirates end up at the same island, Combat ensues.

Combat resolution is determined by the strengths of your ship and the results of cannon fire (dice). The goal of combat is to scare away rival pirates so that you are the only pirate left at the island. If you stay in combat too long, your ship will suffer and make subsequent turns more difficult, so there is a fine balance of when to stay and fight and when to let the bigger ship have its booty. If you flee from combat, you end up at Pirate’s Cove where you receive a small compensation for the turn. Once all conflicts are resolved, then the bounty for each island is given out.

Each island (except Pirate’s Cove and Treasure Island) offer various amounts of Fame, Gold, Treasure or Tavern cards. The bounty is skewed so that some Islands are clearly better choices than others, so it can force you to decide (or bluff) if you think you can take the island should other pirates go after the same bounty. Once you have your bounty, you can purchase upgrades for your ship. Each Island offers a different ship component. The four parts of your ship are: Sails (determines speed and initiative in combat), Hull (how much treasure you can carry), Crew (needed to man the cannons), and Cannons. (The lower number of Crew and Cannons determines how many dice you roll in combat).

There is also an island with a Pub that offers useful strategy cards to help you in all aspects of the game. The last island is treasure island which offers no real bounty other than the chance to bury treasures that you have in the hull of your ship. Buried treasure is converted to Fame (which is the ultimate goal of the game).

Other random elements of the game include the dreaded Legendary Pirates who are highly dangerous ships that patrol the islands in order. One of 5 different Legendary Pirates (which include famous names like Blackbeard and The Flying Dutchman) is drawn at the beginning of every game, and stays until defeated. If you end up at the same island as one of them, you had better have a strong ship and helpful allies or they will blast you with their powerful cannons. However, if you can manage to sink their ships, you can score a good amount of fame! But beware, once you defeat him/her a new Legendary Pirate will appear to wreck havoc in the islands.

At the very end of the game, there is a chance for everyone to tell “tall tales” about themselves to increase their final fame standings. These tall tale cards are gained at the pub and offer yet another fun “pirate” mechanic. In all, Pirate’s Cove offers you the chance to truly play like a pirate where you can fight and plunder your way to victory.

Cosmic Encounter

BUILD A GALACTIC EMPIRE: In the depths of space, the aliens of the Cosmos vie with each other for control of the universe. Alliances form and shift from moment to moment, while cataclysmic battles send starships screaming into the warp.
SCI-FI ADVENTURE GAME: This game of interstellar exploration, negotiation, and conflict invites players to lead their own unique alien civilizations as they seek to spread across the stars. Forge your alliances, outwit your enemies and spread your colonies across the galaxy!
STRATEGY GAME: Every planet is ruled by someone and the only way to expand your cosmic colonies is through either diplomacy or war. By establishing colonies on five planets beyond the reaches of your home system, you will safeguard the future of your species and earn victory. But if you fail, you will fall into the black abyss of space!
HIGHLY VARIABLE: Every game of Cosmic Encounter is different and the tables can turn in an instant. A new species joins the classic alien lineup to help ensure no two games are ever the same. Cosmic Combos increase game customization with themed matchups for any number of players.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS AND AVERAGE PLAYTIME: This thrilling sci-fi adventure game is made for 3 to 5 players and is suitable for ages 14 and older. Average playtime is approximately 1 to 2 hours.

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Ghost Blitz 2

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Ghost Blitz 2.0 – The new version of Ghost Blitz! Five wooden items await you: a white female ghost, a green frog, a grey bathtub, a blue hairbrush, and a red bath towel. In the deck, there are two cards, each with an object colored in the wrong way. During the game, each player is dealt a card then each grabs for the “right” object. Which one is the right one?

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Timeline: Events

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Timeline: Events uses 55 cards. In each card, a historic event is depicted on both sides, while the year of the event is only printed on one. Each player places a card from their hand in a row on the table. Its date is revealed after the card is placed. Unless the card was placed in chronological order with all other cards on the table, it remains in play. Otherwise, it is removed from play and the player takes a new card.

A player wins if all of his cards are correctly placed. Everyone else is eliminated from play if more than one player goes out in the same round, and each of those players is dealt a card for the next round. Play continues until only one player has no cards after a bonus round; otherwise, he wins.


Slyville is a game of deceit and pretense for 3-5 players in which bluffing skills and strategy-gathering abilities are just as important as managing your resources. Predict what Goods your opponents may need, and do your best to upset their plans, but above all, secure the most valuable Deals! Slyville players gain Influence Points (IP) by getting Deal tiles. The goal is to get at least 100 IP. When anyone scores 100 or more IP in a round, the current round ends as normal, then each player’s IP is counted. Screen reader support enabled.

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Lords of Vegas

You and your opponents represent powerful developers in a burgeoning Nevada city. You will earn money and prestige by building the biggest and most profitable casinos on “The Strip,” the town’s backbone of dust and sin. You start with nothing but parking lots and dreams, but from there you build, sprawl, reorganize and gamble your way to victory. Score the most points investing in the most profitable development companies and putting the best bosses in control of the richest casinos. Put your dollars on the line . . . it’s time to roll!

The game board is broken into 6 different areas, each consisting of a number of empty ‘lots’. Players build lots by paying money and placing a die of the value matching the one shown on the lot’s space onto the lot, along with a casino tile of one of 7 colors. Adjoining lots of the same color are considered a single casino. The casino’s boss is the player whose die value is higher than any other in the casino. On each players turn, players turn over a new card representing a new lot they get. The card also is one of the casino colors. Any built casinos of the matching color will score both money and points. Money is earned for each lot in the casino, where each lot may be owned by a different player. Points go only to the casino’s owner. Players can expand their casinos; try to take over casinos owned by other players; make deals to trade lots, casinos and money; or gamble in opponents’ casinos to make more money. Ultimately, though, only points matter, and that means making yourself boss of the biggest casinos.

Lords of Vegas contains:

Snazzy game board
4 turn summaries
55 cards
40 chips in 4 colors
48 dice in 4 colors
4 poker chips
Lots of money
45 casino blocks

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Village Green

On the first day of spring, everyone has one thing on their mind – the Village Green of the Year competition! The judges of this prestigious contest will be visiting in just a few months, and the village council has finally assigned you to prepare for it. You can now show Lower Aynesmore’s snobs a properly orchestrated floral arrangement with your newly acquired authority!

You are rival gardeners in Village Green, each tasked with arranging flowers, planting trees, commissioning statues, and building ponds for your respective communities. Every element must be placed carefully as time is short and the stakes could not be higher! Spend your days acquiring and installing new features for your green and nominating it for one of the competition’s awards. What will happen to your village green? Will it be a laughing stock, or will neighboring villages green with envy?

Catan Histories: Settles of America Trails to Rails

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America is expanding west in the 19th Century. Westward expansion brings settlers seeking new lives and opportunities.
The number of cities is growing like mushrooms. New railroads were needed to transport vital goods between these new cities because of their distances. Great wealth is created when trails become rails.
Many people head west in search of adventure, others to start a new life, and still others in search of work. As the population grows, resources will dwindle, and smart money will look for new markets and sources.
First to deliver 8 goods to your opponents’ cities wins the game and you fulfill your manifest destiny as the greatest pioneer of the era

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Caper: Europe

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Visit Paris, Rome, London, or Barcelona. In Caper: Europe, each of the four cities offers its own unique gameplay experience.
Choose the right crew and equip them with the right equipment. Three different locations are up for grabs, and each one has valuable goods for your thieves to take.
True masterminds are devious, clever, and above all, fearless. Caper: Europe puts you in the middle of a complex scheme that is constantly in danger of being thwarted. Each time you play, new strategies will emerge that will put even the most devious criminal masterminds to the ultimate test!

Caper is a two-player game that is played over 6 rounds in 3 locations.
In a round, each Mastermind will play Thief cards at Locations or Gear cards on top of Thieves. Every Mastermind exchanges their entire hand of cards after playing a card-giving the other player access to the cards they just played! After each round, points are awarded. The Mastermind with the most points wins!


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Introduction to Decrypto: The Exciting Board Game

Are you tired of playing the same old board games? Looking for something new and exciting? Look no further than Decrypto – the strategic word game that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

What is Decrypto?

Decrypto is a board game that requires players to work in teams. It is designed for 3-8 players aged 12 and above. The game was created by Thomas Dagenais-Lespérance and published by the French game company, Scorpion Masqué. Decrypto has gained worldwide popularity due to its unique gameplay and challenging mechanics.


In Decrypto, players are divided into two teams: blue and red. Each team is given four word cards with secret codes on them. These codes correspond to specific words that only their teammates can see. The objective of the game is for teams to correctly guess the other team’s secret codes without revealing their own.

The game is played in three rounds, with each round consisting of four turns. On each turn, the team’s designated “codemaster” gives a one-word clue related to their secret codes. The other team must then try to guess which words their opponents are referring to. If they guess correctly, they score a point.

Game Mechanics

Decrypto is a game of strategy and deduction. Each team must come up with unique and creative clues that will help their teammates decipher their secret codes. At the same time, they must also be careful not to reveal too much information to the opposing team.

If a team guesses incorrectly three times in a row, they lose the game. This adds an element of pressure and excitement to each turn, as teams must carefully weigh their options and take risks in order to win.

Suitable for Everyone

Decrypto is suitable for both casual gamers and more experienced players. The rules are easy to learn, making it a great choice for family game nights or gatherings with friends. However, the strategic gameplay also makes it a hit among seasoned board game enthusiasts.

What Makes It Fun?

The secrecy and deduction element in Decrypto makes it so exhilarating. Players must constantly think ahead and outsmart their opponents, all while trying to decipher their own team’s codes. It’s a game that keeps you on your toes and leaves you wanting more.

So why settle for the same old board games when you can try something new and exciting like Decrypto? Trust us, once you start playing, it will quickly become a favorite among your family and friends. Get ready to put your thinking caps on, because in this game, everyone is a spy

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Mr. Jack in New York

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An arrest and release on bail of Francis J. Tumblety, quack doctor, occurred in the case of Jack the Ripper on November 19, 1888. In January 1889, he fled to the United States.
As a result of London’s alert, New York police launch a search for Tumblety. It has been reported by some witnesses that he is present in Manhattan and that he commits crimes similar to those committed in London. It was then that the police called the most distinguished citizens of the city to assist in the investigation. Was this really Jack? In the case that he is not hiding, where is he hiding? These are the issues of Mr. Jack in New York.
Mr. Jack in New York is a standalone game using similar mechanisms to the or inquiry. Is Tnal game. 

7 Wonders Duel

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‘7 Wonders Duel’ is a head-to-head strategic card drafting game set in the ancient world. Unlike its predecessor, 7 Wonders,  7 Wonders Duel is designed for two players. The goal is to guide your civilization through three eras, constructing architectural wonders, developing an army, and nurturing scientific discoveries along the way.

To begin, players set up the game board with cards from various scientific, military, and economic disciplines, each representing a different path to victory. The structure of your civilization evolves like chapters in an epic novel as you select cards that align with your strategic ambitions. With each strategic decision, the narrative of your empire is written, and the legacy you’ll leave starts to take shape.

The Intricate Mechanics of ‘7 Wonders Duel’

Card Drafting: The Architect’s Blueprint

The heart of ‘7 Wonders Duel’ beats with the card drafting mechanism, a tactical dance where players select cards from a common pool, each turn with potential to alter the game’s trajectory. As the game progresses through the ages, new cards are revealed, offering fresh opportunities and challenges.

Resources and Building the Wonders

Civilization building requires resources, and in ‘7 Wonders Duel,’ securing the right materials at the right time is crucial. Cards can provide not only resources for building other structures but the structures themselves, from marketplaces and temples to monumental wonders of the ancient world that bestow great advantages.

Military Might: The Strategic Sword and Shield

The game’s military mechanic is a balancing act between offensive and defensive strategies. Players can deploy military cards to gain a position of strength, leading to overwhelming victories or potentially catastrophic defeats. This chess-like warfare element is both thrilling and formidable, shaping the game into a contest of wits and nerve.

Scientic Progress: The Path to Enlightenment

Scientific advancement is a unique victory condition in ‘7 Wonders Duel,’ which offers another layer of complexity to the game. Pulling your civilization ahead in scientific pursuits can lead to an immediate win, but also opens up numerous paths to points, turning the game into a race for knowledge as well as a battle of empires.

Crafting the Euphoria: What Makes 7 Wonders Duel Stand Out

Scalability and Replay Value

One of the greatest attributes of this game is its scalability. With different paths to victory and various strategies that can be employed, no two games are ever alike. The multiple win conditions—from the straightforward accumulation of points to the rapid ascent of scientific knowledge—ensure that every game feels fresh and dynamic.

Simplicity Meets Depth

Despite its strategic depth, ‘7 Wonders Duel’ is easy to learn, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and seasoned players. The game’s simplicity in mechanics allows for a smooth learning curve, while its layers of strategy keep even the most skilled players engaged and challenged.

Balance and Fairness

Both players face an identical set of cards and structure layout, creating a perfectly balanced battlefield. This symmetry ensures that the game is fair, and the outcome is determined solely by the players’ skill and decision-making.

Charting the Terrain: Who Will Enjoy 7 Wonders Duel?

Strategy Enthusiasts

For those who find joy in the meticulous planning and execution of complex strategies, ‘7 Wonders Duel’ offers an immersive experience that will appeal to their strategic nature. The game rewards forethought and adaptability, and its mechanics provide a rich environment for those who relish a mental challenge.

History and Ancient World Aficionados

With its theme centered around the development of ancient civilizations, ‘7 Wonders Duel’ will resonate with history buffs. The detailed artwork and variety of wonders and structures from antiquity add an educational element, allowing players to engage with the rich tapestries of historical lore.

Board Game Connoisseurs

Board game aficionados are in for a treat with the gameplay variety offered by ‘7 Wonders Duel.’ Its blend of mechanics and the inherent narrative each game weaves provide the depth and interest they seek in a high-quality tabletop experience. The game’s critical acclaim and devoted fan base are testament to its place in the pantheon of modern board gaming classics.

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Mekhane is a strategy-based board game where players take on the roles of engineers trying to build and operate giant robots known as ‘mekas’. The objective of the game is to outscore your opponents by constructing the most efficient mekas and completing various tasks.

How to Play

To start, players choose their engineer avatar and are given a set of basic meka parts. These include arms, legs, body, and weapons, each with its own unique abilities. The game board is divided into different sections representing research facilities, production factories, and battle arenas. Players must strategically move their engineer around the board, collecting resources and using them to build and upgrade their mekas.

Once players have constructed their mekas, they can engage in battles with other players or complete tasks on the board for points. The game ends when a player reaches the maximum point limit or when all tasks have been completed.

Each turn, players must carefully decide how to allocate their resources between building meka parts, collecting more resources, or engaging in battles. This adds an extra layer of strategy to the game and makes each decision feel crucial.

Additionally, Mekhane also has a deck-building element where players can acquire new cards to add to their deck, which can give them special abilities or bonuses. This adds an element of surprise and unpredictability to the game, keeping players on their toes.

Who Can Play

Mekhane is a perfect game for those who enjoy strategic gameplay and resource management. It requires careful planning and decision making, making it ideal for older children and adults. The game can be played with 2-4 players, making it a great choice for game nights with friends or family.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the engaging gameplay and strategic elements, what makes Mekhane fun is its theme. Who wouldn’t want to build and battle giant robots? The game also has stunning artwork and high-quality components, adding to the overall immersive experience.

But what truly makes Mekhane stand out is its replayability. With a variety of meka parts, different strategies to try out, and unpredictable deck-building elements, no two games of Mekhane are ever the same.

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One Night Ultimate Werewolf

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No moderator, no elimination, ten-minute games. One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a fast game for 3-10 players in which everyone gets a role: One of the dastardly Werewolves, the tricky Troublemaker, the helpful Seer, or one of a dozen different characters, each with a special ability

How to Play

The premise is simple – imagine being in a village where some people are werewolves and others are villagers. Every night, the werewolves secretly decide on a villager to devour while the villagers try to figure out who the werewolves are and eliminate them before they become dinner. Sounds intense, right? Well, it gets even more exciting when you add in special roles with their own unique abilities.

One of my favorite things about this game is that it’s perfect for any group size. Whether you have 3 players or 10, One Night Ultimate Werewolf can accommodate everyone. Plus, the games are quick to play, lasting only about 10 minutes each, so you can easily fit in multiple rounds in one game night.

Who Can Play

One Night Ultimate Werewolf is perfect for anyone who loves strategy games with a social element. It’s also great for people who are new to board games but want to dip their toes into the world of tabletop gaming. Plus, with its humorous and silly nature, it’s bound to bring out some laughter and excitement in any group.

What Makes It Fun

But what makes this game truly special is the social aspect. It’s not just about solving the mystery and figuring out who the werewolves are, it’s also about reading your friends’ poker faces and convincing them that you’re not the werewolf. Trust me, there’s nothing more satisfying than successfully lying to your friends and winning as a werewolf.



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Tsuro is a 2-8 player game that lasts approximately 15 minutes.

In the Tsuro board game, you strive to keep your token on the board longer than anyone else.

This becomes harder as the board fills up due to fewer empty spaces left and other players’ tiles extending into your path in a direction you’d rather not go.

Tsuro is a beautifully simple game that can be easily introduced to new players.

Each turn has three parts:

  • Play a path tile
  • Move the markers
  • Draw tiles

The player currently taking his or her turn is called the active player.
When there is only one marker left on the board, that player wins the game.

Neuroshima Hex! 3.0

Neuroshima Hex! is a strategy game set in the post-apocalyptic world of Neuroshima, a Polish role-playing game. Each player leads one of four armies: Borgo, Hegemonia (Hegemony), Moloch, and Posterunek (Outpost). Each army deck consists of 34 tiles: soldiers, support tiles, and special actions. You win when all enemy headquarters are destroyed or when your headquarters is the least damaged at the end of the game.

The second edition of Neuroshima Hex!, released at Spiel 2007, had updated graphics and a new, larger board; a special expansion pack sold at the same time included the Neuroshima Hex! Doomsday Machine 1.0, a fifth army that could be used against any of the other ones.

The first French edition of Neuroshima Hex!, released in 2008, included an additional four Mercenary tiles. The first English edition from Z-Man Games that same year includes the Mercenary tiles and the Mad Bomber tile.

Neuroshima Hex! 3.0, released in 2013 from Z-Man Games, includes rule corrections, the Doomsday Machine army (for five armies in the NH base game), a solo variant with 55 puzzle cards that present you with challenging situations, and new three-player variants: Deathmatch; Deathmatch with scores; one player vs. a team; and a team match (with one player playing two armies).

Microbadge: Neuroshima Hex! fan The game is also expanded by Unofficial Neuroshima Hex! expansions, available here on BGG.

Note: All armies in all versions across the years are functionally compatible! The only differences between armies from e.g. 3.0 and 2.5 (or whatever) are art & graphic design.

Disney Villainous

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In Villainous, each player takes control of one of six Disney characters, each one a villain in a different Disney movie. Each player has their own villain deck, fate deck, player board, and 3D character. On a turn, the active player moves their character to a different location on their player board, takes one or more of the actions visible on that space (often by playing cards from their hand), then refills their hand to four cards. Cards are allies, items, effects, conditions, and (for some characters) curses. You need to use your cards to fulfill your unique win condition. One of the actions allows you to choose another player, draw two cards from that player’s fate deck, then play one of them on that player’s board, covering two of the four action spaces on one of that player’s locations. The fate deck contains heroes, items, and effects from that villain’s movie, and these cards allow other players to mess with that particular villain.

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At the Gates of Loyang

At the Gates of Loyang is a trading game in which you are able to produce goods by planting them and later selling them to customers. You can use the abilities of some helpers to increase your income or production.

Fields, customers, helpers, and miscellaneous objects are represented by cards. Each player receives two of these cards per round distributed by a bidding/drawing mechanism in which you end up with one of the cards you draw and one of the cards of a public offer filled by all players. Additionally, to these cards you always receive one field for free each round.

Placing one good on a field fills the complete field with goods of this type. Each round, one unit per field is harvested. After planting, harvesting, and distributing cards, each player can use as many actions as he wants, only limited by the number of his cards or the number of goods he owns. At the end of his turn, he can invest the earned money on a scoring track, where early money is worth more than late money. The game ends after a certain number of rounds, and the player who is first on the scoring track wins.

Blue Moon City

Blue Moon City – the board game – picks up where the two-player game, (Blue Moon), ended: the reconstruction of the destroyed city of Blue Moon. The board, illustrated by Franz Vohwinkel as well as many well-known American fantasy artists, consists of 21 large building tiles, which show building plans on one side and the buildings in their reconstructed glory on the other. As in the 2-player game, the game includes 3 large molded plastic dragons.

At the start of the game, the board tiles all show their building plan sides. The object of the game is to use cards featuring the races of Blue Moon to help rebuild the city and, at the end, put the large Crystal of the Obelisk in the middle of the city back together. Whenever a building is completely rebuilt, its tile is turned back over to its rebuilt side. The players who helped with a building get crystals and dragon favors, which can be traded in for crystals at certain times.

The player who first manages to add the required number of markers by paying crystals to the Obelisk wins the game. (four markers in a 4-player game, five markers in a 3-player game, and six markers in a 2-player game)

There are two mini-expansions for this game (Blue Moon City: Expansion Tile Sets 1 & 2), each consisting of two tiles that can be added to the main game either separately or combined. The first mini-expansion was included with the Der Knizia Almanach. The second mini-expansion was included in the 6/06 issue of Spielbox.

Rules changes
Original Knizia design–after dragon scales score, ALL players discard scales. This rule was modified by the publisher. [citation needed]
In original printings such as my Kosmos and FFG for 4-3-2 players the game uses 15-12-9 dragon scales. In later edtions new publisher CMON changed this to 12-9-7 scales.

Timeline: Inventions

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Timeline: Inventions is a card game played using 55 cards. Each card depicts an invention on both sides, with the year in which that invention was created on only one side. Players take turns placing a card from their hand in a row on the table. After placing the card, the player reveals the date on it. If the card was placed correctly with the date in chronological order with all other cards on the table, the card stays in place; otherwise the card is removed from play and the player takes another card from the deck. The first player to get rid of all their cards by placing them correctly wins. If multiple players go out in the same round, then everyone else is eliminated from play and each of those players are dealt one more card for another round of play. If only one player has no cards after a bonus round, he wins; otherwise play continues until a single player goes out.


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Animix is a beautifully designed set collection game with modern and artistically designed pieces that are sure to engage all players!

Play the best mix of animals to score the most points. If you play an animal in front of you, you score points based on the animals in the center of the table.

Because each type of animal scores differently, plan ahead so that the cards in front and the cards in the middle are the perfect mix to win!



The mythical realm of Hyperborea was ruled by an ancient civilization that used magical crystals as their main source of energy. With time, the Hyperboreans became greedy, and their search for power in the deep made the crystals unstable, causing earthquakes, mutations, droughts and floods. Hyperboreans just dug deeper, and only a few wise mages, foreseeing the inevitable, built an unbreakable magical barrier. When the unharnessed magical energy was unleashed from the deep, the Hyperborean civilization was destroyed in a single day, only the magical barrier preventing the disappearance of life from the whole land. The survivors living in the small outposts outside Hyperborea were now sealed out by the barrier. The knowledge of crystals was declared forbidden it was because too dangerous, or simply forgotten.

Over centuries, six rival realms were born from the ashes of the Hyperborean civilization: the militarist Red Duchy; the Emerald Kingdom and its death-delivering archers; the Purple Matriarchy fanatically worshipping the goddess of life; the skilled diplomats and merchants of the Golden Barony; the Coral Throne with its efficiently organized society and finally the secluded and enigmatic Celestial Reign.

The fragile peace between the different realms was not intended to last. One day, the magical barrier suddenly collapsed. A whole new land stood in front of the six kingdoms, still haunted by the old Hyperboreans turned into harmless but ominous ghosts, full of ruins to discover and cities to explore. Each realm is now sending its best warriors and explorers to Hyperborea in order to achieve dominance over their rivals, but which will prevail? Brutal strength or deep understanding of science? The discovery of valuable artifacts in the lost ruins or the retaking of long, lost cities? Only you, as the leader of one of the factions, can lead your people to the ultimate dominance over Hyperborea!

Set in a mythical land of the same name, Hyperborea is a light civilization game for 2 to 6 players that takes 20-25 minutes per player. The game begins at the time when the magic barrier protecting access to the mythical continent of Hyperborea suddenly falls.

Each player takes the role of the leader of a small kingdom situated just outside the now open to be conquered and explored land. Her kingdom has limited knowledge of housing, trade, movement, warfare, research, and growth, but new and exciting powers are hidden in Hyperborea. During the game, this kingdom will grow in numbers and raise armies, extend its territory, explore and conquer, learn new technologies, etc…

The game’s main mechanism, which can be described as “bag-building”, involves you building a pool of “civilicubes”. Each cube represents specializations for your kingdom: war, trade, movement, building, knowledge, growth. Grey cubes represent corruption and waste, and players will acquire them by developing new technologies. (Power corrupts by its own definition, and the more complex a society becomes, the more waste it generates.) Each turn, players draw three random cubes from their bags, then use them to activate knowledge (technologies) they own.


1899. For more than a century, the European public has been fascinated by Egyptology and the discoveries of Denon, Champollion, Petrie and others. Seeking adventure and glory, teams of archaeologists search the sands of Egypt for hidden treasures.

Mykerinos. Embody archaeologists seeking relics from ancient Egypt for powerful benefactors. Will you be convincing at the museum’s final exhibition?

The game takes place over four rounds. The game board is composed of four (or six in the last round) areas of two cards. These cards have 6 squares, possibly occupied by an obstacle (pyramid), and belonging to one of five benefactors (with their own color and symbol): Sir Brown, Lady Violet, Miss Blackmore, Lord Lemon and Colonel Tangerine.

Each player has their own personal pool of archaeologists that can be used to:
– Start an excavation (requiring one archaeologist)
– Expand an excavation (requiring two archaeologists in addition to one archaeologist already on the board)
– Play a benefactor previously earned
– Pass

Benefactors give special benefits like moving over an obstacle or retrieving archaeologists faster, etc …

Once all players have passed, we resolve the board according to area control. The player in the first position can either take a card available or go to the museum. Other players can then do the same. Ties are resolved according to player order.

Going to the Museum adds value for a colour at endgame to the cards collected (x2, x3 or x5).

At the end of the 4th round, the final exhibition is resolved and the winning player will be whoever collected the most prestige between:
– Points on the cards collected during game
– Points by colour benefactors (according to position in the museum)
– Bonus points for sets of cards (1 in every colour of benefactors).


Twixt is a 2-player abstract game invented by Alex Randolph. TwixT is a “connection-type” game, very similar to Hex. Other related games are Havannah and The Game of Y. “Connection type” means the object is to form a path connecting something to something else. This requires very different thinking from the standard battle-type game such as chess or checkers.

Some old US sets mention a 4-player variant, with 2 teams as in Bridge, but this probably wasn’t Randolph’s idea. The game was popular in the 60s and 70s as part of the 3M Bookshelf Series. Avalon Hill then acquired the series and issued the game themselves. Several European publishers have sold the game as well.

Twixt employs a pegboard, pegs and links. The playing surface is a 24×24 square pegboard, usually minus the corner holes, with two opposite sides marked with one player’s color and the other two sides marked with the other player’s color. Each player has a supply of pegs and links of their color. 50 of each piece type of each color, a total of 200, is an ample supply. Players alternate turns placing pegs and links, if possible, in attempt to have a continuous path of links connecting the two sides of the board with their color.

After the 3M edition, Randolph added the pie rule. After the first peg is placed, the opponent has the option to swap sides. This reduces the imbalance from the first move advantage.

On your turn you place one peg of your color on the board, and then add or rearrange your color links. Pegs may be placed in any vacant hole in the board except the corners and the last row on the sides of the opposing player. When two pegs of the same color are at opposite corners of a six hole rectangle (3×2 or 2×3), a link may be placed between those two pegs. Links may not be placed such that they cross other links. Multiple links may be added on a single move. Usually, all links are to the peg just placed, but on your move you are allowed to remove as many of your own links as you wish, and add your own links anywhere on the board as long as they are legal as described here.

When a player connects his two sides with a continuous path of links, he prevents his opponent from doing the same, the game is over, and the player connecting his two sides wins the game. If neither side can complete such a path, the game is a draw.

Cafe Chaos

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Spend time with your friends and family by playing the most chaotic food fight where players throw food combinations like Moldy Double Deep Fried Couch Cushion Candy in ‘Cafe Chaos’

How to Play

This is a strategy game where players compete to run the most successful cafe in town. The game revolves around different types of drinks that customers order, and players have to manage their resources strategically to fulfill those orders while also trying to sabotage their opponents’ cafes.

It is a fast paced gameplay and keeps you on your toes the whole time. You have to be quick with your decisions and constantly adapt to changing circumstances. And let me tell you, there’s never a dull moment in Cafe Chaos. With unexpected events and special action cards, you never know what’s going to happen next.

Who Can Play

This game is suitable for all ages. Whether you’re a seasoned board gamer or just looking for a fun activity to do with your kids, Cafe Chaos is perfect for everyone. It’s easy enough to learn, but still challenging enough to keep you engaged.

What Makes It Fun

The illustrations of this game are so colorful and eye-catching, and they really bring the game to life. It’s clear that a lot of thought and effort went into creating the characters and setting of this game.

It’s Obvious

It’s Obvious is all about predicting how your friends will answer a series of hilarious and thought-provoking questions.

How to Play

What sets It’s Obvious apart from other party games is its clever use of game mechanics. Instead of simply guessing the right answer, players must try to predict which friend will choose which answer. This adds an extra layer of strategy and fun to the game, as you try to outsmart your opponents.

One thing I particularly love about It’s Obvious is its versatility. The game can accommodate a wide range of players – from small groups of 3-4 people to larger gatherings of up to 8 players. And with its quick setup and easy-to-understand rules, it’s the perfect game to bring out at any gathering or party.

Who Can Play

In my opinion, the perfect audience for It’s Obvious is anyone who enjoys a good laugh and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. It’s also great for those who love social deduction games but want a fresh twist on the genre.

What Makes It Fun

But what truly makes It’s Obvious a hit among my friends is its humor. The questions range from silly and absurd to thought-provoking and controversial, making for some hilarious moments and lively debates. I have never laughed so hard while playing a board game!

And it’s not just me – everyone I’ve introduced to It’s Obvious has become an instant fan. Whether they are die-hard board game enthusiasts or casual players, the game never fails to entertain and bring people together.

Ticket to Ride

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Ticket to Ride is a 2-5 player cross country train adventure game that is set in the USA. Players compete to score the highest points by:
connecting key destination cities claim and control railway routes between cities completing the longest rail routes

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In Tokaido, each player is a traveler crossing the “East sea road”, one of the most magnificent roads of Japan. While traveling, you will meet people, taste fine meals, collect beautiful items, discover great panoramas, and visit temples and wild places but at the end of the day, when everyone has arrived at the end of the road you’ll have to be the most initiated traveler – which means that you’ll have to be the one who discovered the most interesting and varied things.

The potential action spaces in Tokaido are laid out on a linear track, with players advancing down this track to take actions. The player who is currently last on the track takes a turn by advancing forward on the track to their desired action and taking that action, so players must choose whether to advance slowly in order to get more turns, or to travel more rapidly to beat other players to their desired action spaces.

The action spaces allow a variety of actions that will score in different, but roughly equal, ways. Some action spaces allow players to collect money, while others offer players a way to spend that money to acquire points. Other action spaces allow players to engage in various set collections that score points for assembling those sets. Some action spaces simply award players points for stopping on them, or give the player a randomly determined action from all of the other types.

All of the actions in Tokaido are very simple, and combined with a unique graphic design, Tokaido offers players a peaceful zen mood in its play.

Civilization: The Board Game

Please note: this entry covers the 2010 release of Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Board Game from FFG. This game is unrelated to the similarly named 2002 Eagle Games Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Boardgame.

From Press Release:

Before you lies a vast bounty of land, ripe for the plucking. Your meager beginnings will influence the paths you must take. Lead your people well and they will take you to infinite heights of greatness. If civilization manages to endure the ages, your name will hang in every whisper of its legacy…

Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce the upcoming release of Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Board Game! Forge an empire to stand the test of time using innovative game mechanics with multiple paths to victory.

Will you lead the greatest army in the world to conquer your foes? Or will you be the first to journey to the stars, becoming the most technologically advanced civilization known to man? The choice is yours.

Designed by Kevin Wilson, Civilization: The Board Game is inspired by the legendary video game series created by Sid Meier. Players are tasked with guiding an entire civilization throughout the ages, taking ownership of your people’s technology, economy, culture, and military, as well as all the choices that go along with them. There are four different paths to victory, and each is riddled with opposition.

In Civilization: The Board Game, 2-4 players take on the roles of famous leaders in charge of historical civilizations, each with their own abilities. Players will be able to explore a module game board, build cities and buildings, fight battles, research powerful technology, and attract great people by advancing their culture. No matter what your play style is, there is a civilization for you!

Fans of Sid Meier’s classic video game franchise will find familiar footing in Civilization: The Board Game. Staying true to the foundations of its video game predecessor while creating a new and unique way to play, Civilization: The Board Game captures the spirit and grandeur of carving out a magnificent empire from modest beginnings.

Players start off with a single city, one army figure, and one scout, and from these meager origins you must forge through the ages and become the greatest civilization in the world.

Those unfamiliar with the video game series will find Civilization: The Board Game a great way to enter into the world of Civilization. The strategy and tactical decisions involved in Civilization: The Board Game will appeal to strategy gamers and war gamers alike, and the ability to win through culture and technological advancement will give those who only wish to focus on their own empire a chance at victory as well.

Schotten Totten

In Schotten Totten, nine boundary stones lie between you and your opponent. In front of each, you build poker-like formations of three cards on a side. Whoever plays the higher-ranking formation wins the stone. And in a unique twist, you may use your powers of logic to claim a stone even before your opponent has played all three of his cards, by demonstrating that the stone is impossible for him to win. Successfully claim five stones, or any three adjacent stones, and you win the game.

Mystery of The Abbey

Mystery of the Abbey is a whodunit deduction game in the spirit of Clue. A monk has been murdered in a medieval French Abbey. Players maneuver their way through the Abbey examining clues and questioning each other to find out who is the culprit.

Monks are of three orders, fat-thin, bald-hatted, bearded-clean shaven. One monk card is hidden, and the rest of the cards are distributed. Turns consist of moving up to two spaces, and then asking a question of any other monks who are present there. (For instance, “how many fat monks do you have?”.) Players may either take a “vow of silence” or answer truthfully; they then in turn get to ask the accuser a question. “Mass” occurs every four turns: all players go back to the Sanctuary, an event card is read, and they then pass an ever growing number of cards to their left neighbor. Various rooms have special events or cards associated with them, e.g. in a Cell you get to pick a card from a neighbor, in the Cryptorum you get to pick up a card to take an extra turn later. Unlike Clue you don’t automatically win by making a correct Accusation: you get 4 points for getting it right, but you also get 2 points for each correct Declaration of a single trait, and lose points for incorrect declarations and accusations. So, e.g. a person could correctly Declare the culprit but lose the game. Unique Events cards add randomness to each play, and the game begs for House rules to limit the questions.

Ghost Blitz

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“Ghost Blitz” is a delightful board game that has garnered a significant following among both casual and hardcore gamers. This fast-paced reaction game combines quick thinking, sharp observation, and lightning-fast reflexes, making it a hit at family gatherings, parties, and game nights. 

Gameplay Overview

“Ghost Blitz” is a game of rapid reactions and keen observation. The game comes with five charming wooden objects: a white ghost, a blue book, a green bottle, a red chair, and a gray mouse. Additionally, there is a deck of cards, each featuring two of these objects in various colors.


  1. One card is revealed at a time.
  2. Players must quickly identify and grab the correct object based on the card’s illustration.
  3. If the card shows objects in their correct colors (e.g., a blue book), players grab that object.
  4. If the card shows objects in incorrect colors (e.g., a red ghost and a green chair), players must grab the object that is neither shown nor in the colors depicted (e.g., the gray mouse).

The game rewards players who can think fast and react quickly. The first player to grab the correct object keeps the card, and the player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

Game Mechanics

“Ghost Blitz” revolves around several key mechanics:

  1. Pattern Recognition: Players must quickly process the visual information on the card and identify the correct object.
  2. Dexterity: Fast hands are crucial as players race to grab the object before their opponents.
  3. Memory: Keeping track of the rules and the exceptions is vital for making the right choices under pressure.
  4. Reflexes: The game tests and hones players’ reflexes, making it an excellent tool for sharpening reaction times.

What Makes “Ghost Blitz” Fun?

  1. Simplicity: The rules are straightforward, allowing new players to jump in and start playing without a lengthy setup or explanation.
  2. Fast-Paced Action: The quick turns and rapid grabbing make the game exciting and engaging from start to finish.
  3. Interactive and Social: The game encourages laughter, friendly competition, and interaction among players, enhancing the social aspect of game nights.
  4. Variety: Each card presents a new challenge, keeping the gameplay fresh and unpredictable.
  5. Scalability: “Ghost Blitz” can be enjoyed by 2 to 8 players, making it versatile for different group sizes

What are Ghost Blitz players saying about the game?

Gameplay and Mechanics

  • Easy to Learn, Hard to Master: Players note that the rules can be taught in just a minute. However, mastering the game requires sharp reflexes and high-level pattern recognition skills.
  • Engaging and Fast-Paced: Combining elements of Eye Spy and Slap Jack, “Ghost Blitz” is described as exciting and intense, with gameplay that keeps players on their toes.
  • Flexible: The game can be played in various settings—short or long sessions, with different numbers of players, and is suitable for a wide age range from young children to seniors.

Fun Factor

  • Universal Appeal: Players appreciate that “Ghost Blitz” is enjoyable for both kids and adults. It’s noted for being a great family game that can bring together people of all ages.
  • Laughter and Excitement: Many highlight how the game often leads to laughter and amazement as players react to the cards, making it a fun social activity.
  • Dexterity and Speed: Players with quick reflexes and those who enjoy dexterity-based games find “Ghost Blitz” particularly rewarding. Some players mention that individuals with ADHD often excel in this game, adding to the competitive fun.

Components and Quality

  • High-Quality Pieces: The wooden objects and durable cards are praised for their quality, adding to the overall enjoyment of the game.
  • Portable and Convenient: Its compact size makes “Ghost Blitz” easy to carry around, making it a great game for travel or casual play anywhere.

Educational Value

  • Skill Development: The game is noted for enhancing visual attention and concentration, making it not only fun but also educational, especially for young children.

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Crusader Kingdoms: The War for the Holy Land

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In Crusader Kingdoms, players take control of one of Outremer’s main Christian or Muslim kingdoms, with the goal of expanding it through intrigue and conquest. You can play cooperatively, competitively, or solo. Since certain cards are different from game to game, no two games will be alike. Saladin’s campaign and multiple Crusades make the game incredibly replayable.

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From the Mesomorph Games website:

“Tapestry contains three attractive new strategy games for two or four players played with a unique set of stained wooden tiles and colored pawns.

In the first of the games, called Tapestry, players build the board as the game progresses, adding light and dark tiles, placing pawns to access regions, and sliding tiles to strategically alter the landscape and block opponents. When the board is complete, the player whose pawns access the most territory triumphs.

In Towers the board starts off full size but shrinks as players race to construct towers before bearing them off the board to earn points. It is tempting to try for the high-scoring tall or single-color towers but if you take too long or allow your towers to become isolated, your opponent may end the game before you are ready to score.

Conveyor is a strategic race game in which the object is to move pawns across the board, starting from your seating position. Each turn players also have an opportunity to alter the pattern of light and dark tiles by shifting a row or column. Players strive to be first to move all their pawns across the shifting landscape of the board.

Each of the three games presents different challenges and satisfactions lasting 30 to 60 minutes, and the unique tile distributions each time insure that no two games are ever the same. The Tapestry set includes 26 light-stained tiles, 26 dark-stained tiles, 8 red pawns, 8 yellow pawns, 4 white pawns, 4 black pawns, a cloth bag, and a rule booklet. The games are best played on a smooth surface such as a glass or wood table.”

Witch’s Brew

This is the 4th game in the Alea medium box series. It is the second game by Viennese designer Andreas Pelikan, where “players will have constantly changing roles from the druid Drax to the assistant Gemalher. Players who come after you in turn will always have the better cards!”

A simultaneous-selection (but then sequential play) card game. Players select 5 of their 12 role cards to play per set. Then they reveal them in sequence. Each role has a main full action and a less valuable “favor” action. If you are the first player with that role you announce that you are that character. If you follow after but choose that same role card you can take the favor action instead, or declare that you are that character in hopes that you can command the full action. You risk having it taken from you by a later player, though. The different roles help players collect different ingredients and money to make potions listed on the cauldron cards. When everyone’s five role cards have been played and actions taken, another five cards are chosen for the next set and the process repeats as before.

Ages 9 and up, a 2 on the Alea scale.

Witch’s Brew: The 6th Player & The Amulets & The Magical Abilities, contained in the Treasure Chest, adds 3 expansions: The 1st expansion adds cards for a 6th player, as well as raven tokens to signal the game’s end. The 2nd expansion adds amulets to increase the excitement in 3-player games. The 3rd expansion adds 17 magical ability cards to make certain roles particularly attractive.

Welcome Back to the Dungeon

The sun is shining in the Abysmal Woods where you’re strolling without a care in the world, your weapon at your belt, dreams of adventure in your head. On your path, you stop before a damaged dungeon door. It seems that great battles took place here, a sure sign of coveted treasure inside.

You recognize this dungeon from the ballads sung in your village! However, you’re not the only one who wants to enter, despite the warnings left around the entrance by the previous adventurers. Will you muster your courage to break open the door or will you let your opponents brave the monsters found inside? Let the adventure begin!

Welcome Back to the Dungeon is a simple and subtle push-your-luck game in which you’ll need to adopt a show of bravado or outwit your opponents!

The Fox in the Forest Duet

In the two-player, co-operative trick-taking game The Fox in the Forest Duet, players team up, helping each other move through the forest. Collect all the gems before the end of three rounds of play, and you win!

To set up the game, place gem tokens on the designated spaces of the game board and the team tracker token in the center of the movement path. At the start of each round, shuffle the deck of thirty cards — which contains three suits, each numbered 1-10 — and deal each player a hand of eleven cards. Reveal one card as the “decree” card to determine the trump suit. For each trick, one player leads a card, and the other must follow suit, if possible. The winner of the trick moves the team tracker toward them a number of spaces equal to the number of fox footprints on the cards played. If the tracker lands on a space next to a gem, the players collect one gem. If the tracker would move off the end of the path, return the tracker to the center of the path, then add a forest token to one end of the path, reducing the number of spaces upon which you can move (with you sliding gems next to this covered space next to the new end of the path).

The odd-numbered character cards have special abilities when played, allowing the trick winner to move the tracker in the direction of their choice or to ignore the footprints on one of the played cards so that you can land on just the right spot. One character allows players to exchange one card with each other, while another allows a player to change the decree card.

At the end of a round, you add five gems to designated spaces, add a forest space to shorten the path, then receive a new hand of eleven cards from a freshly shuffled deck. Collect all 22 gem tokens, and you win. Run out of time or head off the end of the path with no forest spaces in reserve, then you can just keep running in defeat or shuffle the cards and start the game anew.

Prisma Arena

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Play Prisma Arena, a fast-paced game of over-the-top arena combat for 2-4 players. As novices recruited for your ability to channel Prisma, your inner light, you’ll learn the martial art of Prismakata. A mo’kon, an emotion-embodying creature, joins you in the arena. Discover powerful combos, blasts, and attacks. With quick-start rules, you can play standalone or play multiple games to become a Guardian of Hope. Whatever you decide, train hard and fight well!


Neurorace is a bright, exciting brain-teaser where players are challenged to complete missions of increasing complexity as fast as possible.

For each round, each player will receive a mission card with a row of requirements and a pool of double-sided tiles to complete it. The first person to complete their mission moves to a new level that requires even more careful planning and multitasking! The winner is determined once the 10th level is completed.

There are three game modes: BASIC – for players of the same skill level, ALL-ARE-EQUAL – for players of different ages and gaming skills, and SOLO – for one player. In the basic mode, everyone begins at level 1 and the first person to reach level 10 wins. When playing All-Are-Equal, there is no playing along: elder players start with higher levels, and whenever level 10 is completed, it’s the number of completed missions that counts.

This game is fully adjustable so you can find the right balance for your group and make sure everyone has fun!

Insider Game

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Introduction to Insider

Are you a fan of board games? Do you enjoy playing party games with your friends and family? If yes, then you must check out Insider – the thrilling guessing game that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

In this article, we will dive into the world of Insider and explore its gameplay, mechanics and why it is suitable for anyone and everyone. So, grab your friends and let’s get started!


Insider is a social deduction game that can be played with 4 to 8 players. The game is all about asking the right questions, finding clues and figuring out who the Insider is before time runs out.

Each player will have a role – either an Insider or a Common Player. The Insider knows a secret word and their goal is to not get discovered by the Common Players, while the Common Players’ goal is to figure out the secret word and identify who the Insider is.

At the beginning of each round, a secret word is revealed to all players except for the Insider. Then, players take turns asking questions to try and figure out what the secret word is. The Insider must carefully answer these questions without giving away their identity.

Game Mechanics

To make the game even more exciting, there are a few mechanics that add an extra layer of strategy to Insider. First off, players can use “yes” or “no” cards to help with their questioning. These cards allow the player to ask for a confirmation from another player if their answer is correct or incorrect.

There are also “timer” cards that add a sense of urgency to the game. When a timer card is drawn, players only have one minute to ask questions and make guesses before time runs out. This adds an element of pressure and forces players to think quickly.

Lastly, there are “tip” cards that can be used by the Insider to give clues about the secret word without revealing too much. These cards can be a real game-changer and can throw off the Common Players’ guesses.

Suitable for Everyone

One of the best things about Insider is that it is suitable for all ages. The rules are simple and easy to understand, making it accessible for younger players as well. Plus, with the game being only 15-20 minutes long, it is a perfect choice for a quick and fun game night with friends or family.

What Makes It Fun

Insider is a highly interactive and engaging game that will keep you on your toes. With each round being different from the last, there is never a dull moment in Insider. The element of mystery and strategy makes it a game that you can play over and over again without getting bored.

Additionally, the game encourages communication and teamwork between players. Trying to solve the secret word together creates a sense of camaraderie and makes for an enjoyable gaming experience.

Colours and Guns

Colours and Guns is not your average board game. It’s fast-paced, action-packed, and guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

How to Play

The gameplay is simple yet strategic. Each player takes on the role of a powerful wizard, fighting against each other in a battle for supremacy. The catch? Your weapons are…paint guns! Yes, you read that right. Paint guns filled with different colours, representing different elements.

But don’t let the quirky concept fool you. This game is filled with intense moments and requires quick thinking and decision making. You have to strategize which colours to use and when, as each colour has its own unique properties and effects on your opponent’s wizard.

The game mechanics are easy to understand, but mastering them takes time and practice. And that’s what makes Colours and Guns so addictive. You can play it over and over again, each time trying out new strategies and perfecting your aim with the paint guns.

Who Can Play

Colours and Guns has a way of bringing people together. It’s perfect for family game nights, friendly gatherings, or even as a team-building activity. The fun and laughter that ensue from playing this game are truly priceless.

What Makes It Fun

And what makes it even more enjoyable is the element of surprise. You never know how a round will turn out. One moment you could be winning, and the next, you could be covered head to toe in purple paint

Railroad Ink

In the multiplayer puzzle game Railroad Ink, your goal is to connect as many exits on your board as possible. Each round, a set of dice are rolled in the middle of the table, determining which kind of road and railway routes are available to all players. You have to draw these routes on your erasable boards to create transport lines and connect your exits, trying to optimize the available symbols better than your opponents.

The more exits you connect, the more points you score at the end of the game, but you lose points for each incomplete route, so plan carefully! Will you press your luck and try to stretch your transportation network to the next exit, or will you play it safe and start a new, simpler to manage route?

Railroad Ink comes in two versions, each one including two expansions with additional dice sets that add new special rules to your games. The Deep Blue Edition includes the Rivers and Lakes expansions. Increase the difficulty by adding the River route into the mix, or use the Lakes to connect your networks by ferry. These special rules can spice up things and make each game play and feel different. Each box allows you to play from 1 to 6 players, and if you combine more boxes, you can play with up to 12 players (or more). The only limit to the number of players is the number of boards you have!

Kingdom Builder

Players race to empty their hands and catch opposing players with cards left in theirs, which score points. In turns, players attempt to play a card by matching its color, number, or word to the topmost card on the discard pile. If unable to play, players draw a card from the draw pile, and if still unable to play, they pass their turn. Wild and special cards spice things up a bit.

UNO is a commercial version of Crazy Eights, a public domain card game played with a standard deck of playing cards.

This entry includes all themed versions of UNO that do not include new cards.

Deception: Murder in Hong Kong

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Introduction to Deception Murder in Hong Kong

If you love solving mysteries and playing games, then you’ll definitely enjoy Deception Murder in Hong Kong. This board game is perfect for those who want a mix of deception, deduction, and strategy all in one exciting package.

Gameplay: Solving a Murder Mystery

In Deception Murder in Hong Kong, players take on different roles such as Forensic Scientist, Murderer, Accomplice, Witness, and Investigators. The game is set in a crime scene where the players work together to solve a murder mystery.

The Forensic Scientist knows who the Murderer is, but they can only communicate this information through clues. The other players must use these clues to deduce who the Murderer is, what the murder weapon was, and where the crime took place.

Game Mechanics: Bluffing, Deduction, and Strategy

The game involves a lot of bluffing and deception. The Murderer must try to convince the other players that they are innocent while also trying to steer them away from the correct clues. Meanwhile, the Investigators must use their deduction skills to piece together the clues and figure out the truth.

The game also requires strategy, as players must carefully choose which clues to reveal and when. Revealing too much information too soon can give away important details to the Murderer, while revealing too little can make it difficult for the Investigators to solve the mystery.

Suitable for: Friends and Families

Deception Murder in Hong Kong is suitable for players aged 14 and above, making it a great game for adults and older teenagers. It can be played with 4-12 players, so it’s perfect for game nights with friends or family gatherings.

What makes it fun?

Deception Murder in Hong Kong is a unique blend of social deduction and logical reasoning. The element of deception adds an exciting twist to the traditional murder mystery game. It’s also a great way to test your communication and observation skills, as well as see how well you can read other players.

The game is never the same twice, as the roles and clues are randomized for each playthrough. This adds an element of surprise and keeps the game fresh even after multiple plays.

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In Fresco, players are master painters working to restore a fresco in a Renaissance church.

Each round begins with players deciding what time they would like to wake up for the day. The earlier you wake up, the earlier you will be in turn order, and the better options you will be guaranteed to have. Wake up early too often, however, and your apprentices will become unhappy and stop working as efficiently. They would much rather sleep in!

Then, players decide their actions for the turn, deploying their apprentice work force to various tasks. You’ll need to buy paint, mix paint, work on painting the fresco, raise money (which you’ll need to buy the aforementioned paint!) by painting portraits, and perhaps even send your apprentices to the opera in order to increase their happiness. Points are scored mostly by painting the fresco, which requires specific combinations of paints, so you’ll need to buy and mix your paints wisely, in addition to beating other players to the paints and fresco segments you would like to paint.

Fresco includes several expansion modules, so you can play without expansions for a lighter family game or add in expansions to vary play and increase the decision-making and difficulty, resulting in a very flexible game with a high replay value.

A Game of Thrones

War and chaos are engulfing the lands of Westeros. The great Houses are vying for control of the Iron Throne using the old tools of intrigue and war. Yet while the war for Westeros rages, grave dangers gather in the cold North, and an ancient enemy is gaining momentum in the distant East.

In A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, players take control of one of the great Houses of Westeros. Via resource management, diplomacy, and cunning, they seek to win dominance over the land. Players must give orders to armies, control important characters, gather resources for the coming winter, and survive the onslaught of their enemies. A unique phase mechanic, battle resolution, and special ordering system make for an engaging game in which all players are actively involved at all times.

Cockroach Poker

Cockroach Poker is a reverse set collection game that has nothing to do with poker – except that the game is all about bluffing, with cards that show cockroaches, rats and stink bugs. The goal is to force another player to collect 4 of any one type of critter.

The deck includes 64 cards, with eight copies of eight types of critters. To set up the game, shuffle the deck and deal the cards out to players.

On a turn, a player takes one card from his hand, lays it face down on the table, slides it to a player of his choice, and declares a type of critter, e.g., “Stink bug”. The player receiving the card either

Accepts the card, says either “true” or “false”, then reveals the card. If this player is wrong in her claim, she keeps the card on the table in front of her face up; if she is right, the player who gave her the card places it face up before him.
Peeks at the card, then passes it face down to another player, either saying the original type of critter or saying a new type. This new player again has the choice of accepting the card or passing it, unless the card has already been seen by all other players in which case the player must take the first option.
Whoever lost a challenge and had to place the card before him on the table begins the next round.

The game ends when a player has no cards to pass on his turn or when a player has four cards of the same critter on the table in front of him. In either case, this player loses and everyone else wins.


Build up the most prestigious kingdom by claiming wheat fields, forests, lakes, grazing grounds, marshes, and mountains. Your knights will bring you riches in the form of coins — and if you make sure to expand the towns on your lands, you will make new buildings appear, giving you opportunities for new strategies. You may win the Queen’s favors … but always be aware of the dragon!

Queendomino is a game completely independent from Kingdomino, while offering a choice of more complex challenges. Two to four players can play Queendomino independently, but also in connection with Kingdomino, allowing for games with 7×7 grids for four players, or for up to six players if you stick to 5×5 grids.


Cuba prior to the revolution: Under turbulent circumstances, the villages of the island strive for independent wealth and influence. Who can buy and sell his products and goods on the domestic market profitably or take in the most on the trading ships? Who can send the right delegate to parliament in order to influence the government legislative process, or erect distilleries, hotels and banks at the right moment to the benefit of his village?

Whoever has accumulated the most victory points in Cuba by the end of the game wins. Players earn victory points by shipping merchandise from the harbor, but also by erecting and using buildings, and by abiding by the law.


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Coconuts is a children’s board game in which players launch coconuts toward a field of cups in the middle of the playing area. When your coconut lands in a cup, you get to stack it on your player board.

If your coconut lands in someone else’s cup, you get to move it to yours. Players can use different “special” cards to sabotage their opponents. The first player to complete a pyramid of six cups on their player board wins!


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Anomia takes advantage of the fact that our minds are FULL of random information: things to eat, pop songs, websites, etc… Normally, it would be easy to give an example of frozen food or a dog breed, but when pressed, you’ll find that your brain functions differently.

Play by drawing and revealing a card from the center pile. Does your card match one on another player’s? In such a case, you must be quick to give an example of the person, place, or thing on the other player’s card before they can do the same for yours. The drawing continues if you blurt out a correct answer first.

The Big Book of Madness

So far your first year at the Elementary College has been slightly disappointing. They taught you to light a flickering flame at the tip of your finger, but other than that you’ve spent much more time reading books than learning powerful spells as future great wizards like you should.

So when you heard about the Big Book of Madness hidden in the great school library, you couldn’t help but to sneak in and peek in this intriguing tome in spite of your professors’ warnings. When you slowly lift the cover of the terrible book, dozens of dreadful creatures rush out, threatening to destroy the world itself! This was your mistake, and only you can fix it now! Learn from the library to fight back against the monsters, and try not to sink into insanity…

The Big Book of Madness is a challenging co-operative game in which the players are magic students who must act as a team to turn all the pages of the book, then shut it by defeating the terrible monsters they’ve just freed.

Each player has their own element deck that they build during the game and use for several purposes, such as learning or casting a spell, adding a new element to their deck, destroy or healing a curse. Spells allow you to support your playmates, improve your deck, draw cards, etc. — but the monsters from the book fight back. Each comes with terrible curses that are triggered every turn unless you dispel them in time. They will make you discard elements, add madness cards to your deck, or lose spells…

If you manage to turn six pages and defeat all of the monsters, you win the game!

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The Speicherstadt

The Speicherstadt is an auction card game. Players compete for victory points, which come mainly from contracts (sets of resources) and special cards (like a collected set of 1-4 identical “counting offices”, the port rewarding collected ship cards etc.). The game is built on two core concepts:

1. Players bid for cards by building “towers” with their meeples over them. Each meeple in a tower increases the cost of a card – but only for players “below” it. This is the main mechanic of the game – players must consider WHEN to bid (place their meeple) over a certain card and when to use their meeples to make others pay more. This is important, because a player can make only three bids during a round.

2. Players are punished by negative points for not collecting firemen cards. Thus, ignoring security may cost a player a victory. By many players, the “punishing” mechanic is considered a trademark of the author – Stefan Feld.

The deck is divided into four seasons – winter, spring, summer and autumn. In later seasons, more powerful cards appear, so players need to think ahead in managing their resources.

—- Promotional blurb from the publisher —-

Hamburg around 1900 – the gate to the world. Within the harbour there stretches a unique complex of storehouses: Speicherstadt. The network of canals and bridges houses a terminal for spices, coffee, tea and carpets from all over the world.

As one of Hamburg´s wholesaler at the heyday of the Speicherstadt you acquire shiploads for the storehouses, not too expensive, of course, as you like to make a profit selling them. Who makes the best deals within a year and supplies his clients with the right goods will be the winner of the game. But beware! Sudden fires cause heavy losses. You might be advised to invest in fire protection early.

Playing Speicherstadt you will be thrilled by the simple and original mechanism of acquiring desired action cards.


Talented Urban planners and architects rival each other to construct luxury, elegant buildings of glass and steel, defying the laws of balance. Who will eventually impose their style to leave an indelible trail in the history of the city? The answer is in your hands!

The players are urban planners in quest of prestige. Over the course of the game, players will try to construct their buildings in the best locations. As soon as a player has placed all of their buildings, the game ends. The player with the most prestige is the winner.

Each turn a player will pick a space on the board and place one of their buildings (bidding markers) into the space, with the bidding number shown. Each following player can then either pass or raise the bid by placing a higher numbered building into an adjacent space. The eventual winner of the bid flips his building number side down and all losing bids are returned to players. A new round commences.

Spaces on the board are differentiated by Metro spaces, which are worth points and reward the player with the most at game end; archaeological sites, which are worth minus points and penalize the player who most recently built on one; and fashionable locations, which are just worth extra points. In addition, each player has up to two hidden agendas that they are secretly trying to achieve, such as trying to surround water fountains or occupy both sides of bridges.

Traders of Osaka

In Traders of Carthage, players are merchants who are attempting to ship four different types of goods from Alexandria to Carthage. Players affect how quickly or slowly the ships move and can trigger pirate raids that may cost their opponents their goods. (Traders of Osaka moves the gameplay to a new continent and era, with players now trying to deliver cargo from Osaka to Edo, but otherwise gameplay remains the same.)

The game has a small board that shows the route the ships will follow, marking safe ports and dangerous waters. The board also has two spaces for the draw pile and discard pile and shows where the Market and Farm cards are laid out. The game also contains a deck of cards that have multiple uses, 48 achievement tokens for when goods are sold, four ship pieces to mark how far the ships have sailed, four trader pieces to indicate a player’s scoring pile, four reservation pieces for players to mark cards they wish to purchase or take on a later round and a rulebook.

The game is a set collection game at its core. Players are attempting to collect sets of goods that will allow them to collect cards that will be worth points at the end of the game.

During the game, the cards can be used to represent goods when laid out in front of players, to represent gold to purchase goods when played from their hands or urns which players will use to protect goods from pirates. Deciding how to use the cards and when is the basis of playing the game.

On a player’s turn, they can do one of three things: Buy Goods, Get Coins or Reserve a Card.

Buying goods has the player buying cards from the Market. There will be a number of cards laid out, face up, in the Market. Each card has a gold value in the corners and indicates how much a card is worth (either 2, 3 or 5). When a player buys goods, they must buy all the cards in the Market, using cards in hand to pay. If a player cannot afford the whole Market, they cannot do this action. Any cards purchased this way are laid out, face up, in front of the player. These goods are now aboard the ship of the matching color. Then the player moves each matching ship either 1 or 2 spaces towards Carthage (1 space if 1 card of that color was purchased, 2 spaces if 2 or more cards were purchased). If a ship moves onto Carthage, a payout occurs and pirates attack (this will be explained in detail later). If the Market is bought out or if the current player can’t take or buy market cards (due to reservation pieces), the cards in the Farm (3 face up cards) are moved to the market. 2 cards are drawn from the draw pile and are added to the Market. Then 3 new cards are drawn for the Farm and are placed face up.

Getting coins has the player taking a single card from the Market and placing it in his hand. That card is now money, its value indicated by the gold value in the corners. This is the only way players can increase the amount of money they have.

Reserving a card has the player placing their Reservation piece on a card in the Market or in the Farm. This card is now unavailable to all other players. The Reservation piece is now committed to that card and can’t be taken back until the owning player acquires the reserved card either as money or as a good. The owning player may take the card on his next turn or leave it, assuming there is another legal play he can do.

After taking his turn, the next player takes his action, and so on until the game ends.

If a payout occurs, each player that has goods on that ship takes part. First the players count how many of that colored good they have. Then they look at the value of the goods and determine which has the highest value. They take that value and multiply it by the number of cards in the set, rounding up to the nearest 5 or 10. For example, if a player has 3 yellow goods and the highest value is 3, they would multiply 3 by 3 to get 9, then round up to 10. The player then takes that value and divides by 5. The result indicates how many cards of that set the player keeps. Keeping with the example, the player would divide 10 by 5 to get a result of 2. This means the player keeps 2 out of the 3 cards from the set. Players keep the lowest valued card first and work their way up until they have the reached their limit. These cards are placed face down near the players with their trader piece on the pile, indicating this is their scoring pile. At the end of the game each card in the scoring pile is worth 1 point. This procedure is completed for each ship that reached Carthage. Then those ships are moved back to Alexandria, ready for another voyage. Each player that had a payout then takes 1 achievement token for each color they scored (not each card they scored).

When during a payout, any player that scores and has matching achievement tokens to the scored goods, will add the amount of tokens they have to the highest value card in the set. They then figure out how many cards they keep. For example, if a player has 3 blue cards with the highest value being 5. The player also has two blue tokens. The player would add 2 (for his tokens) to 5 for a value of 7. Then he would multiply 7 by 3, getting 21 and round up to 25. After dividing 25 by 5, the player can keep 5 cards. If a player gets to keep more cards than in the set, as in this example, they keep the entire set and draw cards from the top of the draw pile to make up the difference. These drawn cards are kept face down and are added to the score pile.

After the payout, any ships that are in the two Pirate spaces are attacked. Affected players may now discards cards from their hand to protect their goods on those ships. Each card has either 2, 1 or no urns on them. When you discard a card with 2 urns, two goods of that color are protected from the pirates. For example, if a player has 2 blue goods and discards a blue card with 2 urns, then he may choose which two cards are protected. After all players have finished discarding cards (which is voluntary; players are not required to protect their goods), the attacked ships are moved back to the nearest safe port and may move again towards Carthage.

The game ends once a player has 8 or more Achievement tokens. The winner is the player with the highest score (number of cards in their score pile). If there is a tie, the tiebreaker is the number of Achievement tokens the tied players have. If there is still a tie, then the game ends in a tie.


A battle for life and death on the high Lucidian seas!

In the tactical game Uk’otoa, factions of sailors vie to be the last claimed by the raging sea leviathan Uk’otoa. As the ship slowly falls into the ocean, you have to run, push, and sacrifice others to win!

Uk’otoa is the first official board game developed by the Darrington Press team—a fast-paced, enthralling game of thrilling nautical adventure from the world of Exandria (as seen on the webseries Critical Role), for gamers everywhere.


Hexes are placed on the board to represent the wreckage of a destroyed ship, and are progressively removed as they are consumed by the dauntless Uk’otoa. Players take on the roles of two factions which they share with their neighboring players, and use cards to best position their two teams to survive. Each card in a player’s hand carries immersive, gorgeous art and easy-to-understand icons depicting the movement it provides.


26 ship deck hexes
25 terrified sailor meeples
5 faction tokens
60 movement cards with lavish art
a 52mm high-quality miniature of the Great Leviathan Uk’otoa!

Uk’otoa is a must-have for fans of tactical card play, map reduction board games, and legendary sea creature enthusiasts.


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Zertz is a two-player abstract strategy game from the GIPF series designed by renowned Belgian game designer Kris Burm. The objective of the game is to capture or block your opponent’s marbles until they have no legal moves left.

How to Play

The game is played on a hexagonal board with 37 marbles of three different colors – white, gray and black. Players take turns removing one marble at a time from the board and placing it into their personal reserve. The twist? You can only capture or block your opponent’s marbles by creating “zertz” – three in a row of the same color or size, with smaller marbles being able to capture larger ones.

The game is won by the player who captures six marbles of any one color or three pairs of different colors. Trust me, it may sound simple but once you start playing, you’ll realize how challenging and strategic this game actually is.

One of the things I love about Zertz is its simplicity. The rules are easy to understand but the gameplay can get really intense. It’s all about planning your moves ahead and anticipating your opponent’s next move.

The game also has a unique mechanic where you need to balance taking actions that help you win with preserving resources for future turns. It’s a delicate balance that adds an extra layer of strategy to the game.

Who Can Play

Zertz is a perfect game for people who enjoy abstract strategy games like chess or go. It’s also great for anyone looking for a quick, yet challenging two-player game. 

What Makes It Fun

Apart from the beautiful components and satisfying gameplay, Zertz is a game that keeps you on your toes. Every move counts and one wrong decision could cost you the game. But it’s not just about winning – it’s about outsmarting your opponent and feeling like a strategic genius.

Plus, with its short playtime of around 30 minutes, it’s perfect for multiple rounds or a quick game session. And if you’re like me, you’ll find yourself constantly wanting to improve your strategy and keep playing.


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Until Daylight

A cooperative game with an all or nothing win mechanism based in a post-apocalyptic dystopia
While waves of infected attack you, you must find food and resources quickly
Enjoy a cooperative experience where players win or lose together
A challenging difficulty will challenge players to learn from every game they play

Emotional Rollercoaster

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One of the best board games for two players and more, this anger management game is a fun way for kids of all ages to learn how to cope when angry.

Play this activity with your classmates, friends, or family and learn social emotional coping strategies.

A great addition to your kindergarten learning activities and learning games, this board game helps you discover what makes you angry and develop problem-solving skills.

In addition to improving kids’ ability to express themselves, this anger management activity is also a great educational game.

SELF-REGULATION – Players will understand that if one coping strategy or activity does not work for them, they can try another. This also works well for parents or teachers looking for autism learning material.

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50 Clues: The Pendulum of the Dead

“50 Clues: The Pendulum of the Dead” is a gripping installment in a thrilling puzzle game series, offering an escape room experience in a home-play format. In this episode, players take on the role of Maria, who is locked up in a psychiatric ward and needs to escape to find her son before it’s too late. The gameplay involves combining objects, solving puzzles, and deciphering codes, using a smartphone or tablet to keep track of solutions and provide multistep hints.

Classified under categories like horror, mature/adult, murder/mystery, and puzzle, the game uses mechanisms like cooperative gameplay and storytelling. It is ideal for players who enjoy immersive, narrative-driven puzzle-solving experiences, particularly suitable for older teens and adults due to its mature content. The game’s fun lies in its ability to immerse players in a suspenseful story while challenging them with complex puzzles and codes, making it a great choice for those who enjoy mentally stimulating games​

Raffi Raffzahn

‘Raffi Raffzahn’ is a board game where your goal is to collect as many coins as possible by moving your character, the sneaky raccoon Raffi Raffzahn, around the board.

How to Play

Each player takes turns rolling a dice and moving their character accordingly. But beware! There are traps and hazards scattered throughout the game board that can hinder your progress.

But don’t worry, there are also ways to gain an advantage. Throughout the game, you can collect items and power-ups to help you on your quest for coins. These can include a grappling hook to bypass traps, a shield to protect yourself from hazards, or even temporary boosts to increase your movement.

Who Can Play

Raffi Raffzahn is suitable for all ages, making it perfect for family game nights or get-togethers with friends. The gameplay is simple enough for younger players to understand, but still entertaining for adults. And with the added element of luck through the dice rolls, it keeps the game exciting and unpredictable for everyone.

What Makes It Fun

Raffi Raffzahn is fun due to the inclusion of quirky and humorous designs of the game. From the cartoonish characters to the whimsical game board, it’s hard not to smile while playing. Plus, the competitive nature of trying to collect the most coins adds an element of friendly rivalry between players.

The Seals of Cthulhu

The Seals of Cthulhu is a cooperative board game where players work together to prevent the awakening of the ancient and malevolent deity, Cthulhu. Each player takes on the role of an investigator, equipped with unique abilities and skills to help them in their quest.

How to Play

The game is played in rounds, with each round representing a day in-game. During each round, players must strategically move around the board, gathering clues and items while encountering various enemies and obstacles. But be careful, because as you get closer to finding the seals that will banish Cthulhu back into his slumber, the game becomes more difficult.

One of my favorite aspects of this game is its use of mechanics like dice rolls and card draws to create an element of chance and suspense. It keeps the game unpredictable and adds to its overall intensity.

Who Can Play

Now, who is this game for? I would say it’s perfect for fans of horror, mystery, and strategy games. But even if those genres aren’t your cup of tea, I highly suggest giving The Seals of Cthulhu a try.

What Makes It Fun

What makes this game fun, you ask? Well, for starters, it’s the perfect combination of strategy and chance. You have to think carefully about your moves while also relying on luck to get through some tough situations. And let’s not forget the cooperative aspect – working together with friends towards a common goal is always an enjoyable experience.

But what truly sets The Seals of Cthulhu apart is its immersive storytelling. The game’s detailed artwork and well-written scenarios transport you to another world, making it feel like you’re a part of the adventure.


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Blokus is a 2-4 player game which requires players to strategically fit as many of their tetris-like tiles on a shared board as they can. This board however, does not have enough space for everyone and players are not allowed to place a piece that lies adjacent to their other pieces and instead must be placed touching at least one corner of the pieces already placed on the board.

Blokus Gameplay commences with each player choosing a color and places that set of 21 pieces in front of their side of the board. The order of play is as follows: blue, yellow, red, green. The first piece played by each player must cover a corner square.

The game ends when all players are blocked from laying down any more of their pieces. The player with the most points wins the game, accumulated by the number of unit squares placed on the board.

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In Concept, your goal is to guess words through the association of icons. A team of two players – neighbors at the table – choose a word or phrase that the other players need to guess. Acting together, this team places pieces judiciously on the available icons on the game board.

To get others to guess “milk”, for example, the team might place the question mark icon (which signifies the main concept) on the liquid icon, then cubes of this color on the icons for “food/drink” and “white”. For a more complicated concept, such as “Leonardo DiCaprio”, the team can use the main concept and its matching cubes to clue players into the hidden phrase being an actor or director, while then using sub-concept icons and their matching cubes to gives clues to particular movies in which DiCaprio starred, such as Titanic or Inception.

The first player to discover the word or phrase receives 2 victory points, the team receives points as well, and the player who ends up with the most points wins.

Spot it!

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Spot it!, a.k.a. Dobble, is a simple pattern recognition game in which players try to find an image shown on two cards. Each card in original Spot it! features eight different symbols, with the symbols varying in size from one card to the next. Any two cards have exactly one symbol in common. For the basic Spot it! game, reveal one card, then another. Whoever spots the symbol in common on both cards claims the first card, then another card is revealed for players to search, and so on. Whoever has collected the most cards when the 55-card deck runs out wins! Rules for different games – each an observation game with a speed element – are included with Spot it!, with the first player to find a match either gaining or getting rid of a card. Multiple versions of Spot it! have been published, with images in each version ranging from Halloween to hockey to baseball to San Francisco. The game is sold as Spot it! in the USA and Dobble in Europe, with slight differences between the two editions. Note: some versions have fewer cards and fewer symbols per card. (E.g. 30 cards with 6 symbols each.): Spot it! 1,2,3


Each player builds their own metropolis in Quadropolis (first announced as City Mania), but they’re competing with one another for the shops, parks, public services and other structures to be placed in them.

The game lasts four rounds, and in each round players first lay out tiles for the appropriate round at random on a 5×5 grid. Each player has four architects numbered 1-4 and on a turn, a player places an architect next to a row or column in the grid, claims the tile that’s as far in as the number of the architect placed (e.g., the fourth tile in for architect #4), places that tile in the appropriately numbered row or column on the player’s 4×4 city board, then claims any resources associated with the tile (inhabitants or energy).

When a player takes a tile, a figure is placed in this now-empty space and the next player cannot place an architect in the same row or column where this tile was located. In addition, you can’t place one architect on top of another, so each placement cuts off play options for you and everyone else later in the round. After all players have placed all four architects, the round ends, all remaining tiles are removed, and the tiles for the next round laid out.

After four rounds, the game ends. Players can move the inhabitants and energy among their tiles at any point during the game to see how to maximize their score. At game end, they then score for each of the six types of buildings depending on how well they build their city — as long as they have activated the buildings with inhabitants or energy as required:

Residential buildings score depending on their height
Shops score depending on how many customers they have
Public services score depending on the number of districts in your city that have them
Parks score depending on the number of residential buildings next to them
Harbors score based on the longest row or column of activated harbors in the city
Factories score based on the number of adjacent shops and harbors
Some buildings are worth victory points (VPs) on their own, and once players sum these values with what they’ve scored for each type of building in their city, whoever has the highest score wins.


This is a tile-laying race game with players starting with boards that are identical, and one player drawing tiles that they all will use. They race to get their explorers to temples first and earn points. Along the way they can collect additional points by collecting items off the paths they create. The game ends when one player gets all of their explorers to their corresponding temples or whenever the last tile is drawn and placed. Most points wins.

Description from the English Ruleset:

Many moons have come and gone since your boats departed on the journey to Karuba. Once you arrive on the island, each player will lead an expedition team of four adventurers. Now you just have to navigate your way through the dense jungle to make it to the temples. „Just“ may be something of an understatement; the ancient jungle trails have to be found and uncovered first! Hurry up and be the first to reach the temples to collect the most valuable treasures. Many paths have dead ends and you need to be patient to find the right/best way (through the jungle). Look! A gold nugget! You can pick it up and collect it, same applies to the shiny crystals along the paths.

Bunny Kingdom

Peace has come at last to the great Bunny Kingdom! Lead your clan of rabbits to glory by gathering resources and building new cities across the land!

Draft cards and pick the right ones to position your warrens on the 100 squares of the board, provide resources to your colonies, build new cities to increase your influence, and plan your strategy to score big at the end of the game. Settle in lakesides or fields to collect water and grow carrots, gather mushrooms in the green forest, and climb the highest mountains to discover rare and precious resources… Secretly rally rabbit lords and recruit skillful masters to make your cities and resources even more valuable at the end of the game.

After each turn, your groups of contiguous warrens grant you points depending on the cities and different resources they include. The game ends after 4 rounds, and the player with the most points wins the game.

Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery

In Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery, an exciting game of twisted schemes and bloody combats inspired by the hit STARZ Original series, each player takes on the role of Dominus, head of a rising house in the ancient Roman city of Capua. Each house is competing for Influence to gain the favor of Rome. Through a combination of political schemes and glorious battles on the arena sands your house will rise in fame and stature. As Dominus, you have a variety of resources at your disposal. Guards protect you from schemes launched by rivals. Slaves run your household and earn gold. Gladiators compete to bring glory to themselves and influence to their Dominus.

Three main phases occur in each game round of Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery.

The Intrigue Phase is when players launch their Schemes, hoping to raise their fortunes while undermining their rivals. Schemes and Reactions are represented by cards in the Intrigue Deck. Players wield their Influence to put their Schemes into play, often asking for (or bribing) another player’s help in hatching the most complex plots.

The Market Phase is when players buy, sell and trade Assets (Gladiators, Slaves, Equipment and Guards). Players also bid against each other to acquire new Assets at Auction. Wealth is not the only path to success as players bluff and bargain with each other to acquire the Assets they covet.

The Arena Phase is when the bloody games are held. Gladiators from two rival Houses are pitted against each other in a brutal fight for glory. The spectacles of the games are represented by miniature combat on the arena board. Fighters pit their Attack, Defense and Speed dice against one another to determine the victor. All players seek to increase their fortunes by betting on the outcome of the gruesome conflict. Fighters who emerge from the arena victorious gain Favor and their Dominus gain Influence.

The goal of the game is to become the most influential house in Capua, securing your family’s power for years to come. During the game, players will bribe, poison, betray, steal, blackmail, and undermine each other. Gold will change hands again and again to buy support, stay someone’s hand or influence their decisions. Will you be the honorable player whose word is their bond or the treacherous schemer whose alliances change with the wind?


HITSTER is a game where players take turns guessing when each song which is played was released. The exact date of songs doesn’t need to be known, only the chronological order in which songs were released. However, players’ chances of winning increase if they can name the artist and song titles. The first player to arrange 10 hits in chronological order wins the game and earns the title of HITSTER.

Please note that to play HITSTER with the full game experience, you need to use a smartphone with the Spotify music streaming app.

Talisman: Revised 4th Edition


Talisman is an adventure board game set in a high fantasy medieval world. Players have 14 characters to choose from all based on role playing archetypes, such as heroes, wizards, villains, thieves, monsters, etc. The game makes players feel they are traveling the world meeting new people along with battling adversaries and various creatures. It focuses on teamwork during play to experience saga-building storytelling at its finest.


Talisman is a fantasy adventure board game with a variation on traditional pawns. Players play as mages, stacking coins, gems and cards in their pyramid-shaped chests to let them move around middle and outer worlds. Using attacks, attacks, and upgraded statistics from the chest, players must ultimately reach the Portal of Power by killing others with once they’ve collected all Crowns of Command.

Talisman – gameplay

Talisman offers t 14 playable characters with unique skillsets based on the characteristics of life, craft or both skill types. Players also have starting equipment that will offer benefits to either combat or magic powers, as well as starting spells that can affect certain stat increases. It all makes each play feel different and unique. Talisman AI picks up design to limit skills and abilities available to each player, decreasing the amount of time needed to learn the game.

Talisman is a board game where players start in the outer world and build their character’s statistics and items. As they progress, they need to make choices to trade-off the risk vs reward of progressing further. Travel through different worlds, including The middle world. Like other board games, there are many different strategies for who to move with how many tokens at the beginning of the turn, fight Monsters on the land, or face an opponent head on.

Talismans are required to pass through the Portal of Power in the Inner World. Talismans are granted after completing quests. Talisman is a game that pits players against the game board. Earn points by capturing Crowns and defending, while simultaneously trying to wear down opponents with attacks.

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Samurai Spirit

You and your fellow samurai companions are the only standing obstacle between one frightened village and a full horde of blood-thirsty villains. The fight seems unfair as the seven of you might not seem to measure up to the dozens of enemies who want to slice you to pieces — but this comparison doesn’t take into account your strong combat skills and an efficient team spirit that binds your samurai squad enough to face the threat. Above all else, when everything seems desperate and lost, your enemies will discover that inside each of you lies a true beast, a warrior spirit ready to unleash its full power!

Samurai Spirit is a co-operative game in which each player is a fierce samurai defending a village surrounded by a horde of bandits. The game plays out over three turns during which each player takes turns drawing bandit cards, then choosing whether they want to fight the bandit, defend the village, or let the bandit pass in order to help the other samurai.

The challenge of the game consists of balancing your choices: Should you fight each enemy to quickly reach your beast capacities, while also coming closer to the death and risking further loss by not defending the village sufficiently? Should you mainly defend or help the other samurai, taking the risk of remaining human too long and therefore weaker, when you know that weakness will be a major problem when facing the lieutenant and the villain bosses? Each enemy presents a tough choice to you, your team, and ultimately the whole village! Each turn ends with farms and fences being destroyed, and since those aren’t unlimited, you must do what’s necessary to end the game with at least one undamaged farm and enough farmers to tend it. Do you have what it takes to stand against evil and become a true hero?

Fight with courage, smartly assist your teammates, defend the poor villagers, turn into a savage beast, and wreak havoc on the enemy lines — all of this is up to you! Ultimately it would be your honor to chose to die in a ultimate sacrifice in order to save the village. All of this is what makes the true samurai spirit!

Warrior Knights

The Kingdom is in chaos. The King lies dead without an heir, slain by a villainous hand. Will a leader rise up and rally the support of the people, or will the shadow of anarchy spread over the land?

In Warrior Knights, each player takes on the role of a Baron vying for control of the Kingdom. Each Baron commands four faithful Nobles who lead his armies into battle. Each Baron seeks to capture cities in order to gain Influence (victory points), which is used to measure his claim to the throne. Barons may also seek to gain advantage by increasing their income, gathering Votes to use at the Assembly, or by amassing Faith, which can be used to gain a measure of control over chance events. Only through cunning strategy and careful diplomacy can a Baron hope to attain victory.

Warrior Knights has a very clever mechanic. Each player has a selection of tasks they can accomplish each turn, such as move & attack, gain political strength, hire mercenaries, and gain religious faith. Only 6 of these are done in any turn. Each player selects 2 tasks for each 1/3 of the game turn. The task cards are then shuffled with all the other players. So each player doesn’t know the exact order of play, only which two tasks they will perform in each 1/3 of the game turn.

