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Find out about Paladins of the West Kingdom

Paladins of the West Kingdom How to Play Guide

Check out our easy to read Paladins of the West Kingdom how to play online guide

Players: 1 to 4 | Game duration from: 90 mins | Game Complexity: EASY How to play Paladins of the West Kingdom rules in simple steps Paladins of the West Kingdom rules pdf / rulebook [amazon box=”B07VHSBQ58″]

What is the goal?

It is circa 900 AD in the West Francia region (known today as Germany and France). Your city outskirts are under threat from outsiders. Outsiders patrol the borders and plunder wealth and livestock. You are noble men and women trying to defend against these enemies. You will need to gather city workers to build fortifications and advance faith throughout the land. To help you, the King has sent his finest knights, the Paladins.

Overview of the game

Paladins of the West Kingdom is a Worker Placement and Hand Management game. Your goal is to earn as much Victory Points during the game. Victory Points are earned through various game actions. To perform these actions, you need to do the following:

  • Get different types of workers (represented by worker pieces) – you need workers to perform actions
  • Pick a Paladin to assist you (represent by Paladin cards)  – helps you get bonus workers

Each player also has Strength, Influence and Faith attributes. These attributes impact on their ability to perform different types of game actions. 

Play revolves taking actions and interacting with 2 boards: the main board and your player board. 

The main board lays out Outsider cards open to attack, King’s orders and favour cards available for players to fulfill, Tavern cards available for selection to gain workers, Townsfolk cards that players can recruit if they meet the requirements and rewards to gain if they perform certain actions.

The player board tracks Players’ attribute levels,  their workers, outposts, monks, Paladin card used, and actions they are taking.

During the game, players will perform actions. Some of these actions involve

  • improving your attributes,
  • recruiting Townsfolk (represented by cards on the main board) to gain abilities/rewards
  • growing your resources,
  • improving worker availability 
  • lowering the cost of future actions
  • attacking the outsiders (represented by Outsider cards)
  • fulfil conditions (shown on King’s Orders and Favour cards)  to earn rewards/victory points

During the game, you will strategise and make decisions on which actions to take. when to execute them and the combination of actions to deliver the best possible victory points outcome.

Game components 


  • 22 Labourers
  • 18 Scouts
  • 18 Merchants
  • 18 Fighters
  • 18 Clerics
  • 18 Criminals
  • 32 Workshops
  • 28 Monks
  • 12 Attribute Markers
  • 28 Outposts 
  • 28 Jars
Paladins of the West Kingdom - Workers


  • 48 Paladin Cards
  • 32 Townsfolk Cards
  • 36 Outsider Cards
  • 10 Kings Favour Cards
  • 6 Kings Order Cards
  • 24 Debt Cards
  • 24 Suspicion Cards
  • 24 Tavern Cards
  • 24 Wall Cards
  • 17 Scheme Cards (solo play)
Paladins of the West Kingdom Rules - Cards

Other Components

  • 50 silver
  • 40 Provisions
  • 1 Start Player Marker
  • 1 Resource Marker (for solo play)
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 2 Parts of the Main Board
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Game setup

Main Board

Put the Main Board together and place in the central play area

Townsfolk Cards Draw Pile

Shuffle and form a face-down Townsfolk Cards Draw Pile and place on the left of the Main Board. Draw and reveal 5 Townsfolk Cards from the top of the Pile. Place cards face up above the top left of the Main Board.

Wall Cards Draw Pile

Shuffle and form a face-down Wall Cards Draw Pile above the central area of the Main Board.

Tax Supply

Form Tax Supply. Depending on the player count, place 5-8 Silver above the Main Board, as shown by the icons there.

Debt Cards Draw Pile

Form the Debt Cards Draw Pile, “Unpaid” side faceup, above the top right area of the Main Board.

Suspicion Cards Draw Pile

Shuffle and form the Suspicion Cards Draw Pile face-down to the right of the Debt Card Draw Pile

Outsider Cards Draw Pile

Shuffle and form a face-down Outsider Cards Draw Pile on the Main Board’s right side. From the top of this pile, draw and reveal 6 Outsider Cards, placing them face-up below Main Board’s bottom right area.

