2 min read

How to Play Chutes and Ladders

Fast to learn easy to read how to play Chutes and Ladders rules.

Players: 2 to 6 | Game duration from: 30 mins | Game Complexity: EASY How to play Chutes and Ladders rules in simple steps Chutes and Ladders rules pdf / rulebook | Play Chutes and Ladders Online Link 1 Play Chutes and Ladders Online Link 2

What is the goal?

Chutes and Ladders

How to play Chutes and Ladders in simple steps. The goal of Chutes and Ladders is to get from square one to square 100 first.

Total Time: 30 minutes

Game Setup

Each player selects a piece and spins the spinner. Highest number player starts first. Players take turns from left to right one at a time. All players start off the game board next to square number 1.

On each player’s turn

Player spins the spinner.
Moves the number of squares as shown on the spinner.
Two or more players may stop on any square at the same time if their moves happen to land them in that position.

Landing on a ladder square

Chutes and Ladders 1

When player’s piece lands on a picture square at the bottom of a ladder, the piece moves up to the square with the top of the ladder shown. Player continues from this square on their next turn. Ladders only move up.

Landing on a chute square

Chutes and Ladders 2

When a player’s piece lands on a picture square at the TOP of a CHUTE, the piece moves DOWN to picture at the bottom of that CHUTE. Player’s piece move from this square on their next turn. CHUTES LEAD DOWN ONLY. Note that all ladders and chutes begin and end in “picture” squares that are related to each other.

Winning in Chutes and Ladders

Player wins if they reach square 100 by an exact spin on the spinner or by the ladder.

Chutes and Ladders FAQs

Where do I start in Chutes and Ladders?

You start off the game board next to square number 1.

What is the objective of Chutes and Ladders?

Roll the dice and be the first player to move your pieces from square 1 to square 100. Squares with ladders will help you skip and move up squares. Squares with chutes will send you back to lower numbered squares.

How to Play Chutes and Ladders and Review Videos

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