In addition, the game has four special phases that are triggered based on how frequently players are choosing a particular task. Collecting taxes individually, once done often enough, will trigger a taxation phase. Players collecting political power trigger a session of Parliment. When enough players want to hire mercenaries, there is an auction for their services. The flipside is that the more mercenaries that are hired, the more often they want to be paid in the wages phase.

The mixing of these two clever mechanics, choosing tasks but performing them in a random order and triggering the 4 special phases at somewhat unpredictable times makes for a tense game. Players can often be caught short of cash if wages are demanded more frequently than taxes are collected. If the other players all collect political influence, a Parliment might be called when one or two players has only a single vote. These elements of variable turn orders and variable phases give the game a highly addictive quality.


Zendo is a game of inductive logic in which one player, the Master, creates a rule that the rest of the players, as Students, try to figure out by building and studying configurations of the game pieces. The first student to correctly guess the rule wins.

Inspired by Eleusis, Zendo uses Looney Pyramids but was released as a standalone game in July 2003. In 2017, a version of Zendo was released that had only one size of pyramid but added blocks and wedges. It also includes an optional system of cards for generating the Master’s rule, useful for novice players who are not yet comfortable making their own rules.

Rolling Realms

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In the early days of the coronavirus, a time of self-isolation for many people, Jamey decided to create an infinitely scaling roll-and-write game to teach and play with people around the world via Facebook Live.

In Rolling Realms, players compete to earn the most stars in a series of minigames over 3 rounds. This is a roll-and-write game, meaning that players will write on the game components using dry-erase markers.

Each turn, one player rolls 2 dice, and all players use the dice results on their realm cards to generate resources and earn stars. After 3 rounds, the player with the most stars wins!

Sorry! Sliders Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout

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Sorry! Sliders Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout is an absolute blast and it’s perfect for anyone who loves a good mix of strategy, luck, and chaos.

How to Play

Sorry! Sliders Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout is a board game that involves racing your four pawns around the board and trying to be the first player to get all of their pawns back to their home space. Sounds easy, right? Well, here’s where things get interesting – there are obstacles in your way and you need to use sliders (miniature versions of shuffleboard discs) to move your pawns. These sliders can bump other players’ pawns off the board, but they can also knock your own pawns off if you’re not careful. It’s a delicate balance of strategy and luck as you try to navigate through the obstacles and race towards victory.

Sorry! Sliders Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout is designed for 2-4 players and it’s suitable for ages 6 and up. The game comes with a game board, 16 pawns (4 per player), 2 sliders for each player, and a deck of cards that determine your move. Each turn, you draw a card to see how many spaces you can move your pawn or slider. But be careful – if you draw the wrong card, you could end up knocking your own pawn off the board or bumping into an opponent’s pawn. It’s all about making strategic moves and thinking ahead in this game.

Who Can Play

Now, let’s talk about the type of audience who might enjoy Sorry! Sliders Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout. This game is perfect for families and friends to play together. It’s a great way to spend quality time together and have some fun. It’s also a great game for anyone who loves a mix of strategy and luck – it keeps you on your toes and never gets boring. Plus, the bright colors and playful design make it appealing to both kids and adults.

What Makes It Fun

So, what makes Sorry! Sliders Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout so much fun? Well, besides the gameplay and mechanics, it’s the perfect combination of competition and chaos. You never know what’s going to happen on the board – one wrong move could send your pawn flying off the board or knock another player’s pawn into a winning position. It keeps the game exciting and unpredictable every time you play.

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Descent: Legends of the Dark

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Dungeon-crawler board game Descent: Legends of the Dark is an immersive, cooperative experience.

A free companion app is available for Descent: Legends of the Dark. Players will be able to make decisions that will affect the overarching story between quests. As you progress through quests, the app will instruct your enemies how to behave, even changing their strategies on the fly.

Throughout Descent: Legends of the Dark, both the heroes you play as and the enemies you challenge are covered in highly detailed miniatures. You can play it straight out of the box since everything is pre-assembled! You can make each hero unique! As you progress through the game, you can choose how to develop your heroes’ traits and special abilities, as well as their background and the quest they are on. The 3D terrain pieces in Descent: Legends of the Dark make each map of the game a truly immersive experience.

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Family Feud Kids vs Parents

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Is your family ready to take on Family Feud: Kids Vs. Parents? According to the survey… the whole family is going to have a blast! An American favorite game show now has a new generational twist with this board game. It’s a battle of the ages as kids and parents try to guess the most relevant and popular answers. Families will enjoy Family Feud: Kids Vs. Parents, a traditional game with challenging gameplay. Identify the most popular answers and rack up points. You’ll compete in three rounds and then play the Fast Money Bonus Round.

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Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn

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Are you a fan of card games? If so, you’ll want to give Ashes Reborn a try. Set in the world of Argaia, players take on the roles of powerful Phoenixborns – powerful warriors with magical powers derived from their innate connection to nature and the divine spirits that inhabit the land. As they battle for supremacy over an ancient conflict between magic-wielding dynasties, there’s plenty of exciting action along with intricate strategies to be found around every corner.

Ashes pits you against other Phoenixborn in a battle of wits and magic. You can cast spells and summon allies to destroy your opponents. A player’s deck comprises of a Phoenixborn card, spell and unit cards and dice. The Phoenixborn is your most important card.

A unit’s battlefield and spellboard values determine how many spells or units you are allowed to have in play and a unit’s life value determines how many wound tokens you can place on it. Units that you summon to your battlefield are allies and conjurations.

Your battlefield units are under your control. A reaction or action spell is discarded for one-time effects, while a ready or alteration spell lasts for a while. You control the spells in your play area. Dice are magic that lets you summon units and cast spells.

Your battles will involve many types of dice; the master set contains four. Each die has three levels: power > class > basic. Higher level dice can be used to pay for lower level costs. • A power symbol can be used as that die’s power, class or basic symbol. • A class symbol can be used as that die’s class or basic symbol. In addition, each die’s power symbol can be spent to activate a dice power effect.

Claim Pocket

‘Claim pocket’ is a card game based on the popular board game ‘Claim’.

How to Play

The game is designed for two players, each taking on the role of a competing fantasy faction. The goal is to gain control of five out of the nine factions in the game world, using special character cards and strategic decision making.

What makes ‘Claim Pocket’ stand out from other card games is its clever use of game mechanics. Each player starts with a set hand of cards, but they can only play one card per turn. This adds a layer of strategy and forces players to carefully plan their moves.

Who Can Play

‘Claim Pocket’ caters to different types of audience. While it may seem like a simple card game on the surface, there are so many different strategies and combinations that can be used to win. This makes it perfect for both casual gamers and more serious board game enthusiasts.

What Makes It Fun

One of the things that makes ‘Claim Pocket’ so fun is the unpredictability factor. With a variety of unique character cards, each game can play out differently, keeping players on their toes and creating a new experience every time.

‘Claim Pocket’ never fails to bring out some friendly competition and laughter. It’s one of those games that can be played over and over again without getting boring.

Jetpack Joyride

Jetpack Joyride is actually a popular mobile game developed by Halfbrick Studios. But recently, it has been adapted into a board game that captures the essence of its digital counterpart while adding an extra layer of physical engagement.

How to Play

The objective of Jetpack Joyride is simple: be the first player to reach the end of the game board and win. However, getting there is not as easy as it sounds. Each player takes on the role of a daring hero equipped with a jetpack, and must navigate through various obstacles and challenges in order to reach the finish line.

But what sets Jetpack Joyride apart from traditional board games is its use of an electronic spinner, which determines the amount of spaces a player can move. This adds an element of surprise and unpredictability to the game, making each round unique and exciting.

One of the best things about Jetpack Joyride is that it requires both strategy and luck. While you can plan out your moves in advance, the outcome ultimately depends on where the spinner lands. This makes for a dynamic gameplay experience that never gets old or monotonous.

Plus, the game also includes various power-ups and bonuses that can help players advance quicker or hinder their opponents.

Who Can Play

Jetpack Joyride is a game that truly caters to all ages. Whether you’re a young kid or an adult, there’s something about this game that will capture your attention and keep you entertained for hours on end. It’s also a great game for families to bond over, as it encourages friendly competition and teamwork.

What Makes it Fun

So what exactly makes Jetpack Joyride so fun and addictive? I believe it’s the overall experience of the game. From its colorful and vibrant game board to its fast-paced gameplay, everything about this game is designed to keep you on the edge of your seat. And let’s not forget the feeling of satisfaction when you successfully navigate through a tough obstacle or use a power-up to your advantage.

Las Vegas Royale

 “Las Vegas Royale,” brings the vibrant energy of Las Vegas right to your table. 

A Fresh Spin on a Beloved Classic

At its core, “Las Vegas Royale” is about dice rolling, strategic placement, and risk-taking. Players compete as high rollers in various casinos, trying to win the most money. 

Game Mechanics and Expansion Gameplay

Each player rolls their dice, choosing which casino to place them in based on the numbers rolled. Casinos are won by having the most dice in them, but here’s the twist: the expansion introduces “action cards” and special abilities that can dramatically change the game’s outcome. These new elements require players to adapt their strategies on the fly, making each game unpredictable and exciting.

The “Royale” version also comes with new casinos. These aren’t just static locations; they’re dynamic spaces with unique rules and rewards, offering players various ways to earn money. Some casinos now feature mini-games, adding layers of strategy and chance that keep every round fresh and engaging.

What Makes It Fun

The charm of “Las Vegas Royale” lies in its balance of luck and strategy. The dice introduce an element of unpredictability, while the strategic choices about where to place them inject a deep tactical layer. The expansion elevates this dynamic, ensuring that no two games are the same.

Moreover, the game’s design encourages interaction among players. Whether it’s competing for control of a casino or navigating the effects of an action card, you’re always engaged with your fellow players, making for a lively and social game night.



The greatest sorcerers of the kingdom have gathered at the heart of the Argos forest, where the legendary tournament of the 12 seasons is taking place. At the end of the three year competition, the new archmage of the kingdom of Xidit will be chosen from among the competitors. Take your place, wizard! Equip your ancestral magical items, summon your most faithful familiars to your side and be ready to face the challenge!

Seasons is a tactical game of cards and dice which takes place in two phases:

The first phase “Prelude” consists of a card draft: the goal during this phase will be to establish your own 9-card deck for the main part of the game and with it the strategy.

Once the Prelude is complete, each player must separate their 9 cards into 3 packs of 3 cards. They will begin the second phase of the game with their first pack of three cards, then gradually as the game progresses, they will receive the other two packets of three cards.

Next comes the Tournament: at the beginning of each round a player will roll the seasons dice (dice = number of players +1).

These cubes offer a variety of actions to the players:
– Increase your gauge (maximum number of cards you may have placed on the table and in play)
– Harvesting energy (water, earth, fire, air) to pay the cost of power cards
– Crystallizing the energy (during the current season) to collect crystals. Crystals serve both as a resource to pay for some cards, but also as victory points in the end.
– Draw new cards

Each player can choose only one die per turn. The die not chosen by anyone determines how many fields the “time track” would move forward.
In addition, all the dice are different depending on the season. For example, there are not the same energies to a particular season. Throughout the game, players will therefore have to adapt to these changes – also the “exchange rates” of energy to crystals vary during seasons – the energy not present on the dice in any given season is also the best paid during the season.

At the end of the game, the crystals are summed with victory points granted by the cards (minus some penalties, where applicable). The highest score wins.


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Photosynthesis is a game with beautiful components.

In this game, you compete to grow your trees higher than your opponents.  The board represents the forest where all trees grow.  Players start on the board with a small-sized tree.  Each player’s board stores their spare trees and seeds.  

Gameplay involves the following phases:

  • Photosynthesis

The sun on the board is moved to the next location clockwise and players score Light points based on the trees that are exposed to the sun.  Each tree that can see the sun will score Light Points. Trees need to be in the direct path of the Sun, and cannot be in the shadows of another tree.  Depending on their size, trees can cast a shadow of 1/2/3 spaces.  Taller trees in a shadow, however, can overcome this.

  • Life Cycle 

During this phase, players spend light points performing actions such as Buying Trees or Seeds, Planting a Seed, Growing a Tree, Collecting Score Tokens by scoring their large trees.

When all players have taken their actions, the start player is passed to the next player, and the next round starts with the Sun moving in one position clockwise. When the sun completes its third revolution, the game ends.  Players count up the points on their Scoring Tokens and the player with the highest score wins.

Castle Panic

The forest is filled with all sorts of monsters. They watched and waited as you built your castle and trained your soldiers, but now they’ve gathered their army and are marching out of the woods. Can you work with your friends to defend your castle against the horde, or will the monsters tear down your walls and destroy the precious castle towers? You will all win or lose together, but in the end only one player will be declared the Master Slayer!

Castle Panic is a cooperative, light strategy game for 1 to 6 players ages 10 and up. Players must work together to defend their castle, in the center of the board, from monsters that attack out of the forest at the edges of the board. Players trade cards, hit and slay monsters, and plan strategies together to keep their castle towers intact. The players either win or lose together, but only the player with the most victory points is declared the Master Slayer. Players must balance the survival of the group with their own desire to win.

First game in the Panic series.


The prosperous Kingdom of Greengully, ruled for centuries by the Forever King, has issued a decree to its citizens to colonize the vast lands beyond its borders. In an effort to start a new village, the Forever King has selected six citizens for the task, each of whom has a unique set of skills they use to build their charter.

In Charterstone, a competitive legacy game, you construct buildings and populate a shared village. Building stickers are permanently added to the game board and become action spaces for any player to use. Thus, you start off with simple choices and few workers, but soon you have a bustling village with dozens of possible actions.

Your journey through Charterstone’s many secrets will last twelve games, but it doesn’t end there. Your completed village will be a one-of-a-kind worker-placement game with plenty of variability.

Charterstone released in the US/Canada on December 12, 2017 (the rest of the world received it slightly earlier).

Pandemic The Cure

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‘Pandemic: The Cure’ is a standalone spinoff of the widely acclaimed board game ‘Pandemic’. This version transforms the cooperative gameplay of its predecessor into a faster-paced, dice-based format. Ideal for 2 to 5 players, the game typically lasts about 30 minutes.

Gameplay Overview

In ‘Pandemic: The Cure’, players take on the roles of disease-fighting specialists, each with unique abilities, to combat four diseases threatening the world. Instead of a game board and cards used in the original ‘Pandemic’,  dice are used to represent diseases, treatments, and the outcomes of various actions. The goal is to discover cures for all four diseases before any of the game-ending conditions are met, such as running out of dice representing disease cubes, having too many outbreaks, or not being able to draw enough infection dice.

Key Game Mechanics

  • Dice Rolling: Dice are rolled to determine a player’s available actions, such as treating diseases, moving between regions, or flying to critical areas. Each role has a specific set of dice, adding a layer of strategy based on the characters’ unique strengths.
  • Location Management: The world is divided into six regions, each represented by a different section of a ring around the central treatment center. Managing the spread of disease across these regions is crucial.
  • Risk Management: Players must decide when to push their luck with re-rolls and when to play it safe. Risky rolls can lead to more infections or potential outbreaks.

Differences from ‘Pandemic’

While the core theme of disease control remains, ‘Pandemic: The Cure’ differs notably from its board-based predecessor:

  • Dice-Based Play: The shift from a static board with preset locations to a dynamic, dice-driven system introduces a higher level of randomness and speed, making each game feel unpredictable and tense.
  • Simplified Setup and Gameplay: Without the need to shuffle and manage decks of cards, setup is quicker, and gameplay flows more smoothly, focusing more on immediate decision-making.
  • Portable and Quick: The game’s components are fewer, and its quicker setup and playtime make it more accessible for casual gaming sessions or as an introduction to new players.

What Makes It Fun

The dice in ‘Pandemic: The Cure’ adds suspense and unpredictability that can dramatically change the state of play with each roll. This variability ensures that no two games are the same, providing excellent replay value. Like the original Pandemic, the game maintains its strong cooperative spirit, making it a fun collaborative game session.

What are Pandemic The Cure players saying about the game?

There is generally high praise for its engaging, fast-paced gameplay that appeals to both seasoned players and newcomers. Reviewers appreciate the cooperative aspect and the game’s ability to cater to various age groups, making it a versatile choice for family game nights.

Quick Gameplay: Players like quicker pace and potentially more unpredictable gameplay. The rules are straightforward, making it easy to learn, especially for those familiar with the original ‘Pandemic’. The game’s ability to be set up and played within about 30 minutes is highly appreciated.

Preferred over the Original Pandemic: Many reviewers prefer ‘The Cure’ over the original ‘Pandemic’ due to its faster setup and gameplay. The dice mechanics are seen as a fun twist on the classic formula. 

Expansion and Replayability: The dice mechanics and the role-specific abilities contribute to the replayability, encouraging multiple playthroughs. There are also available game expansions.

Portability and Ease of Play: The game is noted for its portability, fitting easily into a medium-sized bag or box, which is ideal for travel. 

Glen More

Each player represents the leadership of a 17th century Scottish clan looking to expand its territory and its wealth. The success of your clan depends on your ability to make the correct decision at the opportune time, be it by establishing a new pasture for your livestock, growing grain for the production of whisky, selling your goods on the various markets, or investing in the cultivation of special places such as lochs and castles.

Glen More offers a unique turn mechanism. Players take territory tiles from a rondel. Picking a tile has not only influence on the actions you get by the surrounding tiles in your territory, it also determines when you’ll have your next turn (and how many turns you will have in the game). But having a lot of turns is not always the best strategy for a successful chieftain.

Dominion: Alchemy

There are strange things going on in your basement laboratories. They keep calling up for more barrels of quicksilver, or bits of your hair. Well it’s all in the name of progress. They’re looking for a way to turn lead into gold, or at least into something better than lead. That lead had just been too good of a bargain to pass up; you didn’t think, where will I put all this lead, what am I going to do with this lead anyway. Well that will all be sorted out. They’re also looking for a universal solvent. If they manage that one, you will take whatever they use to hold it in and build a castle out of it. A castle that can’t be dissolved! Now that’s progress.

Dominion: Alchemy is an expansion, and can’t be played by itself; to play with it, you need Dominion a standalone expansion to Dominion (Dominion: Intrigue), or Dominion Base Cards . Those provide the Basic cards you need to play (Treasure, Victory, and Curse cards), as well as the full rules for setup and gameplay. Dominion: Alchemy can also be combined with any other Dominion expansions you have.

Risk Legacy

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This description is spoiler free, containing nothing outside the initial rulebook for the game. Details on why this is important in the description. Risk Legacy represents what is if not a new, at least a rare concept to boardgaming: campaigning. At its core, the game, particularly at first, plays much like regular Risk with a few changes. Players control countries or regions on a map of the world, and through simple combat (with players rolling dice to determine who loses units in each battle) they try to eliminate all opponents from the game board or control a certain number of “red stars”, otherwise known as victory points (VPs). What’s different is that Risk Legacy’ changes over time-based on the outcome of each game and the various choices made by players. In each game, players choose one of five factions; each faction has uniquely shaped pieces, and more importantly, different rules. At the start of the first game, each of these factions gains the ability to break one minor rule, such as the ability to move troops at any time during your turn, as opposed to only at the end. What makes this game unique is that when powers are chosen, players must choose one of their faction’s two powers, affix that power’s sticker to their faction card, then destroy the card that has the other rule on it – and by destroy, the rules mean what they say: “If a card is DESTROYED, it is removed from the game permanently. Rip it up. Throw it in the trash.” This key concept permeates through the game. Some things you do in a game will affect it temporarily, while others will affect it permanently. These changes may include boosting the resources of a country (for recruiting troops in lieu of the older “match three symbols” style of recruiting), adding bonuses or penalties to defending die rolls to countries, or adding permanent continent troop bonuses that may affect all players. The rule book itself is also designed to change as the game continues, with blocks of blank space on the pages to allow for rules additions or changes. Entire sections of rules will not take effect until later in the game. The game box contains different sealed packages and compartments, each with a written condition for opening. The rule book indicates that these contain the rule additions, additional faction powers, and other things that should not be discussed here for spoiler protection. The winner of each of the first 15 games receives a “major bonus,” such as founding a major city (which only he will be allowed to start on in future games), deleting a permanent modifier from the board, destroying a country card (preventing it from providing any resources towards purchasing troops in future games), changing a continent troop bonus, or naming a continent, which gives that player a troop bonus in future games. Players who did not win but were not eliminated are allowed to make minor changes to the world, such as founding a minor city or adding resources to a country. It should be noted that although cards are ripped up over the course of the game, there are so many cards added via the sealed packages, that the game does not suffer. Nor is this a “disposable” game, merely a customized one. The game can continue to change beyond the 15 game campaign, and even when it finally does stop changing, you still have a copy of Risk that is completely unique. Initial games take approximately 30-90 minutes to play, which includes a brief rules explanation and setup.

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Players try to collect large sets of beans to sell for gold, there is limited growing space and always new beans to plant
To avoid planting unwanted beans, players trade them to other players who want them for their bean fields
Lots of replay value
Classic Eurogame

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Godzilla: Tokyo Clash

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You are one of Earth’s most terrifying monsters-Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah, and Megalon-battling for supremacy. Get energy by destroying buildings and vehicles, then unleash devastating attacks on your opponents. Defend the King of Monsters crown by throwing trains, tanks, battleships, and other Kaiju. Once humans deploy the Oxygen Destroyer, it is time to leave Tokyo and the most dominant Kaiju will win!

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‘Diplomacy’ is a game of negotiation, alliances, and, ultimately, betrayal. The game involves seven players, each controlling the major European powers of the early 20th century: Austria-Hungary, England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey. The board represents a map of Europe where players use armies and fleets to occupy various provinces. The ultimate goal is to control a majority of the strategic supply centers marked on the map.

Game Mechanics

What distinguishes ‘Diplomacy’ from many strategy games is the lack of dice or chance elements. Outcomes rely solely on player decisions and negotiation skills. The game unfolds in two phases: negotiation and orders. During negotiation, players forge alliances, make promises, and secretly plan moves. In the orders phase, players simultaneously reveal and execute their moves, leading to unexpected outcomes, including betrayals and new strategies.

What Makes ‘Diplomacy’ Fun?

The appeal of ‘Diplomacy’ stems from its strategic depth and the human elements of trust and deception. It rewards tactical planning, reading others, and adapting strategies over luck. The negotiation aspect means every game is unique, as player dynamics constantly change. This unpredictability, along with balancing honesty and deceit, creates a thrilling experience.

Who Will Enjoy ‘Diplomacy’?

‘Diplomacy’ is best suited for players who thrive on interaction and are keen strategists. It is particularly appealing to those who enjoy the psychological aspects of games and are comfortable navigating complex human dynamics. Due to its nature, the game can sometimes test friendships, as players must often betray allies to win. 

The Networks

In The Networks, you and your opponents are new television networks, and you need new programming. For this, you’ll need Shows, Stars, and Ads.

Shows need Stars and Ads. Stars give you bonus viewers (points), and Ads give you extra money. You’ll need everything you can get; you’ll have a small amount of resources and time, and you must grab the latest hot show before your opponents.

And some Stars will give their best effort only if you put them on in the proper conditions. For example, some Stars only want to be put on dramas. Other Stars want to be the only Star on the show. And your Ads will give you the most money only if you put them on in the correct time slot.

Finally, Shows age and viewers lose interest, so you have to keep your line-up fresh by canceling shows and sending them into reruns. Fortunately, you can get viewers from your reruns, and you’ll get bonuses if you get a lot of shows of the same genre throughout the game.

If you need a special push, Network Cards can give you special powers — but will a Network Card be better than another action? You’ll have to make that call.

The player with the most viewers after five seasons wins!

Space Hulk

Space Hulk is a light miniatures wargame set in the Warhammer 40K universe. It has a relatively simple rule-set (compared to Warhammer 40K itself) and is known for its fast play and immersive theme (think the movie Aliens).

You lay out corridors and rooms that represent a space hulk, a large disabled ship floating in space. The Space Marines wear powerful space battle suits and carry heavy weaponry. The Genestealers (reminiscent of the alien in Alien) are naked, except for their quick movement, multiple clawed arms capable of ripping through Terminator armor and their seemingly endless numbers.

Each game is played as a scenario. The Space Marines win by completing a certain goal, such as retrieving an artifact and escaping alive. The Genestealers win by stopping the Space Marines from achieving their goal, usually by killing them all. A unique mechanism is that the Genestealers have no time limit for their turn, but the Space Marines have a 3 minute time limit, and less if a sergeant is killed. This simulates the fact that Genestealers move so much quicker and adds a lot of tension to the game for the Marine player.

The miniatures are excellent although you do have to paint them yourselves and the modular board is very well done.

The Deathwing Expansion adds new personnel, weapons, rules for multilevel hulks, new missions and a mission generator along with some complexity.

The Genestealer Expansion adds new marines, weapons, Genestealer Hybrids who can use weapons and new missions. There are also rules for psychic powers.

There was also the Space Hulk Campaign Book that can be linked for longer games. This book also added rules for traitor Marines and new weapons.

Even with all rules in place the game does not get too complicated and is a very good introduction to Warhammer 40K.

Re-implemented by:
Space Hulk (2nd Edition)
Space Hulk (3rd Edition)
Space Hulk (4th Edition)

Super Motherload

Mars. The very near future.

The Solarus Corporation discovered an infinite source of rare and precious minerals deep in the red crust. Resources that will end the energy crisis on Earth and fuel the deep space expeditions planned as population swells beyond capacity.

You have been chosen to lead an elite crew of Pod pilots who will delve below the surface of Mars in Solarus Corporation’s first major drilling expedition. As a part of this maiden voyage, the corporation has agreed to let you reinvest any wealth you uncover back into training your Pod pilots, increasing their skills and efficiencies. Will you be remembered as the greatest Solarus Corporation employee in the galaxy?

Super Motherload is a tile-laying deck-building game, which means that you have your own deck of cards from which you draw each turn. The cards in your deck start out very basic, but over the course of the game you add new and more powerful cards to it. You use these cards to bomb and drill minerals and other bonuses from the game board. You then use the minerals you’ve collected as money to purchase better cards for your deck. Some cards give you an immediate bonus when you purchase them, and some give you other bonuses when you use them to drill. Each card you purchase from your library is worth victory points (VPs). You can also gain VPs from achievement cards that become available throughout the game. Whoever has the most VPs at the end of the game wins.

Super Motherload features game boards that are added and removed during play to create videogame-like scrolling action, and it challenges spatial relation skills for 2-4 players who love video games, Eurostyle board games, or deck-building card games.

Codenames: Harry Potter

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‘Codenames: Harry Potter’, as the name suggests, is a themed game based on the popular wizarding world of Harry Potter. So if you’re a Potterhead, then this game is for you.

How to Play

The game is designed for two or more players and can be played in teams or as individuals. Each team takes on the role of either ‘The Order of the Phoenix’ or ‘Death Eaters’. The objective is for each team to correctly guess all their assigned code names before the other team does.

The game board consists of 25 cards, each with a word related to the Harry Potter universe. The players take turns being clue-givers and must give a one-word clue and a number that represents how many cards on the board their clue relates to. The team members must then try to guess which cards their clue refers to without accidentally choosing cards associated with the opposing team or worse, the dreaded ‘Death Eater’ card.

The game mechanics are simple yet challenging, making it perfect for players of all ages. It also has a strategic element, as players must carefully plan their clues and guesses to avoid giving away too much information to the other team.

Who Can Play

‘Codenames: Harry Potter’ is a hit with both casual gamers and hardcore Harry Potter fans. The game allows for creative thinking and sparks friendly competition among players. It’s also a great way to test your knowledge of the wizarding world.

What Makes It Fun

This game is perfect for bringing people together. Whether you’re playing with your family, friends, or even strangers, the game creates a sense of camaraderie and teamwork as you work towards a common goal.

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Introduction to Insider

Are you a fan of board games? Do you enjoy playing party games with your friends and family? If yes, then you must check out Insider – the thrilling guessing game that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

In this article, we will dive into the world of Insider and explore its gameplay, mechanics and why it is suitable for anyone and everyone. So, grab your friends and let’s get started!


Insider is a social deduction game that can be played with 4 to 8 players. The game is all about asking the right questions, finding clues and figuring out who the Insider is before time runs out.

Each player will have a role – either an Insider or a Common Player. The Insider knows a secret word and their goal is to not get discovered by the Common Players, while the Common Players’ goal is to figure out the secret word and identify who the Insider is.

At the beginning of each round, a secret word is revealed to all players except for the Insider. Then, players take turns asking questions to try and figure out what the secret word is. The Insider must carefully answer these questions without giving away their identity.

Game Mechanics

To make the game even more exciting, there are a few mechanics that add an extra layer of strategy to Insider. First off, players can use “yes” or “no” cards to help with their questioning. These cards allow the player to ask for a confirmation from another player if their answer is correct or incorrect.

There are also “timer” cards that add a sense of urgency to the game. When a timer card is drawn, players only have one minute to ask questions and make guesses before time runs out. This adds an element of pressure and forces players to think quickly.

Lastly, there are “tip” cards that can be used by the Insider to give clues about the secret word without revealing too much. These cards can be a real game-changer and can throw off the Common Players’ guesses.

Suitable for Everyone

One of the best things about Insider is that it is suitable for all ages. The rules are simple and easy to understand, making it accessible for younger players as well. Plus, with the game being only 15-20 minutes long, it is a perfect choice for a quick and fun game night with friends or family.

What Makes It Fun

Insider is a highly interactive and engaging game that will keep you on your toes. With each round being different from the last, there is never a dull moment in Insider. The element of mystery and strategy makes it a game that you can play over and over again without getting bored.

Additionally, the game encourages communication and teamwork between players. Trying to solve the secret word together creates a sense of camaraderie and makes for an enjoyable gaming experience.

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Catan Seafarers

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Part of the Catan Series. This game requires Catan Base game.

A group of bold seafaring settlers explores and tame the wild, uncharted Isles of Catan in Catan Seafarers. The games take you to new lands and seas.

Create new sea lanes and settle newly discovered islands. There’s tons of new scenarios to explore in the game. You might even discover the precious gold fields – a very valuable new terrain.

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For ages the vile Doom Knights have sought to gather the remaining Thunderstones to fulfill a prophecy of corruption over the lands. Now the first Thunderstone has been discovered in the Dungeons of Grimhold and the Doom Knights have sent their minions to claim the relic. The Villagers of Barrowsdale gather brave souls to face the dungeon and keep the Thunderstone out of the hands of the Doom Knights.

Thunderstone is a fantasy deck-building game much in the style of Dominion. Before the game starts a selection of Village and Hero cards will be randomnly chosen that players may add to their specific decks. Like Dominion, every player starts with a basic deck of weaker cards that they can use to purchase other more powerful cards. In Thunderstone these cards may be different Heroes such as mages, archers, thieves, or warriors or they may be supplies the heroes need like weapons, rations, or light to reach further into the dungeon.

A dungeon deck is also created by combining several different groups of monsters. Certain groups of monsters may be more or less susceptible to different Hero types, so players will have to take this into account when they choose what to buy.

Rather than buying puny Victory Points, players will use their deck to defeat monsters in the dungeon. From the monster deck a row of cards is laid out. Players may on their turn choose to attack a monster in the deck rather than visit town and buy cards. If they do this they play cards from their hand and resolve their abilities in order to boost strength and have enough light to reach a specific monster. Some monsters also have special abilities which may hinder the player. If they have enough strength they defeat the monster and place that card in their deck. This card is worth victory points and often can be used as money to purchase other cards. In addition to this, players are awarded experience points for defeating monsters which can be used to upgrade their heroes into more powerful versions. The game is played until the Thunderstone is revealed from the dungeon and a player is able to claim it. The player with the most victory points in their deck is the winner.

The basic Thunderstone framework was updated in the implementation of Thunderstone: Advance.


The goal is to score 121 points first. (Some games are scored to 61 points.) Players earn points for playing and combining cards.

Scores are made with a cribbage board instead of pencils and paper. Pegs are inserted into holes in the rectangular wooden board. Pegging reduces errors in computing scores in this fast-moving game, as the board speeds up scoring.

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In Taluva, players attempt to successfully settle a South Sea island slowly emerging from the ocean waters as volcano after volcano erupts.

Each turn, players decide to either have a new volcano erupt along the shore, increasing the size of the island, or to have an existing volcano erupt again, increasing the height of the land around it (and possibly destroying parts of existing settlements). They do this by placing a new tile, consisting of one volcano and two other types of landscape. A tile must always touch at least one other tile, when placed at sea level, or be placed on top of at least two other tiles (without any gaps under the land being created), with the volcano being placed on top of an existing volcano.
Next, the player will place one or more wooden buildings; huts, temples or towers. Settlements must always start at the lowest level, by placing a single hut. From there on, existing settlements may expand by placing huts on all hexes of a single type of terrain around the settlement, with temples once the settlement takes up at least three hexes, or with towers, placed at level three or above.

The game ends when all tiles have been placed. At that point, the player who’s placed most temples wins. Ties are broken by towers, then huts. Ultimate victory – and an immediate end to the game – waits for the player who manages to place all their buildings of two types. Immediate defeat is also possible, when no buildings can legally be played during a player’s turn.

A lot of strategy results from the various placement rules. Volcanoes may never fully destroy a settlement, so single huts can block volcano placement, protecting other settlements. Alternatively, a well placed volcano can split a large settlement in two, creating the opportunity for both to expand more rapidly than a new settlement would. Limiting your opponent’s growth potential is at least as important as preparing the terrain for you to expand upon…

My First Stone Age

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My First Stone Age is a children’s version of the family game, Stone Age. Players collect goods and build a settlement. 
The players begin by exploring the location of forest tokens surrounding the village. These tokens are flipped, indicating the position of the player’s meeple. 

In addition to gathering resources, players can visit the construction site or get Guff the dog to fetch resources when it’s time to build a hut. This game requires players to use their memory to find the fastest paths to gather resources. The first player to build 3 huts is the winner!

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Timeline: Music & Cinema

Timeline: Music & Cinema is a card game played using 110 cards. On both sides, each card depicts a historical event, with the year in which it occurred on the other side. Each player places a card in a row on the table and after the card is placed, the player reveals the date on it. The card stays in place if it was placed correctly with the date in chronological order with all other cards on the table, otherwise the player takes another card from the deck.

First to place all his cards correctly wins. If multiple players are eliminated in the same round, then everyone else is eliminated and each of those players is dealt another card for the next round. The player with no cards after a bonus round wins; otherwise, play continues until only one player remains.

First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!

In First Class: Unterwegs im Orient Express, players try to score as many fame points as possible by building a rich network of rails, by building luxurious train cars, or by serving well-paying passengers.

From the Publisher’s website:
In the early days of the twentieth century, rail is the preferred mode of transportation for the elite. Luxury lines scramble to accommodate the needs of business tycoons, diplomats, and even royalty. Step into this world and compete to build the most luxurious train lines possible in First Class. Guide your lines from humble beginnings into rivals of the fabled Orient Express itself as you carry out actions each round. Add cars to your trains, upgrade those cars to attract wealthier clientele, extend your lines towards Constantinople, and more. A limited number of action cards is available each round, so pick your actions carefully and choose a path for your rail lines. There are many ways to score points, but only a true railroad baron will accumulate the most points and win the game.

First Class is a card game that includes aspects of board games, creating a unique and dynamic experience every time you play. Cards represent your train cars and provide a visual reminder of your empire’s growth as they extend out from your player board. On top of that, every game of First Class uses two of five interchangeable decks of action cards. Each deck provides new challenges for building your rail empire. One game might have you catering to the celebrities on your trains and fulfilling contracts along your route, while another game asks you to accommodate passengers and their luggage while you get swept up in a murder mystery. Each combination of modules opens many possible strategies and provides even more thematic flair. Return to a time when rail was king and grow your empire!

Tiny Epic Zombies

GENERAL INFO: 1-5 players, 30 minutes, 5 play modes including competitive and cooperative play.

Cooperative team-play with game controlled Zombies.
Cooperative team-play with Zombies controlled by a non-team player.
Competitive free-for-all with game controlled Zombies.
Competitive free-for-all with Zombies controlled by a player.

THEME: Modern day Zombie outbreak at the Echo Ridge Mall.

HOOK: Fast paced, portable, and tons of replayability. Play as the survivors or the Zombies. Plus ITEMeeples!

WIN: Survivors must complete 3 objectives – Zombies must kill all the Survivors or gain control of the Mall’s Courtyard.

OVERVIEW: In Tiny Epic Zombies, survivors are always on the run, collecting weapons, killing Zombies and working toward completing objectives. Completing 3 objectives can win you the game but if you’re too focused on the objectives, the Zombies will overrun the mall and that will be the end of you.

Based on the mode of play, you will either play as one of the Survivors or as the Zombies.

As a Survivor, your turn will consist of moving 3 times. Then based on where you move, you’ll be able to do additional things. For instance, if you move into a room with a Zombie, you’ll have to fight it by rolling the Zombie die. Or if you move into a room adjacent to a Zombie, you can spend ammo to shoot it. Killing a Zombie is actually pretty easy… but they just keep coming. Keeping them from overrunning the entire mall, while trying to accomplish your objectives, that is hard!

After you’ve taken your 3 moves, you’ll search the room. This is done by revealing the Search Card you are holding. Most of the time, you find something useful, like awesome items you can later pickup and equip to your ITEMeeples. Sometimes though, you may find a Zombie lurking in the corner. So be prepared.
After you search the room, more Zombies flood into the Mall. Then it’s the next player’s turn. Simple as that.

Note: If your ammo and wound tokens ever meet, you’re dead meat! So, keep your wounds low and your ammo high.

If you die, that character will turn into a Zombie and you’ll have to draw a new character to play. If that happens too many times, you lose the game.

As a Zombie player, not only will you control unique Zombies with special abilities, you will control ALL the Zombies! With your help, the Zombies will have a brain in addition to eating brains. Your game will be to overwhelm the players with clever placement and movement of the Zombies. Smother them with your Zombie horde and prevent them from completing their objectives. If you kill enough players or overrun the mall courtyard, you win.

Sub Terra

Description from the publisher:

A 1-6 player cooperative game of terrifying cave escape. Players take the role of amateur cavers attempting to escape an unexplored network of subterranean tunnels, before the lights flicker out or the darker things beneath the Earth catch up to them…

In Sub Terra players spend their turn exploring and revealing the tunnel system around them, attempting to survive the various perils of the cave, from floods and cave ins to gas leaks and scree. Players each have a role which gives them specialist abilities, such as an Engineer with dynamite to blast a new route or a Scout to find a route more easily.

New tiles are placed from a randomised stack of cave features, which determines whether you’ll be hit with a dead end or a range of new options.

At the end of each turn, players face the reality of their situation, with a hazard card drawn to determine what danger causes them damage or cuts off their way out of the horror below.

These cards are finite, and when they run out, your torches flicker and the air feels tight, and your chance of survival diminishes quickly.


In Vanuatu, you are a Vanuatuan who wants to prosper during the eight turns of the game. In order to prosper, you have to manage with natural resources, rare items, vatus (local currency) and tourists. To earn money or prosperity points, you may also draw on the sand*, carry tourists all over Vanuatu islands, or trade cargo with foreign countries.
On each turn, the archipelago expands and you have to program your actions with five tokens. You put one or more of them on the chosen action spaces, and on your turn, you will only be able to play an action if you have the majority on its space. Thus, sometimes have to wait for other players to remove their tokens by playing their actions. If you are not in majority anywhere, you have to remove all of your tokens from an action and give up hope of playing this action. A good strategy lets you block other players; for example, they won’t be able to sell fishes if they haven’t caught them first – order matters! Islands and sea resources are rare, so be quick and take them first!

There is no such thing as a rich Vanuatuan. When you reach ten vatus, they automatically transform into 5 prosperity points and again, you are poor. Life is hard, but you may encounter ten men to help you; on each turn you choose one of them to increase your benefits from an action. As always, being the first player lets you choose before the others.

In short, Vanuatu is a strategy game of programming and majorities that features development, blocking, and a lot of interaction between players.

(*) Sand Drawing in Vanuatu belongs to the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity of the UNESCO.

Yukon Airways

In Yukon Airways, you will be at the controls of your very own seaplane with the mission of transporting travelers to the different points of the Yukon. Embark your passengers (dice) using a draft system and use your ticket cards to take them to the different locations on the map. For each passenger, you get money and the possibility of improving your plane if the passenger finds a point of interest that satisfies their tastes at the destination (when the color of the die matches the color of one of the cubes at that destination). At the end of the game, you will earn extra money according to the different locations you have visited. The player who has earned the most money at the end of the week wins.

—description from publisher


En Yukon Airways te pondrás a los mandos de tu propio hidroavión con la misión de transportar viajeros a los diferentes puntos del Yukón. Embarca a tus pasajeros (dados) mediante un sistema de draft y usa tus cartas de Tique para llevarlos a las diferentes localizaciones del mapa. Por cada pasajero obtendrás dinero y la posibilidad de mejorar tu avión si el pasajero encuentra en el destino algún punto de interés que satisfaga sus preferencias (cuando el color del dado coincide con el color de uno de los cubos de la localización de destino). Al final de la partida, ganarás dinero extra según las diferentes localizaciones que hayas visitado y los tiques para la época de Navidad que hayas logrado vender. Aquel jugador que al finalizar la semana haya conseguido más dinero se proclamará ganador.


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On the volcanic island of Carcata, all the local tribes send their bravest warriors at the time of the Grand Challenge.

How to Play

The game is set in a fantasy world where players take on the role of powerful wizards. Each wizard has their own unique abilities and objectives to complete, making every game different and challenging. The goal is to accumulate points by completing quests, defeating monsters or fighting other players. But be careful, because other players can also hinder your progress and sabotage your quests.

One of the things that I love most about ‘Carcata’ is its game mechanics. It combines elements of luck and strategy, making it a perfect balance for both casual and competitive players. The colorful game board, detailed miniatures, and beautifully designed cards create an immersive experience that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

Who Can Play

But what really sets ‘Carcata’ apart is its audience. This game is perfect for both seasoned board game veterans and newcomers alike. Its easy-to-learn rules make it accessible to anyone, but the depth of strategy ensures that even experienced players will have a challenge on their hands.

What Makes It Fun

One of my favorite aspects of the game is how it encourages player interaction. You can form alliances, make deals, and even betray your friends (all in good fun, of course). This adds an element of unpredictability and social dynamics that make every game unique. But above all, ‘Carcata’ is just plain fun. Whether you’re a fan of fantasy worlds or just love a good strategy game, this one will definitely keep you entertained for hours.


The World Game

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Find out where all world countries are located and their flags.
Suitable for all ages, from easy to complex, so nobody gets left out.
For any geography enthusiast, this is a must-have.
Educative and fun! Flashcards can be made from cards.
Portable – perfect for parties or road trips.

Facts are competed between World Countries (a bigger country beats a smaller one, etc.). Four challenges are available: Flag, Location, Capital City, and Continent. Trivia board game fun for all ages!

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Game That Song

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If you’re looking for a fun game night activity or just want to have some laughs with your friends, give Game That Song a try

How to Play

The gameplay is simple – players take turns being the “DJ” while the others are “listeners”. The DJ plays a song from their phone or a music streaming service and the listeners have to guess the artist or title of the song. Points are awarded for correct guesses and players can also earn bonus points by completing challenges during their turn as DJ.

One of my favorite game mechanics in Game That Song is the use of challenge cards. These cards add an element of surprise and creativity to the game, making it more interesting and unpredictable. The challenges range from singing a part of the song to using only one word to describe it, which always leads to some hilarious moments.

Who Can Play

Game That Song can be played with different groups of friends and it has been a hit every time. It’s perfect for music lovers of all ages – whether you’re a die-hard fan or just enjoy listening to music, there’s something for everyone in this game. It’s also a great icebreaker for parties and gatherings, as it gets people laughing and bonding over their love of music.

What Makes It Fun

What makes Game That Song so much fun is that it combines two things – board games and music. It’s not just about knowing the answers but also about quick thinking, creativity and having a good time with friends. It’s always a blast to see how different people interpret the challenges and come up with their own unique ways to play.

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Fellowships of Fate

Fellowships of Fate is a cooperative game that revolves around completing quests and defeating the evil forces threatening the land.

How to Play

Each player takes on the role of a different hero, each with their own unique abilities and strengths. Together, you must strategize and work as a team to complete objectives and overcome challenges.

The gameplay is divided into rounds, with each round consisting of different phases. During your turn, you can move your hero, interact with other players and NPCs (non-player characters), as well as use various items and abilities to aid in completing quests or defeating enemies.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Fellowships of Fate is its unique game mechanics. The first one being the Fate Deck – a deck of cards that determines the outcome of various actions in the game. This element adds an unpredictable and exciting element to gameplay, as you never know what card might come up next.

Another interesting mechanic is the use of dice for combat. Unlike other games that rely solely on dice rolls for combat resolution, Fellowships of Fate combines strategic decision-making with random chance. This makes combat more dynamic and requires players to think tactically rather than relying solely on luck.

Who Can Play

Fellowships of Fate is suitable for a wide range of audiences. It can be enjoyed by both beginners and experienced board game players, as the rules are easy to learn but also offer strategic depth. The cooperative aspect also makes it a great option for families or groups of friends looking for a fun and challenging game to play together.

What Makes It Fun

What makes Fellowships of Fate incredibly fun is the sense of camaraderie that comes with playing it. As you work together to defeat enemies and complete quests, you feel a strong sense of teamwork and accomplishment. The unique game mechanics also add an element of surprise and excitement, making each playthrough different and enjoyable.

If you’re a fan of fantasy-themed games, strategy elements, and cooperative gameplay, then Fellowships of Fate is definitely a game worth checking out. It offers a unique and entertaining experience that will keep you coming back for more.

Camel Up

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‘Camel Up’ transforms your tabletop into a thrilling desert racetrack where camels stack, race, and spring surprises on even the most seasoned gamblers.

This Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year) winner has entertained my gaming group with laughter and competitive banter.

A Kaleidoscope of Fun and Frenzy

Camel Up brings horse race excitement combined with unpredictable camels stacking on top of one another. It’s a speedy and straightforward game filled with vibrant artwork that begs you to play.

Each game involves a series of thrilling rounds, players bet on which camel will finish first or last. The tension mounts as the quirky pyramid dice shaker releases a single, colored die that propels one camel forward while others anxiously await their turn.

The game is filled with twists: camels can catch a ride on each other’s backs, leading to dramatic comebacks and unexpected upsets that can overturn the whole race in a single move!  It is a dice-rolling game filled with twists and turns.

What makes it fun?

Simple rules and straightforward game mechanics help Camel Up appeal to a wide array of gamers. It is light and engaging, but with enough strategic depth to keep everyone involved.

The dice pyramid, provides a fair and entertaining way to handle randomization. The playtime is quick, ensuring that you can fit a game or two into an evening with no player left waiting for long for their turn.


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Dice Forge

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Unveiling the World of ‘Dice Forge’

‘Dice Forge’ is an enchanting realm where players become heroes in the quest of proving their worth to the divine deities. The game’s lore is rich, melding themes of mythology with a dash of steampunk, all beautifully reflected in the game’s artwork and component design. At its core, ‘Dice Forge’ combines the tactile satisfaction of rolling dice with the strategic depth of resource management, crafting a game that’s both elegant and easy to learn.

Summary of Gameplay

The gameplay in ‘Dice Forge’ is deceptively simple: Players start with basic dice and throughout the game, they will be enhancing their dice through the acquisition of new faces with heroic attributes. The ultimate goal is victory points, which players can earn through a variety of means, including defeating monsters and completing heroic acts. The game proceeds through a set number of rounds, with each round entailing dice-rolling, resource-gathering, and card purchasing. The player with the most victory points at the end is declared the champion of ‘Dice Forge.’

What are the Game Mechanics?

At the heart of ‘Dice Forge’ lies the ingenious game mechanic after which the title is named—the actual dice-forging. The game uses custom dice with removable faces, allowing players to upgrade and customize their dice throughout the game. This mechanic is both tactile and rewarding, as players physically ‘forge’ their dice by snapping in place new faces that they have purchased or ‘crafted’ with their resources.

Beyond the dice, ‘Dice Forge’ employs elements of deck-building, where players can acquire cards that represent various boons, new abilities, or bonuses. Additionally, the game utilizes a resource management system, where players collect sun shards and moon shards to pay for their various improvements. The game mechanics are designed to ensure a balance between chance and strategy, offering a dynamic and engaging experience.

What Type of Gamers Will Like Dice Forge?

‘Dice Forge’ appeals to a wide range of gamers due to its versatile mechanics. Strategy enthusiasts will enjoy the cerebral challenge of optimizing dice outputs and resource distribution. Players who appreciate tactile elements in games will relish the experience of physically customizing their components. 

Why ‘Dice Forge’ is More than Just Fun

 The game is a wonderful amalgamation of skill and chance, where every roll brings with it the promise of opportunity and the thrill of uncertainty. The tactile satisfaction of ‘dice-crafting’ is a unique feature that makes every game session feel fresh and personal. Players invest in their dice, both emotionally and strategically, which adds a layer of attachment rarely found in board games.

Moreover, ‘Dice Forge’ is replayable. The adaptable, modular board and the multitude of card combinations ensure that no two games are alike. With its brisk pacing and intuitive design, players can jump right in and enjoy the game multiple times without feeling the staleness that often accompanies repeated playthroughs in other games.

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From the publisher’s press release:

“Each player begins by sketching a TELESTRATIONS word dictated by the roll of a die. The old fashioned sand timer may limit the amount of time they get to execute their sketch, but it certainly doesn’t limit creativity! Time’s up! All players, all at the same time, pass their sketch to the next player, who must guess what’s been drawn. Players then simultaneously pass their guess — which hopefully matches the original word (or does it??) — to the next player who must try to draw the word they see — and so on.”
“Telestrations contains eight erasable sketchbooks and markers, a die, a 90 second sand-timer and 2,400 words to choose from.”
Inspired from the public domain game Eat Poop You Cat .
Similiar games are Mutabo and Mini-Mutabo .

Small World: Underground

“This world’s not big enough for all of us, so it’s time you step aside to make room for me.”

That’s the spirit of Philippe Keyaerts’ award-winning Small World, and the 2011 release Small World Underground is a standalone game that keeps that spirit intact, while putting a new spin on the game play.

Small World Underground includes 15 fantasy-themed races of creatures along with 21 special powers. Each player will control several creature/power combinations over the course of the game – spending points to draft these combinations – and will use those creatures to claim control of various subterranean locations. Some locations hold relics or are designated as “places of power”, and monsters must first be conquered before a player can claim these special benefits. At the end of each turn, a player scores points for the regions he holds, and the player with the most points at game end wins.

Small World Underground is playable on its own, but can be combined with other Small World releases. The publisher recommends that players be familiar with Small World before playing Small World Underground.


This game is based upon Richard Borg’s Command and Colors system. The world of BattleLore meshes history and fantasy together – putting players in command of an array of miniature troops on the battlefields of a Medieval Europe Uchronia at the outset of the Hundred Years War.

Drawing on the strengths of Memoir ’44, this Days of Wonder game takes the time-tested Command and Colors system to a new level and offers gamers of many backgrounds a chance to fight medieval battles with a dose of epic fantasy.

In this fantastical re-imagining of the Hundred Years War, French and English armies are supplemented with Goblins and Dwarves mercenaries and even some creatures like the Giant Spider and the Earth Elemental! Just as important as the armies you have, though, are the Lore Masters you choose to aid you: Wizards, Clerics, Warriors and Rogues can all aid you with unique powers and spells in ways role-playing gamers will find familiar.

Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu

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“Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu” is a thrilling, cooperative board game that combines the classic mechanics of “Pandemic” with the dark, enigmatic universe of H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos. This game offers a unique twist on the familiar “Pandemic” formula, introducing new challenges and strategic depth, making it a fascinating experience for fans of both the original game and Lovecraftian horror.

Gameplay Overview

In “Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu,” players step into the roles of intrepid investigators trying to prevent the awakening of the Great Old Ones—a group of powerful, ancient deities from Lovecraft’s mythos. The game is set in the eerie, mist-shrouded towns of Arkham, Innsmouth, Dunwich, and Kingsport. Each player has unique abilities and must work collaboratively to seal four gates that connect our world to other sinister realms. As they progress, players must also contend with an increasing number of cultists and Shoggoths, monstrous creatures that can drastically hinder their efforts.

Game Mechanics

The core mechanics of “Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu” are similar to those in “Pandemic,” where players use cards to travel, fight foes, and achieve goals. The key differences are:

  • Mythos Cards: Mythos cards introduce various events that can either aid or hinder the players
  • Sanity Mechanic: Each encounter with a Shoggoth or a gate to another dimension risks the investigators’ sanity, limiting their effectiveness as they edge closer to madness.
  • Sealing Gates: Instead of curing diseases, players must seal gates to other dimensions, requiring specific sets of cards and often putting them in battles with the game’s antagonists

Differences from “Pandemic”

“Reign of Cthulhu” differs from Pandemic by immersing players in a thematic experience steeped in cosmic fear and madness. The sanity mechanic, coupled with the constant threat from cultists and Shoggoths, creates a more immersive narrative-driven gameplay. 

What Makes It Fun

The game is engaging due to its rich theme and the intense, cooperative gameplay. The constant pressure from the awakening Old Ones and the need to manage both physical and mental resources make each playthrough a tense and challenging experience.

What do players of Pandemic Reign of Cthulhu Say about the game?

Playersare overwhelmingly positive, highlighting several key aspects that make the game enjoyable and distinct from the original “Pandemic”:

  1. Enhanced Theme and Components: Reviewers appreciate the dark, brooding Lovecraftian theme, which they feel is well-represented in the quality of the game board and components. 

  2. Gameplay and Mechanics: Players find the gameplay intense and engaging, with no downtime. The transition from managing diseases to sealing gates and combating cultists is seen as a refreshing twist.

  3. Learning Curve: Some newcomers to the “Pandemic” series find the game slightly challenging to learn, noting that it might take a few playthroughs to get comfortable with the rules.

  4. Cooperative Play: Reviewers enjoy the cooperative mechanics, finding it fun to collaborate to thwart the rise of Cthulhu and other Great Old Ones. 

  5. Game Design Improvements: Several reviewers mention that “Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu” addresses some of the perceived shortcomings of the original “Pandemic,” such as the somewhat bland theme and overly complex rules. The modifications in travel and outbreak mechanics are specifically noted as improvements that enhance gameplay.

  6. Replayability and Engagement: The game is described as being very engaging and replayable,

Mr Jack: Pocket

It has been found again by Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc with Mr.Jack Pocket, the small card game derived from Mr. Jack. The board is replaced by a square grid made of nine street cards. The suspects, and among them Mr.Jack, are pictured on the cards. Holmes, Watson and a dog are turning around the grid, a system already used by Bruno Cathala in several games, and can “look” at the streets in a row or column. Every round, like in Mr.Jack, four actions are available. The first player selects one, his opponent two, and the first player then uses the last remaining action. Actions allow moving a detective one or two spaces clockwise around the grid, turning a card in order to change the view of the streets, swapping two street cards or drawing an alibi card. At the end of the round, Mr.Jack states if he can be seen by one of the detectives. Of course, the detectives must identify Jack, who must stay hidden long enough to escape.

Walking in Burano

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Burano is an island in Venice, Italy, famous for colourful houses. The theme of this game revolves around the island, which has vibrant houses on both sides of the canal, as well as the personal décor placed by the people on the island. The houses need a fresh coat of paint in order to remain beautiful and vivid. Players use their creativity to refurbish and decorate the houses and attract tourists and local people.

To beautify these houses, players place Floor Cards on the game area to attract visits from different characters.
They will score points based on the various symbols on these cards. Players compete to score the most points.

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Flick ’em Up!

With this game Flick ‘em Up!, you will find yourself in a rugged, ruthless town of the wild west, thanks to its immersive scenarios and exceptional components. Pick up your Colt and take cover. You’re a fool if you expect mercy from your enemies. Whether you choose to terrorize the countryside with the likes of the Cooper Clan or stand by the Sheriff as he enforces the law and defends the innocent. You won’t soon forget this exciting journey through the wild west!

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The Great Dalmuti

A light card game where players gain status by going out first.

The 80-card commercial deck contains cards ranked from 12 to 1, along with two Jesters. Each card bears a number, which is not only its rank, but also tells you how many of that card exist in the deck. In other words, there are twelve 12s, eleven 11s, four 4s and a single card ranked 1. The lower the number, the better the rank.

The deck is dealt out to all players and the object is to get rid of your cards as fast as possible. The hand begins with one person playing one or more card to the center of the table. The cards played must all be of the same rank (although Jesters are wild, and may be played with any other cards). Each player in turn must now either play the same number of cards of a better rank, or pass. Play continues around the table until everyone has passed; at that point, the cards are cleared and whoever played the last set of cards leads the next round. After everyone has gone out, the players are ranked. For example, the person who first got rid of all his cards becomes The Great Dalmuti. Players change seat position to represent the new hierarchy and begin another round. The Great Dalmuti is generally played for many rounds.

Similar to:

Dilbert: Corporate Shuffle
Pyramid Card
Scum: The Food Chain Game
Deathtrap Dungeon: Card Game

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The Duke

Levy. Maneuver. Conquer.

The Duke is a dynamic, tile-based strategy game with an old-world, feudal theme, high-quality wooden playing pieces, and an innovative game mechanism in its double-sided tiles. Each side represents a different posture – often considered to be defensive or offensive – and demonstrates exactly what the piece can do within the turn. At the end of a move (or after the use of a special ability), the tile is flipped to its other side, displaying a new offensive or defensive posture.

Each posture conveys different options for maneuver and attack. The full circle is a standard Move, the hollow circle the Jump, the arrow provides for the Slide, the star a special Strike ability and so on. Each turn a player may select any tile to maneuver, attempting to defend his own troops while positioning himself to capture his opponent’s tiles. If you end your movement in a square occupied by an opponent’s tile, you capture that tile. Capture your opponent’s Duke to win!

Players start the game by placing their Duke in one of the two middle squares on their side of the game board. Two Footman are then placed next to the Duke. Each turn a player may choose to either move a single tile or randomly draw a new tile from the bag. With fifteen different Troop Tiles, all double-sided, and nineteen total pieces for each player (plus special optional tiles), the variety of game play is limitless.

Beyond the endless variety of the basic game, Terrain Tiles introduce a variety of game play options, altering the game board. These rules also include several alternate objectives, such as the challenging Dark Rider game which pits five Pikeman against a lone Knight.

The Bridges of Shangri-La

In Shangri-La, the mysterious and isolated utopia nestled high in the mountains, a strange struggle for dominance has begun. Once peaceful and neighborly, the Masters of the competing mountain-folk train their students and send them out across bridges to control neighboring villages. To take control of a village, the students must come together in uncomfortable alliances, regardless of their tribal origin. Eventually students become Masters themselves, train new students and expand to other villages.

There is one thing each student must keep in mind as they travel from village to village — the mystical powers of Shangri-La mysteriously cause the bridges to collapse, separating villages forever. One crucial question will decide the winner: who will control the most Masters of Shangri-La?

Players take on the roles of leaders of a specific tribe. There is a battle raging over the empty villages of the land and players must quickly fill those villages with their tribal leaders. As players migrate tribal leaders from one village to the next, they must not become too weak or they risk losing leaders to opposing tribes. The ultimate object of the game is to have the most leaders on the board at the end of the game.
It is an abstract game with many options and tense until the end.

2004 Mensa Select

Thematically, players are adding masters and students, and trying to have the students migrate to nearby villages to become masters. Functionally, this is essentially a military game. Players either spend their turn reinforcing a village (adding more tokens there) or invading a neighboring village (expanding influence if you have more total tokens than the victim). The unique twist is that, after each invasion, the connecting bridge is removed. So over the course of the game, attack options become more and more limited, until the game naturally comes to a conclusion.

UNO Flip!

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As a huge fan of card games, I checked a different Uno edition,  ‘Uno Flip’. And let me tell you, it is an interesting variant.

If you are interested in other types of classic family card games, you can view my article here.


The gameplay is similar to the classic Uno game – players take turns matching cards in their hand to the top card on the discard pile, either by color or number. But here’s where the twist comes in – there are two sides to each card, a light side and a dark side. And once the Flip card is played, everything gets flipped and the game takes a whole new turn!

Uno Flip Mechanics

The Flip card not only flips the direction of play (from clockwise to counterclockwise), but also flips the entire deck, revealing new cards with different values and effects. This adds an element of surprise and strategy to the game, making it more challenging and fun.

Special Cards

Just like in classic Uno, there are special cards that can change the course of the game – Skip, Reverse, Draw Two and Wilds. But in ‘Uno Flip’, there are also new special cards such as Draw Five, Skip Everyone and Flip One. These cards can either help you or hinder your opponents, so use them wisely!


‘Uno Flip’ is suitable for all ages, making it perfect for a family game night or a fun get-together with friends. It’s easy enough to understand for younger players, but still offers enough strategic elements to keep adults engaged.

What Makes it Fun

The constant flipping of the deck and the unpredictable nature of the game make ‘Uno Flip’ a truly exciting and entertaining game. It’s always a blast to see your opponents’ faces when you play a Flip card and completely turn the game around. Plus, with the addition of new special cards, there are endless possibilities and strategies to try out.

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Sheriff of Nottingham

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Master The Art of Bluffing in ‘Sheriff of Nottingham’

‘Sheriff of Nottingham’ captures the essence of medieval commerce and throws in a dash of cunning and bluff. In this overview, we’re going to uncover its gameplay and appeal.

Game Overview

In ‘Sheriff of Nottingham’, players assume the roles of merchants keen on smuggling goods past the watchful eye of the Sheriff. The game is designed for 3 to 5 players, aged 14 and above, and typically spans 60 minutes of intense negotiations and accusations.

The box contains a collection of vibrant cards representing legal and contraband goods, gold coins, and the all-important merchant bags. The game revolves around making a profit by selling your goods in the market, smuggling other goods past the sheriff, or by negotiating with the authorities – which comes with rewards and risks.

Gameplay and Game Mechanics

Each round, one player takes on the role of the Sheriff, who will decide which bags to inspect for contraband and which to pass through. The heart of the game is the interaction between the Sheriff and the merchants. Players load their bags with various items and declare what the bag contains – a legal good, perhaps, or even a sneaky bit of contraband. This then involves a mix of diplomacy and deceit—bribes to look the other way, threats to open bags, and always, the temptation to lie and bluff.

The game is a balance of luck, strategy, and social interaction.

What Makes ‘Sheriff of Nottingham’ Fun?

The fun lies in the bluffing to the anticipation of the Sheriff calling your bluff. It requires a shrewd assessment of the behavior of others and the ability to create stories that sound plausible. The game also emphasizes negotiation, as players haggle over the right to inspect or not inspect each other’s bags.

Who Will Find It Fun?

‘Sheriff of Nottingham’ caters to a wide audience. For families, it’s a fantastic way to introduce older children to strategy and the art of deception in a safe and playful environment. Social groups will revel in the heightened drama and storytelling.

What other gamers say about ‘Sheriff of Nottingham’?

It’s a game that consistently delivers a great time. Players of the game laud its balance of strategy and silliness, as well as its ability to bring participants into character. The tactile aspect of the bags and coins enhances the overall experience.

The critical comments that arise are often about minor issues such as component quality.

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Codenames: Pictures

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Codenames Pictures: A Game That Will Keep You on Your Toes!

If you’ve played the original Codenames game, then you already have an idea of what to expect. But don’t worry, even if you haven’t, Codenames Pictures is a standalone game that can be played and enjoyed on its own.

Gameplay: The Ultimate Test of Teamwork

The goal of Codenames Pictures is simple – to locate all of your team’s secret agents before the other team does. But here’s the catch, you have to do it without revealing any opposing agents or bystanders along the way.

The game is played with two teams – red and blue. Each team has a “spymaster” who knows the secret identities of all their agents. The spymasters give one-word clues to help their team guess the location of their own agents while avoiding those of the opposing team.

Sounds easy? It’s not. The catch is that each clue given must relate to multiple agents at once, making it challenging and humorous when trying to decipher what your spymaster meant by “banana” or “safari”.

Game Mechanics: Simple yet Surprising

Codenames Pictures is easy to learn and play, but the surprising twists and turns will keep you on your toes.

The game board consists of a grid of 5×4 picture cards, each representing a different agent. The spymasters have a key card that reveals the location of their team’s agents, as well as bystanders and opposing agents.

Players take turns giving clues and guessing the locations of their agents. But be careful not to reveal any bystanders, or worse, opposing agents – this could give the other team an advantage!

One unique aspect of Codenames Pictures is that each picture card can represent multiple agents at once. This adds a layer of complexity and strategy to the game, forcing players to think outside of the box when giving and interpreting clues.

What Makes it Fun: Laughter and Teamwork

The combination of strategy, communication, and chance makes Codenames Pictures a delightfully fun experience for all involved. It’s not just about winning, but the laughter and teamwork that come along the way.

With each clue given, you never know what your teammates will come up with.

What is the difference between Codenames Pictures and Codenames?

Codenames: Pictures is different from the original Codenames in that the agents are no longer represented by a single word, but by an image that contains multiple elements.

Codenames Pictures is basically the same game, but with fewer cards in play, all while making the game more complex and speeding it up. Several people find the game to be easier to play with pictures rather than words. Four or more people can play the game comfortably; however, larger groups add more fun and energy to the game.

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King of New York

There’s always something happening in the city that never sleeps. Maybe it’s the lights, maybe it’s the energy, or maybe it’s the giant monsters trying to demolish the place!

King of New York is a standalone game from designer Richard Garfield that keeps the core ideas of King of Tokyo while introducing new ways to play. As in KoT, your goal is to be the first monster to collect 20 victory points (VPs) or to be the last monster standing. On your turn, you roll six dice up to three times, then carry out the actions on those dice. Claws cause damage to other monsters, hearts heal damage to yourself, and energy is stored up so that you can purchase power cards that provide unique effects not available to anyone else.

What’s new in King of New York is that you can now try to become a star in the big city; more specifically, you can achieve “Fame”, which nets you VPs, but superstar status is fleeting, so enjoy your time in the spotlight.

The game board for King of New York is larger than in KoT with each monster occupying a district in the city and everyone trying to shine in Manhattan. When you attack, you can displace a monster in another district, whether to escape military forces or to find new smashing opportunities. Yes, smashing because you can now destroy buildings and get bonuses for doing so, but the more destruction you cause, the more intense the military response.

The monsters from King of New York can be used in KoT and vice versa, but the power cards are specific to this game.

Part of the King of Tokyo series.

Dungeon Petz

Become the leader of an imp family that has just started a new business – breeding and selling petz. Sound simple and safe? Well, we forgot to mention that those petz are for Dungeon Lords. This means magical, playful, sometimes angry monsters that constantly desire attention and at the very moment you want them to demonstrate their qualities to buyers they are sick or they poop. Sometimes you are even glad that you got rid of them – but the profit is unbelievable.

Dungeon Petz is a standalone game set in the Dungeon Lords universe. The game consists of several rounds in which players use unusual worker placement mechanisms (players simultaneously prepare different sized groups of imps in order to play sooner than others) to prepare themselves for the uneasy task of raising creature cubs and pleasing their different needs (represented by cards) in order to sell them as grown and scary creatures to Dungeon Lords. In the meantime, they also attend various contests in which they show off their pets, scoring additional points.


Poker is a 2-10 player game with the objective to win the pot, sometimes containing bets players have made in a deal. Players play with a standard deck of 52-cards (sometimes with the addition of Jokers as wild cards) and are dealt these cards usually reduced to a hand of 5. Betting and bluffing are prominently used in rounds with the player with the best combination of a Poker hand of five being the winner.

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The lunch break is almost there and all of the young penguins would finally get the fish they’ve been craving. However, some rascals think they are quick enough to snatch some of the fish before the lunch break starts, but they have forgotten one thing – the Hall Monitor! Each school day one of the penguins is designated to watch over the school, and this is his moment to shine – for each rascal penguin he catches he would get additional fish! ICECOOL is a 2-4 player flicking game where the objective for players is to collect fish without being caught by the Hall Monitor (the catcher) in order to accumulate Victory Points. Players take turns being the Catcher and the game is over when every player has been the Catcher once. The game consists of as many rounds as there are players and each round consists of 3 phases. You set the game board comprising a setup of various rooms. Phase 1 – Round Setup Players place their penguins. Phase 2 – Playing the Round Players who are not the Hall Monitor take turns flicking their penguins around to collect fish.  The Hall Monitor flicks their Penguin around the board trying to catch the other players. Phase 3 – The End of the Round The player with the highest amount of victory points wins!

Ricochet Robots

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Ricochet Robots is less of a game and more of a puzzle, which explains why there’s such an odd number of solutions possible.

There’s a four-piece modular board that forms a large room with walls spread around the board.  There are also color-coded targets on boards. Placed on top of the surface are four robots.

The idea for each turn/puzzle is to get the like-colored robot to a randomly selected target. The trick is that once a robot starts moving, it will continue to move until a wall or another robot stops it. Therefore, players are seeking a sequence of moves for the robots that will enable them to move the required robot to the target in the fewest moves.

Fearsome Floors

The storyline in Friedemann Friese’s Fearsome Floors (aka, Finstere Flure) continues the FFF-saga from Friese’s earlier game, with players trying to escape from Fürst Fieso. Story aside, what we have is a wonderful race game in which the players must move through a dungeon as quickly as possible – or at least within 14 turns – before it crumbles over their heads.

Players could reach the exit in only seven turns if everything were peaceful and quiet, but unfortunately the dungeon is also the home of a very hungry monster! Each round, players take turns moving one disk at a time, flipping over the disk after moving it to reveal the movement points available for the next round. They can try to lead the monster, who is always after fresh prey, to opponents’ pieces, but they may find themselves eaten instead! Pieces can slide along blood slicks or might be crushed between a boulder and a wall. You can even try to get the monster to teleport to another part of the board, where it will fall upon its next victim!

Lost Cities

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Adventures to find five forgotten cities
Each player guides a team of explorers on up to five expeditions
Skilled team leaders assess when to play, hold, or discard their cards
Points are awarded based on how far the explorers make it along their paths
The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!

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Introducing Fuse the Dice Game: Explosive Fun in Ten Minutes!

Get ready to roll into action with Fuse the Dice Game, the dynamic, cooperative game that cranks up the pressure and challenges you to think fast! 

Defuse or Get Blown Away!

Imagine you’re part of a bomb disposal squad, and you have just minutes to prevent disaster. That’s the adrenaline-pumping scenario Fuse sets for you. Each player on the team rolls dice to match the requirements of various “bombs” — cards with specific patterns you must create with your dice to “defuse” them. But there’s a catch: you’re tackling these puzzles in real-time, with a timer counting down to a boom you must avoid at all costs!

How It Works

  • The game is guided by simple yet exhilarating mechanics: roll dice, match colors and numbers, complete the patterns, and achieve victory — all this before the timer runs out
  • On your turn, you’ll need to think quickly and work with your teammates to place your dice strategically on bomb cards.
  • You’ll encounter a variety of bomb cards each with different symbology; learning to interpret these symbols swiftly becomes part of the fun and mastery of the game.
  • Remember, the clock is ticking, and each round escalates in tension as you near the explosive finale.

A Game for the Swift and Strategic

Fuse is more than just a game of chance. It will test your ability to decide and act quickly under pressure. Strategy and nimbleness of mind will serve you well as you prioritize which sequences to complete and when to reroll for better outcomes. The push-your-luck element means you’ll always be one roll away from triumph or the sobering sound of the timer ending your quest.

A Perfect Travel Companion… Almost

At a mere 10 minutes (and an additional 2 for setup and teardown), this game packs a punch without dragging out your evening. Its compact size makes it ideal for bringing along to any game night or travel destination — as long as you’re not playing on the move! It’s a short, intense burst of fun that’s easy to fit into your evening and guaranteed to hit the table.

Embrace the Challenge Together

What truly makes Fuse stand out is its cooperative heart pulsing against the beat of a relentless timer. It requires you to work together with efficiency but leaves no room for prolonged debate. It’s about instinct, sharp eyes, and a shared commitment to avert a tabletop catastrophe.

What to Expect

  • Feel the rush of playing against the clock.
  • Experience the joy in strategic, cooperative play that demands swift decision-making.
  • Enjoy multiple playthroughs as you and your friends become more adept at defusing the bomb, rolling dice, and interpreting symbology.
  • Relish a game that is easy to learn, yet remains exciting and challenging time after time.

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Star Wars: The Card Game

It is a dark time for the galaxy. The Galactic Empire has consolidated its dominion through the might of the Imperial Navy. In the underworld of the Empire’s most populated planets, and in strongholds throughout the Outer Rim, powerful gangsters rule vast criminal organizations. From the shadows, those lost to the grip of the dark side of the Force scheme to bring their evil designs to bear on an already oppressed galaxy.

Yet not all hope is lost. The Rebel Alliance resists the iron grip of the Empire. Smugglers and other fringe elements lend their aid to the Rebellion. And unknown to the Emperor and his dark minions of the Sith, the last remnants of the noble Jedi Order work tirelessly to restore peace and order to the galaxy.

Star Wars: The Card Game is a two-player card game that puts one player in command of the Rebels (light side, with the factions Jedi, Rebel Alliance, and Smugglers And Spies), and one player in command of the Empire (dark side, with the factions Sith, Imperial Navy, and Scum And Villainy). The Balance of the Force expansion allows multi-player games. The game is set within the time-frame of the original Star Wars trilogy.

Each player has a deck of objective cards representing various missions plus a deck of player cards of units (characters, vehicles, droids and creatures), events, enhancements and fates. Each objective is linked to a set of five player cards. Deck construction consists of choosing which objectives are to go into your objective deck, then adding each of those objective’s set of five player cards to your player deck. Game play consists of deploying cards to your tableau, attacking your opponent’s objectives, defending your own objectives, and committing cards to the Force Struggle.

The Empire wins if the Death Star dial reaches 12, with this dial increasing by one on each dark side turn, effectively putting a timer on the game. It may also be increased by winning the Force struggle, destroying light side objectives, and via card effects. The Rebels win by destroying three dark side objectives before the Empire wins.

Space Cadets: Dice Duel

Your plan is quickly coming together. Simplicity itself. Just continue to close the gap to the enemy, and launch when within range. Your crew is well-trained and work quickly at their stations, just the edge you need to come out on top.

“Engineering, power to Helm. Move forward and close the distance to the enemy. Keep shields in the front. We’re going straight in”. You can feel the bridge vibrate slightly as the engines come up to speed.

“Captain, all sensors are on weapon lock”, says the Sensor Officer. “You can fire at will.”

A slight smirk crosses your face. “On my mark! Launch both tor… Wait, where did they go?” You look at the viewscreen, puzzled, with a growing sense of unease.

Sensors starts shouting. “Crystal Warp! Captain they’ve done a crystal warp and they’re directly behind us!”

From your right comes the panicked voice of the Shields officer. “Umm, Captain… All of our shields are to the front!”

You start barking out orders. “Shields, use the crystal we captured to raise the aft shield. Weapons, start to move the torpedoes to the rear tubes! Helm, get us out of here!”

The crew gets to work, but you look on in horror as two torpedoes lance out from your nemesis…


Space Cadets: Dice Duel – the “Team vs. Team, Real-time, Dice-Rolling Game of Starship Combat!” – pits two spaceships against one another in quick-paced combat. The players are divided into two teams, each team playing the crew of a ship and winning or losing together based on how well they perform. The game ends when one side destroys their opponent by causing four points of damage through torpedoes or mines. Each ship has six Bridge Stations:

Engineering generates power for the other stations.
Helm maneuvers the ship on the map.
Weapons loads the torpedo tubes to attack the enemy.
Sensors locks onto the enemy so torpedoes can hit, and uses jammers to stop the enemy from locking on.
Shields helps protect the ship from enemy torpedoes.
Tractor Beams can grab the powerful crystals, move the enemy ship on the map, and launch Mines.

Each player is in charge of one or more of these stations, or has the overall role of Captain to coordinate everything. There are no game turns in Space Cadets: Dice Duel; instead the game continues with players acting as quickly as possible until one side wins.

Power Grid: The First Sparks

In 2001, 2F-Spiele published the original Funkenschlag.

In 2011, it is time to look back…a long time back! To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the original Funkenschlag, designer Friedemann Friese will take you back in time and let you relive the early beginnings of mankind. True to the name of the German edition (a literal translation of which is “Flying Sparks”), it is time for Funkenschlag: Die ersten Funken, or “The First Sparks”.

The First Sparks transports the Funkenschlag mechanisms into the Stone Age. The order of phases during a game round, the player order, the technology cards: you know all these parts from “Funkenschlag”. But what is new? What is different?

The First Sparks is much faster and far more direct. You are immediately part of the action. Each turn, each decision is important. As a clan leader you decide on the well-being of your clan during the Stone Age. You need to develop new hunting technologies and get new knowledge – to successfully hunt food or to learn to control fire. With the help of these skills, you will harvest enough food to feed your clan and spread it far enough to reach new hunting areas.

In a game of The First Sparks you are always confronted with many decisions: Which technology cards offer you the biggest advantages? When is the right time to spread your clan on the game board? Which hunting areas will grant the most food? Reaching new hunting areas or trying to secure parts of the game board for your own clan are important factors for your strategy. Empty spaces are cheaper for you to settle compared to spaces in which other clans are already settled. If you are the first to increase your clan size to 13 clan members, you win The First Sparks.

Codenames: Disney Family Edition

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If you’re a huge Disney fan and avid board game player, ‘Codenames: Disney Family Edition’ is the perfect board game which will not disappoint!

How to Play

he objective of Codenames is simple – to be the first team to correctly guess all of your team’s codenames before the other team does. Here’s the twist each codename is represented by a single word, but that word can have multiple meanings and relate to multiple cards on the board. So you have to use your wits and clever word associations to give one-word clues to your teammates, without accidentally leading them to the other team’s codenames or worse, the assassin card!

Additionally, this board game is not just about being a word wizard. There are also strategy and deduction elements involved. Each team has a spymaster who knows which cards belong to their team and must carefully give clues that will lead their teammates to those cards without giving away any information to the other team. It’s a delicate balance between giving too much information and not enough, which makes for some tense and exciting gameplay.

Who Can Play

If you’re a fan of Disney movies and characters than this Disney themed game is or you. But even if you’re not a huge Disney fan, regardless of your age, the game is still entertaining and engaging. It’s also perfect for families or groups of friends who want to have some fun together. The rules are easy enough for children to understand, but the gameplay is challenging enough for adults to enjoy as well.

What Makes It Fun

Not only is the theme of the game immensely engaging, the game also encourages creativity and imagination as you come up with clues and try to make connections between seemingly unrelated words. And of course, there’s the competitive aspect, trying to outsmart the other team and be the first to correctly guess all your codenames.

If you love Disney, word games, or just having a good time with friends and family, then ‘Codenames: Disney Family Edition’ is the perfect game for you. It’s easy to learn but has enough depth to keep you coming back for more. So gather your loved ones, put on some Disney tunes, and get ready for an entertaining and magical gaming experience!

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2 Minutes to Midnight

2 Minutes to Midnight Game Background

2 Minutes to Midnight is a game that simulates the Cold War from the end of World War Two until the early 90’s, when the Soviet Union dissolved.

Your job as an American player is to ensure Europe stays free and to spread democracy throughout the world – especially in those parts with lots of oil and significant economies.

If you are the Soviets, you must win the Cold War outright or cling to power until the end. The USSR is not doomed to collapse. Even if it did fall eventually, without Gorbachev – the great progressive – a harsher regime might have held on for longer and perhaps even developed into China-style communism.

Perhaps a harsher regime would have persisted in relative poverty for another decade while brutalizing the people and threatening annihilation… Try to do better than history!

2 Minutes to Midnight Game Overview

The full ‘campaign’ game takes 6-7 hours to play for one or two players.
Every period of the Cold War is covered in 1, 2 and 4-hour scenarios.

Each player controls the USA and the other controls the USSR. Additionally, you can play solo either with the included ‘bot’, which can automate either side, or the old-fashioned way, by watching both sides simultaneously and taking the best move you see.

In the game, you are tasked with building factories in countries marked with your own colour government and cube. A victory progress track shows you how many factories you have gained or lost. You win the game when the marker on the track reaches the star or hammer and sickle symbol, which is how you get a star or hammer and sickle.



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Introduction to Bunco: The Fun Dice Game for Everyone

Bunco is a popular dice game that has been around for over 100 years. It’s easy to learn, fast-paced, and suitable for players of all ages. Looking for a fun group activity? Bunco is perfect for game night or family time.

How to Play

Bunco needs 12 players in teams of four, but a variation can be played with fewer people.

The objective is to score points by rolling specific combinations on three dice. Each round has six turns, and the player who gets the most points at the end wins.

To start the game, each team rolls three dice per player and keeps score on a Bunco scorecard. The first player to roll three-of-a-kind (a Bunco) wins points for their team. After each player at the head table rolls, they yell “Bunco!” and the round ends. Then, everyone moves to a new table and repeats the process until all six rounds are complete.d.

Mechanics and Strategy

The key to winning at Bunco lies in understanding its mechanics. The game has three stages: getting a “Bunco,” rolling the same number as the round’s target number, or by rolling triples of the number rolled during that round.