King’s Order and Favour Cards

Shuffle and randomly place 3 King’s Order Cards face-down on Main Board’s left-end. Shuffle and randomly place 5 King’s Favour Cards face-down to the right of the King’s Order Cards. Return all unused King’s Order Cards and King’s Favour Cards to the box unseen

Tavern Cards

Shuffle and form the face-down Tavern Cards Draw Pile below the Main Board’s bottom left

Silver, Provisions and Workers supply

Place remaining Silver, Provisions and Workers (Labourers, Scouts, Merchants, Fighters, Clerics and Criminals) into a supply near the Main Board.

Player Board Setup

Each player gets a player board and the following components (see below)

Player’s Paladin Cards

Players shuffle their Paladin Cards and form a face-down draw pile next to their Player Board

Recruit a Townsfolk

In reverse turn order (starting with the player to the right of the Start Player Marker and moving counter-clockwise around the table), each player selects:
1 Townsfolk to Recruit into their crew, from those visible above the
Main Board. Recruited Townfolk should be kept faceup alongside Player Boards.
Note that this does not cost players anything. Once all players have recruited, slide all remaining Townsfolk Cards to the right, filling empty spaces. Then reveal new Townsfolk Cards from the top of the Townsfolk Draw Pile to fill all remaining empty spaces.
Note: When recruiting Townsfolk (during setup and the game), some have immediate rewards. These are pictured on the left side of some Townsfolk Cards.
For example, if a player Recruited the Architect (see belw), they would immediately gain 1 Provision

Paladins of West Kingdom Main Board Setup
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Paladins of the West Kingdom 6


Each round follows the same round structure:

Pass Start Player Marker

Pass marker to next clockwise player

Reveal the King’s Cards

Reveal the King’s Order or Favour Cards:

    • In rounds 1-2, 1 King’s Order Card
    • In round 3, a King’s Order card and a King’s Favour Card
    • In rounds 4 to 7, a single King’s favour card

King’s Orders 

These offer bonus Victory Point opportunities to all players. The first King’s Order will score players an additional 4 VP if they meet its condition. The second will score 6 VP and the third, 8 VP. VP are awarded to players who achieve the conditions by the game’s end.

King’s Favours

These open up new action spaces for players to use each Round. Each King’s Favour may only be used once per Round.

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Reveal Tavern Cards

Reveal Tavern cards faceup from Draw Pile, equal to players, plus 1.

Paladins of the West Kingdoms Rules - Tavern Cards

Choose Paladin Cards 

Each player draws the top 3 cards from their Paladin Draw Pile and:

    • Choose and place 1 Paladin on the Player Board’s left
    • Place 1 Paladin facedown on top of their Paladin Draw Pile
    • Place last Paladin at the bottom of their Paladin Draw Pile

Reveal Chosen Paladin and Collect Workers

Starting with 1st player for the round (moving clockwise), each player:

  • shows their chosen Paladin and collects 2 Workers indicated by their card
  • selects 1 of the available Tavern Cards and collects the 4 Workers printed on it
Paladins of the West Kingdoms - Paladin Cards

Players take action or pass

Starting with 1st player for the round (moving clockwise), each player decides to take action or pass.

Taking Actions

In turn order, moving in clockwise order, players will take a single action on their turn. 

You take action by:

  • placing 1 or more Workers on your Player Board (from your supplies), or
  • on any of the Main Board’s revealed King Favour Cards

Player Board’s left-side actions are focused on engine building and resource gathering.

Right-side actions are focused on scoring and increasing Attributes and

  • require a particular Attribute and also
  • reward a different Attribute

The required Attribute is shown on the left side of each action’s banner, while the rewarded Attribute is shown on its right side.

Number and Specifc Type of Workers are needed to perform different actions.

