Should I Play Marvel United?

Players: 1 – 4 players | Game Duration 40 – 40 mins |
Min. Age 14+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Air / Land / Sea Travel, Card Games, Fighting
Solo game mode: Yes | Co-op: Yes |
Online Version: No
What is Marvel United about?
Fans of the Marvel Universe are going crazy over Marvel United, the hit strategy card game crowd-sourced by fans worldwide. Become the Hero you always wanted to be! Designed by Eric M. Lang and Andrea Chiarvesio, Marvel United is a fast-paced, cooperative game where players take control of Marvel Heroes and work together to thwart the schemes of Villains.
Supervillains are sowing discord, securing power, and crushing ordinary people-seemingly unopposed. Heroes rise where powerful villains fall! Their mission will be to protect the innocent, face down threats, and take down these villains, once and for all. You can only win by standing united! You hold the key to the future of the world!
All of you are in it together in Marvel United: either you work together to defeat the villain’s master plan, or you’re all defeated and must start over.
Players take on the role of iconic Marvel Universe Super Heroes cooperating to defeat a powerful evil villain.
A turn of the cards dictates the gameplay in Marvel United, which is random and constantly changing.

Marvel United Videos
Awards Won by Marvel United
2020 Golden Geek Light Game of the Year Nominee 2020 Golden Geek Best Thematic Board Game Nominee 2020 Golden Geek Best Cooperative Game Nominee 2020 Board Game Quest Awards Game of the Year Nominee 2020 Boa