For example, in Round 1, the target number is “ones,” so players get points for rolling three ones. In Round 2, the target becomes “twos,” and so on until Round 6 when it’s back to “ones.”

Bunco uses a rotating system where players change partners and tables after each round to ensure everyone has an equal chance of winning. This creates an element of luck that keeps the game exciting and unpredictable.

You can also use some strategic moves to increase your chances of winning. For example, keeping track of which numbers have been rolled already can help you anticipate what’s coming next and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Who Can Play

Bunco is a game for all ages that’s easy to learn and doesn’t need special skills or equipment. Perfect for family gatherings, girls’ nights, or as an icebreaker.

Why It’s Fun

Bunco is a fun and exciting game that not only brings people together, but also keeps them on their toes. Its fast-paced nature and rotating system ensure that every round is unpredictable and enjoyable. Furthermore, its element of luck makes it possible for beginners to win against seasoned players, adding to the excitement of the game.

The game offers plenty of opportunities for socializing, laughter, and cheering as players roll for “Buncos” and support their teammates.

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Ascension: Deckbuilding Game

Ascension: Deckbuilding Game — originally released as Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer — is a fast-paced deck-building game designed by Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour champions Justin Gary, Rob Dougherty, and Brian Kibler, with artwork by Eric Sabee.

Ascension is a deck-building game in which players spend Runes to acquire more powerful cards for their deck. It offers a dynamic play experience where players have to react and adjust their strategy accordingly. Each player starts with a small deck of cards, and uses those cards to acquire more and better cards for their deck, with the goal of earning the most Honor Points by gaining cards and defeating monsters.


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Qwixx is a quick-playing dice game. Everyone participates, no matter whose turn it is.

Each player has a scoresheet with the numbers 2-12 in rows of red and yellow and the numbers 12-2 in rows of green and blue.

To score points you want to mark off as many numbers as possible, but you can mark off a number only if it’s to the right of all marked-off numbers in the same row.

On a turn, the active player rolls six dice: two white and one of each of the four colors.

Each player can choose to mark off the sum of the two white dice on one of their four rows, then the active player can choose to mark off the sum of one colored die and one white die in the row that’s the same color as the die.

The more marks you can make in a row, the higher your score for that row.

Mark one of four penalty boxes on your scoresheet if you fail to cross off a number when you’re the active player

If you mark off the 2 or 12 in a row and have at least five numbers marked in that row, you get to also mark off the padlock symbol in that row, locking everyone else out of this color.

When either a player has four penalty boxes marked or a second color is locked, the game ends immediately.

Players then tally their points for each color, sum these values, then subtract five points for each marked penalty box.

Whoever has the highest score wins.

What is good about Qwixx?

It’s simple and fun for all ages.

It’s also very easy to stop a game once you start it provided that you remember who’s turn it was and start again later

Qwixx is the perfect game to play when you don’t have a lot of time or energy to do something more complicated.


Mission: Red Planet

With technology rapidly developing and the human population growing, Victorian-era Earth is in dire need of fuel, land, and other natural resources. Fortunately, automated probes sent to Mars have discovered celerium, an ore that can be combusted to produce ten thousand times more power than a steam engine, and sylvanite, the densest substance ever found. More incredibly, the probes found ice that could be used in terraforming the planet, bringing the idea of colonizing Mars even closer to becoming a reality.

As the head of a mining corporation, these minerals and ice found on Mars could make you unfathomably wealthy – if you can reach them before your competitors. You have ten rounds to send your astronauts into space, occupy the planet’s most resource-rich zones, and harvest as much celerium, sylvanite, and ice as possible. At your command is a team of nine professionals. Each has a unique skill set, from helping your astronauts traverse the Red Planet to blowing up spaceships before they launch.

In each round in Mission: Red Planet, players start by secretly deploying one of their character cards, with this card determining both when they place astronauts on the spaceships awaiting launch to Mars and which special action they take during the round. Each spaceship has a specified destination, and until an astronaut sets foot in a region, no one knows which resource they’ll find. Players collect resources (worth points) three times during the game, and they each have a secret mission card that might grant them additional points at game’s end. During the game, players might acquire an additional mission or a research card that changes the value of what awaits on Mars.

The 2015 edition of Mission: Red Planet features the same gameplay as the original 2005 edition, but it includes:

Components for up to six players instead of five
Special two-player variant rules
New action cards and revised mission and discovery cards
Mars’ moon Phobos as a new zone that astronauts can explore before possibly returning to the planet itself

Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft

Castle Ravenloft Boardgame by Bill Slavicsek, Mike Mearls and Peter Lee
The master of Ravenloft is having guests for dinner – and you are invited!
Evil lurks in the towers and dungeons of Castle Ravenloft, and only heroes of exceptional bravery can survive the horrors within. Designed for 1-5 players, this boardgame features multiple scenarios, challenging quests, and cooperative gameplay.

Each player selects a hero; a ranger, rogue, warrior, cleric, or wizard. On their turn, each player can explore further into the dungeon (turn over new tiles), move through the already explored parts of the dungeon, and fight monsters. When a new dungeon tile is revealed, there is typically an encounter of some sort, and new monsters to fight are added. Slain monsters reward the players with treasure, and experience points, allowing them to level up and increase their skills during play. Players must cooperate to stay alive, slay the monsters, and achieve the goal of their quest. Each scenario has a different goal – from retrieving a relic, to slaying a vampire lord.

The Magic Labyrinth

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The Magic Labyrinth is a children’s board game where players need to collect the magic objects which have been lost inside of the master’s maze. However, they have to do this before the Master notices anything. The maze has invisible walls where only one of the missing objects is revealed at a time, requiring players to use memory and skill.

Incohearent: Family Edition

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  • This party game is the perfect addition to a hilarious family game night– Incohearent
  • Family Fun: This family game is designed for ages 12+ and is encouraged to be played with 2+ players (of all ages).
  • How To Play: The judge for each round flips the timer and holds a card up so that only they can see the answer, but everyone else sees the gibberish phrase. Everyone else reads the front of the card aloud. Whoever decodes the phrase first wins the card. When the card has been decoded or the translators have elected to pass, the judge pulls the next card. Once the timer runs out or 3 cards have been decoded, the round is over, and the next person becomes the judge.

San Marco

Players are attempting to score the most points by building up influence in the districts of Venice via their aristocrats. The game uses a card distribution mechanic whereby (in the case of a four-player game) two players draw cards and divide them up into two piles each, the other two players pick one group and the remaining groups go to the players who formed the groups. The action cards allow players to place and remove aristocrats, erect and move bridges, and score individual regions. The entire game lasts three Passages and each Passage may contain several turns.

62 Action cards:
30 District (5 for each district)
6 Bridge
12 Transfer
10 Doge
4 Banishment

28 Limit cards:
8 X “1”
10 X “2”
10 X “3”

Related game:

Canal Grande is a two-player card game based on this game.


You are the founder of a new village during the middle ages, in the years after a great plague. The loss of so many people has created big problems for the survivors. Many of the people the villagers used to depend on for essential things like food, shelter and clothes are gone. Craftsmen find themselves without suppliers of raw materials, traders have lost their customers and many have lost their farms and workshops as they escaped the plague.

The roads are full of refugees seeking a new beginning. They come to you, hoping to settle down on your land and make a living. Your grain farm is the ideal starting point for a village, reliably providing food for many people. You must choose wisely who you allow to settle with you, as your food and resources are limited.

The people on the road have valuable and unique skills, but they all in turn rely on other people with very specific crafts to be able to work. Raw materials, tools and services must be provided by other people from the road.

If you manage to find people that can work together to make a profit, while increasing your food surplus and capacity for building new houses, your village will be prosperous.

The game comes with a solo mode where a lone village strives to prosper in spite of the dreaded Countess and her evil machinations.

—description from the publisher

The Rose King

Originally published as Texas by db-Spiele.

The battle between farmers and ranchers is fairly abstract. A single pawn travels on a square grid. Each player has a hand of cards face up. These each have a direction and a distance. The player can either draw a card and add it to his hand, or play a card. If he plays a card, then the pawn moves the appropriate distance to an empty square, and the player places one of his markers. Each player also has judge symbols that can each be used only once. The judge lets you move onto a previously placed opposition marker and reverse it. Players score points for each contiguous region equal to the square of the number of markers. If a player is not careful, such a move may be forced, as there is a maximum number of cards that a player may hold.

Contains rules for playing with 4 (in two partnerships of two players).

Later republished 1999 as Rosenkönig by Kosmos, as part of the two-player game series. The republication also included a re-theming of the game. The setting changed from Texas to England, and the factions changed from farmers and ranchers to the factions of the Plantagenet family from the Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) – the Lancaster (red rose) and the York (white rose) factions in a similarly abstracted fashion.

Rosenkönig is part of the Kosmos two-player series.

Tiny Epic Tactics

Tiny Epic Tactics utilizes a simple combat system with variable player powers and 3-D terrain to achieve endless layers of strategy and fun.

Tiny Epic Tactics offers competitive play, cooperative play and solo play!

Conquer your opponents in tactical combat where every calculated move matters… or journey across the land and through the caves in a grand cooperative/solo adventure!

Nesting inside the game box are 5 smaller boxes and a map/scroll. Players will set up the game by placing these 5 boxes, plus the box bottom, onto the scroll in designated areas. This creates the environment that players will explore and battle across.

In Tiny Epic Tactics, players will have a team of four unique heroes: a Fighter, a Wizard, a Rogue and a Beast. Each hero type, and each character within that type, offers unique advantages to movement, attacks, and/or support. Finding the synergy in your team is key to victory.

In competitive play, players will pit their teams against one another in effort to score the most victory points by the end of the game. Each turn, players will have three actions to assign across their team. They can move and/or attack with their heroes. Victory points are rewarded for area control, enemy heroes captured, and keeping your own heroes alive. Gaining complete control of one, or multiple, specific areas offers the most victory points in competitive play. Gaining control of said areas requires your heroes maintaining majority presence in these areas over the course of a few turns. This requires a careful balance of offense and defense. The control of these areas can easily shift from one player to another based on which player has the majority heroes present in the designated spaces. Once a set number of areas are captured, or one of the players has lost all of their heroes, the end game is triggered.

Tiny Epic Tactics offers a distinctly different experience for solo and cooperative play. In these modes, players will adventure across the map, fighting spawning enemies and exploring caves (printed on the interior of each of the boxes). The goal is to acquire treasures, that belongs to the enemy, from these caves while keeping your heroes alive. Once the end of the game is triggered, victory points are tallied based on how many treasures you took from the enemy and how many of your heroes you kept alive.

Slide Quest

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Chaos reigns! Follow the rolling knight through 20 adventures!
Guide this rolling knight through 20 adventures filled with twists and turns. In this game, players hold on to a lever and guide the moving platform in all directions while guiding the knight to follow the right paths. Hold on to your lives as the challenges become more difficult in order to win. Video game concept Slide Quest was turned into a board game where dexterity and cooperation were vital to success.

Scotland Yard: The Dice Game

A covert game of cat and mouse on London’s streets
Criminal mastermind Mister X has escaped Scotland Yard and you, Scotland Yard’s famous detectives, are on the case! Follow him by taxi, bus, and underground, around Picadilly Circus, along the River Thames, and through Paddington Station. Will you capture this dangerous criminal or will he disappear forever into the London fog?

Fun, fast-paced and intense game! Thrilling at every turn. Great for family game nights!

13 rounds are played.
Mister X is the first to move in each round. The detectives take turns after Mister X has finished his turn.
The goal of all detectives is to catch Mr. Mister X either by finishing their move on the same station as Mister X or blocking all available stations so that Mister X cannot move.
Invisible for a round, Mr. X disappears at regular intervals. Before his 3rd, 8th and 13th moves he removes his playing piece from the game board and secretly records his next destination he will travel to while invisible in

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Are you ready to laugh until your sides hurt? Then it’s time for a game of Telestrations! This party game combines the creativity and hilarity of Pictionary with the chaos and humor of the classic telephone game. It’s simple, it’s fun, and it’s guaranteed to bring out the artist and comedian in everyone.

How to Play

The rules of Telestrations are easy to learn, making it a great game for players of all ages. Each player starts with a small booklet and a marker. The first player rolls the die and selects a word from the corresponding category (such as “Food” or “Action”). Then, they have 60 seconds to draw a picture representing that word in their booklet. Once the timer runs out, they pass their booklet to the player on their left, who must then guess what the drawing is and write it down at the bottom of the next page.

The next player then has 60 seconds to look at the written description and turn it into a new drawing. This process continues until the booklet makes its way around the entire group. At the end, players reveal their original drawings and compare them to the final one to see how much it has changed.

Game Mechanics

Telestrations may sound simple, but it’s not just about drawing and guessing. The fun really begins when players see how their drawings have been interpreted by others in the group. As the booklet is passed around, drawings and descriptions can get lost in translation, leading to hilarious results. And with only 60 seconds per turn, players must think quickly and creatively to get their point across.

Another important aspect of Telestrations is that there are no winners or losers. The goal is simply to have a good time and share some laughs with your friends and family. This makes it a great game for mixed-age groups, as everyone can play on an equal playing field.

What Makes It Fun

Telestrations is a game that never gets old. With over 1700 words in the game, you’ll never run out of new drawings and descriptions to create. Plus, with each turn bringing unexpected twists and turns, the game is different every time you play. And the best part? It’s always more fun when played with a lively group of friends or family.

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Unsolved Case Files: Harmony Ashcroft

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This murder mystery game lets you solve fictitious cold cases just like a detective.

Riverdale, Indiana, was shocked by the brutal murder of one of its most beloved citizens on the night before her own wedding on May 8th, 1998. At a popular local restaurant, Harmony Ashcroft was shot and killed in the parking lot.

In spite of being 100% innocent, Bones McBride, a local vagrant, spent more than two decades behind bars!


VICTIM: Harmony Ashcroft
CASE NUMBER: A03-05081998
DATE: May 8th, 1998
LOCATION: Riverdale, IN
There is still no solution to this 1998 cold case. Are you up for the challenge?

Three Objectives to Solve
Investigate the case file for clues and evidence that will assist you in convicting the killer.

Online Answer Key
Make sure you found the evidence for each objective by checking the online answer keys.

Bonus Envelopes
Each time you complete an objective, you’ll receive a bonus envelope with extra evidence and your next objective.

Close the Case – Win the Game!
Once you’ve solved the third objective, you’ll close the case and bring the murderer to justice.

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CATAN: 3D Edition

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With the new 3D Edition, explore CATAN like never before. The plastic hex pieces are detailed, painted meticulously, and loaded with personality.

To start, each player places two settlement pieces on points where terrain hexes meet. On each turn, you’ll roll two dice. The result of those dice determine who receives resources.

Players who have settlements adjacent to terrain hexes marked with the rolled number get resources from those hexes.

Collect resources to build roads and new settlements or upgrade existing settlements to cities. If you expand cleverly, you may be the first player to reach 10 victory points and win the game!

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Drawing without Dignity

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Get Dirty with Drawing without Dignity

Are you tired of playing the same old board games? Want something that will leave you laughing until your stomach hurts? Look no further, because I have got the perfect game for you – Drawing without Dignity!

What is it?

Drawing without Dignity is an adult party game that combines the classic gameplay of Pictionary with an added twist of inappropriate and hilarious prompts. It is designed for those who are not easily offended and have a good sense of humor.

How to Play

The game is simple and easy to learn. Each player takes turns drawing a prompt from the deck of cards, while their teammates try to guess what is being drawn within a timed period. The catch? The prompts range from absurd to downright inappropriate, making it a challenge to keep a straight face while drawing.

Game Mechanics

Drawing without Dignity is recommended for 4-8 players and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the number of players. It includes over 600 prompts, a timer, and a dry erase board with markers for drawing. The rules are flexible, allowing players to adapt them to their liking and making each game unique.

Suitable for All Occasions

This game is perfect for a fun-filled night with friends or as an icebreaker at a party. It can also be played with family members who have a similar sense of humor. Drawing without Dignity is suitable for adults aged 17 and above, making it a great addition to game night for adults.

What Makes it Fun?

Aside from the obvious thrill of drawing ridiculous prompts, Drawing without Dignity brings people together through laughter and creates memorable moments. It is a game that allows players to let loose and be creative without taking themselves too seriously.

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Never Have I Ever Girls Edition

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Play NSFW card games like this one with your girlfriends and relive funny and entertaining moments. Make awkward encounters and embarrassing mistakes into silly memories, and make your next ladies’ night even more fun!

The game is great for bachelorette parties, college sorority house parties, and ice breaker games (it also works as a great party favor). Besides having fun while playing this game with your friends, you will also create new memories by laughing at each other’s wild stories.

If you want to avoid playing this game, don’t play it with the following people:
– your mother-in-law
– your priest
– your new neighbors that just moved in next door
– your new boss at work
– your grandma

It’s a riot, but proceed cautiously…you have been warned.

This game has an ironic aspect. In this game, you win if you have the most cards, which indicates that you have made the worst decisions in your life.

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Shadow of the Eagles: Wargame Rules The French Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars 1792-1815

‘Shadow of the Eagles: Wargame Rules The French Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars 1792-1815’ is an intense wargame that requires strategy, patience and a love for history.

If you’re familiar with the French Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars of 1792-1815, then you’ll absolutely love this game. It’s like stepping back in time and being in command of your own army. But even if you have no knowledge about these wars, don’t worry! The game comes with a detailed rulebook that explains everything you need to know. And trust me, it’s worth the read.

How to Play

So let’s talk about gameplay. The game is designed for 2-4 players, with each player representing a different country involved in the wars. You can choose to play as France, England, Prussia or Russia. Each country has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, so choose wisely.

The game is played on a map of Europe, divided into different territories. Your goal is to conquer as much territory as you can while defending your own. This is where strategy comes into play. You have to carefully plan your moves and anticipate your opponents’ next moves in order to come out victorious.

But it’s not just about battles and conquering territory. The game also has a political aspect to it. You have to form alliances with other players, negotiate treaties and make decisions that will ultimately affect the outcome of the war.

Who Can Play

Now, who is this game for? As I mentioned before, it’s not for everyone. If you enjoy strategy games and have an interest in history, then this game is definitely for you. But even if you’re not a history buff, the intense gameplay and detailed mechanics are enough to keep anyone entertained.

What Makes It Fun

One of my favorite things about this game is the level of detail in the game mechanics. From movement orders to combat resolution, everything is meticulously thought out to make the gameplay as realistic as possible. It truly feels like you’re a commander in the midst of a war.


Tortuga 2199

In Tortuga 2199, players take on the role of space pirates competing to become the most notorious and feared pirate in the galaxy. Each player has their own ship and crew, represented by miniatures on the board. The goal is to acquire riches and power while avoiding danger along the way.

How to Play

The game board is divided into different regions of space, each with its own set of challenges and rewards. Players take turns moving their ship to different regions, collecting crew members, weapons, and loot along the way. They can also engage in battles with other players or NPCs (non-player characters) for even bigger rewards. The game also has a deck of event cards that add unexpected twists and turns to the game, keeping players on their toes.

Who Can Play

So, who is this game for? Well, if you’re a fan of strategy games and enjoy a good dose of competition, then Tortuga 2199 is definitely for you. It’s also great for those who love space-themed games and enjoy playing with miniatures.

What Makes It Fun

Now, what makes this game so much fun? For me, it’s the combination of strategy and adventure. You have to constantly think ahead and make smart decisions while also getting caught up in the excitement of being a space pirate. And let’s not forget the miniatures – there’s something about moving tiny ships around a board that just adds an extra level of enjoyment to the game.

Century: Spice Road

Century: Spice Road is the first in a series of games that explores the history of each century with spice-trading as the theme for the first installment. In Century: Spice Road, players are caravan leaders who travel the famed silk road to deliver spices to the far reaches of the continent for fame and glory. Each turn, players perform one of four actions:

Establish a trade route (by taking a market card)
Make a trade or harvest spices (by playing a card from hand)
Fulfill a demand (by meeting a victory point card’s requirements and claiming it)
Rest (by taking back into your hand all of the cards you’ve played)
The last round is triggered once a player has claimed their fifth victory point card, then whoever has the most victory points wins.

Above and Below

Your last village was ransacked by barbarians. You barely had time to pick up the baby and your favorite fishing pole before they started the burning and pillaging. You wandered over a cruel desert, braved frozen peaks, and even paddled a log across a rough sea, kicking at the sharks whenever they got too close, the baby strapped tightly to your back.

Then you found it! The perfect place to make your new home. But as soon as you had the first hut built, you discovered a vast network of caverns underground, brimming with shiny treasures, rare resources, and untold adventure. How could you limit your new village to the surface? You immediately start organizing expeditions and building houses underground as well as on the surface.

With any luck, you’ll build a village even stronger than your last– strong enough, even, to turn away the barbarians the next time they come knocking.

Above and Below is a mashup of town-building and storytelling where you and up to three friends compete to build the best village above and below ground. In the game, you send your villagers to perform jobs like exploring the cave, harvesting resources, and constructing houses. Each villager has unique skills and abilities, and you must decide how to best use them. You have your own personal village board, and you slide the villagers on this board to various areas to indicate that they’ve been given jobs to do. Will you send Hanna along on the expedition to the cave? Or should she instead spend her time teaching important skills to one of the young villagers?

A great cavern lies below the surface, ready for you to explore– this is where the storytelling comes in. When you send a group of villagers to explore the depths, one of your friends reads what happens to you from a book of paragraphs. You’ll be given a choice of how to react, and a lot will depend on which villagers you brought on the expedition, and who you’re willing to sacrifice to succeed. The book of paragraphs is packed with encounters of amazing adventure, randomly chosen each time you visit the cavern.

At the end of the game, the player with the most well-developed village wins!

The Kickstarter version of the game included the following items which are not found in the Retail version:
Villager Tool tokens
Lost Villagers
Swamp Villagers
Exclusive Stretch goals:
Creature Villagers
Quest Tokens
Underforest Tokens and PDF story book
Desert Labyrinth tokens and PDF story book
Wooden Goods
This collection of items can be found in Above and Below: Expanded Edition Exclusives


HeroQuest is Milton Bradley’s approach to a Dungeons & Dragons-style adventure game. One player acts as game master, revealing the maze-like dungeon piecemeal as the players wander. Up to four other players take on a character (wizard, elf, dwarf, or barbarian) and venture forth into dungeons on fantasy quests. Plastic miniatures and 3-D furniture make this game very approachable. Expansions were also released for this system.

The HeroQuest series consists of the main game and a number of expansions.

This game was made in cooperation with Games Workshop who designed the miniatures and helped in many of the production details including background world and art in the rule book and scenario book.

Additional material which is generally missed since it is not technically an expansion was published in the HeroQuest: Adventure Design Kit which did feature one more Heroquest adventure: A Plague of Zombies.

Other sources of HeroQuest supplements which are available (in some cases online.)

Adventures Unlimited # 05 “The Inn of Chaos”
Vindicator Vol 1, # 02 “Review: Quest Pack for the Elf” “HeroQuest Hall of Foes I”
Vindicator Vol 1, # 03 “Review: Barbarian Quest Pack” “HeroQuest Hall of Foes II”
Vindicator Vol 1, # 04 “HeroQuest Variants”
Vindicator Vol 1, # 5a “The Rogue”
Vindicator Vol 2, # 03 “HeroQuest Treasure Cards”
Fractal Spectrum # 13 “HeroQuest: A Notch Above”
Fractal Spectrum # 17 “HeroQuest Hall of Foes III”
White Dwarf #115 “The Eyes of Chaos part 1”
White Dwarf #134 “The Halls of Durrag-Dol”
White Dwarf #145 “The Eyes of Chaos part 2”
Marvel Comic Marvel Winter Special “Revenge of the Weatherman”
The Screaming Spectre by Dave Morris: “HeroQuest: Running the Gauntlet”
The Tyrant’s Tomb by Dave Morris: “Heroquest: A Growl of Thunder”
The Fellowship of Four by Dave Morris:
Dragão Brasil #3 : Contains an article/preview of the board game by Roberto De Moraes.
Dragão Brasil #4 : Contains the 5-quest pack “A CIDADE ESCRAVA” (The Slave City) by Roberto De Moraes.
Dragão Brasil #6 : Contains the 3-quest pack “O RESGATE” (The Rescue) by Roberto De Moraes (signing as “Di’Follkyer”).
Dragão Brasil #8 : Contains the 3-quest pack “ATAQUE AO MAGO DORMINHOCO” (Attack on the Sleeping Mage) by Roberto De Moraes.
Dragão Brasil #12 : Contains information about four new HeroQuest heroes; Minotaur, Fairy, Amazon, Centaur.
Dragão Dourado #5 : Contains the quest “O RESGATE DA PRINCESA” (The Rescure of the Princess) by Unknown.
Só Aventuras #1 : Contains the 3-quest pack “CACADA A CRIATURA” (Creature Hunt) by Roberto De Moraes.
The Universe of RPG #1 : Contains a presentation of the board game by Marcos Mulatinho.
G.M The Independent Fantasy Roleplaying Magazine Vol. 2, Issue 3: Contains HeroQuest contest.
Gamesman #1:

Lanterns: The Harvest Festival

The harvest is in, and the artisans are hard at work preparing for the upcoming festival. Decorate the palace lake with floating lanterns and compete to become the most honored artisan when the festival begins.

In Lanterns: The Harvest Festival, players have a hand of tiles depicting various color arrangements of floating lanterns, as well as an inventory of individual lantern cards of specific colors. When you place a tile, all players (you and your opponents) receive a lantern card corresponding to the color on the side of the tile facing them. Place carefully to earn cards and other bonuses for yourself, while also looking to deny your opponents. Players gain honor by dedicating sets of lantern cards — three pairs, for example, or all seven colors — and the player with the most honor at the end of the game wins.


Mamma Raptor has escaped from her run and laid her eggs in the park. A team of scientists must neutralize her and capture the baby raptors before they run wild into the forest.

Raptor is a card driven boardgame with tactical play and some double guessing. Players use their cards to move their pawns (scientists on one side, Mother and baby raptors on the other) on the board. Every round, the player who played the lowest ranked card can use the corresponding action, while his opponent has movement / attack points equal to the difference between the two cards values. The scientists can use fire, can move by jeep on the tracks, and can even call for reinforcements, while the mamma raptor can hide in the bushes, yell to frighten the scientists, and call for her babies.


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Reef is an abstract game themed around trying to build a reef to house marine life. To build the reef, players play cards and place reef bits to complete patterns and score points. The goal is to score the most points at the end of the game.

During the game turn, players take a card from the display or deck and add it to their hand or play a card from their hand to grow their reef or complete a pattern.

Depending on where the player takes the card, they will either spend or earn point tokens.

Players can then choose to play a card and take the coral pieces associate with it and place them on their player board to score the patterns for that card. Points are scored for patterns that appear on their reef. 

The game ends when one color of coral runs ou and scores are tallied.

Phase 10

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‘Phase 10’. This rummy-style card game is not just about luck; it’s about strategy, patience, and a bit of competitive spirit. 

Phase 10 Gameplay and Mechanics

The objective of ‘Phase 10’ is to complete ten specific phases, each with its own set of requirements. These phases range from collecting sets of the same number to gathering runs of consecutive numbers. Each player works through these phases in order, but the catch is, you can’t move to the next phase until you complete the current one.

The game starts with each player being dealt a hand of cards. On your turn, you draw a card and discard one, aiming to complete the phase you’re on. Once you lay down your completed phase, you try to “go out” by playing off your remaining cards on your own or other players’ laid-out phases.

The first player to complete all ten phases wins, but the game can twist and turn unexpectedly, making for some thrilling moments.

Who is Likely to Love ‘Phase 10’?

  1. Families: ‘Phase 10’ is fantastic for family game nights. It’s simple enough for kids to understand (recommended for ages 8 and up), but also engaging enough for adults.
  2. Casual Gamers: If you’re not into heavy strategy games, ‘Phase 10’ offers a perfect balance of luck and strategy without being overwhelming.
  3. Party Goers: It’s a great game for social gatherings or parties. The rules are straightforward, making it easy for newcomers to join in.
  4. Rummy and Sequence Fans: If you love card games like Rummy or Sequence, ‘Phase 10’ provides a familiar yet unique twist.

What Makes Phase 10 Fun?

  1. Easy to Learn: The rules are simple, making it easy to get new players involved quickly.
  2. Strategic Play: While luck plays a role, strategic discarding and playing can give you an edge.
  3. Social Interaction: The game encourages interaction, laughter, and a bit of friendly competition, making it a great social game.
  4. Variability: No two games are the same. The order in which phases are tackled and the play styles of your opponents keep the game fresh and exciting.

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From the designer of Glen More comes a new title published by Queen Games: Lancaster.

In 1413, the new king of England, Henry V of Lancaster, has ambitious plans: The unification of England and the conquest of the French crown! Each player takes the role of an ambitious aristocratic family. Who will be the best supporter of this young king, and the most powerful Lord of his time?

In Lancaster, the players want to proceed from simply being a Lord to being the most powerful ally of the king. They may achieve this by developing their own knighthood, as well as by clever deployment of individual knights in the counties of England, at their own castle, and to conflicts with France. In parliament, they try to push laws from which they will benefit themselves most. The player with the most power points at the end of the game is the winner.

Every turn, players send their knights to the different locations:
• Counties, where they compete with knights from other players for rewards and the favor of the nobles.
• The castle, to receive income or new knights.
• Into conflict with France, where all players combine their power and try to gain power points.

In the counties, the strength of the knights is important, as you can remove the knight of another player by placing a knight of your own with higher strength in the same location.

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The Estates

The City Council recently approved the zoning map for a new urban development — The Estates — featuring high-end infrastructure and a modern atmosphere for its citizens. Soon after, the banks awarded millions of dollars in loans to six real estate investment firms to help develop this new area. The zoning map for The Estates calls for two rows of four buildings each, located between the River and Main Street. The meadows on the other side of the River are to remain a recreational area for the City.

But, with hopes of larger profits, investors and building tycoons entirely ignore the City Council’s demands and begin developing three rows of buildings instead. The Mayor catches wind of the potential for profit and begins planning a new mansion in The Estates, which would double the value of one of the building rows! With some sketchy building permits, investors begin developing buildings on the other side of the River, beyond the designated building zone. However, the City Council takes rigorous steps to put an end to the racketeering with an ultimatum: As soon as the first two rows are completed, the buildings in the uncompleted row will be torn down, resulting in a huge loss for all who invested there. At the end of the day, the investor with the highest-valued buildings will come out on top.

The players take on the role of investors seeking to make the most money by developing buildings in The Estates. Players will bid for the various building pieces and place them in The Estates to their benefit. All buildings in completed rows score positive points, while all buildings in incomplete rows score negative points. It is possible to have zero completed rows of buildings.

A game of The Estates lasts around 40 minutes and can be played in several rounds to experience a shifting economy.

Watson & Holmes

Watson & Holmes is a game of deduction set within the magnificent works of Arthur Conan Doyle. Two to seven aspiring detectives step into the shoes of Doctor Watson, working alongside the detective Sherlock Holmes to try to solve a series of so far unpublished cases directly extracted from Doctor John H. Watson’s diaries. Those who accept the challenge relive the adventures of the crime-solving duo, visiting each of the locations where the inquiries were made. Following the trail, each clue brings players closer to solving the case.

The objective of the game is to immerse yourself in the Victorian world depicted in each story. Visit the right places, decipher the clues, and above all find the path that leads you to solve the mystery before anybody else. Victory goes to the player who accurately uses the deductive reasoning so famously and ingeniously implemented by the hero of 221B Baker Street.

The game consists of a series of separate cases, each of which raises a number of questions that each player tries to solve before anyone else. To do this, once the case and the questions have been read aloud, players proceed to visit the locations where the clues are located. Each location cannot be accessed by more than one player at any one time, so if two or more players want to go to the same place, the player who travels there the fastest (i.e., he who uses the largest number of Carriage Tokens) gets the clue, forcing the others to go to a different location. Once every player has a destination, they proceed to read in secret the clue that was discovered at that location. They can discreetly take any notes they deem appropriate. Once this is done, the cards are returned to their place so that others can read them in later turns.

This procedure is repeated during each turn until one player believes he has found the solutions to the case; at that time, he must go to 221B Baker Street to check if his answers are correct. If all the answers are correct, the player wins; if they are wrong, he will have lost and retires from the game, and the game continues.

Each detective will also have the invaluable assistance of a number of Sherlock Holmes’ allies, above all, the good Dr Watson and of course of the detective himself.

Wild Assent

Wild Assent is a 1-4 player miniatures board game with solo, player-versus-player and cooperative modes. Battle your opponents in the gladiatorial arenas of the Silvestrem in Wild Assent’s skirmish mode. Hunt the dangerous creatures of the Wilds, by yourself or with friends, fighting not just for survival, but to keep your expedition running. Regardless of the mode you choose, Wild Assent offers strategic and varied combat, ensuring no two battles are the same.

—description from the publisher

Civilization: A New Dawn

Listing 2

In Civilization: A New Dawn, Sid Meier’s best-selling computer game series is reimagined as a strategy board game. It’s a fast-paced and approachable adaptation where players guide their nations in an epic race for territory, technology, and game-changing wonders.

Players control the course of their civilization, pursuing advancements in science, culture, and military production. By doing so, they expand their control into new territory and claim resources for their agendas.

Every player represents a leader from history’s most memorable civilizations, from Cleopatra to Teddy Roosevelt. Whatever civilization you embody, your goal is simple: master your domain and become the dominant world power by using your unique traits.

You can take a turn by using a single card, but choosing which one to use requires deep strategy. Using caravans to build diplomatic relationships or crushing them with your military is an option. You’ll never have the same game twice with randomized objectives and a unique map!

Your civilization grows from a single city to a sprawling empire filled with wonders and technology in each game. Getting there won’t be easy. You can be threatened by barbarians and even other players. The game also lets you build a militaristic civilization and battle rival cities for loot and world wonders.

Every game has a different goal. Each victory card has two agendas, from having 8 cities on the map to controlling wonders of the world. Players race to complete one of the two agendas on each victory card. The first to accomplish this task wins the game!

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Hoplomachus: Remastered

‘Hoplomachus: Remastered’ is a tactical strategy game that requires both skill and cunning to emerge victorious. Each player takes on the role of a gladiator, competing in the grand arenas of ancient Rome.

How to Play

The game is made up of different scenarios, each with its own unique challenges and objectives. Players must strategically move their gladiators around the board, using their abilities and strengths to defeat their opponents and achieve victory.

One of the things that sets ‘Hoplomachus: Remastered’ apart from other board games is its use of custom dice. These dice have different symbols that correspond to the abilities and actions of each gladiator, adding an element of chance and excitement to every turn.

With multiple ways to win and a variety of strategies to employ, ‘Hoplomachus: Remastered’ requires both careful planning and quick thinking.

Who Can Play

Anyone who enjoys strategy games with a hint of luck mixed in will enjoy this game. Whether you’re a history buff interested in ancient Rome or just someone looking for a fun and challenging board game, ‘Hoplomachus: Remastered’ has something to offer.

What Makes It Fun

‘Hoplomachus: Remastered’ is the perfect blend of strategy and chance, combined with the unique theme and beautiful artwork.

Plus, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of outsmarting your opponent and emerging victorious in the arena.


Lady Death: Last Stand

Lady Death: Last Stand is a survival-themed tabletop game where players take on the roles of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world. The game is designed for 2-6 players and typically lasts around 90 minutes, making it the perfect length for an evening of fun with friends.

How to Play

The gameplay revolves around exploring different locations, scavenging for resources and ultimately trying to reach the safe zone before time runs out. To make things more challenging, there are various events and obstacles that can hinder your progress, such as zombie attacks or limited resources.

But what sets Lady Death apart from other survival games is its unique game mechanic – the use of a deck-building system. Each player starts with a basic deck of cards representing their survivors’ skills and abilities. As you progress through the game, you can acquire new cards to add to your deck, making your survivors stronger and better equipped to face the challenges ahead.

The game also has a cooperative element, as players must work together to survive and strategize on the best course of action. But be warned, there can only be one survivor who reaches the safe zone in the end, so alliances may crumble as players fight for their survival.

Who Can Play

Lady Death: Last Stand is not your typical board game. It combines elements of survival, deck-building, and cooperation, making it appealing to a wide range of players. Whether you’re a fan of strategy games or just looking for something new and exciting to try, Lady Death has something for everyone.

What Makes It Fun

But what truly makes this game stand out is its attention to detail and immersive gameplay. The beautifully illustrated cards and board, along with the intense gameplay, transport you into a post-apocalyptic world where your decisions can mean life or death.


Survive: Escape from Atlantis!

In Camel Up, up to eight players bet on five racing camels, trying to suss out which will place first and second in a quick race around a pyramid. The earlier you place your bet, the more you can win — should you guess correctly, of course. Camels don’t run neatly, however, sometimes landing on top of another one and being carried toward the finish line. Who’s going to run when? That all depends on how the dice come out of the pyramid dice shaker, which releases one die at a time when players pause from their bets long enough to see who’s actually moving!

Potion Explosion

Potion Explosion is a game for 2 to 4 players by Horrible Games.
It was designed by Lorenzo Silva, Andrea Crespi and Stefano Castelli.

Dear students, it’s time for the final exams of the Potions class! The rules are always the same: Take an ingredient marble from the dispenser and watch the others fall. If you connect marbles of the same color, they explode and you can take them, too! Complete your potions using the marbles you collect, and drink them to unleash their magical power. Remember, though, that to win the Student of the Year award, being quick won’t be enough: you’ll also need to brew the most valuable potions in Potion Explosion!

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle

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The forces of evil are threatening to overrun Hogwarts castle in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle, a cooperative deck-building game, and it’s up to four students to ensure the safety of the school by defeating villains and consolidating their defenses. In the game, players take on the role of a Hogwarts student: Harry, Ron, Hermione or Neville, each with their own personal deck of cards that’s used to acquire resources. By gaining influence, players add more cards to their deck in the form of iconic characters, spells, and magical items. Other cards allow them to regain health or fight against villains, keeping them from gaining power. The villains set back players with their attacks and Dark Arts. Only by working together will players be able to defeat all of the villains, securing the castle from the forces of evil. —description from the publisher

Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game

Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game is a bone-breaking, breathtaking standalone card game of violence and outright cheating for two to four players. Chaos, Dwarf, Wood Elf, Human, Orc, and Skaven teams compete against each other over the course of a brutal season. Customize your team by drafting Star Players, hiring staff, upgrading facilities, and cheating like mad. Lead your gang of misfits and miscreants to glory over your rivals all to become Spike! Magazine’s Manager of the Year!

Once a manager has chosen one of the six teams, he has five weeks to groom them into the best in the league, culminating with the Blood Bowl tournament. He does this by competing at highlights, collecting payouts, upgrading his personnel, and drafting Star Players.

Managers begin the season with a starting team deck full of basic scrub players. These players are none too bright and have limited talents, but a clever manager can play to their strengths by carefully positioning them to excel on the pitch.

Is your team ready to compete against other teams in head-to-head highlights? Highlights are the randomly determined matchups over which players compete. The more highlights a team wins, the more it improves and the more fans it accumulates.

The season culminates with the Blood Bowl tournament. After the Blood Bowl, the season ends. Players then tally up their total fans and the manager with the most fans wins the game.


Mythic Greece. As an upstart demigod, you want to earn the favor of the Olympians and become a figure of legend yourself. Gather heroes and powerful artifacts, please the gods and bear their power to write your own epic tale.

Let your allies achieve their destiny and enter the Elysium, home of the glorious and the brave. Once the stories are written, only one demigod will be chosen to stand at the side of Zeus.
Elysium is a game of set collecting and combinations in which players recruit cards representing heroes, items, powers and gods. These cards have many different powers and you can create powerful combination to earn gold (the help of the gods) and victory points (the favor of the gods). Each card belongs to one of the eight Olympians gods (a family), and shows a level (1 to 3).

During the five turns of the game, players will try to transfer their cards to the Elysium and write their own Legends, which are series of cards from the same family or from different families of the same level. The more epic the Legends, the more favor from the gods they’ll earn. But as they go to Elysium, most cards lose their power and players will therefore have to renounce some of their combinations !

A game of balance and opportunity with simple action, but constant dilemmas and complex strategies.

Formula Dé

Formula Dé is a fast-paced racing game in which the cars’ top speeds are limited by having to end a certain number of turns in each curve of the racetrack. This can be tricky, because although players can regulate their speeds by choosing which gear to be in and each gear allows a certain range of movement, the exact amount is determined randomly. Great fun for a big group.

The base game comes with:
One set of dice (special d30, d20, d12, d8, d6, d4 and a normal black d20)
Ten plastic cars (with interchangeable rear spoilers)
One two-sided map Formula Dé Circuits 1 & 2: Monaco & Zandvoort 1
Basic rules
Advanced rules
Racing sheets (for 1, 2 and 3-lap races)
Ten gear markers

Arkham Horror

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THRILLING GAME OF COSMIC HORROR: A dark shadow grows in the city of Arkham. Alien entities known as Ancient Ones lurk in the emptiness beyond space and time, writhing at the thresholds between worlds. Only a handful of investigators stand against the horrors. Will they prevail? SCARY STRATEGY GAME: Players take on the role of Arkham investigators as they explore the streets of the city and work together to save humanity from unknowable horrors. Stop occult rituals and destroy alien creatures before the Ancient Ones make our world their ruined dominion. COOPERATIVE MYSTERY GAME: Players work as a team to gather clues, defeat terrifying monsters and find tools and allies to stand any hope of defeating the ancient creatures that exist just beyond the veil of our reality. HIGHLY VARIABLE: Inspired by the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, each unique scenario puts you in the shoes of an Arkham investigator. Choose one of 12 unique investigators, each with their own abilities, items and backstory. Branching narrative paths make each scenario truly your own. No two games are ever the same. NUMBER OF PLAYERS AND AVERAGE PLAYTIME: The Arkham Horror Board Game collection of scary games for game night is designed for 1 to 6 players and is suitable for ages 14 and older. Average game time is approximately 2 to 3 hours.

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Mall of Horror

Back of the Box

In Mall of Horror, each player takes control of three character: a blonde, a bad boy and a brute, trapped in a mall invaded by hundreds of hungry zombies. There is only one way to survive: find a temporary safety in areas where the zombies aren’t yet, and forget about values such as solidarity and humanity. Better them than you!

Who will be thrown at the zombies for the survival of the rest of the gang? Who will take over the security H.Q.? who will look for some first aid material? No room for the weak, you will negotiate, lie, ally, betray, in one word, you will try to survive!


The goal is not to kill the greatest number of zombies but simply to survive. You must flee from place to place while zombies try to devour the inhabitants of the mall.

Each player controls 3 characters, each with a different ability and worth a certain number of points at the end of the game if they survive.

Each place in the mall has different characteristics. They may contain varying numbers of characters and may give some bonus items which will help your survival. When enough zombies arrive at a location, the players there must vote for who will get eaten. Players may also vote for who will become the new chief of security and who will search the van with its valuable goods, giving players a chance to negotiate and strike up deals, perhaps even making good on them.

Web of Power

Players struggle for influence over regions of Europe by placing two different type of control markers, Monasteries and Advisors. Monasteries are the basic placement, with the goal of securing a majority in a region or chain of monasteries or even decent points from second place. The placement of the Advisors is more restricted as the total number of Advisors in a region is limited by the majority player’s number of monasteries. The game is played in two rounds and is very fast paced.

Online Play (turn-based)

Implemented bonus maps: China, Hellenia, Skandinavia, America, AD 850, Life on Mars, Big in Japan, Soviet Union (Against AI)

Re-implemented by:


Expanded by:

Web of Power: The Vatican
Web of Power: The Duel

Don Carlo

Each player is the consigliere (counsellor) of an old family. Gain as much influence as possible for your family in Absurdistan and the neighbouring countries. You can do this by sending agents to these countries using cards with numbers on them (for example, 007) and try to gain an edge on the other families. A total of the numbers on the cards determines where the agents travel. Since there can only be one 007, the task is to find more number combinations. The more agents there are in a country, the more points the player gets. In the end, the player who combines their cards most cleverly wins the most points.

Codenames: The Simpsons

Listing 2

Play this Simpsons themed game featuring your favorite characters – perfect for family game night and group activities.

The Simpsons version of the Codenames board game allows you to find hidden agents among Simpson characters and references from Simpsons episodes.

Two teams compete to identify all of their Springfield Cards from 25 displayed in a 5 x 5 grid. Teams have a Cluemaster (who knows the location of each Springfield Card their team is trying to find) to give clues in code words indicating where the cards are hidden. Watch out! Decipher a code incorrectly and you might help the other team! Your team has to identify all the cards first!

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Travel Zombicide: 2nd Edition

Zombies can be killed anywhere.

You can take Zombicide anywhere!

Travel Zombicide provides you with the Zombicide: 2nd Edition experience in an easy-to-transport package. The game has an innovative design with a compact plastic case and components with special dimensions that are perfect for vacations, car trips, or taking to friends. Zombicide: 2nd Edition is easy to carry and ready to play anywhere!

Terraforming Mars: Dice Game

Players use special dice to develop their corporations and terraform Mars into a new home for humanity in Terraforming Mars: The Dice Game.

How to Play

The gameplay of ‘Terraforming Mars: Dice Game’ is both simple and engaging. The goal of the game is to terraform Mars and make it habitable for humans. This is done by rolling dice and using the results to complete various actions on your player board. These actions range from collecting resources, building cities, and even launching space missions.

The game also includes use of an engine-building mechanic. This means that as the game progresses, players can unlock more powerful actions and bonuses by building on their previous moves. It adds a strategic element to the game and keeps players constantly thinking ahead. element to the game and makes each playthrough unique.

Who Can Play

This game has a wide appeal. Firstly, fans of science fiction will love the theme and concept of terraforming Mars. Additionally, the gameplay is not overly complex, making it suitable for both casual gamers and more experienced board game players.

What Makes It Fun

‘Terraforming Mars: Dice Game’ is fun due to its sheer amount of variability and replayability that it offers. With different starting conditions, random events, and a variety of actions to choose from, no two games will ever be the same. This keeps the game fresh and exciting even after multiple plays.

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Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs. X-Men

As masterminds, two players control a team of supers (represented by dice) to combat in Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs. X-Men each other!

The game consists of rolling dice, buying dice, sending team members into combat, then attacking the enemy mastermind on every turn.

Put an end to the opposing mastermind’s life by reducing it to zero!

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Conan the Cimmerian: The Tower of the Elephant

If you’re a fan of dungeon crawlers or just looking for a challenging and immersive board game experience, I highly recommend giving ‘Conan the Cimmerian: The Tower of the Elephant’ a try.

How to Play

‘Conan the Cimmerian: The Tower of the Elephant’ is a cooperative dungeon crawler, where players take on the roles of Conan and his companions as they venture through the infamous tower to steal the coveted jewel known as the ‘Elephant’s Heart’. Each player has their own unique abilities and strengths, making it vital to work together in order to successfully complete each scenario.

But don’t be fooled, this game is not for the faint of heart. With challenging puzzles, strategic decision making and intense combat, it will definitely put your skills to the test. And that’s what makes it so much fun! Every playthrough is different and you never know what challenges lie ahead.

What Makes It Fun

What I love most about this game is its attention to detail. From the intricate board design to the well-crafted scenarios, every aspect of this game feels carefully thought out. It truly immerses you into the world and keeps you engaged from start to finish.


Up to two thousand pounds in weight and over ten feet tall, the bear is considered the biggest and heaviest terrestrial carnivore in the world. Of course, there is not just “one bear;” on the contrary, there are plenty of subspecies that differ from each other in various aspects. For instance, only the Kodiak bear (ursus arctos middendorffi) weighs about 2,000 lbs. The polar bear (ursus maritimus) weighs “only” 1,100 lbs., but gets much bigger than the Kodiak bear, being as much as 11 ft. tall!

Bärenpark takes you into the world of bears, challenging you to build your own bear park. Would you like another polar bear enclosure or rather a koala* house? The park visitors are sure to get hungry on their tour through the park, so build them places to eat! Whatever your choices are, make sure you get the next building permit and use your land wisely! (* No, koalas aren’t bears but they’re so cute, we couldn’t leave them out of this game!)

In more detail, each player in Bärenpark builds their own bear park, attempting to make it as beautiful as they can, while also using every square meter possible. The park is created by combining polyomino tiles onto a grid, with players scoring for animal houses, outdoor areas, completed construction, and more. The sooner you build it, the better! Cover icons to get new tiles and park sections. The game ends as soon as one player has finished expanding their park, then players tally their points to see who has won.

—description from the publisher

Loopin’ Louie

Loopin’ Louie is a 2-4 player silly and extremely addictive game, intended for children but just as fun for adults! The game is played with a battery-powered motor placed in the centre of the table which rotates a boom with a little plastic plane. Each player needs to try and protect their chickens from the incoming rotating plane, knocking it away and hopefully into someone else’s barn. When only one player has chickens remaining, they win the game.

Terror in Meeple City

Terror in Meeple City is a 2-4 player game where you arrive in Meeple City as a gigantic, famished, scaly-skinned monster! Your goal: Dig your claws and dirty paws into the asphalt, destroy buildings, and devour innocent meeples – in short: sow terror while having fun. The monster who has caused the most damage after the carnage finally ends wins the game.

On a turn, players take two actions from four possibilities, with the ability to repeat an action if desired. These consist of:

Move: Pick up your monster body, flick the paws disc, then place the body back on the disc.

Demolish: If your paws are on the sidewalk surrounding a building, you can pick up your monster body, drop it onto a building, then collect any floors that have no meeples on them.

Toss a vehicle: If you’re in a neighborhood with a vehicle, you can pick up the vehicle, place it on your body, then flick the vehicle at a building or another monster.

Breathe: Even while away from sidewalks with no vehicles, you can cause destruction by placing your chin on your monster’s body and blowing across the board.

The game is nearly over when a player gobbles the final Floor or knocks it off the City; this player finishes his turn, then each other player takes one last turn. The game then ends, and players tally their points.

Carson City

The year is 1858 in Carson City, Nevada. You have rounded up a team of courageous cowboys, and your plan is to buy up the best parcels of land in this new town, then build them up with the most prosperous ranches, mines, saloons, etc.

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Rhino Hero: Super Battle

Listing 2

Rhino Hero is back on the job! And this time his superhero friends Giraffe Boy, Big E. and Batguin join him. As a team, the superheroes construct a dizzyingly tall skyscraper. Can they climb the many levels of the skyscraper? Only if it is constructed carefully, and the heroes have a steady hand. It’s important not to get ahead of yourself, as battles can easily send you back to the bottom. The only way to be the winning superhero is to hide the superhero medal and stop the mean spider monkeys from disturbing you! 

When I Dream

The night has fallen and your mind is floating in the magical world of dreams. But the Dream Spirits want to have some fun tonight! They are giving their best and the dreams become strange and surreal. Become the dreamer, put on your sleeping mask and try to figure out your dream and which spirits are the Naughty ones. Become a good spirit and help the Dreamer by giving him clues about the dream before the naughty spirits mess it up. Close your eyes and dive in!

At the beginning of each round of When I Dream one player takes the role of the Dreamer and “falls asleep”, wearing a cloth mask. The other players are secretly dealt their role cards determining what kind of spirits they are “good” or “naughty” or if they are just “tricksters” changing sides as the game goes by.

The whole round lasts 120 seconds in which the spirits are drawing “Dream” cards depicting a specific element of the dream, trying to describe them to the dreamer using one word each. The dreamer can guess what the element of the Dream is at any time, placing the card to the good spirits team side if the guess was correct and in the naughty spirits pile if it was not.
At the end of the round the Dreamer and the good spirits get a point for every card in the good spirits pile, when the naughty spirits get one point for every card in the naughty spirits pile. The tricksters get points according to how well balanced the two teams were at the end of the round, gaining extra points if they managed to equally balance the two piles.

At the end of the round, the dreamer must use the words he guessed and story-tell his dream for extra points before he opens his eyes.

You can learn how to play in a few minutes and have a great laugh right from the start. Each role is challenging and entertaining giving the game more depth according to the player’s imagination, providing a wonderful experience with a unique dream every round.

Via Nebula

Crafters, builders and carriers — your help is needed to dispel the mists of Nebula! The people of the valley will reward you handsomely if you harvest and exploit our many resources, open paths through the mists, and help our settlers build new structures. Cooperate temporarily with other builders in order to create paths and share goods, but do not forget your own objectives. Will you have a statue erected in your honor on the Nebula City plaza?

A game of Via Nebula starts with a board showing a hexagonal grid, some production sites with a few available resources on them (wood, stone, wheat, and pigs), building sites in various areas scattered over the whole board, and a lot of mist.

Turn after turn, players have two actions at their disposal from these options: They may clear the mist of a hex to create new paths of transportation, open new production sites, open a building site in a city, carry resources from any production site to their own building sites, and, of course, achieve a construction. Resources and paths through the mist may be used by all the players. This initially induces a kind of cooperation, but eventually other players will take advantage of your actions!

To achieve a construction, you fulfill a contract on one of your cards. You start the game with two contracts, and four more contracts are available for all players to see and use on a first come, first served basis — and that’s where the cooperation abruptly stops. Additionally, most contracts have special powers that are triggered on completion.

The game ends when a player finishes a fifth building. Opponents each take two final actions, then players score based on the number of cleared hexes and opened production sites and the point value of their contracts, with a bonus for the player who ended the game.

Space Cadets

It’s your lifelong dream – to join the Star Patrol and be part of the crew of an interstellar Starship. You’ve worked hard, graduated from the academy, and received your first assignment as part of a team of young recruits, confident in your training and ready to be put to the test. Nothing can possibly go wrong as you are prepared for anything…

You are the Space Cadets.

Space Cadets is a fun and frantic cooperative game for 3-6 players who take on the roles of Bridge Officers of a Starship. Each officer must accomplish his specific task in order for the team to successfully complete the mission. You might be the…

Helmsman, plotting the ship’s course through asteroid fields and nebulae.
Engineer, using dominoes to get enough power to each system.
Weapons Officer, completing puzzles to load the torpedoes and flicking a disc down a track to launch them.
Shield Officer, using tiles to form poker hands to get the strongest shields.
Sensor Officer, using your sense of touch to scan and lock on enemy targets.
Captain, setting the plan and making sure that everyone stays focused and does their job.

If your crew can work together to accomplish the mission goals, you just might make it home in one piece.


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In the warmest nights of the year, shimmering lights fill the quiet waters as the dormant Noctiluca awaken. Healers all over the world want the Noctiluca for their restorative properties. Only the most skilled divers can collect and deliver these glowing creatures. Before diving into the water, plan your path carefully. Will you catch the mysterious embers of the sea?

This is an incredibly challenging dice puzzle that combines both an area control and a set collection race element. Using this entirely novel theme, what could have been a boring abstract becomes an inspiring and rewarding experience. It’s great at two players and three players.

Starship Catan

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Through a mysterious wormhole, two Catan Starfarers are thrown into an unknown galaxy. In a seemingly hopeless situation, the brave explorers are lost, dazed, and unable to find their way home. In exchange for meeting the high standards for entry into the Galactic Advisory Council, these friendly aliens offer them limited aid and guide them home.

Now you can take the role of a Starfarer and daringly brave the unknown reaches of space! Perform missions of mercy, rescues, and interventions all while improving and preparing your Starship for the journey home while battling dastardly pirates, exploring and colonizing new worlds, striking crucial trade agreements, and exploring new worlds.

You will learn the way home if you work hard, choose your course carefully, and vigorously. Playing the game takes about 60 minutes for two players.

There are some similarities between Starship Catan and other Catans – resources, upgrades, trading – but it is very different. Unlike other Catan games, this game board and sequence are interesting and the need to buy resources cheap and sell high is unique.

The game can take quite awhile. While it is published as an approximately 60 minute game, it can go for as long as 2 hours.

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Doodle Face Game

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A drawing game that is fun and suitable for friends and family. All ages can play it – adults, teens, and even kids! Furthermore, any level of artistic talent can enjoy it.

A card is flipped to indicate the facial feature that you need to draw. On each turn, a doodle pad is passed to you with the name of the person you need to draw. You get 30s to draw the person’s features indicated by the card. When all cards have been flipped, each player gets back the doodle pad with their name on it. The art is shared and compared and everyone votes for their favourite drawing.

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WarRift: Deckbuilding Game

If you want a unique twist on deckbuilding games, WarRift is for you

How to Play

First off, WarRift has a wide range of characters, each with their own special abilities and skills. These characters can be added to your deck and used in battle against your opponents. This adds a level of customization and strategy to the game, as you have to carefully choose which characters to include in your deck.

But the real fun of WarRift lies in its gameplay mechanics. The game uses a unique “rift” system where players can shift between different dimensions during battles. This adds an element of surprise and unpredictability, making each game different and exciting.

Who Can Play

The audience for WarRift is vast, as anyone who enjoys strategy games will love this one. Whether you’re a seasoned board game player or just getting into the hobby, WarRift has something to offer everyone. Plus, the artwork on the cards is stunning and adds an extra level of enjoyment to the game.

What Makes It Fun

One of the things that make WarRift so fun is the endless possibilities. With a variety of characters, cards, and dimensions to choose from, no two games will ever be alike. And with each game only lasting around 30 minutes, it’s easy to fit in multiple rounds in one sitting.


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  • The game is set in a vast desert, known only as the Desert, stretching from the Akaishi Mountains to the cliffs of Seapaw.
  • The remnants of human civilization survive in ancient, half-ruined cities, with humans foraging for sparse greenery.
  • Desert travelers transport goods on giant Worms, inadvertently helping to restore life by carrying small plants from artificial greenhouses to distant parts of the world.


  • Players take on the roles of desert travelers.
  • They navigate the board, visiting various towns to collect and transport goods for gold.
  • Players travel on Worms, which can grow and assist them more effectively if well-cared for.
  • Along the journey, players can be joined by Companions who provide help and can undertake Missions that offer significant benefits when completed.
  • The objective is to accumulate the most money by the end of the game to win.

Key Mechanics

  • Resource collection and transportation.
  • Companion and Mission mechanics add layers of strategy and potential rewards.
  • A little bit of luck: Rolling four different colored dice at the start of each workday introduces significant variability, impacting your game plans.
  • Strategic Depth: Initially limited to 3 action spaces, upgrading your worm unlocks a 4th space. Players must use action dice wisely, as they can only be used once per round.

What Makes It Fun

  • Interesting gameplay with chunky dice
  • Strategic depth in managing resources and actions

Some Cons

  • Poorly written rulebook and challenging learning curve
  • Initial setup complexity
  • Potential game imbalance if a player upgrades worm early



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Spyfall: The Ultimate Spy-Themed Party Game

Are you ready to test your detective skills and find the spy among your friends? Look no further than Spyfall! This fast-paced and engaging board game will keep you on the edge of your seat as you try to determine who in your group is secretly working against all of you.

Gameplay and Objectives

Spyfall is a social deduction game designed for 3-8 players. In each round of the game, a single player is chosen in secret to be the spy, while the other players act as innocent bystanders. The objective of the non-spies is to identify the spy, while the spy’s goal is to blend in with the rest of the players and determine the location of the game.

The game consists of 30 different locations, ranging from a beach to a bank to a space station. At the start of each round, one player is randomly assigned a location card while all other players receive identical role cards with the location name hidden on them. The spy does not receive any information about the location.

Game Mechanics

Once everyone has their role cards, players take turns asking each other questions related to the location. The non-spies must ask questions that show they know the location without giving it away to the spy, while the spy must try to bluff and act like they are at the same location.

For example, if the location is a hospital, a player may ask “What kind of patients do you see here?” to which someone could respond with “I see a lot of doctors and nurses.” This response shows that they are aware of the location without saying the word “hospital” outright.

Players have a limited amount of time to ask questions and come up with answers, adding an element of urgency and excitement to the game. Once time runs out, players vote on who they think the spy is. If the majority correctly identifies the spy, they win. However, if the spy can correctly guess the location, then they win and everyone else loses.

Suitable for All Ages and Occasions

Spyfall is a great game for all ages and occasions. Whether you’re hosting a family game night or having a get-together with friends, Spyfall is sure to be a hit. The game is easy to learn and doesn’t require any special skills or knowledge, making it accessible for everyone.

The game also has high replay value as the locations and roles are randomized each round, ensuring a different experience every time you play. Plus, with multiple locations to choose from, you can mix things up and keep the game fresh.

What Makes it Fun?

The element of deception and trying to figure out who the spy is adds a thrilling twist to this party game. It’s also enjoyable to see how creative your friends can be when coming up with questions and answers, making for some hilarious moments. Spyfall is a great way to break the ice and get everyone laughing and interacting.

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Players take on the roles of Quarriors – mighty mystical warriors who have the power to capture dangerous quarry from the untamed Wilds! They must conjure the mysterious powers of Quiddity, cast powerful spells, and summon their creatures to battle if they hope to overcome rivals and earn their rightful place as the Champion!

Quarriors has the frenetic excitement of a dice battle game, with an added ‘deckbuilding’ twist: players customize their dice pools during the game using resources generated by their rolls.

Quarriors takes the best of deckbuilding games without the tedium of shuffling. Take a typical deckbuilding game, add the speed and fun of dice and in 60 minutes you’re on your second or third game trying unique strategies against your opponents.

Alternate Description of Quarriors

In Quarriors, each player plays as a Quarrior competing for Glory in the eyes of Quiana, the Empress of Quaridia. Each player starts with an identical set of 12 dice in their dice bag. At the start of the game, Creature and Spell dice (Quarry) are dealt at random to form “the Wilds” in the center of the table. As play progresses, players roll their dice to attempt to summon Creatures, cast Spells, and harness the magical power of Quiddity (the in-game resource) to capture Quarry from the Wilds to add to their repertoire and into their dice bag. Players draw and roll 6 dice a turn from their bag, making that controlling bag composition is key to victory.

Quarriors is a fast-paced game where players must strategically balance their choices each turn. Do I use my Quiddity to summon Creatures in the hopes of scoring Glory or should I spend it all to capture more powerful Quarry from the Wilds? Players must outmaneuver their opponent’s through strategic Spell use, the acquisition of powerful Quarry, and ultimately, by striking down opponent’s Creature in combat. If your Creatures survive until your next turn, you will score Glory points and move closer to victory!
Then you found it! The perfect place to make your new home. But as soon as you had the first hut built, you discovered a vast network of caverns underground, brimming with shiny treasures, rare resources, and untold adventure. How could you limit your new village to the surface? You immediately start organizing expeditions and building houses underground as well as on the surface.

With any luck, you’ll build a village even stronger than your last– strong enough, even, to turn away the barbarians the next time they come knocking.

Above and Below is a mashup of town-building and storytelling where you and up to three friends compete to build the best village above and below ground. In the game, you send your villagers to perform jobs like exploring the cave, harvesting resources, and constructing houses. Each villager has unique skills and abilities, and you must decide how to best use them. You have your own personal village board, and you slide the villagers on this board to various areas to indicate that they’ve been given jobs to do. Will you send Hanna along on the expedition to the cave? Or should she instead spend her time teaching important skills to one of the young villagers?

A great cavern lies below the surface, ready for you to explore– this is where the storytelling comes in. When you send a group of villagers to explore the depths, one of your friends reads what happens to you from a book of paragraphs. You’ll be given a choice of how to react, and a lot will depend on which villagers you brought on the expedition, and who you’re willing to sacrifice to succeed. The book of paragraphs is packed with encounters of amazing adventure, randomly chosen each time you visit the cavern.

At the end of the game, the player with the most well-developed village wins!

The Kickstarter version of the game included the following items which are not found in the Retail version:
Villager Tool tokens
Lost Villagers
Swamp Villagers
Exclusive Stretch goals:
Creature Villagers
Quest Tokens
Underforest Tokens and PDF story book
Desert Labyrinth tokens and PDF story book
Wooden Goods
This collection of items can be found in Above and Below: Expanded Edition Exclusives

Runebound: 2nd Edition

Runebound is a classic adventure game from Fantasy Flight Games in which mighty heroes must take on the perils of Terrinoth. The game can be largely played without conflict between the players but victory can only be claimed by the first player to defeat the Dragonlord Margath, so the players are actually in a race to level up and acquire powerful weapons, armour and allies in order to take on the final adversary.

Runebound features a series of 4 Adventure Decks that helps to pace the speed of the game and ensures that the players level up by acquiring experience before they are ready to take on a harder set of challenges (events and monsters).

Several of the key features of Runebound are that combat is played out in 3 phases, Ranged, Melee and Magic and a player has the ability to specialise in a particular discipline, although this may make them vulnerable against certain creatures. The game also features a novel movement system using a series of terrain dice.

Runebound is playable solo and is expandable by many adventure packs that alter the final challenge (replacing the Dragonlord for example). Runebound 2nd Edition also has a series of big box expansions that provide a new map or central map overlay to alter the game in some way.

Runebound 2nd Edition is different from 1st Edition in that the original game featured a d20 and this was replaced by 2 10-sided dice, which helped to better balance the luck factor.

Five Crowns

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Five Crowns is a rummy-style card game where players compete to have the lowest point total after completing eleven hands. Five Crowns uses a card deck with 5 suits, and in each hand, players are dealt the following number cards: 3 for the first hand, 4 for the second hand, up to 13 for the 11th hand. The game also uses both jokers and wild cards. The goal for each player is to play out their hand by creating sets or runs. The winner of the hand scores zero points, whereas all other players score points based on the cards remaining in their hand. Once the points are tabulated, all cards are shuffled and the next hand is dealt.

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Super Dungeon Explore

Super Dungeon Explore (SDE) is a dungeon crawler inspired by old Japanese console RPGs. The 52 included miniatures are done in a cute / chibi / super-deformed style, which means the head is roughly the same size as the rest of the body.

One to five players take the role of classic fantasy heroes like the human paladin, a dwarf fighter, or an elf ranger. One player is the “Dark Consul” who controls the monsters of the dungeon. Every hero/monster has a character card that details the stats for movement, attack, armor, willpower, dexterity, action points and hearts (= life points). Additional information may include special abilities / actions / attacks and potions.

The game is played on modular dungeon boards. During a round of play, the game passes back and forth between single heroes and the monsters, but the exact order may change from round to round. The characters use the stats from their character card, special dice (with hearts, potions and stars) are only used for combat and checks. If the heroes wound the opponent, they may draw loot cards to improve their stats. There is also the possibility to open treasure chests to find even more powerful things. The monsters have no possibility to “level up” apart from a single late game upgrade but the Dark Consul has an unlimited number of them.

To win the game, the Dark Consul must defeat all heroes in his dungeon. The heroes must spawn the dungeon boss by killing monsters or destroying all spawning points (= entry points for new monsters). The heroes must then kill the dungeon boss to be victorious.

The Oracle of Delphi

Description from the publisher:

“For once, Zeus, Greek god of thunder and sky, is in high spirits. Hence, he decides to offer a generous gift to a worthy mortal and invite him, or her, to his realm, to Olympus. To determine a sufficient candidate, Zeus hosts a competition for his entertainment. Twelve legendary tasks are imposed upon the fearless participants: to erect graceful statues, to raise awe-inspiring sanctuaries, to offer capacious offerings, and to slay the most fearsome monsters. The first participant to master all the posed assignments wins the favor of the father of the gods himself.

Indubitably, you will not pass up this golden opportunity, so you clear your ship and rally your crew to follow on the trails of legendary Odysseus through the dangerous waters of the Aegean. But how could you find the righteous path onward? There is but one who can help you. Visit the mysterious oracle of Delphi and let her answers guide your ways.

In Stefan Feld’s new game The Oracle of Delphi, the player’s ships travel across a large variable game board of hexagonal tiles showing islands and the surrounding waters. Each player aims to reach certain islands to perform the twelve tasks given by Zeus: e.g., to collect offerings of different colors and to deliver them to corresponding temples, or to slay monsters of a specific type (and color), all of which can be discovered on the islands.

In order to execute these color-dependent actions, you are given three colored dice each turn, the so-called “oracle dice”. Rolling the dice (at the start of the turn) is equivalent to consulting the oracle, whereas the results represent her answers. The answers determine which actions you will be able to take, but you will always have three actions per turn. However, a slight divergence from your fate is often possible.

In addition to the oracle, you can request support from the gods and you can acquire favor tokens, companions, and other special abilities that will help you win the race against other competitors.

Differently equipped ships and the variable set-up of the game board will offer new challenging and interesting strategic and tactical decisions with every new game of The Oracle of Delphi that you play.

Ultimate Werewolf: Ultimate Edition

Your quiet little 16th century village has suddenly become infested with some very unfriendly werewolves…can you and the other villagers find them before they devour everyone?

Ultimate Werewolf: Ultimate Edition is the ultimate party game for anywhere from 5 to 68 players of all ages. Each player has an agenda: as a villager, hunt down the werewolves; as a werewolf, convince the other villagers that you’re innocent, while secretly dining on those same villagers each night. Dozens of special roles are available to help both the villagers and the werewolves achieve their goals while thwarting their opponents.

Contents More than 30 unique roles, 18 different scenarios to allow groups of all sizes and experience levels to quickly get up and running, a set of 80 fully illustrated cards, a moderator scorepad to keep track of games, and a comprehensive game guide with dozens of pages full of insights, tips and strategies. This set has everything you need for the best Ultimate Werewolf experience possible, whether you’re playing with a small circle of friends at home, a huge gathering of gamers in Ohio or as an engaging team building exercise at the office.

Ultimate Werewolf: Ultimate Edition Roles:
Apprentice Seer, Aura Seer, Bodyguard, Cupid, Diseased, Ghost, Hunter, Idiot, Lycan, Magician, Martyr, Mason (3), Mayor, Old Hag, Old Man, P.I., Pacifist, Priest, Prince, Seer (2: 1 male & 1 female), Spellcaster, Tough Guy, Troublemaker, Villager (20), Witch, Sorcerer, Minion, Werewolf (12), Wolf Cub, Cursed, Doppelganger, Drunk, Cult Leader, Hoodlum, Tanner, Teenage Werewolf, Lone Wolf, Vampire (6), Amulet of Protection, Moderator, Blank Cards (3)


Ultimate Werewolf: Whitebox Edition

Differences between 2010 Edition and 2008 Edition:

Role cards now have ability text
Includes Ultimate Werewolf: Classic Movie Monsters
No Magician card
Only eight Werewolf cards (note that rulebook still says twelve)
Only two blank cards (note that rulebook still says three)
Vampires are valued at -7 (previously -8)

Differences between 2011 Edition and 2010 Edition:

Includes Ultimate Werewolf: Night Terrors instead of Ultimate Werewolf: Classic Movie Monsters

Differences between 2013 Edition and 2011 Edition:

Includes Ultimate Werewolf: Urban Legends instead of Ultimate Werewolf: Night Terrors


In Sleuth, a classic deduction game from master designer Sid Sackson originally released as part of the 3M Gamette Series, players are searching for a hidden gem, one of 36 gem cards hidden before the start of the game. The remainder of this gem deck – with each card showing 1-3 diamonds, pearls or opals in one of four colors – is distributed evenly among the players, with any remaining cards laid face up. Thus, you and everyone else starts with some information about what’s not missing.

A second deck contains 54 search cards, each showing one or two elements, such as diamonds, pairs, blue opals, red pearls, or an element of your choice. Each player receives four face-up search cards; on a turn, you choose one of those cards and ask an opponent how many gem cards they have of the type shown. If you ask for, say, pairs, the player must tell you how many pairs they hold but not which specific pairs; if you ask for something more specific, say, red diamonds, the player reveals to everyone how many such cards she holds while you get to look at them in secret.

Players track information on a score pad. You can guess the hidden gem at any time, or on your turn you can ask any one question regardless of which search cards you have, then immediately make a guess by marking your sheet and checking the hidden gem card. If you’re wrong, you keep playing but can only answer questions; if you’re correct, you win.

The simplicity of the rules and the cards belies the complexity of the game. In some cases you see cards, while in others you hear only the number of cards that an opponent holds, making it tough to deduce. Any notation system you devise must be both flexible and reliable, recording negative information as well as positive in order to tick off the possibilities one by one…


The Case of the Elusive Assassin, with the core mechanisms of that game being used in Sleuth, minus the game board, movement and player proximity.

The Shipwreck Arcana

Trapped in a drowned world, you and your allies are doomed — or are you? Using a mystical deck and a healthy dose of logic, you can predict each others’ fates and escape unscathed.

The Shipwreck Arcana is a compact, co-operative game of deduction, evaluation, and logic. Each player’s doom constantly changes as they draw numbered fate tiles from the bag. By choosing which fate to give up and which card to play it on, you can give your allies enough information to identify the fate you’re holding…which is important, as the active player cannot communicate with their allies during their turn!

Each card has strict rules governing what fates can be played on it. As doom builds up, the cards themselves fade, becoming one-time powers to help the players while new cards cycle in from the deck.

Skilled play requires carefully rationing powers, hints, and cycling, while paying attention to not only where each fate was played — but more importantly, where it wasn’t.

The rotating active player creates a different group dynamic each turn, preventing any one player from dominating the game. Inexperienced players can still use the group deduction phase to ask questions (while they are not the active player).

High Rise

A strategic city-building game with a little corruption, High Rise is a fun game to play. By gaining Corruption, you get bonuses for your actions, but the game penalizes the most corrupt players periodically, and everyone loses VP for Corruption at the end of the game.

All your actions – like collecting resources, constructing buildings, and repaying favors – will take place on a one-way track. In one-way track games, you can go as far as you want, but you will only get another turn when everyone else passes you. If you construct a building, you gain one VP per floor. Tenants have powerful actions that can alter the outcome of the game. Upon landing on a tenant’s space or building on its card, you can collect its power.

Everyone makes a lap around the one-way track before the round ends. Each neighborhood gets bonus points for its tallest building. The Standard Game involves 2 rounds (about 90-120 minutes for 3-4 players) and the Full Game involves 3 rounds (about 2.5 hours). Players lose points for Corruption after the appropriate number of rounds, and the player with the most VP wins.

Warfleets: FTL

If you’re a space enthusiast, ‘Warfleets: FTL’ is about to be your go=to for intergalactic adventures. A real-time strategy game that takes place in the vastness of outerspace, ‘Warfleets: FTL’ is structured into game rounds, ship class phases, player turns and model activations. 

How to Play

In Warfleets: FTL, you take on the role of a commander of a warfleets squadron, with the goal of conquering the galaxy. You can choose to play as one of three factions – the noble Terrans, the aggressive Zorgons, or the mysterious Cygnians.

Each faction has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, providing a diverse and challenging gameplay experience. The game is played in real-time, so you have to think quickly and strategically in order to outmaneuver your opponents.

In ‘Warfleets: FTL’, battles take place on a 3D grid, with various types of ships at your disposal. You can customize and upgrade your ships with different weapons, armor, and systems to create your ultimate fleet.

Additionally, the in-depth tactical aspect of the game makes it so enticing. ou have to consider things like range, speed, and positioning when commanding your ships. It’s not just about brute force – strategy and skill are crucial for victory.

Who Can Play

Warfleets: FTL is a game that can be enjoyed by a wide range of players. If you’re a fan of sci-fi, strategy, or both, this game is definitely for you. It’s great for those who enjoy intense battles and love to test their strategic thinking.

But even if you’re not typically a fan of these genres, I still highly recommend giving Warfleets: FTL a try. Its engaging gameplay and immersive universe can captivate any player.

What Makes It Fun

Not only does the space battles and strategic thinking make ‘Warfleets: FTL’ incredibly enjoyable but the graphics and visuals of the game are stunning.The attention to detail in the ships and environments is impressive, making each battle feel like a cinematic experience.

Further, the multiplayer aspect adds an extra layer of excitement. Playing against other real players adds a whole new level of challenge and unpredictability to the game.

The constant updates and expansions also keep the game fresh and interesting. The developers are always adding new ships, factions, and game modes to keep players engaged.

Moose Master

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In the world of card games, “Moose Master” has emerged as a delightful blend of humor, spontaneity, and social interaction, perfect for those who enjoy a light-hearted and engaging group activity. This article delves into the gameplay, mechanics, suitability, and the elements that make “Moose Master” an irresistibly fun experience.

Gameplay and Player Actions

“Moose Master” is all about laughter and unpredictability. The game begins with each player drawing a hand of cards from a deck filled with a variety of unique and humorous challenges. Players take turns drawing and playing cards, each of which dictates a specific action, challenge, or rule that must be followed.

The heart of the game lies in its variety of card types. There are ‘Rule Cards’ that set ongoing guidelines that all players must follow, ‘Action Cards’ that prompt players to perform amusing tasks or challenges, and ‘Moose Cards’ that trigger a quick response from all players, often leading to hilarious outcomes.

One of the signature moves in the game is the ‘Moose Call,’ where players must quickly place their hands to their heads to mimic moose antlers. The last player to do so typically faces a humorous consequence, ramping up the excitement and laughter.

Game Mechanics

“Moose Master” is easy to learn and play. Each turn, players draw and play a card, but the real fun comes from remembering and following all the active rules while engaging in the antics dictated by the Action and Moose Cards.

In many games, the winner is determined by the player who successfully navigates through the rules and challenges, demonstrating quick thinking and adaptability. However, “Moose Master” prioritizes the fun and amusing scenarios over winning, making the sheer enjoyment of the game the ultimate goal.

What Makes It Fun

The fun of “Moose Master” lies in its spontaneity and the unpredictable nature of the gameplay. Each card draw brings a new wave of laughter and challenges, ensuring that no two games are ever the same. Players find themselves in ridiculous situations, creating an atmosphere filled with laughter and lighthearted competition.

Furthermore, “Moose Master” encourages social interaction and can serve as an icebreaker, helping players to loosen up and enjoy a shared experience that is both engaging and memorable.

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Lasting Tales

Lasting Tales is a cooperative storytelling board game where players work together to create and embark on exciting adventures in a fantasy world. Think of it as a mix between Dungeons & Dragons and a traditional board game.

How to Play

The game is played with a combination of cards, dice, and miniatures. The first step is to choose or create your own character from various fantasy races such as humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs. Each character has unique abilities and stats that will come into play during the game.

Then, players take turns being the “Narrator” – the person who controls the story and sets up challenges for the other players to overcome. The Narrator uses cards from a deck to create different scenarios, such as battles, puzzles, or encounters with NPCs (non-player characters).

The other players, known as “Heroes,” must use their skills and abilities to face these challenges. They roll dice to determine the success of their actions, and may also play cards from their hand to gain advantages or overcome obstacles.

Who Can Play

In my opinion, Lasting Tales is a game that anyone who loves fantasy and storytelling can enjoy. It’s perfect for those who want to dive into a world of adventure without the pressure and rules of a more complex role-playing game like Dungeons & Dragons.

Lasting Tales is also great for players who enjoy cooperative games, as it requires teamwork and communication to overcome challenges and complete quests.

What Makes It Fun

The best part about Lasting Tales is the limitless possibilities for storytelling. With each game, you can create a unique adventure that unfolds based on the decisions and actions of the players. This allows for endless replayability and keeps the game fresh and exciting.

Additionally, the combination of strategy, luck, and creativity in Lasting Tales makes it a dynamic and engaging experience. You never know what challenges or obstacles may come your way, and it’s up to you and your team to come up with clever solutions.

Stardew Valley The Board Game

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Stardew Valley The Board Game

Experience the board game adaptation of the award-winning farming simulation video game “Stardew Valley”. This guide provides you with what you need to know about the Stardew Valley board game, providing insight into gaming experience that stays true to its original digital roots while bringing a unique tabletop perspective to the Harvest Moon-inspired phenomena.

What Is Stardew Valley?

Stardew Valley is a wholesome, single-player farming simulator that became a cult classic. The game is known for its open-ended gameplay and sympathetic characters that feel like members of an extended family. You begin with a run-down farm and must build it up to be prosperous while participating in village life.

The Stardew Valley Board Game

Designed by Cole Medeiros, the board game stays aligned with the core values and mechanics of the original video game. The goal is simple yet multi-faceted. You work together to restore the community center and bring the best of Pelican Town to life. The game set, much like the video game, is adorned with a colorful and inviting aesthetic that draws players into the rich world of Stardew Valley.

How to Play

Game Objective

Players take on the roles of the original video game characters, each with their unique abilities and starting item. To win the game, they must work together to complete community bundles by gathering resources and completing challenges.

Turn Structure

Each round represents a day in the game and you perform activities such as farming, mining, fishing, or foraging. You move around the board to different locations, each with its own activity, and must you balance your actions to ensure your day’s work is efficient.

Working Together

Collaboration is key in the Stardew Valley board game. You embrace collective strategies and work together to overcome challenges. This cooperative element reinforces the game’s foundation in community and shared growth.

Game Strategy and Mechanics

Resource Management

Much like the video game, the board game requires playes to manage their resources wisely. This includes the balance of time, energy, and materials collected through activities. Each character also has unique strengths that can be leveraged in specific areas of play.

Upgrading Tools

A staple of the video game, tool upgrades are just as important in the board game. They allow players to perform more efficiently and sometimes open up the opportunity for new types of actions, aiding in the completion of community bundles.

Seasonal Changes

The game mirrors the seasonal cycle of the video game with weather and season-specific bonuses and challenges. Adaptability to these changes is crucial, as each season brings different dynamics to gameplay, adding a level of challenge and realism to the experience.

