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How to play Clue Sabotage on the High Seas if you hate rulebooks

I hate rulebooks! This condensed How to Play Clue Sabotage on the High Seas rules help players get the essential instructions without having to trawl rulebooks.


  • Explore the yacht to solve puzzles, gather clues, and uncover what happened to Captain Melville.
  • Determine who pushed the captain overboard, where it happened, and why.


  • The youngest player goes first, then turns rotate to the left.

On Your Turn:

  • Move your pawn to an unexplored number on the gameboard and take the matching card.
  • Read the card aloud and follow its instructions.
  • Solve any available puzzles with the help of other players. Collaboration is encouraged.
  • Pass your turn if there’s nothing left to do.


  • Keep track of who performed the last action, especially when turns are fluid. Remember who last moved their pawn to an unexplored node.


Clue Sabotage on the High Sea Cards
  • The game features several types of cards: Narrative, Puzzle, Item, Clue, and Overlay.

Narrative Cards

Clue Narrative Cards
  • Provide story elements and guide player actions.
  • Read them aloud and follow the instructions.
  • If the card has a discard icon (circle with a line through it), place it in the lid of the box when done.

Puzzle Cards

Clue Sabotage on the High Seas Puzzle Cards
  • Consist of multiple cards that involve wordplay or visual riddles.
  • Each card has a puzzle piece graphic with a letter indicating the puzzle and the number of pieces needed to solve it.
  • If a card has a blank puzzle piece icon, it is a tool and may be used in multiple puzzles.


  • Solved puzzles unlock new items, locations, and clues.
  • Keep puzzle cards face up until instructed otherwise.
  • Puzzle solutions are always numbers. Match the number with the corresponding card in the deck.
  • If incorrect, retry. If correct, the card will say “SOLVED.”


  • If stuck, use hints from the back of the booklet, matching the puzzle piece letter/number to the hint provided. Solutions are available if needed.

Item Cards

Clue Sabotage on the High Seas Item Cards
  • Shared among players and used to solve puzzles.
  • To use, align the Roman numeral cipher with the numbers on the bottom of puzzle cards.
  • Draw the card matching the cipher number. If the number isn’t found, the cipher is incorrect, and you must retry.

Clue Cards

Clue Sabotage on the High Seas Clue Cards
  • Kept for the entire game and not used to solve puzzles but essential for solving the final mystery.
  • Keep them face up on the table for everyone to see.

Overlay Cards

  • Change the game board by adding new numbered locations to explore.
  • When instructed, place overlay cards on the board, aligning the art with existing sections.
  • Players at a location under the card are placed on top and lose access to unexplored areas beneath the card. The new red location is now available for exploration.

Building the Yacht

Clue Sabotage on the High Seas Building the Yahct
  • The gameboard expands as you play and unlock new rooms on the yacht.
  • When instructed, find the corresponding board from the box and place it beside the existing rooms.
  • Add new decks of cards when directed by unwrapping them and placing them under your current deck.
  • Do not look through or shuffle the cards.

How to Solve the Mystery

  • As a team, decide who pushed Captain Melville overboard, where it happened on the yacht, and what the motive was.
  • Use all clues and evidence gathered during the game to make a final decision.
  • Review any rooms or nodes you may have missed.
  • Lay out the clues in the order found to trace the murderer’s path through the yacht.
  • Once ready, make an accusation and open the solve packet to see if you were correct.
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