How to play The Castles of Burgundy Special Edition if you hate reading rulebooks
I hate reading rulebooks! This how to play The Castles of Burgundy Special Edition base game rules is a condensed version of the rulebook to help you get started fast.
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The overview page of The Castles of Burgundy Special Edition introduces you to the game through a summary of the gameplay and videos shared by other gamers.
Game Board Setup:
- Place the game board on the appropriate side for 2 players.
- Place 24 silver coins, 26 worker tokens, and the white die next to the game board.
Hex Tiles Division:
- Divide the 164 hex tiles by the color of their back.
- Place livestock (green), buildings (beige), monasteries (yellow), and black depot (black) hex tiles into corresponding cloth bags.
- Place castles (burgundy), ships (blue), and mines (gray) hex tiles face-up next to the game board.
- All divided hex tiles form a supply.
Trade Goods Tiles:
- Shuffle the 42 trade goods tiles (square tiles) face down.
- Divide 25 of them into 5 face-down stacks of 5 tiles each.
- Place one stack on each of the 5 phase spaces lettered A through E on the game board.
- Set aside the remaining 17 tiles in a face-down pile.
Bonus Tiles:
- Place the 12 bonus tiles on their corresponding spaces on the game board.
- Stack 2 tiles of the matching color on each space with the “5/6/7” tile on top.
Player Setup:
- Each player chooses a color and takes:
- Player board, dice, turn order marker, and victory point marker in the chosen color.
- One random duchy board, choosing its side, and place it on the player board, covered with a player board overlay.
- For first-time players, it’s recommended to take duchy board number 1 or 2.
- 3 random goods tiles from the 17 remaining goods tiles, placed face-up on the goods storage spaces in the bottom left of the player board. Stack identical goods tiles together. Put remaining goods tiles back into the box.
- 1 help sheet explaining actions and benefits of placing specific tiles.
- 1 silver coin placed on the appropriate space in the top left of the player board.
Victory Point Track:
- Place each player’s victory point marker at the start of the victory point track (between 1 and 100).
Determine Starting Player:
- Each player rolls a die; the highest result wins and receives 1 worker, placed on the left side of their player board.
- Next player clockwise receives 2 workers, third gets 3, and fourth gets 4.
- Starting player places their turn order marker on the first space of the turn order track in the bottom right of the game board. Others stack their markers underneath in turn order.
Castle Placement:
- Each player places one castle (burgundy hex tile) face-up on the chosen burgundy space on their duchy board. For first-time players with duchy number 1 or 2, place the castle on hex space number 6 in the center.
White Die:
- The starting player receives the white die.
Game Phases
- The game has 5 phases, lettered A to E, starting with phase A.
- Each phase has 5 rounds.
Beginning of Each Phase:
- Remove all hex tiles on the game board and put them back into the game box (skip this step at the beginning of phase A).
- Do not remove any goods from the depots.
- Replenish the hex spaces of the six numbered depots from the supply with random hex tiles of the corresponding color. Turn them face up.
- Note: Only replenish spaces marked “4” if playing with 4 players. In 3-player games, during phases B and D, place a mine tile instead of a castle tile in the “3BD” space.
- Replenish the central black depot spaces with random hex tiles with black backs. Turn them face up.
- Take the stack of 5 goods from the current phase space and place them face-up on the 5 round spaces.
The Five Game Rounds
- After setting up the new phase, play 5 rounds. Each round follows the same steps:
- All players roll their two dice. The starting player also rolls the white die.
- Players place their dice on their player board’s dice spaces, keeping them visible for all players.
Round Start:
- The starting player takes the first (bottom) face-up goods tile from the round spaces and places it on the depot matching the white die result.
- The white die’s job is done for this round and cannot be used for a game action or changed using a worker.
- The starting player plays their turn, followed by the next player in turn order according to the turn order track.
- Turns proceed from top to bottom if there’s a tie.
Tracking Rounds:
- With 5 goods tiles placed on the turn spaces at the start of each phase, one is placed on a depot each round.
- This helps track the current round and remaining rounds in the phase.