Stardew Valley Video Game vs. Board Game

Visuals and Aesthetics

The board game’s visuals, card illustrations, and components are directly inspired by the colorful pixel art of the video game. The attention to detail in the transition from digital to physical is laudable and ensures that fans of the series feel right at home with the board game.

Pace and Interactivity

While the video game can be played at a relaxed pace, the board game injects a degree of urgency and immediate interaction as players negotiate their moves to counter challenges and share resources for the collective good of their village.

Multiplayer Dynamics

The board game transforms Stardew Valley into a more social experience. With the ability to play with up to four players, it encourages interaction and strategic discussions as players share responsibility and cooperate to achieve communal goals.

Who Will Like the Stardew Valley Board Game?

Fans of the Video Game

The board game is an enchanting extension of the video game for devoted fans. It’s a chance to experience the beloved world of Stardew Valley in a new format, complete with friends and family.

Board Gamers

The collaborative gameplay and strategic depth make the board game a compelling choice for tabletop enthusiasts. It offers a novel experience within the farming simulation genre of board games.

What are gamers saying about Stardew Valley Board Game?

  • Challenging and rewarding for fans of strategic board games, as well as those with a fondness for the original video game.
  • Satisfaction of overcoming its challenges, particularly noting that victories can feel hard-won, often achieved on the very last available day. The nostalgic elements and faithful adaptation of video game mechanics into the board game format are praised, offering a refreshing experience that remains true to the spirit of “Stardew Valley.”
  • Some criticisms on the game’s production quality. There is a need for careful handling of the cardboard components to avoid damage. Despite these concerns, the overall game sentiment is positive, especially towards the game’s artwork and design.
  • Those who enjoy cooperative and strategic gameplay find “Stardew Valley: The Board Game” a worthwhile addition to their collection

Escape: The Curse of the Temple

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play one of their chips to avoid picking up the current face-up card

Small World

There is not enough space in Small World. There too many races living off the land.
In Small World, you will:

pick a fantasy Race and Special Power combination,
use Race’s unique traits and skills to place troops in various regions and conquer adjacent lands
occupy Regions and earn Victory Coins
Eventually, your race will become increasingly over-extended (like those you have already crushed!) and you will need to abandon your race and look for another.

Your victory will depend on you knowing when to push your race into decline and look for a new one to conquer the land of Small World!

Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game is a 2 player, tactical ship-to-ship combat game in which players take control of powerful Rebel X-wings and nimble Imperial TIE fighters, facing them against each other in fast-paced space combat. Recreating enticing Star Wars combat, players have the opportunity to select their crews, plan their manoeuvres and complete the three unique, featured missions, each with its own set of victory conditions and special rules. Gameplay incorporates use of dice and a Damage Deck of cards to determine damage, deciding the fate of your pilot..

Catan Cities & Knights

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This expansion adds several new features to Catan, but the two most notable ones are knights to protect the land from invading barbarians, and city improvements that benefit the city’s owner. This increases the complexity of the game and the length of the game.

The game changes the base game in three main ways:

The game introduces three new commodities: paper, cloth, and coins, which can be acquired from Forest, Meadow, and Mountain spaces, respectively. Instead of producing two of one of those resources, cities produce one resource and one commodity.

The deck of development cards is replaced by three different decks, each representing a commodity. With every roll of the dice, players get a chance to draw these cards. Improvements will increase these chances, but cards can’t be bought directly. Basically, they’re development cards, but with a broader range of effects.

In addition, players can build knights along their roads on the island. Knights can be used to defend the island from barbarian attacks and claim certain intersections (instead of Soldier cards). If the island is successfully defended, the player(s) with the most knights are rewarded. If not, the player(s) with the fewest knights each have a city downgraded to a settlement.

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Alien Frontiers

Do you have what it takes to be a deep space colonist? An alien frontier awaits the brave and daring! This new planet will be harsh, but if you have the skills to manage your resources, build a fleet, research alien life, and settle colonies, the world can be yours.

Alien Frontiers is a game of resource management and planetary development for two to four players. During the game you will utilize orbital facilities and alien technology to build colony domes in strategic locations to control the newly discovered world.

The game board shows the planet, its moon, the stations in orbit around the planet, and the solar system’s star. The dice you are given at the start of the game represent the space ships in your fleet. You will assign these ships to the orbital facilities in order to earn resources, expand your fleet, and colonize the planet.

As the game progresses, you will place your colony tokens on the planet to represent the amount of control you have over each territory. Those territories exert influence over specific orbital facilities and, if you control a territory, you are able to utilize that sway to your advantage.

The planet was once the home of an alien race and they left behind a wondrous artifact in orbit. Using your fleet to explore the artifact, you will discover amazing alien technologies that you can use to advance your cause.

Winning the game will require careful consideration as you assign your fleet, integrate the alien technology and territory influences into your expansion plans, and block your opponents from building colonies of their own. Do you have what it takes to conquer an alien frontier?

Roll and place your dice to gain advantages over your opponent and block them out of useful areas of the board. Use Alien Tech cards to manipulate your dice rolls and territory bonuses to break the rules. Steal resources, overtake territories, and do whatever it takes to get your colonies on the map first! Don’t dream it’ll be easy, though, because the other players will be trying to do the same thing.


Bruges in the 15th century – culture and commerce flourish and make the Belgian Hanseatic city into one of the wealthiest cities in Europe.

In Bruges (a.k.a. Brugge or Brügge depending on the country in which you live), players assume the role of merchants who must maintain their relationships with those in power in the city while competing against one another for influence, power, and status. Dramatic events cast their shadows over the city, with players needing to worry about threats to their prosperity from more than just their opponents…

The game includes 165 character cards, with each card having one of five colors. On a turn, a player chooses one of his cards and performs an action, with six different actions being available: Take workers, take money, mitigate a threat, build a canal, build a house, or hire the character depicted on the card. In principle, every card can be used for every action – but the color of the card determines in which areas the actions can be used or the strength of the chosen action, e.g., blue cards provide blue workers and red cards help mitigate red threats. All of the action is geared toward the gathering of prestige, with the most prestigious merchant winning in the end.

Mystic Vale

A curse has been placed on the Valley of Life. Hearing the spirits of nature cry out for aid, clans of druids have arrived, determined to use their blessings to heal the land and rescue the spirits. It will require courage and also caution, as the curse can overwhelm the careless who wield too much power.

In Mystic Vale, 2 to 4 players take on the role of druidic clans trying to cleanse the curse upon the land. Each turn, you play cards into your field to gain powerful advancements and useful vale cards. Use your power wisely, or decay will end your turn prematurely. Score the most victory points to win the game!

Mystic Vale uses the innovative “Card Crafting System”, which lets you not only build your deck, but build the individual cards in your deck, customizing each card’s abilities to exactly the strategy you want to follow.


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In Takenoko, the Players will cultivate land plots, irrigate them, and grow one of the three species of bamboo (Green, Yellow and Pink)

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Tussie Mussie

Tussie mussies exemplified the Victorian custom of assigning meaning to the flowers that friends and lovers exchanged. Inspired by the ideals of elegance and discretion, these bouquets were carefully made to convey subtle messages to their recipients. Now you can choose the right flowers to make a winning tussie mussie of your own!

Tussie-Mussie is based on a Victorian fad that assigned meanings to the flowers that friends and lovers exchanged.

Featuring I-Divide-You-Choose drafting, this microgame of 18 cards is played over three rounds. In turn, players look at the top two cards of the deck, then offer them, one face-up and one facedown, to an opponent. That opponent takes one, leaving the other for the active player.

A round ends when each player has four cards, at which point the scores are tallied. The highest score after three rounds wins!

—description from the designer

Co-winner of the GenCan’t Design Contest.
Released in the September 2019 Board Game of the Month Club $20+ package.

Codenames: Deep Undercover

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Codenames Deep Undercover: A Risqué Take on a Classic Word Game

“Codenames Deep Undercover” is an adults-only version of the popular word game “Codenames,” known for its clever blend of wordplay and espionage. This game adds a cheeky, mature twist to the original, making it an excellent choice for grown-up game nights.

Gameplay and Player Actions

In “Codenames Deep Undercover,” two teams compete to be the first to make contact with all of their undercover agents. Each team has a Spymaster who knows the identities of the agents. The Spymaster gives one-word clues that can point to multiple words on the board. The teammates try to guess the words their Spymaster is hinting at while avoiding those that belong to the opposing team and the assassin, which ends the game immediately.

Game Mechanics

The game board consists of 25 cards, each with a single word. The Spymaster’s clues may refer to the meaning of the word or its associations, requiring players to think creatively and understand the Spymaster’s way of thinking. The key is to find the right balance between risk and caution, as incorrect guesses can lead to humorous mishaps or even accidentally contacting the assassin.


“Codenames Deep Undercover” is specifically designed for an adult audience, featuring words and associations that are more suited to mature players. It’s perfect for parties, social gatherings, or any event where you want to add a bit of edgy humor. Its adult-themed content means it’s not suitable for children or family play.

What Makes It Fun

What sets “Codenames Deep Undercover” apart is its ability to turn a standard word association game into a hilarious, sometimes blush-inducing experience. The adult-themed words lead to unpredictable and often funny scenarios, making it a hit at parties or casual get-togethers. It challenges players not only to think about the words themselves but also to consider their group’s dynamics and sense of humor.

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Cryptid: Urban Legends

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Our city streets are home to an elusive cryptid. The evidence is clear but the scientific community won’t believe you without definitive proof. Track this cryptid yourself – there is nothing else to be done!

Using heat, movement, and sonic sensors, you will scan the city for your quarry and identify its true location. Play the role of Cryptid, snaking through the shadows and back alleys of the metropolis that surrounds you, eradicating all evidence of your existence as you go, avoiding capture at all costs. You’ll need all your guts and ingenuity to emerge victorious in this high stakes game of cat-and-mouse.

The creators of Cryptid have created Urban Legends, a tense asymmetric game of deductive reasoning for two players.


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5211 is a colorful card game based on the islands of the South Ocean.

It is simple to win. The goal is to score as many points as possible before the deck runs out.

Are you paying attention to the cards in your sight? Playing this card game requires players to be aware of what their opponents are planning!

You can score more points if there are more cards of the same color on the table. A lot of that color, however, will make them useless!

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Dany goes to hollywood

If you’re looking for a unique and hilarious board game experience, I highly recommend giving ‘Dany Goes to Hollywood’ a try

How to Play

The objective of the game is simple – to become the most successful movie star in Hollywood. You start off as an unknown actor with big dreams and are given a set number of rounds to achieve fame and fortune. Each round, you roll a dice and move your game piece around the board, trying to land on different spaces that will advance your career.

Some spaces may require you to draw a card, which can either bring good luck or bad luck. For instance, you could land on a space that allows you to attend a prestigious movie premiere and gain fame points, or you could land on a space that forces you to pay hefty fees for personal scandals. The element of chance adds an exciting twist to the game, making every round unpredictable.

One of the most interesting mechanics in ‘Dany Goes to Hollywood’ is the ability to sabotage other players. This adds a layer of strategy to the game, as you can strategically place your game piece on spaces that will hinder your opponents’ progress.

Another unique aspect of the game is the inclusion of mini-games. These are short challenges that players must complete in order to gain fame points. These challenges range from acting auditions to red carpet fashion shows, adding a fun and interactive element to the game.

Who Can Play

‘Dany Goes to Hollywood’ is perfect for anyone who enjoys board games with a mix of luck and strategy. It’s also great for movie lovers or anyone who has ever dreamed of becoming a famous Hollywood star.

The game is suitable for ages 12 and up, making it a fun activity for both teens and adults.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the captivating gameplay and interesting mechanics, what makes ‘Dany Goes to Hollywood’ truly entertaining is its witty humor. The game is filled with pop culture references and tongue-in-cheek jokes that will keep you laughing throughout your entire playthrough.

The game also encourages friendly competition and can bring out the inner actor in all players. Whether you’re a seasoned board game player or new to the world of tabletop gaming, ‘Dany Goes to Hollywood’ is guaranteed to provide hours of fun and entertainment.

Space Infantry: Federation

As a first-person perspective game, Space Infantry: Federation puts you in the shoes of a commander leading a team of space soldiers on various missions.

How to Play

The goal is to complete these missions and earn points before time runs out. Each mission has its own set of objectives and challenges, making every game unique and exciting.

The game is played with a combination of dice rolls, card draws, and strategic decision-making. You must carefully plan your moves and manage your resources to overcome obstacles and complete the mission successfully. It’s like playing a real-life space commander!

One of the things I love about Space Infantry: Federation is its well-crafted game mechanics. The game combines elements of luck and strategy, ensuring that each playthrough is different from the last. The use of dice rolls adds an element of unpredictability, which keeps the game dynamic and challenging.

The cards in the game also play a crucial role in adding depth and complexity to the gameplay. Each card represents a specific action or event, such as attacking an enemy or receiving a supply drop. As a player, you must use your cards wisely to achieve your mission’s objectives.

Who Can Play

Space Infantry: Federation is perfect for those who enjoy immersive and strategic games. It requires players to think critically and make tough decisions under pressure, making it an ideal game for adults and older teenagers. If you’re a fan of science fiction or military-themed games, then this is definitely a game you should try.

What Makes it Fun?

Aside from the exciting gameplay and well-crafted mechanics, what makes Space Infantry: Federation so much fun is its ability to create a sense of immersion. As you lead your team through different missions, you can’t help but feel like a real commander making tough decisions in space.

The game also promotes teamwork and communication, as players must work together to complete the mission successfully. And let’s not forget the thrill of rolling a critical hit or drawing that perfect card at just the right moment.

Forbidden Island

Forbidden Island immerses players in a daring quest to retrieve sacred treasures from a sinking island. 

Gameplay Overview

In Forbidden Island, 2 to 4 players take on the roles of fearless adventurers, each with unique abilities that aid in navigating the treacherous terrain of the island. The island itself is composed of beautifully illustrated tiles that are randomly arranged at the beginning of each game, ensuring a unique experience every time.

The objective is to collect four treasures and escape before the island sinks. Players must strategize together, deciding the best actions to take on their turns, which include moving, shoring up flooded tiles, exchanging treasure cards, and claiming treasures. The game progresses as players draw cards that not only aid their quest but also dictate the rise in water levels and the sinking of island tiles.

Game Mechanics

The island’s tiles start to “sink” as the game progresses, which can cut off paths or even lose treasures if not shored up in time. Players must balance the urgency of gathering treasures with the necessity of keeping the island afloat.

The game uses a novel flood mechanic, represented by a deck of cards that dictates which tiles get flooded or sink each turn. This mechanic, coupled with the varied player powers, provides a depth of strategy and teamwork. Every turn feels important and can drastically change the state of the game, creating a palpable tension that keeps players invested.

What Makes It Fun

Unlike competitive games, players work together towards a common goal, which fosters a collaborative atmosphere. The game is accessible to beginners yet challenging enough to keep seasoned gamers engaged through its escalating difficulty levels, determined by the initial water level set at the start of the game.

Moreover, the random setup of the island tiles and the unpredictability of the flood deck ensure that no two games are the same. 

Merchants & Marauders

Merchants & Marauders lets you live the life of an influential merchant or a dreaded pirate in the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy. Seek your fortune through trade, rumor hunting, missions, and of course, plundering. Modify your ship, buy impressive vessels, load deadly special ammunition, and hire specialist crew members. Will your captain gain eternal glory and immense wealth – or find his wet grave under the stormy surface of the Caribbean Sea?

In Merchants and Marauders, players take on the role of a captain of a small vessel in the Caribbean. The goal is to be the first to achieve 10 “glory” points through performing daring deeds (through the completion of missions or rumors), crushing your enemies (through defeating opponents and NPCs in combat), amassing gold, performing an epic plunder or pulling off the trade of a lifetime, and buying a grand ship. While some points earned from performing various tasks are permanent, players earn points for amassing gold, which can be stolen or lost (or at least diminished) if their captain is killed. Points due to gold are hidden so there’s some uncertainty about when the game will end.

A big component of the game is whether (or when) to turn “pirate” or remain as a trader or neutral party. Both careers are fraught with danger: pirates are hunted by NPCs (and other players) for their bounty and blocked to certain ports while traders are hunted by non-player pirates as well as their opponents and generally have to sacrifice combat capability for cargo capacity. Although players can kill each other, there is no player elimination as players may draw a new captain (with a penalty) so it’s possible to come back from defeat.


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Qwirkle has aperfect balance between simplicity and depth and appeals to both casual gamers and strategy enthusiasts. 

Gameplay Overview

Qwirkle is played with 108 wooden blocks, each marked with one of six shapes in one of six colors. Players take turns placing tiles on the table, connecting them in a line based on common color or shape. However, no line may contain duplicates of any color or shape. Completing a line of six tiles, which is a ‘Qwirkle’, scores bonus points.

Game Mechanics

Qwirkle’s scoring system sets it apart from other abstract games. Each tile in a line scores one point. Thus, creating a line of four tiles scores four points. But if you connect lines at various points, your points can multiply quickly. 

This scoring system encourages one to think ahead, anticipate and plan around opponents’ moves, making it an engaging game.

The Fun Factor

Qwirkle’s is strategic and easy to learn, making it accessible to most. The joy of creating a complex combo or completing a Qwirkle (especially when you snatch the perfect spot right before someone else) brings out delightful competitive spirits. 

Who Will Enjoy Qwirkle?

Qwirkle suits those who enjoy pattern recognition, strategic thinking, and planning. 

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Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries

Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries takes you on a Nordic adventure through Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden as you travel to the great northern cities of Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsinki, and Stockholm. This version was initially available only in the Nordic Countries of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland; a worldwide limited-edition release occurred in August 2008 and it has since been kept in print again by Days of Wonder.

The goal in “Nordic” remains the same as base Ticket to Ride: collect and play cards to place your trains on the board, attempting to connect the different cities on your ticket cards. The map incorporates tunnels from Europe and also has routes containing ferries. Ferries will require a certain number of Locomotives to be played, as well as other cards, in order to be claimed. Locomotives are handled a bit differently as well. On your turn you may take 2 Locomotives if you want, but you can only use them on ferries, tunnels, or the special 9 length route.

Unlike the USA or Europe maps, Nordic is designed for 2-3 players only and has a heavier focus on blocking your opponent and more aggressive play.

Although not an official expansion for this set, Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 5 – United Kingdom & Pennsylvania can be used as an expansion for Nordic Countries, although limited to the three players included in this set. Nordic Countries includes three sets of 40 trains, with 5 spare for each colour; the UK map in Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 5 – United Kingdom & Pennsylvania requires 35 trains and the Pennsylvania map requires 45 trains.

Part of the Ticket to Ride series.

Glass Road

The game Glass Road commemorates the 700-year-old tradition of glass-making in the Bavarian Forest. (Today, the “Glass Road” is a route through the Bavarian forest that takes visitors to many of the old glass houses and museums of that region.) You must skillfully manage your glass and brick production in order to build the right structures that help you keep your business flowing. Cut the forest to keep the fires burning in the ovens, and spread and remove ponds, pits, and groves to supply yourself with the items you need. Fifteen specialists are there at your side to carry out your orders…

In more detail, the game consists of four building periods. Each player has an identical set of fifteen specialist cards, and each specialist comes with two abilities. At the beginning of each building period, you choose a hand of five specialists. If during this building period, you play a specialist that no other player has in hand, you may use both abilities on that card; if two or more players play the same specialist, each of them may use only one of the two abilities. Exploiting the abilities of these specialists lets you collect resources, lay out new landscape tiles (e.g., ponds and pits), and build a variety of buildings, which come in three types:

Processing buildings
“Immediate” buildings with a one-time effect
Buildings that provide bonus points at the end of the game for various accomplishments
Mastering the balance of knowing the best specialist card to play and being flexible about when you play it — together with assembling a clever combination of buildings — is the key to this game.

The 2021 edition of Glass Road includes previously released promotional material: the Oktoberfest and Adventskalender tiles and the Harlekin card for use in the solitaire version of the game.


You are a Dreamwalker, lost in a mysterious labyrinth, and you must discover the oneiric doors before your dreamtime runs out – or you will remain trapped forever!

You may wander through the chambers of dreams, hoping that chance will reveal the doors, or you can linger in each type of room. In both cases, you will have to deal with the slithering Nightmares, which haunt the hallways of the labyrinth.

Onirim is a solo/cooperative card game. You (and a partner, if you wish) must work (together) against the game to gather the eight Door cards before the deck runs out; you can obtain those Door cards either by playing cards of the same color three turns in a row, or by discarding (under specific circumstances) one of your powerful Key cards. In both cases you will have to decide the best use of each card in your hand and carefully play around the Nightmares. Those cards are hidden in the deck and will trigger painful dilemmas when drawn…

Tiny Epic Kingdoms

Tiny Epic Kingdoms is a 2-5 player, 4x fantasy game in a pocket-size package. Players need to expand their population throughout the realms, learn powerful magic and build grand towers as they protect their realm against their opponents. Players need to work as they build a great tower despite the fact that all of the other kingdoms want to complete the same objective yet there’s a lack of room for everyone to succeed. Players begin with a unique faction and a small territory as they collect resources, explore other territories, battle each other and research magic as they work to build a great kingdom.

Rivals for Catan

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Rivals for Catan at a glance

  • Classic Catan transformed into a strategic two player card game 
  • Players build and expand a principality using cards that represent resources, buildings, heroes, and more.
  • Game emphasizes strategic depth through card management and principality expansion.
  • New themes and gameplay elements are introduced through expansion packs
  • Ideal for gamers seeking strategic depth and direct competition.
  • Appeals to Catan enthusiasts looking for a two-player variant and newcomers seeking an accessible entry point.
  • Variety of cards and strategies enhances the game’s replayability

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“Rivals for Catan” expansion offers a Catan gameplay tailored specifically for two players. This expansion not only deepens the gameplay but also introduces a series of mechanics that are both innovative and challenging.

Gameplay and Mechanics Overview

“Rivals for Catan” transforms Catan into a head-to-head battle where players vie to build the most prosperous principality. The game is played with a series of cards representing resources, buildings, heroes, and more. Unlike Catan,  this card game focuses on the strategic depth of managing and expanding your principality through the careful use of cards.

Players start with a small principality consisting of a couple of settlements connected by a road. The game progresses as players draw and play cards, using them to build new structures, engage in trade, and occasionally confront their opponent with action cards. The goal is to reach a set number of victory points, which can be achieved through various means such as constructing buildings, achieving specific developments, or winning advantage cards that provide unique benefits.

What Makes It Fun

The thrill lies in its dynamic gameplay and the strategic depth required to outmaneuver your opponent. The diverse deck of cards and the numerous strategies one can employ makes each game feel different. The element of surprise in drawing cards and the satisfaction of constructing a well-planned principality adds excitement and replayability.

Expansion packs for “Rivals for Catan” introduce new themes and elements that enrich the gameplay. 

Who Will Enjoy It

Gamers who enjoy strategic depth and direct competition will find this game fun. It also appeals to Catan fans who wish to play the game in  a more condensed form. 

Catan newcomers will also find “Rivals for Catan” accessible, as it is  a great introduction to the mechanics and themes of the Catan universe without needing to assemble a large group of players.

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Ticket to Ride: First Journey (U.S.)

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Ticket to Ride: First Journey is a simplified version of the Ticket to Ride gameplay, created for children. Train cards are collected, routes are claimed on the map, and cities are connected as the tickets are collected. Each player has the option to draw two train cards from the deck or discard cards matching the route’s colour and number of spaces. The first player to complete six tickets wins, or, if a player has placed all twenty of their trains on the board, then whoever has completed the most tickets wins!

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Card Rails

Card Rails is a 3-5 player, 20-30 minute cube rails game played with cards. Each player creates their own map of the game they are playing, blocking others and improving their own positions while deciding whether to keep a card for future financial gain or to use it instantly for rewards.

During the game, players discard cards to perform actions: Take a Share or Build a Track. The discarded card can be added to and expanded if building tracks. Building into hexes increases companies’ values or swaps out cards from players’ hands.

At the end of the game, cards remaining in hand count as shares of a company, along with shares taken. The player with the most shares wins!

Tales & Games: The Hare & the Tortoise

The Hare & the Tortoise, originally published as Royal Turtle, is a card-driven betting game about animal racing loosely based on one of Aesop’s Fables.

At the start of a race, each player secretly bets on up to two of five animals: turtle, rabbit, lamb, wolf and fox. One animal is chosen at random for each player, then after receiving a hand of seven cards, each player places one of his cards face-down (possibly the same animal) as an additional bet. Players then take turns laying down 1-4 cards, with all cards needing to show the same animal, then refilling the hand to five cards. As soon as eight total cards have been played or four cards of any one animal, the animals move (maybe).

Each animal has a distinct characteristic that players can use to their advantage. The turtle always moves one space, but it moves two if four of its cards were played. The rabbit always moves two spaces as long as cards are played. — unless four cards are played and it’s at the head of the pack, in which case it sleeps and doesn’t move. The fox moves as many spaces as the number of cards played. The lamb moves one more space than the number of cards played — but if it reaches water, it stops moving to take a drink. The wolf moves 1 space if one to two cards are played, and one less space than the number of cards if more are played. The wolf also has 3 cards with a howl, if one of these is played no one but the wolf moves.(The track consists of eleven road cards, two covered with water.)

After the animals move, players start a new round of card-playing. A round ends when three of the five animals reach the goal, after which each player scores points based on the ranking of the animals and how they bet. After three rounds, the player with the most points wins.

The original title of Royal Turtle is a homage to Reiner Knizia’s Royal Turf, another betting game about animals racing (albeit horses in that game).


Yomi is a card game that simulates a fighting game. It tests your ability to predict how your opponents will act and your ability to judge the relative value of cards from one situation to the next. Also, it lets you do fun combos and be a panda. There are 10 characters to choose from, each with their own deck, abilities, and style. Each deck also doubles as a regular deck of playing cards with beautiful artwork (the complete game features a whopping 120 different character illustrations).

Yomi is the Japanese word for “reading”, in this case as in reading the mind of your opponent. Yomi: Fighting Card Game is a simple competitive card game that simulates a fight between two characters. Each deck in Yomi represents one character, with 10 decks in the first release.

Champion fighting game tournament player and tournament organizer David Sirlin designed the game to test the skills of Valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game’s title, refers to your ability to guess which moves your opponent will make. There is more to it than guessing, though: some players have the uncanny ability to “guess” right almost every time, no matter the game.

The core mechanic is a paper-rock-scissors guessing game between attack, throw, and block/dodge (sometimes modified by special ability cards). Attacks and throws usually let you follow up with combo cards from your hand, while blocks let you draw a card. While it first seems “just random,” you soon discover that the unequal and uncertain payoffs in this guessing game allow you really read what the opponent will do. Yomi captures the kind of mind games that occur during the high level in fighting game tournaments.

Reimplemented by:

Yomi (Second Edition)

Biss 20

You count from 1 to 20 together, with each player saying a number in turn.

Easy, right? And it would be if Fritz the bat didn’t keep coming up with rules you need to learn – and just when you’ve remembered one, he’s already waiting around the corner with the next one. Can you remember any rules?

Kingdomino Duel

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Kingdomino Duel was inspired by one of the top-selling city or territory-building board games, Spiel des Jahres winner Kingdomino. Kingdomino Duel, designed by Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc, captures the medieval theme with a Paper and Pencil portable and travel-friendly game

It can be played by two adults as well as a parent and their child. It’s an abstract board game recommended for ages 8 and up

Players take turns rolling 4 dice and combining their two selected dice to form a domino. On their sheet, they then draw the symbols of their domino, lining up at least one symbol next to another of the same typDice feature different shields.ds. Some shields are accompanied by crosses that act as crowns. If a shield does not have a cross, players instead mark the appropriate checkmark on a shared Spellbook sheet; if they earn enough checkmarks, they will earn a special ability that their opponent won’t be able to use.

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A fun, fast bluffing party in a box!
Know when your friends are bluffing? 
Coup has everything you want in a party game – a small box, easy to learn, and games that are over within ten minutes. Play once to warm up the crowd, or over and over to gauge your friend’s “tells”. The more you play, the more you learn!
The government is run for profit by a new “royal class” of multinational CEOs in the not too distant future. They have reduced all but a privileged few to poverty and desperation through their greed and control over the economy. Out of the oppressed masses rose The Resistance, an underground group focused on overthrowing these powerful rulers. The resistance has created discord, intrigue and weakness in the political courts of the nouveau royal, bringing the government to the brink of collapse. You, as a powerful government official, can manipulate, bribe, and bluff your way to absolute power. You must expel your rivals and destroy their influence in order to succeed. One can only survive in these turbulent times.

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Catan Junior

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Catan Junior At a Glance

  • A board game designed for younger audiences, introducing them to the Catan universe.
  • Players start with two pirate lairs and aim to expand by building ships, discovering islands, and establishing more lairs.
  • Involves resource management and trading with resources such as wood, goats, molasses, swords, and gold, gathered from controlled islands for expansion and development.
  • Includes a friendly parrot for resource trading and the Ghost Captain challenge, adding dynamic obstacles to navigate.
  • Encourages strategic thinking, resource management, and negotiation skills, fostering critical thinking and planning in a child-friendly setup.
  • Designed to be fast-paced, with an average game lasting around 30 minutes, keeping young players engaged and focused.

Unveiling the Adventure: Catan Junior

 Catan Junior introduces younger gamers to the wonders of the Catan board game.

The Voyage Begins

Catan Junior is a 2 to 4 player game for ages 6 and up who embark on a quest to become the most successful pirate of the seas. Each player starts with two pirate lairs and aims to expand their influence by building ships, discovering new islands, and establishing more lairs. 

Expansion Gameplay and Mechanics

The core game mechanics involve resource management and trading. Players collect resources like wood, goats, molasses, swords, and gold from their controlled islands. These resources are used for building ships, constructing new pirate lairs, and purchasing development cards that provide various advantages.

Catan Junior introduces a friendly parrot that helps players in trading resources, ensuring that the game remains dynamic and engaging, even when luck seems against you. The game also features the Ghost Captain, a unique challenge that prevents players from collecting resources from a specific island.  Players strategise their movements to navigate around this obstacle.

What Makes Catan Junior Fun?

Catan Junior  requires strategic thinking, resource management, and negotiation skills, at a level suited for young children. The game fosters critical thinking and planning, as players must decide the best way to use their resources and where to expand next.

The pace of the game is fast, with games lasting around 30 minutes, ensuring young players do not lose focus..

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Artsy Fartsy

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ARTSY FARTSY is a fast-paced game with nothing off-limits, including dragons and dog farts. Bring the whole family together to draw, guess, and steal clues that will have everyone laughing!

Assemble teams. An artist is chosen by the first team who rolls the die and takes a card to determine what to draw. The artist also shares the category at the top of the card with all players.

After flipping the timer, the artist draws a clue for their team to guess and win.

Other teams are also watching and if they have the answer, they can STEAL it and gain a point.

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Ambiente Abissal

The concept of Ambiente Abissal is simple – players take on the role of deep sea explorers trying to survive and thrive in the dark and mysterious depths of the ocean. The game is played over several rounds, and each round consists of three phases – Exploration, Action, and Resolution.

How to Play

During the Exploration phase, players search for resources and build their base camp. This is where you strategize and decide which actions to take during the next phase – Action. In this phase, players can choose to either gather more resources or use those resources to explore deeper into the ocean. Finally, in the Resolution phase, players will face challenges and unexpected events while exploring, and the success or failure of these challenges will determine the outcome of the round.

The game also features a unique mechanic called “the abyssal pressure,” which adds an element of suspense and risk to every move you make. The deeper you explore, the higher the pressure, making it more challenging to succeed in your actions. But with great risk comes great reward, and the deeper you go, the more valuable resources you can discover.

Who Can Play

Ambiente Abissal requires strategic thinking, resource management, and a bit of luck to succeed. Therefore, it may not be suitable for young children or casual players who prefer simpler games. However, for gamers who enjoy a challenge and love to immerse themselves in a unique and immersive world, this game is perfect.

What Makes It Fun

This game manages to strike the perfect balance between strategy and luck, keeping us on our toes throughout each round. And let’s not forget the element of surprise – you never know what challenges or treasures await you in the depths of the ocean.


Global Crisis: A Cooperative Game of Future Earth

In Global Crisis, players work together as a team to prevent a global disaster from happening. Each player takes on the role of a different leader in charge of a specific region of the world. This adds an element of strategy and coordination as players must communicate and make decisions that affect the entire team.

How to Play

The ultimate goal is to achieve a balanced environment, with the right amount of resources and energy, before time runs out. This is no easy task, as unexpected events and disasters can occur at any moment, making the game challenging and exciting.

One of my favorite aspects of Global Crisis is how it incorporates real-world issues into its gameplay. For example, players must deal with issues such as climate change, resource depletion, and political conflicts. This not only adds depth to the game but also raises awareness about these important global issues.

Another interesting mechanic is the “action point” system, where players must carefully manage their actions each turn to achieve their goals. This adds a level of strategic thinking and decision-making to the game.

Who Can Play

Global Crisis is perfect for anyone who enjoys cooperative games and wants to make a positive impact on the world. It’s also great for those who are interested in global issues and want to learn more about them in a fun and interactive way.

This game is suitable for players of all ages, making it great for family game nights or even educational purposes in classrooms. It’s also perfect for groups of friends who love working together towards a common goal.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the obvious satisfaction of saving the world, Global Crisis is just a fun and engaging game to play. The cooperative aspect adds an element of teamwork and camaraderie, while the challenging gameplay keeps players on their toes.

The constantly changing events and disasters make every game unique and unpredictable, ensuring that no two games are ever the same. Plus, with the option to play at different levels of difficulty, Global Crisis offers a challenge for both new and experienced players.


Ra is an auction and set-collection game with an Ancient Egyptian theme. Each turn players are able to purchase lots of tiles with their bidding tiles (suns). Once a player has used up his or her suns, the other players continue until they do likewise, which may set up a situation with a single uncontested player bidding on tiles before the end of the round occurs. Tension builds because the round may end before all players have had a chance to win their three lots for the epoch. The various tiles either give immediate points, prevent negative points for not having certain types at the end of the round (epoch), or give points after the final round. The game lasts for three “epochs” (rounds). The game offers a short learning curve, and experienced players find it both fast-moving and a quick play.

From the Box:
The game spans 1500 years of Egyptian history in less than an hour!
The players seek to expand their power and fame and there are many ways to accomplish this: Influencing Pharaohs, Building monuments, Farming on the Nile, Paying homage to the Gods, Advancing the technology and culture of the people. Ra is an auction and set collecting game where players may choose to take risks for great rewards or… And all this is for the glory of the Sun God Ra!


In Ingenious, a.k.a. Einfach Genial, players take turns placing colored domino-style tiles on a game board, scoring for each line of colored symbols that they enlarge. The trick, however, is that a player’s score is equal to their worst-scoring color, not their best, so they need to score for all colors instead of specializing in only one or two.

In more detail, the game includes 120 domino-style tiles, each consisting of two conjoined hexes; each hex has one of six colors in it, with most tiles having different-colored hexes. Each player has a rack with six tiles on it, and on a turn a player places one tile from their rack onto two hexes of the game board. For each hex on this tile, they score one point in that color for each hex of the same color that lies adjacent to it and each hex in a straight line from it. If a player brings the score of a color to 18, they immediately take another turn. At the end of their turn, they refill their rack to six tiles. (Before refilling their rack, if they have no tiles on it that contain hexes in their lowest-scoring color, they can discard all of their tiles, then draw six new tiles from the bag.)

When no more tiles can be placed on the game board or when one player scores 18 in each color, the game ends. Players then compare their lowest scores, and whoever has the highest low score wins.

Ingenious includes rules for solitaire and team play; in the latter case, two teams of two play, with each player not being able to see their partner’s tiles and teams keeping a combined score that maxes out at 36 instead of 18.

Red 7

The rules of “Red” are simple: highest card wins! But “Red” is just one of seven games you’ll be playing in Red7, and if you’re not winning the current game at the end of your turn, you’re out! The last person standing wins the round.

The deck in Red7 is 49 cards: each of the colors of the rainbow numbered 1 to 7. A hand takes just a couple minutes!

The Game

Players in The Game try to discard all 98 cards in the deck onto four discard piles in order to win, but they need to do so in the right ways.

Each player starts with 6-8 cards in their hand depending on the number of players, and four discard pile prompt cards are on the table: two showing “1” and an up arrow and two showing “100” and a down arrow. On a turn, a player must discard at least two cards from their hand onto one or more discard piles, with cards on the 1 piles being placed in ascending order and cards on the 100 piles being placed in descending order. One tricky aspect of the game is that you can play a card exactly 10 higher/lower than the top card of a discard pile even when you would normally have to play in a descending/ascending order, e.g., if a 100 discard pile is topped with an 87, you can play any card lower than 87 or you can play the 97.

After a player finishes their turn, they refill their hand from the deck. During play, players cannot reveal exact numbers in their hands, but they can warn others not to play on certain discard piles or otherwise make play suggestions.

Once the deck is emptied, players are required only to play at least one card on a turn. If you play all 98 cards, you win! If you get good, the rules suggest that you play at least three cards a turn to increase the challenge

Cottage Garden

In Cottage Garden, you compete in the art of gardening and are working two beds with a variety of flowers. Whenever no unplanted box is visible on a bed, you have completed it, then you count your points and replace it with a fresh, unplanted bed. The game is designed for 1-4 players, making it perfect for a cozy night in with friends or family.

How to Play

The objective of the game is to fill your garden plots with beautiful flowers and plants, while also completing various missions to earn points.

Each player has their own personal garden board and a set of Tetris-like tiles with different flowers and plants on them. These tiles must be strategically placed onto the garden plots in order to score points. But here’s the catch – you can only place one type of flower or plant in each row or column. This adds an extra layer of strategy to the game as you have to constantly plan ahead and make the most out of every tile.

Who Can Play

Cottage Garden is suitable for players of all ages, making it a great choice for family game nights. The rules are simple enough for children to understand, but the gameplay is engaging enough to keep adults entertained as well. Plus, with a playing time of around 45 minutes, it’s the perfect length for a quick game session.

What Makes It Fun

But what really makes Cottage Garden fun is its theme and design. The vibrant colors and adorable illustrations make you feel like you’re actually tending to your own garden. And let’s not forget about the cute garden cat tokens that add a touch of whimsy to the game. It’s these little details that really make Cottage Garden stand out and keep players coming back for more.



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Rook has a specially designed 57-card deck where there are four suits in this deck: red, green, black, and yellow, and the numbers on the cards range from 1 to 14. The Rook card, with the picture of a bird, is a high-point card.

Rook involves bidding and trick-taking. The object of the game is to use your cards in your hand to score as many points as possible.

Cards are accordingly:

  • 5 = 5 points
  • King, 10, and 14 = 10 points
  • Ace = 15 points
  • Rook = 20 points (counts as extra trump)
  • Winning the last “trick” = 20 points

On each hand, you can score up to 200 points. Players decide beforehand how many points they would like to play towards. It is common to play to 1,000 points.

Partners sit across from each other and attempt to bid the minimum value of points a player and their partner will score by end of the game.

Players and their partners must be careful not to bid too high, as they will lose if they go over the total amount scored. When bidding, players can’t see their partner’s hand, and the bid is based on both the player and partner’s hands. 

When the bidding is over, the winner of the bid takes the card from the center and returns a card from his hand face-down in front of him or her. The winner can return the original card that he or she pulled from the center if it is not useful to his or her hand. The winner and his or her partner keep any points that this dropped card is worth.

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Unstable Unicorns: Control

Kickstarter exlusive expansion that focuses on protective magic and deck manipulation.

The Control deck was Kickstarted in conjunction with the Chaos expansion that features 158 new cards, with 30 of the cards being exclusive to the Control Deck, including the holographic Archangel Unicorn card.

The Little Prince: Make Me a Planet

In The Little Prince: Make Me a Planet, each player will build his own planet to provide a beautiful home for the dear animals of The Little Prince – the fox, the sheep, the elephant and the snake – but make sure there aren’t too many volcanoes and baobab trees!

Each round, the start player chooses one of the four stacks of tiles and takes as many tiles as the number of players. He chooses one of them and appoints a different player to choose another tile. This new player takes the tile and starts building her own planet in front of her. Then she appoints another player, and so on, until every player gets a tile. The last player must take the only tile that remains. To make up for that, this player becomes the start player for the next round.

Baobab trees grow on some tiles, and having too many of them is bad. If a player has three baobab trees on his planet, the three tiles bearing these trees have to be turned face down. Now the items on those tiles won’t score you points at the end of the game!

By the end of the game, four characters will be located around each player’s planet, earning that player points based on the various items present on the planet. Not everything is risk-free, though, as the player who has the highest number of volcanoes loses as many points as the number of volcanoes on his planet. The player with the highest score wins!

Star Wars Customizable Card Game

In Star Wars CCG, you take on the role of either the Rebellion or the Empire, and try to deplete your opponent’s ‘Life Force’ by battling on the ground and in space.

In the Star Wars Customizable Card Game (Star Wars CCG) players can choose from over 3000 different cards to build their own play deck consisting of 60 cards.

The game went out of print in 2001 but an active Player’s Committee keeps the game alive by producing new, free “virtual card” expansions that are released frequently. You can ‘customize’ your deck by adding or removing cards between games to ‘tweak’ it.

Each player selects their deck of 60 cards in secret. Cards are arrayed on a flat surface between the two players. Location cards are laid out first and then characters or ships are laid out at the locations. Additional types of cards can be placed on ships and characters, for example weapons and devices. The object of the game is to drain your opponent’s life force. Each card represents a unit of life force. Playing location cards allows you to draw additional life force into your hand. If a ship or character is destroyed in battle, the card goes to a lost pile; when all cards are in your lost pile you have lost the game.

This is a strategy based card game set in the Star Wars universe that can become very addictive. It is a complex game that offers rewarding, strategic play for those who take the time to learn it. Visit for the latest news and to learn how to play.


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KID STRATEGY BOARD GAME – My first Kingdomino (Spiel de Jahres Winner) title with a dragon fantasy theme!

Fantasy game for 2 to 4 players that can be played by parents and their children. Suitable for children aged 5 and older.

Dragomino is a Card Drafting and Tile Placing game using a Pattern Building mechanic. It’s a game of dominoes with a twist! Each turn, pick a domino to add to your kingdom. Make sure it matches the dominoes already in play. Each matching domino scores one egg. This egg is either empty or contains a baby dragon. If you find the most baby dragons, you win.


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Goryo is a spirit that appears as a cat in the palace, bound to a certain type of object. Goryo has to smash five objects in the palace’s rooms without being harmed by the Samurai in order to win the game. If the Samurai wants to win, he or she must find out what the Goryo is bound to, or catch its essence three times.

The Samurai rushed to the source of the sound and now face a female spirit similar to a cat. She has a mystical aura around her that is beyond compare! After a moment of confusion, the Samurai guarding the Palace of Edo regains his courage: he’s perfectly trained to fight both earthly and unearthly forces!  Shint* monks’ seals will once again be useful.
Both players alternate in asymmetrical turns:
  • In order to mislead her opponent, Gory0 plans how to break an object.
  • the Samurai use their available actions to chase the Goryō along her path;
  • the Goryō reveals her route and the Samurai verify the collected clues before moving to the next round

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Trick-taking in Black and White

The Trick Taking in Black & White is a trick taking card game. Tsutomu Dejima designed this game where players try to capture an equal number of tricks in two different colors. The number of captured tricks is added to players’ scores when this is achieved. Players lose points for each trick they capture when the colors are out of balance. In the final round, the player who has the most points and balanced trick piles wins.

Gyrating Hamsters

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Laughing games for adults and teens – Looking for something to do with your time? Have fun playing Gyrating Hamsters.

What is the objective of Gyrating Hamsters?

The objectives of this hilarious hoarding game are simple and straightforward: Collect 16 hamsters or 9 from the same clan – attack, battle, and win! Growing your hamster horde faster than your opponent will provide you with 30 minutes of entertainment, battle, and strategy.

Starting with a horde of hamsters, players draw and play various kinds of cards, such as clan hamster cards, attack hamster cards, action cards, and gyrating hamster cards. Players finally battle their hamsters to grow their horde.

What makes Gyrating Hamsters a funny board game?

The action cards played by players can suddenly change the game dynamics. For instance, Action cards can suddenly stop a hamster battle between 2 players, Chaos cards like the Battle Royale card can create events where everyone has to battle with only one last hamster standing. The struggle to attack and capture hamsters and defend your clan makes it a highly interactive game with lots of fun and laughter.

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Sushi Go!

Sushi Go! The Pick and Pass Card Game Sushi Go is a fun and fast-paced family card game that is easy-to-learn. You choose cards from your hands to build the best sushi platter. Cards are valued differently, and you will need to manage your hand by picking and passing cards to others to achieve the best platter. Sushi Go brings the classic Japanese meal to your table in a fun and interactive way.

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Arctic Race

‘Arctic Race’ is a simple yet engaging strategy game that centers around penguins racing through the frozen tundra.

How to Play

The gameplay is straightforward – players take turns rolling a dice and moving their penguin piece along the tracks on the board. The goal is to reach the finish line first, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. The tracks are filled with obstacles like icebergs and slippery surfaces that can slow you down or even send you back! It keeps the game exciting and unpredictable until the very end.

One of my favorite aspects of ‘Arctic Race’ is the unique game mechanics. Each player has a set of cards with special abilities that they can use to their advantage. For example, there’s a card that allows you to skip over obstacles or one that lets you roll the dice twice in one turn. It adds an extra layer of strategy and makes the game more strategic rather than just relying on luck.

Who Can Play

I would say ‘Arctic Race’ is suitable for anyone who enjoys fun and lighthearted games. It’s perfect for families with young children, as well as adult game nights. The cute and colorful design of the board and pieces makes it visually appealing to all ages. Plus, the gameplay is easy to pick up, so even someone who has never played before can join in on the fun.

What Makes It Fun

What I love most about ‘Arctic Race’ is that it never fails to make me laugh. The game can get quite competitive, but the playful nature of the penguins and their silly antics always bring a smile to my face. It’s one of those games that you can’t help but enjoy, no matter what mood you’re in.

Legends of Andor

pick up the face-up card (along with any chips that have already been played on that card) and turn over the next card


Splendor, a captivating and elegant board game known for its simple yet deep mechanics, it appeals to both casual players and seasoned strategists alike.

Gameplay Overview 

Players assume the roles of Renaissance merchants striving to amass the most prestigious collection of gems and noble patrons. The game is designed for 2-4 players and typically takes about 30 minutes to play.

Game Mechanics

The core mechanics of Splendor are straightforward yet engaging:

  • Gem Collection: Players collect gem tokens in five colors and gold (wild) tokens.
  • Card Purchasing: Gem tokens are used to purchase development cards, which provide permanent gem bonuses and occasionally victory points.
  • Noble Tiles: Players can attract nobles by meeting specific gem requirements, earning additional victory points.
  • Engine Building: As players accumulate cards, they build a resource engine, allowing them to buy more expensive cards without needing as many tokens.

What Makes Splendor Fun

  1. Simplicity: Splendor’s rules are easy to learn, but the strategic depth keeps players coming back. 
  2. Replayability: With variable setups and the need to adapt to opponents’ strategies, each game of Splendor feels fresh and challenging.
  3. Quick Playtime

Who Will Enjoy Splendor:

  • Casual Gamers: Its easy-to-understand rules and quick setup make it accessible to newcomers and families.
  • Strategic Thinkers: The depth of strategy in card acquisition and resource management appeals to those who enjoy planning and optimization.
  • Competitive Players: The indirect competition of racing to achieve nobles and high-value cards creates a compelling dynamic for those who enjoy outmaneuvering opponents.


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Theme and overview:

Unlike in other cultures, the desert Tuareg men, known as Targi, cover their faces whereas women of the tribe do not wear veils. They run the household and they have the last word at home in the tents. Different families are divided into tribes, headed by the ‘Imascheren’ (or nobles). As leader of a Tuareg tribe, players trade goods from near (such as dates and salt) and far (like pepper), in order to obtain gold and other benefits, and enlarge their family. In each round their new offerings are made. Cards are a means to an end, in order to obtain the popular tribe cards.


The board consists of a 5×5 grid: a border of 16 squares with printed action symbols and then 9 blank squares in the centre onto which cards are dealt. Meeples are placed one at a time on the spaces at the edges of the board (not including corner squares). You cannot place a meeple on a square the opponent has a meeple on already, nor on a square facing opponent’s meeple. Once all meeples are placed, players then execute the actions on the border squares the meeples are on and also take the cards from the centre that match the row and column of the border meeples.

The game is predominantly scored and won by playing tribal cards to your display. These give advantages during the game and victory points at the end. Usually cards are played (or discarded) immediately once drawn. A single card can be kept in hand but then requires a special action to play it (or to discard it to free the hand spot for another card). Each card has a cost in goods to play. Goods are obtained either from border spaces or from goods cards.

The display (for scoring) consists of 3 rows of 4 cards that are filled from left to right and cannot be moved once placed (barring some special cards). There is also a balance to be found between the victory point score on the cards themselves (1-3 VP per tribal card) and in the combinations per row (a full row of 4 identical card types gets you an additional 4 VP, and a full row of 4 distinct card types gets you 2 VP).

The winner at the end of the game is the player with the most victory points.

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Modern Art

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“Modern Art” is an engaging game of strategy, auction, and valuation, where players step into the role of art gallery owners. This game, immerses players in the competitive art market, where decision-making and speculation can lead to prosperity or financial ruin.

Gameplay and Mechanics

“Modern Art” is played over several rounds, typically four, where players auction paintings by various fictional artists. The goal is straightforward: earn the most money by buying and selling art. The game mechanics are centered around five different types of auctions:

  1. Open Auction – Players openly bid on a painting.
  2. Fixed Price – The seller sets a price for the painting.
  3. Hidden Auction – Players secretly choose their bids and reveal them simultaneously.
  4. Once Around – Starting with the player to the left of the seller and going around once, each player gets one chance to bid or pass.
  5. Double Auction – Two paintings are auctioned at the same time.

These auction types requires one  to adapt their strategies based on the auction in play and the behaviors of their competitors.

What Makes It Fun

The psychological play between players makes Modern Art thrilling and fun. Each player assesses the value of the art pieces, predict market trends, and gauge the other players’ actions and motivations. This makes each auction not only about competitive bids but also a mind game where bluffing and tactical retreats can be as effective as aggressive bidding.

There is also an economic twist. Paintings values are determined by how often they are sold during the round. This introduces speculation into gameplay, where players can influence the market by pushing certain artists more than others.

Ideal Audience

“Modern Art” appeals to players who enjoy games with a strong economic component and interpersonal interaction. It is perfect for gamers who thrive in scenarios that require negotiation, risk assessment, and strategic planning.

What are Modern Art players say about the game?

“Modern Art” players are overwhelmingly positive about the game. They highlight its broad appeal and engaging gameplay across a variety of player experiences. Key points are:

  1. Versatile Audience Appeal: The game is versatile and enjoyable for a wide audience. It’s straightforward rules make it approachable for newcomers.

  2. Engaging Art Components: The art on the cards are vibrant. The game has been praised for featuring real modern art, which adds a visual and educational layer to the gameplay.

  3. Dynamic Gameplay: The auction mechanics are diverse, leading to game replayability. 

  4. Social Interaction: The game encourages good amount of banter and table talk, which can make the sessions more engaging and fun.

  5. High Production Value: Good quality components and game materials are frequently noted.

  6. Longer Play Time: While generally seen as a positive aspect due to the enjoyment it provides, some reviews noted that the game tends to run longer than the box indicates.


The woods are old-growth, dappled with sunlight. Delicious mushrooms beckon from every grove and hollow. Morels may be the most sought-after in these woods, but there are many tasty and valuable varieties awaiting the savvy collector. Bring a basket if you think it’s your lucky day. Forage at night and you will be all alone when you stumble upon a bonanza. If you’re hungry, put a pan on the fire and bask in the aroma of chanterelles as you sauté them in butter. Feeling mercantile? Sell porcini to local aficionados for information that will help you find what you seek deep in the forest. Morels, a strategic card game for two players, uses two decks: a Day Deck (84 cards) that includes ten different types of mushrooms as well as baskets, cider, butter, pans, and moons; and a smaller Night Deck (8 cards) of mushrooms to be foraged by moonlight. Each mushroom card has two values: one for selling and one for cooking. Selling two or more like mushrooms grants foraging sticks that expand your options in the forest (that is, the running tableau of eight face-up cards on the table), enabling offensive or defensive plays that change with every game played. Cooking sets of three or more like mushrooms – sizzling in butter or cider if the set is large enough – earns points toward winning the game. With poisonous mushrooms wielding their wrath and a hand-size limit to manage, card selection is a tricky proposition at every turn. Following each turn, one card from the forest moves into a decay pile that is available for only a short time. The Day Deck then refills the forest from the back, creating the effect of a walk in the woods in which some strategic morsels are collected, some are passed by, and others lay ahead.

The Resistance

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The resistance redefines social deduction everyone plays till the end of the game Your ability to lie to your friends and know when they are lying to you is critical to win Not for the faint of heart, or slow of mind but if you are quick on your feet you’ll be proud of your hard fought victories 5 to 10 players, 30 minute playtime Cover art may vary revised edition now includes updated card art and the “Inquisitor” expansion in place of “The Plot Thickens” cards

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Marvel Villainous: Infinite Power

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Become an iconic Marvel villain. Use sinister abilities to achieve your goals. Master the game with Thanos, Hela, Killmonger, Ultron, and Taskmaster! Each player takes on the role of a Marvel Villain. On your turn, place your Villain mover at a different location in your Domain, then perform the actions available there. The first Villain to complete the Villain’s objective wins!

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Jenga: Godzilla Extreme Edition

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JENGA: Godzilla
GODZILLA is back on the rampage! The titan of terror is trying to bring your tower down with a heat ray in JENGA: GODZILLA Extreme Edition. Custom game play allows players to remove and replace blocks as needed to keep the tower standing. With every step, GODZILLA threatens to destroy the tower!

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In Myrmes, originally shown under the name ANTerpryse, players control ant colonies and use their ants to explore the land (leaving pheromones in their wake); harvest “crops” like stone, earth and aphids; fight with other ants; complete requests from the Queen; birth new ants; and otherwise dominate their tiny patch of dirt, all in a quest to score points and prove that they belong at the top of the heap, er, anthill. After three seasons of scrabbling and foraging, each ant colony faces a harsh winter that will test its colonial strength.

In game terms, each player has an individual game board to track what’s going on inside his colony – that is, whether the nurses are tending to larvae or doing other things, where the larvae are in their growth process, what resources the colony has, which actions are available to workers when they leave the colony, and so on. The shared game board shows the landscape outside the exit tunnel that all colonies share; after exiting this tunnel, workers ants can move over the terrain to place pheromones (which gives them access to resource cubes), clean up empty pheromones (to make space), hunt prey (by discarding soldiers) or place special tiles (but only if they’ve developed the ant colony).

The game lasts three years, and at the start of each year three season dice are rolled to determine the event for each season: extra larvae or soldiers, more VPs for actions, and so on. Within each season, players can spend larvae to adjust the event for themselves on their personal player board. (Put the kids to work!) After adjusting the event, player allocate nurses to birth larvae, worker or soldier ants or to use them for other actions. The worker ants then do their thing, working within the colony itself (although only one colony level is open initially) or traveling to the outside world to hunt prey (ladybugs, termites, spiders), lay down pheromones (which later lets them claim resources on these spaces), place special tiles (like an aphid farm or sub-colony), or clear out pheromones left by ants from any colony. After harvesting, nurses who didn’t tend to births then take additional actions, such as opening a new tunnel that only your colony can use, clearing a new level within your colony, or meeting one of the six objectives (capture a certain number of prey, build special tiles, and so on) laid out at the start of the game.

After three seasons, players must pay food to get their colony through winter, losing points if they can’t. Whoever has the most points after three years wins. All hail our new ant overlords!

Trails of Tucana

Trails of Tucana is a flip-and-write game from the creators of Avenue and Doodle City that is quick and easy to play, but has enough depth to entertain gamers.

Each player is given a map of the island Tucana, showing its villages and important sights. The positions of the villages are randomized for each player, so every game will provide a unique puzzle.

Each turn, one player flips over two terrain cards. Each player must draw — on their own map — a trail between two neighboring spaces of the shown terrains. Gradually, the trails will grow into a network of roads. Players score points by connecting matching harbors, and by connecting sights to harbors. Being the first to connect a pair of harbors provides bonus points.

To add depth to the game, there are varying distribution of the different terrain cards. Mountain cards are for instance rarer than desert cards, so it would be harder to build a trail through a mountain range or over water than through desert or forest. Players need to take this into account when planning their routes. And they should maximize the probability that they will be able to make use of any combination of terrain cards that may come up.

—description from designer


2021 Finnish Game of the Year (family) WINNER
2020 Norwegian Game of the Year WINNER
2020 Norwegian Game of the Year NOMINEE
2019 The Dice Tower SEAL OF EXCELLENCE

Stwory z Obory

You are a peasant with an unquenchable thirst for fame who embarks on a quest to become the greatest Beast Slayer in history. But why risk your own life? Try faking an attack on an unsuspecting village by disguising yourself as the Beast from the Barn. Never forget you’re not the only one who dreams of becoming a famous beast slayer. The other peasants, jealous of your glory, will do whatever they can to humiliate you and take away your fame. The will make false quests, play filthy tricks with you, strengthen the beasts and expose your deceptions.

Stwory z Obory (“”Beasts from the Barn””) is a dynamic card game full of negative interaction with Slavic fantasy backdrop and a humorous flair. A goal of the game is to obtain 7 glory points by defeating beasts or completing quests.

You use the bought equipment, disposable bonus cards, potions, and dice rolls to fight the beast. Events and special cards are also included in the deck of cards, which help you fight or frustrate your opponents.

Escape Room: The Game 3

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Each fast-moving adventure lasts exactly 60 minutes! Includes an introduction game and three other stories.

A Chrono Decoder counts down each adventure! To continue, enter the correct keys into the Chrono Decoder. If the code is wrong, your time will be taken away.

To win, you need good communication, ingenuity, creativity, logic, and attention to detail!


FreeCell has become hugely popular since it was bundled with each version of Windows since 95.

There are four empty spaces above the tableau that are used for temporary storage of cards, and they are called “FreeCell.”. Although you can move one card at a time, the FreeCells allow you to move sequences of packed cards between tableau columns. Your sequence will be larger if you have more empty FreeCells.

How did FreeCell start?

On most computers, you can find the popular card game FreeCell. The first computerized version of it was created by Paul Alfille at the University of Illinois in 1978 as a medical student using a PLATO computer.
The program became popular when it came preinstalled with every version of Windows in 1991. Despite the fact that the game is played with one deck of cards, it’s impossible to learn every possible deal in advance. From a mathematical standpoint, there are 1.75 times 10 to the power of 64 games.

Is FreeCell good for your brain?

The cognitive benefits of FreeCell are numerous. It is a problem-solving game based on using the freecells to get all cards to the foundation. In addition to keeping your mental sharp, trying to solve the game pushes your critical thinking and strategic thinking skills. FreeCell can be helpful in identifying individuals with memory problems, according to a study by the Oregon Center for Aging & Technology.
FreeCell also reduces stress levels and helps you think more clearly, in addition to the direct benefits to your brain.

Colt Express

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Colt Express is an action-packed board game that’ll have you living the bandit life in the era of train robberies and saloon brawls. 

Game Overview

Colt Express is a multi-award-winning board game designed by Christophe Raimbault that transports players to the rugged American West during the onset of train travel. Players become outlaws set on robbing a Union Pacific train in the 1800s. The game is a mix of strategy, planning, and some chaos, all set against a fun western backdrop.

Gameplay and Game Mechanics

Round Up the Gang

The game can be played by up to six players. You takes on the role of a bandit, represented by a unique character card. Your goal is to  amass the most loot by the end of the game.

Loading Your Ammo

The game board is a beautiful detailed 3D train. You can move within train cars and exit through the rooftops which forces you to adapt your strategies as the game progresses. Game rounds are divided into phases, and each round begins with a Scheming phase where players select their move carefully.

Aim Carefully

The game’s core mechanic revolves around the use of action card, which are used to either move, shoot, punch, steal, or even move Marshals to mess with your opponents. The twist is that you won’t always have a clear shot at your intended target.  All actions are played out in a 3D model of the train and, during the round, these actions can have surprising results as everyone’s cards are executed sequentially.

High Stakes and High Entertainment: What Makes Colt Express Fun?

Colt Express’s excellence lies in its unpredictability. The game’s mechanics ensure that no two rounds play out the same. The 3D train and playing actions out simultaneously add an element of physical play that is unique. It’s fun to to see your plans and those of your rivals unravel in the most hilarious ways possible.

Each bandit also has a special power, so it’s exciting to explore the nuances that each character brings. The game’s visual appeal, high-quality components, and the tactile experience of playing on the train make it engaging.

Who Will Like This Game?

Colt Express is a great family game for those who love a thematic experience, and the joy of play often comes from the stories that emerge naturally rather than winning or losing.

What Have Gamers Said About the Game?


  • Universal Family Appeal: The game is lauded for being fun for all ages
  • Strategic Gameplay: There is strategic depth, especially in the scheming phase where players plan moves in advance 
  • Set Game Time: The game lasts five rounds, a fixed duration that fits well into family or group activities.
  • Award-Winning Design: It is a Spiel des Jahres winner 
  • Physical Design: The 3D cardboard train and the overall thematic design enhances the gaming experience.


  • Initial Setup Time: Some found the initial setup to be lengthy
  • Accessibility Issues: In games with six players, reaching the game board can be challenging.
  • Planning Phase Complexity: The strategic planning phase may not be fully appreciated by younger players


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5211 Azul Card Game Special Edition

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5211 Azul is a fast-playing card game with a unique scoring method that rewards clever play! There are five colors on cards 1-6 in this game. Each player begins with five cards. They play two cards face down, then reveal them simultaneously. After refilling their hand, they repeat this process two more times, but with only one card each time. The cards with the majority color score — unless there are too many cards, which results in the color busting and the second most color scoring. These rounds are repeated until the deck runs out. The player with the most points wins.

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UNO: Masters of the Universe

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Welcome to the world of Uno Masters of the Universe!

Love card games and Masters of the Universe? Try this epic version of Uno with your favorite characters.

Gameplay and What Players Do

For those unfamiliar with the game of Uno, it’s a fast-paced card game where players take turns discarding cards from their hand by matching them to the top card on the discard pile. The goal is to be the first player to get rid of all your cards.

In Uno Masters of the Universe, players not only have to match numbers and colors, but also use special ability cards to throw off their opponents and gain an advantage. These special ability cards represent iconic characters from the Masters of the Universe world, such as He-Man, Skeletor, and She-Ra. Each character has their own unique power that can change the course of the game.special action cards that represent

Apart from using special ability cards, players can also strategically use skip, reverse, and draw two cards to their advantage. These card combinations can quickly turn the tables on your opponents, making for an unpredictable and exciting gameplay experience.

Game Mechanics

Uno Masters of the Universe follows the same basic rules as traditional Uno, but with a few twists. For example, if a player forgets to say “Uno” when they only have one card left in their hand, they are forced to draw two additional cards as punishment. Additionally, players can choose to stack on special ability cards, adding multiple characters’ powers in one turn for a bigger impact.

The game also features a “Masters Wild” card which allows the player who plays it to choose a new color and force all other players to discard their hand and draw four new cards. This card adds an exciting element of strategy and unpredictability to the game.

What Makes it Fun

Uno Masters of the Universe is not just your average card game. The combination of classic Uno game mechanics with the added twist of special ability cards based on iconic characters makes it a unique and exciting experience. You never know what might happen next, and that’s what makes it so much fun.

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Pandemic: Rapid Response

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Race Against Time: ‘Pandemic: Rapid Response’ Challenges Teams to Save the World in Real-Time

 ‘Pandemic: Rapid Response’ takes the disease curing of the original Pandemic game and transposes it into a real-time, dice-based frenzy that tests the nerves and reflexes of its players.

Gameplay Overview

‘Pandemic: Rapid Response’ typically plays in about 20 minutes, making it quicker and more intense. Players are crew members aboard an aircraft, specifically designed as a flying lab and response unit, tasked with delivering critical supplies to cities around the world hit by various disasters.

The game is played in real-time, with a sand timer dictating the urgency. Players must roll dice to perform actions such as flying the plane, generating resources, and delivering these resources to cities in need. The dice results determine what actions are possible on a turn, requiring players to think quickly and adapt their strategies on the fly.

Game Mechanics

What sets ‘Pandemic: Rapid Response’ apart is its use of time. The sand timer limits the time players have to complete their objectives, adding a layer  of pressure. The timer is reset upon each successful delivery of supplies, but each reset shortens the overall time available in future rounds, creating escalating tension as the game progresses.

Resource management is another critical mechanic. Players must manage the production of supplies, from food to medicine, on their aircraft, deciding together the best allocation of their dice rolls to meet the demands of the crisis spots efficiently.

What Makes It Fun and Different

Unlike the original ‘Pandemic’, where strategy and planning are done in a more measured, turn-based environment, ‘Pandemic: Rapid Response’ thrives on quick decision-making and adaptability. The real-time aspect means that communication among players must be instantaneous and clear, leading to moments of high tension and exhilaration when the team functions like a well-oiled machine.

What do Pandemic Rapid Response players think about the game?

  1. Engaging and Quick: Many enjoy the game’s faster pace and real-time decision-making aspect

  2. Strategic Yet Hectic: It is considered less strategic than the original Pandemic due to the real-time element, which adds a layer of hectic and quick thinking to the gameplay.

  3. Challenging for New Players: The game can be particularly challenging for new players who are not used to making quick decisions under time pressure. A slow player can significantly affect the outcome of the game.

  4. Mixed Feelings About the Timer: The timer, a central element of the game, received mixed reactions. While it adds to the game’s urgency and excitement for some, others found it stressful and detracting from the enjoyment

  5. Beautiful Components

The Pillars of the Earth

Die Säulen der Erde / The Pillars of the Earth is based on the bestselling novel by Ken Follett and the 2006 game in the Kosmos line of literature-based games.

At the beginning of the 13th century, construction of the greatest and most beautiful cathedral in England begins. Players are builders who try to contribute the most to this cathedral’s construction and, in so doing, score the most victory points. Gameplay roughly consists of using workers to produce raw materials, and then using craftsmen to convert the materials into victory points. Workers may also be used to produce gold, the currency of the game. Players are also given three master builders each turn, each of which can do a variety of tasks, including recruiting more workers, buying or selling goods, or just obtaining victory points. Getting early choices with a master builder costs gold, as does purchasing better craftsmen. Players must strike a balance between earning gold to fund their purchases and earning victory points.

Expanded by:

The Pillars of the Earth Expansion Set (which include the Expansion Cards in some editions)
The Pillars of the Earth: Expansion Cards (which are included in the Expansion Set in some editions)

Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game

Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game is a survival horror board game that pits small-town heroes head-to-head against a horde of zombies. A team of four heroes is chosen by one set of players, and the zombies are controlled by one or two players. Each hero has its own special abilities. The board is modular, which changes the layout of the town and start positions of each hero. The game comes with several scenarios, which include simple survival, rescue, or escape. Differing combinations of heroes, scenarios, and board configurations offer a lot of replayability.

A hero deck and a zombie deck deliver tactical bonuses to each side. Combat is resolved using six-sided dice, modified by the weapon cards with which heroes may be equipped. Many of the cards include zombie movie tropes to achieve a feel of playing out a horror movie. All the game art is photographic, enhancing the cinematic feel. The game also comes with a CD soundtrack of original thematic music.

Each hero has its own plastic sculpted miniature. The game also has 14 zombies in two colors. Other objects and effects are represented by high-quality cardboard counters.

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal is a 2-5 player game set in Northwest India at the beginning of the 18th century where players are required to appeal to members of the Indian Court in order to build their palaces and claim goods. By influencing the prominent forces, building magnificent palaces and ensuring a steady supply of commodities, players increase their power unit the most successful one has won. Players’ objective is to gain the most influence points, accumulated by building palaces and acquiring commodities. There are twelve turns in the game and players can bid for various prizes in any given turn.

A Game of Thrones: The Card Game

DECIDE THE FATE OF WESTEROS: Across the Seven Kingdoms and beneath the Narrow Sea, the Great Houses of Westeros are pitted against one another in bitter conflcit. Join forces with the House of your choice as they seek to control the Iron Throne or take the black and champion the Night’s Watch in their efforts to defend The Wall and protect the realm of men.
EPIC BATTLE GAME: This second edition of a beloved Living Card Game features cunning plots, iconic characters and deadly encounters. Set in the world of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, every game invites you to take command of iconic factions and battle for power.
STRATEGY GAME: You must best your opponents to claim the Iron Throne, defeating them on the field of battle, outwitting them in the intrigues of court or stealing their power in the political arena. Whether you play a two-player joust or a multiplayer melee, this LCG invites you to battle for control of Westeros.
SECOND EDITION CORE SET: Featuring a refined play experience that builds upon the successful foundation of the original edition, this second edition core set provides a fresh start for new and experienced players alike. As a living card game, new cards are released regularly, allowing players to customize their decks.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS AND AVERAGE PLAYTIME: This living card game is made for 2 to 4 players and is suitable for ages 14 and older. Average playtime is approximately 1 to 2 hours.

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Gulo Gulo

The Wolverine, also known as Gulo Gulo, is the most prominent member of the marten family. This is why he is so hungry and when he sees a nest full of eggs, he is unable to keep his paws off them. Junior Gulos are just as keen on lady swamp vultures’ eggs. Unfortunately for Gulo junior, he was caught by the lady herself, while attempting to steal one of her eggs and has now been detained. There is only one thing left to do: get the family together and search for the little bugger. By now, the Gulo family certainly would have found their Gulo junior if it wasn’t for the fact that they are so greedy for those eggs. They cannot resist passing a nest without stealing an egg. However, stealing an egg has become quite a challenge these days. Those peppy swamp vultures have come up with a pesky alarm system to protect their nests. And Gulos that are too greedy and clumsy, are met with a huge scare rather then a tasty breakfast egg…Whoever jumps the furthest, will get to Gulo junior first and can win the game.

Tiny Epic Western

HOOK: Poker meets worker-placement

DESCRIPTION: The West is growing day by day, and you’re looking to stake your claim. To win, you have to gamble your relationships with the most powerful bosses in town to win influence. This influence comes in many forms: Law, Money and Force. If you’re clever enough, you’ll be able to take claim over the buildings in the evergrowing boomtowns and gain powerful abilities. At the end of the day, the boss who has the best combination of wit and bluff will become the most powerful tycoon in the Wild Wild West.

GAMEPLAY: The game is played in a series of rounds. Each round, poker cards are dealt between the locations, which are laid out in a circle. Players place posse members on these location cards, which will both give an action and count as a bid for the location’s valuable resources. Players also get a poker card of their own which uses the two adjacent cards from a location to form a three-card hand. This creates a clever mix of modern worker placement and poker that drives the game. In addition, players must manage their resources of Law, Money and Force to buy buildings and gunfight. If you have the highest stake in the most lucrative industry at the end, you will be rewarded bonus points. Add these points to the points you’ve collected from buying buildings and determine the winner! Yippie kay yay a!

For a deluxe edition of this game, see Tiny Epic Western: Deluxe Edition

The Grimm Forest

Welcome to The Grimm Forest, where family members of the legendary Three Little Pigs are having an epic house building competition. But this is no ordinary competition as all the most famous Fairy Tale characters will be looking on and occasionally lending a hand.

Who will benefit most from the cunning of Robin Hood, the beauty of Snow White, the bountiful gifts of the Golden Goose or the dark witchcraft of the Evil Queen?

Using only their wits, a handful of sharp steel tools, and a few stacks of resources gathered at great risk from fields, brickyards, and even the dark and deadly Grimm Forest itself, each player must compete to be the first to build 3 Houses and gain the title of Royal Builder.

Players are encouraged to use any of the devious tricks they have read about in the many books of Fables found throughout the land. Some will have their plans wrecked by that villain of old, the Big Bad Wolf, while others will gain bricks, straw, and wood by the cart load.

Who will brave the dangers, avoid foul monsters, and bring home the victory? There is only one way to find out… get ready to venture into …The Grimm Forest!

Grimm Forest is a 2-4 player strategic game of Hidden Movement, Resource Gathering, and House Building. It is a medium weight game that plays in approximately 45-60 minutes.

During the game, players will play cards secretly to move to various Location boards where they attempt to gather resources. Using their deduction skills and a hand full of Fable cards, players attempt to guess each other’s plans and make the most of their actions while disrupting the other player’s plans.

After resources are collected during the Gather Phase, players will enter a Building Phase where they can use those resources to build Wood, Straw, or Brick Houses. Whenever a player builds a Wall Section on one of their houses, a helpful Friend from the nearby forest comes to lend a hand. Players may choose to accept the help of that Friend, but occasionally it makes more sense to send that Friend to a different player, sometimes discarding their current Friend in the process.

With 16 unique Fable cards and 12 powerful Friend cards, gathering resources in the Grimm Forest can be a difficult and challenging endeavor.

Work hard, deduce correctly, avoid the treachery of the other builders and the sharp teeth of the lurking monsters, and you just might have a chance!

Bienvenue dans la Forêt de Grimm, où les membres de la famille des légendaires Trois Petits Cochons organisent une épique compétition de construction de maisons. Mais ce n’est pas une compétition ordinaire, car tous les personnages des plus célèbres Contes de Fées sont dans les parages & donneront même parfois un coup de main.

Qui profitera le plus de la ruse de Robin des Bois, de la beauté de Blanche-Neige, des dons abondants de l’Oie aux Œufs d’Or ou de la sombre sorcellerie de la Reine-Sorcière ?

Utilisant seulement son intelligence, une poignée d’outils en acier acéré & quelques piles de ressources récoltées à grand risque dans les champs, les carrières, & même la sombre & meurtrière Forêt de Grimm, chaque joueur doit rivaliser pour être le premier à construire 3 Maisons & gagnez le titre de Bâtisseur Royal.

Les joueurs sont encouragés à utiliser tous les trucs sournois qu’ils ont lus dans les nombreux recueils de Fables trouvés dans tout le pays. Certains verront leurs plans saccagés par ce vieux vilain, le Grand Méchant Loup, tandis que d’autres rempliront leur charrette de briques, de paille & de bois.
Qui bravera les dangers, évitera les monstres immoraux & rapportera la victoire au foyer ? Il n’y a qu’une façon de le savoir… préparez-vous à vous aventurer dans… La Forêt de Grimm !

La Forêt de Grimm est un jeu stratégique pour 2 à 4 joueurs de Mouvements Secrets, Collecte de Ressources & Construction de Maisons. C’est un jeu de difficulté medium qui dure environ 45-60 minutes.

Durant la partie, les joueurs joueront secrètement des cartes pour se déplacer dans divers Lieux, où ils tenteront de récolter des Ressources. En utilisant leurs compétences de déduction & une main pleine de cartes Fable, les joueurs tentent de deviner les plans des autres & de tirer le meilleur parti de leurs actions tout en perturbant celles des adversaires.

Après avoir collecté les ressources durant la Phase de Récolte, les joueurs entreront dans une Phase de Construction, où ils pourront utiliser ces ressources pour bâtir des Maisons en Bois, en Paille ou en Briques. Chaque fois qu’un joueur construit une Section de Murs pour une de ses maisons, un Ami utile de la forêt voisine vient lui tendre la main. Les joueurs peuvent choisir d’accepter l’aide de cet Ami, mais il est parfois plus logique d’envoyer cet Ami à un autre joueur, défaussant parfois leur Ami actuel dans le processus.

Avec 16 cartes Fable uniques & 12 puissantes cartes Ami, récolter des ressources dans la Forêt de Grimm peut s’avérer une entreprise particulièrement difficile.

Travaillez dur, déduisez correctement, évitez la traîtrise des autres bâtisseurs & les dents pointues des monstres aux aboies, & vous pourriez avoir une chance de réussir !

Lost Cities: The Board Game

Redevelopment of Lost Cities, first published with altered rules as Keltis, and then published by Rio Grande as Lost Cities: The Board Game with Knizia’s original rules and theme.

Reiner Knizia: “The original version that we developed is exactly what Jay [Tummelson, owner of Rio Grande Games] has now published [LCBG]”

Primary differences between Lost Cities: The Board Game and Keltis:

1. In LCBG you play 3 rounds, scoring at the end of all 3 for the monuments you collect. (Normal scoring occurs each round.) In Keltis, you only play 1 round, and score everything each round. This is not just a rule difference, as the scoring is different for the monuments/stones based on the number collected.

2. In Keltis, you may play your cards in either order, descending, high to low, or ascending, low to high. In LCBG, you must play in ascending order.

Note: the rules for LCBG have the Keltis rules as variants, and have the board elements necessary for #1 above. Keltis does not have the rules nor board elements to play LCBG.

Kosmos (Keltis publisher) changed the card play to ascending and descending order to lower the luck level and add balance to the game.
Kosmos changed the theme to fit in with other Kosmos abstract game series.

There are more differences, which are non-substantive. Lost Cities: The Board Game has a different-looking board, tiles and figures (meeples) to connect with its predecessor. Card-play in descending order is an optional variant in this edition. The numbers have been multiplied by 5 to strengthen the relation to the card game, and instead of a scoring track you collect your points as golden coins.

From the Keltis entry:

Players play cards to move their playing pieces along stone paths. There are cards with 5 different colors/symbols, each corresponding to one path; in addition, each card shows a number (0-10, twice each). In each color, each player can play his cards either ascending or descending. Like Lost Cities, it’s better to concentrate on a few paths, since the last spaces grants high points, but ending early gives negative ones.

The player in turn plays one card (out of a hand of 8), or discards one. He moves the corresponding playing piece on the path. Many of the spaces have a token that grants some bonus – either direct points (counted on the scoring track), an extra move on a path, or wish stones that are needed at game end to avoid negative points.

The game ends when a total of 5 playing pieces have reached the 7th space (or more) on their paths. Now, scoring happens:

Pieces which only moved 1-3 steps give negative points (-4, -3, -2).
Pieces with 4+ steps grant points (1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10).
One piece of each player is higher and scores double.
Fewer than two wish stones grants negative points (-3 / -4)
5+ wish stones yield a bonus of 10 points.
All this is added to the points scored during the game


Ulm is at its historic heyday: There is a constant hustle and bustle in the prosperous free imperial city. At the beginning of the 16th century, the city has one of the largest municipal territories within the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. Success and wealth are not only due to Swabian thriftiness, but mainly the result of the citizens’ business acumen and skilled craftsmanship. Trade in works of art and commercial goods such as wood, wine, salt and textiles is flourishing; for the most part, these goods are shipped by barge or raft on the Danube river. People are busy building the cathedral – the social heart of the city – that will at one time have the tallest church steeple in the world. Everybody of distinction meets around the cathedral. The influential guilds and patricians dominate city life; and if you want to accomplish something, you need to be in the good graces of the right people.

In Ulm, players try to expand their spheres of influence and to make optimal use of the hustle and bustle on the marketplace around the cathedral. The game has one simple basic rule: Push 1 Action tile into the Cathedral area and carry out the 3 associated actions! This way, the Cathedral tower gets taller and taller over the game. The objective of the game is plain and simple: try to accumulate the most victory points through activities in different areas of city life in Ulm and do it before the end of the 10th round, when the construction of the Cathedral is concluded.

Who will make the best use of his means and resources over time and will go down in the annals of the city’s history as an important citizen?

Tiny Epic Pirates

Tiny Epic Pirates is a 45 minute, 1-4 player game of high-seas adventure, utilizing a variable rondel action system and action combo-ing!. In Tiny Epic Pirates you take control of a Pirate ship with the goal of burying vast amounts of wealth on secret island hideaways.

Each turn, you move your Captain Token around your ship’s action wheel (rondel), selecting which action to perform… Plunder, Trade, Crew Up, Attack, or Search. Each player has a randomized and unique arrangement of these actions on their rondel. Sailing your Pirate Ship is something every player can do every time they take an action. Plundering allows you to acquire booty from settlements at a very reasonable rate. It’s amazing how negotiating changes when your blunderbuss is at the ready. A crate of gunpowder for a promise of no harm? Fair exchange. Trading allows you to sell your ill-gotten goods to the Black Market for gold. Each Market is only interested in a specific good, so make sure you are sailing in the right direction. Timing is everything, sell your good at the wrong time and it’s worth a pittance. Crew Up adds a new crew member to your growing Pirate Ship. Crew increases your ship’s combat advantage and unlocks new abilities for each spoke of your ship’s action wheel, making that action more powerful every time you take it! Attacking Merchant Ships and other Pirates will grow your reputation. It also happens to be a great way to score some gold and more booty to sell. Be enough of a menace and you may just become a Legend of the Sea!

Search the high-seas for treasures left behind by the unfortunate souls that preceded you. Salvage old ship parts for temporary aid or get lucky and find something worth selling.

The end of the game is triggered once a player has buried three treasures. To do this, a player must first acquire the amount of gold required to bury at the various bury spots on the map. After all players have had an equal number of turns. The player who has buried three treasures wins the game. Ties are decided by the player who has the highest legendary status, followed by which player has the most gold.

–description from the publisher

Patchwork Doodle

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With this new twist on the classic Patchwork game, players put their drawing skills to the test by using cards to display puzzle pieces. This version of the beloved quilt-making game supports up to six players.