When placing workers onto coloured and transparent spaces:

  • Any Workers may be placed onto transparent spaces (regardless of their colour).
  • Workers of the correct colour must be placed onto coloured spaces.
  • Criminals (purple) act as wilds and may be placed onto both transparent and coloured action spaces.
  • Important Rule: Players can only ever do 7 of each Commission, Fortify, Garrison, Absolve and Convert actions. There is no restriction to how many times they may Attack.

List of available actions

Develop to reduce future action costs

Develop allows you to place your Workshops onto Action Spaces and reduce the cost of Workers required to take the associated action in the future.

Cost of using Develop action  

  • 2 Workers of any type
  • 4 Silver

After paying the action costs,

  • select the left-most Workshop from your Player Board
  • choose 1 of the actions spaces on the right side of your Player Board
  • place Workshop on the dotted boxes around the 2 left Worker spaces of the action space
  • gain the Worker indicated from the space where the Workshop was taken

Each of the 6 actions spaces on right side of Player Boards can have at most, 2 Workshops.

Note: Players are allowed to place a Workshop onto a space where a Worker already rests (placed previously that Round). When doing this, simply return the Worker to the supply before placing the Workshop.

Paladins of the West Kingdom 8

For example, this player decides to place 1 Labourer (white) and 1 Fighter (red) onto their Develop action space. They pay 4 Silver and decide to Develop the left Worker space of Commission.

From now on, Commissioning Monks will only require 2 Workers to activate. They also gain the pictured Worker (1 Scout) from the supply which they revealed when moving the Workshop.

Recruit Townsfolk to gain rewards

Recruit a Townsfolk Card from the Main Board to gain its associated rewards. There are 2 types of rewards available and this depends on the number of workers you use.

  • Use 1 worker and get immediate rewards (indicated by the top right icon on the card).
  • Use 2 workers and get an ongoing ability reward and sometimes an immediate reward (indicated by bottom icons on the card) 
  • All Townsfolk Recruited this way should be kept faceup alongside Player Boards.

Costs of using this action:

  • either 1 or 2 Workers and
  • may require Silver to be paid

Costs are printed below where each Townsfolk Card sits at the top left of the Main Board.

Recruit by taking a Debt
Alternatively, the 2 left-most Townsfolk Cards may be Recruited by taking a Debt, rather than paying the Silver cost. When taking a Debt,  you take it from the Debt Draw Pile and place it alongside your Player Board, “Unpaid” side faceup.

Important rule: If you place a single Worker on 1 turn, you cannot place the second Worker on a future turn. You must decide to place either 1 or both Workers as a single action.

Paladins of the West Kingdom 9

For example, the Gatekeeper shown below would cost 3 Silver or 1 Debt and immediately reward 1 Silver. Once recruited, she would earn her player 1 additional Silver each time they Fortify for the rest of the game.

Hunt and Trade to gain resources

You perform this action by placing workers on the Hunt or Trade action space to gain resources of the pictured type from the supply.  

Action requires the following:

  • either 1 or 2 Workers

When placing 1 Worker:

  • it must be in the left worker space and can be any Worker Type
  • this gives you 1 resource of the pictured type from the supply (Provisions for Hunt and Silver for Trade).

When placing 2 Workers:

  • the right Worker must match the required type (Scout for Hunt and Merchant of Trade)
  • allows you to gain a total of 3 resources of the pictured type from the supply.

Important rule: If you place a single Worker on 1 turn, you cannot place the second Worker on a future turn. You must decide to place either 1 or both Workers as a single action.

Paladins of the West Kingdom 10

Pray to re-use workers in the current round

Pray allows you to remove workers from existing action space for re-use in the current round. Once costs are paid, remove all Workers from 1 Action space on your Player Board and return them to the supply.

Action requires the following:

  • 1 Cleric (black)
  • 2 Silver
Paladins of the West Kingdom 11

Conspire to gain 1 Criminal and 1 Suspicion

Action requires the following:

  •  any 1 Worker

You immediately gain 1 Criminal (purple).