A Player’s Turn
- During their turn, a player can take two game actions, one for each die.
- Used dice are placed on the used dice spots on the player board.
- Worker tokens can be used to change the result of a die at any time:
- Return the worker to the supply to increase or decrease the die result by 1.
- Change the result from 1 to 6 or vice versa using workers.
- Multiple workers can be used to change a result.
- By using 2 workers, Anna changes a 2 into a 6, then takes a hex tile from the 6 depot.
- One Action per Die:
- Each of the 2 die actions per turn may be taken in any combination and order.
- Possible actions:
- Take a hex tile from the game board.
- Place a hex tile in your duchy.
- Sell goods.
- Take 2 workers.
Action: “Take a Hex Tile from the Game Board”
- Choose a hex tile from the numbered depot matching your die result.
- Place the chosen hex tile on an empty storage space in the bottom right of your player board.
- If no space is available, you must discard a hex tile from your board to create space.
Action: “Place a Hex Tile in Your Duchy”
- Place a hex tile from your storage onto an empty hex space in your duchy that matches the die result and tile color.
- The tile must be placed adjacent to at least one previously placed tile.
- The first tile must be placed next to your starting castle.
- Immediate effects based on the tile type:
- Monastery (yellow): Continuous or final scoring effects.
- Ship (blue):
- Take all goods tiles from any depot and place them in your goods storage.
- Advance your marker on the turn order track.
- Castle (burgundy): Take an additional action.
- Mine (gray): Gain one silver coin at the end of each phase.
- Livestock (green): Score victory points for livestock tiles in the same pasture.
- Buildings (beige): Immediate one-time effects based on the building type.
The Buildings
Building Effects
- Market:
- Take a ship (blue) or livestock (green) tile from any of the six depots (except the central black depot) and place it on an empty key space on your player board.
- Carpenter’s Workshop:
- Take a beige building tile from any of the six depots (except the central black depot) and place it on an empty key space on your player board.
- Church:
- Take a mine (gray), monastery (yellow), or castle (burgundy) tile from any of the six depots (except the central black depot) and place it on an empty key space on your player board.
- Warehouse:
- Choose a type of goods tile you own and sell that stack without using a die, as if you had taken the “Sell goods” action.
- Boarding House:
- Gain 4 worker tokens from the supply.
- Bank:
- Gain 2 silver coins from the supply.
- Town Hall:
- Choose a second hex tile from your storage and place it in your duchy. The tile’s effect is triggered as usual.
- Watchtower:
- Score 4 victory points immediately.
General Building Rules
- A building’s additional benefit is triggered by placing it; no additional die result or action is needed.
- If a building’s effect cannot be used immediately (e.g., no green or blue tiles in any depots for a market), you may still place the building without resolving its ability.
Additional Rules for Taking and Placing Hex Tiles
- Hex tiles taken from the game board must be placed on a key space in the bottom right of your player board.
- Tiles placed in a duchy are permanent and cannot be moved, removed, or replaced.
Hex Tile Scoring
- Completed Area:
- When a colored area is completely covered with hex tiles, it is considered complete.
- Victory Points:
- Based on size (1 to 8 spaces), a completed area gains 1-36 victory points.
- Immediately advance that many spaces on the victory point track.
- Additional points based on the current phase:
- Phase A: 10 points
- Phase B: 8 points
- Phase C: 6 points
- Phase D: 4 points
- Phase E: 2 points
- Note: Starting castles do not score, even if placed on the 1-space area.
- Bonus Tiles:
- The first player to cover all spaces of one color in their duchy (e.g., placing their third mine or sixth monastery) takes and scores the corresponding bonus tile:
- 2-player game: 5 points
- 3-player game: 6 points
- 4-player game: 7 points
- The second player to complete the same color receives the small bonus tile, scoring between 2 and 4 points.
- The first player to cover all spaces of one color in their duchy (e.g., placing their third mine or sixth monastery) takes and scores the corresponding bonus tile:
- Victory Point Track:
- Once a player passes the “100” space, they place their victory point token with the 100 side face-up.
- If a player reaches a score of 200, they flip their token.
