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How to Play Party Bunco – Game Rules for 5 to 12 players

Bunco is best with 12 players. Players rotate tables after each round, with frequent bell rings. Prizes awarded (costs shared). Take breaks for snacks.


The objective is to achieve the highest score at the conclusion of six rounds of play.

You need three tables with a score sheet, pencil, and three dice each. The head table should have the bell and the Master Score Sheet, which will be used during play. The scorekeeper at the head table should enter the names of all twelve players for Round One.

Each table has four players, with one player sitting across from you as your teammate. To keep track of scores during each of the six rounds, the Rounds sheet at each table is used. The scorekeeper for the current table will enter the initials of each player at the top of the scoring columns for the upcoming round.

Party Bunco Gameplay in Simple Steps

A bell rings at the head table to start the first round. Each table’s scorekeeper rolls first.

Players at each table play according to the 2-4 player Bunco Rules (players at each table attempt to roll the current round’s number).  However, players sitting opposite are temporary teammates and their scores are added together.

2 to 4 player Bunco Game Rules

How do you win?

Winning a Round

  • The round ends whenever one team accumulates 21 combined points between it’s two players.
  • The scorekeeper announces the winners and the bell is rung at the head table to honor this team.
  • The other tables keep playing until there is a winning team at each table (ring the bell as each table winner is declared).
  • Ring the bell three times to declare the round over after the third table completes the round.

Whenever a true Bunco (3 of a kind dice with same value as the round) is rolled at any table, the rolling players shouts out “Bunco!”, the bell is rung three times, and the round ends at ALL tables. The team with the most points at each other table is declared table winner. If there is a tie, hold a roll off until one team scores 5 points.

Scoring the Master Scoresheet after completed round

At Table One, the scorekeeper records all players’ scores for the completed round. Winners get a “W” and a “B” is only recorded for the player who rolls a true Bunco.

Once scores are tallied, players move. The two winning players at each table remain, but one of them shifts to a vacant chair at the table in order to create all-new teams in the next round.

Moving tables between rounds

The losing team from each table now moves–those from Table One move to the vacant chairs at Table Two; those from Table Two move to Table Three; those from Table Three move to Table One.

The Next Round

The head table rings the bell to begin Round Two.
The scorekeeper at each table rolls first, as usual.
Continue playing as above until a full Set (6 rounds) is completed.

Determining the Winner

The winner of the Set (6 six completed rounds) is the player with the most “W’s.” If there is a tie, it is broken by the same procedure as in 2 to 4 player Bunco.

Bunco for 5 to 11 Players

Play is the same as for Party Bunco, except for what’s listed below. When playing as a team, the goal is to collectively score 21 points. When playing individually, the goal is to accumulate 1 point to win the round.

5 Player game

When five people are playing, seat three at one table and two at the second table. Each player is playing for themselves, there are no teams. After the game, both players at Table Two move to Table One while the two losing players at Table One move to Table Two. Only the winner at Table One remains seated.

6 to 11 players

When 6-11 play, move after the end of a round according to these guidelines.

  1. The winning team at Table One remains, with one player changing chairs.
  2. The others move according to the instructions below.

6 players Table setup

Seat 4 players at Table One and 2 at Table Two. Those at Table One play in teams. Those at Table Two play as individuals. At the end of each round, the losing team at Table One goes to Table Two and plays against each other. Both players from Table Two move to Table One.

7 players Table setup

The four players at Table One form teams while the three at Table Two play as individuals. When moving, both losing players from Table One move to Table Two; both losing players from Table Two move to Table One.

8 players Table setup

There are 2 tables of 4 playing in teams;

9 players Table setup

Table one will have 4 players. Table Two will have 3 players playing as individuals and Table Three will have 2 playing as individuals. When moving, both players at Table Three move to Table One; the losing player s a t Table One move to Table Two and those from Table Two move to Table Three.

10 players Table setup

Teams are formed at Tables One and Two while two players play as individuals at Table Three. (Follow moving rules for nine players.)

11 players Table setup

Teams are formed at Tables One and Two and the three remaining players play as individuals at Table Three. When moving, the losing players at each table move. The winners remain.

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