Any time players gain a Criminal, they must also gain 1 Suspicion.

Paladins of the West Kingdom 12

Commission a Monk to gain Main Board Region rewards

Commission the left-most available Monk on your player board to gain rewards by placing it on regions of the Main Board, determined by your Faith attribute. Your Faith (indicated by Faith Flags on the bottom right of the Main Board) determines where you may Commission Monks. There must also be an available space to place it (not already containing a Monk or Outpost). 

When you place a Monk, the revealed flag under the Commissioned Monk indicates which Attribute increases.

Note that some spaces are only available at higher player-counts.

From left to right, each region (the areas directly above where Outsider Cards are placed) require increasing amounts of Faith:

  • the first region requires no Faith,
  • the second region requires 2 or more Faith,
  • the third requires 4 or more Faith, etc)

Action requires the following:

  • 3 Workers (1 Scout, 1 Worker of any type and 1 Cleric) and
  • increasing amounts of Provisions.

The Provision cost is shown above each Monk on Player Boards.

  • 1st 3 Monks require 1 Provision to Commission.
  • Next 2 require 2 Provisions and
  • the last 2 require 3 Provisions
Paladins of the West Kingdom 13

For example, the player below decided to Commission a Monk. As they have previously Developed their Commission action, they only require 2 Workers. They placed 2 Workers and paid 1 Provision to the supply. As they have a total of 3 Faith (2 from their Attribute Track and 1 from their Paladin), they decided to Commission their Monk to a space in the second region of the Main Board, immediately earning 1 Scout (Green) from the supply. Since they revealed an Influence flag under their Commissioned Monk, they also gained 1 Influence, moving their Influence Marker up the Attribute Track immediately.

Fortify to get rewards from Wall Cards

Fortify allows you to draw the top Wall Card from its Draw Pile and gain its immediate rewards by placing it faceup along the top of your Player Board. Wall Cards fill the left-most empty card space first. You cannot place them in any chosen order.

Your ability to use this action is determined by your Influence attribute (indicated across the top of Player Boards). the first Wall requires no Influence, the second requires 1 or more Influence, the third requires 3 or more, etc).

Note: taking this action will always include at least 1 increase to your Strength Attribute.

Action requires the following:

  • 3 Workers (1 Merchant, 1 Worker of any type and 1 Scout) and increasing amounts of Provisions. The Provision cost is shown below the card spaces along the top of Player Boards
    • The first 3 Walls require 1 Provision.
    • The next 2 require 2 Provisions and
    • the last 2 require 3 Provisions.
Paladins of the West Kingdom 14

For example, the player above decided to build their fourth Wall. From the example on the previous page, we know they now have 5 Influence (after gaining 1 more from their Commission action and including 3 from their Paladin). They placed the 3 required Workers onto their Fortify action space, but due to their Paladin (Anséis), this action did not cost them any Provisions. They drew the top Wall Card from the Draw Pile and placed it in the left-most empty space along the top of their Player Board. This Wall Card immediately gained them 1 Strength, moving their Strength Marker up the Attribute Track and also 2 Workers from the supply (1 Labourer and 1  Fighter). Their next Fortify action will now require 7 Influence and 2 Provisions.

Garrison an Outpost to gain Main Board region rewards

Garrison by placing your left-most available Outposts on regions on the Main Board (determined by your Strength Attribute) to gain immediate rewards.

Your Strength (indicated by the Strength flags shown along the bottom right of the Main Board) determines where you may Garrison Outposts. This restriction is from left to right, each region (the areas directly above where Outsider Cards are placed) require increasing amounts of Strength:

  • the first region requires 1 or more Strength,
  • the second region requires 3 or more Strength,
  • the third requires 5 or more Strength, etc)

In order to Garrison an Outpost to a chosen region, there must also be an available space to place it (not already containing a Monk or Outpost).

When you place an Outpost the revealed flag under the Garissoned Outpost indicates which Attribute increases.

Note that some spaces are only available at higher player-counts.