Every quilt has a beginning, even before the needlework begins. Players compete to create the best quilt possible using the available pieces. Who will design the best quilt?

Players roll a die to determine which puzzle piece to use, then draw it on their sketchpad. Special actions and scoring add variety and tension. The new “Patchwork” master is crowned after three fast rounds.,/p>

In this easy-to-learn game, kids and parents will compete to build a beautiful quilt. It comes in a small box, which makes it a perfect travel game.,/p>

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Treasure awaits deep within the twisting maze! The game board changes every time you play! Play cards to determine your quest. Find the Dragon! Will you find multiple routes to help you succeed? Move walls and open labyrinth passages by inserting the extra tile. The goal is to block and advance! Whoever reaches their treasures first wins!

Labyrinth is one of those games where the concept, the gameplay and the artwork all work together to make a masterpiece.

You have a deck of cards in labyrinth. When you take a turn in the game, you look at your top card in the deck and move your pawn to where the item is located. If your top card is the sword, then you must move your pawn to the sword’s location
Labyrinths don’t always lead to what you want. That’s why there’s an extra tile. The yellow arrows allow you to insert it. In this way, all those lines will be shifted and reshaped, and you can now have a path through the labyrinth
Your goal is to find all the treasures shown on your cards and return to the starting point
It might seem simple at first glance, but the gameplay is amazing. If you introduce the tiles, you can alter the shape of the labyrinth, or even shift your position or your opponent’s! More often we play, the more creative ways we find to play – and sometimes we obstruct each other.

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Carcassonne Junior

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My First Carcassonne, also known as Carcassonne Junior, is designed for ages four and up. The original Carcassonne core game design remains, but counting scores is no longer needed.

The medieval city’s residents celebrate the holiday by releasing sheep, chickens, and cows into the street. Help the children of Carcassonne bring the animals home by laying tiles!

Build the city by placing tiles each turn. The streets of Carcassonne fill with children as the game progresses.

You get pawns each time you close off a street with at least one child dressed in your player color. Win the game by placing all your pawns!

The setup time and understanding of the rules were quick and easy. A simple game, it adds a lot of different elements, such as strategy, competition, resource management, but also luck.

I think the best thing about it is the quick playtime and replayability factor.

Kids’ games rely heavily on dice or spinners (and do not require any skill whatsoever.

I wanted to find a game for my child who has recently turned five that will require her to think, to plan ahead, to strategize, and to consider aspects of the game that are happening around her. It does precisely that with this game. Kids need challenges, and this encourages critical thinking.

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Telestrations After Dark

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It’s better after dark! Telestrations After Dark is an adult-only version of the #1 LOL board game Telestrations. Create hilarious, strange, irresponsible, and plain wrong outcomes by drawing what you see. Telestrations After Dark is “adults only” and is miscommunication at its best!

Similar to Telstrations, players roll dice and get a word to draw in their sketchbook. They then pass their sketchbooks to the next player, who looks at the sketches and attempts to guess the word by writing it down. The book is then passed again and the process is repeated with the next player looking at the word and sketching it. This continues until all players get back their sketchbooks.

In this version, the words are focused on adult themes.

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Catan 5-6 Player Extension

Catan 5-6 Player Expansion: At a Glance

  • Expands Group Size up to 6 players,
  • Includes additional hex tiles and resource cards to enlarge the game board for more players.
  • Special Building Phase: allows players to build in between turns, keeping the game pace lively and engaging.
  • Enhanced Interaction from increased number of players.
  • With more resources and a larger map, players have more strategic options
  • Suited for existing Catan fans seeking to include more players

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Catan 5-6 Player Expansion makes it possible for larger groups looking to delve into the competitive yet cooperative Catan world of resource trading and strategy. Here’s a closer look at what this expansion brings, why is it fun, and who will get the most out of adding it to their Catan base game.

The Expansion Gameplay and Mechanics

The 5-6 player expansion doesn’t reinvent Catan; rather, it extends the table, allowing more friends to join in the fun. There are additional hex tiles to enlarge the game board and more resource cards.

A key adjustment this expansion introduces is the “Special Building Phase.” In the base game, players must wait their turn to build roads, settlements, or cities.  The Special Building Phase increases pace and strategic depth by allowing players to build in between turns.  This keeps everyone engaged and reduces downtime, making for a more dynamic game experience.

What Makes It Fun?

The Catan 5-6 Player Expansion adds more players and this means more negotiations, alliances, and betrayals. The larger map and increased resources result in more strategic options for players.

Furthermore, the Special Building Phase adds a layer of strategy not seen in the base game. You need to exercise more caution with your resources, knowing that opponents can build crucial roads or settlements before their next turn. 

Who Will Love This Expansion?

The Catan 5-6 Player Expansion is perfect for Catan fans looking for a bigger playing group. It’s also ideal for players who enjoy a more social, less predictably strategic game. 

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The robots of the Robo Rally automobile factory spend their weekdays toiling at the assembly line. They put in hard hours building high-speed supercars they never get to see in action. But on Saturday nights, the factory becomes a world of mad machines and dangerous schemes as these robots engage in their own epic race.It takes speed, wits, and dirty tricks to become a racing legend! Each player chooses a robot and directs its moves by playing cards. Chaos ensues as all players reveal the cards they’ve chosen. Players face obstacles like industrial lasers, gaping pits, and moving conveyor belts — but those can also be used to their advantage! Each player aims to make it to each of the checkpoints in numerical order. The first player to reach all of the checkpoints wins. (source:

In RoboRally players each control a different robot in a race through a dangerous factory floor. Several goals will be placed on the board and you must navigate your robot to them in a specific order. The boards can be combined in several different ways to accommodate different player counts and races can be as long or as short as player’s desire.

In general, players will first fill all of their robot’s “registers” with facedown movement cards. This happens simultaneously and there is a time element involved. If you don’t act fast enough you are forced to place cards randomly to fill the rest. Then, starting with the first register, everyone reveals their card. The card with the highest number moves first. After everyone resolves their movement they reveal the next card and so on. Examples of movement cards may be to turn 90 degrees left or right, move forward 2 spaces, or move backward 1 space though there are a bigger variety than that. You can plan a perfect route, but if another robot runs into you it can push you off course. This can be disastrous since you can’t reprogram any cards to fix it!

Robots fire lasers and factory elements resolve after each movement and robots may become damaged. If they take enough damage certain movement cards become fixed and can no longer be changed. If they take more they may be destroyed entirely. The first robot to claim all the goals in the correct order wins, though some may award points and play tournament style.

The game was reprinted by Avalon Hill (Hasbro/WotC) in 2005.


In Kingsburg, players are Lords sent from the King to administer frontier territories.

The game takes place over five years, a total of 20 turns. In every year, there are 3 production seasons for collecting resources, building structures, and training troops. Every fourth turn is the winter, in which all the players must fight an invading army. Each player must face the invaders, so this is not a cooperative game.

The resources to build structures and train troops are collected by influencing the advisers in the King’s Council. Players place their influence dice on members of the Council. The player with the lowest influence dice sum will be the first one to choose where to spend his/her influence; this acts as a way of balancing poor dice rolling. Even with a very unlucky roll, a clever player can still come out from the Council with a good number of resources and/or soldiers.

Each adviser on the King’s Council will award different resources or allocate soldiers, victory points, and other advantages to the player who was able to influence him/her for the current turn.

At the end of five years, the player who best developed his assigned territory and most pleased the King through the Council is the winner.

Many alternate strategies are possible to win: will you go for the military way, disregarding economic and prestige buildings, or will you aim to complete the big Cathedral to please the King? Will you use the Merchant’s Guild to gain more influence in the Council, or will you go for balanced development?


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“Downforce” combines the adrenaline rush of high-speed racing with the strategic intricacies of betting and is perfect for players who enjoy a mix of strategy, luck, and dynamic player interaction.

Gameplay Overview

In “Downforce,” players begin by bidding on a selection of six race cars, each with its own unique abilities. Car ownership is determined through an auction phase. Players then use a hand of cards that move all the cars on the track, not just their own. Each card specifies distance every car (including your opponent’s) moves, requiring you to consider how your played card impacts you and your opponents.

Game Mechanics and Strategic Betting

“Downforce” is also unique due to its blend of racing and betting. You race and bet on the outcome at three points in the game: after all cars have moved at least once, at the halfway mark, and near the end of the race. These bets are made based on the current standings and each player’s predictions about the race’s outcome. Winning bets can offset the cost of the cars or even turn a losing racer into a financial winner.  Player powers, which grant special abilities, adds another layer of depth and replayability.

What Makes It Fun?

“Downforce” keeps every player engaged until the very end. The uncertainty of the race’s outcome, combined with the chance to win through betting, creates a thrilling experience. The game’s design also encourages you to think on your feet and adapt to changing situations.

Who Will Enjoy “Downforce”?

Motor sports will appreciate the theme. The game is also likely to appeal to those who enjoy the betting game mechanic.

What do ‘Downforce’ players say about the game?

  1. Ease of Learning and Play: Many are suprised at how quick and easy it is to learn “Downforce,” typically within 15 minutes, making it accessible to everyone from younger children to older adults.

  2. Engaging for Various Groups: ‘Downforce’ is praised for its appeal across different demographics, from family gatherings to friend groups, and its ability to intrigue spectators who end up wanting to participate.

  3. Strategic Depth: While simple to pick up, “Downforce” also offers strategic depth through car positioning and race management, which involves controlling narrow passages to block opponents.

  4. Replayability: The game features high replay value due to its straightforward yet compelling mechanics, and the variety introduced by the game board’s dual sides and expansion packs.

  5. Component Quality:  High satisfaction with the quality of the game’s components, including the visual appeal of the cars and boards.


The Red Dragon Inn

In Red Dragon Inn, you and your friends are a party of heroic, fantasy adventurers. You’ve raided the dungeon, killed the monsters, and taken their treasure. Now you’re back, and what better way to celebrate your most recent victory than to spend an evening at the Red Dragon Inn. You and your adventuring companions will spend the night drinking, gambling, and roughhousing. The last person who is both sober enough to remain conscious and shrewd enough to hold onto his Gold Coins wins the game.

The four characters are Deirdre the Priestess, Fiona the Volatile, Gerki the Sneak, and Zot the Wizard.

Cthulhu Fluxx

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A card game that involves one basic rule: Draw one card, Play one card. Players start their hands with three cards.

They then add the card they drew to ther hand, and then choose one card to play, following the directions written on your chosen card.

As cards are drawn and played, the rules of the game change based on:

  • how many cards are drawn,
  • played or even how many cards you can hold at the end of a player’s turn.

To win in Fluxx, a player has to meet the conditions set forth on the current Goal. Although there are some unusual goals out there, most of the time a Fluxx Goal will require you to have a particular combo of cards.

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Unstable Unicorns: Chaos

Kickstarter exclusive expansion that focuses on destructive magic and summoning from the discard pile.

All of the cards in the deck are Kickstarter exclusive, with 30 of them being exclusive to this expansion including the holographic Nightmare Unicorn card.

A stand alone game

Runebound (Third Edition)

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The adventure game Runebound takes place in Terrinoth. In this dangerous place are powerful wizards, mighty warriors, and noble barons. The greatest hero of Terrinoth will live forever in the hearts and minds of the people. 
Game Overview 
Players control a hero who embarks on epic quests, searches for priceless artifacts, and battles monstrous beasts. The game starts with no assets and little gold, but the heroes grow in wealth and power throughout the game. All scenarios have unique narratives and conditions for victory. Players compete against each other in two scenarios in this box, racing to destroy the villain and win.   

Tsuro of the Seas

The basic game play of Tsuro of the Seas resembles that of Tom McMurchie’s Tsuro: Players each have a ship that they want to sail — that is, keep on the game board — as long as possible. Whoever stays on the board the longest wins the game.

Each turn players add “wake” tiles to the 7×7 game board; each tile has two “wake connections” on each edge, and as the tiles are placed on the board, they create a connected network of paths. If a wake is placed in front of a ship, that ship then sails to the end of the wake. If the ship goes off the board, that player is out of the game.

What’s new in Tsuro of the Seas are daikaiju tiles, representing sea monsters and other creatures of the deep. Notably, daikaiju can move: each tile has five arrows, four for moving in each of the cardinal directions and another one for rotation. On the active player’s turn, he rolls two six-sided dice; on a sum of 6, 7, or 8, the daikaiju will move, while on any other sum they’ll stay in place. To determine which direction the daikaiju tiles move, the player then makes a second roll, this time with a single die. On 1-5 in the second roll, each daikaiju moves according to its matching arrow. On a 6 in the second roll, a new daikaiju tile is added to the board.

If a daikaiju tile hits a wake tile, a ship, or another daikaiju tile, the object hit is removed from the game. Another way to be ousted! The more daikaiju tiles on the game board, the faster players will find themselves trying to breathe water…

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Say Anything

Say Anything is a light-hearted game about what you and your friends think. It gives you the chance to settle questions that have been hotly debated for centuries. For instance, “What is the most overrated band of all time?” or “Which celebrity would be the most fun to hang out with for a day?” So dig deep into your heart or just come up with something witty – this is your chance to Say Anything!

How to Play
1) Ask a question from the card you draw. For example:
– If you could have a “BIG” anything, what would it be?
– What’s the most important invention of the last century?
– Which website would be hardest to live without?
– What’s the best activity for a first date?
– What’s the worst thing to say to a cop after getting pulled over?

2) Everyone else writes an answer and throws it face-up on the table as fast as possible. No duplicate answers are allowed!

3) Secretly choose your favorite response using a genuine state of the art SELECT-O-MATIC 5000:

4) Everyone else has two betting tokens to bet on which answer you chose. They can bet both tokens on one answer or split them between two different answers.

Who Will Like This Game?
Say Anything is a pure party game. It was designed to get a party started as quickly as possible by prompting people to talk about interesting things and to make ridiculous statements. If you are looking for great social interaction and lots of laughs, then you will probably enjoy playing Say Anything.

Say Anything was designed by Dominic Crapuchettes & Satish Pillalamarri. It was first work-shopped by game designers at Protospiel 2004 and refined at Protospiel 2005, PowWow 2005, the GoF 2005 – 2007, and weekly game nights at the Looney Labs.

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Santiago de Cuba

Welcome to Santiago, the second largest city in Cuba, home of legendary rum and birthplace of the revolution! The chaotic streets hum with the sounds of bustling crowds and busy commerce. Cargo ships constantly arrive and depart from the port. Demand is continuous, if unpredictable, for a supply of local products such as exotic fruits, sugar, rum, tobacco, and cigars.

In Santiago de Cuba, your business card says “broker”, but in reality you’re a shady wheeler-dealer who arranges deals with the locals and with corruptible officials to move goods and meet the demand of those ever-present cargo ships – and your ability to procure these goods is only as reliable as your “connections”.

At the start of the game, nine locals – the Cubans – are randomly arranged on a path around Santiago, with the port being the tenth location on the circuit. Each Cuban has a different ability: e.g., give a player two tobacco, give a player a good of his choice, force opponents to give you something, give money or victory points (VPs), and seize a building or allow a player to use a previously seized building. What are these buildings? At the start of the game, twelve buildings are randomly placed on the game board in four color-coded groups (white, yellow, etc.) of three. As with the Cubans, these buildings give players a special ability when used: convert tobacco to cigars, change VPs to money or vica versa, increase the value of goods delivered to the ship, render a Cuban inactive for the next round, and so on.

Players will deliver goods to seven ships throughout the course of the game. The demand for each ship is determined via a die roll; the active player rolls five dice – one for each type of good – then chooses four of the values rolled to represent demand for goods of the same color as the die.

All players share a car and travel around the island together. On a turn, the active player can move the car to the next location on the path (whether Cuban or port) for free, or pay one peso for each spot moved beyond that. After taking a Cuban action, the player then must move his player piece to a building of the same color as the flower on that Cuban. If he takes an action in a building owned by someone else, that player earns 1 VP. (One Cuban allows a player to use the same building where his piece is currently located.)

If a player moves to port, players take turns delivering all goods of one type to the ship to meet demand, adjusting the demand dice as needed. A player earns 2-4 VP for each good delivered; a player doesn’t have to deliver goods. If the ship’s demand isn’t met after everyone delivers or passes, the VP bounty per good is increased by one and the ship remains in place – unless the value was already at 4 VP, in which case the ship sails. In this case, or when all the demand is met, a new ship comes into port with new demand values.

After seven ships have sailed, the players earn 1 VP for every three goods still on hand, then tally their VPs. The player with the most VPs wins, with ties broken by goods remaining, then money.

Each game poses new tactical challenges for the players, thanks to ever-changing combinations of buildings, Cuban inhabitants and demand for goods.


Japan, 1605 – Hidetada Tokugawa has succeeded his father as the new Shogun, ruling from the great city of Edo (a.k.a. Yedo), the city known in present times as Tokyo. This marks the beginning of the golden age of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the so-called Edo Period that will last until 1868. Naturally, the most powerful families in Edo immediately try to curry favor with the new Shogun – and this is the opportunity our clan has been looking for, our chance at power and glory. Our clan will prove ourselves to be indispensable to the new Shogun. We will work from the shadows to acquire information about our rival clans. We will kidnap those who might oppose our ascent and assassinate those who prove a threat. We will use cunning to prevent our adversaries from doing the same to us. We will find glory and honor in the eyes of this new Shogun – or failing that we will end his rule by any means necessary.

In the strategy game Yedo, players assume the roles of Clan Elders in the city of Edo during the early years of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The object of the game is to amass Prestige Points, mainly by completing missions. To do so, players must gather the necessary assets and – most importantly – outfox their opponents and prevent them from completing their missions.

There are several ways to reach your goal. Will you try to complete as many missions as possible and hope that your efforts catch the Shogun’s eye? Or will you choose a more subtle way of gaining power by trying to influence the Shogun during a private audience? You can also put your rivals to shame by buying lots of luxury goods from the European merchants. It’s all up to you – but be careful to make the right choices, for in Yedo, eternal glory and painful disgrace are two sides of the same coin…

The Settlers of the Stone Age

Based on the award-winning Catan, but presenting players with all-new challenges unique to the dangers and opportunities of the Stone Age.

From the Box:
Man’s Epic Struggle. The cradle of modern humans, called Homo sapiens by scientists, was located in Africa more than 100,000 years ago. The first branches of this family began a journey that spanned thousands of years. Eventually leading them to Australia and America. The enormous difficulties of this journey were overcome because of Homo sapiens’ unique ability to adapt to its environment. Their highly developed brains and their mastery of crafts enabled them to flourish in even the harshest conditions.

In this exciting game, you will guide the journey of one of these branches. You must strive to spread your people over the whole world. In order to expand your branch of humanity, you must develop certain talents: advances in the preparation of food will allow your people to spread faster and wider, while new hunting techniques can protect them from dangers. And your people will need warm clothes to cross the ice deserts of the north and boats to settle Australia.

Of course, all of this is possible only if you have enough raw materials: meat, hides, bones and flint.

There are many paths that you may follow to victory. But it is certain that the player that settles in the most productive lands, trades for missing raw materials with the other players most skillfully, and is able to best penetrate the lands of Australia and America, will end the game with their nose in front!

Belongs to the Catan Series and is retroactively a member of Catan Histories.


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AQALIN is a simple, beautiful, and elegant two-player strategy game. It is easy to learn, but challenging to master.
The aim of the game is for each player to form the most groups of matching tiles. A player works to group together tiles of the same color, while the other works to group together tiles of the same sea creature. The bigger the group, the more points it is worth. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins.

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The Bloody Inn

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France, 1831. Hard times for the common man. You and your family struggle to make ends meet as innkeepers. Together you hatch a diabolical plan. You’ve been led to commit robbery and even murder by the wealthy travellers who frequent your establishment! But now it’s everyone for themselves. A devilish game where family members compete with each other for francs. Nobody is safe!

You and your opponents are murderous thieves who compete to steal the most money by taking it from your hotel guests. You can only steal from your victims when you bury them. You’ll need accomplices capable of killing, people willing to build annexes where the bodies can be buried, associates who can help you bury the bodies, and a few people on your payroll who can recruit more accomplices through bribes. The game’s various strategies include laundering money, constructing an annexe, bribing or killing guests, and burying corpses.

What is fun about The Bloody Inn?

  • Deceptively simple rules but the various strategies reveal themselves as you play the game
  • simple, thematic, and ingenious aspects to this game 
  • You need to think like a criminal to win

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Anna’s Roundtable: The Fire Emblem Board Game

Anna’s Roundtable is a fan-made board game based on Fire Emblem featuring over 200 pieces of original fan art from over 100 participating artist

It features turn-based tactical battles between characters from two Fire Emblem worlds. The game has two modes of play: 1v1 and 2-4 player co-op.

The objective of the Game and Deciding the Winner

Players take turns summoning units and maneuvering them on a 6 x 6 grid map in Anna’s Roundtable. Earn victory points by summoning heroes:

– Defeating enemy units to earn Victory Point coins
– Capturing castle tiles to earn Victory Point cards

Either all 15 Victory Point tokens or all 9 Victory Point cards must be taken to end the game. Win the game by accumulating the most Victory Points!

In the event of a tie, the player with the most Anna coins remaining (including unspent shop cards) wins.

Sushi Go Party

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Assembling the best sushi platter is the goal of Sushi Go Party, a card-drafting game. It is a 2-8 player game and each round takes between 15 to 20 minutes. Carefully select your sushi dishes and collect points in different categories such as most maki rolls or most sashimi. At the end of each round, the highest score player wins.

What are the game mechanics behind Sushi Go Party card game?

Each player is dealt a hand of cards. On your turn, you pick a card from your hand and pass the rest to the next player in turn order. You score points based the types of sushi collected during that round as well as bonus point opportunities such as collecting a full set of sashimi or having the most nigiri. The game ends after the final round and the one with the most points is the winner. The rules are simple and the pace is quick, making Sushi Go Party a fun, family-friendly card game for all ages. Sushi go! Party also allows you customize each game by choosing a la carte from a menu of more than 20 delectable dishes. You can also tweak the playing difficulty of the game. There are more cards and more opportunities to build your strategy.

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If you’re a fan of the King of Fruits, then ‘Durain’ is the board game for you.

How to Play

The game is played with a deck of 60 cards featuring different fruits, each with its own unique abilities and powers. The goal? To be the first player to collect 10 fruits and win the game.

But here’s the twist – each player is also given a Durian fruit card, which acts as their secret objective. This means that in addition to trying to collect fruits, players must also strategically try to fulfill their secret objective without giving it away to the other players.

Durian requires a whole new level of strategic thinking. With each turn, players have the option to draw a card, play a card or switch their Durian card with another player’s. The catch is that once a Durian card has been revealed, the game ends and points are tallied.

This means that players must carefully consider when to reveal their Durian card and when to switch it with another player’s. It adds an element of surprise and unpredictability, making each game unique and exciting.

Who Can Play

‘Durian’ is not your typical board game, which may appeal to a more niche audience. However, I believe that anyone who enjoys games that require strategy, quick thinking and a bit of luck will love ‘Durian’. The game is easy to learn but difficult to master, making it perfect for both casual players and hardcore gamers alike.

Time’s Up!

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Time’s Up deviates from the  standard roll-and-move or collect-and-build mechanics. Time’s Up is a social interactive experience that will have you, friends or family laughing as you race against the clock to guess famous names and phrases. 

Overview of Time’s Up Board Game

“Time’s Up!” is a dynamic party game that combines elements of charades and memory. Played in teams, it revolves around guessing the names of famous people or characters across three progressively challenging rounds while players act out parts to provide clues. The first round allows almost unrestricted clue-giving, including speech and gestures. The second round limits clue-givers to a single word per name, and the third round restricts them to miming or sound effects only. The game emphasizes quick thinking, teamwork, and the ability to recall previously mentioned names, making each round faster and more hilarious as players’ memories and creativity are put to the test.

What Makes It Fun?

“Time’s Up!” is fun because it combines creativity, memory, and social interaction. The game’s structure leads to humorous misunderstandings and clever clues, fostering laughter and teamwork.  Te mix of guessing, acting, and strategy, along with the joy of shared success and the playful challenge of communication barriers, makes “Time’s Up!” an engaging game that can entertain a wide range of players.

Who Will Like the Game?

“Time’s Up!” appeals to a broad audience, especially those who enjoy social games, quick thinking, and creativity. It’s perfect for parties, family gatherings, or any group looking for laughter and lively interaction. The game appeals to people who are good at acting, guessing, or enjoy the challenge of communicating under constraints. It’s also a favorite among people who like to engage with pop culture, history, or literature, as the names involved span a wide range of famous figures and characters.

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However, the choices aren’t so easy as players compete to have the lowest score at the end of the game. The deck of cards is numbered from 3 to 35, with each card counting for a number of points equal to its face value. Runs of two or more cards only count as the lowest value in the run – but nine cards are removed from the deck before starting, so be careful looking for connectors. Each chip is worth -1 point, but they can be even more valuable by allowing you to avoid drawing that unwanted card.

Dixit: Odyssey

Dixit Odyssey is both a standalone game and an expansion (Dixit: Odyssey (expansion)) for Jean-Louis Roubira’s Dixit, which won Germany’s Spiel des Jahres award in 2010. Gameplay in Dixit Odyssey matches that of Dixit: Each turn one player is the storyteller.

This player secretly chooses one card in his hand, then gives a word or sentence to describe this card—but not too obviously. Each other player chooses a card in hand that matches this word/sentence and gives it to the storyteller. The storyteller then lays out the cards, and all other players vote on which card belongs to the storyteller.

If no one or everyone guesses the storyteller’s card, the storyteller receives no points and all players receive two; otherwise the storyteller and the correct guesser(s) each receive three points. Players score one point for each vote their image receives. Players refill their hands, and the next player becomes the storyteller. When the deck runs out, the player with the most points wins. Dixit Odyssey contains 84 new cards, each with a unique image drawn by Pierô and colored by Marie Cardouat, artist of Dixit and Dixit 2. The stand-alone version also includes a folding game board, 6 new rabbit scoring tokens (12 total), and a box large enough to hold all the Dixit cards released to date.

The stand-alone version of Dixit Odyssey includes enough components for up to twelve players and also has variant rules for team play and for new ways to play with the cards. Expansion versus standalone versions of the game


Arboretum is a strategy card game for 2-4 players, aged 10 and up, that combines set collection, tile-laying and hand management while playing in about 25 minutes. Players try to have the most points at the end of the game by creating beautiful garden paths for their visitors.

The deck has 80 cards in ten different colors, with each color featuring a different species of tree; each color has cards numbered 1 through 8, and the number of colors used depends on the number of players. Players start with a hand of seven cards. On each turn, a player draws two cards (from the deck or one or more of the discard piles), lays a card on the table as part of her arboretum, then discards a card to her personal discard pile.

When the deck is exhausted, players compare the cards that remain in their hands to determine who can score each color. For each color, the player(s) with the highest value of cards in hand of that color scores for a path of trees in her arboretum that begins and ends with that color; a path is a orthogonally adjacent chain of cards with increasing values. For each card in a path that scores, the player earns one point; if the path consists solely of trees of the color being scored, the player scores two points per card. If a player doesn’t have the most value for a color, she scores zero points for a path that begins and ends with that color. Whoever has the most points wins.

Dungeon Lords

In Dungeon Lords, you are an evil dungeonlord who is trying to build the best dungeon out there. You hire monsters, build rooms, buy traps and defeat the do-gooders who wish to bring you down.

From the publisher’s webpage:

Have you ever ventured with party of heroes to conquer dungeons, gain pride, experiences and of course rich treasure? And has it ever occurred to you how hard it actually is to build and manage such underground complex filled with corridors and creatures? No? Well now you can try. Put yourself in role of the master of underground, summon your servants, dig complex of tunnels and rooms, set traps, hire creatures and try to stop filthy heroes from conquering and plundering your precious creation. We can guarantee you will look on dark corners, lairs and their inhabitant from completely different perspective!

Each turn, players use a hand of cards to choose where to place their worker. Actions vary from mining gold, hiring monsters, buying traps etc. Each action has three spots available – with each spot having different effects (e.g. mining gold lets you mine more gold in each spot).
When using the cards, two cards will become locked and will not be able to be used next turn.

There are 4 turns to place actions for each game “year” and two game years in a whole game.
Each turn is identified as a “season”. Each season, players will get to see the heroes and events to come in the following season. Thus allowing them to prepare.

At the end of each season (after the first), heroes will be allocated to each player according to their level of evil. Heroes range from mighty heroes to sneaky thieves. Each hero has their own power for which the player needs to prepare for.
Finally, at the end of each year, the heroes will travel down into the dungeon to fight.

Scoring in the game is based upon what you have built, the monsters you have hired and the heroes you have captured.


In Ethnos, players call upon the support of giants, merfolk, halflings, minotaurs, and other fantasy tribes to help them gain control of the land. After three ages of play, whoever has collected the most glory wins!

In more detail, the land of Ethnos contains twelve tribes of fantasy creatures, and in each game you choose six of them (five in a 2/3-player game), then create a deck with only the creatures in those tribes. The cards come in six colors, which match the six regions of Ethnos. Place three glory tokens in each region at random, arranging them from low to high.

Each player starts the game with one card in hand, then 4-12 cards (double the number of players) are placed face up on the table. On a turn, a player either recruits an ally or plays a band of allies. In the former case, you take a face-up card (without replacing it from the deck) or the top card of the deck and add it to your hand. In the latter case, you choose a set of cards in your hand that match either in tribe or in color, play them in front of you on the table, then discard all other cards in hand. You then place one token in the region that matches the color of the top card just played, and you use the power of the tribe member on the top card just played.

At the end of the first age, whoever has the most tokens in a region scores the glory shown on the first token. After the second age, the players with the most and second most tokens score glory equal to the values shown on the first and second tokens respectively. Players score similarly after the third age, then whoever has the most glory wins. (Games with two and three players last only two ages.)

Discworld: Ankh-Morpork

Martin Wallace and Treefrog Games present Ankh-Morpork, set in the largest city-state in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld. Lord Vetinari has disappeared and different factions are trying to take control of the city. Each player has a secret personality with specific victory conditions, which means that you’re not sure exactly what the other players need to do in order to win.

The action takes place on a map of Ankh-Morpork, with players trying to place minions and buildings through card play. Each of the 132 cards is unique, and “the cards bring the game to life as they include most of the famous characters that have appeared in the various books. The rules are relatively simple: Play a card and do what it says. Most cards have more than one action on them, and you can choose to do some or all of these actions. Some cards also allow you to play a second card, so you can chain actions” (Wallace).

A team of artists have recreated the city and its residents for the cards, game board and box, with Bernard Pearson coordinating that team. Ankh-Morpork has been sublicensed to Mayfair Games for the North American market and Kosmos for the German market.


In Ubongo, players compete to solve individual puzzles as quickly as they can to get first crack at the gems on hand for the taking.

Original edition:
The game board consists of six rows, with twelve gems (of various colors) placed in these rows. At the start of play, each player places their pawn in front of one of those rows. Each player also takes twelve polyominoes — that is, pieces consisting of 2-5 squares in some configuration; players use these pieces each round to try to recreate shapes.

At the start of a round, each player receives a puzzle card that depicts a shape created by some number of squares; one side of this card depicts six rows of 3 pieces, the other side depicts six rows of 4 pieces, for a more difficult puzzle. When everyone is ready, someone rolls a die to determine which row of pieces each player can use to recreate the shape on their individual card. The race is timed by a sand timer, and the outcome of this race determines the action on the main playing board.

Whoever first solves their puzzle in time gets to move their pawn up to three rows left or right, with the second player to finish moving two rows and the third player only one row. Players then collect two gems from the front of the row where their pawn is located, which means that the more rows you can move, the more control you have over which color gems you can collect. After collecting gems, each player receives a new puzzle card, and a new round begins.

After nine rounds, the game ends and whoever has collected the most gems in a single color wins! If players tie, then those players compare who has the most gems in a second color, and so on.

2015 edition:
The puzzle-part of the game remains the same, but the scoring track and system has been greatly changed, to be the same as in Ubongo Extreme. There are no pawns anymore, but instead the winner takes a 3-point gem plus a random gem, the second-place player takes a 1-point gem plus a random gem, and others who finish within time take just a random gem. Whoever scores the most gem-points after nine rounds wins the game.

The Downfall of Pompeii

The year is AD 79. Pompeii, sitting at the foot of Vesuvius, is at the high point in its development. People come to the city from far and wide to try to make their luck in the city. So far nobody has dreamed of the danger that will bury all of their dreams under mountains of ash just ten years later. Who will survive the eruption of Vesuvius unscathed?

The simple rules make it easy to get started with The Downfall of Pompeii, a game in which a lot of tactical know-how is required – along with a little luck – in order to bring your pieces out of the city at the right time.

The game falls into two halves: before and after the eruption of Vesuvius. Before the eruption, players play cards to place their pieces in buildings. After the first eruption, they can also place as many relatives as the number of pieces already in the building they placed their piece in. When Omen cards are drawn, the player can take any opponent’s piece and throw it into the erupting volcano. In this manner, players try to get as many pieces onto the board as close to the exits from the city as possible.

After the second eruption, the game changes. Now each player places a lava tile, which kills any pieces on that square and may block exits from the city. Then they move two pieces toward the exits, moving them a number of squares equal to the pieces on the square from which they started. The player who gets the most pieces out of the city wins.

Sherlock Holmes: Baker Street Irregulars

In Sherlock Holmes players take on the role of members of the unofficial gang of the “Baker Street Irregulars”, founded by the famous Sherlock Holmes to keep him informed about the word on the street and help him in mysterious cases. Players have 10 mysterious cases that they are required to solve, where they will have a series of leads to follow, a map of London, a directory and the local press. There is also a list of informants which contains some qualified people who will assist players in their research (medical examiner, criminologist, sources…).

Smash Up

The “shufflebuilding” game Smash Up begins with a simple premise: take the 20-card decks of two factions, shuffle them into a deck of forty cards, then compete to crush more Bases than your opponents! Each faction involves a different gaming mechanism – the pirates move the cards, the zombies bring back the cards from the discard pile, the dinosaurs have enormous power – and each combination of factions brings a different gaming experience.

During the game, basic cards (each with their own difficulties and abilities) are at stake. You try to have the most power on the basis of your minions when the base is broken. Sounds easy? Is it easy when an opponent’s Alien-Ninja decides to tie your minions to other Bases – flat Murder them? What happens when the Pirate-Dinosaur Full Sails player and frees King Rex to trample your minions in the ground, or when wizard-zombies use their mystic power to create an outbreak, suddenly flooding minions on the base of the discard pile? Or if you were facing a Zombie-Dinosaur player instead and he created an epidemic of massive beasts at the same time?!?

When a base is smashed, each player in first, second and third place scores points. Fourth place? Sorry, brother, next time.

With eight different factions, Smash Up includes dozens of combinations to try. Pirate-Aliens play different Ninja-Aliens, for example. Which one will you use to crush your opponents?

And did we mention dinosaurs have laser beams?

Integrates with:

Smash Up: Munchkin
Smash Up: Pretty Pretty Smash Up
Smash Up: The Big Geeky Box
Smash Up: Science Fiction Double Feature
Smash Up: Monster Smash
Smash Up: The Obligatory Cthulhu Set
Smash Up: Awesome Level 9000
Smash Up: It’s Your Fault!
Smash Up: Cease and Desist

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Winner’s Circle

A lively game of horse racing where players bet on several of seven horses to try to gain the most money by the end of the game.

A re-issue by Alea of Knizia’s Turf Horse Racing published by Gibsons Games. This edition has better graphics and uses the same mechanism of 4 symbols on the horse cards also appearing on the die. Players roll the die and choose which horse you want to move from those not taken their turn yet. The seven horses vary in strength, but even the weakest horses have some amazing bursts of speed. Players bet on the horses before each race and so either co-operate or compete to get their horses over the line. There are money tokens now for the winners, but not enough supplied in the game to pay out properly.

There are various differences between this edition and THR. There are only 3 races instead of 4. The circuit is oval, the horses start in a line of seven places, not all together. In the race, they cannot share spaces so a horse can only move to the next available empty space. This can make it easy to block the ones at the back and it’s nearly possible to lap the final horse, or end the race before it’s even crossed the start line. I’ve never seen a horse race where they start nose to tail!

There is a variant where the betting is done secretly with players using a 0 betting chip (for bluffing) in addition to the 2,1 and 1 betting chips of the basic game. There’s also a sprint bonus in the race and a penalty for the last horse.

Republished by Face 2 Face Games as “Winner’s Circle” in 2006.

“Royal Turf” is #2 in the Alea small box series.

Rune Age

Game description from the publisher:

An age of innovation and discovery is at hand. With war on the horizon and whisperings of a prophetic storm approaching, now is the time to gather all your strength and set out to forge your place in Terrinoth’s book of legends!

Rune Age is a deck-building game of adventure and conquest for 1-4 players. Set in the fantasy realm of Terrinoth (Runebound, Descent: Journeys in the Dark, Runewars, and DungeonQuest), Rune Age puts players in control of one of four races, vying for dominance in a world embroiled in conflict.

Designed by Corey Konieczka, Rune Age is a unique deck-building game that centers around scenarios. The four different scenarios included in Rune Age present alternate win conditions for players, from an all-out war to determine the victor to a cooperative game experience where players all win or lose together. Scenarios not only dictate the win conditions, they also determine which card types will populate Terrinoth (forming the central card pools) and which Event cards will form the Event deck. The Event deck contains thematic challenges, enemies, and happenings that are tied to the chosen scenario, creating a new play environment each turn.

Gameplay in Rune Age centers around players working to develop their individual deck of cards. At the beginning of the game, each player begins with a small assortment of cards in their deck, drawing five cards each turn to carry out their actions. Each player’s deck represents their faction’s military strength and capabilities. These decks will be formed with their faction-specific Unit cards and a central collection of Neutral Unit cards, Tactics cards, and Gold cards.

While players begin with limited cards in their deck, through cunning and strategic use of their available cards, players can expand their deck to create a destructive force of their own clever design. Will you create brutal deck of formidable Units? Or will you rely on Gold and Influence to acquire neutral forces and powerful Tactics?

The Bottle Imp

In this trick-taking game based on the short story by Robert Louis Stevenson of the same name, the goal is to gain the most points over a series of hands (usually the goal is set to 200 pts). Cards are numbered 1-37 and are found in three colors, red (comprising largely the highest numbers), blue (mostly in the middle) and yellow (mostly the lowest numbers) with colors being analogous to the suit in a standard deck. There is one neutral card, the 19, that sets the “price of the bottle.”

The entire deck is dealt to the three or four players in the game and then, similarly to hearts, cards are exchanged and a card is played to the bottle. As per the usual elements of a trick taking game, players must follow suit if possible with high card taking the trick (regardless of suit). The unique feature about this game however is how trump is determined. Any card of value lower than the current price of the bottle (starting with 19) is considered “trump” and will win the trick. If multiple cards are less than the current bottle price, the card valued closest to the current price (so highest card below the bottle) takes the trick AND THE BOTTLE, the bottle price is adjusted by the player taking the card that represents the current bottle price and replacing it with the card they used to win the trick. Thus the price of the bottle will decrease with each trump card played, and the bottle is increasingly harder to win/purchase. Ownership of the bottle will pass from player to player and the number of possible trump cards will decrease both as a factor of cards being played and cards being skipped as the bottle price descends. One player will be stuck with the bottle at the end of a hand (when players have played all the cards in their hands).

Cards have point values from 1-6 (not directly based on numerical value), at the end of the hand players will score points for the cards of tricks they’ve won, except the player who holds the bottle who will score NEGATIVE points for all the cards played to the bottle at the beginning, scoring nothing for the cards they won during the hand. Play continues until the point goal is reached.

In the 2003 edition the complete story by R.L. Stevenson is included (in both English & German) and the bottle is a nice wooden piece. Earlier versions had a stand-up cardboard piece that you cut out.

Tumble Town

Build the best tiny town in the West in this town and engine building game for 1-4 players that plays in about 45 minutes.

As the mayor of a small community, it’s up to you to construct the best town possible. Choose from a selection of building plans choosen at the last town meeting and get constructing! Each building plan lets you mine a certain type of material and shows what values of materials are needed to build, as each building has different requirements. Buildings can give you different abilities to be used on each of your turns, from manipulating the dice materials to be different values, to being able to transform specific die materials into other materials, to giving you extra points for building certain types of buildings.

Draft Building Plans: Only certain buildings are available each round, so draft the plans that work the best in your town.
Dice Manipulation: Certain buildings can let you manipulate the dice, making it easier to continue building!
Limited Dice: Buildings require certain dice types, so take strategically to make sure you can complete your town.
Spatial Puzzle: Place your constructed buildings along Main Street to create your town! The townspeople want a specific look for the town and if you meet their requirements, you’ll gain even more prestige!

Can you build the best town in the West?

—description from the publisher

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle – Defence against the Dark Arts

Listing 2

Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle Defense Against the Dark Arts is a competitive deck-building game for two players that’s based on Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle. During this fast-paced game, players must learn offensive and defensive magic skills to protect themselves and stun their opponeEach player takes turns playing cards, taking actions, and gathering new cards to build a more powerful deck as their defensive abilities improve.rove. You must stun your opponent three times to win!

We Have a Problem, Mr. President

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“We Have A Problem, Mr. President” is a game where you have to make decisions for the President of the United States during a national emergency. Your objective is to get through the crisis by ignoring a bunch of problems in an escalating pressure cooker. There’s a constant balance between solving problems, spin-doctoring, maintaining the president’s faith in you, and gaining enough public esteem to feather your career nest after the crisis is over.

Revolver Noir

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Investigating this abandoned mansion was supposed to be easy. You hear a shot in the darkness, the bullet shattering the plaster behind you. It turns out that someone else is also here, and only one of you will survive.
In Revolver Noir, you take on the role of a private eye trapped in a dark mansion with an unknown enemy. Your goal is to find your enemy and eliminate them before they do the same to you – using detective work and calculated shots in the dark.


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The Warwick Manor Was The Scene Of A Horrible Crime Thirty Years Ago. The Ghost Of The Murdered Servant Haunts The Mansion, And A Group Of Psychic Investigators Must Solve The Mystery

A cooperative board game in which one player assumes the role of the victim (now a ghost) and the other players take the role of psychics. Players Psychically Communicate with the victim to solve a mystery throughout the game. Psychics are led to the correct culprit by the ghost

Interpret Visions To Solve Mysteries
To determine who the actual murderer is,  players investigate a case assigned to them. Ghosts give psychics clues. Can they find the killer, weapon, and location, Or will an evil criminal complete the perfect murder?

High Variability
No two games are alike with dozens of suspects, weapons, and locations! Need a new challenge? There are expansion sets available (base game required)

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Don’t Get Stabbed

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Don’t Get Stabbed! is a party game where you get to kill your family and friends! … for pretend of course. It’s inspired by horror movies of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, but is light-hearted enough for everyone to enjoy. The ultimate Halloween game! 

How to Play

Your goal? To be the last player standing. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong. In this game, everyone starts off with a knife and the only way to eliminate your opponents is by stabbing them. Don’t worry, it’s all virtual so no actual harm will be done (phew!).

But here’s the twist – you can only move in one direction at a time, either left or right. So if you’re facing an opponent and they’re moving towards you, you better act fast or else..

But don’t think this game is just about quick reflexes. There’s also a strategic element to it. Each player is given three lives and once you’re out, well, that’s game over for you. So you need to be smart with your moves and conserve your lives if you want to make it until the end.

Who Can Play

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just looking for some casual fun with your friends, this game has got you covered.

What Makes It Fun

The unpredictability factor is the highlight of the game. With each round, the game changes and introduces new obstacles to keep you on your toes. You never know what to expect, making every round a unique and thrilling experience.

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Trekking the World

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Trekking the World – a friendly competition where you and your friends will race to visit the world’s most popular destinations. To win, prove you’re the most experienced traveler by expertly moving around the map and scoring Victory Points (VP).

You can take a tour of places shown on Destination cards to experience their wonder and history. The destination cards will earn you a lot of Victory Points.

You can earn extra Victory Points by touring some destinations. Journey cards also give Victory Points.

In your suitcase, you’ll collect souvenir cubes as you travel around the map. You’ll earn Victory Points for collecting different colored souvenirs.

If you collect enough Souvenir cubes of any one color, you’ll get the matching Most Souvenirs tile, worth Victory Points

Getting the last souvenir from a region gets you a Region Bonus token. You get between 2 and 6 Victory Points for each Region Bonus token you collect.

Trekking the World’s various options make the game always interesting and feels fresh every time. Highly replayable! Furthermore, you can change the journey cards used for each game, which further adjusts everyone’s strategy, since each one offers something different (there are 12). The game is easy to learn as the rulebook is very clear.

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50 Clues: White Sleep

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About 50 Clues: White Sleep

Are you ready to dive into the mysterious world of 50 Clues? If you’re a fan of puzzles, deduction and immersive storytelling, then this is definitely the game for you.

50 Clues: White Sleep is a cooperative board game designed for 2-6 players. 

50 Clues Gameplay

The story behind 50 Clues: White Sleep is set in a dystopian world where a totalitarian government controls every aspect of its citizens’ lives. As players, you take on the role of rebels trying to overthrow this oppressive regime by solving 50 puzzles and clues scattered throughout the game board.

But that’s not all – each player is also given secret objectives that they must complete in order to win the game. This adds an extra layer of strategy and secrecy, as you never know what your teammates are trying to achieve.

One of the things I love most about 50 Clues is its unique game mechanics. The game comes with an innovative code wheel that players use to decipher clues and uncover hidden messages. This adds a tactile and interactive element to the gameplay, making it even more engaging.

Varying Difficulty levels make it a game suitable for everyone

The puzzles range from beginner level to advanced, so there’s something for everyone. Plus, the game comes with a handy hint system in case you get stuck.  It’s perfect for anyone who loves deduction and puzzle-solving. It’s also great for those who enjoy a good challenge and working together with others towards a common goal.

What makes 50 Clues White Sleep Fun?

The immersive storytelling element of the game is incredibly engaging. As you progress through the story and solve puzzles, you feel like you’re part of this dystopian world and have a personal stake in its outcome.

Moreover, the game is designed to keep you on your toes and constantly thinking. With secret objectives and hidden messages, you never know what’s going to happen next. It’s a thrilling ride from start to finish.

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Goat ‘n’ Goat

Goat ‘n’ Goat is a strategy game that requires players to outsmart their opponents by being the last one standing while protecting their own goats. This quirky twist on traditional strategy games is what makes Goat ‘n’ Goat so unique and fun.

How to Play

Gameplay is fairly simple, yet challenging. Players take turns moving their goats across a board filled with obstacles and traps, trying to avoid being captured by the other players’ goats. The catch is that each player has a limited number of moves per turn, making it crucial to plan ahead and strategize carefully.

Who Can Play

One of my favorite parts about playing Goat ‘n’ Goat is that it appeals to a wide range of audience, making it a great choice for family game nights or even a fun night in with friends. Its simple rules and short playtime make it easy to learn and play, yet the strategic aspect of the game keeps players engaged for hours.

What Makes It Fun

The element of unpredictability and the constant need to adapt to changing situations keeps players on their toes and adds an exciting level of thrill to the game.

Pandemic Hot Zone North America

Listing 2

A quicker Pandemic version: ‘Pandemic Hot Zone – North America'”

“Pandemic Hot Zone – North America”, is a streamlined version of the beloved cooperative board game “Pandemic“. In this version, players band together to fight disease outbreaks across North America. The game captures the essence of the original but delivers it in a quicker, more accessible format. 

Gameplay and Game Mechanics

“Pandemic Hot Zone – North America” features simplified gameplay that can be completed in about 30 minutes, making it ideal for quick sessions. Like its predecessor, players take on roles such as Medic, Researcher, or Dispatcher, each with special abilities that influence the game.

The game board depicts major North American cities, connected by flight routes. Players must travel between these cities to treat infections and collect city cards necessary to discover cures. The mechanics revolve around managing these infections as players draw from two decks: one that adds new infections to the board and another that offers beneficial player actions.

Epidemic cards add to the challenge by accelerating disease spread and can trigger outbreaks if a city receives more than three disease cubes.

What Makes It Fun and Different

Streamlined Rules
With fewer epidemic cards and a smaller deck, the game reduces the duration and complexity of setup and play.

Portable Format
The game’s compact size makes it easily portable compared to its bigger counterpart. 

What Pandemic Hot Zone players think about the game

  • Overall Enjoyment: Players  appreciate the game for its streamlined and quicker gameplay. The more accessible and portable format, making it especially suitable for lunch breaks or quick gaming sessions.

  • Gameplay at Different Player Counts: The game is noted for playing exceptionally well with two players, which is a standout feature as many find it more challenging and less enjoyable with four due to limited moves and increased difficulty.

  • Comparisons to Original Pandemic: Several reviewers compare it to the original game, noting that while “Pandemic Hot Zone” simplifies some aspects (like fewer cities and no eradication of diseases, only curing), it retains the core experience of the original. However, some experienced players of the original “Pandemic” felt that the changes, especially the inability to eradicate diseases, diminished their enjoyment.

  • Accessibility and Learning Curve: The game is praised for its ease of learning, making it an excellent introduction to cooperative board games for new players or those introducing board games to younger players. Instructions can be initially confusing for some, but overall, it is seen as an easier entry point into the Pandemic series.

  • Ideal Usage: It’s frequently recommended as a great travel game due to its compact size and quick playtime. It’s also mentioned as a good option for introducing people to board games, as well as for playing during short free periods, like lunch breaks.


Keyforge: Call of the Archons

From the imagination of legendary game designer Richard Garfield comes a game unlike anything the world has ever seen—a game where every deck is as unique as the person who wields it and no two battles will ever be the same. This is KeyForge, where deckbuilding and boosters are a thing of the past, where you can carve a path of discovery with every deck, where you can throw yourself into the game with the force of a wild wormhole and embrace the thrill of a tactical battle where wits will win the day!

Along with this new breed of game comes a new world: the Crucible, an artificial world built from the pieces of countless planets across the stars. Here, anything is possible. This world was built for the Archons, god-like beings who, for all their power, know little about their own origins. The Archons clash in constant struggles, leading motley companies of various factions as they seek to find and unlock the planet’s hidden Vaults to gain ultimate knowledge and power.

This starter set contains two starter decks, two unique Archon Decks, and all the keys and tokens two players need to play!

KeyForge: Call of the Archons is the world’s first Unique Deck Game. Every single Archon Deck that you’ll use to play is truly unique and one-of-a kind, with its own Archon and its own mixture of cards in the deck. If you pick up an Archon Deck, you know that you’re the only person in existence with access to this exact deck and its distinct combination of cards. In fact, in just the first set of KeyForge: Call of the Archons, there are more than 104 quadrillion possible decks!

Every Archon Deck contains a full play experience with a deck that cannot be altered, meaning it’s ready to play right out of the box. Not only does this remove the need for deckbuilding or boosters, it also creates a new form of gameplay with innovative mechanics that challenges you to use every card in your deck to find the strongest and most cunning combinations. It is not the cards themselves that are powerful, but rather the interactions between them—interactions that can only be found in your deck. Your ability to make tough tactical decisions will determine your success as you and your opponent trade blows in clashes that can shift in an instant!

KeyForge: Call of the Archons is played over a series of turns in which you, as the Archon leading your company, use the creatures, technology, artifacts, and skills of a chosen House to reap precious Æmber, hold off your enemy’s forces, and forge enough keys to unlock the Crucible’s Vaults. You begin your turn by declaring one of the three Houses within your deck, and for the remainder of the turn you may play and use cards only from that House. For example, if you take on the role of the Archon Radiant Argus the Supreme, you will find cards from Logos, Sanctum, and Untamed in your deck, but if you declare “Sanctum” at the start of your turn, you may use actions, artifacts, creatures, and upgrades only from Sanctum. Your allies from Logos and Untamed must wait.

Next, you must strive to gain the advantage with a series of tactical decisions, leveraging both the cards in your hand and those in play to race ahead of your opponent. If you wish to weaken your rival’s forces, you may send out your allies to fight enemies on the opposing side, matching strength against strength. Otherwise, you may choose to use your followers to reap, adding more Æmber to your pool.

Notably, no card in KeyForge has a cost — choosing a House at the start of a turn allows you to play and use any number of cards from that House for free, leading turns to fly by with a wave of activity! Yet balance is key. If you simply reap more Æmber at every opportunity, your rival may quickly grow their team of minions and destroy yours, outpacing your collection and leaving your field barren. But if you focus on the thrill of the fight alone and neglect the collection of Æmber, you won’t move any closer to your goal! If you succeed in finding a harmony within your team and have six Æmber at the start of your turn, you’ll forge a key and move one step closer to victory. The first to forge three keys wins!

Wits and Wagers

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Wits and Wagers: The Game of Strategy and Trivia

Wits and Wagers is a board game that combines trivia with betting strategy, making it a unique and entertaining experience for players. Designed by Dominic Crapuchettes in 2005, the game has won numerous awards and continues to be a popular choice among both casual and serious gamers.

Gameplay and Objective

Wits and Wagers is a fast-paced game that can be played with 3-7 players. The objective of the game is to correctly answer trivia questions and place bets on which answers are most likely to be correct. Unlike traditional trivia games where knowing the right answers is key, in Wits and Wagers, players who have no idea about a certain topic can still win by using their betting skills.

Game Mechanics

The game is played in rounds, with each round having a set of questions that are read out loud. The questions have numerical answers and the players have to write down their guesses on a small whiteboard. Once all the players have written their answers, the boards are revealed and placed in ascending order. This allows players to get an idea of the range of answers and make their bets accordingly. After the bets are placed, the correct answer is revealed and players who have guessed correctly earn points based on their bet.

Suitable for Everyone

One of the best things about Wits and Wagers is that it can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age or level of knowledge. The game is suitable for children as young as 8 years old, making it a great option for family game nights. Even adults who are not familiar with certain topics can still participate and have a chance to win, thanks to the betting aspect of the game.

What Makes it Fun

Wits and Wagers is a perfect balance of strategy and luck. It keeps players engaged and on their toes, as they have to constantly adapt their betting strategies based on the revealed answers. The game also has a social aspect, as players can discuss and debate their choices before placing bets. This creates a fun and lively atmosphere that is sure to entertain everyone involved.

In addition, Wits and Wagers offers variety with its expansion packs that include new sets of questions, making every game different and challenging. It also has a party edition, perfect for larger groups or parties.

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Tales of the Arabian Nights

From Z-Man Games Webpage:

In Tales of the Arabian Nights, you are the hero or heroine in a story of adventure and wonder just like those told by Scheherazade to her spellbound sultan! You will travel the land seeking your own destiny and fortune. You will learn stories and gain wisdom to share with others. Will you be the first to fulfill your destiny? The next Tale is yours to tell! There is, of course, a winner in Tales of the Arabian Nights, but the point of the game is less to see who wins and more to enjoy the unfolding and telling of a great story!

In this new edition of the groundbreaking storytelling game, you enter the lands of the Arabian Nights alongside Sindbad, Ali Baba, and the other legendary heroes of the tales. Travel the world encountering imprisoned princesses, powerful ‘efreets, evil viziers, and such marvels as the Magnetic Mountain and the fabled Elephant’s Graveyard.

Choose your actions carefully and the skills you possess will reward you: become beloved, wealthy, mighty – even become sultan of a great land. Choose foolishly, however, and become a beggar, or be cursed with a beast’s form or become insane from terror! YOU will bring to life the stories of the inestimable Book of Tales in this vastly replayable board game with over 2002 tales that will challenge, amuse, astound and spellbind you for years to come.

The Fox in the Forest

The Fox in the Forest is a trick-taking game for two players. Aside from the normal ranked- and suited-cards used to win tricks, fairy characters such as the Fox and the Witch have special abilities that let you change the trump suit, lead even after you lose a trick, and more.

You score points by winning more tricks than your opponent, but don’t get greedy! Win too many tricks, and you will fall like the villain in so many fairy tales…

Last Will

In his last will, your rich uncle stated that all of his millions will go to the nephew who can enjoy money the most. How to find out which nephew should be rich? You will each be given a large amount of money and whoever can spend it first will be the rightful heir. Visit the most exclusive theatres or eat in the most expensive restaurants. Buy old properties for the price of new ones and sell them as ruins. Host a huge party in your mansion or on your private boat. Spend like your life would depend on it. Spend to become rich! If you’re the first to run through the money on hand, you’ll receive the rest of his inheritance – oh, and win the game.

In Last Will, each player starts with a certain amount of money, an individual player board, two errand boys and two cards in some combination of properties and helpers. At the start of each round, lay out cards from the appropriate decks on the offering boards; the four regular decks are properties, companions, events, helpers and expenses, with special cards forming a deck of their own. The particular mix of cards varies by round and by the number of players.

Each player then chooses a plan for the round, with each plan indicating the number of cards the player draws (drawn immediately from the four regular decks in any combination), how many errand boys he can use later (one or two), the number of actions available to him that round, and his spot in the playing order that round. In the playing order for that round, players then take turns choosing an action with their errand boy(s), with those actions being:

Take a card on display and add it to your hand.
Draw a card from any regular deck – This can be chosen only once by each player.
Visit the opera and spend $2.
Adjust the value modifiers in the property market.
Take a player board extension, thereby giving you room to play more cards.
Players then take actions in the playing order for that round, with each player having as many actions as indicated on his plan. Actions let you play one-time events (which have a cost, possibly variable); helpers and recurring expenses (which are placed on your individual player board); and properties (which cost money and may depreciate over time). You can often play companions with events or recurring expenses – of course you should bring a date to the opera or a horse on your yacht! – to increase their cost. You can also use actions to activate cards on your player board, possibly with one or more companions and always with the goal of spending money. Helpers and special cards can provide you with unique powers to further boost your profligacy.

At the end of each round, you must discard down to two cards in hand, and properties that can depreciate do so; this is good as a player cannot go bankrupt if he owns properties, and the only way to get rid of properties is to sell them, which regretably puts money back in your hands unless the depreciation was intense or you manipulate the market.

If a player has no money and no properties, he declares bankruptcy and the game ends at the conclusion of that round; otherwise the game ends after seven rounds. The player who has the least money (or even who is most in debt) wins.

The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac

The publisher says:
The Adventurers features a fast-paced thrilling run through the Temple of Chac, the Mayan rain god. As your intrepid adventurers delve through the ruins, they will face deadly traps guarding the ancient relics they prize.

User Summary:

A very light dice-roller, basically a fun simulation of Indiana-Jones-style temple robbers. Players move through a Mayan temple, risking constant death while trying to get to the exit, carrying as much treasure as they dare. The more treasure cards you have, the fewer actions you might get this round. If your character gets killed, a second one can drop in and you may still get enough treasure and escape to win.

The temple starts with a room of crushing walls, leading into a winding passage that takes you past a lava pit and locked alcoves. The passage goes on, with two short-cuts that might save you time; a fast river or a rickety wooden bridge. You must balance attempts to grab treasure from the rooms, as you pass through, with staying ahead of a massive boulder, tumbling down the passage after you. If you have to let the boulder pass or be crushed to death, then you’re forced to jump in the river and risk drowning just to get ahead. Otherwise, the boulder reaches the exit before you, blocking it and you’re trapped forever.

A mix of very basic lucky dice-rolling, lucky card draw for the treasure, and some decision-making about possible risks. Beautifully produced, with 12 small but detailed plastics miniatures, and an exotic and deadly temple. Adults may tire from repeats of The Adventurers, but kids will get lots of thrills.

Wyatt Earp

The aim of the game for each player to earn the most money from capturing famous outlaws. 2 to 4 players take up the roles of Sheriffs who are hot on the outlaws tails, trying to capture the outlaws with most rewards on their heads.

From the Box:
The Wild West! Tough times and tough characters! Bandits, desperados, rustlers and thieves are everywhere. Take the rolls of the brave sheriffs riding on the heels of these legendary outlaws. Capture Jesse James! Hunt Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid! Rich rewards await those brave and daring enough. Just don’t let them slip away…

From the Publisher:
In Wyatt Earp, the players are bounty hunters who work cooperatively and competitively to try to capture the most notorious outlaws of the old west. They do this by collecting and playing sets of cards for the various outlaws. When a player plays a set, he both adds to the reward and improves his chances for collecting the reward for that outlaw. At the end of each hand, players collect money for the outlaws that they helped in capturing. After several hands, the player who has collected the most money in rewards is the winner!

While not officially included, Wyatt Earp is often considered part of the Mystery Rummy series.

This game is #1 in the Alea small box series.

Wildlife Safari

Wildlife Safari was originally published by AMIGO as Flinke Pinke. This game is one of those ‘painfully simple’ Reiner Knizia games. There are five different colored chips, with six cards, zero through five, in each of the colors. The cards are dealt out, and then players take turns playing a card and taking any available chip. When one color has all six cards played on it, then the game is over, and players use the last card played in each category to value their chips. The highest total value wins.

Description of 1994 Milton Bradley re-issue Quandary, for 2-4 players:

A game of placement, shares and nerve by Reiner Knizia, this is a lovely edition with nice, heavy tiles akin to Mah-jong pieces in weight and feel. Players in turn lay numbered pieces on tracks curling to the centre, and then take a share in any colour. The round ends when a track is filled. Scoring is based on your total share multiplied by the value of the final tile played on each track. So if you are collecting blue shares, I’ll try and lay a blue 1 as near last as possible. Then you’ll want to play a blue 5 to raise your possible score, but must take a share in a different colour. Same game, different production.

Description of 2003 Fantasy Flight Games re-issue, Loco!, for 2-4 players:

Here is the FOURTH version of the game that was originally Flinke Pinke only this time, the added “rule” is that whenever you play a card with a value of “0”, you must say “Loco!” aloud or forfeit your opportunity to select one of the colored chips. Apart from that, the game is identical.

Description of the 2010 Eagle-Gryphon Games games re-issue, Botswana, for 2-5 players:

This fifth version of the game adds a safari theme. Rules and gameplay are unchanged from the original version (no rules about animal noises), but the chips are replaced by plastic animal figures and the cards are covered in matching animal fur patterns. In 2014, Gryphon Games released a new edition of this game as Wildlife Safari, featuring the same components and artwork but changing the title of the game.

Whale Riders

You are a whale rider. For generations, your people have known and lived with the ice whales and together you’ve bought and traded at the busy ports along the fabled Ice Coast. You are honored to be the latest in your family to sail with the whales — but the ice is thickening and the glaciers are moving. A deep winter is coming, the fiercest for centuries. You decide to ride your mount one final time before the snows come to buy and sell as much as you can…and maybe even collect some precious pearls along the way.

Whale Riders is a new design with a classic feel from game designer Reiner Knizia. In 45 minutes of play, 2-6 players race to the end of the Ice Coast and back, buying and selling as many resources as possible to make the money needed to acquire the richest prizes. Will you skip opportunities to gain the greatest treasure, or will you make your money slowly along the way?

Each player has two actions per turn, but a lot they want to accomplish. Sail? Buy? Sell? Draw more order cards? All the while, your opponents might be sailing past and beating you to what’s on offer down the coast! Once all the precious pearls have been purchased, the game ends and the player with the most pearls wins!

Whale Riders has simple and short rules, but offers a lot of interaction and interesting decisions for players.

—description from publisher

Second Chance

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The game is designed by world renowned game designer, Uwe Rosenberg (Cavera, Agricola, Cottage Garden, Spring Meadow, et al). In Second Chance, players start with a 9 X (grid they want to fill in as completely as possible.

Everyone begins with a different card containing a starting tile and marks off its spaces on their grid. Every turn, two puzzle tiles cards are revealed, and each player chooses one of them, then marks off squares on their grid that match the image on their chosen card.

When more than one player chooses the same card, they get a Second Chance to fit one card from the deck into their grid. If they can fit this shape into their grid, they do not lose; otherwise, they are eliminated from the game.

In either case, the game ends when all players have been eliminated, the deck of puzzle cards has run out, or a player has completed filling their grid. If all players have been eliminated or the deck has run out of cards, then whoever has the fewest empty spaces wins.

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Axis and Allies 1942

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World War II strategy board game set in 1942, the height of Axis expansion. In this game, you control the military and economic forces of an Axis or Allied country, planning attacks, marshaling troops into embattled territories, and resolving conflicts. As a result of conquering its opponents on the battlefields and liberating or occupying the world’s greatest cities, one side will be declared the victor. The Avalon Hill Axis & Allies 1942 board game features UK artillery, submarines, destroyers, and a Russian submarine as well as an Antiaircraft Artillery combat unit. There is a large gameboard measuring 40″ by 26″.

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Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

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Keep these five crazy words in mind. Once a card and a spoken word match, race against each other to slap your hand on the central pile. Last to do so must take them all.

Make sure you are the first to get rid of all your cards. But be careful! It’s easy for your mind to trick you.

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Heroes of Tenefyr

Heroes of Tenefyr is a must-try for any board game enthusiast. Its combination of cooperative gameplay, strategic mechanics, and fantasy theme makes it immensely intriguing. 

How to Play

The objective of the game is to defend the city of Tenefyr from hordes of monsters that threaten to destroy it. You take on the role of a hero, each with their own special abilities and skills, working together with other players to defeat the monsters and ultimately save the city.

The game is played in rounds, with each round consisting of three phases – planning, resolution and cleanup. During the planning phase, players can choose to either explore new areas of the city or go on quests to gain resources and defeat enemies. The resolution phase is where all the action happens as players fight off monsters using dice rolls and their character’s unique abilities. The cleanup phase is when players can heal, level up and prepare for the next round.

One of the most interesting mechanics in Heroes of Tenefyr is the deck-building aspect. Each player starts with a basic set of cards, but throughout the game, they can acquire new cards that provide them with additional skills and resources. This adds a layer of strategy to the game as players have to carefully choose which cards to add to their deck.

Another unique aspect is the use of dice. Unlike many other games where dice rolls are purely based on luck, in Heroes of Tenefyr, they can be modified by players’ character abilities and equipment. This allows for more control over the outcome of battles and adds an element of surprise to the gameplay.

Who Can Plat

I would recommend Heroes of Tenefyr to anyone who enjoys cooperative games with a touch of fantasy. The game can be played with 1-4 players, making it perfect for both solo play and game nights with friends. It is also suitable for players of all ages, as the rules are easy to learn but still provide a challenging experience.

What Makes it Fun

Apart from the unique gameplay and mechanics, what makes Heroes of Tenefyr fun for me is the sense of teamwork and camaraderie it fosters. Working together with my friends to defeat powerful enemies and save the city never gets old. Plus, there’s always an element of surprise as each game plays out differently due to the random deck-building and dice rolls.


Blank Slate

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Blank Slate is a party game that revolves around word associations and creative thinking. It’s designed for 3-8 players and is suitable for ages 8 and up, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of age groups. The game is easy to learn, quick to play, and guarantees a lot of laughter and “aha!” moments as players try to match words with one another.

Gameplay Summary

Blank Slate is simple yet engaging:

  1. Setup: Each player receives a dry-erase slate and a marker. A deck of word cue cards is placed in the center.
  2. Turn Structure:
    • A word cue card is drawn and placed face-up. Each card has a single word with a blank space either before or after it (e.g., “___ house” or “house ___”).
    • Players secretly write a word that completes the phrase on their slates.
  3. Scoring:
    • Once everyone has written their word, players reveal their slates simultaneously.
    • Points are awarded based on how many players wrote the same word
  4. Winning the Game: The game continues with new word cues until a player reaches a predetermined score, usually 25 points, although this can be adjusted for longer or shorter games.

Game Mechanics

The mechanics of Blank Slate are straightforward but require a mix of intuition, creativity, and strategic thinking:

  • Word Association: The core mechanic revolves around your ability to think of words that others might also choose
  • Simultaneous Action: Everyone writes and reveals their words at the same time, ensuring constant engagement and anticipation.
  • Scoring System: The scoring encourages players to think about what others might write, adding a layer of psychological gameplay and social deduction.

Audience and Enjoyment

Blank Slate is an excellent choice for various groups due to its accessibility and entertainment value:

  • Families: The simple rules and quick rounds make it perfect for family game nights, allowing children and adults to enjoy the game together.
  • Casual Gamers: Those looking for a light, easy-to-learn game 
  • Party Game Enthusiasts: The game’s interactive and social nature makes it a hit at parties
  • Educators: Teachers and facilitators can use Blank Slate as an educational tool to encourage vocabulary building and creative thinking in a fun and engaging manner.

What Blank Slate Players are saying about the game?

  • Engagement Across Ages: Appeals to a wide age range (8 to 70s), successfully engaging even teenagers who typically avoid family time.
  • Educational Value: Helps younger children with reading and writing skills in a fun, non-structured way.
  • Family Bonding: Promotes understanding and getting to know each other’s personalities through shared answers.
  • Quick and Replayable: Easy to learn and quick to play, with options for extension packs to keep the game fresh.
  • Quality Components: High-quality materials (sturdy box, thick cards, durable whiteboards, and markers).
  • Versatile Play: Suitable for family gatherings, date nights, and social events with diverse groups.
  • Simple yet Fun: Easy to understand, making it accessible and enjoyable without being overly strategic or stressful.
  • Long-Term Value: Good value for money, though some noted whiteboards may degrade with frequent use.


Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers

STRATEGY GAME: Fish, hunt, and gather from the prehistoric landscape and compete with other tribes for claim over key natural features in this exciting stand-alone game inspired by the classic Carcassonne which provides plenty of ways to use your cunning and outsmart your opponents.
A JOURNEY TO PREHISTORIC TIMES: A mammoth herd stomps across the grasslands to drink from a crystal-blue river. Cunning hunters watch from the trees, waiting for the right moment to strike. Looming stone monuments, menhirs, encircle a peaceful forest clearing, while fisherfolk set traps in a distant lake.
HOW TO ACHIEVE VICTORY: Hunters & Gatherers combines the classic tile-laying gameplay of the original Carcassonne with new thematic features and adjusted scoring rules for an all-new challenge. Expand the wilderness as you play, then score points for features you’ve claimed. Use the special menhir tiles to your advantage to get ahead of your opponents!
HIGH REPLAYABILITY: With its simple yet rich game mechanics offering numerous combinations, Carcassonne Hunters & Gatherers appeals to beginners and veteran gamers alike. LOOKING FOR NEW ADVENTURES? Try our other Standalone Carcassonne Board Games. Average Playtime: 40 minutes.

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Elder Sign

Game description from the publisher:

It is 1926, and the museum’s extensive collection of exotic curios and occult artifacts poses a threat to the barriers between our world and the elder evils lurking between dimensions. Gates to the beyond begin to leak open, and terrifying creatures of increasing strength steal through them. Animals, the mad, and those of more susceptible minds are driven to desperation by the supernatural forces the portals unleash. Only a handful of investigators race against time to locate the eldritch symbols necessary to seal the portals forever. Only they can stop the Ancient One beyond from finding its way to Earth and reducing humanity to cinders.

Elder Sign is a fast-paced, cooperative dice game of supernatural intrigue for one to eight players by Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson, the designers of Arkham Horror. Players take the roles of investigators racing against time to stave off the imminent return of the Ancient One. Armed with tools, allies, and occult knowledge, investigators must put their sanity and stamina to the test as they adventure to locate Elder Signs, the eldritch symbols used to seal away the Ancient Ones and win the game.

To locate Elder Signs, investigators must successfully endure Adventures within the museum and its environs. A countdown mechanism makes an Ancient One appear if the investigators are not quick enough. The investigators must then battle the Ancient One. A clever and thematic dice mechanism pits their exploration against monsters and the sheer difficulty of staying sane and healthy, all within the standard game duration of one to two hours.

Catan Card Game

Catan Card Game bears only a slight resemblance to The Settlers of Catan, the original game in the Catan series. There are six resources: wool, wood, bricks, grain, ore, and gold. Before beginning the game, the players receive six square cards showing the resources, with a different die number on each card. In addition, the players start the game with two village cards and a road card connecting them. There are card stacks of more roads and villages, as well as cities, to be purchased during the game. With each new village or city comes two new resource cards. Villages and cities give victory points.

When the number die is rolled, instead of collecting more cards, the players rotate the corresponding card 90 degrees to indicate a gain of one more of that resource; i.e., the brick card shows a picture of one brick on one edge of the card, two bricks on the next clockwise edge, three bricks along the third edge, and zero bricks on the fourth edge. There is also an event die, with five possible outcomes:

a reward for the player with more knight points or more ‘windmill’ points (a picture of a windmill on some cards),
a bonus resource,
an attack if a player has too many resources, and
one of six special events – civil war, conflict, master builder, plague, productive year, or progress.
There are 62 expansion cards in six stacks in the center of the table. Before beginning the game, players choose one stack, go through it, and choose three cards to hold in their hands. Forty-two of the expansion cards require spending resources to be put into play, gaining civic improvements or knights. Every civic improvement serves some useful function or adds victory points or both. Twenty of the cards are actions benefiting one of the players or harming the other. After a player pays to put a card down or uses an action card, he blindly draws a replacement. Unwanted or unusable cards can be traded in future turns. Some of the cards have flags on them, indicating victory points.

Whoever first has twelve victory points wins the game!

The Anniversary edition of this game (Jubiläumsausgabe edition) can be found under a separate game entry.


It is 13th century Italy. Trade is flourishing between the city-states and the Levant. Venice, Florence, and Genoa are all bursting with wealth. However, each city-state is also plagued with a weak national army, leaving them defenseless against invasion from their envious neighbors. Enter the Condottiere.
As veteran English soldiers returned from the Crusades, Italy found itself with an influx of desperate and capable men. These hired swords were contracted to fight for individual city-states by an agreement known as a condotta. The most elite of these men were the mercenary leaders known as the Condottiere.

The object of Condottiere is to acquire four connected provinces in renaissance Italy. To do this players auction off different provinces on the board and bid on these provinces with a hand of cards representing mercenaries, seasons, scarecrows, and political figures. However, unlike standard auctions in which only the highest bidder loses their bid, in Condottiere every player loses their bid. Players are, in effect, bidding the number of troops they are willing to lose in order to win a province. However, several special effect cards shake the contests up and keep the players guessing.


Elfenland is a redesign of the original White Wind game Elfenroads. The game is set in the mythical world of the elves. A group of fledgling elves (the players) are charged with visiting as many of the twenty Elfencities as they can over the course of 4 rounds. To accomplish the task they will use various forms of transportation such as Giant Pigs, Elfcarts, Unicorns, Rafts, Magic Clouds, Trollwagons, and Dragons.

Gameplay: Players begin in the Elf capitol, draw one face down movement tile, and are dealt eight transport cards and a secret ‘home’ city card that they must reach at the end of the 4th round or lose points for each city space away from ‘home’ they are at the end of the game. Markers of each player’s color are placed in each city on the board and are collected when the player visits that city (each counts as 1 point).

The round proceeds in 2 stages. The first part of the round consists of the drawing of Tiles showing the differing types of transport (except rafts) from a combination of face up and face down tiles (if a player doesn’t like the 5 tiles that are face up; they can always draw blind from the face down tiles and hope to get one they need). These transport tiles need to match the Transportation cards in your hand to use them most effectively. After each player has a total of 4 tiles they take turns placing a tile on any one of the roads that run between the elf cities. Only one transport tile may be placed on each road; so players may use other players tiles to travel if they have the matching cards in their hand. This frequently causes a readjustment of planned travel routes as other players tiles can allow you to move farther or shorter than you had first thought. Players can play their tiles to help themselves or hinder others by playing a slow mode of transport on another players (perceived) path.

Each mode of transport has certain terrain it can travel through quickly or slowly, and those that it cannot. These are listed on the top of each transportation card by the number terrain symbols. The number of terrain symbols equals how many matching cards you must play to move across a given tile in a given terrain. For example, a Magic Cloud tile placed in a mountain would take one Magic cloud card to travel across (1 mountain symbol on card means Magic clouds are fast in mountains). If the same tile was placed on a road in forest terrain it would require 2 Magic Cloud cards to travel that route (2 Forest symbols on card means Magic Clouds are slow in Forest). Magic Clouds cannot travel in desert terrain at all (no desert symbols on card). All modes of transport are different and Rafts can be used on rivers or lakes without needing tiles. Rafts go slow upstream (2 raft cards needed) and fast downstream (1 card needed). The small lake requires 1 raft card to travel across and the larger lake requires 2 cards to travel across. Players may keep one unused transport counter and up to 4 Transportation cards from one round to the next.

The second part of the round begins after all players have finished placing their transportation tiles for the round. Each player plays his cards and moves his elf-boot around the board collecting his tokens from the cities visited. If there is a Transport tile on a route and a player has no matching Transportation card he may ‘Caravan’ across it by playing any 3 Transportation cards from his hand.

As a bit of ‘take that’ each player has a trouble tile which can be placed next to any transportation tile during the first part of the round. This counter means that in order to travel that path an additional card of the transport type must be played or 4 cards to ‘Caravan’.

Victory: if at the end of round 3 a player has visited all 20 cities he is the winner. If not the game ends after round 4 when ‘Home’ cities are revealed and each player subtracts points for each city he is away from his ‘home’ subtracting that from his collected city tokens. The person with the highest score wins.

Chez Geek

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Chez Geek is a humorous, and fast-paced card game. Players are roommates trying to get through life with as minimal work.

Each player is given a Job card which states:

  • their free time,
  • income,
  • a special ability and
  • their Slack goal.

Players are also dealt five Life cards. The space directly in front of a player represents their Room, where cards will be played during gameplay.

Players take turns to

  • Draw Life cards
  • Make “variable” rolls.

For each unit of free time the player’s Job card gives them, they may perform one action or go shopping.

At the end of a turn, if a player has more than five cards in hand, the player must discard cards until they have five or fewer. If desired, players can discard all the way down to one card. (NOTE: It is also legal for a player to play ALL the cards in their hand and have NO cards at the end of a turn.)

Activity cards and Thing cards typically list a Slack value which is added to the player’s Slack total, though some have random Slack totals and some have Slack totals which vary during the game.

The first player to achieve or exceed their Slack goal is the winner.

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Pusheen Purrfect Pick

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In Pusheen Purrfect Pick, make meowgical moments with friends from Pusheen’s house. Be the first to collect ten stars as you take snapshots of your weekend fun! The game is played on a double-sided board. You can play in Pusheen’s house or in the park.

During your turn, you can move Pusheen to the board and either take a card next to her or draw one from the deck. You can turn in Essentials to collect Snapshots as you collect them. Snapshot cards are worth a certain amount of stars. The first player to collect 10 stars wins!

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Unlock!: Escape Adventures

Unlock! is a cooperative card game inspired by escape rooms that uses a simple system which allows you to search scenes, combine objects, and solve riddles. Play Unlock! to embark on great adventures, while seated at a table using only cards and a companion app that can provide clues, check codes, monitor time remaining, etc.

Unlock! Escape Adventures includes three separate scenarios for you to explore:

In The Formula, you enter a secret laboratory to recover a mysterious serum that has been developed by a scientist. Will you solve all the riddles and get out in less than an hour?
In Squeek & Sausage, you need to thwart the plans of the despicable Professor Noside!
In The Island of Doctor Goorse, you must visit the island of an eccentric antique collector billionaire and overcome its traps!

An included ten-card tutorial allows you to learn how to play without reading the game rules.

Use the link below in order to download the Tutorial and a demonstration scenario, both in print-and-play!

This box is not distributed in the U.S

Note: Unlock! requires a free application to be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Once downloaded, an internet connection is not required during game play.

Rex: Final Days of an Empire

Game description from the publisher:

Rex: Final Days of an Empire, a reimagined version of Dune set in Fantasy Flight’s Twilight Imperium universe, is a board game of negotiation, betrayal, and warfare in which 3-6 players take control of great interstellar civilizations, competing for dominance of the galaxy’s crumbling imperial city. Set 3,000 years before the events of Twilight Imperium, Rex tells the story of the last days of the Lazax empire, while presenting players with compelling asymmetrical racial abilities and exciting opportunities for diplomacy, deception, and tactical mastery.

In Rex: Final Days of an Empire, players vie for control of vital locations across a sprawling map of the continent-sized Mecatol City. Only by securing three key locations (or more, when allied with other factions) can a player assert dominance over the heart of a dying empire.

Unfortunately, mustering troops in the face of an ongoing Sol blockade is difficult at best (unless, of course, you are the Federation of Sol or its faithless ally, the Hacan, who supply the blockading fleet). Savvy leaders must gather support from the local populace, uncover hidden weapon caches, and acquire control over key institutions. Mechanically, this means players must lay claim to areas that provide influence, which is then “spent” to (among other things) smuggle military forces through the orbiting Sol blockade. Those forces will be needed to seize the key areas of the city required to win the game. From the moment the first shot is fired, players must aggressively seek the means by which to turn the conflict to their own advantage.

While the great races struggle for supremacy in the power vacuum of a dead emperor, massive Sol warships execute their devastating bombardments of the city below. Moving systematically, the Federation of Sol’s fleet of warships wreaks havoc on the planet’s surface, targeting great swaths of the game board with their destructive capabilities. Only the Sol’s own ground forces have forewarning of the fleet’s wrath; all others must seek shelter in the few locations with working defensive shields…or be obliterated in the resulting firestorm.

