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For the Girls Game Rules

Step by Step How to Play For the Girls Game Rules Guide in simple explanations to get your game started quickly.

Players: 3 to 20 | Game duration from: 30 mins | Game Complexity: EASY How to play For the Girls rules in simple steps For the Girls rules pdf / rulebook

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What is the goal of For the Girls game?

What is the goal of For the Girls?

Roll dice to determine which card to pick from the 5 different card category decks. Perform the card action successfully and keep the card. Players try to keep the most cards.

How old should you be to play For the Girls game?

For the Girls is recommended for players who are 17 years and above.

Step-by-Step How to play For the Girls Rules Guide

How to Play For the Girls Card Game. You roll dice to determine which card to pick from the 5 different card category decks. Perform the card action successfully and keep the card. Players try to keep the most cards.

Select starting player

The player with the most Instagram followers goes first, rolling the die.

Take the card from the deck determined by the die roll

Each die side matches a card category from the 5 decks. When the side of die is revealed, take the top card from that deck. If the die lands on black, the player chooses a card from whatever category she wants.

Read card aloud and perform the action

Player reads the card out loud, immediately performing the command or action described on the card. Some cards may involve just that individual, some may require the whole group’s participation. Player keeps the card if they successfully complete the action.

Winning For the Girls Game

Play continues until someone collects 25 cards wins. Player with the most cards wins.

For the Girls Cards

Truth or Dare

TRUTH: Answer truthfully and keep the card. If the question is too savage for you to answer, put the card at the bottom of the stack
DARE: Perform the dare and keep the card. If you fail to do so, put the card at the bottom of the stack

Never Have I Ever

If you have done the thing, keep the card. If not, put it at the bottom of the stack

Rapid Fire

Quickly name something within that category. The person to your left then names something else, and so on.
The first person to hesitate (more than 10 seconds), repeat an answer etc is out.
Keep playing until one person is left. They will keep the card.

Best of the Best

Give the card to whoever player it best describes.

Most Likely to…

Give the card to whoever player is most likely to do that thing.

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