Action requires the following:

  • 3 Workers (1 Merchant, 1 Worker of any type and 1 Fighter) and
  • increasing amounts of Provisions. The cost is shown above each Outpost on Player Boards.
    • The first 3 Outposts require 1 Provision to Garrison.
    • The next 2 require 2 Provisions and
    • the last 2 require 3 Provisions.
Paladins of the West Kingdom 15

For example, the player below decided to Garrison an Outpost. They placed 3 Workers and paid 1 Provision to the supply. As they have 5 Strength, they decided to Garrison their Outpost to a space in the third region of the Main Board, immediately gaining a Pray action (clearing all the Workers from 1 action space on their Player Board). Since they revealed a Faith flag under their Outpost, they also gained 1 Faith, moving their Faith Marker up the Attribute Track immediately.

Absolve to gain rewards

Absolve and move your left-most Jar to an available space (not already containing a Jar) on the bottom right of your Player Board.to gain an immediate reward. In addition, each Absolve also increases your Faith by 1 (moving your Faith Marker up their Attribute Track) and allows you to immediately remove 1 Suspicion Card from above your Player Board.

Printed numbers on the Jars along the bottom of Player Boards indicate the level of Influence required to absolve the Jar.

Action requires the following:

  • 3 Workers (1 Cleric, 1 Worker of any type and 1 Merchant) and
  • increasing amounts of Silver. The Silver cost is shown above the Jars along the bottom of Player Boards.
    • The first Jar requires 1 Silver
    • The next 3 require 2 Silver and
    • the last 3 require 3 Silver.

When taking this action, you are focused on using your Influence Attribute.

Paladins of the West Kingdom 16

For example, the player below decided to Absolve. They placed 3 Workers and paid 1 Silver to the supply. They do not require any Influence for their first Absolve. They decided to move their first Jar onto 1 of the available “Pay a Debt” spaces, immediately allowing them to flip an unpaid Debt Card. They also remove 1 Suspicion Card from above their Player Board. Since they revealed a Faith flag under their Jar, they also gain 1 Faith, moving their Faith Marker up the Attribute Track immediately.

Attack Outsiders and gain rewards

Attack an Outsider on the Main Board and gain immediate rewards shown by the top right icons on each Outsider Card. 

Which Outsiders you can Attack is restricted by the Strength flags shown along the bottom right of the Main Board (directly above each specific Outsider Card). To Attack an Outsider, you must have an equal or greater amount of Strength.

For every 2 Strength you lack, you may spend 1 Silver to make an Attack (in other words, 1 Silver for each card they want to skip past where their current Strength would allow them to Attack).

Note that this action will always increase your Influence attribute by at least 1. After Attacking an Outsider and gaining its rewards, you should keep it facedown alongside your Player Board

Action requires the following:

  • 3 Workers (1 Scout, 1 Worker of any type and 1 Fighter) and
  • may also require Silver, but not as a mandatory cost. 
Paladins of the West Kingdom 17

For example, the player below has decided to Attack the Mercenary under the “7 Strength” card space. As their current Strength is only 5, they pay 1 Silver to the supply for the 2 Strength they are lacking. They immediately gain 1 Influence, moving their Influence Marker up the Attribute Track. They also gain 2 Labourers from the supply and place the Mercenary Card facedown alongside their Player Board.

Convert Outsiders to gain bonus scores and strength

Convert an Outsider and gain an end-game scoring bonus and an immediate reward of 1 or more Strength (shown by the bottom icons on each Outsider Card)

You must always place Converted Outsider Cards faceup below your Player Boards, filling empty spaces from left to right.

Which Outsider you can Convert is restricted by the Faith flags shown along the bottom right of the Main Board (directly above each specific Outsider Card). In order to Convert an Outsider, you must have an equal or greater amount of Faith.

