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Quick and Easy to Read Guide on X Wing Miniatures 2.0 rules

Get our guide on X-Wing Miniatures rules and gameplay

We cover the essential instructions and gameplay to help you get through the X Wing Miniatures rule book quickly.

X Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition is a:

  • 2 player game where each one controls a squadron of Star Wars starfighters and engage in tactical space combat
  • Recommended fo ages 14 and up

Players: 2 to 2 | Game duration from: 30 mins | Game Complexity: EASY How to play Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition) rules in simple steps Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition) rules pdf / rulebook

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What is the goal?

You control a squadron of Star Wars star fighters and battle against your opponent
Destroy your opponent\’s starfighters by engaging a tactical space combat

Game setup

Squad Building – Choosing and upgrading your ships

Each player chooses ship and upgrade cards

Quick Build X Wing Miniatures Game Mode

  • players create a squad quickly using predefined selections
  • Each ship comes with Quick Build cards that list different options for that ship
  • Each option consists of a  ship card, a number of upgrade cards, and a threat level (a number of bars 1–5). Threat level represents the strength of that particular combination of pilot and upgrade cards
  • To play a match, players choose a particular threat level
  • For a normal game on a 3’x3’ (91 cm) play area, play at threat level eight. You will need more ships than those included in the core set to play at this threat level
  • Players build squad by choosing a combo of Quick Build options that add up to the threat level

Squad Points X Wing Miniatures Game Mode

  • Players get full control of pilots and upgrades and build squads using SQUAD POINTS
  • players must download the official X-Wing squad-builder on their mobile device or access the squad-builder via X-Wing.com
  • The X-Wing squad-builder explains the rules of squad-point building and enforces these rule

Limited Cards

  • Some cards are limited and identified by one or more bullets to the left of their name
  • The squadron cannot have more copies of a card that share the same name than the number of bullets

UPGRADE CARDS: Upgrade your ships

  • Upgrade cards represent the different ways pilots customize their ships and provide special abilities or alternative ways to attack.
  • Upgrade cards are equipped before a game starts.
  • When a ship equips an upgrade card, it is placed partially beneath the ship card or another equipped upgrade so that only the text and art on the upgrade card are visible.

Limited Cards

  • Some cards are limited and identified by one or more bullets to the left of their name
  • The squadron cannot have more copies of a card that share the same name than the number of bullets

UPGRADE CARDS: Upgrade your ships

  • Upgrade cards represent the different ways pilots customize their ships and provide special abilities or alternative ways to attack.
  • Upgrade cards are equipped before a game starts.
  • When a ship equips an upgrade card, it is placed partially beneath the ship card or another equipped upgrade so that only the text and art on the upgrade card are visible.

Special Weapons

Upgrade cards with the “Attack:” header, such as Proton Torpedoes, are special weapons. A ship can perform an attack with a special weapon instead of using its primary weapon.

Special weapons have the following characteristics:

  • Arc Requirement: This indicates the arc this weapon attacks from. The target must be in this
    arc for the weapon to be used.
  • Attack Value: This is the number of attack dice the attacker rolls.
  • Range Requirements: The attack range must match one of the ranges listed for the weapon to be used.
  • Range Bonus Indicator: If there is a missile symbol present, range bonuses are not applied while attacking with this weapon.
  • If there is a symbol in parentheses in the header, that symbol indicates an additional attack requirement.
    This means that the attacking ship needs to have performed that action.
Special Weapons in X-wing Miniatures


    • Many upgrade cards have a limited amount of uses. These cards hold standard charges X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 1 and limits how often it is used.
    • Each card with a charge limit (the golden number) starts the game with a number of X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 1 equal to the charge limit. Each X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 1 starts on its active side
    • Card’s ability instructs how and when to spend X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 1 from that card. When spent the X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 1 is flipped to the inactive side.

    During End Phase, each card with a charge limit recovers 1 X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 1 if it has a recovery arrow next to it. Flip  X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 1 to its active side.

x-wing 2.0 rules - charges active and inactive
x wing 2.0 rules - charge limit

Setup of Game

Once squad building is completed, complete the following steps:

  1. Gather Forces

  • Place your ships and upgrade cards in front
  • For ships with shield value, charge limit or force capacity, put corresponding shields or charges above the ships and upgrade cards
  • Assign ID tokens to ships
    X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 8

x-wing miniatures rules


X-Wing Miniatures is played over a series of rounds. Each round has 5 phases:

  1. Planning Phase: Choose maneuvers for your ship using the maneuver dials
  2. System Phase: Some ships complete specific abilities
  3. Activation Phase: Move and perform ship actions
  4. Engagement Phase: Each of your ships may attack
  5. End Phase: Remove circular tokens from ships and some charges recover. After each End Phase, start a new round until one player has no ships remaining.