Although open diplomacy and back-door dealmaking can often mitigate the need for bloodshed, direct combat may prove inevitable. When two or more opposing forces occupy the same area, a battle results. Each player’s military strength is based on the sum total of troops he is willing to expend, along with the strength rating of his chosen leader. A faction’s leaders can therefore be vitally important in combat…but beware! One or more of your Leaders may secretly be in the employ of an enemy, and if your forces in combat are commanded by such a traitor, defeat is all but assured. So whether on the field of battle or the floor of the Galactic Council, be careful in whom you place your trust.

All this, along with a host of optional rules and additional variants, means that no two games of Rex: Final Days of an Empire will play exactly alike. Contributing further to replayability is the game’s asymmetrical faction abilities, each of which offer a unique play experience.


Historically, Albrecht von Wallenstein, duke of Friedland and Mecklenburg, was one of the most important mercenary commanders of the Imperial army during the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48). His overweening ambition was to head a large central European empire, which got him dismissed in 1630. Such was his power, however, that the empire was forced to reinstate him when Sweden came into the fray. He recovered Bohemia, but was defeated by Gustavus Adolphus at Lützen, and was again dismissed. His subsequent intrigues with Protestant forces alarmed the Catholic princes who were probably complicit in his assassination in 1634 by Irish mercenaries at Eger, Bohemia.

The game begins with the start of the war, each player controlling several countries. Player actions include the conquest of new countries, tax collection, erection of buildings (i.e. development of the economy), feeding the populace, victualing the army, etc. Some actions increase the chance for unrest, and expensive rebellions can occur. The strongest power at the end wins.

Employs the cube tower included in the publisher’s previous game, Im Zeichen des Kreuzes.

Re-implemented by:

Wallenstein (Second Edition)

Thunderstone: Dragonspire

Thunderstone: Dragonspire is a fantasy deck-building game much in the style of Dominion. Before the game starts a selection of Village and Hero cards will be randomly chosen that players may add to their specific decks. Like Dominion, every player starts with a basic deck of weaker cards that they can use to purchase other more powerful cards. In Thunderstone these cards may be different Heroes such as mages, archers, thieves, or warriors; or they may be supplies the heroes need like weapons, rations, or light to reach further into the dungeon.

A dungeon deck is also created by combining several different groups of monsters together. Certain groups of monsters may be more or less susceptible to different Hero types so players must take this into account when they choose what to buy.

Rather than buying puny Victory Points, players will use their deck to defeat monsters in the dungeon. From the monster deck a row of cards is laid out. On their turn, players may choose to visit either the dungeon or the village. Plays can purchase other cards for their deck or level up their heroes in the village. If they instead go to the dungeon, they play their heroes, weapons, items, and spells to defeat any one of the available monsters. The deeper the monster is in the dungeon, the more light is needed or the monster will gain power. Some monsters also have special abilities which may hinder the player. If they have enough strength they defeat the monster and place that card in their deck. This card is worth victory points and often can be used as money to purchase other cards. In addition to this players are awarded experience points for defeating monsters which can be used to upgrade their heroes into more powerful versions. The game is played until the Thunderstone is revealed from the dungeon and a player is able to claim it. The player with the most victory points in their deck is the winner.

From the publisher:

Thunderstone returns with Dragonspire! Featuring all-new art for every card (even Militia and Daggers), experience point tokens (not cards!), and the all new “Setting” cards which alter the game on a global scale. Dragonspire includes 18 new village cards, 11 new heroes, and 8 new monster sets.

With enough cards to play the game right out of the box, this is a great Thunderstone edition for those just getting into the game.

Dragonspire also has a new storage box format, plastic XP tokens, and a brand new Dungeon board to help players keep up with light and darkness.

Thunderstone: Dragonspire is not a an expansion, but is instead a separate stand-alone game that may be played along with components of Thunderstone.

NOTE: The Dragon-Humanoid divider included with the game is meant for a future expansion as a promo.

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle

Vampire: the Eternal Struggle (or VTES for short) is a multi-player collectable card game based on the award-winning Vampire: the Masquerade role playing game in which players take on the role of ancient vampires known as a Methuselahs. Considered mere legend by many, Methuselahs rule everything from the shadows, engaging in a eons-long Machiavellian conflict that encompasses political, social, and even physical warfare. The struggle is won or lost based on the actions taken by your minions – younger vampires who unknowingly do your bidding. In this way, the game can allow for deep and immersive storytelling as your minions purchase equipment, hire retainers, even suggest legislative changes to vampiric society, all in the service of your dark plots.

VTES was the second card game designed by Richard Garfield (designer of Magic the Gathering, Netrunner, and other games). It was designed to avoid some of the flaws that Garfield found in Magic: VTES does not require you to include resource or mana cards in your deck, and cards are instantly replaced when played, meaning that card draw isn’t as important as knowing when to discard a card to sculpt a better hand. It also has a gameplay experience more in keeping with a boardgame than a traditional card game – VTES is usually played by 4 or 5 players and games can last up to 2 hours.

Unlike most multi-player games, players in VTES do not engage in a free-for-all. Each player directs their attacks to the player on their left (their “prey”) and defends against the player on their right (their “predator”). You gain victory points by eliminating or “ousting” your prey from the game, in which case the next player to the left becomes your new prey. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins (even if they have been ousted!). This arrangement makes the game a very social one – you and the player two seats to the left and right have common enemies. But if you help these allies too much, you may find that you’ve made one of them too strong, and when they suddenly become your new predator, your help has transformed that ally into a deadly threat.

VTES is also a resource management game. Each player begins with 30 points of influence called “pool” that Methuselahs hold dearer than unlife itself. If you run out of pool, you are ousted from the game. But this pool is also the way that you sway vampires to your cause. Each turn you have the opportunity to spend your pool to seduce a vampire. Weak fledgling vampire are easily swayed, but the older more powerful ones require convincing, which may require multiple turns to accomplish. Once a vampire is converted to your side, all the pool you spent on them becomes blood possessed by this vampire, which can be spent to play cards that allow them to activate their unique vampiric powers. Each minion must manage their blood and you must manage your pool – spending more provides you with additional minions, but brings you one step closer to being ousted. Under- or over- investing in your minions may well cost you the game.

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle has risen once again from torpor! White Wolf has granted Black Chantry Productions license to print new cards! Details are still forthcoming as to what to expect. Go to for the latest details. The game is also supported by Vampire: Elder Kindred Network™, the official player organization responsible for sanctioning and regulating VTES tournaments, recording V:TES players’ ratings (and rankings), as well as designing and releasing new digital expansions featuring profession artwork. Go to their site at to check out what’s new with the game!

Life Siphon

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Buy Life Siphon at

There are dragons on the surface, forcing humans underground. A glowing orange eye appears on a box you find during explorations. The lid slowly opens. YOU ARE CURSED!

In Life Siphon, your life is the only resource in a combat strategy game for 2-4 players. Spend it wisely to summon creatures to do your bidding and cast spells to gain the upper hand. To win, attack the player to your left; to survive, defend from the player to your right! The strategy and agency of players determine the winner in the absence of dice! The modular content is equivalent to a free expansion in the base game!

Sons of Faeriell

In Sons of Faeriell, you’ll find a brilliant potential traitor mechanic and multiple endings

How to Play

First things first, let’s talk about gameplay. Sons of Faeriell is a strategic game that requires both luck and skill to win. The goal is to become the most powerful lord by constructing buildings, recruiting warriors, and gaining control of territories in the fantasy world of Faeriell. Each player takes on the role of a lord, competing against each other to claim victory.

One really cool aspect of the game is that it incorporates different game mechanics such as deck building, resource management, and area control. This adds depth to the gameplay and ensures that every game is unique and challenging.

Who Can Play

Now, let’s talk about the type of audience who would enjoy Sons of Faeriell. If you’re a fan of fantasy and strategy games, this is definitely the game for you. It’s perfect for those who enjoy immersing themselves in a rich fictional world and making strategic decisions to come out on top.

But don’t worry, even if you’re not familiar with the fantasy genre, you can still have a great time playing Sons of Faeriell. The game is easy to learn and the rulebook is well-written, making it accessible for all levels of players.

What Makes It Fun

So, what makes this game so fun? Well, besides the exciting gameplay and immersive world, I have to say it’s the social aspect that really elevates the experience. Playing with friends or family, strategizing and competing against each other, creates a fun and lively atmosphere that can’t be beat.


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Kingdomino masterfully combines simplicity with a dash of strategic depth. It won the prestigious Spiel des Jahres in 2017, an award recognizing excellence in board game design. 


In Kingdomino, you take on the role of lords seeking new lands to expand your kingdoms. The game is played over several rounds, with each player selecting tiles that depict various types of terrains like forests, lakes, and wheat fields. Each tile also contains zero, one, or multiple crowns, which are crucial for scoring. The core objective is to build a contiguous 5×5 grid that maximizes the number of points scored through clever tile placement and territory expansion.

Game Mechanics

The mechanics are straightforward yet require strategic foresight. Players select tiles from a common pool, with tile selection order based on the previous round’s choices, adding a tactical layer of deciding between a desirable tile and an advantageous position in the next round’s tile draft. Scoring involves multiplying the size of each contiguous terrain type by the number of crowns it contains. Thus, a large area without crowns might not score as much as a smaller, crown-rich region.

What Makes It Fun

The game is easy to learn, making it accessible to families and casual players, and retains enough depth to keep one engaged. The variable setup of each game ensures a fresh experience every time, encouraging one to adapt strategies. The game plays quickly, usually within 15 to 20 minutes, making it an excellent choice for a light, enjoyable gaming session.

Who Will Enjoy Kingdomino?

Kingdomino is ideal for a wide array of players. Families can enjoy it due to its easy-to-understand nature and quick playtime, making it suitable for children and adults alike. 



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Diced Cheese

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‘Diced Cheese’ is a strategic board game that involves rolling dice and collecting different types of cheese to build your own personal cheese empire. I

How to Play

With a combination of luck and strategy, players must roll dice and use the numbers to collect different types of cheese from the board. The catch? Each type of cheese has a different value and can only be collected using specific combinations of dice rolls.

But that’s not all, there are also special action cards that players can use to sabotage their opponents or enhance their own gameplay. These cards add an extra layer of excitement and unpredictability to the game, making each round unique and enjoyable.

Who Can Play

‘Diced Cheese’ may seem like a simple game at first glance, but once you start playing, you realize that there is so much more to it. It requires strategic thinking and quick decision-making skills, making it perfect for players of all ages and levels of experience.

Diced Cheese has never failed for a fun and entertaining evening. The game is suitable for anyone who enjoys a good mix of luck and strategy in their games.

What Makes It Fun

But what truly makes ‘Diced Cheese’ stand out from other board games is the element of humour that runs throughout the entire gameplay. From the punny names of the cheese types to the hilarious action cards, this game never fails to make me and my fellow players laugh out loud.


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Sushi Go Party!

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Assembling the best sushi platter is the goal of Sushi Go Party, a card-drafting game.  It is a 2-8 player game and each round takes between 15 to 20 minutes.

Carefully select your sushi dishes and collect points in different categories such as most maki rolls or most sashimi.  At the end of each round, the highest score player wins.

What are the game mechanics behind the Sushi Go Party card game?

Each player is dealt a hand of cards. On your turn, you pick a card from your hand and pass the rest to the next player in turn order. You score points based the types of sushi collected during that round as well as bonus point opportunities such as collecting a full set of sashimi or having the most nigiri. The game ends after the final round and the one with the most points is the winner. The rules are simple and the pace is quick, making Sushi Go Party a fun, family-friendly card game for all ages.

Sushi go! Party also allows you customize each game by choosing a la carte from a menu of more than 20 delectable dishes. You can also tweak the playing difficulty of the game. There are more cards and more opportunities to build your strategy.

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The Chameleon

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The Chameleon is an exciting board game that brilliantly combines strategy, luck, and a touch of deceit. It’s best played with 3 to 8 players, and the main objective is to identify the Chameleon – the crafty imposter hiding among you – while also mastering the art of subtlety.

In this game, all players, except for one called the Chameleon, are given a secret word to describe in a round. Each player describes the word, trying to be vague enough to confuse the Chameleon, but clear enough to convince the other players that they are innocent.

Meanwhile, the Chameleon must try to figure out the secret word based on the other players’ cryptic clues while pretending to understand and agree with what’s being said. It’s a simple yet intriguing premise that makes for an exciting and suspenseful game.

With gameplay usually wrapping up in a brisk 15 minutes, The Chameleon is the perfect fit for those casual gaming sessions. If you’re a gamer who savors the thrill of outwitting your friends or enjoys the challenge of solving riddles under pressure, then The Chameleon will be a delightful addition to your game night.


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Chicken! is as straightforward as it gets. Just roll some dice, press your luck, and try to score the most points (a.k.a chickens)! The first player to hit 25 points is the ultimate winner.

Chicken! Gameplay and Mechanics

There are white, yellow, and orange dice with either blank, chicken, fox, or egg sides. 

When you begin a turn, you decide if you want to roll the dice pool or Chicken Out!

If you decide to roll, you roll 4 white dice and any other added dice from previous turns and set aside any chickens or foxes rolled.  Chicken dice can help you score points, while foxes can take away your points. The remaining empty white dice are kept in the dice pool

Rolling an egg 
If you roll an egg, you add yellow or orange dice (these have more sides of chickens as well as foxes) to the dice pool. Yellow and orange dice have higher chances of chickens but also higher risks of getting foxes.

Decide to re-roll or count your chickens
If you re-roll, you take the risk to gain more chickens or lose all of them if you get 3 foxes.  If you count your chickens, you score the chickens you rolled.

After the re-roll and you do not get the deadly foxes to bust, start counting your chickens and scoring. Add new dice, if you rolled eggs. Your turn ends and you pass your dice pool to the next player.

Chicken Out!

If you decide to chicken out, you return any orange or yellow dice and roll 4 white dice.

Win when you score 25 points!

Why Chicken! is fun!

What makes Chicken! truly brilliant is that you’re not only pushing your luck, but you’re also putting pressure on your opponents. The more dice you add to the pool, the riskier it becomes for them to roll three foxes and lose their turn. You have the option to roll once, add new dice, and pass a stack of 12 dice to your opponent, forcing them to sweat it out. It’s a subtle way to impact the gameplay and add another layer of strategy.

 Chicken! is an absolute blast. It’s not a game for deep strategy or calculated decisions. It’s a game that challenges you not to chicken out and roll those dice. No matter what, it’s guaranteed to bring laughter and excitement to the table.

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Roll Crawl

Roll Crawl is not your average Monopoly or Scrabble. It’s a unique and exciting experience that will have you rolling dice and crawling through dungeons in no time.

How to Play

So, what exactly makes Roll Crawl so special? Well, first of all, the gameplay is easy to understand and incredibly fun. The goal is simple – be the first player to reach the end of the dungeon and defeat the final boss. But getting there won’t be a walk in the park.

Throughout the game, you’ll encounter various obstacles and challenges that will require you to use strategy and luck. And that brings me to the game mechanics. Roll Crawl is a dice-based game, which means that luck plays a big role in your success. But don’t worry, there’s also plenty of room for strategy and decision making.

Each player gets their own character with unique abilities and stats, adding another layer of complexity to the game. You’ll have to carefully plan your moves and use your character’s strengths to your advantage. And let me tell you, there’s nothing more satisfying than defeating a tough enemy with a clever move.

Who Can Play

But what type of audience would enjoy Roll Crawl? Well, I’d say it’s perfect for anyone who loves fantasy and adventure. If you’re a fan of RPGs or dungeon-crawling video games, then this board game is right up your alley. It’s also great for groups of friends or families looking for a fun and engaging game night activity.

What Makes It Fun

And what makes Roll Crawl so much fun? For me, it’s the perfect combination of luck, strategy, and role-playing. The game never gets dull or repetitive because there are endless possibilities and outcomes. Plus, the added element of competition with your friends adds an extra layer of excitement.

King of Tokyo

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‘King of Tokyo’ is an exhilarating game that marries luck and strategy and is perfect for all kinds of gamers.

Gameplay Mechanics

In ‘King of Tokyo’, you take on the role of gigantic monsters vying to become the supreme ruler of Tokyo. The game is a strategic dice-rolling board game that combines elements of luck and decision-making. The main goal is simple: either crush your opponents or take control of Tokyo, and hold it for the sweet taste of victory. 

Players roll dice to gain points, energy, heal, and attack. Each number rolled corresponds to an action, and the player can choose to keep certain dice and re-roll the rest, Yahtzee-style. The strategic twist comes in the form of card purchases; you can use energy you have collected to buy power-ups that improve your monster. These can range from one-time use items to lasting abilities that can carry a monster to victory.

Fun Factor

The fun in ‘King of Tokyo’ comes from the variety of gameplay elements that keep every session fresh and engaging. The game is simple to learn yet provides a depth that keeps you coming back for more. Whether you’re aggressively taking out your rivals, hunkering down to heal, or trying to reach victory points, every decision has a consequence. 

The game also possesses colorful artwork, solid components, and a quick pace. The graphics and the quality of the game pieces provide a great game experience. 

‘King of Tokyo’  appeals to those looking for a strategic yet accessible game.  Casual gamers will find ‘King of Tokyo’ a fun way to enjoy gameplay without the need for extensive rules and long play times.

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The Mind

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Everyone is buzzing about The Mind, an ingenious, addictive, and ridiculously fun game There are simple rules, but surviving every level isn’t easy… Cards from 1 to 100. You and your friends must play the cards ascending. Easy enough? Imagine not being able to speak or communicate. Seems impossible? As you and your friends play together, the trick of the Mind is just how good you will become. Create unspoken language of knowing glances and furrowed brows by reading each other’s tells.

Mice and Mystics

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In Mice and Mystics, players take on the roles of those still loyal to the king – but to escape the clutches of Vanestra, they have been turned into mice! Play as cunning field mice who must race through a castle now twenty times larger than before. The castle would be a dangerous place with Vanestra’s minions in control, but now countless other terrors also await heroes who are but the size of figs. Play as nimble Prince Collin and fence your way past your foes, or try Nez Bellows, the burly smith. Confound your foes as the wizened old mouse Maginos, or protect your companions as Tilda, the castle’s former healer. Every player will have a vital role in the quest to warn the king, and it will take careful planning to find Vanestra’s weakness and defeat her. Mice and Mystics is a cooperative adventure game in which the players work together to save an imperiled kingdom. They will face countless adversaries such as rats, cockroaches, and spiders, and of course the greatest of all horrors: the castle’s housecat, Brodie. Mice and Mystics is a boldly innovative game that thrusts players into an ever-changing, interactive environment, and features a rich storyline that the players help create as they play the game. The Cheese System allows players to hoard the crumbs of precious cheese they find on their journey, and use it to bolster their mice with grandiose new abilities and overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. Mice and Mystics will provide any group of friends with an unforgettable adventure they will be talking about for years to come – assuming they can all squeak by… Expansion advice: For those who have expansions for this game the recommended order by the game designer for playing them is as follows (see original post HERE): Sorrow and Remembrance (Base game) Cat’s Cradle (Lost Chapter 1) Heart of Glorm The Ghost of Castle Andon (Lost Chapter 2) Downwood Tales Portents of Importance (Lost Chapter 3), connected to the story in Tail Feathers

Letters from Whitechapel

Get ready to enter the poor and dreary Whitechapel district in London 1888 – the scene of the mysterious Jack the Ripper murders – with its crowded and smelly alleys, hawkers, shouting merchants, dirty children covered in rags who run through the crowd and beg for money, and prostitutes – called “the wretched” – on every street corner.

The board game Letters from Whitechapel, which plays in 90-150 minutes, takes the players right there. One player plays Jack the Ripper, and his goal is to take five victims before being caught. The other players are police detectives who must cooperate to catch Jack the Ripper before the end of the game. The game board represents the Whitechapel area at the time of Jack the Ripper and is marked with 199 numbered circles linked together by dotted lines. During play, Jack the Ripper, the Policemen, and the Wretched are moved along the dotted lines that represent Whitechapel’s streets. Jack the Ripper moves stealthily between numbered circles, while policemen move on their patrols between crossings, and the Wretched wander alone between the numbered circles.

Cash n Guns 2nd Edition

In an abandoned warehouse a gangster band is splitting its loot, but they can’t agree on the split! It’s time to let the guns talk and soon everyone is aiming at everyone. The richest surviving gangster wins the game!

Ca$h ‘n Guns helps you relive the best scenes of your favorite gangster movies. The goal is to have more money than anyone else after eight rounds while still being alive.

Each round, one player is the Boss, and he controls the pace of play. First, loot cards are revealed on the table to show what’s up for grabs. Next, players load their guns by secretly selecting either a “Bang!” or a “Click! Click!” card from their hand. The Boss counts to three, and on “Three” each player points his foam gun at someone else; due to his status, the Boss can tell one player who’s pointing a gun at him that he needs to point it in another direction. After a pause to observe threats and measure the seriousness in an opponent’s eyes, the Boss counts to three again and anyone who doesn’t want to risk getting shot can chicken out and remove themselves from the round.

Everyone who’s pointing a gun at someone still in the round now reveals their card, and anyone who’s the target of a “Bang!” takes a wound marker and gets none of the available loot. Starting with the Boss, everyone still in the round takes one loot card at a time from the table — money, diamonds, paintings, the position of Boss, medical care (to remove a wound), or a new bullet (to add a “Bang!” card to your hand) — until everything has been claimed.

After eight rounds, the game ends. Whoever has the most diamonds receives a big bonus, and paintings score based on the number of them that you’ve collected. Whoever has the most valuable stash wins!

Axis & Allies

Axis and Allies is the most successful of Milton Bradley’s Gamemaster series.

It depicts WWII on a grand scale, full global level. Up to five players can play on two different teams. The Axis which has Germany and Japan, and the Allies which has the USA, the United Kingdom, and the USSR. A full map of the world is provided, broken up in various chunks similar to Risk. The game comes with gobs of plastic miniatures that represent various military units during WWII. Players have at their disposal infantry, armor, fighters, bombers, battleships, aircraft carriers, submarines, troop transports, anti-air guns, and factories. All of the units perform differently and many have special functions. Players have to work together with their teammates in order to coordinate offenses and decide how best to utilize their production points. Players also have the option of risking production resources on the possibility of developing a super technology that might turn the tide of war.

Axis and Allies was originally published by Nova Games in 1981.


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Kahuna is a 3 round, 2 player board game played on a board depicting twelve islands. The objective of this game is to place your bridges and destroy opponent’s via card-play to take control of the 12 islands. By obtaining the majority of bridges around an island, you are able to place one marker stone on it and remove any of your opponent’s bridges to that island which may consequently cause them to lose a bridge majority on an adjacent island and lose a marker stone there. Points are scored for each island with a marker stone on it. The game ends when a player has absolutely NO bridges left on the board.
Game play consists of:
1. Playing Island Cards
2. Controlling Islands: Placing Kahuna Tokens
3. Removing Kahuna Bridges
4. Drawing an Island Card

Shadow Hunters

Shadow Hunters is a survival board game set in a devil-filled forest in which three groups of characters—the Shadows, creatures of the night; the Hunters, humans who try to destroy supernatural creatures; and the Neutrals, civilians caught in the middle of this ancient battle—struggle against each other to survive.

You belong to one of these groups and must conceal your identity from others since you don’t know whom you can trust—at least not initially. Over time, though, someone might decipher who you are through your actions or through Hermit cards, or you might even reveal yourself to use your special ability.

The key to victory is to identify your allies and enemies early because once your identity is revealed, your enemies will attack with impunity using their special abilities like Demolish, Teleport, and Suck Blood or their equipment cards such as the Rusty Broad Ax or Fortune Brooch. This ancient battle comes to a head and only one group will stand victorious—or a civilian, in the right circumstances, might claim victory.

The 2011 edition of Shadow Hunters from Z-Man Games includes the Shadow Hunters Expansion, a set of ten new characters previously sold separately.

Chicago Express

John Bohrer’s Chicago Express is an innovative new boardgame with no luck factor. Chicago Express was originally released in a limited format by Winsome Games as Wabash Cannonball and it was the first game in Winsome’s Historic Railroads System.

In the game the B&O, C&O, Pennsylvania and New York Central railroads drive from the East Coast across the growing eastern US to Chicago. Smaller, more aggressive railroads like the Wabash spring up to further expand America’s extensive railroads. The sharpest railroad executives vie for the maximum return on their investment in this business game lasting about one hour.

A session of Chicago Express is played over a maximum of 8 rounds. In each round, the players take turns choosing one of three available actions:
– auctioning a share of one of the railroad companies
– expanding the rail system of one of the railroad companies
– develop one of the board’s hexes
Of each of those actions only a limited number is available.

As soon as all available actions of two options are taken, a dividend phase is executed, where all players gain income from the railroad companies they have shares of.
After this dividend phase, the number of actions is reset and a new round begins.

The game ends after 8 rounds or if one of the following conditions is met:
– 3 or more companies have no more locomotives
– 3 or more companies have no more shares
– The general supply contains only 3 houses or fewer

The player with the most money wins.

Dragon’s Breath

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On one of their expeditions the dragon children Mira, Feo, Luna and Diego discover an unusual sparkling treasure: a column of ice with sparkling stones frozen inside it. They want to take the treasure back to their cave. But unfortunately the column of ice is too heavy. The only thing they can do is to melt it. But breathing fire isn’t as easy as it sounds. Instead of fire they only manage hot air. Then the four of them have an idea: they’ll get their dad to help. And it works! Dad’s fire breathing starts melting the column, and little by little the sparkling stones start falling out. The dragon children quickly collect the valuable treasures, and take them back to their cave. With a little luck even dad will get a few sparkling stones! Which dragon child will collect the most sparkling stones in their cave by the end of the game?

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20 Second Showdown

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It’s time for two teams to go head-to-head in a fast and furious game of silly challenges. Flip the timer, and let’s go!

How to Play

The goal is simple – be the first team to complete ten challenges and you win! But here’s the catch, each challenge must be completed in just 20 seconds. Sounds easy? Trust me, it’s not as simple as it seems.

The game mechanics are what make this game truly unique and exhilarating. The challenges range from acting out a scene to drawing a picture blindfolded, making for an unpredictable and hilarious gameplay experience. And just when you think you have it figured out, the timer adds a whole new level of pressure and intensity.

Who Can Play

This game can be played with family, friends and even strangers, never failing to bring laughter into any group. The type of audience who might enjoy this game are those who love a good challenge, don’t mind making a fool of themselves and enjoy some light-hearted competition.

What Makes It Fun

But what truly makes this game fun is the opportunity to let loose and have a good time with those around you. It’s not about winning or losing, it’s about creating unforgettable memories and having a blast while doing it.

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Nations: The Dice Game

From the humble beginnings of civilization through the historical ages of progress, mankind has lived, fought and built together in nations. Great nations protect and provide for their own, while fighting and competing against both other nations and nature itself. Nations must provide food as the population increases, build a productive economy, and amaze the world with their great achievements to build up their heritage as the greatest nations in the history of mankind!

Nations: The Dice Game is a game for 1-4 players that takes 10-15 minutes per player and shares many concepts with the civilization-building game Nations while still offering its own challenges. The game is played over four ages (four rounds). During each round, players take turns until all have passed. The available actions are:

Buy a tile
Build a wonder
Reroll some or all your dice

Buildings and military provide dice. Colonies and wonders provide resources and victory points. Advisors provide rerolls. New tiles provide benefits immediately, so you can roll new dice at once.

At the end of each round, War and Famine drawn at the start of the round is checked for each player, giving you victory points if you match or beat the values. Books are accumulated and scored. Player order is checked, with high military strength going first in the next round. At the end of the game, whoever has the most victory points wins.


Pictomania is a drawing game in which everyone is both drawing and guessing at the same time, giving a chance for those who excel only at one or the other skill to crush the dreams of other players.

Pictomania lasts five rounds, and at the start of each round, you set up six randomly drawn cards on card racks visible to all players. Cards are double-sided, come in four levels of difficulty, and include seven related words on a single side. In addition to a set of guessing cards, scoring tokens, marker and drawing board, each player receives one symbol card and one number card, which together indicate which word or phrase on the revealed cards that player must draw. Bonus tokens equal to one less than the number of players are placed in the center of the table.

Players simultaneously look at their cards and start to draw. While drawing, they can also watch what others are doing and place a guess card on that player’s stack. Only one guess per player is allowed, and once you make a guess, you can’t change your mind. Other players will ideally be playing guess cards on your stack, too. Once you have finished drawing and guessing – and you’re not required to do either – take the highest-valued bonus token from the center of the table and take no other actions. Once the final bonus token is claimed, the round ends.

One by one, players reveal what they were drawing and the guesses that others made. Those who guess your word earn one of your scoring tokens, with early guessers earning more points, while those who guess incorrectly have their card placed in the center of the table. Once all the guesses are resolved, you determine the black sheep – the player who made the worst guesses. If a single player has more cards in the center of the table then anyone else, then his bonus token (if any) counts as negative points. What’s more, if no one guessed your word, then you throw away your bonus token, scoring nothing for it. You sum positive points for the round (a bonus token scored, and scoring tokens from the words you guessed correctly), then subtract points for the black sheep “bonus” and all the scoring tokens you didn’t give away to determine your final score for the round, which could be negative.

Reset the bonus and scoring tokens, set up six new cards, hand out the symbol and number cards and start another round. The player with the highest score after five rounds wins.

Unsolved Case Files: Jamie Banks

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With Unsolved Case Files, you become a cold case detective trying to solve a murder that happened decades ago using only the original investigator’s case file. Can you find out who killed Jamie Banks on November 20, 1992? Check out your detective skills in Unsolved Case Files.

CRACK THE CASE BY SOLVING THREE MYSTERIES – This cold case murder mystery game requires you to find three clues. The first thing you need to do is prove that Jamie wasn’t alone when she fell. Finally, disprove a key suspect’s alibi and identify the clue that will lead you to the real killer. The game requires you to solve three mysteries in order to play.

Over 50 evidence photos and documents are included in this unsolved case file game, including newspaper articles, crime scene photos, evidence reports, coroners reports, class photos, school newspapers, suspect interrogations, witness statements, character photographs, and much more. There is nothing real about this mystery game, but it will make you feel like a real cold-case detective.

To progress through each step of the case, you’ll need to go to an online answer page that requires you to prove you cracked it. You can keep investigating if you don’t have the answer right without being spoiled by the correct answer.

A great challenge for teens and adults who enjoy murder mysteries. PERFECT FOR INDIVIDUALS, COUPLES, GROUPS AND PARTIES. Working together to solve this mystery is a great way for couples to escape boring date nights. Also perfect for dinner parties or family gatherings, this adult mystery game is fun and easy to play. Play Unsolved Case Files with your partner, friends, or family and experience a unique game experience.

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Risk 2210 A.D.

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Is there a new world leader on the horizon? There is war in the world. Your people’s destiny is in your hands as the leader of one of the warring factions. Your forces must be marshaled on earth and above, your troops must be sent forth, your commanders must be hired, and your enemies must be crushed. If you dare, build alliances, but also be cautious of people you call “friends”. Don’t waste your energy. You can conquer the world and beyond if you enlist the right commanders and give them the right commands. Avalon Hill’s advanced version of risk features more strategic play and extends the game theme 200 years into the future when the world is at war. In addition to over 450 military pieces, the game contains five decks of tactical command cards. Two to five players can play the game.

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Disney The Haunted Mansion Call of the Spirits

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Gain points by collecting matching sets of ghost cards from the Happy Haunts.

From the Ballroom to the Attic to the Graveyard and beyond, explore all the classic rooms of the ghost-infested manor.

You should beware of the Hitchhiking Ghosts, which are notorious for “following you home”!

Rotate the Endless Hallway around Madame Leota’s Séance Room and collect Ghost cards, each worth a different amount of points.

Avoid Haunt cards to avoid losing points.

A simple and fun family game for ages 9 and above. The detail from the box to the art on the cards are phenomenal! As a filler game for gamers’ game nights, I consider it to be on the upper end of the “light game” category. The decisions are interesting, but not too taxing to lead to analysis paralysis. In addition, there are multiple paths to victory.

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It’s in the bag!

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A party card game like no other! 🎉 If you enjoy charades and word guessing games, you’re going to love It’s in The Bag. 

How to Play

The goal of It’s in the Bag is pretty straightforward – you need to correctly guess items from different categories without seeing them. The game is played in three rounds, each with increasing difficulty and points. In the first round, players can use any words to describe the item on their card, while in the second round they are limited to only one word. And finally, in the third round, players can only act out the item without using any words. This added challenge makes for some hilarious moments and brings out everyone’s creative side.

One of the things that I love about It’s in the Bag is its fast-paced gameplay. Each round only lasts 60 seconds, so you need to think quickly and act fast. The game also allows for a lot of flexibility, as you can choose to play with more or fewer rounds depending on the time you have. Additionally, there are extra rule cards included that add a fun twist to the game, such as having to use a different accent while describing an item.

Who Can Play

While It’s in the Bag is suitable for players of all ages, I would say it’s best enjoyed by adults and older teenagers. The game requires a bit of creativity and wit, so it might not be as appealing to younger children. It’s also perfect for groups of friends or family gatherings, as it encourages interaction and laughter.

What Makes It Fun

What sets It’s in the Bag apart from other party games is its ability to bring people together and create memorable moments. I have played this game with a variety of people, and it never fails to get everyone laughing and having a good time. It’s also great for breaking the ice in new groups or getting to know your friends and family in a different way.

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Kenny G: Keepin’ It Saxy Game

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Kenny G: Keepin’ It Saxy is a cooperative game from Big G Creative for 2-5 players. The goal of Keepin’ It Saxxy is to get Kenny G to the end of his day without losing his groove. Cooperate with other players to play sound cards to get through events and make it to the end of the day.

Keep Kenny G in the groove with the power of jazz! Throughout a hectic day, players work together to make sure Kenny stays smooth and saxy. Each round requires players to play sound cards to help Kenny overcome uncool events, detangle his luscious locks, and avoid rush hour traffic without missing a beat. Why isn’t jazz playing in the elevator? With a “Biddle Scoodily Bop” you can get Kenny back in the groove and keep him smooth and saxy.

Royally Screwed

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Royally Screwed is a cult-favorite drinking game with a competitive edge! The More The Merrier: Whether you play with 3 or 20 players, this game is fun for everyone regardless of age.

Grab your favorite beverage and then go around in a circle, drawing cards from the top. Some cards are hand cards, which you can use later on in the game, some are quick drink cards that prompt someone to drink immediately, and some are mini-game cards that trigger quick-fire games with a drink as punishment! Several bomb cards in the deck trigger big drinks, including the ultra-rare Royally Screwed. Play until you’re sufficiently screwed.

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Trap other pieces between your own to capture them, but be aware that the opponent may do the same. Pieces will change sides (colors) dozens of times. The winner is the one with the most pieces when no more pieces can be played on the board. In Hong Kong, an advertising campaign by Texwood for its Apple Jeans involved the use of Othello sets, retitled Ping Guo Qi (Apple Chess). The sucess of the campaign raised the popularity of the game, and Ping Guo Qi or Apple Chess has since become an alternative name for Hei Bai Qi (Black and White Chess), the more traditional name for the game. Goro Hasegawa changed Setup of Reversi a bit and renamed it as Othello inspired from Shakespeare’s play.

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Clue: Card Game

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If you’re not familiar with Clue, it’s a game where players act as detectives to solve a murder case. However, there’s a twist – one of the players is secretly the murderer!

So how does Clue card game version work?

The game comes with a deck of cards that represent different suspects, weapons, and locations. These cards are then shuffled and distributed among the players, along with a set of clue cards that reveal the details of the murder. The rest of the game involves players using deduction and strategy to figure out which combination of suspect, weapon, and location is the correct one.

In addition to solving the murder, players also have their own personal objectives to accomplish. These objectives vary from collecting a specific number of clue cards to uncovering the secret passage. This adds an additional level of thrill and competition to the game.

Game is suitable for both kids and adults

It’ss perfect for anyone who loves mystery and strategy games. It’s also great for families as it can accommodate 3-6 players, making it a fun group activity for game nights. And let’s not forget, it’s also suitable for all ages – from kids to adults.

What makes Clue Card Game Version fun?

irstly, the element of mystery and deduction keeps you on the edge of your seat as you try to figure out who the murderer is. Secondly, the personal objectives add a unique twist and keep the game interesting for repeated plays. And lastly, the fast-paced gameplay and short rounds make it perfect for a quick game session.

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Shear Panic

The second game from Fragor Games, featuring a flock of sheep and their attempts to be in the right place at the right time. Much gambolling, some tupping, lots of shearing.

Publisher Blurb:

“‘The Best Game Ewe Ever Herd!’

Ah, do ewe long for the life of a sheep? Bright summer days filled with games of tag and attempts to flock closer to Roger, the Heartthrob Ram? But, Watch Out! The shearer wants to drag you away from all the fun and games!

In Shear Panic, ewe maneuver your ewes to score points, playing tag, standing close to Roger, or trying to avoid the shearing scissors! Will your brave sheep score the most points, or will it be “Off with the wool” for ewe?”

The game includes eleven small figurines (which are somewhat fragile): Two each of four different colors, one black, one ‘Roger’, and one ‘Shearer’. Also included are four player mats in different colors; a timing/scoring mat; 48 mutton buttons in four colors; four scoring markers; one flock marker; and two special six-sided dice.

There are two separate play areas: The one where the flock of sheep figurines are clustered; and the combination timing/scoring mat. (The timing mat is two-sided for 3 or 4 players.) Actions by the players each turn cause the timing marker to move faster or slower through each of the four fields, and the scoring is different in each field.

Field 1 is Team Tag. Players score higher for keeping their sheep closer together. Field 2 is Roger’s Field, where players score more the closer they are to Roger (the ram). Field 3 is Black Sheep Tag, and players score higher the closer they are to the black sheep. Field 4 is the Shear Panic Field, and the row of sheep closest to the shearer figure are eliminated each turn, while the remainder are scored individually. The timing marker indicates which Field the sheep are currently “in”.

Players have a total of twelve actions they may take during the course of the game, and as each one is used, a “mutton button” is placed over it, eliminating it from future use. Also, the more powerful the action, the farther (faster) the timing marker will move. If the timing marker lands on a red spot, the active player executes a free “lamb slam” by rolling the Panic Die and moving a sheep of the color rolled one space in any direction. If the Panic Die rolls white, the entire flock does a “ewe turn” ninety degrees in a direction of the active player’s choice.

Since all the player mats are visible to everyone, players need to keep an eye on what moves are still available to their opponents.

The game is intended for three or four players, but rules for a two-player variant are included.

Starting player is the person who most recently was sheared (had their hair cut).

Tac Tac Jack

There are two very different versions of Toc Toc Woodman, and also a third edition named Click Clack Lumberjack which makes minor additions to the second edition of Toc Toc Woodman. In each version, the object of the game revolves around using a plastic axe to tap a tree made out of individual flat segments without causing any segments to fall out of the tree.

Tok Tok Woodman First edition:
A very simple dexterity game with 12 large wooden discs, a wooden axe, and a die. The discs are stacked as a tower. A player turn consists of rolling the die and then hitting the tower with the axe. For example, if you roll a five, you have to hit the fifth disc five times with the axe. The player causing the tower to fall loses.

Toc Toc Woodman Second edition:
A dexterity game where nine plastic tree segments are stacked up. Each tree segment has four bark sections around it. On their turn, a player gets two taps with the axe to try and knock off pieces of bark from the tree segments for one point a piece. But be careful, if a tree segment comes down it’s minus 5 points! A quick unique dexterity game.

Click Clack Lumberjack First edition:
Very similar to Toc Toc Woodman Second edition, but adds some optional grub stickers which you may apply to bark pieces in order to add various rules for the grub. Also comes in smaller, more portable packaging and at a lower price point.

Tongiaki: Journey into the Unknown

The game of seafaring adventure in ancient Polynesia!

Tongiaki is a tile-laying game that reflects the risks and successes of these early explorers. There is often a chance that an expedition will end in utter failure… or, it might land in Tahiti, Fiji, or Oahu. Clever players might even found Royal Islands to call their own! Only fate will decide if, and where, sailors make landfall, although careful planning will give players the best odds for ever seeing land again. The goal of the game is to spread your “tribe” to many different islands in order to gain the most victory points. Islands have victory point values from 2-5, and having multiple pawns on an island gives no bonus.

This game uses a unique tile design never seen in any other game (hexes with wavy edges), and is easy to explain and easy to enjoy. Players all begin on the island of Tonga, and immediate overcrowding forces players to search out other islands to populate. For each expedition that leaves, a new tile is placed, revealing either an island, or a “water path” that may or may not have a number from 2-4, indicating that many different players (not number of boats) must make up that expedition for it to survive the voyage (draw and place an additional tile). In this way, the game encourages both cooperative and competitive play at the same time.

From the back of the box:

300AD: The Polynesians embark on daring sailing trips and explore thousands of Pacific islands. Driven by overpopulation and a desire for adventure, they set forth into the unknown on simple catamarans called Tongiakis. Without any help from navigational instruments, they charted their course with the help of the sun, stars, wind and water temperature. Birds, reefs, cloud formations, fishes and distinctive waves were the signals telling them that land lay nearby. Each trip became a life-threatening journey, as landfall was often impossible to achieve or the way home became cut off by strong currents. Suspense was their constant companion. Will the next hour, the next day bring them to their goal… Or will the ocean’s currents force them to drift endlessly at sea?

Description from Uberplay’s web site:

While originally designed to be somewhat cooperative, it can easily be played ‘aggressively’ in such a way as to rob other players of points and diminishing their presence on the board. The movement of pieces reaches a point where a ‘triggered cascade’ can alter the game drastically. Trying to foresee and select expansion moves leads to a weighty-er game than suggested at first glance.

Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord

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The Lich Lord has returned! And he has released the dead from their wormy graves. Now these undead hordes are stalking the land. The call has gone out for great heroes to stop this evil plague…are you brave enough to enter the deadly Tomb of the Lich Lord?

Each Dungeoneer set is a stand-alone card game for 2 to 4 players, that may be combined with other sets for more dungeon-delving fun! You take on the role of a hero attempting to complete a series of quests, while the other players act as the Dungeonlord on their turns, directing perils against you. Dungeoneer also features a “campaign” mode that lets one player take the role of the Dungeonlord and the other players participate as heroes, much like a traditional roleplaying game.


The world of Gloom is a sad and benighted place. The sky is gray, the tea is cold, and a new tragedy lies around every corner. Debt, disease, heartache, and packs of rabid flesh-eating mice—just when it seems like things can’t get any worse, they do. But some say that one’s reward in the afterlife is based on the misery endured in life. If so, there may yet be hope—if not in this world, then in the peace that lies beyond.

In the Gloom card game, you assume control of the fate of an eccentric family of misfits and misanthropes. The goal of the game is sad, but simple: you want your characters to suffer the greatest tragedies possible before passing on to the well-deserved respite of death. You’ll play horrible mishaps like Pursued by Poodles or Mocked by Midgets on your own characters to lower their Self-Worth scores, while trying to cheer your opponents’ characters with marriages and other happy occasions that pile on positive points. The player with the lowest total Family Value wins.

Printed on transparent plastic cards, Gloom features an innovative design by noted RPG author Keith Baker. Multiple modifier cards can be played on top of the same character card; since the cards are transparent, elements from previously played modifier cards either show through or are obscured by those played above them. You’ll immediately and easily know the worth of every character, no matter how many modifiers they have. You’ve got to see (through) this game to believe it!

Each of the three expansions for Gloom adds one more player, thus with all three expansions, this should be playable with seven players.

Catch Phrase!

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Catch Phrase: The Hilarious Word Board Game for Everyone!

What’s not to love about a game that brings people together, makes them laugh and tests their quick thinking skills? If you’re looking for the perfect party or family game, look no further than Catch Phrase.

Gameplay and What Players Do

Catch Phrase is a fast-paced word-guessing game played in teams with an electronic device that displays the word or phrase. Players have to get their teammates to guess the word or phrase without saying it.

At the start of each round, one player from each team holds the device and tries to get their team to guess as many words as possible before the time runs out. Once a team correctly guesses a word, they pass the device to the opposing team’s next player, which continues until one team reaches a predetermined score.

Game Mechanics

What makes Catch Phrase so entertaining is its simple yet engaging game mechanics. With just one word or phrase as a clue, players have to come up with creative ways to help their team guess the word without saying it. This can result in hilarious moments as players struggle to find the right words or act out funny gestures to communicate the clue.

The game also has a built-in timer that adds an element of urgency and keeps players on their toes. Plus, with over 5,000 words and phrases included in the game, you’ll never run out of new and exciting clues to guess.

Suitable for Everyone

One of the best things about Catch Phrase is its inclusivity. It’s suitable for players of all ages, from kids to adults, making it a great choice for family game nights or parties with friends. The game doesn’t require any special skills or knowledge, so anyone can join in on the fun.

And don’t worry if you’re not the best at coming up with clues or guessing them. The game is all about having a good time and creating unforgettable memories with your loved ones.

What Makes it Fun

The combination of quick thinking, creativity, and laughter makes Catch Phrase an incredibly fun and addictive game. It’s perfect for breaking the ice at social gatherings or livening up a family game night. The fast-paced nature of the game also means that there’s never a dull moment, and you’ll find yourself eagerly waiting for your turn to play.

Additionally, Catch Phrase allows players to let loose and be silly without any pressure or judgement. So don’t be surprised if you find yourself laughing uncontrollably as your teammates try to act out a clue or when you come up with a ridiculous hint that makes everyone burst into laughter.

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Knock, Knock! Dungeon!

‘Knock, Knock! Dungeon!’ is a fun and fast-paced board game that combines elements of strategy, luck, and adventure. It’s designed for 2-4 players and recommended for ages 8 and up.

How to Play

Each player takes on the role of an adventurer who has been captured by the evil dungeon master, Zoltar. Your goal is to escape from the dungeon by collecting treasures and defeating monsters along the way.

To start, you’ll need to select your character. There are four different adventurers to choose from – a brave knight, a cunning rogue, a wise wizard, and a fierce barbarian. Each character has their unique strengths and abilities that will come in handy during the game.

Next, you’ll need to place your character on the board and roll the dice. The number rolled will determine how many steps your character can move around the dungeon. As you make your way through the maze-like corridors, you’ll encounter different obstacles that will either help or hinder your progress.

Who Can Play

Whether you’re a seasoned board gamer or just starting out, this game has something for everyone. It’s easy to learn, yet challenging enough to keep you on your toes. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good dungeon escape adventure?

What Makes It Fun

From secret passages and trapdoors to treasure chests and monster battles, there’s never a dull moment in this game. Plus, with so many different elements at play, each game is unique and unpredictable.



Pictionary: The Ultimate Drawing Game

If you’re someone who loves to draw or is looking for a fun and interactive game night activity, then Pictionary should definitely be on your list. This classic board game has been around since 1985 and has provided countless hours of laughter and entertainment for players of all ages.

Gameplay and What Players Do

The rules of Pictionary are simple. The game requires at least four players, divided into two teams. Each team selects a “picturist” and the remaining players become their teammates. The objective of the game is to guess what your picturist is drawing before time runs out.

The game begins with each team selecting a card from the deck, which contains various words or phrases to be drawn. The picturist then has 60 seconds to draw their word or phrase on the whiteboard without using any letters, numbers, or symbols. Meanwhile, their teammates must try to guess what is being drawn before time runs out. If the team successfully guesses the word or phrase, they move forward on the board.

Game Mechanics

Apart from drawing and guessing, there are also other game mechanics that make Pictionary even more exciting. If a team lands on a colored square on the board, they can choose to either take an “all play” card or roll the die for a challenge. The “all play” cards require both teams to work together to draw and guess a word within 60 seconds. On the other hand, the challenges may include drawing with your non-dominant hand or using only one continuous line.

Suitable for All Ages

One of the best things about Pictionary is that it’s suitable for players of all ages. Whether you’re a child or an adult, everyone can have a chance to showcase their drawing skills and creativity. The game also doesn’t require any prior knowledge or skills, making it accessible to anyone who wants to join in on the fun.

What Makes It Fun

Pictionary is not just a game, it’s an experience. The element of surprise and unpredictability keeps players engaged and constantly laughing. Some drawings may be incredibly accurate while others may be downright hilarious, leading to endless entertainment for all involved. Additionally, the game encourages players to be creative and think outside the box, making it a great way to exercise your imagination.

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Monopoly: Ultimate Banking

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Monopoly has been replaced by a modern banking version of Monopoly! Touch technology allows players to instantly buy properties, set rent, and tap their way to fortune.

  • Transact instantly with the banking unit!
  • Introducing Event cards and Location spaces!
  • Rental rates are adjustable!
  • Auctions can be held for properties!
  • Players have bank cards that track their wealth!

The game takes about 30 minutes to complete, with players able to buy properties and set rent instantly. Location cards and Event cards replace Chance cards and Community Chest cards. But players can still go to jail! The rent may be raised or lowered, a player may earn or lose money, or get sent to jail. Location Spaces allow players to move anywhere on the board—including Boardwalk!

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Kids Against Maturity

A perfect enjoyable hilarious way to bring your family together, Kids Against Maturity combines the tried and tested fill-in-the-blank game-play.
Each player gets 10 white answer cards and takes turns asking the blue question cards. Answers are chosen by each question asker, and the player with the greatest number of amusing responses wins.
Most cards are funny and potty humor but some may not feel comfortable letting younger kids (less than 13) play. In these circumstances, you may want to remove some of these cards.
Still, its a great card game for families with older teens in the home.

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Put letters together and build words, add up your points and win! Using letter tiles with varying score values, players form interlocking words on the SCRABBLE® playing board. Getting the highest score is the goal. As players compete, they use their tiles in combinations and locations that maximize letter values and premium squares. Depending on the skill of the players, the combined total score may range from 400 to 800 points.

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Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares

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Lucidity Six-sided Nightmares is a dice collection and manipulation game for 2-4 players. Less than a minute to learn and 20-30 minutes to play. You fall into the dream realm when you close your eyes: a world of vivid hallucinations and dark monsters. To break the monsters’ hold on you, you must draw power from the dream realm. You draw dice randomly from a shared bag each turn. These are your dreams. To represent your chosen path through the dream realm, return two to the bag and roll the rest. Then, you must choose if you want to rest (and clear your card of one or two dreams) or try again and go deeper this time – rolling more dice each time. To win, you must roll 15 power symbols – freeing yourself from the dream world. You may become twisted and turned by the monsters if you collect too many of the wrong symbols. Your game will completely change if you become a Nightmare. If you want to win, you must consume the dreams of the remaining Dreamers, or send minions after them to prevent them from becoming more powerful than you. The strongest Nightmare wins if no one escapes. You cannot win without dreams. Without control, however, you may end up becoming the very thing you fear.

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Second Thoughts

Second Thoughts is a strategy-based board game that requires players to think quickly on their feet. The game is designed to be played in teams of two or more, making it perfect for family game nights or get-togethers with friends.

How to Play

The objective of the game is simple – each team must work together to come up with a word that fits a specific category and starts with the chosen letter. The catch is that you only have 30 seconds to do so! And to make things even more challenging, the chosen letter changes each round.

Who Can Play

Second Thoughts is suitable for a wide range of audiences. Whether you’re a seasoned board game player or new to the world of tabletop games, this one will surely keep you on your toes. It’s also great for people who enjoy word games and quick-thinking challenges.

What Makes it Fun

What I love the most about Second Thoughts is that it’s fast-paced and encourages teamwork. It’s a great way to bond with friends or family while also exercising your brain. Plus, it always leads to some hilarious moments when we come up with ridiculous answers under pressure.

Another aspect that adds to the fun factor is the element of surprise. With each round, the chosen letter can change, making it a new challenge every time. This keeps the game interesting and prevents it from becoming repetitive.


Munchkin Cthulhu

Munchkins have hacked their way through dungeons, kung fu temples, starships, haunted houses, and super-foes. Now they face their greatest challenge – Cthulhu! Will they survive? Will they retain their sanity? Will they…level up?

Munchkin Cthulhu is a standalone game in the Munchkin universe, this time lampooning Lovecraft’s Mythos and the horror gaming that surrounds it. This base game features four new Classes, including the Cultist, and a lot of classic monsters from outside reality – and they all have Stuff you can take from their twitching bodies. You can play Munchkin Cthulhu by itself, or combine it with any number of other Munchkin titles for mind-bending silliness.

Part of the Munchkin series.

Munchkin is a satirical card game based on the clichés and oddities of Dungeons and Dragons and other role-playing games. Each player starts at level 1 and the winner is the first player to reach level 10. Players can acquire familiar D&D style character classes during the game which determine to some extent the cards they can play.

There are two types of cards – treasure and encounters. Each turn the current players ‘kicks down the door’ – drawing an encounter card from the deck. Usually this will involve battling a monster. Monsters have their own levels and players must try and overcome it using the levels, weapons and powers they have acquired during the game or run away. Other players can chose to help the player or hinder by adding extra monsters to the encounter. Defeating a monster will usually result in drawing treasure cards and acquiring levels. Being defeated by a monster results in “bad stuff” which usually involves losing levels and treasure.

Dream Catcher

There is nothing worse than a nightmare to ruin a good night’s sleep! Utilize your observation skills to choose a cuddly toy that will cover the disruptive nightmare completely in Dream Catcher.

Dream Catcher is a board game for children aged 4 and up. Take a deep dive into your dreams, and then on each turn, select the right cuddly toy to completely cover the nightmare. Watch closely because the smaller your cuddly toy is, the more tokens it will bring you to fill your cloud!

UNO: Minecraft

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For those who are not familiar, ‘Uno Minecraft’ is a combination of the classic card game ‘Uno’ and the popular video game ‘Minecraft’. The objective remains the same – be the first player to get rid of all your cards. However, instead of using regular playing cards, you use cards with Minecraft characters and items on them.


The gameplay is very similar to traditional ‘Uno’, but with a Minecraft twist. Each player starts with seven cards and takes turns placing a card from their hand onto the discard pile, matching either the number or color of the top card. Special action cards such as Skip, Reverse, and Draw Two can also be used to add an extra layer of strategy.

One of the unique aspects of ‘Uno Minecraft’ is the use of wild cards. In traditional ‘Uno’, these cards allow you to change the color of play. But in ‘Uno Minecraft’, they also have special abilities that can completely change the course of the game. For example, the Enderman card forces the next player to draw until they get a green card. This adds an element of surprise and keeps the game interesting.

Is Uno Minecraft fun?

As someone who is not well-versed in either ‘Uno’ or ‘Minecraft’, I was worried that I would be at a disadvantage while playing ‘Uno Minecraft’. But to my surprise, it was quite the opposite. The familiarity of ‘Uno’ combined with the unpredictability of the Minecraft-themed cards made for an exciting and hilarious game.

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That’s what she said

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That’s what she said is designed for a party of at least 4 people. Each game takes around 30-60 minutes. 

Players draw 5 phrase cards into their hands. Players alternate to be the judge.

The Judge starts by choosing a red setup card and reading it out loud.

Everyone else chooses the funniest phrase card to match as a response to the setup card.

Read the setup and response card together while the rest burst into laughter! The judge selects the funniest pair!  

Be prepared for some kinky sexy responses!

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Cards Against Humanity

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Play begins when a judge, known as the “Card Czar”, chooses a black question or blank card from the top of the deck and shows it to all players. Each player holds a hand of ten white answer cards, and hands a face-down card (sometimes two) to the Card Czar representing their answer to the question. Card czars decide which answer (or answers) are funniest in light of the question.

As a reward, the player who submitted the chosen card(s) will receive an Awesome Point, then the player on the left will become the next Card Czar. Players continue to play until they agree to stop, at which point the player with the most Awesome Points wins.

You can poke fun at practically every taboo or awkward topic including race, religion, gender, poverty, torture, alcoholism, drugs, sex (why not? ), abortion, child abuse, celebrities, and those everyday little annoyances like “Expecting a burp and vomiting on the floor”. In addition, there are a few extra rules.

There are some questions that require the participant to pick two cards sequentially to complete the answer. These are called “Pick 2” questions. There is also a gambling component. Players who believe they have two possible winning answers to a question may bet a single Awesome Point to play a second answer. When the gambler wins, they retain the wager, but if they lose, the player who contributed the winning answer receives both points.

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Skip-Bo is the ultimate sequencing card game!
Players use skill and strategy to create sequencing stacks of cards in ascending order (2,3,4…).
The Skip-Bo “wild” cards add extra twists to keep the game interesting and help you beat your opponents.
The first player to use all the cards in their personal Stockpile wins!

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Disney Villainous Bigger and Badder

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With over a million copies sold worldwide, this award-winning line includes the animated classic Disney character Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone), along with two new Pixar villains Syndrome (The Incredibles) and Lotso (Toy Story 3).

Mix and Match Villains.

With Bigger and Badder on its own, you can play with two or three players, but you can also mix and match Villains from other Disney Villainous games.

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Play Nine The Card Game of Golf

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The Card Game of Golf, Play Nine, is a fun twist on the classic game of golf. Just like in the real game, the person with the lowest score wins! Play Nine is just the game to keep everyone entertained at family game nights, reunions, holiday parties, or as a downtime activity.

Players get 8 game cards each and a draw pile and a discard pile at the center of the table. Without looking, players separate their 8 cards into two rows of four. Each of them flips over two cards. From here on out, each player can choose whether to replace a flipped or face-down card with a card from the draw pile or the discard pile. Players will be drawing, discarding, or trading their cards for the Lowest Value cards.

Players keep playing until they’re down to one card. It’s the last hand of the game for everyone at this point.

When someone has all 8 cards, they add up their totals and record them on the score card. Round one is over!

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Scotland Yard

In Scotland Yard, one of the players takes on the role of Mr. X. His job is to move from point to point around the map of London taking taxis, buses or subways. The detectives – that is, the remaining players acting in concert – move around similarly in an effort to move into the same space as Mr. X. But while the criminal’s mode of transportation is nearly always known, his exact location is only known intermittently throughout the game.

The 125 fare tickets are 5 black, 23 pink underground, 43 green bus, 54 yellow taxi.

Dungeon Roll

The Dungeon lies before you; you’ve assembled your party of hearty adventurers and have a few tricks up your sleeve. How far will you go to seek glory and fame? Will you risk losing everything?

In Dungeon Roll the player’s goal is to collect the most experience points by defeating monsters, battling the dragon, and amassing treasure. Each player selects a Hero avatar, such as a Mercenary, Half-Goblin, or Enchantress, which provides them with unique powers. Then players take turns being the Adventurer, who boldly enters the dungeon seeking glory.

The Adventurer assembles their party by rolling seven Party Dice, while another player serves as the Dungeon Lord and rolls a number of Dungeon Dice based on how far the Adventurer has progressed through the dungeon. The Adventurer uses Champion, Fighter, Cleric, Mage, Thief, and Scroll faces on the Party Dice to defeat monsters such as oozes and skeletons, to claim treasure inside chests, and to revive downed companions with potions. The Adventurer claims treasure by taking a token at random from inside the treasure chest-shaped game box.

All this fighting in the dungeon is certain to attract the attention of the boss: The Dragon!

When three or more Dragon faces appear on the Dungeon Dice, the Adventurer must battle the Dragon. Defeating the dragon is a team effort, requiring three different companion types. After three rounds, the players add up their experience points and retire to the inn to celebrate their exploits and to plan their next foray into the next deadly dungeon!


The players go from island to island to pick up fruits to give to the gods. Fish between the islands are moving in one direction (to the mouth of the fish). One side of the fish shows the player’s color (only this player can move), the other has no color (any player can move). The fish changes color after every move.

Players who provide the most fruit get help from the gods: they move (turn direction or fish color), steal (of course from another player), determine a volcanic eruption (players near the volcanic eruption lose a turn) or pick up better fruit.

The rules are based on the theme (character of Hawaiian gods, building small stone temples), but it’s not historical in nature.


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In Equinox, mysterious creatures gather in the forest to write themselves into legends and to share tales that will be passed down to future generations. As a result, there is only room for four more stories – not every story will be recorded, so the creatures need to be cunning and clever to make the cut.


During each round, players place numbered power cards in front of the creatures, with the lowest-valued creature being eliminated. Bets are also placed on which creatures will make it into the storybook, and you can use these creatures’ special powers to your advantage.


Only 8 of the 14 unique creature cards are used per game, so there are more than 3,000 possible combinations. The varying contenders make each game feel fresh and exciting.

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The original Rack-O came out in 1956. With fine quality cards and bold numbers, this new retro edition will please everyone.
Every player gets 10 cards. Sort the cards into order, starting with 50 and going down to 5. Flip the top card over. Continue taking cards, exchanging them for cards in your rack.

In order to go “Rack-O“, the player must have all ten cards from a low card in slot #5 to a high card in slot #50 on his rack.

Players who go “Rack-O” first score 75 points. Five points for each of the ten cards in his rack, and 25 points for going Rack-O.


 ‘Left Center Right’, also known as LCR has been a hit at every party or gathering I have brought it to. Here are some fun aspects of this game.


LCR is a fast-paced and easy-to-learn game that involves rolling three dice and passing around tokens. The rules are simple – the three dice have L, C, R, or a dot on each side representing left, center, right or no action respectively. Players start with an equal number of tokens in front of them and take turns rolling all three dice. If you roll an ‘L’, you must pass one token to the player on your left, if you roll ‘C’, you put one token in the center pot and if you roll ‘R’, you pass one token to the player on your right. If you roll a dot, nothing happens and the turn moves on to the next player. The objective of the game is to be the last person with any tokens left, as players who lose all their tokens are eliminated from the game.

Game Mechanics

What makes LCR so exciting is its unpredictable nature. With every roll of the dice, the game can quickly turn in your favor or against you. You could be one roll away from winning and suddenly find yourself passing all your tokens to other players. This also means that anyone can win, whether they are an experienced player or a first-timer. The game mechanics also make it perfect for large groups as there is no limit to the number of players who can join in.


LCR is suitable for all ages and can be enjoyed by both casual gamers and competitive ones. Its simple rules and fast-paced gameplay make it ideal for parties, family gatherings, or even a quick game during lunch breaks at work. It’s also a great icebreaker for new groups as it encourages interaction and friendly competition.

Fun Factor

LCR may seem like a simple game at first glance, but its fast-paced gameplay and unpredictable nature make it incredibly fun and addictive. You never know what could happen with the next roll of the dice, and the constant passing of tokens adds an element of tension and excitement. Plus, with no player eliminated until they lose all their tokens, everyone remains engaged in the game until the very end.

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Bananagrams Duel!

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Play this two-player game on the go. Letter cubes are used to construct word grids between 2 players.

No sprawling word grids, this Bananagrams game is portable

Each round brings a new challenge with banana-shaped theme cards

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Joking Hazard

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Everyone alternates to be the judge. You draw a starting card from the card.

All players attempt to play a card to form a funny dialogue.

Beware: Dialogues are of an adult nature!


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50 Clues: The Home Temple

“50 Clues: The Home Temple” is an 18-card mini-game that serves as a captivating introduction to the 50 Clues universe. In this game, players assume the role of a plainclothes police officer who enters a house without a warrant, encountering a seemingly home-alone 12-year-old boy. The game is set in a suspenseful narrative context, where players engage in immersive puzzle-solving reminiscent of an escape room experience but in a home-play format. Players combine objects, solve puzzles, and decipher codes to progress through the story, using a smartphone or tablet to track solutions and receive hints.

The game belongs to categories such as horror, mature/adult, murder/mystery, puzzle, card game, and print & play. It incorporates mechanisms like cooperative gameplay and storytelling. The content and complexity make it suitable for mature players, particularly those interested in narrative-driven puzzle games and escape room challenges. The fun of “The Home Temple” lies in its ability to immerse players in a mysterious and engaging story, challenging them with thought-provoking puzzles and codes, making it an excellent choice for those who enjoy mentally stimulating games


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Tichu is a partnership climbing card game, and the object is to rid yourself of your hand, preferably while scoring points in the process.

The deck is a standard 52-card pack with four special cards added: dog, phoenix, dragon and Mah Jong (1). When it’s your turn, you may either beat the current top card combination — single card, pair of cards, sequence of pairs, full house, etc. — or pass. If play passes all the way back to the player who laid the top cards, they win the trick, clears the cards, and can lead the next one. The card led determines the only combination of cards that can be played on that trick, so if a single card is led, then only single cards are played; if a straight of seven cards is led, then only straights of seven cards can be played, etc.

The last player out in a round gives all the cards they won to the player who exited first, and the last player’s unplayed cards are handed to the opposite team. Fives, tens and Kings are worth 5, 10 and 10 points, with each hand worth one hundred points without bonuses — but the bonuses are what drive the game. At the start of a round, each player can call “Tichu” prior to playing any card. This indicates that the player thinks they can empty their hand first this round; if they do so, their team scores 100 points, and if not, their team instead loses 100 points. Cards are dealt at the start of a round in a group of eight and a group of six; a player can call “Grand Tichu” after looking at only their first eight cards for a ±200 point bonus. If both players on a team exit a round prior to either player on the opposite team, then no points are scored for cards and the winning team earns 200 points (with Tichu/Grand Tichu bonuses and penalties being applied as normal).

The first team to 1,000 points wins

Monopoly Deal Card Game

The fast-paced, addictive card game where your luck can change in the play of a card! Collect 3 complete property sets, but beware Debt Collectors, Forced Deals and the dreaded Deal Breakers, which could change your fortunes at any time!

MONOPOLY DEAL – the card game where anything can happen!

How to win: Be the first player to collect 3 three full property sets of different colors.

The Cards:
Action Cards may be played to initiate the action printed on the card or may be used as money of the value noted in the upper left and lower right corners.
Property Cards some denote a specific property and some are wild. They show property name, set to which they belong (or in which sets they may be used), rental costs, number of properties in their set and their value when used to make payments.
House/Hotel Cards may be used to increase the rental cost of a property set. They also have a monetary value for use in making payments.
Money Cards are used to make payments.

Draw two cards from the draw pile, or if you start your turn with no cards, draw five.
Play up to three cards from your hand face up either as: money into your bank, properties or improvements into your collection, or actions. Action cards allow you to collect rent, receive money, take properties from others or cancel another action. Cards placed in your bank may only be used as money. When you must make a payment, you may use money from your bank or properties and improvements in your collection, but not cards in your hand.
Discard cards in excess of seven from your hand to the bottom of the draw pile.

Win by announcing it on your turn when you have three complete property sets of different colors. This ends the game.

Not to be confused with Monopoly Deal, a ‘lite’ version of the same game that came out in 2014.

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Pit is an open-outcry commodity trading game. The first edition in 1903 had a deck of 63 cards, 9 each of 7 commodities, each with a value (ranging from 40 for Flax to 100 for Wheat). Players offer trades by crying out the number of cards they want to swap (“One! One! One!”, or “Three! Three! Three!”) but not their identity. The winner of the hand is the first to collect all of one commodity, declaring “Corner on Wheat!” or whatever commodity has been collected. The winner of the hand scores points equal to the value of the commodity, and the winner of the game is the first to 500 points.

The 1904 Edition of Pit added much fancier artwork and the famous Bull and Bear cards, which provide wild-card and penalty features. The early editions allowed a maximum of 7 players, but later versions supported 8 and in at least one case up to 10.

Pit’s designer, noted psychic Edgar Cayce, is often accused of having stolen the idea from the game Gavitt’s Stock Exchange (G-S-E) invented by Harry Gavitt. While G-S-E claimed patents dating as early as 1896, it involved trading railway shares, and was only copyrighted and published in 1903, the same year as Pit. In addition, the only related patent assigned to Gavitt is US746492 A, filed October 7, 1903, and granted December 8, 1903. Also hitting the market in 1903 was Bourse, a remarkably similar open-outcry commodity trading game from Flinch Card Co., using an 80-card deck with 10 each of 8 commodities, and Panic, using a 65 card deck with 8 each of 8 commodities and a Panic card, roughly equivalent to the Bull. Pit, however, seems to have cornered the market on open-outcry games, as neither of its competitors were seen again after 1904.

Chronicle X

If you enjoy futuristic themes and strategic gameplay, ‘Chronicle X’ is the board game for you.

How to Play

Each player takes on the role of an alien race battling for control over Earth’s resources. The goal is to complete objectives while also sabotaging your opponents’ progress. This adds a fun competitive edge to the game.

‘Chronicle X’ allows for a number of customization options. You can choose your own alien race, each with its unique abilities and playstyle. This adds replay value as you can switch up your strategy for each game.

But what truly sets Chronicle X apart from other board games is the incorporation of technology. The game comes with a companion app that enhances the gameplay experience. It adds atmospheric sound effects, immersive visuals and even unlocks hidden content throughout the game.

Who Can Play

Chronicle X is suitable for both casual and hardcore gamers. The intuitive gameplay makes it easy for beginners to jump right in, while the strategic elements keep experienced players engaged. And with different difficulty levels, you can tailor the game to your group’s skill level.

What Makes It Fun

But what makes Chronicle X truly fun is the social aspect. There’s nothing like working together with your friends to defeat a common enemy or pulling off a well-planned sabotage. The game brings out laughter, excitement and friendly banter, making it perfect for game nights



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Let’s Talk About Scattergories: The Ultimate Word Game for Friends and Family

If you love word games, then you must have heard of the classic board game, Scattergories. It has been a go-to game for many gatherings and family game nights for over three decades now. And trust me, there’s no better way to get competitive with your loved ones than this.


Scattergories is best played with four or more players, divided into two teams. The game comes with a deck of cards, each containing 12 random categories such as “Things you find in the refrigerator” or “Types of trees.” A 20-sided die is also included, which has all the letters of the alphabet on it, except for Q, U, V, X, Y and Z. The goal of the game is to come up with unique words that start with the chosen letter for each category.

Game Mechanics

In each round, a letter is chosen by rolling a die. A card with categories is read aloud, and players come up with words that start with the chosen letter. Repeated words are invalidated, and players score points for unique words. The game ends when a team reaches a set number of points, usually 25.

Suitable for Everyone

Scattergories is perfect for anyone who loves word games and wants to have a good time. The categories can be adjusted to fit different age groups, so kids and adults can play together without any disadvantage.

Plus, with the element of randomness added by the die roll, it keeps the game interesting and challenging for players of all skill levels.

Why It’s So Much Fun

Scattergories is not just a simple word game, it’s a great way to bring people together and have a lot of fun. The time-limited pressure of coming up with unique words adds an exciting and intense element to the game. Moreover, it’s always amusing to witness players coming up with innovative and occasionally absurd answers for the categories.

The game promotes critical thinking and expands vocabulary through fun competition.

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Codenames: Marvel

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The #1 party game combines with Marvel Comics. Game includes both pictures and words. Easy to learn and perfect for Marvel fans.
Inspired by the popular social party game Codenames.
In a 5 * 5 grid, two teams are competing to identify their team’s Marvel Asset Cards first.
Team Directors (who know where the Asset cards are located) provide clues in the form of code words telling their Agents where to find the Asset cards. 
Take care! You could help the other team if you decipher a code wrong! Your team must identify all the cards first!

When it comes to a game you can play quickly at family gatherings, because it has easy rules, it plays fast, and it is a team game that doesn’t require artistic talent. It is easy to jump from one version to another once you have played one (and there will be a lot more) without a long read of the rules.

The Marvel movies are, of course, a specific version, but since they are also popular, it’s not too hard for the team to work, and if there are die-hard Marvel fans mixed in with casual ones, it can create some humorous interactions.


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Royal Secrets

If you’re a fan of adventure games with a touch of mystery and puzzle-solving, then ‘Royal Secrets’ is perfect for you. It is a point-and-click adventure game where you play as a detective who has been summoned by the king to uncover a royal conspiracy. As you navigate through the beautiful but secretive palace, you will encounter various characters and objects that hold clues to unraveling the mystery. 

How to Play

You must use your wits and observational skills to distinguish between friend and foe. Interrogating suspects, solving puzzles and completing mini-games are all part of the adventure.

‘Royal Secrets’ has a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily navigate through different scenes and interact with objects. The game also has a hint system for those tricky moments where you might need some extra help. And don’t worry, there’s no time limit, so you can take your time and enjoy the game at your own pace.

Who Can Play

Anyone who enjoys a good mystery and adventure! But if you’re a fan of historical fiction or love exploring royal palaces, then ‘Royal Secrets’ will definitely be right up your alley.

What Makes It Fun

Apart from the engaging storyline and challenging puzzles, the graphics truly transport you into the regal world of the game. The attention to detail in each scene is impressive, making it a visually immersive experience. 


The game is based on the traditional middle-eastern game of Okey. First created in the 1930s and sold in hand-produced versions until the late 1970s.

Similar to the Rummy that you play with cards – you try to get rid of all your tiles by forming numbers into runs of 3 tiles or more, or 3 to 4 of a kind. The colors of the numbers on the tiles are like card suits. This game may start rather uneventfully, but when the players start putting more and more tiles in play, the options for your upcoming turns can become more complex, challenging, and exciting (from

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Mille Bornes

One Thousand Milestones. On French roads there were small marker stones giving the distance in kilometres to the next town. In this famous old French card game, players compete to drive 1000 km, dealing with hazards along the way. Draw a card to your hand, play or discard. You must lay a green traffic light to start, play cards showing mileage, dump hazards (flat tire, speed limit) on the other players, remedy hazards (spare tire, end of limit) from yourself, play safety cards (puncture proof), and try to be the first to clock up the distance.

Avocado Smash!

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The object of the game is to get rid of all the cards first.

Your reflexes and observation skills will be tested as you switch and smash your way through the game.

Enjoy this fast-paced and hilarious card game! The game of Snap has been given a fresh twist, and to win you will have to think and act quickly!

Easily picked up and played by adults and children alike. It’s a little like snap – you count out loud and if the number you say equals the card, you smash it. The Guacamole card is fun, as anyone who smashes the deck takes the cards. For adults, there are a couple of rules (like reversing and counting backwards) that cancel each other out.

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Connect 4: Shots

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Bounce them for the win! In Connect 4 Shots, you race against the clock to get four shots in a row! Start with 1-2-3&bounce! The lightweight, colorful balls are bounced by two players simultaneously. Before the balls go in, they must hit the table. Players must bounce balls until they get four in a row of their color.

Connect 4 Shots combines the gameplay of Connect 4 with fast-paced, competitive action. Each player races to get 4 balls of their colour in a row. Keeping ball bounces in the grid at rapid-fire speed makes it super exciting.

Totally fun game, but you might have to set up couch cushions around it so you don’t spend all your time chasing balls.

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Pictionary Air

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Draw in the Air and See it On Screen!

A fun way to play the classic family game Pictionary is with Pictionary Air.

1,000 + Clues Across Fun Categories

Put a clue card in your hand and prepare to draw in the air! It’s a never-ending game of clues with over 1000 clues.

Interact with Your Sketch!

You’ll have big laughs if you interact with your drawing charades-style with your teammates.

Press the Button on the Pictionary Air Pen to Start Drawing!

As you sketch, Pictionary Air tracks the light from the pen. Besides keeping score, it can also record your performances!

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Farkle, also known as 10,000 or Zilch, is a dice game that combines risk-taking and luck in a thrilling and entertaining way. It can be played with 2 or more players, making it perfect for both small gatherings and large game nights.

How to Play

The objective of the game is to score 10,000 points by rolling six dice and strategically setting aside specific combinations of numbers to earn points. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and can choose to keep or discard certain dice after each roll. The catch is, if a player doesn’t have any scoring dice in a roll, they lose all the points earned in that round, also known as “farkling.”

The game continues until one player reaches 10,000 points, and the remaining players get one last turn to try and beat their score. It’s a simple concept that makes for an exciting and competitive gameplay experience.

To truly understand Farkle, you need to know the different scoring combinations of numbers. The most basic combination is rolling a 1 or 5 on a single dice, which earns you 100 or 50 points respectively. But the real fun begins when you roll specific combinations of dice, such as three of a kind, four of a kind, or even six of a kind. These combos can earn you hundreds or thousands of points in one go!

However, there is an element of risk involved in Farkle. You may have rolled a great combination, but if you choose to keep rolling and don’t get any scoring dice in the next roll, you lose all the points earned in that round. It’s a risk versus reward scenario that keeps players on the edge of their seats.

Who Can Play

Farkle is an excellent game for all types of audiences. Whether you’re playing with family, friends or even coworkers, it’s a game that can be enjoyed by anyone. The rules are easy to grasp, and the gameplay is fast-paced, making it perfect for both casual and competitive players.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the obvious thrill of risk-taking and luck, Farkle also offers a level of strategy. Players must decide which dice to keep and which ones to discard, which can make or break their score. It also involves a bit of luck, as even the best strategy can be ruined by a bad roll.

Moreover, Farkle is a game that encourages social interaction and laughter. It’s not just about winning; it’s about having a good time with those around you. And with its simple gameplay and quick rounds, it’s a game that can easily be played multiple times in one sitting, providing endless hours of fun.

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The Witcher Adventure Game

The Witcher Adventure Game takes players on a journey across the world of The Witcher, a detailed world, rich in lore and characters, fleshed out by Andrzej Sapkowski’s famous series of novels, and honed by The Witcher video game trilogy.

Players assume the roles of four distinct characters from this series: Geralt of Rivia, monster slayer; Triss Merigold, cunning sorceress; Yarpen Zigrin, dwarven warrior; and Dandelion, roguish bard. Each character has unique skills and multiple ways of overcoming obstacles, but you decide what to do during the game: Do you fight your way to victory, call on your charm, or try your hand at diplomacy? You can bring enemies around to your point of view with a sword as Geralt – or bribe them with gold and threaten to call on powerful friends as Dandelion. If a situation calls for strength in numbers, Yarpen has his own fellowship of dwarves to command, and Triss can rely on her expert skill with magic to save the day.

Each character has its own deck of Development Cards, so each time you play you can discover something new by trying out varied characters and experimenting with different builds. For example, when playing as Geralt of Rivia, the main hero of the Witcher franchise, you can develop your character either by specializing in brewing and utilizing combat Elixirs, or else by growing your ability to cast powerful Witcher Signs.

A variety of quests invite players to hunt monsters, earn gold and interact with the characters they meet in a web of alliances and treachery. Decide whether you’ll help the other players or look after your own interests first, and keep an eye on the progress of your friends while you carefully work your way towards victory.

Family Feud

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It’s Family Feud time! Starting with the Face-Off and ending with the Fast Money Round.

How to Play

For those who are not familiar with the game, ‘Family Feud’ is a popular American television game show that was adapted into a board game. The objective of the game is to guess the most popular responses to survey questions and earn points for your team. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Each round, one player from each team has to come up with an answer within a specific time limit. This adds a level of pressure and excitement as you try to think of the most popular response before the buzzer goes off.

Who Can Play

This game can be enjoyed by players of all ages. Whether you’re playing with your family, friends or even co-workers, ‘Family Feud’ is guaranteed to bring everyone together for some laughter and friendly competition.

What Makes It Fun

One of the main reasons this game is enjoyable is because of its simplicity. The rules are easy to understand and the gameplay is fast-paced, keeping everyone engaged and on their toes. Plus, the survey questions are always entertaining and can spark some interesting conversations among players.

In addition, ‘Family Feud’ is a great way to test your knowledge and see how well you know your family or friends. It’s also a game that can be played in teams, making it perfect for larger groups.

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Battleship: Outer Space

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Combines strategy, competition, and excitement in a classic game! Battleship 3D lets players compete on a 3D platform

Spaceships replace naval ships in Battleship Outer Space: Dueler, Tricorn Fighter, Celestial Crawler, Rocket Raider, and the mighty Quadron

THE ENEMY IS HIDING IN 3 SECTORS HOW CAN IT BE DEFEATED? Players position their ships on the 3 stacked grids

Hits are made by calling out a sector, row, or column. Spaceships occupying any part of that location result in a hit and a red peg

When the location of a spaceship is detected, its owner announces which ship was vaporized. Get all 5 of your spaceships to win the game.

The War Chronicles of Ganymede

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There was a large-scale war over Jupiter’s resources. Mechs are weapons you can control to destroy your enemies.

War Chronicles of Ganymede is a deck-building game like Black Jack. Choose between the Red or Green faction. You gain control over more Mechs as the game progresses. Damage to your opponent is determined by how many cards you spend. Inflicting zero HP on their opponent

5 Second Rule

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The board game 5 Second Rule is a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat party game suitable for players of all ages. It is the perfect game to break the ice at parties, bring laughs and create memorable moments with friends and family.


The premise of 5 Second Rule is simple – players have five seconds to name three things that fit into a certain category. For example, “Name three Disney princesses” or “Name three types of pizza toppings”. Sounds easy, right? Well, the catch is that players must come up with their answers within five seconds and if they fail to do so, they lose the round.

Game Mechanics:

The game comes with a deck of cards containing various categories and a timer that counts down from five seconds. One player acts as the timer and reads out a card, while the other players must come up with their answers within the allotted time. The timer is flipped over once the category is read out, giving players only five seconds to think of their answers before it runs out.

Who is it suitable for?

5 Second Rule is suitable for anyone who loves fast-paced, competitive and fun games. It is a great choice for game nights with friends, family gatherings, or even as an ice-breaker at corporate events. The game can be played in groups of 3 or more players, making it perfect for large or small gatherings.

What makes it fun?

Aside from the fast-paced gameplay and friendly competition, what makes 5 Second Rule so fun is the hilarious and often unexpected answers that players come up with under pressure. This game is all about quick thinking, creativity, and the ability to stay calm under a time constraint. It brings out the competitive spirit in players while also creating laughter and memorable moments.