Action requires the following:

  • 3 Workers (1 Fighter, 1 Worker of any type and 1 Cleric) and
  • increasing amounts of Silver.The Silver cost is shown above the card spaces along the bottom of Player Boards.
    • The first Convert requires no Silver,
    • the second Convert requires 1 Silver, 
    • the next 3 require 2 Silver and the last 2 require 3 Silver.
Paladins of the West Kingdom 18

For example, the player above decided to Convert the Assassin under the “2 Faith” card space. This was possible as they had 4 Faith (3 from their Attribute Track and 1 from their Paladin). To Convert the Assassin, they paid 2 Silver to the supply, due to the cost of the next empty card space below their Player Board. Converting the  Assassin immediately gained them 2 Strength, moving their Strength Marker up the Attribute Track. At the end of the game, the Assassin will score them 1 VP for each Saracen they have Attacked.


  • Any time you gain Tax (red coin symbol), you must take the required amount of Silver from the Tax supply.
  • Taking Tax is a mandatory action, so be careful. There are times where players may take an action that results in Tax being removed at a time that won’t be beneficial for them.


  • Any time you add a Criminal to your supply, you gain 1 Suspicion Card from the top of the Suspicion Draw Pile.
  • Place card faceup above the top right of your Player Board.
  • When you reveal Suspicion Cards you should immediately take the printed amount of Silver (0, 1 or 2) from the Tax supply (above the middle of the Main Board).

Should the Suspicion Draw Pile ever run out, shuffle the discards to form a new Draw Pile. In the rare case that there are no cards available in the Draw Pile or Discard Pile when players need to draw Suspicion, an Inquisition immediately occurs. Once it has been resolved, there will be more Suspicion Cards available for players to draw from.

In the case where a player needs to take more Silver than there is available in the Tax supply, they should take the rest from the main Silver supply. Taking the last Silver from the Tax Supply will immediately result in an Inquisition.

For this reason, when gaining more than 1 Suspicion at the same time, players should resolve each Suspicion Card separately.

Paladins of the West Kingdom 19

For example, this player just collected 2 Criminals. The first Suspicion Card they drew has 2 Tax printed on the Card. As there is only 1 Silver left in the Tax supply, they added it to their own Supply and took the second Silver from the mains supply.

Now that the Tax supply has been emptied, an Inquisition takes place. After this has been resolved, they must draw a second Suspicion Card for their second Criminal.


There are a number of ways that players can gain, pay and destroy Debts.

Gained Debts are placed “Unpaid” side faceup in front of players. If left unpaid, Debts will lose players 3 VP at the game’s end.

Paid Debts should be flipped from “Unpaid” to “Paid” and kept in front of
players. These earn players 1 VP at the game’s end.

Destroyed Debts are returned immediately to the Debt Draw Pile.

Paladins of the West Kingdom 20


  • When the last Silver coin is taken from the Tax supply, an Inquisition occurs.
  • The player, or players with the most Suspicion immediately gain 1 Debt. If no players have Suspicion, no Debts are collected.
  • Each player that gains the 1 Debt returns half their Suspicion (rounded down) to the Suspicion Discard Pile above the top right of the Main Board. When discarding Suspicion, players should always return their most recently acquired Suspicion Cards first (from the top of their Suspicion pile).
  • There are a number of Townsfolk abilities that can trigger during an Inquisition.

For example, the Conspirator allows players to discard 1 Suspicion Card before checking to see who has the most. Players may resolve their Townsfolk abilities in any order. However, they must all be resolved before any Debts are collected.
Once Debts (if any) have been collected and Suspicion discarded, the Tax supply must be refilled with Silver from the main supply. Players are reminded of how much Silver must be added by the icons below the Tax supply.

Paladins of the West Kingdom 21

For example, an Inquisition was just triggered. The first player had 1 Suspicion and the second had none. The last 2 players both had 3 Suspicion. Each of the last 2 players immediately gain 1 Debt and discard 1 Suspicion. 8 Silver should then be added back into the Tax supply, from the main Silver supply.


You pass when:

  • there are no more workers available to take an action
  • you decide not to take further actions

When passing,  clear all the Workers from your Player Board and return them to themain supply. If you have any remaining in your supply, you may carry up to 3 Workers into the next Round.