1. Planning Phase

  • Each player secretly sets a maneuver for each of their ships, using the maneuver dial. Each ship type has a different dial that reflects its unique capabilities
  • A maneuver indicates the ship\’s movement and comprises three components:
    • speed (the number),
    • bearing (the arrow),
    • difficulty (the colour)
  • Speed and bearing indicate the distance and angle of the maneuver. Each maneuver follows a template that shows the same speed and bearing
  • When setting a ship\’s maneuver, you take a dial corresponding to that ship and rotate it until the arrow points to your maneuver choice. You assign the dial to its corresponding ship by placing it facedown next to the ship
  • Once all ships have dials assigned, proceeds to the System Phase.
X-wing 2.0 Miniature Rules
X-wing maneuver dial

2. System Phase

  • Some ships have special abilities that resolved during the System Phase
  • Abilities are resolved according to initiative order, starting with the lowest
  • X-Wing core set ships do not have these abilities, but some expansion ships do
    X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 10


  • Ships have an initiative value on their ship card and tokenThe Initiative represents the pilot’s reflexes, skill, or even luck
  • The primary function of Initiative is to determine the order in which ships act
  • If a player has two or more ships with the same Initiative, that player decides the order
  • If both players have ships with the same Initiative, those ships act in player order.
  • The player who receives the first player marker during setup is the first player; their ships of that initiative act first. Then the other player’s ships of that initiative act.
    X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 11

3. Activation Phase

Maneuver your ships

Each ship activates one at a time based on initiative order, starting with the lowest. When a ship activates, complete the following:

  • Reveal Dial: The ship’s assigned maneuver dial is flipped faceup and placed next to its ship card
  • Execute Maneuver: Ship executes the maneuver selected on the dial. When executing a maneuver, follows these steps:
    • Take the template that matches the maneuver
    • Set the template between the ship’s front guides so that it is flush against the base
    • Pick up and place the ship at the opposite end of the template. Slide rear guides of the ship into the template. Return the template
    • After moving, check the maneuver difficulty (colour). If red, the ship gains one stress token. If blue, ship removes one stress token.
  • Stress Token: A ship is stressed when it has one or more stress tokens. Once a ship gains a token (such as a stress token), it is placed next to it. Tokens follow the ship as it moves. Stressed ships cannot:
    1. set or execute red maneuvers,
    2. cannot perform actions
  • Perform Action: The ship may perform one action. Choosing and performing actions are some of the most impactful decisions during the game. Actions primarily provide the ability to reposition, enhance offensive or defensive capability during the Engagement Phase. Actions are explained in the Additional Rules section

Once every ship has activated, proceed to the Engagement Phase.

X-Wing 2.0 Stress Token
X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 12
X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 13

Partial Maneuvers

Ships fully execute maneuvers when nothing prevents the ship from being placed at the end of the template.

Even when moving through another ship, which means the template is placed on top of that ship, the ship still fully executes the maneuver.

A ship executes a PARTIAL MANEUVER when it is unable to be placed at the end of the template because it overlaps another
ship. This causes it to moves a shorter distance.

Partial maneuver involves the following steps:

  1. Move the ship backward along the template until its base is no longer overlapping another ship’s base. While doing so, adjust the position of the ship so that the hash marks in the middle of both sets of guides remain centred over the line
    down the middle of the template.
  2. Once the ship is no longer on top of any other ship, place it so that it is touching the last ship it backed over. This may result in the ship not leaving its initial position.
  3. The ship skips its Perform Action step. Ships attack at range 1–3, which means a ship cannot attack a ship that it is touching because that ship is at range 0.

Advanced Maneuvers

Advanced Maneuvers have additional effects.

Koiogran Turn X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 14

  • The Koiogran turn bearing advances a ship straight forward, rotating 180º at the end of the template.
  • This maneuver is executed like a X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 15maneuver of the same speed, but the player slides the ship’s front guides into the end of the template instead of the rear guides.
X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 16

Tallon Roll X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 17

  • The left Tallon Roll X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 18and right Tallon Roll X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 19 bearings advance a ship at a tight curve to one side, rotating 90º at the end of the template.
  • This maneuver is executed like a X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 20or X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 21maneuver of the same direction, but before the player places the ship at the opposite end of the template, the ship is rotated an additional 90º in the same direction as the maneuver.
  • The player places the ship so that the hash mark on the side of the base is aligned to the left, middle, or right of the end of the template.


