Should I Play Artsy Fartsy?

Is Artsy Fartsy fun to play?
Artsy Fartsy

Players: 4 – 12 players | Game Duration 30 – 60 mins |
Min. Age 10+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Drawing, Party Game
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Artsy Fartsy about?

ARTSY FARTSY is a fast-paced game with nothing off-limits, including dragons and dog farts. Bring the whole family together to draw, guess, and steal clues that will have everyone laughing!

Assemble teams. An artist is chosen by the first team who rolls the die and takes a card to determine what to draw. The artist also shares the category at the top of the card with all players.

After flipping the timer, the artist draws a clue for their team to guess and win.

Other teams are also watching and if they have the answer, they can STEAL it and gain a point.

Find out about Artsy Fartsy How to play Artsy Fartsy Where to buy Artsy Fartsy


Official Artsy Fartsy Rulebook

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