In conclusion, 5 Second Rule is a must-have addition to any board game collection. Its simple rules

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Pictionary Air: Kids vs. Grown-ups

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Take Pictionary Air to the next level with this hilarious twist on a classic drawing game!

Using special clues that include illustrations, kids as young as 6 years old can draw in the air and see it on screen.

Using the Pictionary Air app, point the in-app camera at the illustrator, and they’ll appear, along with the sketch, on the screen.

As teammates guess what the images on the screen mean, take turns drawing clues in the air. Scores are tallied and the winning team is announced!

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Do or Drink

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Draw a card, complete the challenge or DRINK!

It’s as simple as it gets. 

Get to ready to get drunk unless you are willing to do stuff like letting your group of friends go through your photo gallery on your phone for 60s, DMing your ex and more!

Get ready for laughs.

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Tally-Ho: for 2-5 players – is a game of chance and observation. Tiles are all face-down on the board to start with, and as each player turns a tile over, points can be scored when certain combinations of numbers or colors are observed by them.

Tally-Lo: is a variation of Tally-Ho with the aim o get the lowest score.

Pyramid: is a game for one player. The aim is to take down a pyramid of number-tiles, from the bottom, by removing sets of tiles that add up to a specific target number. Can be played at different challenge levels.

Elimination: is a game for one player, with Target Numbers. It is played on the Tally-Ho board. the aim is to choose and add up a Chain of tiles, which total the same as the
target Number.

50/50 & Hindsight: is a pair of games for one player using all four basic mathematical functions: + – x divided by. It is played with the tiles face down and Hindsight follows, on the same board, with all the tiles turned face up. The aim is to reduce a running total from the starting number of 50 using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to reach reach zero.

Number-Path: is a game for one player who uses the four mathematical functions as above to create an equation along a vertical or horizontal 7 tiles on the Tally-Ho board, where the equation results in the value of the 7th tile.


Galactiquest Board Game by Pressman – Win The Race To Conquer Space.

The intergalactic news just came in- no new planets found in a nearby solar system! It’s time to blast off into battle in your spacesuit! In order to win the galaxy, you’ll need to conquer more planets than your opponents and defend the ones you already have. Farm for income while fortifying your defenses, and increase your offensive power when it comes time to battle! Winners get control of new planets while losers go home to try again. The player with the most planets wins.

Pokemon Trading Card Game

okemon, a franchise created by Nintendo, has become a global sensation, captivating the hearts of children and adults alike. Whether you’re a novice who’s just discovered the world of Pokemon or a seasoned player looking to enhance your skills, this blog post is for you. Let’s dive into the basics of playing Pokemon.

Understanding The Basics

Pokemon is a collectible card game where you use your Pokemon (creatures) to defeat your opponent’s. The goal is to collect Pokemon cards, build a powerful deck, and defeat your opponents. Each Pokemon card has a different ability and power, which is crucial to the gameplay.

Building a Deck

Deck building isn’t just about collecting powerful cards. Strategizing and understanding your Pokemon’s strengths and weaknesses are also important. There are 60 cards in a standard deck, and you need a balance between Pokemon, Energy, and Trainer.

The Gameplay

Pokemon games start with each player drawing seven cards and placing a Basic Pokemon. The players take turns playing their cards, activating their Pokemon’s abilities with Energy cards, and gaining benefits with Trainer cards. When one player knocks out enough of their opponent’s Pokemon to claim all of their Prize cards or when the opponent has no more Pokemon on the field, the game ends.

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Monopoly: Garbage Pail Kids

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MONOPOLY: Garbage Pail Kids brings the classic trading card game to a whole new level. This game features licensed characters that fans are familiar with. As players move around the board to collect the Garbage Pail Kids, they will find collectible tokens such as the Zit Goo Tube, Melting Eyeball, and Swirly Dog Poop.

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The Isle of Pan

The Isle of Pan is a tile and resource placement game with simple rules that offers several strategies.

This game puts you in the role of explorers discovering a lush island with a fantastic fauna and flora. As you progress in the game, you discover the island’s secrets, its lakes, mountains, and deserts. Discover which animals live here and, who knows, you might even encounter fantastic creatures!

With every turn, you’ll discover more of the island. With your explorer, you will earn points by observing more animals. Under certain conditions, wonderful beasts can appear too. Are you able to provide them with the magical landscape they need to appear in, thus earning more points? Player with most points wins the game once the exploration of the island is complete.

The Game of Life: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Edition

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It’s basically The Game of Life, but with a Marvelous Mrs. Maisel twist.
This version is inspired by the Amazon series an takes players back to the 1950S new York city to experience the world of the marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It encourages players to seek fame and fortune in New York City in the 1950s. Getting married, buying a dream home, and vacationing in the Catskills. Mazel tov!
It is the goal of every player to build a successful stand-up career, regardless of their journey. Comedy is the better option than becoming a divorcee living in a crummy apartment, so comedy it is.  
Ultimately, the player with the most money wins-unless, of course, someone becomes a big name in comedy, securing the “W.”.

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Comment Below…

The basic premise of ‘Comment Below…’ is simple – players take turns drawing a card with a topic or question and then have to comment on it in 30 seconds or less. With topics ranging from silly to thought-provoking, this game will have you laughing, debating and getting to know your fellow players in no time.

How to Play

One of the things that sets ‘Comment Below…’ apart from other board games is its use of social media-inspired mechanics. Each round, players have the option to earn extra points by liking, commenting or sharing each other’s comments on a designated platform (don’t worry, it’s just for the game, not actual social media!). This adds a fun and interactive element to the game, making it perfect for anyone who loves to stay connected online.

Who Can Play

But don’t worry, even if you’re not a social media guru, you can still enjoy this game. The topics and questions are designed to spark interesting discussions and provide entertainment for all types of audiences. From families to college friends to coworkers, ‘Comment Below…’ is a game that anyone can pick up and enjoy.

What Makes It Fun

So what makes this game so fun? Well, besides the obvious enjoyment that comes from engaging in lively conversations, ‘Comment Below…’ also offers a healthy dose of competition. With points on the line, players will be sure to bring their A-game and try to out-comment each other. But don’t worry, it’s all in good fun and the real winner is whoever has the most laughs and memorable moments by the end of the game.

Skyjo Action

Skyjo Action is a card-based game that requires a mix of strategy, luck and quick thinking. The game consists of 110 cards with different numbers and symbols on them. Each player is dealt twelve cards at the beginning of the game, which are kept face down in front of them.

How to Play

The goal of the game is to have the lowest score by discarding high-value cards and collecting low-value ones. Here’s where the game gets interesting – players can swap their cards with the face-up ones in the centre of the table or steal them from other players. This adds an element of unpredictability and keeps everyone on their toes.

As soon as the game begins, anticipation builds up as each player flips over two of their cards. The first one is kept face up while the second one is kept face down. This creates a dynamic where players have to strategize based on their own hand and the revealed cards of others.

The game continues with each player taking turns either swapping, discarding or stealing cards until one player declares “Skyjo” by flipping over all their remaining face down cards and ending the round. Points are then calculated and added to each player’s running total.

Who Can Play

One of the best things about Skyjo Action is that it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you are playing with your family, friends or even strangers, this game never fails to entertain.

The quick gameplay and unpredictable nature make it perfect for a casual game night or as a fun addition to any party. It’s easy to pick up and learn, making it suitable for both avid gamers and beginners.

What Makes It Fun

Apart from the adrenaline rush of trying to win, the game also sparks laughter and friendly competition amongst players. It’s a great way to bond with others and have a good time while doing so.



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Bezzerwizzer is a quiz game where general knowledge and tactics determine the winner. As soon as a team successfully completes all of the rounds and crosses the finish line, it wins. Each team may consist of one or more players, and players can be divided into two, three, or four teams. The more teams there are, the more tactics and trickery there is in the game. 



User review

Set up:

The game contains twelve map tiles. Each map tile is made of one hexagon surrounded by six hexagons. Each tile will have a mixture of any or all of five types of terrain: grasslands, farmlands, mountains, woods, and hills. Each player gets a Player Aid card, selects a color of people tokens and places the era cube of the matching color on The Era Starting Box on the Progress Column part of the game board. A starting player is selected. Some tiles are placed contiguously on the game board (the number of tiles depends on the number of players) one at a time in turn order. Each player, in turn, places three of their people tokens on the game board contiguously. The game is now ready to begin.

Game play:

Players should note which terrain will be worth Progress Points at the end of the era. Progress Points are the number of hexes occupied of the scoring terrain by one’s token plus the number of city tiles plus the value of all eligible Idea Cards. The player or players with the most Progress Points will advance to the new era and get an advantage over the other players.

In turn, a player may:
– Move people
– Have babies (increase the number of people tokens on the game board)
– Have a fight (initiate the diceless combat system against another player)
– Have an idea (draw chance cards)
– Build a city (replace people tokens with a city tile)

After all the players have used all of their turns the era has ended. If this not the first round then all the players’ Era Cubes are advanced to the level of the leader(s). Progress Points are then compared and the leader(s) advance to take advantage of one’s newest ability.

The game is over after ten eras. Victory Points are the total of number of non-mountain hexagons occupied by one’s tokens plus the values of one’s cities plus three points for advancing to the final era. The player with most Victory Points is the winner.

Tidal Blades: The Rise of the Unfolders

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The campaign in Tidal Blades 2 consists of 18 scenarios. The challenges and objectives differ from scenario to scenario. As your character progresses you will gain strength and abilities. Actions are taken by placing cards on your Nexus grid.

Users of The Nexus can manipulate time subtly. Player links to the Nexus are represented by a 3×3 grid. The Nexus Grid records every action, allowing you to replay it later in powerful, ever-changing combinations.

Playing a Scenario
In each scenario, there are 12 rounds. On the Initiative Track, heroes and opponents take turns. Each scenario will have its own rules or challenges. These rules are briefly introduced in the scenario description, and the full rules will be presented in this book.

Round Overview

In each round, players will take the following steps:

Action Card Selection
Players place 1 action card from their hand into the initiative card space next to the left side of their player board.

Card Reveal
Reveal simultaneously the cards chosen by heroes and the top card of each enemy deck. Place the enemy cards on top of their discard piles face up.

Adjust Initiative
The Initiative track should be adjusted from left to right and top to bottom according to the initiative number on the revealed cards of the heroes and enemies.

Hero and Enemy Turns
Resolve hero and enemy turns in initiative order.

Round End
Advance the round marker, check for scenario objectives/resolution.

End of Scenario
Upon completion of the scenario, heroes receive rewards based on how well they accomplished the objectives. Your hero’s traits can be increased, new action cards can be acquired, and skills can be learned as you progress through the campaign.

Check out Tidal Blades 2 here

Farkle Flip

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Farkle Flip is a card game based on the classic dice game Farkle. Instead of using dice, you now use cards!

Each player is dealt a card.  You take turns drawing cards from the deck and play your cards to form scoring combinations.

You can form combinations using your cards or other players’ cards. Once you are happy with your scoring combinations, you bring them to the centre of the playing area for potential scoring. Once you are done drawing cards, you can score whatever is in the centre.

However, if you draw a farkle card, you can no longer draw cards and the cards in the centre no longer can be scored. These cards become part of your face-up cards.

Players compete to score their combinations and the first to score 10000 points wins.





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Bananagrams is a fast and fun word game that requires no pencil, paper or board, and the tiles come in a fabric banana-shaped carrying pouch. One hand can be played in as little as five minutes. Much like Pick Two!, but without the letter values. Using a selection of 144 plastic letter tiles in the English edition, each player works independently to create their own ‘crossword’ faster than one’s opponents. When a player uses up all their letters, all players take a new tile from the pool. The object of the game is to be the first to complete a word grid after the “bunch” of tiles has been depleted. There are variants included in the instructions, such as Banana Smoothie and Banana cafe for limited set skills or space-deprived places, and the game is suitable for solo play.

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Unstable Unicorns

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This card game combines everyone’s two favorite things: destruction and unicorns. Unstable Unicorns is about being the first person to collect seven Unicorns in your play area. Use Magic, Instant, Upgrade, and Downgrade cards to destroy your opponent’s Unicorns. Be careful — every player has all of these tools at their disposal, so your plans may just be foiled by a well-played “Neigh!” card. Prepare to destroy your friendships, but in a good way.

The game became one of the top 100 most backed Kickstarter projects of all time in 2017, and it won the People’s Choice Award in 2019.


Isvaffelspil includes 10 pastel-coloured dice and 50 cards representing one to five ice cream cones. Five dice and half the cards are dealt to each player, face down. Both players turn cards from their deck simultaneously and roll dice. If they need to reroll any of the other dice, they may do so as often as needed. They save the dice matching the scoops on their cards. First person to finish their ice cream wins both cards, and a new round begins. When the piles are exhausted, the game ends. The player with the most cards wins.

Risk: The Lord of the Rings

A new version of Risk, with the following differences:

The map is of Middle Earth, and the tokens represent armies of that fictional world.

You play either good or evil.

Leaders, missions and sites of power have been added.

The One Ring acts as a timing mechanism, when it leaves the board, the game ends.

Components for the “Two Towers edition” (Trilogy edition has 90 per army)

40 Elven Archers/Orcs
12 Riders of Rohan/Dark Riders
6 Eagles/Cave Trolls
2 shields per color

4 Complete armies in different colors: (60 per color)
42 Territory Cards (9 Good, 9 Evil, 24 Neutral)
2 Wild Cards
40 Adventure Cards
The One Ring
3 Red Dice
2 Black Dice


The sun has retreated from the earth. It has been a little over a week since the last hint of light shone over the horizon, and the chaos has begun. People fear for their existence, while scientists struggle to explain the phenomenon.

Until they came.

The creatures of nightmare — vampires, werewolves, and ghouls — have begun to appear throughout the world, and they show no sign of hesitation in claiming the dark world as their own!

Publisher Blurb

Nightfall – a new fast, furious and fun deck-building game from Alderac Entertainment Group. Featuring direct head-to-head combat, amazing art, a new AEG world, and unique mechanics by designer David Gregg, Nightfall will be the deck-building game to own.

Before the game begins, there is a draft to determine which cards are available for purchase, and by whom. During this draft players select two cards from the set for their personal archives, and they also select cards to put into the common area. The cards drafted into personal archives may only be purchased by the player who drafted them.

After the table has been set with the private and common cards, players begin play.

The meat of Nightfall is in the chaining mechanic, which was partially developed with the help of people right here on BoardGameGeek.

Each card has a main color and two linking colors. If you can match the main color of a card to one of the linking colors of the previous card, you can chain those cards together. Once a chain is started, players all get an opportunity to link additional cards onto the chain during that turn.

Cards in the chain resolve in reverse order: first in, last out. Instant effects fire off as cards come off the chain, doing damage to your opponents or bringing characters into play to defend you and attack your opponents.

The object of Nightfall is to put wounds into your opponents’ decks and end the game with the least amount of wounds in your deck. But beware: the more wounds a person has, the more enraged they become and the faster their deck works, meaning more cards and bigger chains will come your way!

Nightfall’s base set releases with starting decks of 12 cards for up to 5 players, and 24 distinct cards (7 copies of each) for drafting during play.

The box contains card dividers, and is in the same format as the much heralded Wrath of the Elements box for Thunderstone.

Integrates with:

Nightfall: Martial Law
Nightfall: Blood Country
Nightfall: The Coldest War
Nightfall: Dark Rages
Nightfall: Eastern Skies

The Barons’ War: Medieval Skirmish Game

By 1215, the despotic rule and high taxes of King John had reached breaking point in the Kingdom of England. Rebellion was on!
Andy Hobday designed these rules to allow narrative-driven tabletop games set against the backdrop of the Magna Carter and the French invasion of England during the Civil War.
Fast-paced, tactical gameplay is historically themed. 

Aye, Dark Overlord! The Red Box

An easy-to-play fantasy party game filled with humor. In this roleplaying game, you tell lies and shift the blame onto your poor fellow ones so your Master can punish them!

The Dark Overlord, Rigor Mortis, finds his diabolical schemes thwarted once again by the player. Players portray his cowering goblin servants, making ridiculous excuses to avoid the Overlord’s wrath.

Three Hint cards are dealt to each goblin player. The player must create a story based on the title, illustration, or text on each Hint card to explain their mistakes. The Dark Overlord is not patient for boring or stalling stories.

Aye, Dark Overlord! Engaging and fast-paced gameplay awaits! The perfect game to play during a party or gathering of goblin servants. Lie, blame your friend, and avoid the Dark Overlord’s wrath at all costs! Combining it with The Green Box will give you more variety.

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Disney Lorcana

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In Disney Lorcana Card game, players draw five cards from their deck, which include Disney character cards, magic spells, and special items.

Each character card in the game has specific attributes and abilities. Players, acting as Disney Heroes, use these attributes to strategize and plan their moves. 

Every turn, players draw additional cards, place Disney character cards on the field, use magic spells, or deploy items to enhance their gameplay.By strategically deploying cards and exploiting your opponent’s abilities, you’re supposed to outsmart and outmaneuver them.

Character strength points determine combat outcomes, which can be influenced by magic spells and items.

When a player defeats all their opponent’s characters, the game ends, creating a brilliant mix of strategy and Disney magic.

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Apples to Apples

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Play the award-winning card and party game Apples to Apples with up to ten players!
The process is as simple as comparing apples to apples… just open the box, deal the cards, and you’re ready to go! Pick the card from your hand that you think best describes the card played by the judge.
If the judge picks your card, you win. And everyone gets a chance to be the judge!
Each round includes surprising and outrageous comparisons from a wide range of people, places, things, and events.

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Exploding Kittens: NSFW Deck

Originally an expansion for Exploding Kittens, the most successful Kickstarer project ever, that contained cards that were too horrific and/or incredible to be included in a kid safe version. As a stretch goal this was turned into a stand alone game that can be combined with the standard Exploding Kittens deck. If you combine the two decks, you can go up to 9 players. 10 with Imploding Kittens

Adventure Games: The Volcanic Island

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Play Adventure Games, a series of co-operative games from German publisher KOSMOS. Throughout each of these titles, players must unravel a mystery. Players explore common areas, talk to people, search for clues, and combine various items to find out what the story is. A player’s decision changes the course of history and nothing can be undone!

The stories in this series focus on the telling and discovery of the story without time pressure. As a result, different paths can be explored during the play, with more than one correct solution to the story to be found. The game consists of three chapters, each of which takes about 75 minutes to play. Nothing is destroyed, so it can be played multiple times.

Adventure Games: The Volcanic Island is a 1-4 player cooperative game where players and their team assume the role of students and begin investigating mysterious incidents on a volcanic island. Players will be part of and experience a story (which is made up of 4 chapters).

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Trial by Trolley

In Trial by Trolley, one player acts as the Trolley Operator and must choose where to send a murderous, out of control, trolley. Every other player at the table plays cards and argues in order to convince the operator to spare their lives and condemn everyone on the other track to a gruesome death-by-trolley.

Each round, one player will act as the trolley conductor. This person will be the judge, and will choose which track the trolley will murder.

Each other player is divided evenly among teams, and each player(s) will have a role for the round.

To begin, one player will draw 3 angelic tracks, choose one to play to the table, and then randomly reveal a 2nd angelic track from the deck to add to the track. Another player will draw 3 demonic tracks, and choose to add one to the opposing teams track, attempting to sabotage them, and spare their own tracks. Finally, player(s) will draw track modifiers to place on any track card on the table. They can play on their own tracks, to sway the judge, or they may play on their opponents, to further sway the judge into murdering their opponent’s track.

The judge will ponder this conundrum, and eventually decide to murder one track. The track that was spared is the winner for the round!

Play continues for a number of rounds pre-determined by the number of players at the table.

Trial by Trolley is a game for 3-13 players, and plays in about 30-90 minutes.

—description from the publisher

‘O’Group: Wargames Rules for Battalion Size Actions in WWII

If you enjoy war-themed games you’ll be excited to play ‘O’Group: Wargames Rules for Battalion Size Actions in WWII’

How to Play

The goal of the game is to simulate the challenges and strategies of commanding a battalion in World War II. You get to choose your side – either the Axis or Allies, and then dive into battle against your opponent.

The game mechanics are fairly simple yet give you enough room to strategize and make tactical decisions. Each player takes turns moving their units on a map made up of hexes, with terrain features and buildings that add to the realism. The combat is resolved by rolling dice, but don’t worry, it’s not a game of luck. You have to take into account factors such as unit positioning, cover, and morale when making your attack.

Who Can Play

While it may seem like a niche market, there are actually many different types of people who might enjoy playing ”O’Group’. If you’re a history buff, this game is a dream come true. It gives you the opportunity to recreate famous battles and even rewrite history.

But even if you’re not a hardcore history fanatic, this game is still worth checking out. If you’re into strategy games or military-themed games, this one is definitely for you. It requires a mix of tactical thinking, risk assessment, and a bit of luck to come out on top.

What Makes It Fun

What makes ”O’Group’ so enjoyable is the sense of accomplishment when you successfully execute a well-planned attack or defense.

Lama Express

 Lama Express is a card game that involves collecting and playing cards in order to move your lama token towards the finish line.

How to Play

This game may sound simple but the catch is that you can only move your lama forward if you have the right combination of cards. And what’s more, other players can sabotage your progress by playing special cards to block or steal your cards. So it’s a game of strategy and luck – you never know what cards you’ll draw or what your opponents will play!

But don’t worry, it’s not all about sabotage. There are also some fun and helpful cards that allow you to take shortcuts or speed up your lama. And let me tell you, nothing feels better than playing a “fast forward” card when your opponent is just one space away from the finish line.

Who Can Play

Now, who might enjoy this game? This game is perfect for both casual and serious board game enthusiasts. It’s easy to learn but has enough depth and strategy to keep things interesting. Plus, the artwork on the cards is adorable – who doesn’t love cute cartoon llamas?

What Makes It Fun

One of the things that makes Lama Express so enjoyable is its unpredictability. You never know what cards you’ll draw or what your opponents will play, which keeps things exciting and keeps you on your toes. And let’s be honest, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of outsmarting your friends in a game.


It’s buffalo hunting time. Each player shows his hunters and great warriors from his tribe. Warriors can capture tribesmen and score points for you. You can win buffalo with strong hunters. Over three hunts, the player with the most skill wins.

Monopoly Bid

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In Monopoly Bid game, you compete with others to bid in blind auctions.  Pay for your winning bids with money cards, steal properties with Action cards, and change your luck with Wild cards.

In each round, one of you will host an auction. When it’s time to bid on a property, you choose how much money you wish to risk. Then everyone shouts, “1, 2, 3, Bid!” and puts their money cards down.

Whoever bids the most money gets that property.

You win by collecting 3 property sets.

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Exploding Kittens

Exploding Kittens is a kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette. Players take turns drawing cards until someone draws an exploding kitten and loses the game. The deck is made up of cards that let you avoid exploding by peeking at cards before you draw, forcing your opponent to draw multiple cards, or shuffling the deck. The game gets more and more intense with each card you draw because fewer cards left in the deck means a greater chance of drawing the kitten and exploding in a fiery ball of feline hyperbole.

Carcassonne: Expansion 3 – The Princess & The Dragon

In this third major expansion for the prize-winning Carcassonne, we move into the realm of fantasy.
The land around Carcassonne is being visited by a dragon, making life very difficult for the followers. Brave heroes venture forth to face the danger, but without the aid of the fairies, their chances are not good.
In the city, the princess seeks help from the knights, and farmers build secret passages to move about undetected by the dragon.

Contents: 30 new tiles with dragon nests, volcanoes, magic gates, and princesses; 1 large wooden dragon; 1 wooden fairy. Contrary to original reports, there are no princess figures in The Princess & the Dragon.


Knockdown is a board game set in SiegeStorm, a raw world where victory is all that matters. During the Great Tournament, the best fighters gather to fight for glory. It may seem that you are the sneakiest, mighty fighter with the dirtiest tricks. But now is the time to prove it. Can you? As a skilled warrior, your goal is to knock down your opponent by inflicting wounds and executing the final strike. The player with the least wounds wins the round if you wait until the attack deck is depleted. When you win two rounds, you win the game!

Aye, Dark Overlord! The Green Box

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In Aye, Dark Overlord!, players assume the role of minions reporting to their evil dark overlord. The game is set in a fantasy world where players are trying to come up with excuses to explain why they failed their missions and avoid being punished by the merciless overlord.

How to Play

The game is pretty simple – one player takes on the role of the overlord while the rest of the players are minions. The overlord draws a card that contains a mission such as “Retrieve the magical staff from the dragon’s lair.” Then, each minion must come up with an excuse for why they failed to complete the mission, using their hand of cards which contain various elements like characters, objects, and locations.

The overlord then chooses the best excuse and gives it a rating, while also adding their own twist to make the story more ridiculous. The game continues with new missions and excuses until one minion accumulates three “punishment” cards or the overlord runs out of minions to punish.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for gamers who enjoy storytelling, improvisation, and a bit of dark humor. The more creative you are with your excuses, the better! It’s also perfect for larger groups as it can accommodate up to eight players, making it a great party game.

What Makes It Fun

The best part about Aye, Dark Overlord! is that every game is unique and hilarious. With so many different cards and combinations, each mission and excuse is different, making it a new experience every time you play. Plus, the game encourages players to get creative and let their imaginations run wild 

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UNO: Mario Kart

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Welcome to Uno Mario Kart!

Are you ready for a wild ride? Well, get your engines revving and your cards shuffling, because we’re about to enter the world of Uno Mario Kart – the perfect combination of two classic games.

For those who are not familiar with Uno or Mario Kart, let me give you a quick rundown. Uno is a popular card game where players try to get rid of all their cards by matching them to the card on top of the deck. And Mario Kart is a famous racing video game, where players race against each other using iconic characters and power-ups.

Now, imagine combining these two beloved games together. Sounds exciting, right? That’s because it is!


The gameplay in Uno Mario Kart is similar to the original Uno. Each player starts with seven cards and tries to match either the number or color of the card on top of the deck. However, in this version, you also have special wild cards that correspond to Mario Kart items such as shells, stars, and bananas.

When a player lays down a wild card, they get to choose which character’s power-up they want to use. This adds a whole new level of strategy and unpredictability to the game.

Game Mechanics

In addition to the traditional Uno rules, there are some additional mechanics in Uno Mario Kart that make it even more exciting. For example, if a player has a green shell card, they can choose another player to discard their entire hand! And if a player has a blue shell card, they can make all other players draw cards until someone gets a star card.

There are also power-up tokens that players can collect by playing certain wild cards. These tokens can be used to activate special abilities like drawing extra cards or skipping their turn.

Suitable for Everyone

Uno Mario Kart is suitable for everyone! Whether you’re a fan of the original Uno or Mario Kart, or even if you’ve never played either game before, this is a fun and entertaining game for all. The rules are easy to understand, and the gameplay is fast-paced and full of surprises.

What Makes it Fun?

So, what makes Uno Mario Kart so much fun? Well, besides the fact that it combines two beloved games, it also adds a whole new level of unpredictability and strategy. You never know what power-up your opponent might have up their sleeve, and that keeps the game exciting until the very end.

Plus, let’s not forget the fun characters and vibrant colors that are synonymous with Mario Kart. It’s hard not to get caught up in the excitement when you see a wild card with a cute Yoshi on it.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your friends and family, and let the race to victory begin with Uno Mario Kart! But fair warning – things might get a little competitive. Just remember to have fun and may the best player win! So, buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the world of Uno Mario Kart. Happy playing! 

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Cranium bills itself as the “whole-brain” game. It’s a party game that borrows from a host of other popular party games of recent times. Players have to successfully complete activities in each of four sections to win: In – Creative Cat : A player must clue a word to his or her teammates by drawing it, sculpting it in clay, or drawing it with his or her eyes closed.

– Data Head : A variety of trivia questions.

– Word Worm : Players unscramble words, spell challenging words, guess definitions, identify words with letters left out, or spell words backwords.

– Star Performer : players must whistle a song, impersonate a celebrity, or act out a clue.

Cranium has elements similar to those of Pictionary, Charades, Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition, Celebrities, Huggermugger, Claymania, etc.

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3 Laws of Robotics

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The 3 Laws of Robotics is a deduction game for 4-8 players in which you know everyone’s information except your own. As laws are added, you ask a single question to try and find out who is on your side. Learn the 3 Laws of Robotics, find your team, and boot up victorious!

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Get ready to take over the world with this game of strategy conquest. Building armies, moving troops in, and engaging in battle are the goals of the Risk game. Players either defeat or are defeated by the enemy depending on the dice roll.

Take over the world with this exciting military strategy game, now with updated figures, compelling board art, and improved Mission cards.

There are four ways you can play Risk: Secret Mission, Classic, Risk for Two Players, and Capital. Secret Missions challenge players to complete a secret mission. In Classic Risk, players must conquer all territories. There is a 2 player version of Risk with a neutral army, and there is a shorter version called Capital Risk.


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The game board represents a fantasy land. Players chose a character from a list of semi-standard fantasy types: Barbarian, Wizard, Monk, etc. The objective of the game is to travel through the land encountering event cards and gathering strength along the way. Hopefully players will eventually become powerful enough to travel to the center of the board, endure the trials there and take the Crown of Command for the victory. There were also several expansions released for this game, which add new character choices and new places to travel.

Part of the Talisman series of games and expansions published by Games Workshop Ltd..

The first edition differs from the second only in the box cover art and the cards, which were printed in black and white (same artwork as the second edition, though). The first edition had no expansions.

Expanded by:

Talisman Expansion Set
Talisman: The Adventure
The Talisman Dungeon
Talisman Timescape
Talisman City
Talisman Dragons

Also by:

The Jewel in the Crown
Talisman (Second Edition): White Dwarf #115 Cards

Re-implemented by:

Talisman (Third Edition)
Talisman: Revised 4th Edition

WarCraft: The Board Game

The computer classic comes to your table. From the publishers:

“Fantasy Flight Games and Blizzard Entertainment present the official Warcraft boardgame, where players take command of an army of Night Elves, Humans, Orcs, or Undead seeking to harvest gold and wood, build a strong village, and set out to conquer and destroy! The Warcraft boardgame features an adaptable/expandable geomorphic board, exciting components, and the innovative ‘Command/Movement’ system that simulates the real-time action and excitement of Warcraft.”

Warcraft is based on the computer game series. Each player takes on one of four factions: Humans, Orcs, Night Elves and Undead. It can be played cooperatively, with humans and night elves in one alliance and orcs and undead in the second.

The game is set up with a modular board, depicting resources, victory point locations and the players’ town halls. Throughout the game, players need to harvest resources, build units and buildings, and use their army to defeat their opponents.

Each turn, players move their existing units, harvest gold and lumber with their workers, deploy units onto the board that were built on a previous turn, and finally spend resources on further units, buildings and outposts. Players also have access to a unique deck of Experience Cards, which are drawn during events like battles and can be used later for special effects.

A player can win by eliminating all opponents, or by accumulating 15 total victory points.


With Absolute Balderdash, you try to con your opponents into believing you’re making up answers to a collection of Events, Words, Laws, Initials, and People. Every turn, a card is read out and players write their own answers. This is where the laughs really start (keep a straight face so you don’t give away which definition is yours). Then everyone tries to pick the correct one. The players whose phony answers are chosen score a move. Anything goes – but one thing is certain, the answer that SOUNDS right probably isn’t. It’s incredible fun to play absolute balderdash.

Monopoly: Dragon Ball Super

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Choose your favorite icon to carry you around

Be the richest fighter by recruiting your team

Hyperbolic Time Chambers and Kame Houses upgrade your team.

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Apples to Apples: Marvel

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This crazy combination game features Super Heroes and Villains from across the Marvel Universe. As the judge begins the round, he plays a Green Apple card that describes the player as “Unstoppable”. Everyone else plays a Red Apple card, such as “Hulking Out,” “Photon Blasts,” or “Magic,” that they think best describes the Green Apple card. Whoever plays the Red Apple card that makes the best apples-to-apples comparison for the round scores a point. Just watch out for the exclusive, game-changing “Thanos Snaps” card – whenever it turns up, it removes half of players’ Red Apple cards!

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Pandemic: Contagion

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“Pandemic: Contagion” offers a unique twist on  “Pandemic“. Instead of curing diseases, players become the di0seases themselves, competing against each other to become the most deadly virus in a race against humanity and each other.

Gameplay Overview

“Pandemic: Contagion” is a competitive card-based game that inverts the original “Pandemic” premise. Players control a disease and aim to spread their infection across the globe.

The game is divided into several rounds, each consisting of two main phases: the Infection phase and the Draw Card phase. You use cards to infect cities, increase your disease’s efficiency, and adapt to events that can change the game’s outcome.

The game ends when either all cities are wiped out or the deck of cards runs out, with the winner being the player who has collected the most Contagion Points through spreading their disease and achieving certain milestones.

Game Mechanics

The mechanics are straightforward. Players begin with a hand of cards and a basic virus with certain capabilities. Each round, they can perform actions such as increasing their incubation rate (which allows more cards to be drawn), increasing transmission (which enhances the ability to spread to cities), and increasing resistance (which defends against events and other players’ actions). Critical to the game is the choice of cities to infect; larger cities offer more points but typically come with greater competition and challenges.

What Makes It Fun?

For those familiar with the cooperative game, Pandemic, this game makes it fun by making it competitive. The game encourages tactical thinking, as players must balance between aggressive expansion and building their disease’s abilities to adapt to a changing world. The element of direct competition, absent in the cooperative “Pandemic”, adds a layer of excitement and unpredictability. Additionally, the game is relatively quick, usually lasting about 30 minutes, making it an excellent choice for game nights that need a faster-paced game.


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Clue: The Classic Whodunit Board Game

Welcome to the world of mystery, intrigue, and deduction – all rolled into one thrilling board game called ‘Clue’! This timeless classic has been captivating players of all ages since its inception in 1949. Let’s dive deeper into this game that requires both wit and strategy to win.

Gameplay and Objectives

As the name suggests, players are detectives trying to solve a murder mystery in the English countryside. The game involves 3-6 players and each person takes on the role of one of the six suspects – Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet, Professor Plum, Mr. Green, Mrs. White, and Mrs. Peacock.

The objective is to correctly identify three things – the murderer, the murder weapon, and the location of the crime. Players move around the board, gathering clues by asking questions to other players while trying to keep their own information hidden. The first player to make an accusation that matches all three criteria correctly wins.

Game Mechanics

Clue is a game that requires both luck and strategy. Each player must roll a dice to determine the number of spaces they can move on the board. The gameboard is a floor plan of a mansion, divided into several rooms, each with its own secret passage and unique characteristics.

As players enter different rooms, they must make ‘suggestions’ to other players about what they think happened in that particular room. If another player has one of the three cards mentioned in the suggestion, they must show it to the player making the suggestion in secret. This helps players eliminate possibilities and narrow down their own guesses.

What Makes It Fun?

Apart from being a great way to spend quality time with loved ones, Clue offers endless possibilities for replayability. With multiple players, suspects, weapons and locations to choose from, no two games are ever the same.

The game also requires players to be deceptive and cunning as they try to outsmart each other while trying to keep their clues hidden. 

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Star Munchkin

The Munchkins are back – but now they’re Mutants, Androids, and Cat People in space, grabbing Lasers, Vibroswords, and Nova Grenades and fighting Fanged Fuzzballs, Bionic Bimbos, and the Brain In A Jar. Star Munchkin is a complete game using the best-selling Munchkin rules (with a few new twists like Sidekicks), and it can be combined with any other Munchkin items.

Part of the Munchkin series.

Munchkin is a satirical card game based on the clichés and oddities of Dungeons and Dragons and other role-playing games. Each player starts at level 1 and the winner is the first player to reach level 10. Players can acquire familiar D&D style character classes during the game which determine to some extent the cards they can play.

There are two types of cards – treasure and encounters. Each turn the current players ‘kicks down the door’ – drawing an encounter card from the deck. Usually this will involve battling a monster. Monsters have their own levels and players must try and overcome it using the levels, weapons and powers they have acquired during the game or run away. Other players can chose to help the player or hinder by adding extra monsters to the encounter. Defeating a monster will usually result in drawing treasure cards and acquiring levels. Being defeated by a monster results in “bad stuff” which usually involves losing levels and treasure.

Note: The 2012 edition of Star Munchkin from Pegasus Spiele includes the first expansion, Star Munchkin 2: The Clown Wars.

Risk Strike

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Taking over the world fast and fiercely! You can get right into the action with this Risk Strike cards and dice game! The gameplay is simple, but highly strategic. Roll the dice to start fighting, declare which continent you want to attack, and deploy your troops. To conquer the world, use tactics cards to sabotage, bombard, spy, and more. Conquer continents and earn dominion coins by defeating your opponents. The first player to earn 2 domination coins wins!

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UNO Remix

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Uno Remix: Reinventing a Classic with a Personal Twist

“Uno Remix” is an innovative take on the classic card game “Uno,” known for its simple yet engaging gameplay. This new version adds a unique twist, allowing players to personalize the game, making each round a fresh and unpredictable experience.

Gameplay and Player Actions

“Uno Remix” retains the fundamental gameplay of the original Uno: players aim to match cards in their hand by either color or number with the card shown on the top of the deck and compete to be the first to play all cards. “Uno Remix” adds a new element where you can add your own custom cards to the deck.

Throughout the game, players have opportunities to create new action cards. These can range from simple color and number cards to more complex cards with specific rules or effects. Players can name these cards, often leading to hilarious and memorable additions to the game.

Game Mechanics

The main mechanic that sets “Uno Remix” apart is the ability to remix the deck with personalized cards. As the game progresses, the deck evolves, and strategies must adapt. This mechanic ensures that no two games are ever the same, as the deck’s composition changes with each play.

Players draw from the remixed deck, responding to the ever-changing dynamics of both standard and custom action cards. This requires flexibility and quick thinking, as the newly added cards can significantly alter the course of the game.

What Makes It Fun

In “Uno Remix”, players get to enjoy the classic Uno gameplay they love while also experiencing the thrill of creating new rules and card effects. The added personalization brings an element of surprise and humor to the game, as players encounter the unexpected creations of their friends and family. This not only adds variety to the game but also creates a more engaging and interactive experience.

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The Thrill of the Roll – Discovering ‘Greed’

‘Greed’ is a dice game that mixes luck, strategy, and a whole lot of fun.

What is ‘Greed’?

‘Greed,’ also known as ‘10,000,’ is a captivating dice game. Its beauty lies in its simplicity – just six dice and a scorepad to get started. Perfect for ages 10 and up, ‘Greed’ is an excellent choice for family game nights or casual get-togethers with friends.

How to Play

The gameplay of ‘Greed’ is pretty simple, really. Each player takes turns rolling the six dice. Your goal? To score points and be the first to reach 10,000 points. On your turn, you roll all six dice and set aside any scoring dice . Then, you have a choice: you can either bank your points or take a risk and roll the rest of the dice for a shot at scoring even more.

Game Mechanics and Scoring

Now, let’s talk about the scoring, which is the heart of ‘Greed.’ Certain combinations of dice and individual dice have specific point values. For example:

  • A single 1 is worth 100 points.
  • A single 5 is worth 50 points.
  • Three of a kind, like three 2s, scores 200 points.
  • Three 1s are a high score of 1000 points!

If you roll a combination with no scoring dice, ’ and you lose all points accumulated in that turn. The risk and reward element here is tantalizing, pushing you to either play it safe or go for the big scores.

Why ‘Greed’ is a Blast!

What makes ‘Greed’ so much fun? It’s the perfect blend of luck and strategy. You’re constantly making decisions – whether to play it safe and bank your points or push your luck for a bigger score. The game fosters an exciting atmosphere as players cheer and groan with each roll of the dice.

The Social Factor

Another reason why ‘Greed’ shines is its social aspect. It’s not just about rolling dice – it’s about the laughter, the friendly competition, and the shared excitement. It’s a game that brings people together, regardless of age or gaming experience.


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SET has sold over 3 million copies. Players race to find as many SETs as they can.

There are three cards in a SET, but each of their features (color, shape, number, shading) is either the same OR different! Whenever a SET appears, the first player calls out “SET” and grabs the cards. There are no “turns” in this game. In addition to being fast-paced fun, it also builds skills and exercises the brain! Due to the logic rule, and the fact that players must apply it to the spatial array of patterns at once, players must use both left and right brains! The player with the most SETs wins the game!

Builds cognitive, logical and spatial reasoning skills as well as visual perception skills

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Red November

Red November is a cooperative game in a gnomish attack submarine where everything is going wrong. The sub is descending and the water pressure increasing, the nuclear reactor is overheating, the nuclear missile launchers are pre-igniting, fires and water leaks are everywhere, there’s a giant Kraken looming nearby and there’s very little oxygen and vodka left. While the storyline feels more and more like a disaster movie, the players must get organized to solve the problems, divide the tasks among themselves to minimize the risks, and sometimes accept to sacrifice themselves for the common cause.

The game is played on the map of the submarine. The conditions in the submarine are represented by three disaster tracks: Asphyxiation, Heat and Pressure. During the game, these conditions get worse, and if anyone of them reaches its maximum value, the submarine is lost. In addition, various emergencies can occur which have to be dealt with swiftly, or they’ll also lead to the loss of the submarine.

Each turn, a player can move to a new location, and perform some action there. Such an action can be repairs (which will improve conditions on the sub and/or fix emergencies), removing obstacles (unblocking hatches, removing flooding or extinguishing fires) or stocking up on equipment (which will help with later actions). Each action is paid for with time. The more time a player spends on an action, the greater the chance of success. After each player’s turn, a number of events will happen; the more time was spent, the more events will occur. Such events will be the worsening of conditions in the submarine, or the triggering of emergencies.

If the Gnomes can keep alive long enough, rescue will arrive and the game is won.

City Blox

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City Blox is a fun “build and match” game for the whole family. When you build your own living quarters out of building blocks, it is important to think logically as well as out of the box! 

In the beginning, each player receives three landscape maps and three empty building plots. The players now take turns selecting which building blocks may be built on each building plot in each round. Buildings fit into holes in the landscape map, and the map is placed on top of the building site.

The first player to complete all three buildings wins. Although it may sound simple, the road to victory is more challenging than you might think. The building blocks may not be the right ones. 

Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Boardgame

This entry covers the 2002 release of Sid Meier´s Civilization: The Boardgame by Eagle Games. This game is unrelated to the similarly named 2010 FFG game Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Board Game.

A boardgame version of the award-winning PC strategy game. Create a civilization to stand the test of time! The game begins in 4000 BC where the players found a pair of villages of a fledgling people.

Each player’s civilization :

Explores the world around them, discovering resources and the native people that defend them.
Expands by sending settlers out to create new cities.
Researches new technologies to gain advantages over the other players.
Builds unique “Wonders of the World”.
Increases the size of their cities (4 sizes from village to metropolis) to increase production.
Builds military units to defend what’s theirs, and to conquer what’s not.


2 sets of rules (standard, and advanced) allow anyone to play the game.
784 plastic pieces featuring 22 different, professionally sculpted playing pieces that represent cities, settlers, armies, navies, artillery, and air units from 4 different eras.
Over 100 full color Technology and Wonder cards.
A giant 46” x 36” gameboard featuring the artwork of Paul Niemeyer.

This game has been reimplemented in 2007 as Civilization CHR (“open source” project)

Uno Star Wars

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Uno Star Wars is a twist on the classic Uno game that’s sure to make your gaming sessions more exciting! 

Similar game mechanics to Uno

To start, each player is dealt seven cards, while the remaining cards form the Draw pile. The top card from the Draw pile is flipped over to start the Discard pile, and the game begins! 

You can play by matching the color, number, or symbol of the top card on the discard pile from your hand, or you can play a Star Wars-themed action card.

Star Wars unique action cards give a  twist to Uno

The action cards introduce unique commands that can force opponents to draw cards, skip their turn, reverse the play order, or even switch hands with another player.

The ultimate goal of the game is to be the first player to discard all of your cards. But watch out! Once you’re down to one card, you must shout “Uno!” to alert the other players. If you forget, you’ll have to draw two more cards. The game ends when a player discards all their cards and is declared the winner.

With the added strategic layer provided by the Star Wars-themed action cards, each round of Uno Star Wars is exciting and unpredictable. Trust me, it’s a galactic journey in every game!

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Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game

Inspired by a love of classic video games, Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game pits 2-4 players in a competition to build the ultimate side-scrolling dungeon. Players compete to lure and destroy hapless adventurers, racing to outbid one another to see who can build the most enticing, treasure-filled dungeon. The goal of Boss Monster is to be the first Boss to amass ten Souls, which are gained when a Hero is lured and defeated — but a player can lose if his Boss takes five Wounds from Heroes who survive his dungeon.

Playing Boss Monster requires you to juggle two competing priorities: the need to lure Heroes at a faster rate than your opponents, and the need to kill those Heroes before they reach your Boss. Players can build one room per turn, each with its own damage and treasure value. More attractive rooms tend to deal less damage, so a Boss who is too greedy can become inundated with deadly Heroes.

Players interact with each other by building rooms and playing Spells. Because different Heroes seek different treasure types, and rooms are built simultaneously (played face down, then revealed), this means that every “build phase” is a bidding war. Spells are instant-speed effects that can give players advantages or disrupt opponents.

As a standalone card game with 155 cards, Boss Monster contains everything that 2-4 players need to play.

Rory’s Story Cubes

Here’s a game that’s enormous fun and will sharpen your wits and hone your imagination. The 54 images were designed by Rory O’Connor of Ireland, a trainer in creativity and creative problem-solving. They can be used to arrive at answers or decisions in an indirect and ingenious way.

Originally Rory had put the images on the faces of a Rubik’s Cube, and players would turn the Cube to scramble the images, then choose one side to play with. Kate Jones of Kadon Enterprises suggested putting the 54 images on 9 separate cubes, to allow for quicker ways to generate more varied combinations, including conceptual puzzles. Rory readily agreed, having considered the 9-cubes idea himself earlier. At a creativity conference held at Kadon headquarters in May 2004, a prototype was whipped up, and in 2005 Kadon launched the cubes version of Rory’s Story Cubes.

Each jumbo 1″ cube has 6 images or icons, with a total of 54 all-different hand-inlaid images that can be mixed in over 10 million ways. You roll all 9 cubes to generate 9 random images and then use these to invent a story that starts with “Once upon a time…” and uses all 9 elements as part of your narrative.

Play it as a game for one or more players, or as a party game for three or more. Or play it as an improv game where each player contributes part of the story, picking up where the last one left off. Win award points for speedy delivery, inventiveness, imagination, drama and humor.

Full instructions include several other ways to use the cubes to solve problems, break up writer’s block, enhance your imagination and heighten your ability to find unifying themes among the diverse images. Interpret or get at the meanings of your answers more quickly. It’s fun, easy, and mind-stretching.

As a puzzle the cubes will really give your imagination a work-out. You’ll practically feel both sides of your brain dancing. The challenge: Fit the 9 cubes into a 3×3 square. Now examine the cubes in any one row and turn them so their tops have something in common. Do this for all 3 rows. Explain your choices, or challenge another player to identify the element they share. More than one answer may be right, and there are thousands of possible combinations.

Rory’s Story Cubes are recommended for all ages over 8, though it’s fun to watch a younger child create combinations with the cubes and make up stories.

Stratego Classic

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Who will win when two armies clash? Globally, more than 20 million copies of the classic strategy game have been sold. Fans of strategy games have enjoyed Stratego for over 50 years by challenging an opponent and trying to lead their army to victory. You and your opponent will control Napoleonic armies and plan strategic attacks and clever deceptions to break through the enemy’s line and capture the flag!

The numbers are printed on heavy plastic pieces. No stickers. These round pieces are shaped like castle rooks and are durable. The game comes with numbered & covered holders for each player’s pieces and a heavy privacy screen for setting up. Similar to the 80s version with improvements.
Gameplay – Set up your board to defend your flag while capturing your opponent’s flag. Different pieces have different moves and abilities, but in this version, higher numbers defeat lower numbers. Move and attack alternately. You win by capturing the enemy flag first.


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Spy Alley

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Get ready to become a master spy with Spy Alley!

Are you looking for a new board game to add to your collection? Look no further than Spy Alley! This action-packed strategy game will put your espionage skills to the test as you try to outsmart and deceive your opponents.


The premise of Spy Alley is simple – players take on the role of different spies, each with a unique identity and set of spy gadgets. The goal is to be the first player to collect all of your assigned spy gear, make it to Spy Alley, and correctly guess the identity of your opponents. But beware – one wrong move could expose your own identity and cost you the game!

Game Mechanics

Spy Alley combines elements of strategy, bluffing, and deduction to keep players on their toes. Each turn, players have the option to move their spy around the board, collect spy gear, or use special gadgets to throw off their opponents’ suspicions. Along the way, players can also try to guess the identities of other spies by using clues gathered from gameplay.

Suitable for all skill levels

One of the great things about Spy Alley is that it can be enjoyed by players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned board game pro or just starting out, the simple rules and fast-paced gameplay make it easy to pick up and play. Plus, with a little bit of luck and a lot of strategy, anyone can come out on top!

What makes it fun?

So what exactly makes Spy Alley so enjoyable? Is it the thrill of trying to outsmart your opponents and successfully complete your mission? Or maybe it’s the excitement of using clever gadgets like Disguise Glasses or Laser Pens to throw off other players. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure – Spy Alley will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

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Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. Admit it. You love it. This award-winning card game, designed by Steve Jackson, captures the essence of the dungeon experience… with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm… or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon… And it’s illustrated by John Kovalic! Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And, while they’re laughing, you can steal their stuff.


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Sequence is a board and card game. The board shows all the cards (except for the Jacks) of two (2) standard 52-card decks, laid in a 10 x 10 pattern. The four corners are free spaces and count for all players equally.

The players compete to create rows, columns or diagonals of 5 connected checkers placed on the cards that the player has laid down. Two-eyed Jacks are wild, while one-eyed Jacks allow an opponent’s checker to be removed. The game ends when someone has reached a specified number of connections.

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Super Cats

You play as groups of five cats that compete to become the Super Cats Heroes, to defeat the RoboDog, devourer of cat food. When a player transforms their five cats into the Hero, the others will collectively play as the RoboDog. Fighting occurs in real time, with everyone playing simultaneously.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtle Power Card Game features the same gameplay as Super Cats, but with the players representing various TMNT heroes. In the second half of the game, the winner of the first half tries to take down Krang, who is controlled by the other players.

Struggle for Catan

In 2010, designer Klaus Teuber overhauled the two-player Catan card game with the release of The Rivals for Catan – released in Germany as Die Fürsten von Catan – and in 2011 Teuber, Kosmos and Mayfair Games present a new multi-player card game set in the Catan universe: The Struggle for Catan, aka, Die Siedler von Catan: Das schnelle Kartenspiel.

As in the original The Settlers of Catan board game, players need to manage their resources in order to build settlements, roads, cities, city improvements and knights, all of which grant victory points (VPs) or special abilities. Control of roads and knights can change hands during the game, so don’t assume that what’s yours will stay yours. City improvements are expensive, but they bring you additional VPs and other bonuses, so strive to spiff up your cities! The first player to have ten VPs wins the game.

The game is dice-less and resource gain and exchanging is based on each player’s developments making this version less luck dependent than the original. A twist in the game is that certain developments are limited and can be stolen from other players once there are no new ones left. The first player to gain 10 victory points, wins the game.

(Note that Kosmos lists this game with a 30-minute playing time, while Mayfair Games sets the playing time at 45-60 minutes.)

Mixing two copies of game, can be played with 5 and 6 players.

Red Flags

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In Red Flags, you convince your friends to go on terrible dates. It works like this: One of your friends is going to be single. The other players use perks cards to make hot dates for people they think would be great matches. There are brain surgeons who like cuddling, Olympic gymnasts who enjoy video games, and musicians who own your favorite sports teams. Then everyone plays a Red Flag onto another player. These perfect dates now have flaws such as punching every barista they see, wearing diapers because it’s “more convenient,” or collecting human skulls for free! The singles try to persuade the singles to eat out with their date since all of the dates are terrible.

Fun game! This game is best played with a group of friends or family that you are comfortable with or know well, since you will be discussing why your person is better for them than everyone else’s. As this game has thousands of combinations and many different expansion packs, it never gets old!

Some cards may be inappropriate for those under 18. Just remove these cards from the deck.

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Catan Dice Game

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Catan Dice Game At a Glance

  • Dice Game version of Catan where players aim to dominate by collecting resources and building on the island of Catan.
  • Players as settlers, roll six custom dice to gather resources for building settlements, cities, and roads.
  • Unique Twist: Rolling a ‘7’ triggers the robber, potentially stealing resources.
  • Players can use special abilities, like building knights or trading resources for points, to advance.
  • Solo or Duo Play: Unlike the original board game, Catan Dice can be played alone or with another person,
  • Bonus Tiles add strategic depth by enhancing resource gains and encouraging players to aim for these boosts.
  • Catan fans  and those who enjoy quick strategy games with a mix of luck. Ideal for travel or short gaming sessions.

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In Catan, strategy and luck collide in a race for resources and domination.

Catan Dice Gameplay

In Catan Dice game, you take on the roles of settlers who have landed on the island of Catan. The objective is to be the first to reach 10 points by building settlements, cities, and roads. On each turn, you roll six custom dice which determine the resources you can collect – wood, brick, wool, grain, or ore. These resources are needed to build or upgrade settlements, cities, and roads.

There is however a twist. When a ‘7’ symbol is rolled by any player, it triggers the dreaded robber – and your resources may get stolen. You will also use your rolls strategically to activate special abilities such as building a knight to protect against the robber or trading in resources for victory points.

Game Mechanics

Unlike the original Catan board game, the dice version is played solo or with a partner. Each player has their score sheet and takes turns rolling the dice and making decisions based on their results. The game ends when one player reaches 10 points or if all spaces on the score sheet have been filled.

One of the most interesting mechanics in the Catan Dice Game is the use of bonus tiles. These tiles are placed on certain resource spaces and can multiply or add to the resources collected when that number is rolled. This adds an extra layer of strategy as players try to target these bonus tiles for maximum gain.

Who would enjoy this game?

If you’re a fan of the original Catan board game, then the Catan Dice Game is a must-try. The dice version offers a faster and more compact way to play the classic game, making it great for travel or quick gaming sessions. It’s also perfect for those who enjoy strategy games with an element of luck.

What makes it fun and different?

The Catan Dice Game takes all the beloved elements of the original game, such as building and trading, and adds a new level of excitement with the use of dice. The fast-paced nature of the game keeps players on their toes, making each turn a thrilling experience.

The addition of bonus tiles also adds an extra layer of strategy and unpredictability to the game, making each playthrough unique. And let’s not forget about the special abilities – players must use them wisely to outsmart their opponents and claim victory.

In summary, the Catan Dice Game is a fantastic adaptation of the original board game, offering a unique and enjoyable gaming experience. So gather your friends, roll the dice, and embark on a journey to become the ultimate settler in Catan!


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Connect 4 Card Game

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The classic 4-in-a-row Connect 4 has been transformed into a fast, fun card game! In this game, you choose 2 Mission cards from the deck and keep their patterns hidden. You then draw Connect 4 Tiles and arrange patterns to match their Missions.

There is also a twist to the game. When you draw a Tile card with a Power-Up symbol, you can perform one-time actions that can change the course of the game. You have to complete 4 Missions to win. 

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Super Munchkin

Publisher’s Description

Fly through the city. Smash the villains. Backstab your teammates and grab their gadgets.

Munchkin has parodied the classic dungeon, the kung-fu warrior, the space epic, and the creatures of the night. Now, it’s the superheroes’ turn!

Be a Mutant, an Exotic, a Mystic, or a Techno. The higher your Level, the more Powers you can have. Battle dastardly masterminds, devastating monsters, and invading aliens from the next dimension – from the wimpy Triplicate Twit all the way up to Big Ol’ Planet Eater Guy himself – and TAKE THEIR STUFF! With the Aura Helmet, the Telezapinator, and the (jet-powered) Pogo Stick, no foe can stand before you.

Super Munchkin is a stand-alone game, which (of course) can be combined with other Munchkin games. Designed by Steve Jackson (I) and illustrated by John Kovalic, this one is destined to RULE THE WORLD! Mwahahaha!


Part of the Munchkin series

Munchkin is a satirical card game based on the clichés and oddities of Dungeons and Dragons and other role-playing games. Each player starts at level 1 and the winner is the first player to reach level 10. Players can acquire familiar D&D style character classes during the game which determine to some extent the cards they can play.

There are two types of cards – treasure and encounters. Each turn the current players ‘kicks down the door’ – drawing an encounter card from the deck. Usually this will involve battling a monster. Monsters have their own levels and players must try and overcome it using the levels, weapons and powers they have acquired during the game or run away. Other players can chose to help the player or hinder by adding extra monsters to the encounter. Defeating a monster will usually result in drawing treasure cards and acquiring levels. Being defeated by a monster results in “bad stuff” which usually involves losing levels and treasure.


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The Exciting World of Taboo: A Game for Everyone

Are you looking for a game that will have everyone at the edge of their seats, laughing and having a great time? Look no further than Taboo! This popular board game has been bringing joy to families and friends for decades, with its fast-paced gameplay, fun mechanics, and endless entertainment.and friends all over the world since it was first introduced in 1989.

How to Play

The rules of Taboo are simple: divide into two teams and try to guess as many words or phrases as possible within a minute. Each player takes turns being the clue giver while the rest of their team tries to guess the secret word or phrase without using any of the forbidden words listed on their card.

For example, if the secret word is “beach”, some forbidden words may include “ocean”, “sand”, or “sun”. If the clue giver accidentally says any of these words, they will receive a buzzer and the team will move onto the next card.

Each round lasts for one minute and teams take turns being the clue giver, with the goal to get as many correct guesses as possible. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!

What Makes it Fun

What makes Taboo an enjoyable experience is its simplicity, which is easy to understand and follow. The game has simple rules, accessible to all ages and skill levels. The timer adds pressure, while avoiding forbidden words makes it more exciting. Hilarious moments come when someone slips up and says a forbidden word.

Above all, Taboo is fun because it encourages players to think outside of the box and use their creativity. The challenge of conveying a word without actually saying it requires players to be clever and quick on their feet, making for a truly entertaining experience.

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Uno Showdown

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You love matching cards, but this game adds the excitement of card-shooting. As soon as lightning sounds and the UNO Showdown unit is turned on, be the first to push the paddle down. The quickest player wins the showdown and sends cards flying out of the UNO Showdown unit at their opponents. By matching all their cards with the top card shown on the deck, players compete to get rid of them. When players are down to one card, they must remember to yell UNO.

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Dirty Money: The Money Laundering Game

‘Dirty Money’ is created by two brothers who wanted to turn the somewhat taboo topic of money laundering into something fun and educational

How to Play

So what’s the premise of this game? Well, let’s just say that you and your fellow players are all involved in some shady business. You have to use your wits and strategy to launder as much money as possible without getting caught by the authorities or other players. Sounds exciting already, right?

But wait, there’s more! The game also incorporates elements from classic board games like Monopoly and Risk, making it a perfect mix of luck and strategy. And the best part? It’s suitable for players aged 13 and above, so you can play with your teenage kids or your adult friends without worrying about anyone feeling left out.

Who Can Play

Speaking of audience, I would highly recommend this game to those who enjoy games with a twist and have a dark sense of humor. It’s definitely not your typical family game night choice, but it’s perfect for those looking for something different and unexpected.

What Makes It Fun

Now, let’s talk about what makes this game so much fun. First off, the concept itself is already intriguing – who wouldn’t want to pretend to be a money launderer for a few hours? Secondly, the game is highly interactive and encourages players to strategize and think outside the box. And let’s not forget the element of surprise when someone pulls off a successful money laundering scheme.

Zombie Dice

Eat brains. Don’t get shotgunned.

In Zombie Dice, you are a zombie. You want braaains – more brains than any of your zombie buddies. The 13 custom dice are your victims. Push your luck to eat their brains, but stop rolling before the shotgun blasts end your turn! Whoever collects 13 brains first wins. Each game takes 10 to 20 minutes and can be taught in a single round.

Each turn, you take three dice from the box and roll them. A brain symbol is worth one point at the end of the round, while footsteps allow you to reroll this particular dice. Shotgun blasts on the other hand are rather bad, cause if you collect three shotgun blasts during your turn, it is over for you and you get no points. After rolling three dice, you may decide if you want to score your current brain collection or if you want to push your luck by grabbing new dice so you have three again and roll once more.


A tower building game.

Jenga is played with 54 wooden blocks; each block is 3 times as long as it is wide, and slightly smaller in height than in width. The blocks are stacked in a tower formation; each story is three blocks placed adjacent to each other along their long side, and each story is placed perpendicular to the previous (so, for example, if the blocks in the first story are pointing north-south, the second story blocks will point east-west). There are therefore 18 stories to the Jenga tower. Since stacking the blocks neatly can be tedious, a plastic loading tray is included.

Once the tower is built, the person who built the tower moves first. Moving in Jenga consists of taking one and only one block from any story except the completed top story of the tower at the time of the turn, and placing it on the topmost story in order to complete it. Only one hand at a time may be used to remove a block; both hands can be used, but only one hand may be on the tower at a time. Blocks may be bumped to find a loose block that will not disturb the rest of the tower. Any block that is moved out of place may be left out of place if it is determined that it will knock the tower over if it is removed. The turn ends when the next person to move touches the tower, although he or she can wait 10 seconds before moving for the previous turn to end if they believe the tower will fall in that time.

The game ends when the tower falls in any significant way — in other words, any piece falls from the tower, other than the piece being knocked out to move to the top. The loser is the person who made the tower fall (i.e. whose turn it was when the tower fell); the winner is the person who moved before the loser.

The same game concept was published in 1984 by Fagus under the name “Hoppla – eins zuviel!”

According to the designer, the game was developed from Takoradi blocks/bricks. “Jenga” is Swahili for “build”.

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Sorry! Sliders

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Play Sorry in a new way!

The Sorry! Sliders game features the primary Sorry! colors of blue, red, yellow, and green. In addition to the rolling pawns, there are 16 scoring pawns that are smaller than the rolling pawns and do not contain the rolling balls at their bottoms. In addition, the game offers four different versions of gameplay–a fun, new variation on the original Sorry! that only offers one way to play.

Adding a new twist to the game by turning it into a shuffle board game–sliding your pawns into the Sorry! or sliding your opponent’s pawns into the Home! spaces and off the board to win.

Because it doesn’t require a high level of skill or strategy, it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. In addition, it is a game that you can play for as long or as little as you like.

Sorry! Sliders are also educational for children who need to practice counting skills, since players must add up points and scores.


Keltis is a multi-player game based on Lost Cities, with some rules changes, later published with Knizia’s original rules and theme as Lost Cities: The Board Game.

Players play cards to move their playing pieces along stone paths. Cards show one of five different colors/symbols, each corresponding to one path; in addition, each card shows a number (0-10, twice each). In each color, each player can play his cards in either ascending or descending order. As in Lost Cities, it’s better to concentrate on a few paths since the final spaces on a path grant high points, but ending early gives negative ones.

The active player plays one card (out of a hand of eight) or discards one, then moves the corresponding playing piece on the path. Many of the spaces have a token that grants some bonus: either immediate points (counted on the scoring track), an extra move on a path, or wishing stones that are needed at game end to avoid negative points.

The game ends when five playing pieces (from any combination of players) have reached the seventh (or higher) space on their respective paths. Now, scoring happens:

Pieces that moved only 1-3 steps earn negative points (-4, -3, -2).
Pieces with 4+ steps earn points (1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10).
One piece of each player twice the height of other pieces scores double, either positive or negative.
Holding fewer than two wish stones earns negative points (-3 / -4), while a collection of five or more stones yields a bonus of 10 points.

All endgame points are added to any scored during the game. The player with the highest score wins!

Primary differences between Lost Cities: The Board Game and Keltis:

1. In LCBG you play 3 rounds, scoring at the end of all 3 for the monuments you collect. (Normal scoring occurs each round.) In Keltis, you only play 1 round, and score everything each round. This is not just a rule difference, as the scoring is different for the monuments/stones based on the number collected.

2. In Keltis, you may play your cards in either order, high to low, or low to high. In LCBG, you must go low to high.

Note: the rules for LCBG have the Keltis rules as variants, and have the board elements necessary for #1 above. Keltis does not have the rules nor board elements to play LCBG.

There are more differences that are non-substantive. (Art, points in LCBG multiplied by 5, etc.)

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Strawberry Sunset

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Create a flourishing strawberry patch in Strawberry Sunset. Grow as many strawberry plants as you can while landscaping your garden until sunset. Koi ponds, gnomes, and zen gardens can add a unique touch to your design. Ready to get your hands dirty?

How to Play

First things first, let me explain the basic gameplay of Strawberry Sunset. It’s a strategic and highly interactive game where players take on the role of farmers trying to grow and harvest as many strawberries as possible. The goal is simple – be the first player to earn 30 points by selling strawberries at the market.

Now you might be wondering, “What makes this game so special?” Well, let me tell you. Strawberry Sunset is designed to be fast-paced and unpredictable, keeping players on their toes at all times. Each turn, players roll a set of dice with different symbols that determine their actions for the round. These actions include planting strawberries, harvesting them, hiring farmhands or sabotaging opponents. This adds an element of luck and surprise to the game, making it highly replayable.

Who Can Play

In my opinion, Strawberry Sunset is suitable for all kinds of players – from casual gamers to more experienced ones. It’s easy to learn but has enough depth to keep even the most strategic minds engaged. The game also encourages player interaction and competition, making it perfect for game nights with friends or family. 

What Makes It Fun

Apart from the obvious fun of growing and selling strawberries, Strawberry Sunset has a few more tricks up its sleeve. The game comes with special cards that can give players advantages or disadvantages during gameplay. These cards can be bought at the market or obtained through certain actions, adding an extra layer of strategy to the game. Plus, with each round being different due to dice rolls and player decisions, it never gets boring.

Beam me up

The premise of the ‘Beam Me Up’ is simple yet intriguing – you are part of a team of space explorers who are tasked with collecting resources from various planets. The twist? You have to do it before your rivals get their hands on the same resources.

How to Play

The game mechanics revolve around strategy and luck, making it a perfect combination for an entertaining and unpredictable gaming experience. Each turn, players roll dice to determine how far their spaceship can travel, which planet they can visit and what resources they can acquire. However, it’s not just about collecting resources, as players also have to defend their spaceship and make strategic decisions on when to trade or attack other players.

Who Can Play

One of the things I love most about ‘Beam me up’ is its audience appeal. It’s a game that can be enjoyed by both casual and serious gamers. The simple rules make it easy for anyone to pick up and play, while the strategic elements keep more experienced players engaged. Plus, who can resist the fun theme of space exploration and rivalry?

What Makes It Fun

But what really sets this game apart for me is the element of unpredictability. With each roll of the dice, you never know what’s going to happen next. Will you successfully collect resources or will your spaceship get attacked and looted by another player? This constant excitement and uncertainty is what makes ‘Beam me up’ so addictive and fun to play.

Skirmish: 52C


SKIRMISH: 52C is a modern-era skirmish-sized wargaming rules system that aims to offer a unique experience at every game session.

Winning strategies must be formulated on the fly and against overwhelming odds.
The rules are designed to provide the same level of clarity and comprehensiveness found in rules systems meticulously crafted for competitive play. The balance of competitive rulesets is not present in SKIRMISH: 52C.

Instead, players deal with the harsh reflection of war’s potential realities. In the face of adversity, you play the hand you are dealt and hope for better luck the next time.

Number of Players

SKIRMISH: 52C is optimized for play by one to two players. It is possible to accommodate additional players, although it is suggested that players divide control of a team’s models as opposed to introducing additional teams. In these situations, model counts greater than 8 per team are recommended.

SKIRMISH: 52C has been designed to reflect abstracted modern infantry combat on Earth. The ruleset can be used to simulate the battles of the 20th century and beyond. Scope: SKIRMISH: 52C is a skirmish-sized miniature wargame. Players assume the role of a squad leader, commanding 4-12 soldiers.

The game is played in 2.5 dimensions. There is a degree of abstraction regarding line of sight and terrain characteristics. With this abstraction, SKIRMISH: 52C can be played using a two-dimensional surface, such as a dry-erase board, in conjunction with coins or similar tokens, but it is not required. Furthermore, three-dimensional terrain features can also be implemented using this abstraction. For example, the height of terrain features do not need to be appropriately scaled to the soldier proxies used.

Game world time for each model’s turn is about a minute long. Most games can be completed in one hour.


Goosebumps: Race to Dead House

Goosebumps: Race to Dead House is the perfect family board game for you

How to Play

The goal is to be the first player to reach Dead House and escape before time runs out. Sounds easy, right? Well, not exactly.

The game is filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep you on your toes. Each turn, you roll a dice and move your character along the board, encountering challenges and obstacles along the way. These challenges are inspired by popular Goosebumps books, adding a nostalgic factor to the game.

But what truly sets this game apart is the inclusion of ‘Fear Cards’. These cards add an element of surprise and strategy to the game. They can either help you progress or hinder your opponents, making each turn unpredictable and exciting.

Who Can Play

This game is recommended for ages 8 and up but can be enjoyed by anyone who loves a good mix of strategy and luck

What Makes It Fun

The unpredictability and element of surprise makes this game addictive and intruiging

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Dungeon Breakout

Dungeon Breakout is the ultimate fantasy board game that will have you hooked from the very first roll of the dice.

How to Play

Dungeon Breakout is a fantasy adventure game where players take on the role of brave adventurers trying to escape an enchanted dungeon filled with treacherous traps and fearsome monsters. The gameplay is fast-paced, strategic and highly addictive. Each player has their own unique character with special abilities and strengths, making every game session different and exciting.

One of the things that sets Dungeon Breakout apart from other board games is its clever use of game mechanics. It’s not just about rolling dice or moving pieces around a board, there’s a lot more strategy involved. For example, players can team up to defeat monsters or sabotage each other in order to gain an advantage. This adds an extra layer of complexity and makes for some really hilarious moments.

Who Can Play

Let’s talk about the type of audience who might enjoy this game. Honestly, I think it appeals to everyone. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or just looking for a fun night in with friends, Dungeon Breakout has something for everyone. It’s easy to learn but difficult to master, making it perfect for players of all skill levels.

What Makes It Fun

But what really makes this game stand out is the sheer enjoyment factor. Every time I play, I find myself laughing and having a great time with my friends. The combination of strategy, luck and player interaction creates a truly unique gaming experience that keeps me coming back for more. Plus, the artwork and design of the game are top-notch, adding to the overall immersive experience.


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CirKis – the captivating game of circles and stars and it’s so easy, anyone can play but can you win

On each turn, players place a piece next to the last piece played (the “Leader”). Points are earned by completing Circles and Stars. Whenever a player scores 40 points, the game is over. Additionally, a game can end if one player plays his last piece or if there are no further plays possible, in which case the high score wins.

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Sequence Stacks

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In Sequence Stacks, you play the cards from your hand or pick from the top of the draw pile to create runs of 1-5 on the decks in the middle.

How to Play

So how does the game work? Well, each player is given a set of cards with unique symbols on them. The goal of the game is to create a sequence of five symbols in a row to win. Sounds easy right? Wrong! The catch is that other players can block your sequences with their own cards. And this is where the strategy comes in.

You need to carefully plan your moves, anticipate what your opponents might do and always have a backup plan. It may sound daunting, but trust me, it’s incredibly fun and exhilarating once you get the hang of it.

Who Can Play

Now, who is this game for? I would say anyone who loves a good challenge and doesn’t mind a little bit of healthy competition. It’s also great for families as the rules are simple enough for kids to understand, yet challenging enough for adults to enjoy.

What Makes It Fun

But what sets Sequence Stacks apart from other card games? Well, for one, the unique gameplay and mechanics make it stand out. But what I love most about this game is the element of surprise. You never know what cards your opponents may have up their sleeves, which keeps the game exciting and unpredictable.

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Goto Hell!

Against The Odds has released Goto Hell, a pocket battle game. This game fits in your pocket. With the rules on the back of the game map, it is about the size of a postcard. You can cut out the counters along the border, or you can buy or add the game as a freebie while ordering another game through ATO. With the simple rules, units have a unit type, a firepower type (anti-tank or anti-infantry) and a unit type. There is one hex movement per turn and a range of 2-3 hexes. In addition to Off Board Artillery and Air, there are firepower attacks and modifiers to attacks made by other units.

Each attack is rolled by drawing a card from a deck. Card 7 and above are removed, leaving the rest of the cards and two jokers. These cards are drawn to resolve the conflict. The game is very easy to play for anyone who has played wargames before.

Set in Saipan, the game depicts a Japanese armored counterattack against US Marines. The gameplay is fast, and a D10 can be used instead of a deck of cards to modify it.

Due to the ease of setup and play, anyone could get a feel for wargames. The game and others in the series (ATO offers numerous pocket games) can give a wargamer thinking about it a taste that leads to more exploration and, eventually, consistency.


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Tenzi Dice Game: Fun and Fast-paced simple game

 ‘Tenzi’ is sa fast-paced dice game that is fun and easy to pick up.

Gameplay: Quick, Easy and Addictive

Tenzi is a game that can be played with 2-4 players and requires no prior set-up. It comes with 40 colorful dice divided equally among the players, each having a unique color. The objective of the game is simple – be the first one to roll all your dice to match the same number.

You are given ten dice at the start, and when someone says “Go”, everyone starts rolling their dice as fast as they can. As you roll your dice, you keep setting aside any that match the same number. For example, if I roll three 5s on my first try, I quickly put those aside and roll the remaining seven again.

The key to winning is speed. You have to keep rolling until all your dice show the same number, and once they do, you shout “Tenzi!” to win the round. If someone else shouts “Tenzi” before you, don’t worry; you can still try for second place by shouting “Frenzy” when all your dice match the same number.

The game continues until someone wins all ten rounds, becoming the ultimate Tenzi champion!

A Game for Everyone

One of the best things about Tenzi is that it can be enjoyed by anyone! Whether you are a young kid or old, this game is suitable for all ages. Its simple rules make it easy to understand, and everyone can join in on the fun right from the start.

The game also allows for different variations and twists, making it even more exciting. You can play with a timer to add some pressure or incorporate bonus rounds where players have to match specific numbers. These variations make Tenzi perfect for any occasion – be it family game night, a party, or even on a road trip.

What Makes It Fun?

Fun for those who want something simple, quick and  interactive

Having played Tenzi countless times, it is the game’s simplicity that makes it so much fun. The quick pace keeps everyone on their toes, and the competitive factor adds a hint of adrenaline to the mix.

Tenzi also promotes quick reaction times, making it an excellent activity for children to sharpen their minds.

Tenzi also can bring people together. Rolling, competing, and rushing to match your dice makes it a fun interactive party game.

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Trivial Pursuit

Trivia Pursuit, a classic board game that has been keeping players entertained and challenged for decades


The objective of Trivia Pursuit is simple: be the first player to collect all six pie pieces by correctly answering questions from different categories. These categories include history, geography, entertainment, arts & literature, science & nature, and sports & leisure. The game comes with a board, question cards, and playing pieces for each player.

Game Mechanics

To start the game, players roll the die to determine which category they will be answering a question from. If they answer correctly, they get to roll again and move across the board. Landing on certain spaces can also give players an advantage, such as being able to choose their own category or stealing a pie piece from another player.

What Makes it Fun

What makes Trivia Pursuit so much fun is the element of competition and learning. With each question, players get to test their knowledge and learn new facts about various subjects. Plus, the race to collect all six pie pieces adds an exciting level of strategy and anticipation to the game. It’s a great way to spend quality time with loved ones while also challenging your mind.

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Monopoly: Rivals Edition

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It’s the classic Monopoly game with two players battling it out to buy properties, get rich, and win! Players choose their tokens in this Monopoly Rivals game and move around the board buying, selling, and auctioning properties. 
As players try to bankrupt their opponents or own all the properties on the board, Community Chest cards add to the suspense. Monopoly two-player game takes less time to play than classic Monopoly. A great choice for play dates, rainy days, or anytime your kids want to play a fun game with their friends.
The rules are very different from the classic monopoly. Playing it took about twenty minutes and was mostly luck-based. This is a game that younger kids could enjoy, but it lacks a lot of the excitement of the original.

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Bad People

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In this game, you pick question cards and vote the player that best matches the answer to the question.

Example of questions are: “Who is most likely to get a tattoo and later regret?” or “Who leaves the smallest tips at restaurants”.

In each round, a player becomes The Dictator, who picks and reads out a Question Card.
The Dictator silently votes and each player then casts a silent vote by guessing who the Dictator voted for.

Get points for voting same as the Dictator.

The fun factor of this game is driven by the question prompts on the cards and players guessing what someone thinks of others.

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Shut the Box

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The dice game ‘Shut the Box’ is a charming, age-old dice game. The goal is to have the lowest score possible at the end of the game.

Shut the Box Gameplay

‘Shut the Box’ is de0ceptively simple, and that’s where its beauty lies. The game consists of a wooden box with a set of numbered tiles, typically ranging from 1 to 9. The goal? To ‘shut’ or cover all the numbers by rolling dice.

At the start, all numbers are ‘open’, and in each turn, I roll two dice. The sum of the dice determines which numbers I can shut. For instance, if I roll a seven, I could choose to shut the 7, or perhaps the 1 and 6, or the 2, 4, and 1 – any combination that adds up to seven. As the game progresses, and more numbers are shut, the strategy deepens. If I can’t shut numbers to match my roll, my turn ends, and the sum of the remaining numbers is my score. The lower the score, the better!

The Game Mechanics

What I adore about ‘Shut the Box’ is its blend of luck and strategy. The roll of the dice adds the element of chance, but choosing which numbers to shut based on your roll is where the strategy sneaks in. It’s a quick game, typically lasting just a few minutes per round, which makes it perfect for a casual gaming session or as a warm-up for a games night.

The game also has variations to keep it fresh. Some play with a single die once the available numbers decrease, adding a twist to the strategy. The game ends when all the numbers are covered, or no more moves are possible, offering a satisfying blend of anticipation and excitement in every round.

The Audience

‘Shut the Box’ is a game that appeals to a wide audience. It’s straightforward enough for children to understand (and a sneaky way to practice math!), yet it holds enough depth to keep adults engaged. It’s also an excellent game for families, as it’s not overly competitive. The simple joy of rolling dice and flipping wooden numbers creates a relaxed, yet engaging atmosphere.

The Fun Factor

So, what makes ‘Shut the Box’ fun? For me, it’s the game’s elegant simplicity coupled with the thrill of the dice roll. Every game is a new adventure; the uncertainty of the dice brings a level of excitement and unpredictability that never gets old. Plus, the tactile feel of the wooden box and tiles adds a charming, rustic appeal to the game.

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Dog Man: The Hot Dog Card Game

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When a Dog Man card is flipped, players race to collect the most Hot Dog cards – but watch out, flipping a Petey card turns all the Hot Dog cards face-down.
In seconds, you can play this family-friendly game. Spread all the cards out and start flipping! Three simple rules make this game easy to learn and enjoyable to play.
Improves memory, fine motor function, and social interaction skills in young children.

What we like about Dog Man The Hot Dog Card Game?

  • To start off, both the quality and the size of the cards exceeded my expectations.
  • In addition to the cards, the tin container is of high quality and durability.
  • Played by picking up cards when prompted, this is a really simple game.
  • We laugh so hard when we play it.
  • Kids will love it as it is based on the Dog Man book series


Guess Who?

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Players choose mystery characters and use yes or no questions to figure out each other’s. Taking a guess at the mystery character of their opponent. The player who guesses wrong loses!

A player asks their opponent a yes/no question, like ‘Does your character wear glasses?’

When the answer is no, the asker closes the door on characters wearing glasses, leaving the remaining possibilities open.

If yes, they close the doors on characters without glasses.

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In this game, players race to get all their pawns into the Center Home Space. With the Royal Edition, you will be able to relive the cherished memories of playing Parcheesi with the original game board and packaging.

Watch out for blockades and captures or be sent back to the starting point.

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Never Have I Ever

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Never Have I Ever is suitable for two or more players, and the objective of the game is to determine who has done the most embarrassing activities, by guessing what other players may have done before.

Players are each dealt ten play cards Play cards describe activities one has done.

A Rule Card is picked from the pile, read aloud, and place face up on the table by the player starting the game. According to the Rule Card, all players must follow the instructions.

If you are guilty of the play card, you win and keep it face-up in front of you.
Discard the play card if you are not guilty.

The game is a great way for friends  to learn more about each other in an entertaining way. It also promotes conversation between players as everyone has to take turns asking and answering questions. This game can be tailored to any age group or type of gathering, since the questions are customizable and may range from silly stories to serious experiences.

Never Have I Ever is an easy game to learn, but it often takes several rounds for players to become comfortable with the gameplay mechanics. It’s a fun way.

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Dad Joke Face-Off After Dark

If you need a humorous grown-up party game, ‘Dad Joke Face-Off After Dark’ is definitely for you. Designed for ages 17 and up, this game will have you laughing

How to Play

The concept of the game is simple – be the first player to collect five joke cards by successfully making your opponents laugh. Each round, a “Dad Joke Master” is selected and they have to read out a dad joke from a card without laughing themselves. Then, each player takes turns trying to make the Dad Joke Master laugh using their own joke card. If successful, they get to keep the joke card and earn a point.