Moving through and overlapping an obstacle

Obstacles do not cause ships to partially execute maneuvers.
If a ship moves through or overlaps an obstacle, it suffers different effects depending on the type of obstacle:


  • After executing the maneuver, the ship rolls one attack die. On a X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 22 result, it
    suffers one X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 22damage; on a X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 24 result, it suffers one X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 24damage.
  • the ship skips its Perform Action step this round. During the Engagement Phase, if a ship is at
    range 0 of an asteroid, it cannot perform an attack.

Debris Cloud:

After executing the maneuver, the ship gains one stress token and rolls one attack die. On a X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 24 result, the ship suffers one
X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 24 damage


  • An attack is obstructed if the attacker measures range through one or more obstacles. If an attack is obstructed, the defender rolls one additional defense die during the Defense Dice step.

  • Ships can also obstruct attacks, but unlike obstacles, this has no inherent effect. Card abilities may cause
    an effect to occur for an attack obstructed by a ship

3. Engagement Phase

Each ship engages one at a time, based on initiative order, starting with the highest. When a ship engages, it may perform one attack. Once all ships have engaged, proceed to the End Phase.

  • Each ship has four arcs printed on its ship token: front X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 28, back X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 29, left, and right. Ships attack from their printed firing arc, which is the shaded arc on the ship. The colour of the shading corresponds to the faction of the ship
    Before attacking, a ship needs to be targetted, and it requires 2 conditions:
    • The targetted ship’s base must be in the attacker’s firing arc
    • the target must be at range 1–3. Attacker measures to the closest point of the target that is in the attacker’s firing arc; this measurement is called the attack range

Measuring Range

  • To measure range between two objects, X-Wing uses a range ruler. The range ruler is divided into three numbered range bands.
  • To measure, place the range ruler over the point of the first object that is closest to the second object, then aim the other end of the ruler toward the point of the second object that is closest to the first object
  • Measure from the plastic base, not from the miniature. An object is at the range that corresponds to the range band that falls over the closest point of the second object
  • Two objects (ships, obstacles, devices) that are touching are at range 0 or each other. Likewise, an object is at range 0 of itself
X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 30

  • An object is beyond a range if no part of it lies between the object being measured from and the specified range.
X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 31

Performing an Attack:

1. Declare Target: Choose one of the opponent’s ships that meets targeting conditions to become the defender

X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 32

2. Attack Dice: The attacking player rolls attack dice (red) equal to the attack value on the attacking ship’s ship card. The defender may use their abilities that modify the attack dice

X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 33

3. Defense Dice: Defender rolls defense dice (green) equal to the agility value on the defending ship’s ship card. Then, the attacker may use their abilities that modify the defense dice

4. Neutralize Results:

  • Each (evade X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 34) result cancels one (X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 22hit) or (X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 24critical) result, removing both dice from the dice pool
  • All results must be cancelled before X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 24critical hit results are cancelled
  • The attack hits if at least one or result remains; otherwise, the attack misses

 5. Deal Damage: The defender suffers damage equal to the remaining X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 22hit and X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 39critical hit results.

6. Aftermath: Resolve abilities that trigger after an attack.

X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 40
Ship’s ARC
X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 41

Example of Targeting
X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 42

Example of attack

Additional Actions: Piloting your ship

Actions are things a pilot controls its ship to do.

  • The ship performs one action during the Perform Action phase. Available actions are listed in the ship card’s action bar
  • Card abilities may instruct to perform additional actions.
  • ship cannot perform the same action more than once per round
  • Some action icons are RED. After performing one of these actions, the ship gains a stress token.
  • Stressed ships cannot perform actions or execute red maneuvers.
Linked Actions

Some ships have actions linked to other actions on their ship cards. Perform a linked action after it performs the action to the left of the linked action.

Types of Actions:
  • Focus x-wing miniature focus– Focus represents the pilot focusing and improving combat ability.
  • Evade X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 43 – Evade represents the pilot flying to escape the enemy’s attack.
  • Barrel Roll X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 44 – Barrel rolling allows a pilot to move their ship laterally and adjust their position
  • Boost X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 45 – Boost represents a pilot activating additional thrusters to move farther forward.
  • Lock X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 46 – Lock represents ship’s ability computer to obtain a target lock, tracking movement and assisting with attacks against it
Card Actions

Some cards, such as damage and upgrade cards, have abilities that include the “Action:” header. A ship may resolve one of these abilities as an action.

Pilot Action: Focus x-wing miniature focus

When performing a action, the ship gains a focus token, which is placed next to that ship.

  • Focus when attacking:
    • spend a focus token during the Attack Dice step
    • change all of its X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 47 results to X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 22 results
  • Focus when defending:
    • spend a focus token during the Defense Dice step
    • change all of itsX-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 47results to X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 43 results.

Unspent focus tokens removed during the End Phase.

