Should I Play Taboo?

Is Taboo fun to play?

Players: 2 – 6 players | Game Duration 60 – 60 mins |
Min. Age 10+ | Game complexity: EASY Genre: Party Game, Word Game
Solo game mode: No | Co-op: No |
Online Version: No

Hate Rulebooks? Check out our condensed How to Play Taboo Rules Guide

What is Taboo about?

The Exciting World of Taboo: A Game for Everyone

Are you looking for a game that will have everyone at the edge of their seats, laughing and having a great time? Look no further than Taboo! This popular board game has been bringing joy to families and friends for decades, with its fast-paced gameplay, fun mechanics, and endless entertainment.and friends all over the world since it was first introduced in 1989.

How to Play

The rules of Taboo are simple: divide into two teams and try to guess as many words or phrases as possible within a minute. Each player takes turns being the clue giver while the rest of their team tries to guess the secret word or phrase without using any of the forbidden words listed on their card.

For example, if the secret word is “beach”, some forbidden words may include “ocean”, “sand”, or “sun”. If the clue giver accidentally says any of these words, they will receive a buzzer and the team will move onto the next card.

Each round lasts for one minute and teams take turns being the clue giver, with the goal to get as many correct guesses as possible. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!

What Makes it Fun

What makes Taboo an enjoyable experience is its simplicity, which is easy to understand and follow. The game has simple rules, accessible to all ages and skill levels. The timer adds pressure, while avoiding forbidden words makes it more exciting. Hilarious moments come when someone slips up and says a forbidden word.

Above all, Taboo is fun because it encourages players to think outside of the box and use their creativity. The challenge of conveying a word without actually saying it requires players to be clever and quick on their feet, making for a truly entertaining experience.

Find out about Taboo How to play Taboo


Condensed How to Play Taboo Rules Guide for rulebook haters
Official Taboo Rulebook

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