The game also includes “Joke Battle” cards which can change up the gameplay and add twists and turns.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for anyone who loves a good laugh, especially those who appreciate dad jokes. It’s great for family gatherings, parties with friends, or even as a icebreaker for new acquaintances. This game is suitable for ages 17 and above, perfect for adults. 

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the obvious humor aspect, what makes ‘Dad Joke Face-Off After Dark’ fun is that it brings people together and encourages interaction. It’s not just about playing a game, but also about creating memories and enjoying each other’s company. 

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New Phone, Who Dis?

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If you’re looking for a new party game, perfect for your next gathering with your friends then ‘New Phone Who Dis’ is what you need! As a self-proclaimed phone addict, this game instantly caught my attention and has been keeping me entertained for hours on end.

How to Play

First things first, let’s talk about the gameplay. In this game, you take on the role of a new phone owner who receives endless and often hilarious text messages from various characters. Your objective is to respond to these messages in a witty and clever way, keeping the conversation going and hopefully making your recipients laugh. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, let me tell you, it’s not as simple as it seems.

The game mechanics are what really make ‘New Phone Who Dis’ stand out. The interface is interactive and engaging, with a variety of options to choose from when crafting your responses. You can also unlock different characters and conversations as you progress through the game, adding more depth and excitement to the gameplay

Who Can Play

If you or your friends have a love for texting and share a good sense of humour, you will definitely appreciate ‘New Phone Who Dis’. It’s even perfect or a quick pick-me-up during breaks or as a fun way to wind down after a long day. 

What Makes It Fun

One of the aspects of ‘New Phone Who Dis’ that makes it so enjoyable is the witty and often absurd conversations that take place. The writing is clever and humorous, making it impossible not to laugh out loud while playing. But be careful! You could be getting some strange looks from friends and family while playing this game in public.

This game is entertaining enough to help pass time or allow for a good laugh.

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Sorry Diced Game

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Let’s roll! Sorry! played differently!  This edition replaces the gameboard with individual player bases, and players roll the dice to win! Three dice are used to determine a player’s luck as they try to get all their pawns on their Home wedge. 

How to Play

For those who are not familiar with the traditional Sorry game, it is a race-style board game where players have to move their pawns from start to finish by drawing cards with numbers on them. However, in Sorry Diced Game, instead of cards, players roll dice to determine how many spaces they can move.

But what makes Sorry Diced Game stand out is the addition of “power-up” cards that each player can use to add a twist to the game. These power-ups range from stealing pawns from opponents to swapping places on the board.

The game also includes special spaces on the board that can either help or hinder players’ progress. For example, the “Slide” space allows players to move their pawn ahead by five spaces, while the “Sorry!” space forces them to go back to start.

Who Can Play

While Sorry Diced Game is marketed as a family-friendly game, I believe it can be enjoyed by all age groups. The simple gameplay mechanics make it easy for younger children to understand and play, while the addition of power-up cards adds an extra layer of strategy for adults.

It’s also a great game for groups of friends looking for a fun and light-hearted game to play together. The gameplay is fast-paced, so it’s perfect for those who don’t have hours to spare but still want to have a good time.

What Makes it Fun

For me, what makes Sorry Diced Game so enjoyable is the unpredictable nature of the game. With the power-up cards and special spaces on the board, every turn brings a new twist to the game. One minute you could be in the lead, and the next, you’re back at start.

But even with all the randomness, there is still an element of strategy involved. You have to decide when to use your power-up cards and how to navigate the board strategically to reach the finish line first.

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Scrabble Slam

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Word game where anything can happen. The game Scrabble Slam is fast-paced. Change the existing word and get rid of your cards. From the card-pack, a player nominates a word of four letters.

The game starts with a player announcing, “Ready, Set, Slam!”. Now, all players race to make a new word by covering any existing letter with a new one to make a new word of four leters. To change the word on the table, players shout out the new word and place their letter card over it.

For example, the nominated word is “GAME”. John yells “Fame! ”. He plays the “F” card in the first slot and changes GAME to FAME. Dwayne is next and calls out “FATE” and plays his “T” card in the third slot to change FAME to FATE.

Play continues until one player gets rid of their last card.

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‘Spoons’ stands out for its simplicity, quick pace, and high energy. ‘Spoons’ is suitable for family gatherings, parties or gaming sessions to break the ice

‘Spoons’ combines elements of luck, speed, and observation. It’s played with a standard deck of cards and a number of spoons that are one less than the number of players. The game is easy to learn, making it accessible for players of all ages.

Summary of Gameplay

  1. Spoons are arranged in the center

  2. Deal four cards to each player from a shuffled deck.

  3. The dealer picks a card from the deck, decides whether to keep it, and passes one card from their hand to the next player.

  4. This continues around the circle, with each player discarding a card and passing it to the next player.

  5. The goal is to collect four cards of the same rank (e.g., four 7s).

  6. Spoon Grab:

    • As soon as a player has four of a kind, they discreetly grab a spoon from the center.
    • Once a spoon is taken, all other players must also grab a spoon as quickly as possible.
    • The player who fails to grab a spoon is out of the game.
  7. Elimination:

    • The game continues with one fewer player and one fewer spoon until only one player remains, who is declared the winner.

Game Mechanics

  • Speed and Reflexes: Quick decisions on which card to keep and pass.
  • Observation: Keeping an eye on other players to notice when someone is about to grab a spoon is crucial.
  • Dexterity: Grabbing a spoon quickly requires a certain level of nimbleness.

Who does Spoons appeal to?

‘Spoons’ is a versatile game that appeals to a broad audience:

  • Families: The simple rules and fast pace make it ideal for family game nights, including children.
  • Party Groups: Its lively nature and the excitement of grabbing spoons make it a great icebreaker for parties.
  • Casual Gamers: Those looking for a quick, fun game without a steep learning curve
  • Younger Players: Kids and teens often enjoy the energetic and slightly chaotic aspects of the game.

Connect 4

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Connect 4 is a well known vertical game played with “checkers” (it is more akin to Tic Tac Toe or Go Moku). The board is placed in the stand to hold it vertically and the players drop checkers into one of the 7 slots, each of which holds 6 of the “checker’s” men, until one player succeeds in getting 4 in a row–horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The game is actually non-proprietary and nicer adult versions can be found under the name The Captain’s Mistress

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Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot

Killer Bunnies is a funny and satirical non-collectible, expandable card game. The new Epsilon Edition Starter Deck comes with a bonus Yellow Booster Deck. This game is played with only 1 copy of the game, so players do NOT need to bring their own decks to the table.

The object: Collect as many “Carrots” as possible, hoping that one of them is the randomly predetermined “Magic Carrot”. In doing so, you must keep your bunnies alive as long as possible, while eliminating your opponents’ Bunnies because once all the Carrots have been claimed you must have a living Bunny to win.

The problem: Your opponents are armed with outrageous weapons (from level 1 weapons such as a “Kitchen Whisk” to level 12 weapons such as the “Nuclear Warhead”) and you must roll higher than these levels to survive.

Use cards to defend your Bunnies, such as the hilarious “Magic Spatula” or other special cards, or use a “Feed The Bunny” card to force your opponent to buy cabbage and water (if they have the money to do so…)

Your opponents, as the back of the box quotes, “will stop at nothing to keep you from winning the game, which can get dreadfully vengeful, horribly nasty, hilariously messy, and just plain fun!”

The game includes 165 cards (including the Blue Starter Deck and Yellow Booster Deck), 36 small cards, 6 twelve-sided dice, & Instructions.

Monopoly Cheaters Edition

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Break the Rules
Make this fun Monopoly game a favorite go-to game for game nights and other fun get-togethers. Embrace those iconic (yet unspoken) Monopoly moments in which rules are bent, money is borrowed, and funny business is welcomed. With outlandish suggestions on the board, cards, and rules, players are encouraged to show off their inner cheater while they buy, sell, dream, and scheme. Steal a few bills from the bank, and skip out on rent. Completing a cheat will reward you, but failing one will cost you! There are no houses in this edition – only hotels – and a pretend handcuff unit may leave players bound to the board.
It’s All in the Cards
Players can cheat by using cheat cards and updated sneaky Chance and Community Chest cards. A player might have to steal money from an opponent, skip out on rent, collect extra money when passing go, and other sly schemes. Successful cheaters are rewarded. If they get caught, they’ll face handcuffs and jail
Cheat to Get Ahead and Win
Monopoly Game: Cheaters Edition still allows players to buy as many properties as they can. As in the regular Monopoly game, the more they own, the more rent they can collect. Today, cheating is encouraged and rewarded. Whoever has the most money at the end wins!

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Sorry! Not Sorry!

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With this adult party version of Sorry! there are no regrets! In the Sorry! Not Sorry! game, you move your pawn around the board to try to get three pawns on the Home space. There’s just one problem! With Not Sorry!, you can sabotage your friends, steal their pawns, and steal their pawns! Using cards, they reveal wild “have you ever” secrets. Change things up on game night with the Sorry! Not Sorry! board game.

Played the Sorry! game as a child? This is a funny adult twist on classic Sorry! gameplay

Based on the classic Sorry! To win, players must get 3 pawns of any color into home by moving, jumping, and sliding their pawns around the board

Pick a Not Sorry! card and ask a player one of the “have you ever” questions. Complete the question by filling in the blanks. They lose their next turn if they refuse to answer

To win the game, will you confess? If you answer “yes” to one of the “have you ever” questions, you will move forward more spaces than if you answer “no”.

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Clue: Rivals Edition

Hey, board game enthusiasts! Let’s chat about “Clue Rivals Edition,” a fresh spin on the classic detective game, Clue. Imagine the classic whodunit excitement, but now tailored for just two players – perfect for a game night duo!

Gameplay Mechanics

 If you’ve ever played the classic board game Clue, then you’ll be familiar with the basic idea of this game. You and your fellow players are all suspects in a murder mystery, and will need to unravel who murdered Dr. Black. Was it Miss Scarlet in the library with a candlestick? Only your detective skills can uncover the truth.

But unlike the classic version, Clue: Rivals Edition adds a fun twist – now you also have to try and frame your opponents for the crime! Yes, this means lots of sneaky moves and bluffing, but that’s what makes it so entertaining. It also features a simplified, smaller board, making the gameplay quicker and more intense. Additionally, players use clue sheets to track guesses and rule out suspects, weapons and rooms.

What Makes It Fun?

One of the things I love about Clue: Rivals Edition is its simplicity. It’s easy to learn and doesn’t require hours of setup or complicated rules. This makes it a great choice for both casual players and more serious gamers who want something fun and quick to play between longer games.

Who’s It For?

 Clue: Rivals Edition is made for everyone. Whether you’re a fan of murder mysteries or just enjoy strategy and deduction games, you’ll find something to love in this party board game. It’s also great for playing with friends and family – the more players, the merrier!

So, grab your magnifying glass and your favorite fellow sleuth, and dive into the world of “Clue Rivals Edition.” It’s all the mystery and intrigue of Clue, wrapped up in a fast-paced, two-player showdown. Happy sleuthing!

I Should Have Known That

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“I Should Have Known That!” is a trivia game that challenges players with questions about everyday knowledge and common facts. 

Summary of Gameplay

The gameplay of “I Should Have Known That!” is straightforward and easy to pick up, even for those new to trivia games. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Setup: The game consists of a deck of question cards. Each card has four questions, and the answers are written on the back.
  2. Turns: Players take turns reading a question to the player on their left. If the questioned player answers correctly, they simply avoid losing points. If they answer incorrectly or cannot answer, they lose points.
  3. Scoring: Unlike standard trivia games, in “I Should Have Known That!” you lose points for wrong answers. 
  4. Winning: The game continues until a predetermined number of questions have been asked or a set time limit is reached. The player with the fewest points (i.e., the least wrong answers) at the end of the game wins.

Game Mechanics

“I Should Have Known That!” employs several unique mechanics that make it stand out from other trivia games:

  • Negative Scoring: Players start with zero points and lose points for incorrect answers. This twist adds a layer of strategy, as players must decide whether to risk answering a question or to pass.
  • Variety of Questions: The questions cover a wide range of topics, from history and geography to pop culture and everyday trivia.
  • Simple Rules: The game is designed to be easy to learn and quick to play, making it accessible to players of all ages and experience levels.

Who is likely to find I Should Have Known That fun?

“I Should Have Known That!” is perfect for a wide range of audiences:

  • Trivia Enthusiasts: Those who love testing their knowledge and learning new facts will find this game particularly enjoyable.
  • Families: The game is suitable for ages 14 and up, making it a great option for family game nights.
  • Casual Gamers: With its simple rules and quick setup, the game is ideal for casual gamers looking for something fun and engaging without a steep learning curve.
  • Party Game Fans: The game’s entertaining questions and the fun of seeing who knows (or doesn’t know) common facts make it a hit at parties and social gatherings.

What are I Should Have Know That players saying about the game?

  • Wide Range of Topics: Questions cover diverse subjects such as history, pop culture, science, and literature.
  • Engaging Gameplay: The game encourages lively discussions, quick thinking, and friendly competition among players.
  • Accessibility: Simple rules and focus on common knowledge make it easy for players of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy.


  • Educational and Fun: Balances fun and learning, with questions that spark curiosity and deeper discussions.
  • Versatile Use: Portable and suitable for various settings, including car trips, picnics, and beach outings.
  • Interactive and Inclusive: Promotes engagement and interaction among players, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Common Feedback:

  • Positive Experiences: Many players appreciated the game’s ability to challenge their knowledge without being overly difficult.
  • Minor Criticisms: Some noted the inconsistency in question difficulty and the unusual scoring system, though these did not significantly detract from the fun.

UNO Attack!

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The concept of Uno Attack  remains the same as regular Uno – get rid of all your cards before anyone else does. But in Uno Attack, things are taken to a whole new level. The main difference is the addition of a card launcher that spits out cards at random intervals. This means you never know when you might have to draw a handful of cards, or even worse, get skipped or reverse the entire order of play. It’s pure chaos and we love it.

Uno Attack Game Mechanics

The game is designed for 2-10 players and recommended for ages 7 and up. Each player is dealt seven cards at the beginning of the game, and the remaining cards are placed in a card launcher. The launcher is then turned on, and players take turns pressing the button to see what cards come flying out. If a player cannot play a card from their hand, they must press the button and hope for the best.

What makes it fun

Aside from the added element of surprise with the card launcher, Uno Attack is just plain fun. It’s one of those games where you can never take yourself too seriously because anything can happen at any moment. Plus, it’s a great way to bond with others over some friendly competition and hilarious moments.

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Crazy Eights

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This card game dates back to the 19th century. Whether it’s a family game night or a casual get-together with friends, this fast-paced and exciting game can be enjoyed by all ages.

In Crazy 8s, the goal is to get rid of all your cards before your opponents do. Match either the number, suit, or face value of the top card on the discard pile. The first player to get rid of all their cards wins!

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“Onitama” is a wo-player game that provides a compelling abstract strategy experience that is both quick to play and rich in tactical depth.

Gameplay Overview

In “Onitama”, you take on the roles of martial arts masters who are leading their schools (represented by a sensei and four apprentices) in a duel of wits and strategy. Played on a 5×5 grid, the goal is to capture the opposing sensei or maneuver your own sensei into the opponent’s temple arch space on the opposite side of the board.

Unique Game Mechanics

“Onitama” has a unique use of movement cards. Movements are dictated by cards drawn from a deck of unique cards, each depicting a different movement pattern inspired by martial arts. Players start with two movement cards each and one shared card that sits aside. After a player moves a piece using one of their cards, that card is then swapped with the shared card, becoming available to the opponent for future turns. This rotation of movement cards requires you to constantly adapt and consider not only your own potential moves but also those that you are enabling for your opponent.

The Fun of Strategic Depth and Adaptability

Simplicity and depth is what makes “Onitama” shine. You can learn it within minutes and each game unfolds in a new way due to the random selection and rotation of movement cards. You faced with a new strategic challenge with each new game.

The thrill of “Onitama” is driven by the constant tension and tactical adjustments required by the shifting possibilities. You need to adapt and anticipate future moves and also engineer advantageous positions for yourself.

Who Will Enjoy “Onitama”?

“Onitama” is ideal for gamers who appreciate abstract strategy games such as chess, checkers, and Go, offering a similar depth of strategic consideration but in a more dynamic and accessible format. It’s particularly appealing to those looking for a quick yet thoughtful gaming experience, as each match lasts only about 10-15 minutes.


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  • Get Talking: Compete with friends (& maybe family!) to make sense out of gibberish from pop-culture categories.
  • Grab Friends: This game is encouraged to be played with 2+ players!
  • How To Play: A rotating judge flips the timer and holds a card up so that only they can see the answer, but everyone else sees the Incohearent phrase. Everyone else reads the front of the card aloud. Whoever decodes the phrase first wins the card. When the card has been decoded or the translators have elected to pass, the judge pulls the next card. Once the timer runs out or 3 cards have been decoded, the round is over, and the next person becomes the judge.
  • What’s Inside: Contains 500 cards, super high tech sand timer, instructions.
  • Brought to you by What Do You Meme?: We also make other party games inspired by pop culture. Check out our store for more good stuff.

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Drunk Stoned or Stupid

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Drunk Stoned or Stupid is a party game where in each round, you draw a card, and everyone decides which one of you fits what’s described on the card. Card descriptions tend to suck and so you don’t want to be tagged to a card.

One of you becomes the judge and reads a card aloud. Everyone takes turns to say who in the group should be tagged with this card and why.

Reasons can be based off anything as long as you can argue your point. The judge makes the decision on who should be tagged with the card.

First person with 7 cards loses. There are no winners in this game… only losers.

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Get ready to learn about the popular card game ‘Uno’!

As a child, one of my favorite games to play with friends and family was Uno. It’s a simple yet strategic card game that never fails to bring laughs and good times. If you haven’t played it before, don’t worry! I’m here to give you all the details on gameplay, game mechanics, and why it’s suitable for all ages.


The objective of Uno is to be the first player to get rid of all your cards. You have to match either the color or number of the top card in the discard pile. If you don’t have a matching card, you have to draw from the deck until you do.

There are also special cards that add twists and turns to the game. For example, a ‘Skip’ card allows you to skip the next player’s turn, while a ‘Wild’ card lets you choose any color for the next player to match. These unique cards make each round of Uno different and exciting.

Game Mechanics

While the rules may seem straightforward, there are a few game mechanics that can change the course of the game. One is the ‘Draw 2’ card, which forces the next player to draw two cards and skip their turn. But, if they also have a ‘Draw 2’ card, they can play it and pass the punishment onto the next player. This can lead to a chain reaction of players drawing cards and missing turns, making for some hilarious moments.

Another interesting mechanic is ‘Uno’. When a player has only one card left, they must announce “Uno!” If another player catches them not saying this, they have to draw two more cards. So make sure you pay attention and don’t forget to yell “Uno!”

Suitable for All Ages

One of the best things about Uno is that it’s suitable for all ages. Whether you’re playing with a group of adults or kids, everyone can join in on the fun. The game is easy enough for young children to understand, but still has enough strategy to keep older players engaged.

Plus, with its compact size and simple setup, it’s the perfect game to bring on trips or play at a family gathering. You can even mix things up by playing with multiple decks for a longer game or adding in house rules.

What Makes It Fun

So what is it about Uno that makes it so fun? I believe it’s the perfect combination of luck and strategy. You never know what card you’ll draw next, so there’s always an element of surprise. But at the same time, you can strategize and try to plan out your moves to get rid of your cards faster.

Also, the game encourages interaction and banter between players, making it a great way to bond with friends and family. And let’s not forget the satisfaction of winning and making your opponents draw cards. It’s all in good fun, of course!

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Monopoly Arcade: Pac-Man

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In Monopoly Arcade: Pan-Man, players relive their favourite Pac-Man arcade game moments with this Monopoly Arcade themed board game. Instead of money, players play for points and earn points by playing Pac-Man mini games on the banking and arcade unit. Pac-Man moves around the board while the Ghost die determines how far the Ghost token moves. Play mini games of Pac-Man, pay rent, buy, sell, and steal Levels with your plastic arcade coin in the banking and arcade unit.

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Game of Life Electronic Banking

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Play the classic life and career choice game with a new electronic twist! A card-based electronic unit keeps track of everyone’s funds in this electronic banking game of life. With your super-fast card swipe, you get your salary, pay the bank, and go to night school! It’s the same game you know and love, just with a spouse and children in a car.

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Wordle the Party Game

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Wordle the Party Game brings the popular online word-guessing game into the world of tabletop gaming. This game adapts the addictive and brain-teasing nature of the digital Wordle experience into a format perfect for parties and family gatherings. Designed for 2-4 players, it provides a collaborative and competitive twist to the original single-player game.

Game Mechanics and Design

In Wordle the Party Game, you take turns as the Wordle host, choosing a secret word that the others must guess. The guessers have six attempts to identify the five-letter word. Each incorrect guess provides clues, with the letters turning green, yellow, or gray based on their accuracy:

  • Green: The letter is in the correct spot.
  • Yellow: The letter is in the word but in the wrong spot.
  • Gray: The letter is not in the word.

Players earn points based on how quickly they can guess the word or stump their opponents. The game is played in rounds and each player gets a chance to be both the guesser and the host, adding variety and maintaining interest throughout the session.

What Makes It Fun?

1. Social Interaction: It is an excellent choice for parties and family game nights. The blend of cooperation and competition keeps everyone engaged, as players work together to decipher the clues or compete to be the best guesser.

2. Brain-Teasing Challenges:  Like Wordle, it challenges players’ vocabulary and deductive reasoning skills, offering a satisfying mental workout.

3. Replayability: With virtually endless word possibilities and the rotating role of the host, no two games are the same. 

4. Easy to Learn, Hard to Master: The straightforward rules make it accessible to new players, while the strategic depth keeps experienced players coming back for more. 

Who Will Enjoy This Game?

  • Word Puzzle Enthusiasts: If you love word puzzles and brain teasers, this game is tailor-made for you. 

  • Families: Wordle the Party Game is family-friendly, making it suitable for players of all ages. 

  • Party Hosts: If you’re looking for a game that’s easy to explain and quick to set up, this is a perfect addition to your collection. Its interactive nature ensures that it will be a hit at any social gathering.

  • Educators: Teachers and educators can use this game as a fun educational tool to enhance vocabulary and spelling skills in a classroom setting.

What are players saying about the game?


  • Fun for All Ages: Enjoyable for a wide age range, making it great for family gatherings.
  • Engaging Gameplay: Fans of the digital Wordle will enjoy the board game version, which retains the fun of guessing words.
  • Social Interaction: Encourages family bonding and can be a fun activity without the need for electronics.
  • Replayability: Multiple rounds and the ability to play in teams keep the game interesting.
  • Adaptable Rules: Some players have found creative ways to make the game more group-friendly and challenging.


  • Limited Components: Some suggest buying multiple sets due to the limited number of boards and cards included.
  • Quality Issues: Some noted that the boards can tear easily and the markers may run out of ink quickly or are hard to clean.


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  • CLASSIC BATTLESHIP GAME: Kids ages 7 and up can enjoy playing this classic game of naval combat
  • INCLUDES 2 PORTABLE BATTLE CASES: This Battleship board game is easy to store and take on the go
  • HEAD-TO-HEAD COMBAT: In this classic Battleship game for 2 players, sink an opponent’s ships for the win
  • OPTION FOR ADVANCED PLAY: The Battleship board game comes with a Salvo feature that lets advanced players launch multiple attacks

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What Do You Meme?

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What Do You Meme? is a social media party game. During each round, a judge plays a photo card, after which everyone else plays a caption card to complete the meme. The judge decides the funniest pairing, and the winner plays the caption card. It’s that simple.  

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The Game of Life: Rivals Edition

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In The Game of Life Rivals game, players compete head-to-head in a battle to live their best life and win. GET LIFE POINTS TO WIN: Show off the new house and your children’s successes, but don’t tell your neighbor about the skeletons in the closet.

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Goat Lords

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Goat Lords is a hilariously strategic card game! Getting 1,000 goat points requires gathering the biggest herd of goats first. Your goatherd is built by stacking identical goat pairs.

You defeat your lowly goat friends by dueling for their top GOAT PILE or by using action cards that grant you magical goat powers.

When you win a duel or play a successful action card, your goatherd value increases, increasing your chances of winning but also making you a target.

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Taco vs. Burrito

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Taco vs Burrito is a card game where players compete to build the weirdest, wildest most valuable meal. Players choose to be a Taco or Burrito. Players get a set of 5 cards. There are 4 types of cards: Ingredients, Tummy Ache, Hot Sauce Boss and Action cards. During their turn, players choose to place a card in any Taco or Burrito or play an action card. Ingredients cards increase the value of the meal. Tummy Aches reduce the value of the meal. Hot Sauce boss cards double the value of meals and action cards have different effects that can put you at an advantage or other players at a disadvantage. When any player plays their last card, the game ends and players add up their points. Player with the most points wins.

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Nickelodeon Blue’s Clues Find The Clues, Matching Board Game

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This game is based on the hit TV show Blue’s Clues and You! Find clues around the house just like Blue! Solve the puzzle using Blue’s 3 clues.
Blue will give you three clues. Search quickly through the house and the board to find them. You win that round if you find the third clue the quickest!
Matching games help kids with color and object recognition and this game is one of them.

Googly Eyes

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Become the first to complete the game board successfully. Each player draws a challenge for their team to guess. Get it right and move forward. Wrong and you stay. To illustrate, you must wear wacky glasses that alter your vision.

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UNO Blast

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The #1 card game in America gets a new twist with UNO Blast. The card blaster has five slots where you can put cards you cannot play. People randomly trigger the blast when the cards stack up. After the blaster goes off, the player takes all the blasted cards

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Smart Ass

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Smart Ass: The Ultimate Trivia Board Game

Looking for a fun and challenging trivia game? Smart Ass is perfect for those who consider themselves experts on random facts and knowledge!

Gameplay and Objectives

Smart Ass is a fast-paced trivia game that challenges players to answer various questions from multiple categories, including history, entertainment, geography and more. The objective of the game is to be the first player to reach the finish line by correctly answering a designated number of questions.

Game Mechanics

Smart Ass has a unique gameplay element that sets it apart from other trivia games – the “Smart Ass” feature. This feature allows players who may not know the answer to a question to still have a chance at winning.One correct guess with a single clue makes a player the “Smart Ass” and grants them an extra turn.

Players can also strategically move around the board by rolling dice and landing on different colored spaces that correspond to different categories. This adds an element of strategy to the game, making it more than just a simple trivia contest.

What Makes It Fun

Smart Ass is an exciting game that offers fast-paced gameplay and unique mechanics. It is enjoyable to play, as the questions cover a wide range of topics, which makes it challenging for even the most knowledgeable players. Besides, with the added element of the “Smart Ass” feature and strategic movement around the board, there are always unexpected turns of events, and any player has a chance to come out on top.

So if you’re ready to put your trivia skills to the test and have a good time while doing it, grab your friends or family and give Smart Ass a try. You may just discover that you’re the ultimate “smart ass” after all! 

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Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition

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It all started with The Original Trivial Pursuit.

Players each have a pie-shaped piece with six holes. The objective is to collect a pie from every color. Each color represents a question category.

The board has seven different colored spaces in a circular track. There are six colors for question categories, and one color for a dice roll. There are six “pie spaces” along the track, and from these, “spokes” of track lead to the center.

Roll a die and move along the track in any direction. Whenever a player stops on a color, they get a question. When the player answers correctly on a pie space, they get that pie (assuming they don’t already have it). Another correct answer allows them to roll again.

A player can win the game by moving along the spokes to the center.

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Here’s a classic Sorry. Race to home with an edge-of-your-seat experience

Since players can send each other’s pawns back to the beginning, the Sorry game is known as a sweet revenge game

Do you remember playing Sorry as a kid. Bring back memories of playing Sorry with family and introduce a new generation to it

You can win the Sorry game by sliding, colliding, and scoring. Based on the cards picked up and the strategy chosen, there are so many possibilities in the game

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Hedbandz is perfect for fast-paced gameplay, or the sheer fun and laughter it brings to every game night.

How to Play

The main objective of the game is to be the first player to guess what’s on your headband. Each player wears a plastic headband with a card holder attached to it. Inside the card holder, there’s a picture card that each player can’t see but everyone else can. The picture on the card could be anything, from a banana to an elephant.

Once everyone has their headband on and a card in place, the timer starts and the real fun begins. Each player takes turns asking yes or no questions about their card to try and figure out what it is. For example, “Am I an animal?” or “Can I be found in a kitchen?” The other players can only respond with “yes” or “no.” As you can imagine, the questions and answers can get pretty silly!

Who Can Play

The game is designed for ages 7 and up, but I’ve seen people of all ages thoroughly enjoy it. It’s perfect for family game nights or even just hanging out with friends. Plus, there’s no limit to the number of players, so it’s great for larger groups.

What Makes It Fun

One of my favorite things about Hedbanz is how much it makes us all laugh. As we try to figure out what’s on our headbands and ask ridiculous questions, there’s always a lot of laughter and joking around. It brings out the competitive side in everyone but in the best way possible.

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Monopoly: Fortnite

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Throughout Monopoly Fortnight Edition, 2 to 7 players take on opponents, avoid the Storm, and try to earn Health Points to stay in the game. Last player standing wins.

Its gameplay, design, and components are inspired by the video game, including Fortnite locations and loot chest cards. Player Health Points (HP) replace Monopoly money.

Start by choosing a character. Next, it’s time to fight. Players can collect health packs, build walls, and damage their opponents with the action die. The player unleashes the Storm every time they pass go; avoid it or lose HP. Only one player will survive.

A fun twist to the classic monopoly game. Make sure to read the rules before playing.

Don’t expect this to be just a standard fortnite monopoly version. The game play is rather different, with the storm and health points. 
It is one of the kids’ favourite Christmas presents. 

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Uno Extreme

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If you’ve ever played the classic card game Uno, then you already have an idea of what this game is all about. Uno Extreme, however, takes the game to a new level.

What is Uno Extreme?

It’s a twist on the traditional game of Uno. Instead of drawing cards from a standard deck, players take turns pressing a button that will randomly eject cards from an electronic card dispenser. There are also some new special command cards added to the mix, making gameplay highly unpredictable.

How do you play?

The objective of the game remains the same – be the first player to get rid of all your cards. Each player is dealt 7 cards at the start, with the remaining being placed in the dispenser. Players take turns pressing the button and revealing a card. If it’s a number that matches one in your hand, great! Just add it to your discard pile. But if it’s a special card – like “Reverse” or “Draw 2” – prepare for some chaos.

What makes it so fun?

Aside from the unpredictable nature of the game, there’s also a sense of urgency added by the electronic dispenser. You never know when it will spit out a card and you have to race against time to press the button before your opponents do. This adds a level of excitement and adrenaline that keeps players engaged and having fun throughout the game.

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Gate Ruler

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Gate Ruler is a Japanese trading card game designed by Future Card Buddyfight’s designer.
In this game, each player controls a ruler, and each ruler has their own rules, so that different rules can be used by each player. As in most tcgs, each player uses creatures to battle the opponent, and whoever reduces the opponent’s life to 0 wins.

Masters of The Universe: Fields of Eternia The Board Game

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Masters of The Universe: Fields of Eternia – An Epic Adventure on Your Tabletop

In 2022, the universe of iconic heroes and villains came to life in “Masters of The Universe: Fields of Eternia,” an action-packed board game that promises to transport players to the mystical land of Eternia. This game brings together the excitement of adventure, tactics, and strategy, all wrapped up in the nostalgic glory of the beloved 80s franchise.

Gameplay and Player Actions

In “Masters of The Universe: Fields of Eternia,” players are immersed in an adventure-driven board game where they get to command forces of Eternia, featuring epic campaigns that can be enjoyed solo or with friends and family. The game accommodates 1 to 6 players, with the ideal experience for 2 players, and offers gameplay ranging from 90 to 180 minutes​​.

Players embark on exciting quests, recruiting troops, collecting ancient artifacts, and building vehicles to emerge victorious in the battle for Eternia. The game is a mix of card combat, dice combat, and area control, providing a rich and diverse gaming experience​​​​.

Game Mechanics

The game mechanics are a blend of tactical and strategic elements, allowing players to engage in a multifaceted battle for control and power. The game features a mix of gameplay elements, including card combat and dice combat, providing players with a variety of ways to engage with the game and strategize their path to victory. The aspect of area control adds another layer of tactical depth, making each decision critical in the quest to conquer Eternia​​.

Characters and Theme

Players can choose from a roster of iconic characters from the Masters of the Universe series, such as He-Man, Skeletor, She-Ra, Evil-Lyn, and many more, each crafted in stunning detail. This feature not only enhances the nostalgic value of the game but also allows players to delve deeper into the rich lore of Eternia​​.


This board game is suitable for players aged 12 and up, making it a great choice for both young and older fans of the franchise. The game’s complexity rating and strategic depth make it ideal for players who enjoy immersive, tactical board games with a strong thematic presence​​.

What Makes It Fun

“Masters of The Universe: Fields of Eternia” offers a unique blend of nostalgia and modern board game mechanics. The game stands out for its ability to capture the essence of the Masters of the Universe universe, bringing the beloved characters and settings to life. The combination of different game mechanics ensures that each playthrough is dynamic and engaging, offering players a new adventure every time they play.

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Quelf is an unpredictable party game for 3-8 players. Players answer hilarious trivia, perform ridiculous stunts and obey silly rules. Quelf will inspire players to utilize their creativity, wit and sense of humour in various of different ways. 
As players move around the board game, crazy things start to happen!


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At a Glance

  • Unique Gameplay: Labyrinth is a strategic board game characterized by its ever-changing maze-like board that ensures each game is unique.

  • Strategic Depth: The game emphasizes strategic planning over simple dice rolls. Players must consider both immediate and long-term effects of their moves, including how they reshuffle the maze to their advantage.
  • Accessibility: Labyrinth is praised for being easily learnable and playable, making it accessible to a wide audience, including families and children.

  • Educational Benefits: It teaches spatial awareness and planning skills, making it not only fun but also a valuable educational tool.

  • Replay Value: The constantly changing maze ensures high replayability, with no two games being the same. The blend of strategy and chance keeps the game engaging over time.

  • Quality: The game components are highly durable and well-made, contributing to the overall positive gaming experience.

Labyrinth is a strategic maze game with a unique shifting board and a simple premise that leads to endlessly fresh gameplay, 

In a round of Labyrinth, you seek out and collect treasures hidden in the maze-like game board. The maze however, is not static and is  always changing. This creates unpredictability and keeps every game session unique. The first player to collect all of their treasure and find their way back wins the game.

Rolling Through the Maze

A turn in Labyrinth is simple but yet strategic Each player rolls the die to move but they must move in a straight line as far as they like until they hit a wall, at which point they shift the row or column they just played along. This action creates new paths and blocks existing ones, creating an always changing maze.

Strategies in the Shifting Sands

The shifting maze turns Labyrinth from a simple dice-rolling game into a strategic challenge. Players must consider not only their immediate moves but the long-term consequences of their reshuffling.

Unlocking Gameplay and Game Mechanics

Labyrinth is more than just a race to the finish line; it’s a game of blocking and planning. 

Roll, Block, and Cross

To win the game players need to plan how they will block and unblock each other’s paths. 

A Game for All Ages

Labyrinth’s appeal is its accessibility. The game is recommended for children aged 7 and up, and is a great tool for teaching spatial awareness and planning skills.

What Makes the Game Fun?

The shifting maze of Labyrinth  keeps players engaged turn after turn. The exhilaration of unblocking a treasure’s pathway just in time or the satisfaction of executing a long-range movement against all odds creates the thrill.

Replay Value

The shifting maze ensures that no two games are alike, and the balance of strategy and chance keeps things fresh time after time.

Who Will Like the Game?

Gamers who enjoy a mix of strategy and chance will find a lot to like in Labyrinth. Whether you’re a fan of classic board games or looking for something that the whole family can play, Labyrinth is a solid choice. 

What do gamers say about Labyrinth?

  • Engagement Across Ages: Labyrinth is a hit with various age groups, from children as young as 4 to adults.

  • Ease of Learning: The game’s rules are straightforward, making it easy for children to grasp and start playing quickly.

  • Strategic Depth: The dynamic nature of the game board, with its ever-changing pathways, encourages players to think ahead and adapt their strategies based on the moves of their opponents.

  • Quality and Durability: Many gamers praise the high quality and durability of the game’s components, including the board, tiles, and pieces. 

  • Educational Value: Parents appreciate the game’s educational aspects, such as encouraging puzzle-solving, strategic thinking, and planning skills. It’s seen as a tool for intellectual development as well as entertainment.

  • Thematic Variations: There are mentions of different versions of the game, such as Pokemon Labyrinth, Ocean Labyrinth, Harry Potter Labyrinth, and Disney Villains Labyrinth, indicating its thematic diversity and appeal to fans of various franchises.

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Pay Day

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At the end of the game, the player with the most cash and savings wins. The length of the game is determined by the players. (We recommend a minimum of two months). One hour is enough time for a three-month game.

One player goes first. From Monday the 1st, move the token by the number of days indicated, week by week, until ‘Pay Day.’ Follow the instructions for the day on which the token lands. The play passes to the left.

Players can earn money by making deals on property. All players receive the same salary each month and must pay off all outstanding bills. If necessary, players can take out a loan.

The game is great for family game nights. The game is fun and appealing to both children and adults. Despite preferring Hasbro’s other property buying game, our teenager enjoyed this one too. In addition, it stores easily and is reasonably priced.

Chinese Checkers

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Chinese checkers is a 2-6 player abstract strategy game where players attempt to move their pieces (marbles) to the opposite opponent’s side of the board.

In this game, the goal is to move all ten pegs across the board and into the triangle opposite. A player wins if they occupy all 10 destination holes first.

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Shitty Questions

Welcome to the world of ‘Shitty Questions’ – the board game where asking dumb questions is not only encouraged, but also rewarded!

How to Play

As a player, your main goal in ‘Shitty Questions’ is to come up with the most absurd and outrageous questions possible. Trust me, the more ridiculous your question is, the better chance you have of winning.

But don’t worry, you’re not alone in this quest for stupidity. The game can be played with 3-6 players, making it perfect for game nights with friends or family gatherings. And let me tell you, the more people playing, the funnier it gets.

So how does the game work? Well, each player takes turns being the “Question Master”. The “Question Master” draws a card from the deck which contains a topic, and then reads it out loud to the group. Topics can range from “Things you shouldn’t say on a first date” to “What is the worst superpower to have?”

Once the topic is announced, players have one minute to come up with their best (or should I say worst) question related to the topic. And let me tell you, the timer adds a whole new level of pressure and hilarity.

When time is up, each player takes turns reading their question out loud. The “Question Master” then chooses their favorite question and that player earns a point. Points are tallied after each round and the first player to reach 10 points wins the game.

Who Can Play

Just a word of caution, be prepared for some absurd and inappropriate questions that will leave you in stitches. It is recommended for ages 18 and up

What Makes It Fun

But what makes ‘Shitty Questions’ so fun? Well, it’s all about letting go of social norms and inhibitions. In this game, there are no right or wrong answers. It’s all about being creative, silly, and not taking ourselves too seriously.

So if you’re someone who loves to laugh and doesn’t mind making a fool of yourself, then ‘Shitty Questions’ is the perfect game for you. It’s a great icebreaker and a guaranteed way to have a hilarious and memorable time with your friends.

HEINZ Ketchup Dice Game

It’s HEINZ ketchup or bust in this risk vs. reward game! This game is worth the wait.

How to Play

The premise of the game is simple – you are a ketchup bottle trying to make your way through a maze to fill up a plate of fries. But beware, there are other players (aka competing ketchup bottles) trying to do the same. The first player to fill their plate wins!

To move through the maze, you roll dice that determine how many spaces you can move. But here’s the twist – one of the dice is a ‘Heinz Ketchup’ bottle, and if it lands on a space occupied by another player, they have to start all over again!

The game mechanics are easy to understand, making it perfect for players of all ages. The combination of strategy and luck keeps the game exciting and unpredictable.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for families, friends, or anyone looking for a fun and light-hearted game to play. It can accommodate up to four players, making it a great choice for small gatherings or game nights.

But I must warn you, this game can get pretty competitive. So if you have a competitive streak and love a good challenge, this game is definitely for you.

What Makes It Fun

Apart from the obvious thrill of being able to roll a giant ‘Heinz Ketchup’ bottle, what makes this game fun is the simplicity of it. It’s easy to learn and quick to play, so you spend less time reading instructions and more time having a good time.

Plus, the added element of luck with the dice makes every game unique. No matter how many times you play, there’s always a chance for a different outcome.

Monopoly Speed

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Short on time? Easy! Just 10 minutes to play Monopoly Speed! All players roll and buy at the same time. In 4 rounds, players trade, buy, and sell properties faster than ever before. The timer counts down each buying and trading stage. Players can get out of jail every time, and there are 2 Go spaces. Family game night, parties with friends and a quick break from the everyday are all good reasons to play Monopoly Speed.

Monopoly has been reinvented. It is played in timed rounds where everyone purchases as many properties as they can and then trades. Each property costs the same. The Chance and Community Chest cards can help determine the winner.
It is a whole different concept from the original Monopoly, but it is a great option if you don’t want to sit down and play a 2-3 hour game. Games take about 15-20 minutes each.

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Battleship Card Game

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The Classic Battleship Game now has a card game version! In Battleship Card game, you lay your Coordinate cards in front of you. These cards mark the location of miss shots and your ship locations. During your turn, you will play Battle cards.  Use a Peg card to search or hit enemy ships or a Power card to shield your ships. First to sink all 5 of their opponents’ ships wins.

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Stupid Deaths

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Identify which stupid deaths are actually true as you race around the game board. Don’t let the Grim Reaper catch you – he’ll end your life! There are two ways to win this game – either be the first player to reach the finish (the RED space on the game board) or be the last player on the board after all other players have been caught by the Grim Reaper.

Here’s a game of dark fun where the dead right players win! There are many people who die in utterly ridiculous ways, and Stupid Deaths challenges players to distinguish between myth and reality.

Can be funny for some.
Game work well with bigger groups. If you are into stupid death trivia, it may be funny. However, for some, it may just feel like a card trivia game.

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Guess Who?: Card

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A twist on Guess Who? Play with cards! Players lay out their Character cards and choose a Mystery Character from the Mystery Deck.

As each player asks a yes or no question, they get closer to figuring out who’s on their opponent’s mystery card. Players guess their opponent’s Mystery Character when they think they know it. A correct guess makes that player the winner. If they guess incorrectly, that player loses the game!

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In Yahtzee, you roll five dice to make certain combinations, similar to poker hands. You play over 13 rounds, with each player getting three rolls per round to achieve a specific combination, such as a full house, straight, or a Yahtzee (five of a kind).

Each combination can only be used once, and the player must decide which one to aim for after each roll.

What is the gameplay for Yahtzee?

On each turn, you roll the dice up to three times to attain one of the 13 possible scoring combinations. After each roll, players can set aside some dice and re-roll the rest to complete the desired combination. Strategy comes into play when deciding which combination to pursue and when to take a risk for a higher score.

Scoring in Yahtzee

The game features a scoresheet with two sections: an upper section for tallying specific numbers and a lower section for specific dice combinations. Each combination has its own scoring rules, and bonuses are awarded for meeting certain criteria, such as using all numbers in the upper section.

Looking for a winning strategy for Yahtzee? Click here

What do I think makes Yahtzee fun?

It’s a game with a good mix of luck and strategy. Luck can result in unexpected victory, and a good strategy can give one the edge. The element of hoping you roll gives you the combination you need and adds to the excitement, tension and player interactivity during the game.

The rules are simple and easy to learn. Everyone can pick it up quickly and all you need is the 5 dice and the scoresheet! It can appeal to both kids and adults.

Who is Yahtzee Suitable For?

The game’s simplicity makes it accessible for most, with the minimum recommended age being 6 The game can be played by 2 or more players, though it’s also enjoyable as a solo challenge. 

Want to find out in detail how to play Yahtzee? Click here.

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Wavelength is an engaging board game that challenges players with intuitive guesses and intellectual stimulation.

Players in this game are split into two teams. One player from the active team acts as the “psychic”. The psychic knows the answer to a spectrum-based clue that covers a range from one extreme to the other, such as hot to cold or small to large.

The task of the psychic is to offer a hint that assists their team in determining where the solution lies on the given range. The game’s mechanics, which require precise guessing and a spinning wheel, make it a fascinating blend of chance and strategy.

Wavelength is great for players 14 and up, providing an entertaining, social, and mentally stimulating experience for family gatherings, parties, or casual get-togethers.

Wavelength is a board game that offers an element of suspense due to the unpredictability of the spinning dial. Even the most well-reasoned guesses can be thrown off by a bad spin, adding to the excitement.

The game also provides an intellectual stimulation that is unique to few other board games, as players must intuitively understand the psychic’s thinking and align it with the spectrum-based clue.

Additionally, the aesthetically pleasing game design enhances the overall fun experience. With these elements combined, Wavelength is an exciting and enjoyable game that is suitable for a wide variety of players.

Wavelength is a game that lasts 30-45 minutes, ideal for short gatherings or longer game nights. Multiple rounds can be played in one sitting, making it engaging without requiring an entire evening.

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The Oregon Trail Card Game

Description from the publisher:

“Based on the classic computer game”

According to the box:

“You may:
1. Travel the trail
2. Work together to overcome calamities
3. Get at least one member of your party to Oregon
4. Stop and rest
5. Decide which of your friends will die of dysentery
6. Write your name on a tombstone
What is your choice?”

All sorts of gruesome deaths await you and the rest of your wagon party in this official multi-player card game version of the classic computer game. To win you’ll need to keep one player alive all the way from Independence, MO to the Willamette Valley. But between rattlesnakes, starvation, dead oxen, broken bones, dysentery, and a host of other calamities the odds are long . . . almost as long as the Oregon Trail itself.

Players work together to move along the trail, fording rivers and playing Supply Cards to overcome calamities. But be warned–there will be times when it makes sense to let one of your wagon mates succumb to a calamity rather than expend precious supplies. And every time players go the way of all flesh, you’ll flip over the roster card and write their names on tombstones (don’t forget to include a quick epitaph). It’s a great way to relive your fond memories of one of the world’s most beloved computer games, and to kill off your family and friends at the same time.

The Boys: This Is Going to Hurt

If you’re interested in the popular tv show ‘The Boys’, then ‘The Boys: This Is Going to Hurt’ is the perfect game for you

How to Play

The aim of the game is simple – to be the last player standing. But trust me, it’s not as easy as it sounds.

Each player takes on the role of a character from the popular TV show ‘The Boys’ and tries to survive in a world full of superheroes gone rogue.

To achieve this, players must navigate through different locations and complete challenges while trying to sabotage their opponents. Challenges can range from fighting off a villain to making tough moral decisions.

The game also comes with surprise twists and turns that will keep you on your toes.

One of the best aspects of this game is its interactive gameplay. The mechanics are easy to grasp, making it suitable for players of all ages.

The game comes with a board, character cards, challenge cards and dice. Each player rolls the dice to determine their move and then follows the instructions on the challenge card.

But here’s where it gets interesting – players can also play action cards to throw off their opponents’ plans or protect themselves from attacks. This adds an element of strategy and unpredictability to the game.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for fans of ‘The Boys’ TV show, as it brings their favorite characters to life in a whole new way. But even if you’re not familiar with the show, you’ll still enjoy this game if you appreciate dark humor and competitive gameplay.

It’s also great for groups of friends or families looking for a fun and engaging board game to play together.

What Makes It Fun

‘The Boys: This Is Going to Hurt’ is not your average board game. It’s filled with dark humor, unexpected twists, and intense gameplay that will keep you entertained for hours. you entertained for hours.

Playing as your favorite characters and trying to one-up your opponents adds a fun, competitive element to the game

Old Maid

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Old Maid is a classic card game dating back to the 19th century. Its easy-to-learn rules make it perfect for children as young as 4 years old, yet its strategic elements also appeal to players of all ages.

Players then take turns drawing cards from each other’s hands; if they draw a matching pair, they discard the cards and that player gets another turn. If no pairs are made, the turn passes to the next player. The aim is to get rid of all pairs before being left with the Old Maid card. The last person to have the Old Maid loses!

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Sweet Mess

It’s time. This moment has long been awaited. Time to impress the MasterChef in Sweet Mess! Gather the right ingredients, use them wisely, and bake better desserts than your competitors. Messes will be made. Utensils will be limited. Don’t let your chances of winning go to waste. It will be a sweet mess!

Sweet Mess is a tasty resource gathering and engine building game for 2-4 players. Game mechanics include a unique disbursement mechanism (“make a mess!”) and a unique placement mechanism where resources act as workers. It has a fun, fast gameplay style that attracts new players while providing deep options for experienced players.

Put your apron on! It will be the player who completes the most delicious recipes that wins.

Go Fish!

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Go Fish is a classic family-friendly card game dating back to the 19th century. As it requires basic counting and memory skills, it is suitable for children of all ages, as well as adults.

In this modern children’s version of Go Fish, the aim is to collect as many pairs of cards. They do this by asking the next player if they have a particular card. If they do not have it, they will shout “Go Fish!” and the play will pick a card from the community pile known as the “Ocean”.  Player who collects the most pairs wins.

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Trouble is a race-based board game where the objective is to move all four of your colored pegs around the board and into your “home” space before anyone else does. The gameplay revolves around a pop-o-matic dice roller that determines how many spaces you can move on each turn. It may sound simple, but believe me, it’s anything but!

Game Mechanics

The mechanics of the game are what make it so unique and fun. The pop-o-matic dice roller adds an element of surprise to the game, as you never know how many spaces you’ll be able to move on your turn. This can lead to both excitement and frustration, making for a thrilling gameplay experience.

Is Trouble fun?

What I love most about Trouble is its simplicity. Unlike other board games with complex rules and strategies, Trouble is easy to learn and can be enjoyed by players of all ages. especially kids as young as five. 

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If you’re new to the world of board games or haven’t had a chance to play Monopoly yet, let me give you a quick overview. The game revolves around buying properties, collecting rent, and making strategic moves to bankrupt your opponents. It’s a game of wit, strategy, and luck, as you never know what chance or community chest card might come your way. The goal is to be the last player standing with the most money and properties.

How to Play

Monopoly’s gameplay is straightforward, but it’s the game mechanics that make it challenging and engaging. You start with a set amount of money, and as you move around the board, you have the opportunity to buy properties, pay rent, draw cards, and more. The game also introduces various elements like houses, hotels, and utilities that can impact your gameplay.

One of the most interesting mechanics in Monopoly is trading. You can negotiate deals with other players to exchange properties or money, adding a social element to the game. It’s always entertaining to see what kind of deals people come up with and how they try to outsmart each other.

Who Can Play

Monopoly is a game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages. It’s suitable for families, friends, and even strangers who want to bond over a fun activity. The game is easy to learn but has enough complexity to keep adults engaged as well.

One of the best things about Monopoly is that it can accommodate a large group of players, making it perfect for parties or gatherings. It’s a game that brings people together and creates lasting memories.

What Makes It Fun

There are many reasons why Monopoly has stood the test of time and remains one of the most popular board games. This includes it’s the combination of strategy, luck, and social interaction that makes it so enjoyable. 

Monopoly also allows for customization, with different versions like ‘Disney Monopoly’ or ‘Game of Thrones Monopoly’, adding a unique twist to the classic game. These variations keep the game fresh and exciting, even after playing it for years.

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Dumb Criminals

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Dumb or alive. Get into the game that’s packed with stories of blundering burglars, clumsy thieves, fumbling felons, and ridiculous robbers. Can you determine the truth from fiction? Answer correctly, and your crew could win a lot of money. Keep an eye out – one wrong move can lead to your crew being arrested. Make off with 50,000 in cold, hard cash and win!

What do we like about Dumb Criminals?

  • Easy to learn and hilarious for the family

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TIME Stories Revolution: Cavendish

TIME Stories Revolution: Cavendish is a cooperative game, meaning all players work together towards a common goal. In this case, the objective is to complete missions as time agents in order to save humanity from various threats. Each player takes on the role of a different character with unique abilities and attributes, adding an element of strategy to the game.

How to Play

The gameplay involves using a time machine to travel through different eras and locations, encountering challenges and obstacles along the way. The missions are presented through beautifully illustrated cards, providing players with clues and information to guide their decisions.

TIME Stories Revolution: Cavendish uses a “decksploration” system. This means that players must use their time wisely, as each action they take consumes a certain amount of time. Once the allotted time is up, the players must start the mission over from the beginning.

Another unique mechanic is the game’s use of “reincarnation” – if a player fails a mission, they are able to go back in time and try again with valuable knowledge and experience gained from their previous attempt.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for anyone who loves cooperative gameplay, strategy, and sci-fi/fantasy themes. It can be played by 2-4 players and takes approximately 90 minutes to complete a mission. The game also has a wide age range, suitable for both teenagers and adults.

What Makes It Fun

Aside from the exciting premise and unique game mechanics, what really makes TIME Stories Revolution: Cavendish fun is the immersive experience it provides. The detailed artwork, engaging storyline, and challenging missions all contribute to creating a truly unforgettable gaming experience.

The game encourages players to work together as a team, fostering communication and collaboration among friends or family members. And the possibility of “reincarnation” adds an element of suspense and thrill to each mission.

The Game of Life Junior

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A fun introduction to The Game of Life. Young kids choose their own vacation adventure and make their own choices in this edition

Kids can choose from a car, boat, plane, or train to experience the ups and downs of a vacation

As players draw Action cards, surprises are in store (and money is earned or lost). There might be an animal encounter, an activity, or an event along the way

With the vacation-themed gameboard, kids can imagine air balloon rides and speedboat rides. Kids can also switch their plans and visit a new location

Easy to play for evem 4-year-olds. There will be some differences, but it also goes faster (therefore a junior game). Simple to learn!

In this game it’s basically whoever gets to the end first, which ends the game. Then you count your money. It’s similar to Game of Life in that you can pick two routes around the board. Banks have only dollars.
You literally just need to count how many pieces of paper you received. You don’t need to worry about numbers or anything. Then, at each spot, you either get a paycheck or you get an action card. The action cards contain some negatives and mostly positives. The little pieces are easy to move around. It gets the kids excited


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In Circus, players send their best artists into the ring to perform an act. When your artist is better than the previous one, you earn points with deafening applause.

Following the performance, the grand finale is held, after which the points are calculated. The player with the most points is the winner.

The game is played over 7 rounds. Upgrade cubes are placed on artists according to upgrade cards each round. A different colour cube represents a different upgrade, such as a costume or talent. You send your artist to the ring when they are ready.

Performance success depends on your artist’s upgrades. Matching cubes of a previous performing artist earns you one point, but cubes that do not match earn you two points. After all, spectators like variety! Every round, the poster cards will determine which kind of artist is worth some bonus points.

Players will send any remaining artists for one final performance and score extra points based on their performance.


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‘Jumanji’ is not just a game; it’s an experience that transports players into a world of wild jungles and unpredictable challenges. Here’s what makes ‘Jumanji’ a must-try for game lovers of all ages.

Gameplay Mechanics: ‘Jumanji’ is a game of survival, strategy, and luck. The objective? Brave the jungle’s dangers and reach the center of the board to win. But it’s not as simple as it sounds. Each roll of the dice can unleash new challenges, from wild animals to natural disasters, echoing the unpredictable nature of the jungle.

Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their pawns across the board. Each space triggers an event – drawing a card that describes a perilous situation. Players must then roll the dice to try to overcome these obstacles. The twist? The challenges must be resolved before a timer runs out, adding a sense of urgency to each turn.

Who Will Love ‘Jumanji’?

  1. Families: ‘Jumanji’ is fantastic for family game nights. It’s suitable for ages 8 and up, offering fun and excitement for both kids and adults.
  2. Movie Fans: Fans of the ‘Jumanji’ movies will appreciate the thematic elements and the feeling of diving into the film’s adventurous world.
  3. Adventure Seekers: If you love games that transport you to another world, ‘Jumanji’ offers a unique experience that blends board gaming with adventure.
  4. Cooperative Game Enthusiasts: Since the game requires players to work together to overcome challenges, it’s great for those who enjoy cooperative gameplay.

What Makes It Fun:

  1. Immersive Experience: The game brilliantly captures the spirit of the ‘Jumanji’ universe, complete with suspenseful moments and unexpected twists.
  2. Cooperative Play: Players must work together to beat the game, fostering teamwork and strategic collaboration.
  3. Easy to Learn: The rules are straightforward, making it accessible for new players and suitable for a broad age range.
  4. Replay Value: No two games are the same. The variety of cards and unpredictable nature of the challenges ensure a fresh experience every time.

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Mouse Trap

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Take turns building the Mouse Trap as you move around the gameboard. Then use the Mouse Trap to try to capture your opponents’ mice. Be the last uncaptured mouse on the gameboard to win.

The Game of Life

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This game attempts to mirror life events many people go through from going to college, raising a family, buying a home, working and retiring. The intent of the game is to have the most assets at the end of the game, assets are earned primarily by working and earning tokens with dollars amount on them. Additionally the first person to complete the course gets additional money tokens. There is a very linear board that you move along by spinning a wheel or landing on spaces that tell you to move to a specific space or forward or back. There are a handful of intersections where you can choose to go one direction or another but they ultimately have similar spaces and meet back up quickly. There are a handful of choices regarding insurance and investments but for the most part it is a game of luck. Note — this entry covers many versions of the game with different rule sets. In general, the newer the printing the gentler the rules. The 1960s original can be quite brutal if the players choose to act on all the options made available to them. The most recent versions are suitable for young children without parental supervision.

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Introduction to Dixit: A Game of Imagination and Creativity

Are you bored of playing the same repetitive board games with your loved ones? Do you wish to explore something that will ignite your creativity and stimulate your imagination? Then look no further, Dixit is the perfect game for you!

Dixit is a unique board game that combines storytelling, art, and strategy. Created by Jean-Louis Roubira in 2008, it has won multiple awards including the Spiel des Jahres.

Let’s explore Dixit’s gameplay, mechanics, target audience, and why it’s a must-have for game night!

Gameplay: How to Play Dixit

Dixit is a game for 3-6 players. It requires imagination and wit to give creative clues, leading opponents to guess the correct card in your hand.

Players receive numbered cards with imaginative images and take turns being the storyteller, giving a clue related to their chosen card.

Players choose a card that matches the clue, submit it, and the storyteller shuffles them all. The players must then guess which card belongs to the storyteller based on their clue and the cards’ images.

Points are awarded based on how many players guessed correctly, with bonus points for tricking other players or having your card chosen instead. The first player to reach 30 points wins the game.

Game Mechanics: Simple Yet Strategic

What sets Dixit apart from other party games is its unique and intuitive game mechanics. The game requires no complicated rules or strategy, making it easy for anyone to pick up and play.

In Dixit, players must use strategic thinking and imagination to create clues that are neither too obvious nor too obscure. They should also pay attention to other players’ clues and cards to make informed guesses.

Dixit’s scoring system creates strategic gameplay, requiring players to outsmart their opponents. This results in unique games that keep players engaged until the end.

Suitable for All Ages: Why Everyone Will Love Dixit

One of the greatest things about Dixit is that it is suitable for players of all ages

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Candy Land

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  • Remember when you were a kid and played Candy Land? Bring Candy Land to a new generation of kids
  • RACE TO THE CASTLE: Move your cute gingerbread man pawn around the path to reach the castle as you encounter all kinds of “delicious” surprises
  • NO READING REQUIRED TO PLAY: Candy Land is a great game for children ages 3 and up who don’t know how to read yet
  • GREAT GAME FOR LITTLE ONES: With colorful cards, fun illustrations, and sweet destinations, Candy Land is the perfect classic board game for young children.

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Slide in the DMs

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Slide in the DMs is a party game that can be played with 4-10 players, making it perfect for game nights or gatherings with friends. The objective of the game is simple: slide your way through various social media challenges and be the first one to reach the end of the DMs.

How to Play

The game is played on a board that resembles a social media feed, with different spaces representing different challenges. Players take turns rolling a die and moving their token accordingly. Each space has a corresponding challenge card that players must complete in order to progress through the game. These challenges range from creating funny captions for memes to guessing the correct emoji combination.

Who Can Play

Slide in the DMs is a game that appeals to a wide range of audiences. Whether you’re a social media guru or someone who just loves a good laugh, this game has something for everyone. It’s also perfect for those who enjoy games with a social element, as it encourages players to interact and engage with each other.

What Makes It Fun

But what really makes this game stand out is its hilarious and relatable content. The challenges are based on popular social media trends, making them both relevant and entertaining. Plus, the element of competition adds an extra level of excitement to the gameplay.

Chutes and Ladders

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Players travel along the squares sometimes using ladders that represent good acts, which bring them closer to nirvana, while snakes represent evil.  

Secrets of Emerald Hill: A Murder Mystery Game

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The Secrets of Emerald Hill is a 1980’s themed murder mystery game solving a murder case in the luxurious and affluent neighborhood of Emerald Hill. 

How to Play

You’ll need to choose a character to play as. Each character has their own set of skills and abilities that will come in handy when solving the case. From wealthy socialites to cunning detectives, there’s a character for everyone.

Once you’ve selected your character, you’ll be thrown into the world of Emerald Hill where a murder has taken place. Your goal? To find out who did it and why. You’ll have to interview suspects, gather clues and piece together the evidence to unveil the killer.

But beware, the other players are also trying to solve the case and may have their own agendas. You’ll need to use your wit and strategy to outsmart them and be the first one to solve the mystery.

Don’t worry, if you’re not a fan of intense competition, there’s also a cooperative mode where players work together as a team to crack the case. This makes ‘Secrets of Emerald Hill’ suitable for both competitive and casual players.

Who Can Play

This game is perfect for a group of friends or family looking to spend some quality time together. It’s also a great icebreaker for parties or team-building events. And with its blend of mystery and humor, it’s sure to entertain players of all ages.

What Makes It Fun

Apart from its unique gameplay and diverse characters, the game also incorporates elements of surprise and unpredictability. Just when you think you’ve solved the case, a plot twist may throw your theory off track.

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For the Girls

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This game is for ages 17+. Suitable for adults only. 
You need For The Girls to have a good time with your girlfriends – Period. Ideal for bachelorette parties, girls’ nights, birthday parties, sororities, pre-games, reunions, and more! 
This is brought to you by the creators of What Do You Meme. Answer honestly, there is no judgement here! Shrink-wrapped in a custom box, 500 premium playing cards (thick with gloss finish).
Play this card game with your girlfriends! Aftr a few drinks, it can get bitchy so make sure the people you play with have a sense of humour 

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Avatar: The Last Airbender Uncle Iroh’s Dream

Could every character in Avatar: The Last Airbender get their own untold story after Sozin’s Comet? Could you and your friends bring those stories to life? Help Aang, Katara, Zuko, and even Iroh achieve their dreams with this creative storytelling game inspired by Nickelodeon’s epic animated series.
 Create your own cartoon stories using characters, locations, events, animals, and special item cards in Uncle Iroh’s Dream! You can use the White Lotus Tile, Avatar State, and Appa tokens to make your stories more unique and save them as mementos.

50 Clues: The Secret of the Mark

“50 Clues: The Secret of the Mark” is an engaging and immersive puzzle game that forms the second part of the “Hunt for Maria” trilogy. In this suspenseful game, players find themselves in a dire situation where children are trapped in the dark, their abductor is dead, and it’s up to them to find the hiding place and save the children before time runs out.

The game offers an escape room experience in a format playable at home. It involves combining objects, solving puzzles, and deciphering codes to progress in the story, with a smartphone or tablet used to track solutions and provide hints. The game falls under the categories of horror, mature/adult, murder/mystery, and puzzle and includes mechanisms like cooperative gameplay, deduction, solo/solitaire play, and storytelling.

Suitable for older teenagers and adults, “The Secret of the Mark” is ideal for players who enjoy narrative-driven puzzle-solving experiences and escape room challenges. The game is fun because of its compelling storyline, challenging puzzles, and the immersive experience it provides​

The Game of Life Pop-O-Matic Trouble Game

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As a casual gamer, I am always on the lookout for new and exciting board games to play. So when I stumbled upon Game of Life Trouble, I knew I had to give it a try. Game of Life Trouble is a mash-up between 2 classic board games, Game of Life and Trouble.


The game has a simple theme – you are a character living through different life events represented by cards. These events can be anything from getting a job to starting a family, and each card has its own set of consequences. The goal is to accumulate the most amount of money by the end of the game.

But there’s a twist – just like in real life, you will encounter obstacles and challenges along the way that may hinder your progress. And this is where the “Trouble” in Game of Life Trouble comes into play. With each roll of the dice, you never know what the next turn will bring.

Game Mechanics

One of the unique features of this game is its use of both a spinner and dice to determine your moves. The spinner determines your movement on the board while the dice determines the outcome of each event card.

The game also includes fun features like “life tiles” that can earn you extra money and a retirement section where players can collect their final payouts.

Who Might Like This Game?

If you enjoy a casual family game that revolves around life lessons and a touch of chaos, then Game of Life Trouble is the perfect fit for you. It’s suitable for both kids and adults, making it an ideal game for family game nights.

What Makes It Fun?

Aside from the unpredictable nature of the game, what makes Game of Life Trouble so enjoyable is its relatability. We all go through different life events and face challenges along the way, and this game captures that experience in a fun and lighthearted way.

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50 Clues: Dead or Alive

50 Clues: Dead or Alive” is an immersive puzzle game that provides the experience of an escape room right in your home. In this game, players take on the role of a detective trying to solve a deadly attack on a colleague and her son, which occurred four years ago. The main suspect, Maria, escaped, but with new information emerging, the hunt for Maria begins again. This game is the first part of the “Hunt for Maria” trilogy.

The gameplay involves combining objects, solving puzzles, and deciphering codes to complete the story. Players use a smartphone or tablet to keep track of solutions and receive multistep hints if needed. The game is classified under horror, mature/adult, murder/mystery, and puzzle categories, with mechanisms including cooperative play, deduction, solo/solitaire play, and storytelling​​​​.

“50 Clues: Dead or Alive” is suitable for players aged 16 and older, making it ideal for older teens and adults, especially those who enjoy murder mysteries and escape room challenges. The game is fun due to its engaging storyline, challenging puzzles, and the immersive experience it offers, akin to being part of a suspenseful detective story.

Sorry Giant Edition

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A giant twist on the classic game of Sorry! Place your 3 giant pawns on your corner of the 64″ x 64″ vinyl mat gameboard. Start by spinning the spinner to move your pawns out of the starting area. If they are lucky, players slide forward on Slider spaces if they are lucky, otherwise they are knocked back to Start. Win by getting your 3 pawns to Home first! SORRY! GIANT EDITION’s large vinyl mat is at home on your living room floor, or take it outside to take the competition outdoors! It’s easy to play, yet it’s loaded with suspense, strategy, and a little bit of luck.
Sorry Giant Edition is great for parties. It’s large pieces make it an interactive experience.

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Everyone knows of the pyramids on the Nile – eternal monuments of a powerful and beautiful culture, that can still take our breath away. The players (oddly contemporary pharaohs) choose their sites, build their pyramids, and thank Amun Re and the other gods for their bounty.

Each pharoah wants to build the most pyramids. To accomplish this, they must first acquire a province, where they can trade and farm. With their profits they can buy new provinces and building-stones to erect pyramids. For all their actions players must make clever use of their power cards, and always offer appropriate sacrifices to Amun Re.

Trivial Pursuit: Best of Genus

Trivial Pursuit Genus edition that offers  The Best Questions from the Past 25 Years!

  • 2,400 of the Very Best Questions from Genus 1-6!
  • Sample Question: What barnyard animals are prone to sunburn? Pig

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Don’t Wake Daddy

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This alarm clock game is set for fun! As players try to reach the refrigerator, they must overcome different obstacles. They’ll be on the edge of their seats, hoping that Daddy sleeps! They’re safe if they land on a space without a color or number. But if a player lands on a space without a matching card, they must press the alarm clock’s button the number of times displayed on the space. Will Daddy wake up wide awake or sleep through the alarm? Suspense builds as players try to land on the Rainbow Refrigerator first!

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Bop It!

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Follow the directions in the game and twist, bop, and pull! If you play Bop It! alone or with friends, you’ll never get bored.The kids really enjoy playing with it because it’s so different from the video games they are used to playing. 

It brings joy and fellowship to my friends and me (all seniors)…and sharpens our reflexes and memory at the same time.



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Trivial Pursuit: Genus IV

Genus IV edition of Trivial Pursuit.

The Game of Life: Twists & Turns

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Explore all that life has to offer on the gameboard! Take a look at the four sections or focus on one. Buy a house, buy a car, start a family.. . the choices are yours. Things will happen along the way. These things can give you money or LlFE Points or they can take them away. At the end of the game, the LlFEPod will automatically convert everything you own (including cars, houses, and cash) into LlFE Points. The player with the most points wins.

Unique Features of Game of Life Twist and Turns

The general rules and purpose of this updated Game of Life are the same as the classic version, but there are a few new features you might find interesting.

Casino in Game of Life

In the “Live It” section, you can gamble money in the casino, and either lose, break-even, or double your money in the end. Extended Gameplay When on your last round, remove all of the cards and put the number 06 into the number of rounds section. This provides five additional rounds to keep playing.

Elements of Game of Life Becomes Optional

The choices that were required in the original Game of Life to move on to the next stage are now optional based on the way you spend your money and move around the board. These things can still affect your final score, and one shouldn’t ignore them.

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7 Wonders Architects

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7 Wonders Architect is spin-off from the original award winning 7 Wonders board game. Designed for younger or new board game players, 7 Wonders Architects has streamlined and intuitive rules. It’s also great for game night with family or friends, since it can host 2-7 players!
Through a unique card drafting system in 7 Wonders Architects, you’ll have to balance gathering building materials, developing your civilization’s academics, and maintaining a military.
By drawing cards from either a deck of face-up cards on your left or right, you will develop your civilization and build your wonder. A wonder is built with materials, a wonder is enhanced by academics, and a wonder is rewarded by the military when war breaks out.
Your left and right decks are always face-up and shared with the players next to you. As a result, drafting the card you need or drafting a card to deny another player is a fun balancing act.

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The Price Is Right Game: DVD Edition

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Experience the action and excitement of playing America’s most beloved TV game show… in your own home!

You can experience all the excitement and fun of a real contestant on The Price Is Right DVD version, from the Opening Bid to the Showcase Showdown! A DVD host will guide you through each pricing game. Play Plinko, Cliffhangers and Safe Crackers. Spin the big wheel to enter the Showcase Showdown!


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Rising Sun

Rising Sun is a board game for 3 to 5 players set in legendary feudal Japan. As the Kami descend from the heavens to reshape the land in their image, it is up to each player to lead their clan to victory. Use politics to further your cause, negotiate to seek the most profitable alliances, worship the Kami to gain their favor, recruit monsters out of legend to bolster your forces, and use your resources wisely to be victorious in battle. Created by acclaimed designer Eric M. Lang, Rising Sun reunites the same creative forces responsible for the smash hit Blood Rage, with stunning artwork by Adrian Smith and intricate miniatures sculpted under the direction of Mike McVey.

– From the publisher’s website

Clue Junior The Case of the Broken Toy

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Clue Jr: The Case of the Broken Toy – A Fun Detective Game for Kids

Clue Jr is a game where young detectives get to solve thrilling mysteries and catch the culprit! Suitable for kids who love solving puzzles and playing detective.

Gameplay and Objective

Clue Jr is a board game designed for kids aged 5 and above. It is a simplified version of the classic detective game, Clue, but with cute and colorful characters that are perfect for young players.

The story goes like this – something mysterious has happened at Mr. Boddy’s mansion, where his toys have been broken! The players take on the roles of junior detectives who must find out which toy was broken, who broke it, and where the crime took place. The first player to solve the case wins the game.

How to Play

To start the game, each player receives a detective notepad with pictures of all the toys and suspects, as well as a set of clue cards. The players take turn rolling the dice and moving their token around the board. Each space on the board represents a room in the mansion, and players must enter each room to gather clues.

When a player enters a room, they can ask other players if they have any clue cards that match the toy or suspect in that particular room. If another player has a matching card, they must show it to the player asking for clues. If no one has any matching cards, the player must take a clue from the pile in the center of the board.

Once a player has gathered enough clues, they can make an accusation by secretly looking at their own cards and making a guess about which toy was broken, who broke it, and where. If their guess is incorrect, they are out of the game. But if their guess is correct, they win the game!

Who is it Suitable for?

Clue Jr is suitable for kids aged 5 and above, but can also be enjoyed by adults who love playing detective. It is a great game to play with family and friends, and even in a classroom setting.

The game requires players to use their deductive skills and think critically, making it an excellent choice for developing problem-solving abilities in children. It also encourages interaction and communication among players, making it a fun and social activity.

What Makes it Fun?

Aside from the exciting gameplay and solving mysteries, Clue Jr also has adorable characters that young players will love. From Miss Scarlett to Professor Plum, each character has their own unique personality that adds an element of fun to the game.

Additionally, the game can be played over and over again without getting repetitive since each case is different. This keeps players engaged and entertained every time they play.

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A card game where a starting card is placed on the table, and players take turns to add cards to cards in the play area. Before cards can be added,  the card properties must fulfil certain rules. You score points based on the card line you created or extended.

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The Werewolves of Miller’s Hollow

Werewolves of Miller’s Hollow is a game that takes place in a small village which is haunted by werewolves. Each player is secretly assigned a role – Werewolf, Ordinary Townsfolk, or special character such as The Sheriff, The Hunter, the Witch, the Little Girl, The Fortune Teller and so on… There is also a Moderator player who controls the flow of the game. The game alternates between night and day phases. At night, the Werewolves secretly choose a Villager to kill. During the day, the Villager who was killed is revealed and is out of the game. The remaining Villagers (normal and special villagers alike) then deliberate and vote on a player they suspect is a Werewolf, helped (or hindered) by the clues the special characters add to the general deliberation. The chosen player is “lynched”, reveals his/her role and is out of the game. Werewolf is a social game that requires no equipment to play, a

XCOM: The Board Game

You are humanity’s last hope.

In XCOM: The Board Game, you and up to three friends assume the roles of the leaders of the elite, international organization known as XCOM. It is your job to defend humanity, quell the rising panic, and turn back the alien invasion.

Where the world’s militaries have failed to stand against the alien invaders, you must succeed. To do so, you must make strategic use of the resources available to you. You must launch Interceptors to shoot down alien UFOs, assign soldiers to key missions, research alien technology, and use that technology to defend your base — all while trying to keep the world from collapsing just long enough that you can coordinate one final mission to repel the invaders for good.

One of the more notable aspects of XCOM: The Board Game is the way that it incorporates a free and innovative digital app into the core of its gameplay. This digital companion will be available both as a downloadable app and as an online tool.

The app’s primary function is to coordinate the escalating alien invasion, randomly selecting from one of five different invasion plans. Each invasion plan represents a general outline that the alien commanders will use to coordinate the arrival of new UFOs, plan strikes against your base, and respond to your successes or failures as it seeks to conquer Earth. The app manages all of these tasks and heightens the game’s tension as it forces you to respond in real-time. Then, after you move quickly to coordinate your response, you engage the enemy in the untimed resolution phase and feed the results to the app. Based upon these results, the app launches the invasion’s next strikes.

Additionally, the app teaches you the rules, controls the information that your satellites provide you, and tracks the progress of your resistance efforts, even as it allows you to enjoy the game at any of three levels of difficulty: Easy, Normal, or Hard.

The use of this app does more than simply streamline your play experience and track your turns in real-time; it also permits a uniquely dynamic turn structure. While the variety of game phases remains the same from round to round, the order in which you and your friends must play through them may change, as may the number of a given phase. As a result, while you’ll want to know where UFOs appear before you deploy your Interceptors, the alien invaders may be able to disrupt your satellite intel and force you to deploy your Interceptors on patrol with limited or no knowledge of the UFOs current whereabouts. Similarly, you may be forced to think about the costs of resolving the world’s crises before you know how many troops you’ll need to commit to your base defense.

The effect of the app is to immerse you deep into the dramatic tension at the core of XCOM: The Board Game, and it ensures that the game presents a challenging and cooperative (or solo) experience like no other. Just like the XCOM department heads that you represent, you’ll need to keep cool heads in order to prevail.

Pie Face

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This hilarious Pie Face game is full of fun and suspense! Using whipped cream (not included) or the included sponge, players load the arm with whipped cream and spin the spinner. Be careful! Anyone could get a faceful of whipped cream at any time!



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Wizard Card Game

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In 1984, Ken Fisher of Toronto, Ontario designed Wizard, a trick-taking card game for three to six players.

This deck contains 60 cards: 52 regular playing cards (sometimes replaced with custom symbols and colours), 4 Wizards, and 4 Jesters. The lowest value is Jesters, followed by the ones up to thirteen, then Wizards.

Young and old enjoy Wizard. Each round of play involves predicting or bidding on the number of tricks you will take. Correct bids and tricks taken are rewarded, and extra or missed tricks are deducted. Winner is the player with the most points after all rounds. Each round has three stages: dealing, bidding and playing.

Mexican Train

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Mexican Train is a dominoes-based game that requires both strategy and luck. The goal of the game is to get rid of all your dominoes by matching them with those already played on the “train” – a line of dominoes placed in the center of the table. The catch? You can only play on your own “train” or the Mexican Train, which is a communal train that anyone can play on.

How to Play

One of my favorite things about Mexican Train is its simplicity. The rules are easy to understand, making it a great game for players of all ages and experience levels. In fact, I’ve played this game with my friends, family members, and even strangers I met at game nights – it’s that versatile!

But don’t be fooled by its simplicity; there’s still plenty of strategy involved in Mexican Train. You have to carefully plan your moves, taking into account not only your own train but also the Mexican Train and other players’ trains. It can be a real challenge to predict and block your opponents’ moves while trying to get rid of your own dominoes.

The game mechanics of Mexican Train are also quite interesting. The most common set used in this game is the double 12 set, which has a total of 91 dominoes. Each player starts with a certain number of dominoes depending on the number of players in the game. The remaining dominoes are placed face-down in the center, and one is turned over to start the Mexican Train.

Who Can Play

Mexican Train is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone – from casual players to serious gamers. It’s a great game for families, friends, or even as an icebreaker at parties. I’ve introduced this game to so many people over the years, and it never fails to bring laughter and friendly competition.

What Makes It Fun

What makes Mexican Train even more fun is that it has endless variations. You can modify the rules or create your own house rules to add a new twist to the game. This keeps the game fresh and exciting every time you play.

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Loaded Questions

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Everyone will enjoy Loaded Questions. It is a perfect game for families, adults, and anyone who enjoys fun, creative, and personal questions that have no right or wrong answers.

How to Play

Loaded Questions is a party game that can be played with 4-6 players, making it perfect for game nights or gatherings with friends and family. The goal of the game is simple – to guess how others would answer various questions. Each player takes turns being the “host” and drawing a card with a question on it. The other players then write down their answers and the host has to guess who wrote each one. Points are awarded for correct guesses, making the game both challenging and competitive.

One of the things I love about Loaded Questions is its simplicity. There are no complicated rules or game pieces, just cards with questions and pencils to write down answers. This makes it easy to set up and start playing, perfect for when you have limited time or just want a quick game. The questions are also diverse and thought-provoking, ranging from silly and lighthearted to more serious topics. This adds an extra layer of fun and unpredictability to the game.

Who Can Play

Loaded Questions is suitable for players aged 13 and up, but I have played it with a variety of ages and everyone has enjoyed it. The game is perfect for groups who enjoy socializing and getting to know each other better. It also appeals to those who like games that involve strategy and deduction, as you have to think about how others would answer the questions in order to guess correctly.

What Makes It Fun

What makes Loaded Questions so much fun is the laughter and banter that ensues during gameplay. It’s a great icebreaker for new groups or a way to liven up a party. I have played this game with friends, family, and even colleagues, and it never fails to bring about hilarious moments and inside jokes. The competitive aspect also adds to the excitement and keeps everyone engaged until the very end.

It’s very similar to Cards Against Humanity, but cleaner and kid-friendly.

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The Logo Board Game

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Answering questions about popular advertising logos and brands is the theme of the game. When players correctly answer questions relating to a logo, they move their pawns around the board until they reach the winning zone in the centre. Moving to the next coloured area depends on successful answers to questions.

Every country has a different version of the game with many local brands.

On each of the 400 cards are four questions – blue, green, yellow and red.

The winning player is the first person to get around the board by answering the most questions correctly. They then win by answering all the questions on a card (blue, green, yellow and red question) whilst in the Winning Zone.

Game play alternates as players take it in turn to ask questions and move around the board.

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Stack chairs with your friends or family in this thrilling stacking game. Everyone can enjoy Chairs! You just need a steady hand and creative thinking! As the tower grows, tension mounts as each player adds a chair to the stack…chair upon chair…chair upon chair!

Make sure the CHAIRS don’t fall over. All chairs that fall on your turn must be taken. If you remove all your chairs first, you win. Stacking chairs can be harder than it looks, but with so many ways to do it… no two games are alike!

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Uno Splash

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With UNO, you can play anywhere, anytime, with anyone. This version comes with a handy clip that keeps all the cards together and attaches to a beach bag, backpack or camping gear so you can play everywhere, even outdoors. The durable plastic cards resist water so you can play even outside.

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