Should I Play Doodle Face Game?

Is Doodle Face Game fun to play?
Doodle Face Game

Players: 3 – players | Game Duration 15 – 25 mins |
Min. Age 8+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Drawing, Party Game
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is Doodle Face Game about?

A drawing game that is fun and suitable for friends and family. All ages can play it – adults, teens, and even kids! Furthermore, any level of artistic talent can enjoy it.

A card is flipped to indicate the facial feature that you need to draw. On each turn, a doodle pad is passed to you with the name of the person you need to draw. You get 30s to draw the person’s features indicated by the card. When all cards have been flipped, each player gets back the doodle pad with their name on it. The art is shared and compared and everyone votes for their favourite drawing.

Find out about Doodle Face Game How to play Doodle Face Game


Official Doodle Face Game Rulebook

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