How to Play Skip Bo Rules
Easy and fast way to learn Skip Bo rules and instructions. We cover the essential how to play Skip Bo game rules to get you started quickly.
Players: 2 to 5 | Game duration from: 20 mins | Game Complexity: EASY How to play Skip-Bo rules in simple steps Skip-Bo rules pdf / rulebook [amazon box=”B0000205XI”]
What is Skip Bo about?
A game for 2-6 players. Be 1st player to play all cards in your stock pile by playing cards in numerical order from 1 to 12
Skip-Bo set up
Choose the dealer
- Shuffle deck, each player draws a card. The person with highest card deals (Skip-Bo cards don’t count)
- Players take turns to be dealers. Deal moves to the left.
Deal cards to each player and form Draw Pile
Dealer deals the following number of cards to each player to form their card stockpile
- 2 – 4 players – 30 cards to each player
- 5 or more players – 20 cards to each player
- Form Draw Pile – dealer places the remaining cards face down in the center
Setting up Play
- Each player sets aside 4 Discard Piles in front of their stockpile
- Set an area for 4 Building Piles that all players will use
- There are no cards in this area at the start of the game
- SKIP-BO cards are wild cards (represent any card one chooses)
Building Piles

- During play, up to 4 building piles can be started
- ONLY a 1 or a SKIP BO card can start a BUILDING pile
- Pile is built numerically in sequence
- Once a pile has 12 cards (1 to 12), it is removed, new pile started in its place
Discard Piles
- Each player may build up to 4 DISCARD piles to the left of his stockpile
- They can be built up by any number of cards in any order
- You can only play the top card of the discard pile

Skip Bo Rules Explained in Simple Steps

Skip Bo card game rules explained in simple steps. Players take turns starting Building Piles (up to 4 each player) and playing their cards onto their building piles in numerical order from 1 to 12. 1st player to play all cards from their stock pile wins.
Start of Gameplay
The player on the dealer’s left starts. On your turn start, draw 5 cards from the DRAW PILE. Start a BUILDING PILE if you have a SKIP-BO card (used as WILD card) or number 1 card on top of your STOCKPILE or in your hand. Play cards from your hand or the top of your stockpile onto the BUILDING PILE if you have cards in sequence. DRAW 5 more cards if you play all 5 cards and continue playing. End your turn if you can’t make a play or choose not to by discarding one card from your hand onto one of your DISCARD PILES
Subsequent Gameplay

Draw enough cards to bring your hand to 5 cards. Add to Building Pile by playing top card from Stockpile/Discard pile or your hand. If DRAW PILE is used up, cards from completed Building piles are shuffled and become the new draw pile.
Winning Skip-Bo
The winner is the player who PLAYS all cards from his STOCKPILE.
Scoring Option for Skip-Bo

You may wish to play several games and keep score. The winner of the game scores 5 points for each card remaining in their opponent’s STOCKPILE plus 25 points for winning the game. 1st person to reach 500 points wins.
Materials: 144 Game Cards, 18 Skip-Bo cards
Skip-Bo Rules FAQs
How many cards do you start with Skip Bo?
For 2 to 4 players, each player plays with 30 cards. For 5 or more players, each player plays with 20 cards.
What are the rules to play Skip-Bo?
Players take turns starting Building Piles (up to 4 each player) and playing their cards onto their building piles in numerical order from 1 to 12. 1st player to play all cards from their stock pile wins
What happens when you run out of cards in Skip-Bo?
If DRAW PILE is used up, cards from completed Building piles are shuffled and become the new draw pile.
How do you keep score in Skip-Bo?
You may wish to play several games and keep score. The winner of the game scores 5 points for each card remaining in their opponent’s STOCKPILE plus 25 points for winning the game. 1st person to reach 500 points wins.
How to Play Skip-Bo and Review Videos