If you have more than 3 Workers, you must return any excess to the main supply.

Once you pass:

  • you can no longer take any actions in the current Round
  • you can still be affected by Inquisitions
  • some Townsfolk abilities can still be triggered, even though you have passed (Peddlers, Conspirators, Squires, etc).

 7. Refresh the main board and move to next round

  • Townsfolk Cards
    • Discard the Townsfolk card in the right-most space (if not empty)
    • Slide remaining Townsfolk card to the right, filling up the right-most space
    • Reveal new Townsfolk Card from Draw Pile and fill spaces left empty after the previous step
    • If Townsfolk Draw Pile runs out, do not spaces are left unfilled
  • Outsider Cards
    • Discard the Outsider card in the left-most space (if not empty)
    • Slide remaining Outsider Cards to the left, filling up the left-most space
    • Reveal new Outsider Cards from Draw Pile and fill spaces left empty after the previous step
    • If Outsider Cards Draw Pile runs out, do not spaces are left unfilled
  • Remove all Tavern Cards from this round, placing them to the left of the Tavern Card Draw Pile. If Tavern Cards Draw Pile runs out, shuffle discards to form a new Draw Pile

How do you win?

  • The game ends at the end of Round 7.
  • Players add up their score for the following areas:
    • Completed King’s Orders Commissions (if 5 or more completed)
    • Attribute Tracks Fortifies (if 5 or more completed, plus VPs on specific Walls)
    • Develops (if 6 or more completed) Garrisons (if 5 or more completed)
    • Debts (paid and unpaid)
    • Absolves (if 5 or more completed)
    • Silver / Provisions (1 VP for every set of 3)
    • Converts

The player with the highest total score is declared the winner. In the case of a tie, the tied player who scored the most Victory Points from the King’s Orders is the winner.

If still tied, the tied player with the least Suspicion is the winner. If still tied, all tied players share the victory.

Quick Reference

Outsider Scoring

Adventurer, Archer, Guardian, Hunter, Lookout, Vigilante
Gain 1 VP per 2 of the indicated actions you have taken (Commission, Garrison, Develop, Recruit, Fortify, Absolve).

Armourer, Marauder, Warrior
Gain 1 VP per 4 of the indicated Attribute that you have (Strength, Influence, Faith).

Assassin, Barbarian, Invader
Gain 1 VP per indicated type of Outsider you have Attacked (Saracen, Byzantine, Viking).

Gain 1 VP, plus 1 additional VP for each King’s Order you have completed.

Gain 1 VP, plus 1 additional VP for each Mercenary you have Converted.
1 Mercenary = 2VP, 2 Mercenaries = 3 VP each, etc

Gain 1 VP for each Debt you have paid off.

Gain 1 VP per Suspicion you hold.

Lose 1 less VP for each unpaid Debt.

Townsfolk Abilities

Abbot, Acolyte, Architect, Defender, Gatekeeper, Missionary, Watchman.
Gain the indicated reward when taking the specific action (Absolve, Commission, Develop, Attack, Fortify, Convert, Garrison).

Discard 1 Suspicion at each Inquisition.

Debt Collector
Gain the indicated Worker when paying off Debts.

Gain the indicated reward at each Inquisition where you have 2 or more Suspicion.

Gain the indicated Attribute increase at each Inquisition where you have no Suspicion.

Note: Conspirators, Peddlers and Squires all activate before any Debts are collected during each Inquisition. Also, players may resolve them in any order. For example, imagine that a player had 2 Conspirators, 1 Peddler and 2 Squires.
They also had 2 Suspicion during an Inquisition. They decided to activate their Peddler, gaining its resources. They then activated both Conspirators to remove 2 Suspicion. Lastly, they activated their Squires as they no longer held any Suspicion.

Paladins of the West Kingdom Rewards Reference
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Thank you for posting these rules! We had a question about mercenary card scoring when converted and you answered. Much appreciated.

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