Should I Play New Phone, Who Dis: Family Edition?

Is New Phone, Who Dis: Family Edition fun to play?
New Phone, Who Dis: Family Edition

Players: 3 – 20 players | Game Duration 30 – 90 mins |
Min. Age 8+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Card Games, Humour, Party Game
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

What is New Phone, Who Dis: Family Edition about?

New Phone Who Dis Family Edition is a party game where players take turns acting as the ‘phone’ and the other players try to guess what the ‘phone’ is saying by using cards with different phrases. Sounds simple, right but it’s a whole lot of fun!

Game Mechanics

The game mechanics are straightforward – each player takes turns being the ‘phone’ and draws a card from the deck which has different phrases on it. The other players then try to guess what the ‘phone’ is saying by using their cards, which also have phrases on them. The ‘phone’ has to act out the phrases without actually saying anything and the first player to correctly guess three phrases wins!

What Makes New Phone Who Dis Family Edition Fun?

What makes it fun is the hilarious phrases on the cards. The phrases can be interpreted in so many different ways, making the game unpredictable, entertaining and funny. Family and friends will be laughing.

What I love most about ‘New Phone Who Dis Family Edition’ is that it brings people together. In a world where everyone is glued to their phones, this game encourages face-to-face interaction and creates unforgettable moments with friends and family.

Find out about New Phone, Who Dis: Family Edition How to play New Phone, Who Dis: Family Edition Where to buy New Phone, Who Dis: Family Edition


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