Action: “Sell Goods”
- Use a die result to sell a stack of the same type of goods.
- Place all goods tiles of the chosen color face down below your player board.
- Gain:
- 1 silver coin.
- 2/3/4 victory points per goods tile (depending on the number of players).
Action: “Take 2 Worker Tokens”
- Use any die result to gain two workers from the supply.
Black Depot
- Buy one tile from the black depot for 2 silver coins during your turn.
End of a Phase
- Gain 1 silver coin per mine in your duchy. Resolve yellow monastery tile effects. Begin the next phase.
End of the Game
Final scoring includes:
- 1 victory point per unsold goods tile.
- 1 victory point per silver coin.
- 1 victory point for every two worker tokens.
- Victory points for placed yellow monastery tiles.
The player with the most victory points wins. Ties are broken by fewest unused hex spaces, then by turn order track position.
Adjustments for 2- and 3-Player Games
3-Player Game
- Spaces Marked “4”:
- Do not use these spaces.
- Special Burgundy Space in Depot #6:
- Replenish with a castle tile (burgundy) in phases A, C, and E.
- Replenish with a mine tile (gray) in phases B and D.
2-Player Game
- Flip the game board to the appropriate side for 2 players.
Monastery (Yellow) Tiles
The game features 26 different yellow tiles, each with unique effects that can change gameplay rules or contribute to final scoring.
Continuous Effects
1. Buildings Flexibility: You can build more than one building of the same type in a single town.
2. Mine Bonus: Gain a worker in addition to a silver coin for each mine at the end of each phase.
3. Sell Goods Bonus: Gain 2 silver coins instead of 1 when selling goods.
4. Goods and Workers Bonus: Gain a worker in addition to the usual silver coin when selling goods.
5. Ship Tile Bonus: Take all goods tiles from a chosen depot and an adjacent depot.
6. Building Acquisition: Spend 2 workers to take a building tile from any depot (except central black depot) and place it in storage.
7.Livestock Bonus: Score 1 extra victory point for each livestock tile that scores when placing a new livestock tile.
8. Worker Efficiency: Change the result of a die by 2 instead of 1 when using a worker.
9. Building Flexibility: Change the die result by 1 when placing a building tile.
10. Ship or Livestock Flexibility: Change the die result by 1 when placing a ship or livestock tile.
11. Castle, Mine, or Monastery Flexibility: Change the die result by 1 when placing a castle, mine, or monastery tile.
12. Hex Tile Flexibility: Change the die result by 1 when taking a hex tile from the game board.
13. Workers and Silver Coin: Gain a silver coin in addition to the 2 worker tokens when taking the “Take 2 worker tokens” action.
14. Additional Workers: Gain 4 worker tokens instead of the usual 2 when taking the “Take 2 worker tokens” action
15. Sold Goods Variety: Score 2 victory points for each different type of goods tile in your sold goods pile.
16-23, 29. Building Scoring: Score 4 victory points for each building of the indicated type in your duchy.
24. Livestock Variety: Score 4 victory points for each different livestock type in your duchy.
25. Sold Goods: Score 1 victory point for each goods tile you sold.
26. Bonus Tiles: Score 3 victory points for each bonus tile (large and small) you own.
- Livestock Bonus Example: Ben places a 3 sheep tile in a pasture with a 4 sheep tile. He scores (3+1) + (4+1) = 9 victory points. Placing a 2 pig tile later scores him 3 points.
- Goods Variety Example: Dario has sold 4 red, 3 purple, 3 pink, and 1 orange goods tiles. He scores 4 types x 2 = 8 victory points.
- Building Scoring Example: Ben has placed the yellow #17 (watchtower) and #22 (bank) tiles, plus 2 watchtowers and 4 banks. He scores (2×4) + (4×4) = 24 victory points.
- Livestock Variety Example: Anna has placed 3 sheep, 1 cow, and 1 pig tile, scoring 3 types x 4 = 12 victory points.
- Sold Goods Example: If Dario also placed tile 25, he would score 11 additional victory points for his sold goods.
- Bonus Tiles Example: Scoring 3 victory points for each bonus tile owned.