Pilot Action: Evade X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 43

When performing an action, the ship gains an evade token, which is placed next to that ship.

  • While defending:
  • spend an evade token during the Defense Dice step
  • change one of its blank or X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 52 results to an X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 43result

Unspent evade tokens are removed during the End Phase.

Pilot Action: Barrel Roll X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 44

When a ship performs a action:

  1. Take the [1 X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 15 ] template.
  2. Place the short edge of the template flush against the left or right side of the ship’s base. The template must be placed with the middle line of the template aligned with the hashmark on the side of the base.
  3. Lift the ship off the play surface, then place the ship so that the hashmark on the other side of the base is aligned to the front, middle, or back of the other short end of the template.

A ship cannot barrel roll if it would overlap another ship or if it would move through or overlap an obstacle.

X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 56

Pilot Action: Boost X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 45

When a ship performs a action, it follows these steps:

  1. Choose the X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 58template.
  2. Set the template between the ship’s front guides.
  3. Place the ship at the opposite end of the template and slide the rear guides of the ship into the template. A ship cannot boost if it would overlap another ship or if it would move through or overlap an obstacle
X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 59

Pilot Action: Lock X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 46

When a ship performs a action, it follows these steps:

  1. Measure range from the locking ship to any number of ships.
  2. Choose a ship at range 0–3. 3. Assign a lock token to that ship with the lock’s number matching the ID token of the locking ship. A ship is locked while it has at least one lock token assigned to it. While a ship attacks a ship it has locked, during the Attack Dice step, it can spend its lock to reroll one or more of its attack dice. A ship can only maintain one lock at a time; if it locks again, it must remove the previous lock.
Pilot Action: Using the Force

Force Charges

  • Some pilots can use the Force and have a Force Capacity and Force Charges
X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 61

  • Force capacity and charges operate like charge limits and charges
  • When attacking, a ship can spend any number of Force Charges during Attack Dice step to change that  number of X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 62 results to X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 22
  • When defending,  a ship can spend any number of Force Charges during Defence Dice steo to change that number of X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 62to X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 43

Damaging Ships

Suffering Damage:

Damage causes ships to lose shields or be dealt with damage cards. There are two types of damage: (regular) X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 22damage and (critical) X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 24damage.

  • For each damage a ship gets, it loses a shield by flipping the shield to its inactive side
  • If there are no active shields, it is dealt a damage card. For X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 22damage, the card is dealt facedown; for X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 24 damage, the card is dealt faceup and its text is resolved. All X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 22 damage is suffered before X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 24damage
  • A ship is destroyed when the total number of damage cards it has equals or exceeds its hull value
x-wing miniatures shields
X-wing miniatures critical damage
Ionized Ships
  • Some special weapons inflict ion tokens instead of dealing damage
  • If attack inflicts ion tokens, defending ship gains number of Ion tokens indicated
  • During the Planning Phase, an ionised ship is not assigned a maneuver dial. During the Activation Phase, the ship activates as follows:
    •  Skips Reveal Dial step
    • During Execute Maneuver step, the ship does the ION MANUEVER
    • Ion Maneuver is a blue [1 X-Wing Miniatures 2nd Edition 15] maneuver
    • Bearing difficulty, speed of maneuver cannot be changed unless an ability affects the ion maneuver
    • During Perform Action, the ship can only perform the Focus action
    • After finishing these actions, ship removes all of its Ion tokens

If an effect instructs a player to repair a damage card, they can repair either a faceup or facedown
damage card. To repair a faceup damage card, that card is flipped facedown. To repair a facedown
damage card, that card is discarded to the damage card discard pile.

Range Bonuses
  • A pilot’s accuracy can be dramatically affected by range
  • While a ship attacks at range 1, it rolls one additional attack die.
  • While a ship defends at range 3, it rolls one additional defense die.
  • A ship is destroyed when it has a number of damage cards that equals or exceeds its hull value.
  • A destroyed ship is placed on its ship card.
  • The timing of when a destroyed ship is removed from the play area depends on when the ship was
    • If a ship is destroyed outside of the Engagement Phase, it is removed immediately.
    • If a ship is destroyed during the Engagement phase, it is removed after all ships that have the same initiative as the currently engaged ship have engaged.
Fleeing the Area

After a ship executes a maneuver, if any part of the ship’s base is outside the play area, the ship flees. A ship that flees is removed from the game.

4. End Phase

  • remove all (green and orange) circular tokens from ships, and some charges on cards may flip to their active side
  • If both players have at least one ship remaining, play proceeds to the next round
  • Winning the Game: players check to see if somebody has won the game. If only one player has a ship remaining, that player wins!

How do you win?

Destroy the all the ships of your opponent

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