Should I Play Catan Histories: Settles of America Trails to Rails?

Is Catan Histories: Settles of America Trails to Rails fun to play?
Catan Histories: Settles of America Trails to Rails

Players: 3 – 4 players | Game Duration 120 – 120 mins |
Min. Age 12+ | Game complexity: MEDIUM Genre: Air / Land / Sea Travel, Civilization, Exploration, Negotiation
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Catan Histories: Settles of America Trails to Rails about?

America is expanding west in the 19th Century. Westward expansion brings settlers seeking new lives and opportunities.
The number of cities is growing like mushrooms. New railroads were needed to transport vital goods between these new cities because of their distances. Great wealth is created when trails become rails.
Many people head west in search of adventure, others to start a new life, and still others in search of work. As the population grows, resources will dwindle, and smart money will look for new markets and sources.
First to deliver 8 goods to your opponents’ cities wins the game and you fulfill your manifest destiny as the greatest pioneer of the era
Find out about Catan Histories: Settles of America Trails to Rails How to play Catan Histories: Settles of America Trails to Rails


Official Catan Histories: Settles of America Trails to Rails Rulebook

Catan Histories: Settles of America Trails to Rails Videos

Awards Won by Catan Histories: Settles of America Trails to Rails

2010 Origins Awards Best Historical Board Game Winner 2010 Origins Awards Best Historical Board Game Nominee

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